PAGE FOUR foi “~~ {72 DAILY NEWB ae Sevttie 4 Being Fitted Up As Floating Air Mail Station Friday & Sxtune . TWO SHOWS — 7 ang y) a Everything Beaten In Prices} [ a PDMS | ste sare ar MM SATURDAY MATINEE a Feature Starts 3: :20—~15¢ Ph A DIZZY DELUGE OF DARNFOOLERY THE 4 MARX BROTHER: in “Horsefeathers” Lingering Laughs—Teasing Tunes and Gorgeous Gir. G Montreal Importers hie oe a. a e . ¥ St i] ( 3 A Paramount Picture ag l rr y Ing on . ® Comedy—“THE WALL STREET MYSTERY”, FOX x ® KRAZY KAT in “LOVE CRAZY” “PICTORIAL No, ip " DON’T MISS THIS WONDERFUL PROGRAy. MONDAY and TUESDAY—“HUDDLE” 2 Its Sale Giving values away below, anything hitherto known in Prince Rupert. Drop in and look at the prices and convince yourself, } } | bs The skipper of this boat will be all at sea—no fooling. The reason is that the liner Westfalen is | being fitted up as a floating station for trans-Atlatnic air mail. ° ° - ee a ; | The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous - _ — —_ | less, more parties will be out on | this occasion. | 6 , 9 BULKLEY VALLEY COAL WATERFRONT WHIFFS [ccm Rupert Brand | According to officially compiled b IS A HIGH CARBON, NON-COKING, BITUMINOUS COAL ' . ‘ - Sage } | figures, the salmon pack on this, X That can be used to economical advantage in all styles of fire Some Records By the Halibut Fleet—Rainier is |) coast for the 1932 season up to Sep-| SMOKED boxes, in your kitchen range try the nut- eRe aise snd simply | Heaviest Lander—Gibson Makes \t 2mber 10 totalled 896,692 cases as} shake the bottom grate when a hot fire is desire or heaters : ‘ use single screened lump. In furnaces use single screened lump Most Trips re ared with 608,514 cases last with a generous portion of fines added to hold a slow fire or : Pn ¥ : peng a banking over night. You will use no other fuel after becoming er districts, the packs this year) ~—- sooeainiad 16 During the 1932 halibut fishing season up to and in-|and last ‘were as follows as at Sep- "BULKLEY VALLEY COAL cluding yesterday the American halibut schooner Rainier |tember 10: had been the heaviest lander of fish at the port of Prince’! | - Paral Rc raser 1 | Rupert for the year, having brought in 185,000 pounds in y,, einer? Prepared Daily B tivatribs. The Arr +h 163,000 tt hon had (Naat River .. 19,052 14,674 pa Jally By ; lve rips e rrow, with oO, pounds in lve rips, Nac Skeena River 221,264 173,543} é 5 the next heaviest yield per unit with the Radio, with 155,- | Rivers Inlet 70,836 76,517) Canadian Fish & Cold Storage ('o Ltd CONCERT IS Phone Bri ge 000 pounds in ‘four trips, coming + .|Smith’s Inlet 26362 13.915 ey ‘ ox a8 far as American boats were | ings had reached a total of 11,845,- \Central Area 238,701 126,934 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Is Successful concerned. |050 pounds as compared with 13,- \2 C. Islands 6615 6, 110 The Relief, having landed 158,000 379,450 pounds last year at a cor- |District No. 3 117,966 117,023 — pounds in eleven trips, was high | bs ie ‘ r 7 , Per species, the pack this year s y responding date. Canadian landings | — - pg ne écrnesntee | steht Hostesses Last Night for Cam- boat for the Canadian fleet in vol- ! oo and last: i t t Staged! brai Chapter, imperial Order, {U7 Of Production. The Covenant for this year stood at 3,625,750 | 1932 1931 Spnee ee a: : were? Daughters of Enipire was next with 155,500 pounds in pounds as against 5,166,500 pounds |Sockeye 267,420 265,639 Last ok rage mg " nine trips and the Livingstone II jast year while the American total | Springs 66,102 25.171 The New Church Ladies’ At third with 152,000 pounds in éleven ‘ . 