T Phone T A V. A & Hale V .i0 .1 X 67 x untley Blocli PRINCE RUPERT J Joe and Fred I Helfenon Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Itli I'HIXCK IlL'I'EJt'r. H. ti SATL'UoA'i "MAY 7. I5M. IHmHtf't escalation 1,e54.' Strut ! S77. PRICE! rTVE cknts ombines Keep Up Prices of Coal nrktnwi nr pftt? mmmiiT" fUT. hat i YVimYri nrrrfciiTi it n i nm rwn i iirrrk tin nn n a m m m .mm m mm m n m t mt mm m m . .mm a mm . i m . a a mm u at I f - "POPULAR COASTER RETURNING. Marine Strike Likely to be Settled Following n XT ; K, O U r J a Conference :at Washington by Illegal Dealers Combines .31 y- A AVSIII.(JTO.Vi .May TA- ju reult Of Uji coiifcrcnrc be-with 1, Ih nictMne triHt'r-'iiiKl lh gnvi;riimenl uti ag-reemrnl hus i t T ' r-en fiukcd ftifMiLmiMon tu ihe unions imivMiiig'' fur lffrt VICTORIA, My 7 Price paid for coal by tne consumsr 9 ' I Shi-hour hiff iliiily aiid Hie promised rcdiiclioii in iigr!. The BHUih Cilunibia are "exceed rgly high" and combine! which CCHAVC YCUSSCLF 't-ci rlar if Marijif hoj fur a elllrnieiil on (hf qiic-tiori if ... ik. nrlret ihoutd be dissolved and the offerdera wcr; Kentucky ocr.ay king niiiililion-'Tvhlrh Jia herrlnforf l;eii a Kliimiilln flick ..j t-Ka p flnrllrna of the eaal commission which HALTi.MOHl- M.iy 7. Sevcnleeit iilrikcrs were nrresleil here ....Dn iiiiv.i-.'-i ..iin.iien a the rani trade under the r-provincial- nsvern- I.OI IHVIM.i:. Mid 1 ;in utit'iiipi lo iMTvenl Ihe ailing t a cattle lean)er. An in j ik. mlelfta nf mines. Tin Ki iiti -k liri-ky v. a I on ig:nrtl pirkelii'-g has been granted in the district eotirt. m 1:j Ilelmve Yon: --If lime, t iiiin. I 1-5 see., in lanrmmer to fit the nrlee of coal." save Alex IHar!. Sjtki1. jfini.. mill JlANY VESSELS PRINCE RUPERT j u r hi.r rnmmlulontr. In hi renort to Mr. Slaan. l'rinlwy. Ilnnl. U'liiliiry . ... ..Umrii Miuvuvw -sinrliitlvnl--w ihnwl that. the- nailers- frr- '-iilrifo. Tryl-r ami lru- I'ruu-r HiljWrt will lc lia. k hi Ihi iilv in: M 'V IH. Clglll l:ihlh SUl. y rr.wy il wwtiiwi j.ii.... knH uvnlnht to lha consumer.- ici-'. wry al tniiitili' atitr llic wrfiW. SOLD CATCHES REPAIRS DONE riril -. (i-mhi ilir him H mull' fur trpnk I ri in il a mil r-.N iinilcr Ihi- Hluhui'v Art. Kentucky Dei by Is Being !Flsh for v.hlch There are To Cars'Vcseel Will Make Her First Trip mi e m illlUtl'V - Tin. wniilU In- nirl "f a trunk Ceil for Cold itor;ji and Arriving at Prince Rupert i linn, imii' a i rd in lk iilriir. Itimri-iuM HRS.C E BLOOMRELD , Run Today at Louisville k K;Uhlkan ' on May 18. liavf l hr aolj tn rmiilc U mil.U lli (In- faifidi for I lil- W0rk If Ilir DIED THIS M3RNING ' ' I I 1 Ik- tii.liiMtiiis llli ImmU. lur Vliri'OniA, May 7. The tirand " i wmiI Hi rrMliUiiw it Canadian Horse r avonte r-msrr.u.r Trunk laeitJc lratner Prlure ID IHt dUAKiJ ilK. '"- -p- Deceesd was 42 Years of Age and' fu:ii uvailuble y.'sl.Timy. nlJ at Ituprri left Yarnw' fcliiji rt'palr- I lr( i. irr fur local .'I1 .