Today’s Weather aily Netvs Tomorrow's Tides Sunday, September 25, 1932 . Stet atric 10:13 am. 16.1 ft. 21:55 pm. 17.5 ft, Low .. 3:29am. 69 ft. 15:40 pm. 10.5 ft. Prince Rupert—Cle . -alm: baro- meter, 30.38; ter, 50; sea smooth. e 4 >. b er ener rman on erm % a : —— — by, ° aaa ieee Vol. XXIII., No. 223. . %4 ~~ % x nat PRINCE RUPI RUPERT, BE, SATU RDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1982 PRICE: FIVE CENTS No Report of Plane On Goodwill Flight From Tokyo to California Hopped Off From Samushiro Beach Early Saturday Morning For Nome—Violent Storm Reported on Behring Sea Cause of Some Alarm TOKYO, Sept. 24:—Saturday night passed with no trustworthy news for twelve hours from the Japanese goodwill plane in which three aviators are headed for Nome and San Francisco. The last authentic news of the plane was from Etorofu where the plane passed shortly afer the take-off. Anxiety was increased by the report of the American freighter Northland™® In Prince Albert of a violent storm in Behring Sea. | A radio message stating that | plane had passed Paramushiru Isl-} . and, northernmost of the a | Divers Recovering the PIONEER EXPIRES: Mrs. Isaac Thompson Passed Away Last Evening in Prince Rupert General Hospital Well known pioneer woman of | many British Columbia frontier communities, Mrs. Sarah Thomp- son, widow of the late Isaac Thomp- son and for some twenty-four years a resident of the Queen Charlotte Islands, passed away at 9:30 last evening in the Prince Rupert Gen- eral Hospital. She had been in fail- ing health with heart troublegand complications for the past two months and three weeks ago her condition became such that it was J. H. Thomas Pale” 3 With Liberals Not To Quit Government Now ‘Sir Herbert Samuel Has Not Decided to Resign as Yet, London Hears—Agreement May Be Reached to Disagree LONDON, Sept. 24:—A strong plea directed at Liberal | ministers in the national government not to cause a cab- | inet split over difference in views concerning tariff agree- iments made at the Imperial economic conference in Ot- i'tawa was voiced by Rt. Hon. J: H. Thomas, Secretary for the Dominions, in an address yesaaday at a luncheon in necessary to bring her from Queen Charlotte City to the hospital here to receive treatment. The last two or three days she spent in a state of coma and her recovery was de- | | minister of finance for New Zea- ljand. Meantime, it was stated last night ‘honor of Hon. W. Downie Stewart 3 = |in circles close to the cabinet that! Makes Plea mires ai NE EE eee cr MLE and midway between Tokyo and spaired of. ;matters had not gone so far, as re- yi Nome, was believed erroneous be- Born in Hamilton, Ont., 58 years ported, that Sir Herbert Samuel, i cause of miscalculation by the mas- ago, the late Mrs. Thompson came |Home Secretary and died-hard Free ; ter of a small steamer which re- to British Columbia as a young gir!| Trader, had already decided to re- & layed a message from the plane and was in Vancouver before the} |sign. The belief was held in official é The plane was also reported passing | Great Fire. Engaging in the hotel| ;quarters that, on questions of tar- | Nemuro at 4 p.m. but this was no.' business for many years, she had} laff, as far as the Free Trade| confirmed } lived successively in the Kootenay !Liberals..were. concérned,. there ; jand Slocan districts, at Dawson,| imight be an agreement to disagree | Leaves Samushire } Yukon Territory, Fairbanks Alaska, | ‘without involving resignations. SAMUSHIRO, Japan, Sept. 24:— pes Stewart. She was widely known elapse acceala : The Japanese goodwill Junkers among mining people of British Co- | monoplane, essaying a flight across | Jumbia. | a ek IS NOW IN the Pacific Ocean from Tokyo to About 1908, the late Mrs. Thomp- | One of the divers who went below: to recover bodies of Work- |: Sen Francieco under the auspices |son went to the Queen Charlotte} men who died in the blast aboar: the steamer Observation in at mewspaper Hichi Shimbun, hop- Islands, first living at Jedway and | New York's east river. Dead