THK -DAILY NKW8 PAGE BIX WT. SP IRISH GIRLS (ft WANT CURFEW G. tf. ARNOLD, Notary Public rmn T-s.Trlf rjJ' IN VANCOUVER Westholme FOll 8ALK A good bungalow on Sixth Avenue In Section 81x, A a :: not far from Mcllrlde Street. Fully modern. Full basement, More Rigid Application Suggest Party of Sinn Felners EnJ well lighted, lias living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, Qlddy SI?his or World' ed for Qlrls Under 1S and lonigm and lomorrow pantry and bath. Trice $3150 on terms to bo arranged. Metropolis. Boys 17. LONDON, Oet. When lh- VANCOl VKR. I lei. 24 - Ktir-red H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Hln Ketn ilelnfrates had finUhed by rMrta ttf a ntrnbr f Insurance Rentals Real Estata ili (lev's wnrk a few day ago miMtlna girl, in pv.t HOe ilu-y went out i ee l.)n f thf pri.tfttrf, and affkinaf la riiey left tlo-ii lioi.-l Rt nino t n.l of allt-eril juv. "Vharte einhi -ii'na". threo emit1 ilia.rrpaiifif a ni..vemenl rtlrna and f i iirotreliiiK is lif tiaard' for rigid faforrt-nifHi 'u.'iurwrn ttf Hi,' i-uhtu-ity Maff .,f tli furf.'W law. by pro. & CO. PHILPOTT, EVITT I(fore dittinK llo-y wt-ni o every vlneial reenilalttiti. and ap.di 648 Next Postofflce I'inema in town Irvine; . rt f eable to alrla und'-r IS and l'"V Telephone ilm ahowina llt.-ir. arrival in under I, Krom time to tint. Sole Aoents In thl district for tho new TELKWA COAL l.oiidttii. Evi'iitu.illv lrVy ran $10 PRIZE FOR rurfi-w lawe haf furnied pari Into a ihrairr whrrv Ihr smw-itiir f municipal nrdiaetieee, lott furnace and domes tie coal, Hctry Mine . a really first-class f thi film k jut eomlmr J titty have hern allowtsl in lai'.' Tffl clean. smolteleM. and tho nearest approach to Island coal of In a el,Mi. but lli, iiiaiiajtrr rr- ! 'at Unri. Iry Ibe prtttaloaa ef i at NEW NAME FOR any Inferior coal yet sold in this jlUlricl AND CHEAPER. -oKniitcd them and ran the) film ilviw aiie4U-d for prearulatUtn Sacked, $15 per ton delivered Loose, $13.75 per ton delivered vrr tr them from I hp begin Hi rough Mr. Ralph nmtlb by a $25 ton delivered mug. local aaauriatloti of parent. Telkwa Blacksmith Coal, per NEW PRODUCT Amon; Bohemians. ul would not be allnwetj al The party t'l.n aU"unewJ to l.ljaau.a tal bw. t.f nan mm nm I I he Cafe Royal, when- imhrWatat). without their parents r rifer QlttE CHtlUoTTS LAn MVMIOM. frtai all walk of life galhr We havi- d" iij.'.l i,i Mial report afler 10 t, rloek. and buya Tikt nnllre that VV. O. MrMorrU. owner, to thf Hlr r l'i in . Iluiert Vanroarrr. B : . talraxte to apply te Vtm In eat, drink and make merry, Would I Mat kw allowed imi Use rriius Columbia Ntaoirr or uade for rue Iriah vie I tor- were reroR- ami dialrirl lo iItnIi what ball atret-ta, atlher. afler thai btnir. GOLDWYN PlaiM (j" lirrn to PfWpwt tor coal, I Ulnaeatll I ait tr the natural raa otrr and antler lae frlni aised a I hey entered tutal U wt name pivrn lo our pr nine mplyad