1 1, ftti. HIE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER 'il.'JLl By George McManus III. I 1 7 IWM,, OD TTV J OK. TN Q-OUT I'M COIN" To-DO CreTrV 1 CM-L, ME. oO WV4T TO i, HOW W .v . r THE. I Mk; POltON M wiTw THAT .ERM tn. Thi Si CO vou V "tuu WITH THIS wlYfD 1 1 IV OjqT vTeq., KNOW? Af"'3Ci' i i - i - 1 1 c f" ,1 WATE65. OW! I C . MV II tVli I 1 i irv m a v. ' Sff ' Vhoi coohs demaixd or Sale Exhibitions Now Manifest h'l'M-. :, H- Accomplishment Instead of Daily News Classified Ads. Liiinber & $900.00 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leas than SOc 'I Possibilities as Formerly $1,500 , WANTED BOATS FOR HIRE LOST Shingles The lnHf Hnpert Kxhilnlioii whirh wn opened eerday tor WA.NTHII 1 rent funiUlied LAUNCH "Narbethony." Phone I JST Pnekelhnok eonlBlntnel lgltn Ig.nti Awricm Lint by Hun. A. . Mtmuw, ripewher of lite Provincial Home, mark hama nr flat fr ne nih of IHaek 490. tf. bankbiKik, Army disrliarfte and Lilt!) A.-nsr'can Line Ut nttlh fair in the: city. Hinre IGIS, when Ihe flr-l w (Meter and Sav-ember. Pt ..ne birth certificate. Kiixl'-r A new shipmr rt of Fir kiit:.i a.i American dfWBM t hr AiHtftAriam on Sixth Avenue by I lull. I'rir Klhn, Red tTI :i8. INVESTMENTS kindly relnrn to I. McRae, C Dimension and Shinglqs Lin. ihmm jthiI Minilr of Arrtrillr. thr rshllitia htf W AXTEII Oirt for -nerai;"LD MKV'ICii today the I.aad a. . Newton, IMffby Reward. has just arrived, bought Milter Typewriter Mftdtlr grown In mhI iniortanrp uh(H mw Uiey r fixture hosjaewwrfc. Appl) i.'ii lib or tlpportumly; good and PAINTING at the market's Off Safts. mrh jer wn! eeU which Are kinked (nrnn& to from eaon to Ava. Vai or pbnf ureeu table overnment: helnful and tn. tu friendly co-operation: health- PAINTING. Graining and Kal-fttl ml INSURANCE The I'rifiee llHpert KhhibilioM i iMt owif an event f I he and dry and warm climate. aominiog. Roofs tarred or Lowest Prices ettf. H to the (ratheri 4ac f the jxHe f Central and AIHWfflCK Wan'ed t.. team and sunshine all the time; wi stained. First class work. Kd. Ask for quotations. Mori hern II. O. re rrrnU-1 print trade. Apply Imily have open opportunities f.ir Wntlon. Phone Hi tf liiavn & Hanson IKa of all ptrta t and eelfflelal In eh year ainee Ine Now fiffice. tf aingte men i and women;' alo corut aiil hr wtMl Ikelr urttkbf f tel eihlWdnn he hnl (r WA.VTHII tlaawrat !errat. families who are Interested E. H. Shocldey rztz ) AfU. Third are dMlr. i'arhan (hi ene'effeat w la vNimale maN a4 Apply Mrs. Oade, :i rirst and ran make a small rash in. 'ruMSKTS made to order. Mr. P jc Rupert h nm H be tuttr JelaneiMt raM m( he fair la ty ana gtraat. tf vestmenl. For informal bin Director Phone Blue 283. tf Planing Mills. Lot time nra on il la ureljr 'ehMllinn aaore of a aa)e-arowinv. .