tota] about 30 with over score missing CALIFORNIA. ped off here early today for Nome | since the death of her husband in| } Alaska, with the expectation of |March of last year, at Queen rut - aia oe making the hop in 31 hours. From llotte City with her brother, A Governor Roosevelt in Los Angeles Nome it is planned to fly to Fair- | Wilds, who was called to the city | WILL PROBE HIS FAST After Spending Yesterday in | banks, Alaska, and Hazelton in Bri- ibefore her death San Francisco | tish Columbia. The plane will f'; Funeral arrangements are in the| ae via Paramushiru, Whitehorse ar | hands of the B. C. Undertakers and} UNIVERSITY STILL ON LOS ANGELES, Sept. 24:—-Gover-; pt Hon. J. H. Thomas who urges Seattle but no stops are contem-|} linterment w will take place tomorrow | se . RH nor Franklin D. Roosevelt of New; riberals not to leave National plated at these points although ‘pum | sudge W. F. Turgeon to Head Inves-| rs. Gandhi Released From Prison| Y°'*, Democratic candidate for government. emergency supplies have been laid| Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, i Mk la tigatory Body in Winnipeg, So She May Join Her Fana- president of the United States, ar- down at each who has no intention of seeking CASES ARE a eae deal shoal ares in a er night in . - : = , ~ Three men are flying in the ma- seat in east. ne course of his western campaign | L ed P : chine which is equipped with a| Sa C our, } IV In rovince single 350 h.p. engine. It is a land WINNIPEG, Sept. 24:—Judge W.| IS WEAKENING Entering the state of California | machine. The’ crew consists of T WITHDRAWN F. Turgeon of the Saskatchewan ___,__|from Oregon Thursday morning, | For Forty Years Eiichiro Baba, pilot; Kiyoshi Hon-| oes Court of Appeal will head the board Agreement Between ‘Hindu Castes! Governor Roosevelt was met by}! ma. navigator, and Tomoyoshi Ish- | : of inquiry probe into affairs of the May Prevent His Death a Gibbs McAdoo who accom- | ita, radio operator | R ALBERT Twenty -Six Men Charged With | University of Manitoba, Premier panied the special train to San| Forbes Morison MclIver-Campbell, ert = | ° Unlawful Assembly Let Go at John Bracken announces. Other BOMBAY, India, Sept. 24:—Mrs.| Francisco where the party spent Formerly of Vancouver, Dies Prince George members of the board will be Dr.| Gandhi, wife of Mahatma Gandhi, | Thursday night at the Palace Ho-| In Victoria PRICES UP Walter Murra president’ of the Indian Nationalist leader, has been | te], the candidate addressing a pub- awe A | Mackenzie King Has No Intention | PRINCE GEORGE, Sept. 24:— University of Saskatchewan and released from jail so that she may ‘lic meeting that night when he in- VICTORIA. Sept 24 Coming of Seeking Eastern Seat at | Chief Justice Aulay Morrison yee- C. G. K. Nourse of Winnipeg. for-|be with her husband who is CON-'\vited progressive Republicans to here a month ago from Vancouver, IN STOCKS Next Election | terday withdrew from the jury | mer manager of the Canadian Bank | tinuing his “death fast” at Poona support the Democratic cause. |Torbes Morison Mclver- Campbelt> here the case in which twenty-six oF Commerce here ail An official welcome to California | aged 66, for forty years a resident julllei aul. 3¢:-=i tun ge goer Gone | _Candht remained on nia oot yes-|was extended to Governor Roots of Vancouver, le ysterda Buying Pressure Forced Up All Is-| +). 1 inerals of Prince Albert desire; with unlawful assembly. Heads Probe | ane despl p efforts of me oe, | hile Porter of cas Raanek ied. Sas 3 sues in New York Yesterday {in as their representative and the The chief justice held that evi- jmen to persuade him ('emas ) v fused to participate 1 Pi a. . ie td , : mT , : intention to starve to death. The |ever, refused to participate in the Afternoon electors approve the choice ¥ i a for “0 ae it agli Mahatma, although taking no solid reception here, claiming that Roose- § : : : be proud to represent that const- isclose elements which to s velt had come as a “politician” anc H C laint + ee buen yin