TTTK OAILT HEWB PA0E2. The Dailv News BECAME SO THIN APPROVAL OF pniNce mjpcrrr tides EUH PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Frldar, Juno 3 THE RED CROSS Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News IllBli, ll:Sn a.m.. 17.7 feci. lth ''"y.Economy tire SHE WAS AFRAID .1.-3b ij fO.H feel. purcU,,, Third Avenue. PrintlnR and Publishing Co., , Low, 6:30 n.lrt 5.11 reel. each tire Guaranteed 3,500 Mil. .H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Church Authorities and Promln- If rt t.IH 7.1 reel. Behind I ent World Official MU lUr Well, "FRUtT-A-nVEy Saturday, dune 4. SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Strong aJ V if or out j Campaign II it la. t?:t a. m.'. IH.6 reel. of new mil..,, 'jE&ESfSSS month 11.00 I Low. (1:1.1 a in.. ?.5 feel bad on an . J'1 City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per TORONTO. Out. June Jl. inciudinl & By mail to all parts of the British Umpire arid the United Htal es. I The National Headquarter of IHMI . III., n n feel. traveL Prices, - I in advance, per year 9(1.00. ill' Ijina.lian ll-d t.v iWlely Biaa TWf Mia llu To all other countries, In advance., per year $7.60. lln i-e has rriM l T head ir The tUjie ua4 U riclfle Htan-j weal.! ka atatt ua.a ItJ Mil Mil Kit an iMill(U4 TELEPHONE 08. l lie rhurelien hf Onnda ami from dard, Inr the Iftuth Meridian Itil UM UN Ka m Transient Display Advertising l Mt per Inch each Insertion j Inilividuals pioitilnetil In ftrnl II la counted from 0 to St huure, tt4 Ha ;a Trahlenl advertising on front page ..,,.... 32.00 per inch. nffalr of the world hialeeK-, from mlduiKht to miilninht. . Send 11.00 dapoait en aeb Uf t Cl n Local Headers, per Insertion, . 25c per line-j pressliln of uproVl nfid'U I ho table Kivtn ) lor l'ort odr examination of road. rT.T' Ml, hut the time for I'rtnrel wtUl'order If la tU felVrrtf Classified advertising, per insertion i...... 2c. per word, ..rl or ll .Meinlierlili HllMI-ni.iil Hlmpaon Kaw Urunawlrk. lYlwe U "lL uXM Legal js'otices, each insertion, ...j l&c per agate, line. IUiiixtivn. which is uow Rupert varle only,a few....iiimutiH.1. ' Conlract Hates nn AuMiCfition. lieinv conducted. Among Miein Oil aume uajrn anu on iiinrre i" wh.a.r .tr.!ghUW,e,rimchtt, AlOU1 All advertising should he In the Daily News Oltlce on day pre- . are Ihe fulhru,ing: Ihe euiiie. Ihe ranne of the tide wbn naataat full t ipraaa amount offica.kttotr.LaM.KtUnar tnm oltl.o!"1. . I" c'eJing publication. All advertising received ouhject to approval, j l'rom Ihe PriiiMle of all (lau-ada may he computed aa 0 pf-r cent or Dm Amrllean Cliurch greater at Prince Rupert than t ECONOMY TIRE Co. Dtpl.368 1MJ J.m. Sl.TORONtJ MADAME ARTHUR BCAUCHCN On behalf or ihe Church wl h Purl Hiuipaoii ImjIIi at eprimca and DAILY EDITION. FrMay. June 3. 1051. I hne HowprU liege to rrjtreenl neap. Therefore lh rlae In the W5 Cartler St., Montreal. I'rlnce Rupert harbor la ullntilly' 1 Wish In assure the Ited Cross "I mflrrrd terribly from Gu-tipatioH 4M'iely lhal it -can on in Kryater than Port Kiiiiion. Moore Tom a t anJ Djtprpti for many years. lo roiuuiend in every 'y I" my Ihe heiKht I In feet and tenthi Real Leader. 