PAOR SIX THE DAILY NEWS Greatest Sports Program Hello Rupert! Ever Presented in City ysfv en r rm sZ?y crm c-v trsnerrt m - THE PLAN w w in mm a m wa mm w a mm n a iiv a r ir i rnrn r-s. t a Being Offered This' Week Duy a 25c bos of Annifia. r GET THIS FOR ASPIRIN l I TABLETS r.. m IfcN 1 SA L The Fair proa-rum lhi week otters la players nml f at the reKiiit price Fair Week ".port fe:it" the I iKe of which wn never before presented in lh- of i! a I nlv. The nort cnanniilli e of the Pair HimmI ha hail one of the 'iwt yea wit rt sMtker Inn- for I rent fr At Sixth Street Store li-(rrt iiftnVrli'kin; in connection with the tafiitr oi the; Only third package of kr. t foe 2 Every exhibition. nnt for I Up .". (hat linn l.een plaid l their dinol tea dlsptaved In our window they have formulated ;i rnnl that indeed, line them crc 1st nl 3 contains a fountain pen. which should prove a motiey-mnkrr. ( Sale - Thursday, Friday and I'mli-ildy the main feature of the many different one i the Saturday The part petting moat Northern It. C. elimination batelmll series in which Anym, Prm. fountain pens during the lipors-p nmt Prince Hnpert are lot SEPTEMBER 17 .... -1 I . H 1 U.- 15, 16, n Iitii. i ii m iiii week takes home our $25.00 ANYOX PLAYERS become tense ami there i -no. Carola Griphophone. doubt hut thai Ike attendance This ONE CENT SALE was originated by the United Drug Company foe the Reiall Drug 8 tors s. The UslUd D are the largest manufacturer and Buyers of Toilet Articles, Remedies, Chocolates, Perfumes, Rubksr at the various a-ae wttl smash Oetxtt. luu Regular price of tea, 3 record. Thin afternoon Prince ARE IN CITY Drug Sundries In the world, and this Is an advsrtlilng plan pura and simple, of which they bear most of the sisss i lluprrt and Anym rr tnkina; of spending money In the regular way, such as Free Samples, ele It Is their deelra that we place full sits strt lbs. for $1.70. part in the firm ate. On Fri article, In your hands, giving you an opportunity lo Judge the rsul value of these goods, ths eoti w ",t " day Prince i.porjre will ntay ihe Prince Rupert and Smelter Boys. charge ta advartlslng. winner and n Saturday there Hi Start Northern B, C. Championship We wilt only be permitted to run this sale occasionally. Dewara of Imitation In other stores, and tats Mimua at to he a double h Series Today. I otceptlonat opportunity. We cannot afford to charge oe deliver gcode during this sal. Com In and sas uTv alt New Merchandise. M"4I' Fuller's Second in invent!ance ami Grocery ireneral inlrrt come the finals Ttils afternoon at 3 o'clock1 in the Kshit.itlon football ?erien the Prince llupert and -Auyox1 hetwecn the Hone of I'.an ad ami haoelmll fnam take the fold FOR YOUR for the fsl ttme In Ihe elimination HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES TOILET i tin Callie. This wili he playr! ARTICLES t.