pa on TWO THE DAILY NEWS I'S The Daily News ALEX MANSON I'MXGR HUI'KnT - HHITI8H COt.UMMA OPENED FAIR GEO. D. Published Every Af'-rnoon, except Sunday, by The News T1TE Prinllng and Publishing Company, Third Avenue. Membae foe Omlneca and Speaker II. F. PUM.K.V, .Managing Editor. of Legislature Addressed SUBSCRIPTION RATES l Larga Gathering Yaatarday. Complete Home Furnishk Tlir ninth annual I'mihm' tin. monlh $100 City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per Ily mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates. M ' i Ihinilli.ll f.H'IHiill Third Avenue 1:1 51 ael yt'olenlay afi.i m...ii r, fo.00 in advnnre, per year To all other countries, in advance, per year $7 50 AmioilHiral Nail a M.n. M Watch Our Windows for Bnrgnins that will .. save doilnr TELEPHONE 88 Man-'ii ier of Uu M. ti. you $$$ 1 . Rates I.''8ilature ;md iiioaaber fur Contract on Application. All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding LIMITED timineea ecMistliuawy. TV hlu publication. All advertising received subject to approval. ORMES .hall was tbronfml fe 'he opa- FURNITURE, BEDDING, DRY GO0I ing ceremony ami n the ilat-form STEWART wtth Mr. Mnn was DAILY EDITION jfc: Wednesday, Sept. II, 1921. President t. H. M.r.., r th. CROCKERY and CARPETS yartftera II. Q. AitrlrulUiral A-Wtatiofl V n. Tan kin and V. . TniW A una iMm lor- Harry Exhibition It v ner have left for New Yart City iek, 14 0. Iawson. Hurry Big Reductions Public Institution. Where will mdaavnr to they P. Tha itreen- PaliKjeoii. The exhibition is a public institution put on by a committee ronsoltdattnti aiMff finance Mv representing the whole city. It is enir fair and it is up to us to scheme ef a the Pish Oek and rllfe Indian liand provided ft.. iir all lines Mr. Mann miike it a ucees. Anv measure of success which the directors Alaska Prmnter mining pr.ifvr- open!nit nrnaie. m have been able to attain has been through the co-operation of thejj eansUHnir of S rtaims. aid:Al deem tl an li"r. M r people. ee-ailIloi loo nir u : a uiiiig nr .nnu ii 1 llnniii ed bv the city and province jointly and by the individual Miss Kata Ilran ia in Yaa. rMhle)l. H he aeked l form-all During Fair Week merchant and others who have dug down into their own pocket eauver, where she i apnrta nfiefi IhU thr niwlh F blbitlft af the X. H r.. A. A I in addition to giving their time. a a wMa ia Ihn Siwasnw Our Window will I rial. Ih wHI be away awly a AwatlsHV. It i indeed 1... TV. I , t.a mall ntAHer to MTranUe an 4 sbnrt tllie. Thlt Year Showing It Very Creditable. erry tataajgh an KihiWti..n o h be Changed Daily Mr. and Mm. Pat It-mson have as Hit. Ihse n..l al.i- The showing Ihis year is very rreditabje. In many respects In Wtarfct. Mr. IImi rreeaw lh4 ri fr.nn ihe ax ! the exhibit i better than has ever leen f?et) here before There never before was such a fine display Jjdlndfnn work as is staged in WW fend the -staler in tbn people of ane terrtlory Ihii You ore, Invited to Insrv-rt. nnr rvu nn,i .... . and capital bt Mr. llaaa J return uah an aatetvcue ( .iuiw wC mi c J'lCaiC ,J that .ertkui; the photographs are nmreifiimerotis, there are j "Taken all In all Dm hw shortly. There alwaya the aarit WATCH other lines that are extremely merHoHJwr OUR WINDOW "IM nhte It II and law rr. fair is a good one, and the openingldaymus have pleased the suit flf is ilMM aisaat Goftwiamtcr lieaten, H was s director! in the matter of attendance, flap Helenas to A.lmtal Cal-laghan daien 1erieas has to h v in lh Naeik Sao, k vt-Ming This k Mi a it aaM aa I" Much Learn to A. C. MaakMMfo bra. TW cao the aaatfai ItsaiaMaaa r,' s Time, Every ivr viailot -ber aa aveat of the flrol import anee ir4ber Ujr a ! There is much to learn every time in regard to the staging of f trnfr(ie in Ike district. in a esMsmwaNy. It i the isen Ten Years Ago exhibits and making general arrangements for the fair. No two I f fslaealHlff the pruftle of Iht In I'rlnc Kuport seasons are alike anil on no two occasions ran the attractions be The first stock of llqur for want lUatriel and f iil a Lumber Dirf t the same. Exhibitors tire of putting in their good and other Bought the mnftimeni waaVtrs at are to wltat the di'lriet ran dJ and Srptambar 14, 1t1. lake