-lorasf. inuf yard at Kquiiuall yrittrrday; LUcd at Sjnnyslde Before iJil tSVn.I.rL Wax 7. LouUville uml it lln.iiaiiil- i.f vl-ilir Tllf Mllll)4T HIHllV Of 1 forcitn drIHery: hr rriialr b- a result ,jf Iho Cimlnq Mere. lHrt! ltrt ul aBic'jKjjtiii nf the 1 7th renei-al of thr KriitmUy. Hi Kill, 9.000 tiMJiid. to the diarr al waiioun Hay lait mttting La l mgni in iirnin uirni aii unrru'tJiai uiy Ilrrb- al Ohiirvhn:-Uiwn'llii allvriiuoi-. ST lie pn iiljlUMi,yiliirr I'ariilr Sea . I'mdurl A.uciatiun Seplrmbef eimipleled.1 tThe ve. Council Chember. . M "iHi-lr m.W Ib- ) uif. u-tui. .irrunrn.. . jmhi- hhi. .r lla IMRHMI.' ttl altll riaMt lltaW Uallltllll iUalkllull . . il')1.-lrvo.'lillg.;JvU'CJ4,U.l. ... ... .. awiu in a i i i il: : il ..".Tf I..w iirr:n,r fhVviiiNvMlN rurix niPuniK imi nuiniiiijr iiwu rrr ounig ...i . .... - ii,v ,pjn. .... ri,lr. til tai nniir'tn,l II 'fIiThi.t nm heart) r-dun (6 Ik timnetil, 1 153 ..nilirve ?Hitt mltni.vioti to Ihe pronmk uliere lie ran- i fo In- lii-M. H.ic and Je. ., day, -May 13, and tale tlie iwrtU. fr. .,lintASufirli.n. He KellevM ' eliy .UiHiu anrr a brief illii.-. ..s.tiiirof lh.tm famMi jnekeiin H wuiilrj M-bftlilel V.T. IS.otio, Hiumli. .ld t bund run. Tlie frlne Jer?e hi- Hun. t. I.' nrAill irntyxif mrr n n Hrnl inT'vr, lL!.r"!r. "' The Witney ein i- ITuderj and Tryter ami tliry are II..- Odd. Klurase at V.Sc and 5e. re'i in the UtU ab.;ut i'.'enf a riil-l'e- H h'l tirrl Ihe fmlfi a" ' . . , vi...,. . t.m ......,..i a werk and will iliMi iii-newd Itt i.... rhii.inn !- .(. tn.r iiirkrii a. -keiv u iiitierv oi tiw rarf. .Mar uier i aio un e nirv. . . . llr i it-nm 'mew-rift ht yii Inln tin' M'rr .Ihe Si-a PrciucU al 'XVC and we. rnnre hiiimti it nnuiriru nec tuiohand. iThi luiir. whieh i Ihe ruptfrfy of Cuinniuiuler ltu uf Moii- wiirfc 1le"firliieM l.iill'i tfh a ir' HJmt S.OiNt P'Jii.Jt Viola, annual uverliaul. This makes Hie ! meiiUmnil i Krltinz jwarl nf thHr iii-imJik-I r-r )ara -lir re!ldod ' if,."' ,w.i,i,,.' ' Hk,".,,,." o.p inniml nhn-r r, ufin iMiuiid-. am. Nuba. li.(W0. I'rinee rtuirt dur- in Prince Itn-U-M tin.hand al Sunnyxidr .-. f mirli on tn' tin rlly Willi lur I- ilr..Ulhi tiiberie,. at 'J.8v lH n her lirst nm on May 18. ami i-tl W Wi-ll ' Mr. Speaker Speaks. Cuiiii.'iy uud ' I I he ves..f will he in very line I'riiiri- llupi'i-t w Sr'E'MkBitoba Gets Through ill II' nmi. Hon. Kn"Hker .Ihmi imi' a HeMpiiiil i mm ,u.,..u- Muf-rie hape and prarlirally a an, lli'l.l ii iinu ti.ii.. ..i.... it-i.ir the day she was launched," says' mid Verna llrrf In 7no. Uttl Inlere.liaff -tMU-t A Ilir Htmr.l ..f ji.'tir Imiiii'i" mi Kiffli t-ni.'. Without Captain C. II. MrhoUou, general WNlell lii lli"l'trl llic nw- ! First Session Mini, .i.lil to Hie Cold Slorare at iil ti ' iixii .hiiI iral j I'uneral arraiiKi'iiif mr of the lln-L manager : eompauy ity of IUIiIiiik fur Mhal lliry ' Vr and 3c I f'll'lllltl III III' l.f ii mail.