rAQE r r., i ' I . 1..1UL.I I 1.3? i BRINGING UP FATHER orgc McM B DAUGHTER. KIN you Sf t yes. I SCC A COAL I N. r TcUl MAIE BOAT OUT ONlTMe Amouw . in 1 J I WHT oot QT 0011 fc- I L.J 1 1 THEnE. For 63 .years ARE Or.TTER.TM4M 1 ii 1 i. s FtR A LITTLa. 7 MINI 0 f V SWIM broven an i,deal tmats all NCVE1 ... food For infants 1 want to 7 when mother! j milh. fails 1 EAGLE BKAND ? 1 ml; Condensed Milk I I A v- 1 at. 1 CHOWDER Crr"!. Mil. Vf kll (ahn Imwi.f uii'.i' ' .. i Office Space -'uia uj - 24 feet by 38 feet FAST DRIVING J The Man. in the Moon Particularly Professional suitable Man for S i AND CHILDREN ) SAYSt- Daily News Classified Ads. j' wnwooj TIIK who ha nwt tmteh 3 CENTS PEM WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for L thn ROc p-r..ii For Rent RIDING HAMS ihnut for rwoptarnt i Ike iw Pnnnlli, who nil between two fat peeafo WAfvTia. POR HINT 1 UllfJlIUg on a rai ovr but. j Upstairs in our Building CANADIAN NATIONAL Pol lea Are Given Instructions WAXTKD at onee- Sit evpeti. r(M)M In let. with or wllboal Agents for to Take Acttcn In Police NVIIRVn Irafi" ma Wia In eeieed wailree for HcmkI bnanl. for one or two penile-ras. RAILWAYS. Court if Necessary.1 rail yiHi names, what yilu dHlike KaM Cafe, for counter and Pbune Red (Ik. mi American Line Norwegian 1 to Iwive him I eel yew what yew (imiai; nwm trade. Ml be af Swedish American Line WESTERN LINUS 4" ' TW farnivbed hMeeeitH( .-t really are. staatt appearance and Jtivc Scandinavian American liy t' rmi wi 'iMn pacd at to rent. No cbiMraa. 'hi iwwrtaasj service. Analy on Line. he iiKi'iniir .f the pvUr earn Phne I Hue oo Grnnd Trunk ! IH9 Pacific Rnll WlULt: it i hardly tm be fi. tre twite. If iiiiaain laM uifrtit ttie pntiee FIRE INSURANCE were instructed to aire special perled thai hi ltniilfv the WANTim In reerf -Smalt'hoe kuh.n'Isiihu sum. to hknt luut T(aas ' 1 iewr .iiii-Mti. n l lh' mailer of fan) big aewApaprrman, tlpped hi Irani fkmr or flrt September. 11. fMir Rooms. PIhhmi fted l. v V lirivinic sul"whlc ami Hi addia, tbe millionaire rrpivrter. Apply P. O. hm Ml. R S6A4 m. 'r!riVet.'"7. 4t7 ja. Dybhavn & Hanson idiog f children n Uwn ami Ihe uaal iHir bH or eve a TUITION. double thai M i lll amount, pretty AVA.VTKD. maH furni-lrcd her vehii"l with a viewli II. AtlimirV prtVfiR, I'rfes.r ot a llr Insurance Agents. Third certain thai VanderMM aee,Hl.,'Xai',,2' wNI aab or two fttmiabed room. Appty W making an eianiptr if mnw par- T? tt ni it Avenue, Prince Ilupert ia u I be gante al Oak Hay liaba H. o. Itax f. IHV riaM. s arafas'r x. xi. onocium limited number af 5. 