-" wrtta British Continental F,-ploratlnii Prince Rupert, B. C 'aaaa than inntaer. la eiallittfcia - FOR SALE Company. Limited. I'raareaa t the val dllrtet Jwark, Ihe mmrfla reatiM mt Yorkshire Buildina. Yaneouvi r, ITHE BENEFIT iribuiarr ii tae eMr laj Mm aiM year a fair aannat he tanan B. C ii yearn ran well he wIkI hy a the atandaHi h Indira the -Ihe canccujiTiON oe erttnvc. p Community atMllly and nature of ihe ei. f Ike ntanarinenl af that GLOflMl nt'T HAIRDRESSINQ Msss is kmai tto Uut uw mr Silversldes Bros; uiaiia n be aern at ihe KMN- year. .Neearn. the work of i.imiK' uitntuivfifiivn v HTJWNKHH tl" HUMMrt tor In lion. nN year lo year thelthe aae yar baa Ua effeel on the eat waving, sbampootnff. Stege- mm ast nn r rrhr-tn ut and f i hanae may nM have aeeated neil and Ihe faeaaa)tar anawaa Sb) o Moneehold (kiodsv. teg. Hair Dyeing. Peatp treat- 'TZT'iXL iZ?'' aaitaaablo, Uat when one raw, jaf Ih4 or a year my have maat a annuity. Toupees Virj;, -ui The area lie Itl3 ehniti ath been hronirhl aannt Urpety ' MHOCHU and whys for g nllemrn and, i. u a iu rjtnt nam o IfttHlIE IN PRINCE the aa now ka n. re- 'thronga lh- wrh af the tnaiaah-aMriahie trans formaUoc. for tadie.'Z2X"V,,Z SrJTTu tuptnr advaneet both la the leei of the wrevtoua ana. Sot Third Amu. Swthabes made up from ladies' a r-i ht r t--r. W' liunatf aaty and In wat of thf Nar Mlaaed Saaaon. ww aombtng.. RKX BAnum'X XXT'r are eaanhalleaMr marled. tfta IVIB erh KthihMtan ha MOP JM Siith Street. Prinee raw i...t HUPPU STEEL WIRE Rupert. II. C Phone Blue auv-" t w.n trjji Time a Haa Changed. jahowed aleadv impmveanent an AND PAINT ROPCS In 1 9 1 S a mw, the nitxl of Ihe one iweeedin? H Inirimr nVa CLAXTOX 78. Cbaa. LeClerrq. If ojr, nmr tt p4ai tkr i I M eIlial 1 A IIM, ' - - - .of Tie 1-14 si u bmii mt V tlr Crrrt. (he itiatiiela were reureHied war, allliMHih there were many eras. r H. Ilk. . . V-- - B.llm.. mJt STORE tUT uy ethibll hut then Ihey were revere and pefde were ly LffT lit. beitMT Ol. AiMitJlM.fte4v thM lltllhMM from us mainly Irom maM tardea es. aad renrerfted In other matter. partian af taanstte. "PKRFBCr" Agency far Dieya-1' "rr. foimwia n PTH PARK STEAM . ; . soafSj bnswlary r ie rum to n Picture Framing. Moulds, perlmental 4et few and far lie. Ihe Northern II. i:. .riewlttrat UA TKHMK let. Hapaira ana part. !7 romw uvor aorta rinrmt 'URUACE COAL tweea at Iwdaled owlnls In lite and lndulrial AaxieialKni nr Write at ane, Vi.k .v"ma Mh V..I HkMiM' immmrf t H wKt rsw in in etc. We have a large asor. irinu.i tre- mtuot tfc ! r..rrr. f M.n.l Itulkley Valley, Queen Charlotte rfcl nn and oat nn Ha eihMtlat T. H. tetUsAawnii. MtM IS 7, Green 107. tf -j2 I1 mcnt to suit everybody. Ss.L . fui.1t terly bmmrtry ..f ih lelande. lleHa Ceitft. KMumha. without mtatnir a eaoa thnn. Raltasmury Ihmm I.msitad rrrara of Xistklfe frnrr, ilww iv rta Ipotl, Evitt & Co. am and lMkete alley. Xa- Itmea eondttinna were far trow Telkwa. B. C. lit AUTOMOBILES 1 vMrrtr l wtoraa iMl lk of Mid trbr MtBPk'aa tnutrtarr t Phone 22 P. 0. Box 120 (bene etlibM are from HKMlern riMMl hut narrfal and untiring HttLVO ua your armiaMar auee-ImtM, Rt'PKRT Motor Go, dealer- Tt-ie 2 ftSSim'T ari5 h tt Pottofflcc and ejlmlve I arm lhal have management aKy held Ihe at Now and ad nawpatl-or- Reo- Cars a. Troak,. Auto- STtXWJ& Out of town ordvrs. Samples fcioaatrt Inturanoe filled