- a y-t. It wilt be rii,'bt months lesst Wrtiitml. Ilir itrminre wan in Hu Helianre, J.oon ptH:nds. old to Defeat Varied U1 I I. .1 Mlt llllll ll by Groups i one day since her wreck'-when' ms nuil lli nurlli 'm Iimi far Odd SL.niye al u.;c and Tie .III.Ill' llll.TI'.l . the Prince llupert resumes ser-: aw. t.. alwar H ... .... PROVINCE GElS NO Sbaiidia, 53.000 iHiiim.it, sold lo I.lr.l'ltl l.lll vice. The ves-el -as in purlieu-) - nrifi-it Ihal Ikry rullitale llu-i I toy?I lish Co. at V.Jv and 5c. lem and iii.I llier.. AID IN ENFORCEMENT WINNN'Kli. Alay 7. The parliamentary ainup larty, bad sliape wiu-n salvaged: aaiiw uplril Ihal madr Sealllr. Ilra-o. 9.0011 pounds, xold to ilo'-oiirairi-il giiveriinient by u minority i on trial in Manitoba. Conlrary lo and the task of reeoiidilionius 'Dial rltv wan tmH mi the "pint ; Ihe Odd Slu-ase at tl.tr and oe. . i t'liskfei n ni. f nitttnliiiii wMeh prfvallnl OF MODER YTION ACT principle of Hritih -oiitt ilntloiiat gnveriinient vv'hiri an- geii-rrully Minnie Y.. S.oip pMid. suddJo' her has Im-cii a dilllcull one but-was .iii.-r 'f handled with at tlio" iri efliciency nimniir Hie eiie. lit llimistil uerepled, the Norrii udmiiii-lrutiui. for nine iiionlh lia (lie liilil Sli.rus eat 8-ir and e. 'Hie eonlraet for Varpiws' yard. tllll V.N:H Vl.lt. May J. .eeunl-iliit roiiiliKUd the atTair.- Iif 'the-'pniviiiee vvilhoiil a majorily in Hie Jim- I laker. H,(MI0 pounds, soldi her rcciMMlil toning was cimipleleil n II ll(enfte reeeixeij here Irgixlaliiri!, uml liar. jut emerged undefealeil frwm a r.eiiin lu tin- Coljl Storage at tl.Jr urn,...3c. in... ,..,niit.lv .lava ......mi.I ll.a..... ..v.elllluf-L.... . W. J. dell, j i.i i ... is. t..iu.,i.... .ti. y Mlnriiey-iielieral it.i.nu nil. I" . , l-'arrl yenlerday fmui linn. John which laslell aliiinsl three nioitlhs 1 re it lunie nf 5rmeniber N"oriicn. ;,00U pound S ., . provided for 115. Vlru of North. . iMf""y niv rrnneoix i.ne iiiki tlieliliJ.Slm-ase al I0.c ami ae.j in eastern (he giiveri.ment eoiilrttlled SI voles dctlnilely, hut in Ihe eore 'ft' !il. lu.iHl.'U.l.ill ...lllnM liA.I III iter. Mho l" "MW J .1: l .i iiir""" j.".- "..v.- - aiitilut J.oou jii.i'iias,.soia loj IUjH . H.i .-auvnllir.ipi.' i(,mc pe.i'T Ki'iHP in very ini. n ui- lnada, the Olluwa linvvrpiniMit of divUioii which1 look place u -seallereil Mipport was received the lli.vul l i.il Co. at 10c and c. ALLIES LOSING j I '1.1 tl'll.' "nT.JI.II.lrirl... 1 lei ....tin. ll u.min.. -,iro-., iefueil ihe ioeritlitent repiet to ut.tin- I'ro-vineial leir-il,illoii from ieoiler v.,l,l",,i''u" I!fjiuus, 111.0(10 iKiiind... sold to u uie ami pas lature. Fish ol U.ie and 3c. HrtlKliie iimiiaye railway grninw which prevented the Ihe Itoyal -n. Hie" ivwiniit of the eiMinlry prohihiliiiK anyone but ... i. The leil alive nseinhlv oon. I(.ii:ii li. IK oon pounds; Htar. UPPER SILESIA the II. '.. flirt eminent from Iin-liorlinfl l ril" Willi ii was in it n im.- . . i ... V liinify .'in l MJ4 "bj- I'ltlWar tu winibf be ili'telojiid. He i.ii. ..I... ...-........l "l"'" ..ll"ii- lill-.A UP as 1 L00. aud IUi.ri, 15,000, Mdd t'. I w:i irt riiV pul uriretl lrl;i I'm the interior anil Ibpior inlo Hie proline. Hlt'lwJ.measure m.ii uv defealeil win niririHn.wii.and an that fttilou: (iiixeriiincnt Hi tilde. the Atliu Kislierie at Uc an J te 1 n - I'.