'MMraH awf ke mm '. bUbee ufie than aar eaMie ainiiionT MankHvUd r-f'Tnd Ml la. I SB WtW. M tb pled. PImm lllue re 9N3. Plsn:eg tnik ba ever before reeivel fer a SITUATIONS WANTED Ma fkewwar. biiaaan'i ajl. l I)m lra4y vfcjui similar serviee. j t Ti'it P'fncs Rffirl, k I Lire rtHriay aflrftonn at STKAOttHAPHKR deire po. music. , ia ii saaaaave. e arieei ! Hays Ufn- an ) Mrtarwi thai IhMf Iiis. pajmaneat ,,r .nb-IMule. T r mm m he ..4at AMO.NO Ike I hi nit thai, it.'! F()R voun YXT DANCK QT SW kt um Ik t,m. .i..1 a .. ' Accidentand ridina- nf riildrn on wtfsrai wtmte or pan lime. Apply Krt yij anywhere i etal event. Pryre"s Up.to.Iate and ar wa kwrmninir a wro-mw. I bit H, Dairy New OfHee l Sawr a s rSartv.1 Maa ' the eot of liviair. Orchestra. Phone lUue BI. tf It msiarkaMe (hat wa Sickness rem ,Lr aaawav n av4- !'. Silvfipsiies k MiKr had not air! brn killed. HAIRORESSINO. j . O.NK uf lbelhiair that aaiwe ttaa aaa m im 4 i 'f h. Irainwlrm ( .ull aol ikn Insurance iinrlliirur. Utf flfkJrFfi ewl in lb eeurw af ytcniuy' Hill RAI.B Newt. rebuMt ball. MDIF3T HAlRDoKSINO. Mar. j should be dealt wMa ly Ihe p- Itoiary Club dieubn a that S3 by 9H. near rompfeUen; 90.1 eel wavlfls. sbampoolnir, Siaa-e-Iny. Ta t ' t at s awsar Tou not immune from i a ebeap lawn is b.p. tem entriRe aad boiler in! are li The mallrr nf tmt drt1K Never a n Hair Dyeing. Raalp IreaU . a v.a. Accident or Sickness either J ap(Mared l be alitwMt a liewi. Hace in bieh la liva. ' IrUe4a eoadrtion. bargain;! ment a specially. Toupera cawt kmattttm ?ALLPAPi ? Yt by 6 4eaMre boaL 5-h.p. t- an a a a ei fi at home or 1 ravelling. A iiui ail il ww lMfN mwf ilrfvw and ( for Reallamen ami Policy in one of our strong i - wit.- arraiKii-l in 1he SN liter THE mavenient Inward bwet-cr eyeie engine, nrvap. Other boats j Iran forms(toot for ladies. that rr. i' -y Companies will properly i ill-t .....I f,...l v ., Kl mmw dree- and bare knee bi and ether bargains. Northern Fwitehea made up from ladies' provide for you and your ; Inn sir i nrar tlo pnilt MaIkh simply one of ihe Hen prt. KxehanKe. 13 ieeend Avenue.' own eomblnns. RHX IIARIIRR family during any disability, i oav nixht r-ntly h UaJ dlffi- Iel airaia! Ihe alvae of Phoe in. 1 If SHOP 93 8)tlb Street, prlnea TiMata nit Prices Our Policy will interest j raMy tn MinK ui of Ihe way eivilitaliene and foot. eonvenlsms. KOFI SAI.r-1aboal ttket, Rupert, II. C Phene Uluo yon. f a car (hat wa fing driven in ftrnt c4af eniHiaa. Inxth 78. tf at a raf f j,H-it far jfdiatr Til Kit K are a lot of pepe eme 17 feat, Z II.P. Unbm - 1 1 1 1 Prince Rupert ; wiiiil finiwl lr lawful may almirei and like In aa4al dross ioaita? 10 SEWINQ. k aasMaa tt. 12c. wiih but Ibe peron f realty aa. Apply mmni rw ar ri Ii Cbarlea M. McUralh. Silkn. npxKRAf. Sevrlna-.