V;"" ) f.ctaUlf Ml,ray For Prompt TAXI Service 99 niiujr PRINCE RUPERT Phone f.t erann Ufflovtlnrs and 7 fissengcr IVB) Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Touring Can XII. I'iiIVCK llt'l'ftliT, H. (, iyriY. M nVHT 1 2. I02l. ylft ClrtnUUnI 1TM. trn SIm 4M. PRIIIK CIVK CKNTH nother Step Toward Irish Settlement CER MINES Ur NtHANi RIVER LIKELY TO PROVE VERY RICH READING SERIOUS STUFF ON THEIR VACATION. m a a m m m m K mam mam m imam m mm f c mmmm a STEWART AND r n t I 4 - BIG RAILWAY eorfie rom Jie vmera answer w Persistant Rumcrs that C.PJL la Proposals of British Government I to Build Nail Una to Yaar.Groundhog STKWAflT, Auk. I2rir run. . m., The llrjtiali delegation aniUMjitret BIB pTllrlt nillliim bore llliit TRAGIC DEATH the C.P.R. U lo .liiil ajn? itito i III rg, nti rsrHl of Hi" lrih kmm j.ruHa 'h 'ir' umllioK rnl flfr nrxl !. . UiM-k on the Uppr Hiloatan queilUm, ha rnr and Ilia' hlpmrnt of Ihn rr I .mil ii with hi mieatoo (wnomtw-. WILLIAM BOOTH oat will b malr Hinxizh tbi . met tin boon awmmuiMNl U iuot tnnfruw. m il Mylfrltift vinila uf pi-aupMed I...f Sp"m OHiacil UiMftw frff-jw.. Ka Yltr7,f AfUrnoon to ht clu(y In i tn U wiih iUe CP.Il. nlrrta Hi ir a rfetaoi moettag w toouoti altor a Whan Aiiemotine t ar- made here from time In tun v l lieorge n the MtlostaM tHftion. Runaway Ttim, and there are other tndiratluna i-orfo will meet ti. cabinet on Hat or lay In tbul outnldera are laVinic a more I Hi.iila. u I he RifnUnif Ibr roply will !" Willi allrmpllnx U than ordinary inlereal in this tHna) I fa mi jpvlpnlar afifi In He I .ml nial fur th form! ramp. .17 I pcrpuruin.ii more tivm iu ra Intl.' I .1 Hi1 Iffli rl i hopofnl. rbiklron wrra rttlinc, Wtllia.ni L?.V i I.' llrn letter frui lie Valera delivered lu tnb. a rliiriil nl)tr and dins Vttudtai(neht) ftUt aata od aan loUrwtlac natur Li papra afUr ihl rami dm,,r tV RUM RUNNING want a a 1T cimpln, .initio. U boc PaUa. at Pari, m n. (iiirr an nrr.-iian- or rejeo- '"M Hint f Ibis rtly. wa fatal- p,,Hnmt: It ia lewrne Iwn that the MlT rN and expired ia the n. t whirfe an aiKoor i nvary. 1T ltmral UwHlat jlwMlly afUr Dominion Government Engineer WITH STATES !J U .liuu. fiiturw tlalma an4 u m1 aiiMwitl MAKE WANTED ; 0' ial io4l I AImhiI Mi. J. II. KnMiM w. i laJinB a 1J uf cm I nar FOR NEW SCHOOL I Tells About Possibilities of Evs'ners Bain? Carrlod on Between lln Kin? Mlarl SaIkivI and. Ontario and ''-thern I A III Sh. he ITae Prtttro II w p e r t OPENIfIG OF n w JMI Wt riiitll Mlchlqan. " l ri 1 a mmT mmr aria mmW Soiwwl lloaruf li lopkin-f I Mining Mackenzie River Zone I for euilaUe a Ikanwi far -ana Uia lmre iMtle I AVIXn-illM ilnr Alia- ! TTFR FAR Inu I he Row ?8-rTI erbtiol at NEW SCHI ijoarn Srtenlh Aimuh f were Hay- Cto f.ireie. Koeh "Therr to not tne hig nih in Ihf yoeiwnUn ii. HrJd. Ihi "Umt.r,,,",",fT Wlween hr ar iney met near the rorner f flay ty Mrrle ainl tHtth eoitMos m I'rtnee f Wale. r-H,n that had been .ulb-tptled." at..cl K II. K.llo. riorn..nn Z, TLr r"r'. TinNS rniiPT formal Cart U Taka Plaea Our. Avenua a lhe were rnamtUno Laarii Ujnjr. -John Mr-it re jror engineer tif Ihr Xaliiral llffourre Inlr llipeo. e Hranrh. lr.irt- ibjnor enforre-irenl offlclala he. Ino Saeond Waak of School ,h ,arT t'X HHf W aHer aa! tl- oM torn W. I'l-ek hate nirl nf Intrrior. Ottawa, who roaehrii Ihr" city Ul night after