their places. That is always true of every fair everywhere. I arrvtl bm a .asxlaf and aW aa to what it ha- tne. The llafltoa haawaall jlay-i Print ejlupert,arul district is able to produce the goods. That stnre is now for bsilw. Lack of Knowladga. op Un reatina the 11 T P. I is plainly evident from the vegetables, flowers and grain at the ntoivreis fair. Unfortunately there Is no opportunity for some of the "In a sew country wch as toad Telkwa. bate ben utat-ully From the Mill saves v j th r is that The strainer Prlajco ntvr this oar great Randwap "districts to get lu their goods. There was no steamer from the ve!ared rhampkon of Northern mission. We -it - do know In pair net nuroeh-e. your had we1 anifttfaHr bavy rnn- . . . .. . an s t I t - it. 1 I. I :I .1 lit. tk : l I . . . Ik O. imuiiu, uiicr uirrr uu cauii'o, nnu ini jrr 11 nnii"r-u in i. . the ,,-. M lew art Canada eai diw not know Kuaraiit" be an unusually good one. minimi i' rnuirr inhii) mi wil inm ll k. - . af the wet. In ihe Prwince the The riiic liceaama ci hmiUi ton south'doe nni kmw the n rth. DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPIAf U3 net )lrda)r atlernoMi add ad-! will lxT rsvcj nvuj ntau v z fiiau ire t J'l xr-x;u 1 1 v qk ill V TT I J bWt faur haer. ad tae maat A- ihi know the exhibits from every quarter, interior. S11 therefore any!tuna l,urnrd until Hptrioher St, wben SIDING FLOORING CHUNG fl Mayor Manon will hate rHuaae.1 A crew oi torn arr building we ran da t make our n Trade Exhlbftt ft.. a the Interior b-re, wtih lf , Lumber ha now reached r-;. i? a brMg ovmr th Marmot Hivir. ouraa and oar prarea -ter - From Outtlde. II sW prve a fzraat imhi fnr kaawa. not only ! "riM V B. t'Jarton. he i rampanrmmf Building time in horo timeM r t-jv This is the first on which we have had trade exhihJU f. r 11. a. rjetoMt. CtRMnsUt year mining Hn thai Km t wsaW ree will un '-.t feralr mc- r4i,li.UU far Um federal but at our office. Seal Cove c i 3f - - from the outside. Two Vancouver firms have gone to a great daal llan. doubtedly net only beta credit , of trouble and expense in getting their goods placed before the ! ue MM efMHtaracesaeni n-l people of this section of the country. This is the first year they Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Krietsea material gaia. .ot hem Hni- y feck a-s reaaraed tntta ttp-rlr PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER have done so, and it is to be hoped they will find it profitable. bavt left for fraltl. They will a 'ioiaeaoea a t aa antinomic ahara ba aaaauiitame-J iKm- ! shall be to find ourselves of sulllcient ran Haea, lUaeeal eandidate for glad importance to attract also attend the mining onar of mil ara I reuaaraea. Little by numerous outside exhibitors in future. la Naaa af Ouoiim'Hs, n a, to b held in Chicago tMxt Utile she Is em-Inn tnto her It must be remembered in connection with these annua) fain HUH)III. own. We are neoarenmna in. aprakiav low. that the growth of the city i gradual and as it grows so must the doslrlaHjr w are prtiarMsinn fair develop. We must move steadily forward and the fair must avriniltarailr and the da i A OO00 IDEA. be the means of showing the leps in our progress. ANOTHER ORE STRIKE no far dWaat when IMs aa. HOUSEHOLD -:- mmm ON ILLIANCE RIVER Hon .,f ttw Pratiaaa will aat MI aadsr aland thai ynar Iioy Jaak ta tariarailwl la - Wonderful Flower only proure lit MmmU .rf what perpetual of evcrj1 des r pL n i.i Can Be Grown Hera. it WMtauma but be an aaporter We all know what splendid vegetables and flowers and fruit High Grada 8UI Galena Vain an a ahslaatUI ata, "Yaa," rrpiie-l Farmer Ijaw-tsuek, Specially Reduced Prjcg can be grown at various points in the district, all the way from! Found on Ballavua Property Promlaaa Wall. "and I'm kinder enour Terrace to Prince Oeorge. We also know that Queen Charlotte "Mr. I'reaMeat the day ia Aad absMM tl. I taMMinbl. for a Kenawaaaaa--M-eaiaEarf--sn Islands are well suited to agriculture and horticulture. The annual Another strikr of blab grad iHpWN be ihiisHa are e-ealleni- whtie Uutl lh aaly IbfeiK Jsh for the balance of this month t ( iwr prr&l fair, however, indicates that right here. . in .the city we can grow bas beefi nmU at I ha