-.'U n.lvln. I III' Imiril to drive l-ndenl-Karinr 10; Labor 10; foi Kelgbikan delivery. Opllv with ail Willi in eonimltlee il , ol held Germans are Fighting Allies hei. iiiuieter, ".Vol liiltiiiKh the riMinlry, urlluiK SEEK TO AMEND THE to iliow ,ueh wanl of r.inlldeace ' 'J Then- is !til no relief in the Against Insurrectionist ? 1 - - f tin- Ipteriue away from the railway. Onlrul one. (in the iieniii iz day of the car situation. 1 1 i riiy n the Ik tk wa4 a iiint dt.(rable enun- CIVIL SERVICE ACT as resiKiiatioii.to involve me government jHeMini Premier Norri vva ue. Forces liy aud lliey nhould eon Hrale c-eiiful jn bavins his nominee for manufactured. aettlin il. t'line after lime the iipjtoajtiun HEIR J'PAN'S THRONE UI'l'KIV. May 7. The Allies 1 1 ii J. 'ft. Ilaird, chosen un- - Hie f ii niii'l Deputy Minister Objects to the croups iiiarilialli'O I heir hurcs ini.sl-eaker. 'I Ii- will iMne Mr. '.Mai.Mtn atd be a 'H-liiintle .. lauiinoil)". He mad no nttempl Present Method of Making t.ll..t..ril l. .lfMul II. ditlll.1 ARRIVES IN ENGLAND the PolUh iimurreelbinlsla In - niilunil oui. ill rrpard l t Iti part nf ; plaee a inajorilv of Ki'verniueiit Appointments. inent. bill only on one occasion'' iL!pier Silesia aud seventy men Ihe emililry beeanxe wniie day liiemhers on M'tei't committee of Jr. I'a' d:i. they sueceed ill bioin a Prince Hlrohlto to b Ohm a have already been Allied and would Imi nyiiipallii'110 the limine. of if llin ael-!Hie pnwem Oiiiipo.siHou rom- the railway OTTAWA, May 7. - That the ciiveriiiueiit 'measure rejected. ' 'Great Reception In the liuany wounded out of jthu.Karri. Hie ilMrirl. m. I.', i iieil. nurLJlHilli to limittees was made upon (he fo. Ii.. h e.iul.l not land Hie provini'lal guefiiipeiil. i;l II Service '.oiniiiiion i not .ll.fcri..H .i..ii.n.ii.U-.1.. ..;."..-., ,.,.,1,,..,t.it.tiii.. i.- loll I.... i I i..i i:,.. ...... , "Old Country. lon which' lolala tiirce lhouand. ' ""' operalfd for elllrii'iiey in (lie cane lor eslabIM t .n- preferential I V . 7"..Z'"', i.r...r I tSermany I taking part ln the I'UfilynflifJ of pr'n'fe!loiTal aipointmiil bul Vi.tiur in tAliiule wiemlier own. I . ' , ... I.OXIMlSj'May 7. he Japan, coullict unollicially yn the id4 ha proved einbaraxi'lilK and iii-ejllcirpt where more Uia.i l..fJ"- " ' ""M e.i! ballicsliip Kalori'with Prince of the Allies and Herman soldier , ""' ration in lhl renpeit N the i iiididale- en- in the llebk the HUel. - the up .s,i,o., groups, llitrtliiio abilarJtlo vlil Jaighuid are ulu aid lo bfin the UghV- Wu. ii w" ""I.i oil railsU'iicuiif to BE IN BISLEV SHOOT elulVfnent ' of K. I.. Neweoinbo, o,.p.ilioii .eenred a division on '" arrived at Siilhead tills mom lir. Ing ranks. but deniily niinlnler of iu.lire, for M'cim.l reailliig wl eh reniiltit in' The -Prince Will remain aboard HlCltl.I.N, May 7. -Clianceilor "' " " lilniiie.unac'Which ll'ITlH'l Mnv 7 The full the ki ial iHiininlltee iiuionin S He vote. The Speaker east his B(J RAILROAD IS until Monday when he will proceed Ferhenbarh has informed (lie lift , , . III..... ..I.HI..I.. i...mi ,,r lu.