-morrow afternoon and all taaof- series for the champi..n-hip TEETH & MOUTH Lull enlhuinl will he mat 1 of .Vorlhern II. C C0o TUDC KLENZO TOOTH' EVERYONE IS GUARANTEED FOR YObrt FOR rival The Anjrtu I cam. fteenmpanirci PXSTC $1:S Pottls Retail Gaef Iron and WE ARE AGENTS cc then all p!on pee. DRESSING TABLE this hy twraty or thlHy supporter, Win. Th old reliable tonlo form for the law! tinip year The one that glvsa your mouth who wHt he headed Ihe and builder, 2 for S1.26. on Aemp-' that cocl, elsan whitens in trophy play. felng, Creams, SSo Jsr PsreiUs Regal Shoe oils uroand this aHernoon by ths ne hot Retail Hronrhial ahre. Crui Indian Games. teeth, prevents decay Is gcod for the sktn 2 fp tU H. S. Munro. 2 for . . 61o Thrpp Indian ban'ball I cam jreweral manaireri and eweetens the breath, 2 ine buttle for men of the eompany, who arri.d' foe 61 ihe not Retail Rartaollr Snrr. Aai.j nJ Ihree fiwiihaM :irc en. o. t:reaas, t fseM from Vancouver today, came in 1 lSo lahe Pearl Pale, 2 2 foV 2ftc Icred for Ihe native zanves tla Jar Heiall on the CamosuM yeslerday after- 1 Sn hs Hetall KinWy Pvtrs, 2 t 1 Georgina Shoe These are lo be played in Ihe? for. 3 Co for 71c momma when the ground are noon. They have a elrong lin.--1 XaV KIpmio tooth llruhe 2 foe 81c 7S bottle Alntaad I for ladies free. Tin- Fjihihiti..n eia-ion p ami are eonfWent that thry tar 36c 9r ai Hikers Hamkstr fn 2 for ... Ik I lia prlip nt. for bntlt will win. Tha players. numU r fac Klenio Tooth linmhe. 2 l.rrer and llnseeta, 2 fee 23o ipay'i in? twelve, follow I A MJMi tisMtse rwnlaHima 100 are as n-.: for B1o t-am Hurlhut Shoe erip. The art 2 for Mi 1 1 row n. short ebtfi and Psptona Tablets. If you have PriMii K tkatla. Port Snnp4.n am) manaspr. Ce hleni- l.Nivii Ilrttshes, ,2 M laka,.).. as. K Jtmmia Fergn.iHt, II. FttHiatrick foe 01e HmM Iire4 run ifnwn. thin for children Kitimant Port Kiina"n. Kit 2 foe r and Maml Peellnir. try then. 2 Fete tiraudsen. pitchers :, umkalum and Port Simpson ana ) i4 t Frank Mealier, third base: lark foe 11.01 All these shoes ari hijrh are lo In represented al tphall. STATIONERY fee . .. Hi aa boa Hesall lytept Tab. eaontl bae: , Oody, Harry Th lh tea SB hntlta Vi dn .v addition lo 11 In and 75c Coie Marisnlqus Papar and - (rrndo Ml 2 foe B1c fhl H. ley, bae; Kirk, (i ilrc.-if Hires t!ur M In a l profrram Envelopes of special ausllty, Orenaa, .. I fee M4 aMna" leftt snWaaUMI Ha"afffMI NlM MtHVij welt. 4. Hhrman and Marr The- will Be hntlW Ross MADE IN CANADA of children's rare. t foe 71c 2 foe 61o i"inl. In the rapahte Downs,masaN. oatflahters: iMoley i ii anc sn Vmiia Paper and Eav 3e Bsnile eViipiratlaa I intaseril Uveaea .. t ft? ttt ri li,nd .f I'.hief Viehcr vpUj. s 2 foe It 2 foe Mo Talsum Podsrs. 7tc Jsr fj is i The Prtnee Rupert team meet Oood Work of Committee. aa, bits jhsara I'spef and fan Talcum, Ths ftvcelte -ft ae hH l.ativp ld Tinsels. TheRiyalShoeStore in? thesn Is to be rho-wu Tr.. of where, la Mts r fttsk 1 Ilip 'fiiinitler in PiiaiRc vnjnpes. vtvth dainty 4urest vrMh AMrm 2 foe tea Ihe players, K fatlowiag Nsit to, Wallace's thio niontir proirraiii r. nirl. kaardera 2 roe He ft on aoti:.' Metall lo.tir for fae 7Cc. 11 (icorire Ilrranl rhairinan . Hen Itoaohae. catcher and rsp' nt a& aeaoHeil Mie Pfer and idtiktw. 