M"- Uuttf onW have berri Taem. ineae. aiHl a tarty of wri. alre4y bmt mumrtd and liarmg iilrxl the flrr-al Slarr Mkr ami nllior tarl nf Ihe North rrHrd bv MiM'ti and wi.le m. Mr. Walker and Mr. Ik-db il ha ojao) boen -aHntoJoil if in elateil thai a ere of apeed I Ibot M bo iutK-i I ho Ker-Ktn oiHr lnl Aftril whoii he loft Oltow-o. "Thw reni Inil Hotwral. l,,'Nl be " lator. i. (it e foriu4 nfMsa- runmr. boat will be nperaled. taking ' wf IJm ar' ti 4 al Hay ," Hber -fc-. Iul lb-) Ztkmi us bo tor of the htrwotor, w ben. our r-elir thot the u4l lH-iHra there i een-Oetly IHuorx in Miebigan. ' 'Ml(Gwe elwte aoMar Iimm- trsrl Ihe, '0tafil Bjd I he Utter hu wb ha (WFOwblos) a gamr fur thf Ug oinie. If t4l la found in qnontitie- tijw9olk Mkmanic tk naimtan if ,n naaniaar thrown br- ar- Ua vbiH-ttxAin mi the prlttwy ef it out ll Ix a bj-r HiKlrrtaking tor large ititrrot to SOURDOUGHS FROM leaawvjuMi ,h W,,H be teat jror fully for a liuaabfr arbont term Thai wa. le- b.a-. TItw bar the awAllor leMed " Mh I bo reiMjtl Ibat hi of ywar. .1 Ik., miin. f I He wM loasr bore Sunday aiicht NORTH TO CELEBRATE i I.. b.n . eiimti tmard dai Ur. ehe.l waa badly rmbet Tke llwily .t WojmJiI eenini. Mr. Kiftn'a trip IMa year In., for Vbylnrla and will return In e ' W T Kernin HrooMliaui. Iliere KranV Mufri. in Ibe It. Itio tt ambltob aNirowtjkna blin otdy to Ibe M irkeaiie Hhr-jOltowa In ab-tat a week' lime i.V SOX. Ausr. IS. Sour- I Will foil wre preoent Trwlee T. Me-MeeVin I ndrrtavrra here. bap o ftoon rroilern oith abort or and ftroal iavo l-iko. and he'by way of Vanr-nuter. dnimh from Aaka and Ibe Yukon tally ilia. an4 J. f). Mrlftnan. alt i ie nearby atMl I lie ronowoi o aotlrra ai mg roann for did Hot got down o far a Kort ' Thl i mil Mr. KHIn'a firt arr aoeniblinR (o relrbrale the tt I'ef ilur-T.I I. Mra4y. It. Htanerii - inarn-wly iraied hi maehine. He e e Ibe rtuiM-e. Norman. yoor. however. Uf viH to Prinrc Ruert or On. ?5tb anniversary of the gold dia-did lieail.e. reHHeet fotfer and tierretary liMkrd Up the wounde-d man awl vnH Fnrt Norman ami aowilml Hriliah l4umbia. He tian evi-ry in the Klondike on Wed. I Ittr pi n Vnnre. rushed him to the lienerol Hoa. e a o ibe drMlins oowrotMHi nf Ibe It. I n mrr ibe aroaad oarofully rday neil. A parmle and ll'lll I" It la OStM--le the aeamol will Hlal wljott; he eipired about S 'iwrial I Ml lVniaiiy before the in prrvhHja year- ami ia owe w h fowrdousb banurt ia pUnnrd. at ba tin e- wniaed Mi retine lor o'clork wfthoul bating Rallied PRESIDENfS FATHER iaoher wj atrtiek Ihi- yoar : n abien the poe-4ibllilie and on whirh only food grown iu th '.mi aio the itrrtiaui'--v jf ih.. ansKlU nti MkHj-ne. ""' h''r' '' !,'r' oH- port-iinitie ami bis exploration vu-on win De aervcu, Uar. " li anil 1 i .'-en or mure Ihe runaway euailinued rmiud L3 IC MAKKIclJ AllAliliuaniea utrillini; there lienklM Hte!- irL nilb r-.uli. nf - n,J H Juttica. f I W1 rmia)i will a mm-Mii(-1 itat Hay- Ctrvo (rrle and uy Fifth Imperial (HI Conanony Ihrily nolure are valuable and NO MORE LOANS MADE 'In ti.il AtetlUe and a finally alomtrd lie firi day A f Ibo many Or. Geo true, He enthuxiaalh roe Hardlno, Aged 76, Mlnlna Office. i very I llilr re. by llunl ley Tate in In anln will like to the JUST NOW parenla so now INDUSTRIES Married to Miss Alice Severn a, Hovinf Vile. the oil field about thl.