-Sfl Third I HI. k Insurance love j Ibe oue who keep hi Alaka. . . If Avenue. Plione CIS. . JAP GETS TWO troublra In himself and ia alwayo 14.awaer Ltd. . hapjy. FOR S.M.H Itaby earriasa. A I AUTOMOBILES. 'jvswia,raraw a c ie af rJi sat Agencies, aosvdlteMi; aUo electric (ualer fri. a c O.VK nf the Ihintra thai don't RUPERT Motor Oa, Tlreia, a 1st- f test IN JAIL YEARS wtlh alumiadbi.nan and elec-trfe PA,Drawer 1630, Phone 130 "RenT Cars and Truaka. &el you anwbere la. leillnjr Ihr readinK la Phne Illoe i eaossTf. Second Avenue Hip, is vac fa I mobile repnlra. Tire. P.O. Boi UO pereon who advivea ytu how la 608. tHpi start an enjrine Just what hi Hiri hiiu i or u n aiwaya.ii tws JW:naW,Vv j till ' 31 Pleaded Guilty of Wounding an bodies! In stork. CoAHMeratal i lliink of him, FOR MI.K-Faur aire bred Sentenced Yestrday Afternoon U liMe lvborn Cbkere. frum built for all purjw. let!" m utrraa r ras rrrt by Judge Young. irftxpi nii, ftini. pa. Protected- SOME people should be frraal bayins; strain. SfVO eaelt. us aite you a price oa your oar lxJy. Taylor A More. Tst ins awi airaW ot CPod Ifiuila playrxs- for they John K. Davey. Phene 341. C. Valanovf, rharircd wilh are a!way fond of a racket. houe, Oirner llilnl od Nmfh ,V,fr lets, i aa wKjiw)in with inlrul. appear! FOR SALE Corona tycwriler In Avenue, SAND ments tftr J Hilar Younr yelerlay gmni eoaditlwfit weiich only t DlSC.Ufc.'ING Ihe rml of-livlinr iwn ia m ! '-aasefci jifrrnmn and. lelnrr for eight pound and folds in PAINTINQ. reamrMl h Mriiiil MM aaM i like Nlakliifc claims In the "em. as. a arfM la taa) 41 ifdy lri.il, plcaiW SBiity. fir an. Priaa IIS. tt eawjeT. 4 tan ana an tm from Moths wa --Blrtif-cii in i w yaara wilh Maekeniie HUer. II doe not trM PAINTINd. OralMar and 'vmsav ssffekwd m im tauie v rr Sak far when il rnlnlnff, Roofs tarred nr of iarw For hand laU" at .Naw Westininler you very route to FOR PALR-Caffea urn and two pfiH'-ntiary. maWinif life eaier. eiretric alma. Apply J36 stained. Firt elasa work. lid. m avan 1 r Don't that mollis will Ilutlon. tone Ml, 'M oavtaj vaaaai'a-r hope imt Til fraia, Ul of which the Hrt Avenue or phone (Ireen PAIfO.tJ sad aar t saaaat test ruin your garments this season, rbarf ar.ne, urcurml Iwo wrk VISITIfrt ELKS AND lit. ll0 BICYCLES LAND ACT. V an r.w tf fM tut Make Sure. jyi at Soinorv Cannery whii VALK FOR " i-from Dry Cleaning wHl positively Ibf ccutl laltb'd a count ry-hmib. LADIES HAD CRUISE Mcyrle. juvenile,Hu.Ue-Whttaortli second-hsrul, IIICYCLFJ, nEPAIRH. PARTS eTaV-eV' V'SS, aUtfr' &M!.tW nor -1 t cf t AND TIRFA The "PKMFHfrT" err i . Ue vi''ard befre W. f Sxrvrt. l ) i In 1 destroy any eggs so tiny and cheap. Perfect" Aacney. 18H K. (V'liimn, jtmtinn of Hie H-ace. Spent Afternoon on "23" and Aicriicy. 