2 foe 11 01 Mm Hat ' usru. I Hrlf, John MpRsp, W. K. I li.mip- (ieorKe Cairkle, catcher; Jonuii. Nl!Vrbaes . .2 foe 34 Co Oottl Rikeea Syrup of Tar foe . 8hakepcara ami C C. Cteioni 91 tiswjav : a. i fsr 3C .oii and ilanlp Parker lo lies lae I.In an Wnliac Pad. Note and Cod Liver OH A real Scif mut be a-iven petal on. plleliem; ls, fi si site. .. - 2 for 1o ranvcaly foe Ooucht and Oold. fa BarBb I tion for (hp accpssnil iretiMa base; .n Kaoa. second !.) Ma lJmn WilM Pad. Prin- 2 for 1 far ... - St. Louis Baths toffelhcr of thp Northern It. If Warrle Anderson, shorf i ' aaes sti - .. 2 foe M Sir lube iteisll tlsrrh Jelly 2 IB 8111 Violet I tU Mo .Vrntirs. third base; Hugn foe ... baseball i linmpioiihip eonleatl la I.I nan Wrltlnir I'aJs. I.Hiec foe 34 THJrtf Stanus ieott. rmiler (Virbler. Tom M- 6 Hseiial Nam t tenMiiBel of 2 foe 4to I'hc gpucral siia rs. ' r i. i !. a-Miie Heiall Ill-mJ Purifier. Tits main p-Si-lW Barter Samp Ihe aommitlee has heen repn loney, (ieorKe Misw and Hot ISf pi. I.lnen F.flvehipcs, 2 fee . 2 far tt.01 f.e I k ritj. ( .ir niaiura Hardy, iMjtfielVri- M ll.fay Taleswn iM. lb all riH-Vm nnra9-tunt. siWe for thp ffpttinft up "f , VT 1 lie Ini lt tail Stomach sml fnrlixilnr Htctrlta4 Mala, splendid program an! Will The Prince Oeofge (pani wi'ii lies kR. Rtjelness KflVeloSMta, 2 l.lver Pill . 2 far tCo for Cllssara. ppft'lal allpnti..!. t1"H a Kood deleeatHin or titn a.n' Sir liiryl' pai. Tai f tc Clilldrm'a Hair ruliiur i- urp lt ' I'cpssiiii rarryma foe . 11o Psptonlicd Iron Tonic with Cod atlta" oar tuolto. out. i arrive tomorrow ntbi to at 15c. battles Ink 2 for 1Co Uvcr C i tract, I a tasteless 'part in the finals o Friday u" t lalie Photo 2 for lie UN fjie Cod Llvsr Oil with Iron. A TOILET WATERS II. A. DuHamel Saturday afternoon good tonic, 2 for 11.01. rka 4 42S TOILET SOAfJ lie bottle Mr sail Uim fclvet.l. AND PERFUMES 60o Cakes Odorktst Bath Soap 2 for 2 Rom, Verbena, Lettuce and ?&e ha M- vall Healinn Halve. 91.00 Botlls Lllse Lotion A re BATHING POOL, empire stake at 26o '' j Almond, 2 cake for 1o. 2 for - frsshlnp and soelhlna SYRACUSE YESTERDAY lie rakp Rexall I't-Hc) Soap, 2 in jar of Muiaid olnttnent, 2 far aftee shsts r btth t fa - 1 foe ... 16 foe ... . 41 11.01. LITTLE'S TIip ranlines of the bathimri. wk ll akf l'W ir wa-.a . at aA4n Pil j 3ft eake Savon a I Hoe, 2 foe bo l.asative Itroeteklp of IBc lestHe FbVd- aitire i in summer tune me suit-' for ... 36o Oninine Tablets 2 for 2 to foe 7 the satirist and Ihe pro. iur uie empire rinse s fl.M aoltle Irua and lUacara ic-t fr 3a cake San a laloMle. 2 IBc mmU Frenct. News Agency fpssiona! ioki l-r. llPrp In Prince 'frayworiiiy. jr -' for .. 3Co with lVI.-ry. - 2 foe S1.S1 roe A Tk .-i. ii......i Hi., i.aiii.-ra are verv """ii m i mil in Ine sctoimi lo- II an but pptrofid iMiixaiau tltt) I ui. HWP3" - I S a Sac cake rtavau a la T.eti.irH. 7Ba Banatf OLD COUNTRY modest m I heir drem. much more :- t 2 foe tUc 2 foe (1.01 for -A 74 so than other plarr. For tbat tii- nake Harmony HualinK llalb VM ad. UNITED STATES and tl1 easoa ll..- jeHts do not have as BASEBALL SCORES 2 for . 