SPP i tf log! For Prompt (SP.ceR"'rved for TAXI 99 (Transfer Service Phone PRINCE RUPERT LimooMncs and 7 rasacnger honc 580 SPECIAL EXHIBITION EDITION Toarlng Cart I'lllNCtt lU'l'KHT. H, (, WKDNBMf'AY. HKITKMIJtill 14. 1U2I. t.ri c.r..i.i. mm. UM lM Mi pmr.r, wr. cfntm fair Is The Great Attraction Today iTlNN FEIN ACCEPTS INVITATION TO CONFER ON PEACE FDONT ELEVATION OF PRINCE RUPERT NEW STATION. Ereann Approve Sending of ARBUCKLE IS Plenipotentiaries to Inverness i I CHARGED MANSLAUGHTER WITH and Nominate 5 Irish Leaders , MAX FltA.MISCO. irp. tl. -An indirlmrnl rliarglnR Homo Ar. buekl Willi inantauirtiti-r in run-nation Ti.. .ppoinlmenl of plenideiiliarie to Pfil AMT7I DCflT villi the death of Virginia . . with ltrttih representative to di- Itapi -aa rrturnrd by the rixinly ,..r..ved by had Kircmafi at today" nn. Brand jury. The iiianclauxhtr AND ELECTION rbarge will hae no rfln t on the i ,..r..l th IUII moke Ihe annouHcemeMl murder rhargr now pending In the "In flew of a .-is Km ttMH fHHll I H.n-ar" for Hi' bu s ing I' aham of M H ilt ennimrni'r ork julirr courL .. rutHhre f Ibe llriUHi (liirrHiiiPut" A warrant for Arbuckle'n arrevt Unln!t Member Rfluraa to City 4minvl'3eiy hur Mrifl tli. Mkhl GuHis. Hubert Itar-,m,.i on the inannlaugliter charxe will But Noncommittal Forth tiavfn loUTy. I on be lued on Friday. iifNirge Comln? Con 1 1 it. -, ii trm appointee ffi' nt t g lflf- : Better Exhibition . nsiUliaxt, tml U "Terry pfrWe Begw- ' If Ibe iini'.nioi tia any TONIQMT AT DR. HALL GOES . .v nul fulluw the receipt by the Premier f"' ilir rriait.lnir of Blmna THE EXHIBITION I'f'-AMrwl Mnkllliutir yet, gtving ieriin out in aiiiHrtitveeirvnt tliee Ik fnHhmuiinl are ifcH. ': Clilldrrn'a urwW thf FaiM-y Uirrlkt Imim-Ius wf : Than Ever Before i FREE OF CHARGE IN NOT to Oie Urn f action I hey w Mr. II. O. $trm. ': CLEVELAND CREEFS lake. Otl C, W Pee. Ihe pc-- Thurtitu Staged This Year Effort of Anti-Spy League In Vlc-j ajut'ootkaU. India an) 'rnimTTir ktinin (.1 Is luiir. t0::O torla la Pruatratad. U ON NEW YORK. CANDIDATE- AMERICAN LEAOUE ally R1nat4MM. can liava tb rt Uania.j ! DWHtpaJH If hr waul it. r. t:3 Kfii, .V,Vroptnrr IV-' ttirl lly lt nialtt af. fllBllU tlie iiiZl eihiLilMHi i cliaraHeriinl Dy a grraler apparanre OUILTY OF NO CRIME XWV YOKK. tntt. lor an alumx of Miit monlria, J:V aKMw-r'NII CimI f pt-rraaHein-e than lio- erer accompauied an exhihiliun hi Hie ., lcct Parmanant Po- l(lhl of FfMt Chiam Harry WlH llmn--rr Jurlair wblrli.Umr h Ultnl fir N. II. A. aa-i I. lMit. Thl 1 HOtir-atle holh imlde and HiUule the exhibition VIi.ToniA. ApL II. The mm i InUrnatlonal Court KHrUihI la (NHnmaiuJ of Itio Ilia. .MwrialtoNii; fMaarr, !! latH llulh'a IUurJt boU. 0 the tfKle eonimerrJal Uwlh hate been erected, aiid:falnt Police (inimllanerji Hr. f Jutk. lev t: najMan Hiflr IVatti II iin of liaNoifa v. -St jrantortlar. lillUna; t and .hired .a h.a been done Ih... wRI in future I It bad brrti rtpoflrO thai mi fUilllr. ,;jXe Rifled i h lMtmr. a inajf and annnmcinrtH rrxartliHt thr i-00 pan. ln Han Crrl. Ih