3 | Steelheads 9 ; ’ ; Pp this year was 8,219,300 pounds in 35 1,190 | ; -—— Another successfal telepnone jtrips, ‘¢omparison with last year’s total of | |Bluebacks 24,994 24,510 4 ,|bridge party was held last night} For the American fleet the Re-|, aca aie oe oe ae |Cohoes 110,249 55,780 ‘ Under the auspices of the Ladies’ under the auspices of Cambral|liance had..landed ,.the greatest "Dihaed . ca o. the week ‘sneees | | Pinks 213,149 194,025! Aid of First Presbyterian Church, @ Chapter, Imperial Order, Daugh-|number of catches at Prince Rupett, jttie ianrsverent, The “bid of {Chums 213,843 42,199 WL very successful concert was staged ters of the Empire. There were}having completed ‘twelve trips for, : “4 —. ~~ 1e top bid ~ Be eee en . ? last night in the church parlors. eight hostesses and about twen‘y- a total of 129.900 pounds The Sir- the week for Canadian fish was 5c | There was a large attendance ind | four tables in ali, were in’ play As a and 3c paid the Capella, Kaien and LEAGUE iS per ton 1 1 50 ‘ é é wae Ss i aoies if alt ‘AY. jus had_made nine trips with a to-|, ... Si BES ! ° 4 every number on the program|Kach hostess served refreshments | tal yield 6f 92,000 pounds while the ibe r ¥ yeged soso tes | ‘ proved very acceptable to the aud-}to her guests and the totals in| >¢eanic and Onah had‘ each made 1 te a 9,000 pounds respectively Minehead Coals $11 50 er ton ience. jplay were telephoned from house} nine trips for total catches of 136,- Potepe atts aera “a sage caer: tt, | ION ye | . Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, |to house. First prize-winner was F 1509 pounds dnd 126,000 pounds re-| |4c and 3e which the Edward Lipsett ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED the pastor, was in the chair and the|E. Robertson while « Miss ‘Eleanor spectively. |Gulvik and Morris H. regeived for} ee program was as follows |Moxley captured the consolation! The Gibson led the Canadian | ©) 9.000 and 8.000 | Pounds te. | aan oom Large ati) HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 Orchestral selection, John Brem- | prize fleet for number of trips made, | Spec tively. For American fish the} Meetings Which Opened Yes- | . ner, J. B. MacKay and James L. Lee.| The hostesses were Miss Florence|naving landed fifteen catches for! | high price of the week was 7.7c and | terday in Geneva Vocal solo, Miss Betty Bllison, ac-| Smith, Miss Jean Grieve, Mrs. G.|, total of 127,500 pounds. The Vik- 3c received by the Glacier for 10,-| -—— companied by Mrs. J. 8. Black. |W. Laidler, Mrs. J. W. McAuley’ ing had andi twelve trips Sor ss tiie 000 pounds and the low and 2c} GENEVA, Sept. 24:—The... ques- ' Violin solo, Miss Edith Jahnstone,| Miss Margaret McCaffery , Miss|ia) of 130.000 pounds ehits earn paid the Ithona for 11,000 pounds. cae of Manchuria is expected to}; accompanied by Miss Cathie Wat-| Sheila Stuart, Miss Cathie Irvine ing eleven. trips were the Relief | : aa jloom large at the meeting of the| | Hotel Central Ltd. 2 id ‘ ; Cc ‘avlor ee ae Unfavor: eather litated |T.eac ’ ‘ : a gon. and Mrs. C. R. Taylor. 