THE DAILY NEWS TAGik l-uliR BRINGING UP FATHER vcoraM.i. r n m tt" n i gr james bEvK CLOTHe HlOOCN Q t RE AfcLE TO VEak OUT TOk-.m-t 5 I I II III. TW? V-Zik.rvv. e03H' I HATaV TO MSs re Proocdbest rrvs forCSYn. (ZTA Tor Baby's sake isii e it-t riiwv ctv. Uc Yoir Cos! Bin M AT LOCAL NAVAL BRIGADE (WORK Is Now Empty GIVES CONCERT! SHIPYARD soon WILL be done Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CP.NTS PF.R WOHD IN ADVANCE. No AiUertlment Taken for than OOc Or it will he on. Wallaces Expect to Have Cana We are offprint The l-;il srnii iff accorded ho dian Britisher Out or Their WANTED boats ron HIRE I concert hi'M i.t' night m aid HEDUCED PRICES for September del I very. f I hi Hoy.' Nanl flriarHt In Hands by End of (Month. WAXTRIV HousekHr for two CoMfNli lOWN- fjiunrh "Nar-hetliofis;" YUKON VALLSY i9ti MLO Don't wait, but have that IIm Empress Theatre was k ratifying bcMthelore. Reply nUtinft stH I am n it aktnir fnt itwrwan CROP indeed and In ptte f in. Tfcf trial runs of tt new 8l.tao.noa Ntwj tor I off bin Oiled now with the totfMirot to Ilox sx iNUer a job. am ..ring ft : airbanks element tiHfh( Canadian Oovertimool Mrrrhanl SM.Ooo r. Hi.- alien.I.ince jmtm. : a norvtee al redurecf FAMOUS was larpe. i in- program irr Murim- nirawrr (lanaJina Jli it-lhtr Phone Mck inn. Usjk.ikwtin sfta.flos denied WW an excellent one and will lakf plac bfnih BOARD AND ROOMS ''Mtacid aoo.noa YouJooXjiH EDSON COAL cBciirfii weri' the order of the rhd nf the month. latrd H I Ht.NTIJUt parties taken ot by "i Ifl.l tftO.OOH evening. Ttvr Ureal War t tr K. Turny. uirie)laUfat of tn-WaHsire 14 KiM smsJ Hoard Houkeep-' etBortefjre! fwldje wHh 'b ... ain" naml, under the dirndl ion fflinranl, tali rnom-Hsxr- hwrtvom to rent. Phone Blue tashnot. WUfliUM Hnaa, Hatrs BS.iNMi Phone 58 for qujrk delivery. of J. ftawfhorn, pruvHjed the 'on aftir llt tkV vc.l 451. tf Himnson. Phone port fUsae '(ihr iMatriH . M.iuMi Special ratw on ear lots. tnusto and Miss IHanctic Curt in tM be turned over to the Canadian FGfl SALE son. B. C. if Mai.hnl SO.'MtO was the accompanist. 4hivenmenL '"haneH-r to neo Priaceflopert Feed Co. Dido Ourvk-h and Jobn Chen- The future arliviliee of fhe JlMtllT.l ' p for sale. AUTOMOBILES li l Hprinira 5 imm. fwVl of tbe brfgadr, trMtftl hr local yard eem to be rather un Pit ri'oir m I !.a!h.' lawn,, HI!PERT Motor On., desk Ram pi rt ;!t.non Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. audirnotP lkp rmHid of box- certain al tne preen4 me and xatden mn -- h.nir. "Heo" Cars and Tnseka Automobile Kajrle . :ir..oi"i nn aMd la and iiwi hatMiy)tm. the waiiare cunnany is n-w t'art fa i. lmi;in a rert t repntro. Ttrej. snai -arise t or.tilllr , Tin ii.mi tiriibr. aavo an xoeilni awaittair renly frotn tits railway Aj fly Mlli n. Hi . !f awl Pore) porta alnmys hiMlioa f- fAlolr-ak-oalch-raa eomsMtHr a to the le. Cer. , Total ;.4'h. M.K t- urmtiir.v (f four i wrfptttlnff. lain of the fitreenea Jaiaa)nd an . wmeasd eAfta-c cortitete i.r built tor ell porno es. Let The Quality Grocers Th- Hnrnplpr Daaee by ntiy the Qnnadtan HrMItlw khve feeen by pnViv fa,rlfn-e for ss aiva y a prVo on yonr 1 nf lit lirlraK untlr Ihe diNa- Riven nolle that I hey will not ftuirk sah. -I'll.uc 1138. 