preTM.ua jear. pre.enU Ihe llrt allempt at a , orralion of Chine, !llerle. ia rjfo- ln fmir run. MI 4HlH WnttM hate hrn load" Friday. "midw-ar" for dehow ncesion!. Thee are now lorated in wa dimied in the County Court New Ynrk'n ilf fral ...i. .f Na- (Hir4aiMl'ii raw Ifl IU im M rrUtrn bol Ihla ! rU a Orand Carnual laur. a perowiimil h1 dxtrenient ioition at Ihe rear of the building. yesterday. AtMfiran laau ra. 0wllr blr dlad fr a frw A far a exhibit are rnterne-d, Ihelr range l wider than The charge wa brought by a .i a'Klhlal memlr of Hie Anli-iuiy league Wilms Nrw Yrk ImI tat of .ImUtal ttfl f mallrm wlirn err. KIBJiHlor ia inereape in number noted lormed to flghl the law aid order amlln unlad fitr po4nt. 'poto by a Nrw rrtrprnlalu bave iaemaretl their eftlrtr rlemer.l of the Ilefore the y and Ihe nualilv I. Inflnilelr bet. City. .. awt Haat IMPORTER IS linanv new neMe nave wnr r-Mirk irh an leial Ibe named Tiedale, who man tHira; mi i4i la Mm NalHiRal - on Ibe table. Lveliek ler. The Xaa Itiver exhibit If M V Olad to Be Home. are MMnelhing new and ihdieale laid Hie eoniplalnL wa htiniMfir lanr. tbrir rvitlhf have nevrr been Ih .lid ini:ry iiuir( ni HttriMh Columbia i Ibe be! weaUh in UmI elion that is arrelrd for leading boy into Im-nol Iton iar iwt rHansnl AT ESQUIMAU tl ji ll llial inighl have been itvlnr la I be w-rlrf ami Ihe cenerally known. .iorality. J ltr VcvUr either in quality or drsnfd i i-n of I I alimad h more I exhibition' The out of charge . m IHOre m i'lr tiui iln year there i Kvery fealure of lite eae aroe a i U IL" aW OJ Peek bmtwh- 'ip;a thl year i more elaborate than Lrought by -Ihe police coiuuii- i I si ale. l ff on l aaxitker liipie. "Ttia Arrived at Victoria YeeUrday With ever in the pal and already it Hner against LharlM no. a tfii- nt lh Mltr off and they a Sl Degree Llat and ' who i to t4 are WIFE GOES promiee to be jo oullaHding ne.e merchant, alleged f ...vrrn MACKENZIE KING IS lure i nor etilenlei here man Crew Aboard. j uce. Certainly each . and.hae paid one of Ihe eoiiiniUoion. j -i apiraa- anjWf t4. I aw flad to be everv perNi who ha in the'er a um or money to. gel hi In- , OFFERED NOMINATION VltriORIA. epl- I t.-Fmieriins TO HIS AID pat had anything lo do with the llurmee with the ehlcf or pWice lo i NVbeai ia Imbm Cal. I'eek Iftmn ihe fogbound rarinc. tnei NiMlbem.lt. U. Agricultural A, allow lolterie to run. I In wa J !AL SUICIDED SECOND CONSTITUENCY had luneh wtth lion.' t. U. Vat-iriaivadian Inirter. one niu up ..-i-.i. ami il affair may feel arrelrl and Ihe money turned .til. aaaiaalavl ilf for hL with a iletre lint. I itaMk-iiiMaait proud oi the I9ZI exiiiDiiuin ana,over n ine pouee. l-rior io iue i IER KILLING POLICE UITAW A. Mrpl. II. I'laiw for In ltd. H. J. Cntwe. fe.teral mem- ideAanllr liiHpnl inl lwt iler- Mrs.for Arbuchle San Franclaco Leave ToiJay to 1 1'. arrvnt nroaire ami growth arrettrd and Ibe imnry turned uitdauall' mt i'. II. day wtlh ber erew Urr tor llurwrtl, F. Wad. that it uianur! einee in- oe- i-rn anowi-a i open in uruer io Ibe furl In omnia lis