417 Sib Avanua 11 laai i. aaaaia u. rt-i Tuff at 'r rtaft1 hard to del ret whleh moths have, Phone Hlue 337 tf rf easvaer mwv 'wrmm aa nl ArrafKlal' and wa commit- Visited Salt Lakes, Matla-katla FOR SALE- MtCfary heater, bed aiaa a i aW aauiiiijiaa deposited, Im ami lator Ih-ohkM la IIh and Tuck's InleL roueb and oilier furniture. M tTi IS.4 a?. prke. Incij M Eft RCSORTS. SUM al Ilefore you pack away your eMy by fVtmHaMe OmenMi. The Phone 371. IP ta mill tm a a e-Ji 11 a I od up " wounded man i rei-oyeriiiK in Yeaterday aflerM(Hn ihe local W raeaw W Bait n 7.I IIV i'-arl FISHING- II0AT1N0- heavy winter garments, let Dry -JlATHINO. us eaate aea r tmm sa a a x w I Clean (hem for fhc t'uit iiiuon Hospital. Elks and Mdlc nf Ihe Royal J FOR 8AI.R-- Furniture and pian Spend your weekend and dimmer aea tnm atr am, inmr. -mt you. sliKhlly ued. Apply No. It Purple entertained their viil-orn holidays at Lak-ie ilamp. CIS Canadian Steam The arliiMit t 'ri lal eveninR from Vicloria, Mr. and Mrs. MeMortlie Apartment. IHH Write Call. Terrace, L i;. u atrvriiua nrr. lavaea rrea ts Bast iwm astraa Ineiua I v tt Bias'w PACIFIC Laundry tnatrucUtd It; H. Khoekley to il. Alexander Peib-n, Mr. and Mra. DRHSSMAKINO and Ladies' Tai Mb a k aiek ernai Hwaae nf ttiumfi bus 1 Phone 8. UUI Ihe rquipni'iti in Ihe maif. I). D. Speirce and K. I. Hlnok, to loring. Asia Trading Co. tf RESTAURANTS. MiBBie ttMrtv ari Limited ual liaininK room al the new a launch cruise alxiut Ilia bar CDW van c ra"M. Slith Avenue W prince Rupert TIIF. HMIIATf). TIUROOM8. 309 aariiraii L eeliool ao thai il may be in Ixir oti lha ,,J3t" About thirty BOATS FOR HIRE. Second Avenue, fr HOME. im isti PHONE rvadiiM- fr tin- opeiiiiiK of the made pernona lha trip and Ihe OMlKKD meal. Home-made IAKO ACT. fall I'TIII nil t-l -IlltMT ft. Salt Lakes, Metlakalla and Tncks PRINCE RI'PHRT IIOAT II008K. juiita or ittrrr th Arrtr t EOSON COAL CO. ' ? al Inlrl 3 o'clock were viailed.and rcliinilnir timinencinK home Oovernment scows, row bunts,Wharf.canoes Launches,or dsy oreau.Mowbray or cases veek.pork ami pies pamry,Hoard Mellon.by as at n.u ln.lrlri.a.Arm of rriaM tuje. aa. Ml- . nboul 8 o'clock an enjoyable af-lernoon hire. Launch, "Parhf na '" for 1. Ttk waif mmi f, cuad a kssawni. at Shamrod Ten Years Ago J rnar naL n r . acciawflna ' for the. best was pcnt and Oie vl-itora lowing. paenjrcrs and freiKhl. FURNITURE REPAIRS. r. artead ta ataly fw ama In Prince Rupert 1 were deliKhted with Ibe For harbor trips, hire one of ' . " ) CaaeMee,af al a pni piiiet aaiwt soaa Alberta Coal bequllea of the vieiuily. After our twenty-two foot ganollne DONT RIIIM your Furniture for tj" r owu re. inTfiTl August 12, 1911. the ouIiiik t lie re was an informal launches- run the engine your want' orproper repair. Polish. utV