8lS ear body- TAftor A Vonre-teuso, tittn of Mr. H. O. "rnr. tie needed after the end at the Qomrr Third ana Nlnih St. Regis Cafe We Carry prrliap th ufari turn tlw niontn. The not tee h! been Ataeme. 'U vi mne; and mH with markwj made subjeel to iMmiiittesneni .UsHOtorT rfTAT)ra Carlosd 4 8, t U 1 1 nothing V afiilauer. Mr. Crrw ii-mnn- heivreen nw and thu, thia hendr arrhrinv next week, gfsasal WATCH REPAIRS - TMral Avsnue but the tirvlol hfr ucr4as in Irmnina depentlenl on the otfMlnurd price. National (irocery, FuU Jewolar aasl Walebsnnkot ImiVm 'writ as KtrU. lene of the plant. t-m lrel. If LEE S. JOE Tbo Heat nf Fasnl prepared Vrnonir otbrrs who coainKutrd P. O. Bos l?bt br exprets and ."r-l 8ALK His class hirch io ih- tah with l.kt BEST nj'yalfir numbfrs wrr.-: Mr. MUST HAVE COWS oordwtNMt. per full eor Twlre Avermo. Prince Rusorij a the) arose of aossfnrt Mfntwlt. mdo. Vo Ho. I.Mtte delivered. 3 criil Avenue Ail Work Ouoranteetf. 1 BEFORE CREAMERY iirlv. Vo Ho"; ft. K. Jam, Vhono. tf Mail Orders a Specialty. NEW DINING ROOM Ll! oi.jt. "'Tltr lloanHur Hnti"; FURNITURE REPAIRS NOW OPEN PROPERTY FOR SALE. of Everything H. II PattitHon, song. -TJie Hon, E, D. Earrow Telia Victoria itrpy Valh "; .Mis Ualky, People of Visit to InUrtor. J.AMHein DieU4ei. Latfe DU.NT HU1.N your Furniture for We piiaaHasr 1a Pttvet. 'Wlirn Mr Khln Oihbm Sallhiir .aasl 0 satioUy. trssita. .-Jipttlro want f prop r'Pif PolOe laapaar aad IMaar for the table, and Homt. "; (I. P. Htimaartw. mnno-1 " M ",,urn ' W-rtS tr.n Win. Grant Ayency. Uaielton. Ittir. Crattof. H. A. Hesnaslnfa Part ass. Shin en supply every need loaur. "Soulful 8n1: Mrs. II. U M vilt to the interior of R C. If late Bulson's Hay Co.), fttS S :amjbHI. "Crtfina"; northern Itrttish OoltttHbia, Won. Third AventM. I'hoSM lHk onp, K. I). Harrow said: HAIRDRESSINQ The Rcndfsaaas of tbe Mr. Junin Mclil. sofur. "Jwrs 61ft, flroen 171. If A n. of te Navy. "At nrwrnt In th Kraaroes - ,,tsnn .... j- PartaaMar Dinar. Bros. MULLS FOR Muoro Lako iMMialrr n ' ; V. aXtll was nssiioirvhle far cri waving stMatpoofatr, 8tnge- Ik organization aifd direction 9tliaen lttPf "r 'Bo,"fh nt. Hair rri(r, Soslp treat-sfot Mx M urm Boat Milt. no TRY US . -Phone St Third Avenue he concert and the ...irress St-1 a spaolalty. Toupees Jit River Kit Boat. Mono faini'd did him Vrfdit. UnUmeHt of a erransery profitable, and m for (eBtleiara and .'it .Hew Bull. Wi() finish Phone 4M. as it amiM 4 fee avrt'-d sail suchavMr. VjAO M. I t r -.; trans form sUotta for ladies, ' l LUWLJl i. at pKtrr than a fraction of its I :sM Flital kttuao with'" stove BRIDGE PARTY FOR mlnimam oapaeity and that irwtlahoa made up from ladies' oMnbioKS RKXjHARUHK own BUILDING FUND OF woubl mean eitraordianry liirtti tjoP Mt9 atb atrpg. Prini 78i 