lnm ram- Help Roacoe. tl. witi HtiliaN'd by ilii- Na-UuhaI C. afc-ervt bhI Hlr AH bur i;wrrle.lltHtibert IUI at ineir 01 ginuing Mte ten yearn ago. inakc a Iran up and a a pari of -tUrvr (aian "Mr. Wade t dB nral work." duly. Great Variety. the chain of evidence against Io. - rum. 14-Mrs. I.ilieral tiriianiialion be derlarwl. "lie l Ihe bent Captain IHell naul Ihe rau-ei NEW YORK. 8epL There deparl- are mi many anltlM. all left Ieieaale rvurenlioK Arbuckle ' Willi aKent-ttetieral Ihe pn.vtfM-e ever or Ihe leak will not be delluilely Roacoe menlii or Ihe llxhibilion lhal 4'I II 1 f bttn th" prvliee wade a eareful ur- had iu IndtHi. lie nMiiarlrd drtertHlned until Ibe rvet I do New York today for San Fran-cleco might lie deerritied Ibal II I a WOMAN LABOR of the awl will rep! huaband if imnM-vy ihmIIhhi to help her eieellewre . beoJally td me f Ihe docked. lirrieull matter to do julic' lo it ur-llo llie Mberai party. although aha haa of "lletoureo. Velon tiyey a poaalble, them all. Many or them lhal MaelMHUl KIh. who ban leeii waRMine. He aul H wo the been erparated from him for I ban LEADER CHOSEN ha brtt OTTAWA WILL DEFEND will receive hi lie more aareed York, tMwinalrl In North hI thltiif he reeeivel of It five yearv They had ikinir on-iil urn are worthy ot iRE akel In ran alo in I'rtoee ahe ald, but remained he to diagree, and ARRESTED, County. I'riiwe IVlward lUml. kind from the provuiee RIGHT OF TAXATION friend. She will be note. There are a great number ute tl widely." or interesting thing lo be Miss Kersten Hasselgren Holds InLLUDING POLICE Not Talking Politic. OTTAWA, Sept. It. The announced In 'Frlaco early In the week eeji at Agricultural Hall this First Seat In Swedish Par)la- . NO HALF HOLIDAY. OoL Peek reached liana 4 on action of the llritih and will at once get buay on week and a lot or attraction. menu f 1 31 li K.ur Auguet X ami inre lhat lime Ciritotiliia tioverninent for a dec the case. tielde edueatwiyal and advertising "Imm- of, P.liMliNTflN. Npt. II. - ITio ba Aill"d Mimtreal. tlilawa and laration that Ihe I Mil in ton rov- MINER KILLED. feature. STOCKHOLM. Sept. 13. Miti, r beeiijiiMTrhanU and lore elerk are Winnipeg alo going fw a two ermiHMit "hall not impo dutle In Ihe aarieullurnl eelb)-. Ihe Kirslrn Heelgren, the labor It a - "d n mI.iovIiiu lo tin away with the tlty fwhlng trip lo Ihe Mplgon on lipior imported into Ibe pro-vine, INCIIOHAilK. Alaka. Mepl. ft exhibit ot F. W. nobler o"leader, wa elected al (iolhen. ti i rrivn weekly hair holiday in thl etty fr l.al. He aw Premier Melghen will be defeniled by the KlluiiikaliiiH. uland out. I hi first member ilf jiM,.pb A. lubiHr. one the f o . I. 1 burg a pf Ihe I the w inter month. oulyj ffr a few mtnule elnoe hi miitiinlott goveranpenU mine owner Ilf the pasneer iiipoer oi me ehallllM,P f ihrSwedlh Parlia. l.nUoii Mech a,wl ll,'r 1,1(1 The llrlllh tduuiia atate- Im1 known .ere agam Ibi vear wllh a Dig- t(J Wllliiw Creek dinlriet. ba b-en M( i wuiun not talk of x)lllie. inenl oi claim ha Ihm reeeivel ger exbibii tan ever u - . n.,t. to