-nir r..i Mi.' Iiixd'y ! Hi' emee ael. wile with the .iMlliiiifiit and the. irciir to London. The heir.appar-eal Heichslatr that In- I prepare.I tp , " to Interior. I.. rille nieefliiii in I'.inland ha bill-went i commilli'e. I;ii.mI- JNU 1 AlAMnb iMUfc to Ihe Japanese throne U to send troops ti- I'pper Silesia to "Wll,,,, .""iiniiiiy or a been nni.iniiii-ed. The name ant ATTEND CONSECRATION. Iimi lu'emlieeH ucceedcd In "kil- nTDrMTHDC CTAPV he Kiveii a great wufevine iii relnfor.ee the Allies if necessary. III. "' Mr. I'ulllllli. piiiiilly ailliollliri'd llieluile ln' il tii-ic. i ULULlUUlUi Kiiiflaiid. "k i i., : "-'ii wliylhe thai or Private A. II. 'aptln. r S'liW a W May 7.III .1 Highl..V May be Election MORE AMBUSHEsIn" -IRELAND bv rtilimii'fi'i'il pev. Jftin.-H e-weeny, ih iop .. . ' I .. ..,.,. .i,. Denial le Glen New York Report FOUGHT A FURIOUS Wat v,",r""r I 1 l.llll, HI I. B'.' Ml' ,-.'--'-. I - - Hl'e REPORTED ' M-ii t rii w To.nnllf,' Will' ITIIIVHI'lif " '".'I "KHtinn nMlie the prospecls of a provincial ch-c-tli.n By C. P. R. Officials at -U.M, 1 uliraii ChiiiThes of Canada at the TWELVE-ROUND BOUT "" linn and ilia. Thele iminv friend will lie Hie leUlutui-e' luecls before Montreal, Ul. .. Itev. Ir. Mall. of itolili.- II,, lltl nli'ii-r.l In know that Kliyineej' 'foimeerullViU a'ain. Opposition inemlM-rs feel I,(IMH), May 7 ,-Two revu- ilnir. of in l v i;ii it rt"u. i'ki-Iiip. ii 1 Fireman . ....... 1 paa a ivno. .luik siiilu-i-laiiil and .New uik on certain thai a Bcneral elect ion Mill .Mt'lNTIIKAI.. May 7. The if- I.OUISVH.I.i; Ky.. May 7 T'he lulionaries were kilFi-d when ai) ")- '"'IBil..a II. IMH.'IVl.K (I) pill Samuel ,1. liaiiKlaK. lm were In. jn Inilli Itlnhop oT lake place during' the 'Kiimiiier. uorl from New ork Hial the , liantamweigiu rnampion Joa'anibush wa repuled al Castle. II. ' ' 'lie peojite in lured In Hie railway wreck near May I TlirousJioul Ihe seis,lon. Premier Canadian Pacillc Itailway ii. is l.ynvh and Pal Mi.re fnuslit a bar. TliV ouiclal esltmates of " tki Suit ii. n rnrinlulil u i. are now In T. C. Norri liou.cinitniUlitl. inarkelinNf tlfly million dollars' fiiriim iwelve-iouud match at I He i-anuallie Hi Uie amiuil at "lai IhijirprO. niBklnir i-anid iinmna lmarlt II. Manlhrop, Nli'iimhu.at I denied night, observers disagreeing a . County Mayo on Tue.day are leu the city Ill answer lo ijui-rles always was. worth of dehenlurc by I ilv 'id i-.innivf iii refmerv at Ihe aenerul lionhilal. pwlhr,Monday U eiperled In conneclluu In with An elect ion during Ihe reee utllciaU of the eompauy In IhU tn the vei-dkt." many falling il a! si,'l Ft-inere killed mid twp for m Mir liypital work, wan They will bo In Ihe draw. Jwoundcd. x hi nflloial duties. ib-ends entirely uppa Ihe i-,i- city. tt'iti time yet. u i-auL auine j V