tS tTTmi Z njm Phone 58 In a Nlurmy meeting lat nmht theatre parly at Ihe Went holme self. Our boats are safe anil inn. Crstlnif and Shipping. II. ti?7lly, tjfflX Butter j Prim e Ilupert det(alea to (lie IlioiUrr in their honor. reliable. Phone lied 301. tf II. Healings dale Hudson's Ilayj 'r . tl. Priwe Rupert Feed Co. (jiimervullve Convention at Na uo.', rvej nura Avenue. I'tntnei NOT ICS. LAUNCH FMVC Narhelhong-." Phone Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St, jnaimo were instructetl to ui BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR lllack 400. tf. lllack ftlft, i Ort tub suMm-iik mince al swi IBM'sm m1 BMaiii m fr,Bay aaaSS I HAS THE (tori t It aundidature of 8. M. Ilka 4II I -- In lb blKliir .J J ,i.l tmtt WAVE I I POPULAR LOCAL LADY MIRRORS b rajuaisa WaaBhVA wsafk. kaBassav Nt-wlou. Tin deeision was made FOR SALT LAKES. (SMfaC( ,iBlPeWB Hw aBBimeBSa asjpe f eeaammw eaeMa wsstBapeaw WaeS aaaYS WAlflH dy ilia i harrow inarpin of 31 to MIRROng AND an.vKRiNo.&tr a r a ..- J". A parly was'held lal nlttlit af FOR RALT LAKI48--Uuiieh "23" OI.AS8 OF A!.L atf Uv rewriiMv TORK'S tlw home of Mr. and Mry. J. A, every day except Monday and IlMiOMFIIiLD, 117 ftth Ave FJ br,tie",,mr " s liuyner Itroa. are uboul to Teiuc In celebrate Hi., birthday Tuesday, at 2:30 am! 0:30. Itiones IJI110 337: rasklenee.1 wiiusms. MtKanN atMiAixs. 4.W SELL. arlilie araatiofi nf a new and of Ihe taller. Card mid rnule Wrdneadaye and Katnrlays, Oreen 7. Its P. Burns TOVES. up-to-date undi'i-lukiiiK aalalu were enjoyed and about midnight every hour from 12 to 8 p. nu LIMIM-- lihiHent m (ii)iiill Court. refrehmen(s were served. Those Two bo 1 a on Sundays, leaving FOUND, Tr Mlfirr thai I ' irw far. taseart au Hiy r t a H iknm 1 prewftt were Mr. and)Mr. H. W. boathouae every "20 in inn lea. FOUNIb-WIII Ihe party who I out Par rwlmlaiiiii ... ikM Ioil,i.ui. 1 rii, 1 Fire Cbtaf Mwitnms deaJares Macklnloeli, J, Ilpwe, Mr, and Phone Red 391. Prince Rupert, . sum of money In Table Supply! - .mnvnr,,,, , fin,' IH,' Fred Stork's Hardware itiai i lie wiiti rrii'ials aro Mnekintovh, J llowr, Mr. and Doalhoiiae. If store on 'lliursday enll and r, 33 T ;, HZ? I'A.T, ,.f hi.' wroim on evtay ,,.inl hi the al Mra. F. H. Slewei., Mra. Tiipper. CORSETS onver same by navina for il.,.' ear ainrr Second Avknuk b'Halioiia of laoffteb'ttey Dial and Mi llilchey. A number alwrlleiiienlT." iiaonri, isVaVr as rSaei. a 11 e.iu'i 1NH Hkam. Vnam. PHONE U1ACK 114 lliy linvt' luut uhuiiikI Hip Kire of beau)1 ful presents were received. CORHETH mn.ie in order. Mrs. riartiiaflimi ea.li mmmmunt I"tu 1 I ii'imrl in, lit. lui-iin a I'tifiteVi I I'Uin, Director Plums lllue 2H3. tf Advsrtlea,lu tba Dally News. AMili'tnl