U Ilia fartlle and wht tentat km alive. Now II a mobile repairs. Tires, ae-,nj, at low prlaaa. Narthem mmsm anntttt)r tioar um rtam sent and quirk service. valleys. q IVIS one lowked nn haU whrre there l IHHe dan. sories and Ford parts alwaya..M"5!r.jr . - no f Hxcbanae. IM f eennd Avatwa, thr annatk of SBrnet lhe eihibM Mh wonder and rr f II aver rati la k hack fori Phaoa AM. tf in atoek. Commercial bodies. ctcea, mm swnr spearr aniaiement that ueh ftrodwee It ha heamite an inetttnlnm. . 1 1 fan onvmaary or Trrwuanrp mi. nvprn built for all purpose lIDtstMrt. thmce aurlb ahmr ih rat bors- 'uld be obUlaad. Now it ia Annual Olractora. ttm :ALK sttaMly damaRed rail us Rtve yon a price on yeur ttrrrot, ibeare i i.r taenona like dltferent far evoryboly ' kno The fntlowtUB l a llt of af news prtat. Mtlla ova IM ravine .v unnrt Sirrii .r TnmBrhin ). il and 11 to without an eihlbtlion what Ihe Mtreetoeatre and nffiriaU of the lb, weight, hen. IaHy New botsea. Corner Third and Ninth SM UM '1'ltM t1 lr S3 PAGIFIG CARTAGE !ust valley ran h. Then lh e- Northern II. C. Arrteultural Aa- Oflhse. Avenue. tf jfff irHre witn all I.Uixl. ivit tt.- hibition demtmslrated ilhll-utes. kooiatlon etnae II ineeolion: I(iial itf thr rr-inre .outl now II illutrale aeeoHt. IWI3 Weetdent. J. H. Mr- LAN It II anal ton IMstrtai. Ire TUITION mi mm IIM Mrslkl of nnu laiituaV and, I imite. V lalarxa tad all tar Ian4a ulMn Itliahment. Mullm; vtee nrechlenl. Ir. H K. and small tracts. Kasyuire Profeeeor and f lh DHinrt of "itrr. Phone 93. PRYCK, H. AUBREY ITriTSi Wm. (Irani Amaay, Hnaaltua. MMCaNatta. EaauiBalt. Vkfvna. First Kihlbltlon. Tremayue; lreaurer. K. A KIH; II. C. tf Teacher of Violin and Piano. A ,M lank sad South siaelca. 5" It II wa In 1911 that the North. earetary. L. Ihiltork Wehoier; limited lumber of pupils ac sea Tat HirSMtxi naatwtUUoa of tbl rrr Shan not from ern II. ('.. Agrtrullural and la. illrroior. A. J. I'rudhoutine. II. KNtlLISH Hahy Huffy for sale, cepted Phone Blue 283. .-liat,b la tntfi a aaul site aotm aiutat ot aacb rtwi csacraUuua sun bm tliey du trial AsMieialian. which for It. Nadon, A. H. Alllaan. L. Crtn- in good rondttton. ittfJX. StO In iwcbtMed for Mity ido dajn la tftr ' lry Ihe lal deade ha enaduaUdlpen and J. Irne McLaren Ftftti Avenue West. Pfeotie IN. SEWINQ irjiinn paper paMltbeil csswnsn or aamu(.rcwiaUar aan m la ear mi or J. H. MrMul. UW Lakl Hrrulratloa OuirKU at IB - "if wr Ihe lrinae Hu(ert ethmilkm. IBitPretasenl. had Ita inception. A handful tf lin; viee preatdent. A. J Prud. FOR SAl.ii- Rntih llaby buggy, GKNKRAL gewing 831 Third UTIU.rruwt aotiro or a. abalt:. la so 1 Jcl tb Gravel SI Naden; in H'mkI cndUhML Phone Avenue. Phone OH. maul v aemHMUea r CrL Imbued wilh n. It. 1 when neraHie riUsan, online; Ireasvrer. ntroiraiBi aa4 Itnral naa m tM rraro auk tha hlea of illuslratinir and ad. secretary, I.. HuHoek Wabster; Had UK-- if SUMMER RESORTS Klrr tuiinct. uaa4 by mut la ta lor Sale. Rule furnished fUk of Brlflah CataokMa Oairlt ua UM jvertiinff Uia atrtcuUual. inlurrat. dtreetor. I.. flrpen. M. -M. PIANO