1 felt peiua After eaUaf auJ lud gu, power In my fellow churchmen of feet above the avrrnKr level of1 Tom Moore, president of Ihe Trades nud l.alior Ciingress or constant headache, and wae unable Ihe laudable and valuable direction lower low water. Contractors Canada, who nddrted it meeting in hi city lat evening. Itre toaleepatnlflit. I a tMug o lo which it nirc In turn mil, "at that meeting, hit repiil(ioii of being n man' of moderate thin that I wa frlf hUneJ and saw if ience-(iine urlivlties." teteral phyiiclant nho. Lower?, 'Church HAIL SCHEDULE l AND Xeverlhcle- he i n man wlne heart Support view. and reasonable .1 not item alle to ltelp me. From Ihe -neral Huperin-tendeiil . e r ,',) i wrapped ii in the welfare and ndvimreinenl or Prospective Builders. ,urpoe At last m fnttni uJvittJ M U 11 of Ihe .U-thndUt lUiuri'h lor the Eett, The worker; and producing cla to perhap a Renter degree than 't'nUt-a-tiva'. I did to and aooa I In f Canada "I feel ure that tho Moiida. Wrdneedaya ana Oat. f liOTifaiVnl tbeorils. wTioe -.efnirieiTiVdlie ttewnrey frit some relirf. I eootinord Hh inemlters or Ihe IUirliimi urdaye at; I(t:l5 k. in. Nearest to ' ' ... i a i .. n... l'ruit tlTe' and In a siiort time, approach pre-war Driers on -great a Churrhes in llatiada, including f jiroffss Jo. rf present i lianpereu io a i-xicui oj mr p from the Kaat. jwisJiliilily or Ihe rheme. Ihey advance. Tom Moore Mem to the Conatipatlon was LanUhed, I felt the one uilh Which I have Ihe dundaye, Tneeda'ya and Tbtira. Dimension, Boards, Lath, Flooring f so more paiaii or headache or the honor In he ..fflelilly ldenlirie.1. iSIiiplnp, ' I have something practicable and reasonable to ulTer when he'ad- disagreeable aensations that follow will welcome ihe opportunity nf-fnrded day at 7!t3 p. hi. Rustic, Kiln Dried Rniih vance a proix'-'ilioii for the betterment.of- the worker. A man )'pepaia. tiailtmwtB. Ung a1 Ihein by Hi Red i:ro Foe Vancouver and South, All in Number One Fir Molding Mich nlca a he does i far more likely to meet with vtgvmu." Hoclely of beiiiE repreaenlel in. Tueadaya 1 p. in. ' prarlirarfeiills than the man who proMies lo upset Ihe whole Madame ARTHUR BKACCIIKR. and conlrlbuiing to. I hi a rent Thuridaj It p. m. We have got prices down to rock bottom, scheme of Ihe nation's UisteUce in a single day. Legislation of JOca box, 6 for I2JO,trial alteSSe. and From allraelhe Ihe MiHleralor redMiplvc of work.'the hatiin'av 10.15 a.m. inspect our stock and iace year order, recent yearn has proven that it is such men who have had more At all dealers or from Fruit a Ue lencrnl Assembly of Ihe Prea-bylerlan April 2. II and From Vancouver and South, effect with the legislators of Ihe country. Limited, OtUwa, OnL Cliurrh In Canada (tundaya s p. in. Albert 6c McCaffery, Ltd. "Most cordially ih I commend Men or North Should . Wednesday 10:30 a. ui. ( the mlnlaler anil f ' Know First Aid. SUITCASES the Presbyterian Church me;nler in Canada April H. H and Jl a Phones 1 10 and 564 ' Lives are continually being lot in this north country thai Ihe work of Ihe Canadian SSHHeHeHHHHHbWSHHLHHHeShJ TRUNKS Foe Anjroi and Alice Arm. could -be yavetLif the simplest detfees of first akl were knowfi 8"n,,ay w p.m. .i ... i.. ... i. .ii i.i. ami applied. In many oaeWgreat distances intervened between HANDBAGS Ilirni 1 Mil. 1, all p,".inr' Wrdnesdar V p.m. i. iiicouratrenienl and aupjmrl. canips where men are etigirgedj jn hazardom industrial pursuit Calhotfo Church. From Anox and Alice. Arm. and imisIs where medical aiit available. It is especially im Tents, Sails, Awnings Knitn Hi firae ArrhhUhnp Tneaday . .., aju. ,i