158,000 pounds: Livingstone, .152,- nfavorable weather militated!League of Nations assembly »which | Covenient to business district, Pianos For Rent i Vocal solo, Miss Betty Cameron 000 pounds: Gulvik, 107,000 pounds, | against success of hunting opera- |ope ned yesterday with Eamonn de} homelike, beautiful harb accompanied by Mrs. J. 8. Black. : and Ingrid H., 98 000 sounds } tions last week-end when the legal! Valera, President of the Irish Free : eer nT ’ Recitation, Miss Beryl Birch. ompanied by John E, Davey. — F Lo I : Haein for the shooting of deer op- |State, presiding wwe. $4 Per Month and Up Sketch, Mr. Hollingworth’s “Bible Sketch, Young People’s Society, ened. There were a number of par- | The report of the Lytton commis- Rates reasonable. Spacious Class.” Orchestral selection. Halibut hantee at Prince Rupert|ties out but’ few, if any, of the lsion which investigated Manchur- sample rooms. ae a . .__| Mrs. J. W. McKinley was convener |during the week ending yesterday | quarry were captured. With no snow |ian questions _ FIRST CLASS CAFE Pianos Tuned, $3 Vocal solo, Master David Hous , q } juestions has been received by fat sate ; and other members of the ommit- | totalled 492,600 pounds of which] yet on the mountain tops, the deer | the League s Open at All Hours ton, accompanied by Mrs. J. S.| \ e ague secretariat, it has been 1 : Black. beay were Mrs. Bert Cameron, Mrs. }146,000 pounds was brought in by | are believed to be still running high {made known, but there is no an-| Special monthly yate Jet \ pic rom Piano and violin duet, Misses Ail- |D. MD. Hunter and John E. Davey. |Canadian vessels and 346,600 pounds|on the mountains, Weather pros*|nouncement as to when the report Rooms and Meals ‘ WALKER'S MUSIC een and Phyllis Hamblin. Samuel Massey and Jack McRae |by American. For the season up to| pects for this week-end appear to/will be discussed by the woven Hotel Central Ltd. STORE Recitation. Miss Elizabeth Me-|Presided at the door. and including September 23 land- | be somewhat improved and, doubt-!or made public, First Avenue & Seventh Street | | Leod. - " . — — = a ——- nnn Vocal solo, Miss Betty Wood, ac- m “TILLIE THE TOILER” ‘Simply’ | ibl ! imply’ Impossible —By Westover. ! 25 Taxi Garage aE G MER [YOU AUSTAT pisties HIM. | WELL FOLKS. We [|] OH FERDIE. You'Re |] [WE BUIED A DECK GA] a ea Chae Sixth St. Tw eset) MAC. KES woRKING ON | |ARE AS GCOD AS t WONDERFUL! 5) 2 Tee SHELTERED SIDE |} HOW ARE You WHY THAT PACT OF My PLAN 1S f y Ri Comf bly . A PLAN TO GET US OFF | |BACK HOME RicHT = OF THE ISLAND So _/|GOINGD Get QUITE SIMPLE. I'LL MERELY | 5 ide om orta y and THIS DE SEQTED ISLAND Rest Ree + AN OCEAN-GOING a OCEAN-|*> “TELEGRAPH My MAN AND LET x i With Safety es LETS HEAR \| [LINEe CAN “TIE UP / [ SOING LiNéte HIM KNOW WHERE WE ARE , : Good brakes are a very essen- }} I v@ e/ ‘YoOvR PLANS \ ~~ , ef f ey) tial factor in the successful N » SIMPL a. | , operation of a car, so if you |} / \s RIGHT! | ihe can’t stop going try coming in, CS and have them made right A. M. HONEYWELL ie >} Or ‘" Phone 25 i : a MRS TIGL Se AS, OT : | Make You Great | f Tm eae Her Own Hat i Order Your Next New | a Suit From ati ani aie | MAC, THIS DESERT ov \ “| WHAT ARE THOSE rise ih | DON'T You TH ~ | ISLAND Deg an $30 HEAE TM | || te Ape THOSE é | ( Twos Banihal aes = | GOSH Tie. |[ DONT BE SILLY.\ KNOW pia ONSERFUL PL ACE SO HUNGRY | AROUND THE Cl es Pa THEM, MAC? YOU COULDA'T THAT | WAAT THE 3 lr te 4 Pers Cont STAND “THE as LeAcit “ES =X Xl aa ~ \ BAT ee FEATHERS THEYLL LOOK : post. ~ THOUGHT OF J , eer wie” SGEl2 5 Th T ‘ os ' OF IT : SWAGGE! IN MY _HAT bia ¢ : . Second Ave.—Opp. Post Office ° ! < Phone — 649 ‘ Y WIDE RANGE OF FINE ' 7 QUALITY WOOLLENS - i TO CHOOSE FROM r + We use best trimmings; high -- iy class workmanship; perfect : ¢ fit guaranteed. a LL SS LONE AS sat : ce Rs ; } 4 a : 4 e