- e. eli. ii of I lip prov. "'I JU!l-- H-.loto tMNir the Ken era I Ho- butldinii. (oranal tha iM a open Aged 62. befi and bavins; u intimale inee. 'ii for iW'i I'e held anal lUe pobltr invileJ pilal. Nona f Ibe ehuMron wefr kivvsledoe of eonditl'i'. Mr Ml.TOlUA. Aug I?. No further lulil in the HtoatrHi of I be lorn mi I hurt. MAItlnN Mii.. u. It. hr. KM lo waa eool aurtb tbix loan will be extended by yjja l"il jtst-lire "i---i:in I he J, t: Halaor nteonor- An Old Tl mar. ieo--ne Hartlms. H-ed 7(4, father PRINCE RUPERT ilo- Iienartment .f Industries to in aii in um ori 'iii.uivn i-'ltrh .iiiil at v It 1 4a rah l wilt b" fomially Mr. Itmith wa a writ know-, r Hre-.i-i.-- MiuiM,Awh mt-io min ma reeoratiog ffire. Ttie nw pri.jeeit until industrial ; i- riT' in- ami highly ree-lnd old Inner of iri ".-nled ldrir iKincan. Ibe -oolri mill i.'ii4 tiave dernledly llil-.i..ed I" Mks Alfro offire wataMiabod al out in w ' I ill- --Mbillty ly who look the bMrboat mm aria Hie oily, lie eonae here before everOA, IMTOd t. life otf'o4- fort Smith and iib-offroa itt AND EXPORT I'l-nbably this will bo -f lnrorMirNion ami woa ravaged in Mie jon lor malrleulalh-ai ei-aiiitwataoti. levntanl. The ei-eoiiM wn per- I'tM-l Iteiu iil lou. I.rl SiWi n.'XI xpl'liiK '"opaai iu.' in aufey work. In tVH he and l wknM the foriuiHl a I Monroe, ffhit. The and Fort N..i uian He ont lit by Uawtrtl ileoUlml bi.t night the pflned the oily waUrwirk ile-parlmetil eoii.ie aduiiiied Huit they IOOhI way r th I'eove ltive rotile Largo Japanese Lino Would Stnd MONTREAL PRINTERS . lie aworthnl. wilh wbioli he ha ft w naboiarahip ahvll aniiiivej I'onablerably by uf the Vessels Hero If It on and oame out by way Cargo hern I lire, with the eiri4MM nf ACCEPT 48-HOUR WEEK A permateiii liul"K' iphora. Ir. AlbaUa Hiver. Guaranteed. I lotiiC lie with the WHEAT BOARD GONE. a periiot ent t-iMdian HardiiiK (..I OK I wife died " There ia a greal iihtoo 1m I'orre-uverMaM. )Uieli1buary MO.VHlf.AI.. Au tS-Coni-A eleven Venn at!" the number of pr..porltir ill hral memt-r of ihe Hoard . , . . WINMIMt. Annual 12.- The lie enlil'd with Bind the North Iki year. ' Mr. Kitto r fiaiie rereitlly di-'.i--'l IhelJ , ..... . , . i-aiiada Wheal Ibiard. wlikrli battalion here in Juno 1 11& and - ' aid. Intlvraih.il- of aobL out'-tier mailer of neoaa atenmebip eerv- .1.T'," nl foriHHl tMo year ago In ah! the waa lrnnfrris to the Mitt ovi r OLD MYSTERY MAY BE prwmU-iug Lm-. .. II I. u . I.i......... who! - v tariwora in nwrketina thotr ritiji. ea. tin wituiwhsl Willi and ailvor are very .1. " ,,' "V, working arranamieHt at Tl dlaatilvo. at a inomhai-a' ahrniHirl at the Sotnn-r in Jum SOLYED BY DYING over a wieV a i aiea. a ami l ihero.a a rl "d ,M,..klth.t aUurd by Iho on the i'"l lale eorle are annto ewwieni naiminst hi iniaPT-Miru. nerr. lie loot lor . . . ti... . tUt 0. but remained in the eollnit Uxlay. KnglUh ai i i'mio 1 io7 aftv. inn when unlil Hi He WOMAN'S CONFESSION ihw ore bad, perhapa, tto ohfff lirAllor yp in Ihe aouilt and E 31 thn end uf war. whirh call a for a IH hour week al ' i'."niiain hud a aplendld reronl and Mf all to draw porlieuUr alien. aiUWy . t . 