RUPERT BAKERY huradaya ....... .... . . p. n. portant, therefore, that a knowledge tf first aid shouhl be acquired D'I.eary. Arrhbihop nl Ihe llu- a workman. It is easily obtained and the wccasion man tho le I'.hureh Dioeeae nr f by the common J. F. MAGUIRE rrtlmon.ArT.nd.l. Will, For Atw f'-r Allverla-rhe He.1 -Cmea N in. might arise at any lime where it would save life, Government "'W,M UUnd CAKES AND PASTRY OF QUALITY Next the Prince Rupert Howl dee, wnrlhr -very commenda- "'""n beeTi iirtdeetion is , Tlie Bread Orh br mtr:j uurj legislation has passed whereby certain given on the part of Ire putdie. ' ' ' ' ' P, jagainst-accideiit by the presence of "n"r aid. nieu'inbiggiiig v.. ... ,.,.i.i - .,.,,!From Pt.Slmpn,Arrandele. Mill; OHen far Bay, Wale Uland and Mae River. that Kr.tauranU, Stamal.i, Car.iri.rtr "rjwelWrtimp" whe"re there'fcre a'largcniimfSpf oi LAND ACT. dbl eainpalirn. You are aemluiK I'ueadaya ajn, Promptly atlcndnl lo that will oul a heart on 'a miim lo' humaiilly. If y follow il In Queen Charlotte Ilan4ei Satisfies Jparm patof aad.C B HiChii. F-tirtn f otter safeguanls to all, A man neter knows but that his know. la Qsn tllurlatv lliiwl fJind nrtrlr1. Ihe proper ajdril, all will Ik. For I'.O. rlox trl -6li Tfclrd a ftn Ton 1 i ledge of method lo comtiai siiuocanoii ny waier or smone, iiiimkj- OenrtJiBI liKlrwl of rmw hnf-rl. aifal well wilh your Med Cro April II and ti 1nglurJfr;irJirr'pight save his'owu Jffe and smh a, knowledge Calil rur lIMi miticc(X. LIL imi it cabkiko Crtiwv run Nuprrt,a ciely. ''. From t might litany time be valuable to others. .Such knowledge might vrraplWia Munsl u rrrtt rpfT and ror pernion frewn B la Urtlr.! From Ihe Commllmier f the April I ( and IH ' well l6Jnade a requirement for those employed Jar from medical thr rrfiBni( ilrwrtlird UnSil - Salvation Army in (Vannda- "I For iVagwey and tbe Tukon. and tjimnfwnr ml I Mnll me fool am (rlod. to nature of the Developed assistance in of the of the mirth. n a oNibrHr innrue tnmi Vt inrti you April h. 8 and in ; many camjt ratMUl L H. Su. If.; Ibrur lie fl imf or Salvation Army' aynipalhy and FILMS From Skaoway and Yukon. Urt IB a S,W. mrrrlkA In low llf Prince Rupert . ' mark; ihriw Tee fi. irlr mr low Pim itie ip connection with April 2, 12 and f Printed nnrilwrlr IM fl. m ilrr mark: IHer the appeal wlilelr I tinderaiand Fre of Crime. y or n to men ir mark; uw aee II i very pleasing indeed to reonl the lightness of criminal of IL aantnmrrmrui aatirrlr ibmr nian and roaURinx ir mar io w a-re fm your Soriely in ahorlly rnaklnif FUmi In before 9 a.m. finlihed the nmtiij dockets in flize court sessions it. I'riiice Ituperi. II I said that IIMirr or ! to Hi- people of Canada." there are a great number of rough characters in Prince ltd pert LTI.. T.risn It Johnson.i;oi.u aniHAua From Cardinal Mereler of Ile-Kium Co. and the district but they certainly do not appear in the court. OAtkD Mar rd. IHI. "tSladly I expreaa my The Prince Rupert Drug After all- it does not necessarily follow that because a man is LAN II ACT. deep reejieel for Ihe work of WATi:n act, ion. I FHONK U trO Ave'.oe i rough that he is a criminal. Often in the crudest of rock may Ihe different onranlialtn of OTIr. I nrernr iu. inai mi Mall Ordere Given Prompt Attention Nolle f lalantlM t aeef r law La- Ihe ttad Cntaa Soriely fur lh omf iba iMmni nwvrw m anioa be found the richest of metal and m, often. In the roughest of 4unLUa kr a4 alia tu aiaro of no appearance may be found the most sterling of diameter. In any In Hanr 1, i'.nal Land Oialrlrl.and Hwd-i Mteai lurMie- of rnnlinuinR' in lim l.anpani CMani ka br fxraard lo laairtrt of rn KMtrt. or Ihe heiiericienl neriee Hace event, the small amount of serious crime thai is committed here WMMk !'