ur in proper (ViM-rtiwd UeA.. alluatr ua kiertt HUM, I nw kiMwn a "Kureka "ranam ituM. o. ( . uiurm ai imi omp- tlm kfre the a-iii tu company. Tbe eaate atovfWMtni iiantrd at lac nrtarot rnraer of -rrtwei Clearer' made ami annod in Chester Outing. Gaiety ihr- tMirly darrd lo raie their I it a ixMtt hall, allbonab .he ComeJy, "BljnJej II. Tiiaiweip t. Ikrara till Se taataa, Priuew ftnprrt. We liall ie llmm wmiiii se rtiaine. tarnc ! Se jri'i bcalll of th' heavy tar. I .w in thai reapevt lirrv la pretty rhalna. tbrsrc ovrta f ekeia lo potal ef e)ireiej nne prise of llf.M for II.,- boat f froM rtMnrnreinM. nave axea, al Ihorouably carrn-d out. th-eo-.tperaliiHi L.wlnl nrr ttn. I St I. h,-tii by riM-ii raipf anioner tltevj name MSjpwtsMf. and .' of chun-bra ia be-in Admiseion v a. MrMoniUS. Locator. by aw. SkftatkiiM mui b,- in ray W' nifn of iwnH national-tie enlirlled. Ot tE CHARLOTTE LAND WYISH."! an.I .til of tli.-m ati4init ly k-tieber h. ejta.iiiht Name ,Ihe aulbnriiira my that, al 365 Days a Year 1 Mr nntir r4l w. a. MrMarm, navwe. aJresvtfy trnafe-asiHieti anJ ud VanrwTw. B C. mnrii la arfSf I tfce ii a uia: n r iu-h a th-er Iriab Ibttufh an unuuai uuiubnr ttf nmin canunMa MitUMrr or Laexi m a net oiher artisrlds ran not be run and ovf-r 300 of those days Uru In pmeprrt far ral. ftroatam ajal irl had netr aeen or hard ieVree) miaetoa girl lav.- Ixt-n reputed devote to the baking pf natural tu o aae) uweVr lb reae.1Bi .f. Inlet v, the number W nolh-ing we KihI'. aitaat ea SiieVrat latel, Ttu Mleywtaft eopv ,.f the la- r.raltam IMaa B .. Ooauaearnvr at INK One of the Iriah girla aid: "it like tbe rerord reported in GOOD BREAD plaoird al tbe aurUwaat career a gattlan ImM will give tbe r.oiiraianl an HOME COOKING WAS II. r anoktp s. tentr aeei te rSilee. ran a nlerrul eiporlenrr In of wnavi ur "F.urrka Ptiael HitilMi rllire ami .itli.r . Trying every day to gel ttrnrr eoalh S ram. ttiKi raal SB it nil lhiM bed pctaple. At pleyi afi.- tltf bo tfrr rfcaiiw. tnrarr aorta se rbeHte te Of Cteanrr" MB be put ': HEID YESTERDAY it a little better and a Utile rteamrttrettirflt Hue. of rour w"ll eT tu EUR2KA CLEAMR better. i.nratm fi-t. talk. iMl. tken in uch a plarr air 4 in. W 0. McMMta. l'nieeii-d EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS far elcmina wa nl- Not strange if you like Ul it W.i I real." Ladles Aid of St. Andrew's! r.HtRLoTTC LAVD MniMI d wiMwfwnrk, Wtodowt. gtwaa- It, as yon seem to. for we'ri" EE amice mat W 0. MrMorrta. nkatr. Lost In Tubs. AND CYCLONE GIVE ' Church Ratsd Good Sum at Uccr4 llrnt selling more and more of r. a c. IMtadi to arete ! lb On I be way h"iue "lie o,ll-en warr. enanieKiMare. bath laSBa, Heme Mr. VV. H. Vlckr. Brtoafe CotninMa Miaiftrr of Leee tar a mke ar mtrror. I It all the time. Urea to rc.rrt tor ruai. iitreaeeja and kiiiii' x'paralfd fnini tbe tlh- TROUBLE IN ITALY natural r r and aaer tfie raeaSt unlre;r.iinH Klrei run well with Kureka A eueaewaful ! and al' .