iood lithm 9o Mafto. tttt. vbtca mcrrs u (till la fore on application. (""n than w, cll? fJthlng, indualrUl. artUlie and Stephen, A. II. Allle. . I'rti- eah. or ftratton's FISHING BOATING BATHING. a. n. .vtpev. utilitarian arootiitlihmenla af ell, II. Hlreh, Aid. Tboma Me- flare. JIH Soend Tour weekend and sum Depatr MRiutae ol Lands. Canadian Nortliern and Onlral It. C, yl Clynmnt and A liter man Marriey. mer holidays at Lakefse Camp Dtrartmrat VHrt. a.r C.Laada, toretbrr and launched Ihe nr4. & pre1dent. A. J. Prud- DnilSSMAKINO and Udica' Tal. rite -ati. Porraee. U. 0. tf Jiajr iita. tttt. Kindling an. Laundry i After month of vlrenuoua homme; tce peehient, A. II. lorlng. Asia Trading Co. tf MUSIO IHE S VaU 1T T ACT. Vrk. mol f II unrewardid in Allison; treasurer, M. M. Stephen: IV THE KATtTK or Tl 11T T limited FOR RENT moot era i iurreu. akai PT We aaiu tin. a a monflary cnr. Ihe enlrrprUe seeretary. K. Wright; "HOW wc feal- wuat wa knu-. 1 . rMee Rupert mii iuhed lliroutih In (nnl direetnr. (ieorye I'riitell, tl. V. Thi i the .utile which Muiia Xaalrs U Ikwvfeir tors Uul TICKS supply "f Kindling for Win RENT Singer sewing a. LUT T rtM-CTS IJNITKB oT rnoa and Ihe flraf atiitbilion Niekrrson. L. Urippen. I. MrH. la solve." -UtmwninK. . lmin-'li;!' drliMM-y. uaeeea eh lues, by week or month. Jusl eaaays Mfeei. a c. a a4Ju.tfl bakrus4 ami ,wo om-iiI on Hruemter tt In Hunter. (). II. Nlon. AM. A. W. U. C. Bailey. Tnaeher, Si 7 8th a narrivtst orurr aaaar m fa. r 1 phone Walker's Music Siare. tf aayr nam ua ia ina a of Auruat, T Ihe Auditorium. Or eat was the, Kdge and Aid. Thoa. Mrtiymonl. enuf Weal. Telephaua rM'.uf2w"M AND enthuataim and celebration ainl IVIB IVestdent. A. J. Prud- KLIINISHKH Itedroom to rent. Green 197. lawetlns HwUes T 1 i furtbiT rwlibir. rim la tmr Hut. Uar FUI tint -wioaa exery Ulr alnee ha prien honutie: viee nreeklenl. 1. ! Ceo tea I Green III. Sta IWHi tw hrki :u inr aW T Mar. b-irw TOM LEE CO. FOR YOUR NKXT DANUR or ecv. I a ail. Cosrkrr 1-niMataaM. reeoral & iuaiMihl IILa tin. fteal otir. Friiiell; aecretary, V. . Wrtuht; Prlnrr Hnpert. B 1: . am the till SMALL prince llHpcrt'a Kreale! event of lreaurer, M. M. Stephen: director, Fl'llNIKHRU IUM.Mb for rent. cial exenl. l'ryee irp.io.iia aw r sasnnih.r at t to p.m. 810 Second Avenue, Wett 7SJ Fulton Street. S8 Orchestra. Phone Blue 283. ttJj I JTSTT i" 'awur Ma0; Ibe year I lie lime wuen sue A. W. rMge, l. tl. Klewart. l- Mn iniaiiiai 1 aBsasaanrs- tlMiaavaJkX Is bi4. entertained btr vUiliir and Ihe O. It. Naden. Itev. V. K. ddliaon. aanaatTa MIRRORS I raskkM . br nwl al ilBf SWIt VEGETABLES Hnnth dlr.H-l(M . A. W. Bibjm, II. I.ip-etl. mm bin. nk aa ir aWrrki Wholesale and ReUII hute of ireueral reunion wIkhi W. P. Lynch. Aid. It. J. I. cr; Aae rartart utr m.11.1 taai ir mi bvo Pi . '''''ipifv every eron present said "Imk and Aid. V. tl. Ilarrie. A. Hrooksbank, J. D. Mo-Auley, MIHHORg made or reaftverfd. aai rUiat annul in. ifctno fnr mra ymt Ceneral Contractora and what we have done. Il7-Prelde4il. tleorK J. Daid Thoniun. (lenrtre I Btoomfield. 