. IH WW aoouwMI of Thal iNirauini la irw rroilcia of Imink Ltunrtr, smltn Mland. and I s which II carried nn in lime nf immi ia w ow Wairr ri it 14 a- and in Hie immediate vicinity is a matter of gratillralioit. While mllM rati IwrM rati t tinat IXand IJfTil ahd in weur II 7 llw oiaini' m tvia for Mhieh Ihe Tak nture that I. Airr-d t. Wrirtil. ol war war afforded nf mi'rienl other plares have Iheir murder and theiibnrglaries Prince Rupert lhal iw rre ,o VrUtrr Muprrt. . C. owMpalioti Uod r-V. (he op'Hirlunily. . I wlh aahrta ul nar lai. K'aima r for three years has not had a esiuii of the Supreme Court in lotmd lo atirfy for nni 14 arel HtrtnA mr at IM CrUHv a' lra- ll foOnwirtf iK-wrttl Undi: eurcexa. in the campaign which prri Wir iMtinrt ftlMt4 bj whicJi criminal rase llgured lo any noticeable degree. Mr. JiiVtice i iiininrinr at a l'-1 planiM on IIm i beinK uiideriaken by Ihe leainiK ortfrr-ia-OaiiHll Nml eia ao-(.roMj Gregory, in 'opening the present sesiioii, remarked that Ihe lightness nonnvm md of a (and lar I W mw no Um 1 1 in lr of lilr, RAILWAY W. of Ibr aoiilhwral rorrwr of IM I, of lied Croa Hocleliea for III" IVia. tm raarwiMl la m far aa ia GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC of Ihe ducket wax due partly to the frailties of a certain thrnxe I. Coaal liutnrl; Unrtm around Mid tn prrtaina k in. aur of in Miirr Hand Bar. Ukinr la all trial pari purpoae or euMrflinx an even Marmot Htrvr la ib rnnr nufwrl GEORGE ailing' public institution. That loss, however .was nut a very serioim iUiw Iaw W'aur Mark, and rfuinine 4V iarjrer nuuiher of meiiihera than Wairr liuirarl aal Ibat amot of S.S. PRINCE ' f one and would not have made the list much larger. And that au. mora or !. ara rawWlalhai be pliirm fur MldniKhl Tim .olay Mr Knaoi-.n I' 'e ALrntu r wwin i. before." um aMiaa in in . i uiihw Mine particular-tis 'did not involve a resident pf'thi dUtrirti-bul ftalwl tnia-tat dar iif April A. V. 111. Herbert Hoover. and fur urn toimth la ana laau fer Victoria and et1 W-di-'Jjs i' rather one of the foreign territory to Ihe north. rara imann of vmm rmiitaf tui S S PRINCE ALBERT LAN!) ACT. From Herbert ""Hoover ''Hvm ImW4 la ln fnnr nacil Vaur and lnorwi. Clemen... M " tt Hu. Mry'lUy before the war ymany nation paM irua Ilia day f a arm. a. fi. Ifvl. Tor fori Mand Jm.e Ch an- Journal. 'ftuuior are nowjer. Notlaa of IntanUe to aol te Laa laod. found a fundamental value In I. i rini'Wi, . aoulheru Ooe-n Chart-.tle j PROVINCIAL ELECTION In Bao 1. tinafi una wmr. nrran- Mlruairr of lamia jsislenl, and 'ihe likelihood of inr dlelrwi of l'rm Knrl. and aituai the Nallnnaf exUtenre of ne. Hlewart. June 0th. in MUMlr raiuara idf the rt Wrat anor TRAIN SERVICE. .. . IN ALBERTA LIKELY another contest fa hejug aorne-' of krnwdjr laland Croa Soeirllea. Imrlnjt Ihe war Wedneedar and lSndVv"nnlprr."'