( In lh Pirradilly WALLPAPEftt r drerribrd laed. iltuitf SkMtrat teStt. oa lar-im Mill ejlrt i ivinnvd. Sjiienc eeadiiaa wae arid t. Araheu UUnd B. i .. CatMawarter at p4! lalion. an ah got on the first RUPERT BAKERY Ilaird at the aoatawvat eamr r SMSkaa tb- ixiHell wlln a rlan dry MILAN. Orl. Mt!rtlMfru 4y arVernoou by ttie l.adif PAINTS, tl. ToinftMp t. Iknm aatt St ctraa, train without a liket and Irav. of aburke feit la Ine aMese elolh. were Aid of Ine tnelteea (X.tIi Third Avenue Phone 643 tiM-iir anrtii ts rtiaaa. U a wmi I lied five or h via'i'm in itn a- CRUIHU rtiaiai. tlirart towih thm w petkt bt Kr Gknlm trea. Piteb or Maeaa and Carrara in TuerXa, jr b tebe t.f Mr. V. It rf . Luratml Saparmtwr teta, IMl. ariinc din-clion. When a r.n- "aint front Ctnlbtng Hu-r. nr Italy. Iat niathl. aecordtruji to Ulr-pbone eHvlh avenoit and la'I .M r r' vvinosw cuts W. 0 'ucl'-r aVed her where n'.tr wa Carpel a. Hub spot a wllb -teanr eVapalena reetved. S numiMr of ladle rai' ! th FRAMED sr.d ttrui tae rlwit' "I A.n't CMAIfTCKCD ACCOUNTANTS N0 Ql ElV NRl.iTfe LASD MVIttO.t. : )UK t pill until rmmet, Oi-n wth auda Word wae revolted from I tor-enre SHirr of tbe aft" i .-mi I ili-eVrri,,t Tair IK.tH that WO. MrM.irrta. .now. I hv fir"itlrn lbt PICTURtI, AUDITORS Vaaroovrr. B I... lair ad I te apat and el iff bruh an jnrr ar-mrni thai a ryrlune ravard tkat amounted l alt .1 fin Britiah ..luaibia MMataSaf nf laaW ianif of my alatinu. but urr an' W.rilOR A btnTM! thnrmbty anil city yeelerday. M-e J C. SI'l.fiiM poured Iiomh m far Mai. iM prwaa RORIE & SMALL mpm niiuamra no matter, for tt a fine natural rai orr aad aaaar taa SaHawlar wntle daasp. Will al remov e'nd Mre. Y I'.irn.r.,-,. Mr. ART SUfPLItt dnrrlM Unda. Miaat oa gkldanw lmt, vhirliii' alun on thia train in RnMmI fartMr Oraham Itlaad. B. C Camiaaactaa al a mat ink smite MmI have not be Ml ENSURE SUCCESS OF r) r Tromayn and Mr. (I. A 'b dark umter gr-Kind." Speeisilils In tlClai ptaoud at tba aoatkaail earwr at SrcUan OCOROC Rome. OA bnilmt: alw an pvrrH'-nt band Vr.VWbnM errved M P it fl. 'Toaaafelp t. Uanm l SS rkiklt, Th- roniiuelur, ti,w"v'r. imhi atj Aaditor for rnnrt aapm Ibvnrc aorta se rnaMM. iMm rail IS ekvRner fur nMrhlnaala, mlnnra EMPIRE EXHIBITION Jrovwa and Mre. T. C lHirai. IhOlV CARD rv mama, llwax aoata S HiaAs te petal of found mil ttir preelicasnenl tbe AatBorlid Traalra In Btnkruplcv and hlaeteaHthe, aiaUra. and Were m ehr?t ,,f ih. mil w f IM.n Autfltlrs PartitaraM Ataaaala Lorated Satxmitwr SSIa, tttl. Irl we in nod put ker on tbe Phcea It P.O. U ' i all rlaaae of work. Simply rub aaHta.ita tsblf and Mr r M -ttelrut latMtlfatkma LiMala ' w. o tiritoiuue. Loctter riant Irai-k. Ttir eMintry mie Appsal for Aid In Glasgow Responded with cleaner until isirt la re-mo r.iahi.'i Flaaaclal Rprt, ata. Aaalaitmaata LAND ACT. :re pIiII ( ulrlrt l be eountry. to With Cheer r4ral OalMlaf, Wm