Parliament, Rt. Hon.) galad ‘constituted unlawful as- | ss. tas tas cone Naber oe not in his ¢ conden goveiinn, 2 er ‘Omp t yes . iB ae : es bed . William Lyon Macken nie rane Lib-| sembly and that no one appeared weakening and suffering from nau-|Course, Mayor Porter is a Repub- —_— ’ aaeeiad om under bu pressure a on a gan: a sareachs "leas tk UML I iat guar be guilialle sea with his voice growing fainter ae Ty id : ary e , ase Special Serum Rushed From Wash- , late jin yesterday ession and - - oa af ade ae constituency! since August 1s 3 An agreement on the ee ol . fom , ay Here, ; on +35! ington to Boise to Be Admin- practically all issues were hi ne a ined vateps 7 ‘election Be aN question was reported to have been eg = ; = : cave at midnigny s0- istered to Mrs. Borah than the day previous, In ae eas reached today between the Hindus ight om Williams, Arizona, where | hacaien showed an averagt n of 1 21 GRAIN SHIP land “untouchables” enabling ae Roosevelt will join him. BOISE, Idaho, Sept. 24:—A special 100; rails, 54-100 und = utilities, : NEW CLUE Mahatma A end his gos serum, rushed here by airplane from ik i , e of trading for | The Mahatma was lying pros- | | ler vr W ath ! Washington, arrived here last night po gy a My emg ares | IS SAILING | trate do nhis cot when the terms! n erlor ea er ‘for Mrs. Maty Borah, wife of Sena- e Wheat et FOLLOWED he the agreement were communi- | }tor W. E. Borah, whose serious ill- % day's close as compared with jcated to him He r raised himself on Canadian Government Telegraphs | ness of the past week has now been Thursday's close. Cotton showed a Norwegian Motorship Danwood to |his elbows and, with a weak smile,’ Terrace-—-Foggy, calm; tempera-|diagnozed as parrot fever. Mrs. loss of $1 Dr. “Jafsie’ Condon Said to Be | Leave This Afternoon For signified his assent. |ture, 44 Borah's condition was reported to Tis chemekbbeestiant Hot on Trail of Kidnappers of | Shanghai With Wheat The plan was to cable the com+| Hazelton—Foggy, calm, 36. |be worse yesterday following a rise ‘indbergh Baby ~_— |promise agreement to Premier Mac-| smithers—Cloudy, calm, 34. |in temperature, but was slightly C d H ae | Having loaded a full cargo of {Donald in England immediately in| Burns Lake-—Fog, calm, 38 |improved again last night. or ova as NEW YORK, Sept. 24:—It is | rain from the Alberta Wheat | ithe hope that it might be accepted | : disclosed here that Dr. J. F. (Jaf- |Pool’s local elecator during the| by the British government in time Fall of Snow sie) Condon, who played an im- |past week, the Norwegian motorship | ito persuade Gandhi to end his fast ‘i : | portant part in ransom negotia- | freighter Danwood sails at 4 o’cloc k| Judge W. F, Turgeon today A MEETING OF “ for the return of |this afternoon for Shanghai for or-| Named chairman of board of in- _- | ® ‘ e ® e . Whales Ses Aretved te ~— oe Kane of Col. end Mrs, | ders. The vessel will be piloted out| quiry into University of Manitoba FINED $50 Prince Rupert Liberal Association ora ee a Charles A. Lindbergh, is hot on to Triple Island. by Capt. C La affairs | Will Be Held at Metropole Hall “ oad 2 24 the trail of new developments | Wearmouth of Vancouver Found guilty on a charge of sup- CORDOVA, Alaska, Sept. @ y lead to the capture of | Next ship to load grain here will| VANCOUVER WHEAT plying liquor to Indians, Joe Lee M d Se b 6 5 Right inches of snow fell here on) whiel He lbe the Dutch freighter Flensburg | ¥ was fined $50, with option of thirty onday, ptem er 20, 0 p.m. eat = : —— ne! Condon is said to be running |which is due next week to load a] VANCOUVER, Sept, 24:—Wheat|days’ imprisonment, by Magistrate For the purpose of electing delegates to the forthcoming conven- the ground yesterday ~~ Sed jown some ransom money which |full cargo for the United Kingdom | was quoted on:the local exchange |McClymont in city police court this Man at Yanssinver. “a eee fa) sedeulty turned up in Canada, or Continent, jtoday at 48%%¢ morning 1 i ii feu, “a y ; a oe t is . i { , e Bop ties Pa tak & dc eek a Pag YM