-for Tttr sillre tnai I. Airrra r- wrimi. v Pa.aei.Ker Monday. what freely discussed in pollli- . in every . helllrerenl euiilry. -- b.iMi m iMuMinii laoa inr- Hmllher.. Prince r,.,n,,", 11 md May Be Late This .Month or In cat circles. Late June Is men- tlr, liii-nd lo awr drarrilaMl for landa rmiion to l bene ancletlea lMik Ihelr iilaee . direet . onneclion. nit, in raikimin tinned as a possible dale, while a jrreaf national apenele of Fall liinrHrnrtnf at a I pmwi on imm All ucean "r - Agency another rumor has it that it rati rtut of Hie Hand Bar kno'f aa -Baa indixjienaahle aeHlce. Today, .. ...lUJ 1111 W rnalna wral or in norm ran tafonnaooai a. Valid." 49 tut t(a. FJIMOXTOX. June 3-A provincial will be held in Ihe autumn, with eornrr of Lot S. Itanim . iXia'l Union; wilh ever liirremdnir meniher-ehipe, election in the near future perhaps a referendum on Ihe inrnr m .ii inn .i.v.rnur ij.w nana tt'iKr par, uiua Mark. they aland ready to function HMITlli:rtM w;ilr)(il.. in looming uii as a imssiliiU prohibition JU,ellon In IlieJainJ ountainm o ai-r. or tnt. in lime of alri'M and di-anler, Hy. according lo Ihe Kdinnnlnn I'm JI'iTllj; T4. l?lTIUi ion I meantime," jl utale'd In Dated una 111 day of April A O. 111. alrivintr "vc aome of iVrH f'M'r.. MMvnlril ti-iBlr I hone fiindamenlal pmlilenia fur emillvr. twrkml," in l nrnt.d u ! V- llw llNwurab' Ilv Mmi.lrr it folnln RAILWAY whirh iery couplry han to face. Walk a ue U If u'ri'M-k nana nf Turada rAMAniAN PACIFIC I alueerely hope thai lime may Hi vial day af Jaw. ivfl. f'.r 4hr H" 1lllliwa.u' Im4 and mifl.liin uf iw nn ali i aee Jled Croat rWiclejlea in every omi u. Hriu al amiihvra. la n Services l iwbal lii.irH-t. a, B.C. Coast ouuwre i. Guaranteed j nation continuing In thai trreat Clana, ap ndral4rt. r4ilra;l, and f'irti.. Dentistry huriiniiilariati effort wlilrh haa tf ttatlrt nut t arra Ml aril afarr lb in oar rr fnno, ivii, at law mrr nr Rupert maile I heir name reaperled Ihe! i. MaiMiv. r.q , mwniwai aarau world over."- i.vurl ItiMjar, Varwuitar. I. H. MrMuilia. ri.. novernnirei arrnl. Ptione S7S for appointment Lmdy AaaUtant Juneau .n d I rlun liirl. KeUhlkan, Wr.n0.ll. n I.. H. Winer, r rrrrMrf la arfmnl Tar " 1' Hard. aailitirra June 13. 20. ZV, July 4. 11, IS, or llw I ii ar Kuril I uf 1-tibUC and Ten Years Ago j Vfcrt.irta, n. r.. Tor V.ncou.e, VleUrl-, j, Ml IT. j lUr luaeal uf aar Irmlrr im Beranir 1, "I AM-J The Handicap of Crown, Bridge and In Prince) Rupert J aJTefilMt f. fMIIJI'. Jun. 18. , July 2, ; ... . I'ublie WiM-ka t.irmT. H mm. i.-i wi mm Defective Teeth Plate Work June 1911. f-iitille VKtru,Wnrka a c HrarliiM-n,. 3, Ht ii, tin if too much for to Harry O'.Nell had hla e hadly you carry, at the lowest prices possible, frnrlured nllit the laat a re-1 Loth from a health considering the milt of a heavy ma of rock Bags and businesi iSMaBl ' material I fulllnjf on him while workimc on Corner of 4th Street and 3rd standjKiint . il mm m m use Wataon'a alreet contract on Second Suitcases Avenue jiear Lynch' alore. af If Ik a e a yui Trunks Douglaii Klorrlntf and I'reddlo YOU WIIX RECEIVE THE BEST SKILL, AND SERVICE AT THIS OFFICE Corrall, Dally New hoya, were CO.OFf;AlSlTED' yealerday adorned with walclieM Packsacks UNION STEAMSHIP Office Ilourai Tents, . O to 12 Dr. Jos. Open Evenlnga which Ihey won In llw monthly re Viewer. o-.J R. lAf t.t to e Maguire Sunday competition her for (he largeal num. F, M. Crosby tot ton fciuii-oa aaa ""iiaNKIV. Pr).ta 7 to 9 appoint men te of papciN anld and the 7 mnd U SMITH ULOCK Kreaterd numtie.' if aubacrlhera 716 TWiil Avenue, Prlnre Itupert drought ju,