117 Fifth Avenue m,TU SSST. Labor Eichange r , Ami.. .. Usually Successful. Krinrll; vlra prel4ent. A. W. W. Kerr, Hen getf. AM. W. ti. K.asl Plumes Bine 337, Oreeit,e h .ii. ..f nr. i4ir. tor rrwa aat Htm, Muswi 1'rlnoe Huiert etUlbilloii have KUe: eeretary.treaurer. I. '.. Ilarrie and AM. II. IL Hixlieslwr. 401. i.aa-i r 1 i.f wik al of th askt At. Prince Rupert, B.O. ai Mt tieen fluanclal successes each Sluarl; ilireeior. Itev. V. K. IlltO PrnahlenL L A. Ilryani; FURNITURE REPAIRS 'il atMar r.ni.ll.l'- ut-aiiLXif l tor pnxvotla lawtiaM Mintir.i.r lb Phone 547 P.O. Boi 7I year wlllt but one exaciiltou. lhal Colluon, U. U Culliu;. W. J. viee pri'mh-nl, G. II. Munro; tbjtai . K.unK r.-rm naiy. lu tb -UlBaf ul kwra I list. Ubmi h belnv in IVI9 when eoiifroiiled K irk pn trick. I. Mcli. Muiilcr. M. serrelary-l'asurer, 1). Mill. DON'T RUIN yonr KuniUura for nvw al i-riarr aupavi. a c. taw ! tM. with hea7 etfietidlluree for llil-lroviiiriiU M. Htephews, Hen Helf. Aid. It J. Hunter. d"'e'lor, lieu gclf, A. want of proper repair. Polish eab 4i uf s.-i'iritbr'.oKni. n.'Bii isti PW .' . St-r, S71 and deluding fr I. Hmlth and Aid. Thoa. Mc.Mee-kln. t a';1 1 -' -1 1 . Martin O'Reilly. Geo. inn. Crating. It. II. Jleinminga Hthrli1 Triolir Oar pbona vumbar u A f BaaapfQl .'1'" Hr'l..f ba H I' nw aun II. 8. Wallaee, K R. changed. D. Tile, J-J male the evenl fin wftalhcr tn a (late llulsen'a Bay Co. t3, btrU uees, all three dnya of,the e. uMPreldenl, A. V. Kde; Tabrunt. W. K. Theutpson. Aid. Third Aiuue. l'huue BUVk: LAND ACT. 021 ihlblllun imved Iha worst jmisI- viee president. Itev. W. K tl-llsoit; J. W. Currie and Aid. Geo. W LING, TAILOR gHONGWILL CIS, Greeu 17 1. . , LCAIC I A.ltl. 1 and Are. ble from a wealher lant1i"ni secrelary.reaur'r. I. C,. Kerr. la naat t. Cesat Land tHatrlrt bareeit. It lipeli. 1021 Prin.id'til. George II. artTMisiiiTD it M.iri.,. . ..r itioi-- Aiipfri t4 tiluai i ausinji all game t he canrel- Rtuarl: ttirector. na.inwnai,ii ,, , ! mI and Iho fair run mtn a J' Th.mia M.-Merkln. V H M Him Muni ' vn-e preideul. II. Pat. njt"k Vj-piSS2 ... ..... KMFATOX TE.MtOOs!8. ... u.ir Y mson. aei-ri'tary treaaurrr. I. TKr 309 UOITANDCDtTLE- -I'vaMva J l. ucn pm. tut Careful ami er sicAUiay. MT I"tin.,nd tnt.nagemeni in 1B' dnwtvrr F Vcnablcs Aid, R J D fmilh M Ii. Ilnr-f dir.-rtv.irs. h t gf"nd Avenue, MdBKVnriB it I He f. ;:-lo al piKI di rnbmA tlmui Un. XLTSTAllOfi Ditu it, Ornrge Bryan, W F (U)'IKKU 101a Is, itoine.maue v.j tumiulknm, tnwu ia--t rrr Oaunaimaa Sir-.... lt ami Hie and Aid. II H R ; " ,,x ft m ":iuglii a gfiud surplus - T SilM-rslJ.-s, g 1 lr-nit enkea ami nitat Mrhnn t aaira anria, luanvti caaiu -i. mian srrwifsf Ni",u"IW.t ars-iattnna b-k nsain sh'W ttflV- pi-rsidont t Perry Thniupsna 9 rniina aouia, infawt v .miw. iia alii l Mcl Hunter Parker II A Iti-ek, John MrRae Mowbray porr plea. Boanl by ta.t. 4 cuauiatng srrt. ar,"f, rM-i t 414 . rd flfurra nn Iha right preahleitl 1 il .v .v.il' iiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaBBiBBaiBaBaasaMa.'- ' Tlie nervlee of nit ImnriN amtlaeere'