3ti por week, it i unnouncrd by I l the nlaeer mining. The Hxn after jui m. lion i imr onvenilo made a aerxeaiit boforo ho waa SIHiKAXK. W.v, Auk. Ii. Hie Kuiphiying Printer' Axocia-lion. S. O. E. . ! S ill utoal favoraitle ploeer riohl Vooma at I'rliire Huprrt on Ibe above diacharvoil. A laiemenl purpulrl In he thai, The new agreement U for from it to tie a.ujlh of the Nalwiil Hlver. atihjoai. I (lit in I 'ueh with Hie ' a All member- lire i eiiirtrd Native of England. of a dying w mn ujajr imiIvo a one year rruni next Srptrnitwr. - or ihe i.utro. Paeiflo U-l aeBi of large Kmy rop. a tributary ceveroi ; a lie waa a native of Ikirkyabiro. Niyleiy i but ha baffled polloo In alli inl the r.in. riil ..f our In mlvrr. 17 tmlfiK have gone iu Ml itotiel Jbimuom- S.S. Co. Tfaey are m- I'liuland, ami r alNiut for yor offleora hfre yonra. gho bring pri'. Ial Hi .tlur William lloolh have yet route out with rftMrln. lernleJ aud have inlnnaled I heir f niade iii ako. Ill death ia even lierlered that he ahnl down - alt .r on Suinlay ri.ii.ii'it Th One eaiiiiot lell aa yet but it wlllkiigneaa ! euniairin-e thi that be inure traitlo by the fart Heno Hub liiiion in llltto In mt-ake .pi--, are arnir Witt inert ill the had rtWnlly eompletoi! a now for h tpokne Imbiber wtiu la p' ible thai I ho ditriai iay aorvtoo if a reriain amount of Hi'ii fmd. IrfMlui- It..nin ftl .' 3(1 p III a Hleutial uiiuing rtl,d bo- bjISa i guaranteed. An l.meraent Onumunl-ealioii nml flno homo neor i-al funnel headed flnanoial tn- - ly h ai-iuiiy Ht IHl F H.VLTI II 1'rrsUh-nt lm aidea buliut an oil r"a." "If -you oaa work ufi euffteienl uf Tyro Lud.o, No. Ciirlo and expeoll-ff woa tilulion in the f uture uf whtrti w .'laimK bride out shortly front the Did lie t..ft money Central B. C. Reports. outbuUH aiuohit the leading (til. A. F. & A. M. will be Ii' in.inn. Counlry. Mr. KiUo ia now nu lila way lHiaineaitHn to guaranler. aay. bold in Iho Maaonlc Hall, ni'iuiiiaiii The funeral will lake 4oo In Violorta where he will oonaull l.tHH) I unit er month. 1 am quite I'rinoo Huperl. li.C on Sunday. 11 i l-oiitjf wllh full military Imnmo on PASSED THROUGHTAIL with the proviurtal govortiaiant aure that yni nu el lira aiiia. Aunuat It. at 115 p. In- tha 8. 0. E, Monday titular the niii'noo of OF COMET AUGUST 8 with a iw to ublaiuiHg ltifnriu "Oiiue Ihe x. ia ice ia ecjablir lied, in. for the purpoae of holding the tlrrat War Veteran-- --ioia-Ibm at ion for Ihr rov ibw of hia you will (mil that, the other Maannio FUnal Kor-vire In ronM-ipn'iiri' of the and the bona or r (inland. well known Onlral iiihii Co. aleaiiiHlnji roinptiuiea will be tr our lale Hruther - .iaw-I ilMlli nf our lale Brother He waa n membvr . f oi'Mi .i irnn-ualloiia. KKIUW.fit Hi; lermany. Auk. luinbia reprt tn fn-ai ihiwhi ig ( .alt wiUiiHjt guaran- Jidin A. Ulhrl4Ud. U,.k WiIIImhi Itoalli. the Pons of IS. The obaervalory at Koe. of wliMdi waa Biist .i.i lai year ee All be ihrVo ure earn i. aini'r Himland ph'inr ariHiiK'd for nhiatuhl ami.mi i e U tic A aei-ond reviaed laaue ia now! "The ooiuauy III (Jllellon i exllv ri'iiueeled lo 01 lend, i 1 u 1 1-2r. Hundiiv ni-t i tii i-phy an Mr. ami Mr r. . Ileilll ..Hlli d Km lb ttaased III-' ah tile tail nf being ni-eintri'd and U ia in thta have n.' -ailnin in Si,i.'niliei i Jil MillK. ur - U.Ht f.i Vanr.njv. i 'ii II,, I'iiii,', H'i ii .'..lllfl !) Uir n.glil (( ,UgU ,..!,. .-tlt'i' "IHI be ix paym,; Itl.' two Ill Url.ili. i ne m N 'V'm I 0 rVertfiary 4 t'crt last night 8 pn ji'Ui viiti i Itfi isb tUl mbui bn gnj ..n- ibvennv.