IlJie-vuf Ibis prom-He la be the was lanaraslad tat was perpetual ' m r I n a i n i t I real." Boston Transerht. iron ana uuwers in aouiaance anu mai as me population brrome! miae lh eiariy part af this Kraaleivt arxl mt . iM-eeBful W. G. BARKIE trk. Ttie is hinb-grada nunc iTiuru nnu me Kurueu arc uocioprn we Mian lie a Die to ore a exbHVtl.011 yet. I show the outide jMiint what we can do. From a commercial klw4 gahma and lb lend l frmn There la na eiecfrie halloa for J point of view we cannot hope to compete with the Interior, but l to 3 feet ia wtdtb. II " a me to preM vHhaul furltM-f from a show point of view we can produce Just as high rla fruit, Ik w lriki and U oa tbi wrt eeremnny and trasltoo Ihai Ihia The Houa-t Bahlnd Th Vegetables and Mowers as can be grown anywhere. This i particularly kV of the rtvr, 106 fMt aJtovot shlbMt-MI tl rMlMHHl to thr Goods' noticeable of the flowers. They are later here than in the river level and is an the ere-lrt of yoa and yr Hieetrtivr Dr. Sutherland the South, but they are just as beautiful and just as fragrant, and IMrnheifn alatni. I ha lead has s I kaaw H vNt aai he a often less injured by the burning sun and scorching wind. rben traeed on I he aurfacr for a mean f enoMmnninir iWetn-Hienl P.P C- dUlanee of 300 fp4 and S crosscut am prodaettoa and that it P.D.S., L.P.S., hava already been made on may fie a atevpin i" I the surface. Mr. A. J. Iluxbea, greator Ihlaiin in fitoee year DENTISTRY in all its branc The wtto I in charge of oitrraliana I declare this BxhibMtaa form- ItNKJicht aainiea of r frviu Ibis ally opened." 'MALKIN'S Handicap trik to town, on Thurday, and C 1 niJ iiita .. i u is nttmm of th fineat or that WKllsiik'i: BEST Pbon. Blacky i of has fvf eoiiM fnun the lllianM ForAppoIuU-ent (liver district. He also broiiKhl The Mao in the Moon Defective down aamplfs of aopper and SAYSi M gaUna ore from lilaeler View, (I wtikaj was taken from a lead TO FISHERMEN m fdlloKa Phlloaophy. NOTICE TEETH -i fiet wide, abut nuuiple of Like fuoii -jvIk, tread life pil- rapper glance and brittle Hvr of KrtioaKe Good Supply oi-b from the Itlacler View. f I'm MtHietimea aad and often Is Too Many people read newipaperi broke. TEA 1 r aa mucb for their advertising Hot strive my Briefs In eamttti flattn Much to colomru aa they do for news. Wttb saiut aid kloty. UvhU Carry and Joke. Thr finest teas from tk Doth front a butine and health standpoint. I 8AYK a modern aynla: "Itvn AT BUTEDALE sunny bill iiardeua of India Foolish timidity may k-p you away for a lima from the STOP! is like a banana. Ilm eiiKur donllst. but fvry day you neglect this duty you are doing meat is the Juicy pulp. The ami ()lon are blendrd lu yourself a potitiva injury. marrUtf.. ta tba peel." I ler feel bin in Modern htehly (killed dentistry, tueh at I. practised at this should like U ajbj djtat tbe CO. OF BJCh,,. STEAMSHIP olllce. eUminaUs the most disKreaabla features, and you will at my place and see my upsata many u steady 111411 who UNION risi ii"H.,7it . s be surprised and sratifld to know how our dental operations fine display of walks carefully atonK the aide. MALKIN'S ft t.r VtMrr.i.ii.r. aetia ajrs. ,s" are performed. alk of life, '' T tn fcsl-s s You will recel tli bast I - ftklll and aervlce. which means SUITCASES 4im satisfaction to all patrons. I KKCo.Vli SJJ 4 loso hand love Is about a BEST aljr Prteaa ara Vary lUasonabla T runks pleasant na second IihihI alothea 11 I 1 land inueli n wboleswma. KKInif tn you tba ra of Reliable Dentistry! CLUB BAGS I A CYNIC says the asploaioa exqulslia flavor. TORK'S T.O.V our aportinir ediler beard on SUGAI of All Kind Hunday were Hot the ItarMng 'f S SEIX U. Crown, Bridge and Platework fthe sbot kuiis but I be (soppinN THE TOVES. Larga Stock On hand 1 of tbe erka. W. H. ,n.t' DR. JOS. MAGUIRE to select from. H(H:ll cliinbcra. ab..uld i..-v.-r MALKIN CO. wear ladders in their a.c. i. Phona ITS Room 7 and t Smith Block Phone 678 J. F. MAGUIRE Limited, Fred Stork's Hardware BJ Office Hour 0 to It, to 6, Munday Appointments Advertising is often eipnnsrs CoW 7 to 0 i:vening OPEN EVENINGS Nt th I'rU Uurt P' but It Is notluntf like a cxpeneive gaooNti AvNua VANcouven aa an empty atora and Idle PHONE BIACK 114 f