7 P nihil tlera, deep draft -just like cunta. flu pert, li. iO. Phone Dlue, fl8t).0. PACIFIC CARTAGE Hon. Mr. Harr.m- went Inlo-alii Stood DAUGHTERS EMPIRE 1. Chtu. I.Oeweq. tf NortUam Hiabsna, 188 SeoosxJ E. H. i.hae of the dairy vMuattoli r Avpawo Woat. new!! Mrs. I). TlioDMon and Mrs. in that country and aaade a SEWINQ Limited Plsnini Robert Parsons were the hos for greater e-nperallfl amoil? sotict. Phone 83. the aollle meu in Central II. I,. OOWN8. Coata. NovoHy Suit, and:rmnr, wrnrr ucvn MTwrt tesses liridice hi at a in party a Man's Bhirt. asaaV to order antll THKt i r rosey aa.'vax rrva. of the Daughters of the Up has started U ufMU-iaish1 i. jeM Empire ralnodolled 788 Third Avenue. ZE!Z a" I bag H thank all mr ewt-tsjrnors Hw often work lo certain thai nave we ehard building fund held al I tic hunt to m-ale PSone lul fij lTT' Baft tT TTTaf JTm. far their post pa-kroaaa the ) , urh an exclamation from of Mr. Thomson, Second Ave. .the Fraueots Lafco peP aH 1 "" L 14 - eWrSeZla Ihfin our ru.tomers when they line, last e feH in B". There wr kxsf out 4ft for I heir eream. Thi TUITION M MkM WI&M saa w aj17aus lpisair and advise the result of Uie Dry uioe table and Mrs. II. T. Willed i by way of Ikinu lke t' the USk IW IMr 5Sr tw hter.MI Bissi iwv wmmtmf IS fSuMt.mtm ' that I have fl.aninK and Pressing we was the prlte winner. )e- creamery ow oprralHiir at Van-derhoof, K. Al'ltHKY I-tY:i'. Profaaaor and Ssaes lSHl ss cfcya. umsk -mi the (I. Ti tor of Violin A rSaMta. it mm mmm is rfceia la putal af Business give their larirTents. llghtful rrfrJiuils were serv- 75 miles alonfc a. and Piano. f iaasnpi iintai. sauMsa aiea Sold ray You'll aay It loo, when d before the galRerinu broke T. P. It was found that It is lupited nu itbor of pupjfa ke-eepted. iWaV xrrassst. to-Pacific you see the wWk you ask up. more profitable far lua rancher. I'h.ine IHue tf fcT. I rasas. Asrat. us t do for you. f The presefit were: Mrs. 8. P b ship to VamseHsonf than ' Ltd. TOR flENT Cartage, When Shall We Call? McMordie, Mrs. It. liiancc. Mrs. to peral a erMmery at Prnn-coii mWr.r M'rrar ur aaot MsTaicy rtvi DM TascT pnui T. It. Hooper,lri-. J. tlreer. Jlra. Ijikf. until emaut prudsir.- FH !iKt rn'iitafcad bedrof.m Te SI I. 4. Bnaakr. vt who wilt lie I'lcascd to deliver Canadian A. Hi-uies, Mrs. W. O. KuHon, lion of lire dlstrte Ineroasoa io in pinv family. Kteam aasr. taM4s a swa I'.. t rratll a h rltll Mfl the .auic a-radee of coal Mrs. A. I. Vanee. Mi- I.. V render psssslMe a lmr proportionate I i e l to,. in. Phnoe iari tar mm, aslurd iu nl wtfihwiai as ' lee Mtwrtar mM k i. rt ii ar I hac handled. Steam Kcrsin. Mrs. V. MiIIki Mrs. overhoad el. 1 MM BSaaM am anu- tr. ia i0ar BlST thai a Laundry ilou .Mr. Harrow. s&U that M Ifii aliil lial nf I Mil. OeSar Btear W. II. Wileou Murrey. Mr- Fred 11 mi ss cimum. tarutv cnata ri in r Phone 8 Stork. Mrs. A. T. Parkin. Mrs. 1-reenter? would be eataMihot FOR KK1 Atnaer tewinir ma. rasajs. tSwees wi ss raaiB. thaar. awns WESTON