Rvart Nettaa ef lateetie te Aaatf te teaaa lend. 4. Iter) rlnaa in aleesn water In Coed I.and fttainrt awrurdia nwnrl off with or waete. by Member. rxaaa S7 B B4S or wipe paper ,nt Prtawr Rupert, aad ittott al Caput Subacribe for the Daily New. I oi. mi II will asWn aey1kn;f aaaep . I Take rviir that Mar Mardeaald. f aleol or leataer. LOMHIN. I let. .MeMibere of Prlare Itaprrt. B. C. orrapatlen Befcrnnaa. i;iuiead In apply ttr prnaMaaioa te leate Keep auvar on wfesn nut in Shf Royal Kielianne al a Hserlina Our phone number ia thr C'axflMaKini rnlkiwlaa- ternknl al a pt laaato plaatMl al la It WEEK-END SPECIALS. reaposMseej wun rsr to an ap-'peal SAVOY HOTEL changed. New Tiunv 649 rvirnrr. Sa rtunta aortfe at Wall Bark. 20 boiss Jumble Pack Apples fUtrfka MannfaVfnring fiom Ibe ebairuiaa t ri a twr ii UfiM-e in raaiaa aril, ikni r new raaat (. Ibrftre ! rharm anvtll. theajre one -While thry lat. irr :tv Ho.,nd Avenue Weet. Prince.kaodeonee euui lo fruaraalee tbe LING, TAILOR 821 or rhain Iraa.Ml and metalaJiif timr arrve Dr box $2.15 Huorrl. II. C. leiM-fcee' of tbe Uritlab hiuptre Fraser Street 2nd Ave. n VKD-'IMD. Appllranl. S,-,- tin linr in our win.low. "Kureka Uleanrr is purr ttsbiblOoA. Under Hew Management I rrr r..r 1 M a It naB CO. , ' naled rpralrr It. Ittl 300 I be. No. 1 Walnuts in white and is ra per wily stapled Comfortable strani-het"d ahrll. l'.ilra kprrial for (be ue of uuebiniata or BILL PASSED COMMONS at modsraU pHes. ..t t. a . rnragetl III work wner 2 lbs. for 23o Hot and eold waUr In stsry recrn. 50 boxes Creamery Butter, .tjiuiry oap i of litll.- valu,-in MRS. A. B. FISHCR, Manageress fit (be baud. No Division Ovsr Proposal to Maid or Clover. ti-ll. tiiig H.S. WALLACE LIMITED ir 8Mcial at $6 Cstsnd Government Ciport CO., Five dozen pints E, D. AI. llif III the lfculy NfWe. Credits. H0UUH0LO COCDl Smith's Qrape Juice. I " FURNITURE AND .. , mil' Thr .iif rar 30o I.kMmi.V. iri. it. Tiadf hand Hardware, ew.. run "" I SCO lbs. Economy Bacon, I a. ii.iir Hill pa'd thr ll"ii I 123 Third Avenue VVesL Phenss H. W We meet all Competition aiined. wr lb 35 c Special Lunch f OniiiiM'ii wilb.'Ul a Oivi.i'.ii. ULUHUL,rrv aurtleitaar I Ii i..'ulr f,,r t.,rriunrnl t- Taking iiw. pr lb. . 30c and ii r I.-. n aad I'taii It. t,-tiU' I 4-h pi-re i indivHtualit wraptMl a if averag- wi-igtii- i-ini'l.-ywH-iii. 'arc from 1 to 3 lli. 40c BEAT IT! 200 palls Pure Jam, t il. WILL BE NO FARMER ai'h. Niagara Fall Iirand. OUR Ilaapberry and Htrawb-rry THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27 CANDIDATE IN YALE A Comparison of Prices Will Convince You only, hi tea prial. it Vsal Broth SALffl ixiil 85c I'KSTItrill.N.' Del. Tbr. Number LikIiI Prints, per yard 1So Potato Salad Lucky would adviiM' our ru-tinnfi'M will be no farueer candidate m Dark Prints, per yard a 23c CtloM'f of u buy in a plentiful 1 .1.1 a..n-1 i( .)!.W At la. Mftn. 30-ini h Percale, per yard '. 