Vle-lurla kilh-d In a rave-in. ; .I ., IIU. 1 - - fcigAf Rates Reduction tkl. Peek eiel Ui go here. Iliueil superior oh, .muhj neil week in emieelitn exhibitor have contributed in a or the Present Until Wages with Iiik he regimental Klileenlh affair tanadlaR regard-Scot-tih. Fight Over Right to Tax Any smaller Fancy way.work i atlrarting a lot BAXTER MEIGHEN TO ENTER CABINET "f-fU'i-r' he being eommnndiug ilf at lent hki There i some or Ihe reoricaiitiing uiiil-He Province really uplendkt work whleh has Has Investigation Reported Imported by will be gone only n few day Liquor Involved litmr. or time. Photography FllKliKHlCKIU.'f. N. .. epL FTAWV and will then return to Prince ha a larger number or It. Hon. J. It. Ilaxter, formerly fr.gi,, H i1 M -There will lo no general rcdiu llon or lluoort. ' . Commenced by Attorney. General rnli-i. tln year. The eul attorney gciu ral of New llrUnsV 'V l irNeiit. In Iho jiidgmont or Uirvell mid Ilower seel mil i a Wood otvu. In1 wick and now leader of the opposition the h'Urbold line there are in the Legilalure Ua "' h'liverwJ tli inorning. they reonwiu'iid U. S. JUDGE ON viiminit ...,i it Vrtiun ha been iiulitiittnl in tho poKsibiy 104 many rulrie a accepted an Invitation to enter ten per eeiiL nxeepl in eiue wliere rolee K.rheiiucr Court for the ilet-laratioii that the Uymlnion ll(Jern there have been in some fair the recount rutted cabinet of a Iu I he rae of llvetok aiwl grain liquor imported by the of the oast but there is some Premier Mtighen. it i undere ' Tin INTERNATIONAL incut has not tho right tu imie a duly on v hi.ii rtffioniiiieiid 26 per cent, rrduflnui excellent production uf the sioou. of HrilUh Columbia, Furri announces. i province household ethlbil. i ,(r ruliML on i11 thr The refusal of lha customs olllcial V releasoji himeil o Indian Section, ENQAQEMENT ANNOUNCED fliiiiulioiicr McLean, ltulliorfortl and JUSTICE COURT Seolch bought nd patil for in Kngland o a test form the liasl ror i The Indian geclion is a al- In Thnr majority ruling U: "Nu Immwhal tho present action. The rae i. to be taken tu the t'rivy uiuiieii(way a eenler Of altrarllon. The Mr and Mr Jdui A MrUn-agUen. ii. I'tiud handiwork oi tne uaute i ie-lured S70 Albcna Mi reel. Vau- i.FNFVA Keil It John lUa- if iiereary. Furri snid. -i.'lal LEAOUE. n it- 'he engage- fCOTTISH and it I an elpratlou uvfr ann'-Hiire wii M ire f the l'lilirl Hale Only two provincra, Quebeii and Hriti-h liulumbia. ore im i.-ir 1'ha artioul exhibit are not mtn f ibeir daughler Myrllr l.I.ASdoU Fppl It T' Ii. It APimayn, tiy oi iiortlng the Attorney llencral derlareil. '"Tlie Doniluiiiii .,,,- , IU utt lhat vicHiria lo Mr II I Mldforlh Hke ft iled day Kuinr were a low span,, .tuylurW.aof raiH, J,,,, Ihnii lujr prulU. lak Ue Puey uut or thesu choo ha leeii opened owl mof Winnipeg, Thr marriage will ' 'Im- i vilr M ithrrwell 0 Miav lir-n HC'.ni , . , I .a lw,mi.imi. wovk. take pUm " fteplcptber tin- iMufualiumil court uf jUilW- ior cpvuuuum uitwuuvu ' -v"...-. I BBBBBBMsb.. tit Mini'u, I llibruiaur I jpruviucvs a