Root1? the chtnea. by week or month. Juil IS ssxia Mi fNaai r ssaasianaltai. a-UMMttf J. G. Third Ave. W., Prince Rupert M. M. Stephens. Mrs. T. Printtle. at Francois Lake as soon as sis k-im Mrs. T. II. Allen. Mr. A. M. number of cattle Increased. phone W tlker'e Music Store, tf LarilMl Auru.t lilt. 10S I r, . A M i-nrviaa. tftwui Man n. Mrs. T. U. Johnson, IIOUSHtKKI'1 YiJ room, to rant Mrs. R. (. Jesniat". Mr. C. LARGE PART OF CROP or rottin ti board. Phon fie ' i VounKmsn. Mr. P. W. Anderson. i Mrs. H a Htunrt. Mr. l v. THRESHED IN NORTH tl. tf M. T. LEE SPERSID.ES Ii.rrl.scy, Mrs. II. Mel. Hunter, FI'RNIHH! I cabin to rent. F For Sale Mrs J. Maillaud. Mrs. H. T. W Ihiri ?l EDMONTON, OM. 10 From fifty LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Willed, Mrs. Hall, Mi's H V. in t-iKliiy it -! t of thf EROS. r.usip Mrs. M. P. TAILOR (Jrleve, MriUffery. Three room furnl.hed threshlnR has been completed in Mi., A. McKiiiBon. MhMt li. Ma the Pi-ace River eounlry, ac- POIt YOUR MUT DANOBVir so. houe. seeimn 77.S00 Second Street. lttd. Mis 8. MBls, Mi-, i. eordinit to reuorta receive.) Jrosn , cif Mveni Prto's Fit Guaranteed ItolWll. Mr. (leorfte I), ni. Oraheelra IHsane Hluo V3. If METROPOLE HALL Inkier In various northora points by looali Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. A. Aker-bertf. For rent to lodges or similar P. 0. ' hcaduuarit-ra of lb hVlttioulon, Third Avenue, opposite th.'i the Terras WALLPAPERS prntler on organliatlona from Nov, 1. Ihinveaan 130 and HrHMi Gohun-tla spirit lie. Ttnsn tired eyelids ' Phone Rsd PAINTS, Hallway. Agents for Advertise in the Daily News. UHIl n il fys." Tennyson. CRUSHES Weather oondlUons haw basa H hui.-y, teavher, 57 Norwegian American Line Fruit I "11' escfpi iitually favorable to prdg-rM Swedlth American Line WINDOW QLASS r.,: IHt iu. West. Tele-.-..n a Uimuahaut LLa "waek ' pIllUK' 4f7. If Scandinavian American Ma-ht Phones J 0; 8lHJ, FRAMED and UNFRAMEO irratiarie. are reu44Ir--samr fUleiF - Line. W. JxtrfwUI- WneWO P1CTURU8, STORK'S wimi lio. prttduata f A boimliful MISCELLANEOUS. Oliver Typewriters Day B l.i- WINIOR A NEWTON'S iiarvi'.l. WIN HOI harbor ftJr siiM II boats; Gary Safea. STEEN5L0NGW.ILL la iar' '' ART OT EXACTLY no swell and no eliaflng; SUPPLIES. OALLANT. FIRE INSURANCE Shaat Metal Works SBSBBBBaBaaBBBBBMBBBBeaBBa whardnver la constant atten. , II. Specialists In 8IQN ATntfoMcCUry Farscses PI,I 1. 1 and Tbe General ilanrc. Apply Northern Ml. & A.aemMy of the SHOW CARD WRITING Fred f'raabyteriaii Chang.- 1 15 Second Avenue. and Kenney Bros. Stork's Hardware has raeoivil l.,:iun admit b of women IChuI.m to I Pll.lll. Hill (f Dybhavn & Hanson Sanitary flaatlna Cnslwaare - .... M .-a- S" Phone 22 P.O. Box 120 SCCONO AVKNVB if "lr Kvn bflmid Ihclr ni.PMi'.- i Typewriter Mab' Insuranoa Aventf, Third fttk Strest and Frassr t PHONE BLACK 114 barks it aoubd uiwl4,aJfM. i.,.. .i-n aeciiiid Avenue,' Avsnue, 1'ilnte Rupert rtace ftupf t I'it lie h. oi .i..iii, i Ik,, on. IMiutic urn i