23o Tenderloin of Sole, ipply at tb altove prn-- an vtirtii(t held loTr all I lie eandi-delc 27-incli Galatea, per yard 29c Tartar Sauc jama tlii Is Still Lontmumg. are scarce yar wulidr. w thfir namea and c:ured and White Outing Flannel, per yard 17'jo Welnerwurst and Sauerkraut and the price will rn-ver be decided lo aley out of Ibe llahl 30-im h Outing Flannel, per yard 29o Inwer for tbi" grade. Boiled or Mashed Potato 0ukef 27-ini'h Ciinghains. per yard 29 o Mashed Kltsumkallum n r.M.i to come on Ssturdsy, B. C. or Paclflo Milk, 9 tine $1 Curtain Muslins, per yard .- 23o I.unit 8 cans to a 'ui..!u.-i . Turnip VYIRELESSREPORT winning the priis. Apron Oinshams '.7 yards for $1.00 Bread Custard Pudding Granulated Sugar In bulk the 30-ini'h White Cambric, yard. 19o Tea Coffee i ii.icf Win A a. . 1. . .. per.. 10 lbs. for 85o or 8 a.m. c i ou-uii-u i.uuKi'iuiu. per yaru zbo Liout .'0 lbs. to a custotiirr. liKAH TIIKP. 1'iilM OH S 40-incb Bheeting,Sheeting,J'illow ier per Caset.yard yard eaeh. ...... 22'o SOo 65o Rupert Table supply Co. Good Eals Cafe ttulhcael lemperature,wlHtl, haiiilin'lrr,II; arm moderate 2V.-.'lo, Prize! WilHtbeYoU? 20 dozen Turkish Towel, very peaj.ieaeli. ......... . 2to PHONES til, SIS. HI LL IIAIIIMIH OtrUily. HAY. 10 dozen Class Cloths and Kitefifn TeHttll, eash 250 "'' ' with out wild; liai fiiieter, temper- Many liae been pleased 60 doien Turkish liarber deteh Towels, 05o 1 18: a: H:3u tiure. Heavy a.m. ami 18-inrh While week. T1ey put on lb bat i Terry, per yard 43c t.tke CUeloheiu ill Milbank ' Ladies' Iladium Bilk Uose. black and eoIurwJ; regular H.uuil tulhl.Muiid. of iHiuteivt on iheir faaea. Many a 1 12 50. pr pair ; ....S1.90 Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. Noon. g.t the same at any mail Children's Drawers, per garment 35a this HHAH TIlKK POINT lUinliiK. offered Reota II, Switk Block cost, will be , 20 Ladies' Rerge Skirls, special, each S4.60 Sam. bargain, on winl; twiroiiiftcr, IfW.-.'5; . . oulheaet ' -J 12 Ladies' Sale a m ST ea a I la he eleai Rerge and Silk. Dresses, each $14.90 AcsU Irmperalure, IS; mmn intuj-ttraltt. tiaUnm of the hale t 60 LadieV Sweaters, all styles; each $2.50 rapular prl""'. Plaid Kklrts from, each...., $7 50 IbI.ANU lUitiitiK. ' " 20 Ladies' DHIIIY - Rain Capes, all Bulls, from '.iis'to $25 42 Children' euuthvaat wind; baromeidr, H -J3; j .ts. ALL LADIES' COATS 25 PER CENT. OFF " . vw tmnperalurc, 10; ' ruuuli. 10 Ladle' Ralnooata lo cl Prices Good Till Further Notice . -VI - i i -- - James M. Camphi'll, wlio reprr-enlrd FOR Ls SELL WC f ih I'rinoe llupirt Ureal H.S. WALLACE CO., LIMITED IN umber War home Port Yetfiaua'Arthur on Hi-'convent I'riix-f Aa.M-iaiion i llupert returned al UiU Hie Jabour Bros .? Ltd.laJM"" II C, Q. MINNS, Manager. iiiiiinliig. He wae areompunif.l 648 TH E HOUSE OF GOOD VALUE Will Take Coal Baok If not Satisfied. ly Mre. t'.uinphell, who haa bei'n Phone laltllltf in the south.