1Co tor JJ. CANADA PAPERS much pupianey as Itiey would m rr llPiall JJrilirate.1 rkln Hoop, SPECIAL IIJMI ba4l ' $111 at Hie more fasbbinaMe reports. A merles n League 2 for - .. . 2So 2 foe llie following are rollaled friMB( IMrotf. 7: ftnston. S. Ihr fiake Tar SlianiMi kne 1'utae Hi sail mVavlnsT Crenjn IIJJP U.llie V ..ns 1 t many poun-es: I CJeveland. Mr Philadelphia. A Simp .2 for 26o 2 Tubes foe SI tra. has, let 91 01 hup look at the halhimr suits; for Chicairo. 6; Jfi-w York. I MM tos A m trim I tUsna4alas and you know wby Uie waves are RUBBER GOODS SO l-rflle J I C st. t GOLDBLOOM Louis, 1: Wasttiniii. n. 2 foe 11.01 for HI wild. Irarl National Laue This ,12.M Amsrlfrsn Baauty Hot ' Arrplpd for wearimr a one. it vua i' "Tha Furrier of Repute." Hnston, 3, Piltstnlrif !S WsUr Bottle, full two quarU .. piece uatltiHK SUIIT "les. Philadelphia, 4; l'.tiu air'. and guaranteed for 2 year, 2 foe t sjb.i Kvery drsrriptton of made SlioekinR-! What exee diij the New York. I; Cincinnati, foe UH. SUNDRIES .iM mtr tin up fur. You ran buy furs rounff woman have All, you fae ! li. Jelly FiH.-dT Ilaby J'ftrifiers. 11 bsrs 2& per rent cheaper should have seen tier eieuse." VlTlUI it iirnto 2 foe . ..1o 0c Hand lruhes. 2 for 81 t:.iM mi Italk U1 tt)an in any oilier Cairudian Fashion Alitor Why do Kirls.MllmAAl nltlJ Iftc Styptic Pencils. 2 foe 11o far . dors. have their bathing suits and eve. ?5p Menlhol IVin iIs 2 foe 2o FIRST FOOTBALL DRUGS k SUMDKIES nln; gowns rut exactly alike? lie M.'i,I h.d lnlial'is 8 for 18o 733 2nd Ave. Prince Rupert Answer--So the sunbtirn will fit. Peroxide f Hytirtgei Heport nay tue ocean Is reee. Defeated Kltkatla by Soore of 2 to POWDERS 0 In Match ??m- liofs. Peroilde. 2 for 2-Co FACE This Morning. Ing. Just naturally shrinking from FOR YOUR HAIR 40c bolM. Ivroinle. . 2 for 41 o those oue-pieec batbir.K suits. BOUCt jviiimaai iWcalrij Mlkalla in TRc hots. Peroilde. 3. for 7 So My.ntri AMD IVussallera Grocery Co., lit!. John, the baby has outgrovn lh I if ... ,.. 3.V hot. A.I1H A I. Tablets 15o Oood Form Hale Nets, all 91.28 bo. P.rsdl. race P- her rompers." "Then it won t 1 2 for 16o. and Katues this umrnlnK on tin (lOOi 2 foe 3o Shades, White, flesh a w Headquarters for necessary for you U, by her a A.ropoi. grounds. The combina-balhlnB II.Off hot. Aspirin TaMMs toil; Il.uo lM.tlle IUiu de Uuiuine Hair foe 91.SS. t Fruit new suit this summer (jon of u KUina.t , ,, 2 foe - 91.01 Tonic. 2 foe 91.01 Jic Powder Puff. 2 for It. a brief halhliuf UU ite 7&c b.H. I'etrwtmiin Hair Ruli I hi'' jriKni noalkecpmK for Kilkall. 306' but. Illaud Iron ts, (Midi 76e bos Mlel 7t DuriBK Exhibition week, keep, in style on the '--; ;,v.ere U.e outsliinding features. A. 2 for B1 2 for ' 7o oVre 2 for we will have shipment arriving piigrHniB imp aoiru i MM bolUe Ilesali Hair Ionic. ' Uappcrlon was the referee. 5ue $6i. Caoeara 'UMeU. (100 f,0 bul VMel .111 o nevery slctimr. fttbUUst Aenop. 2ufoe Bio 2 for 91.01 When in town, look us up Paper bathing suits 6o l. IlUiid and MaitKanese bOe botiU Uiiiulalfieil OKioaHUt 8fW Violet Ilulec .' s II will pay you. be in? manufartured. S CHAMP PACER Mldris. (Iimc ... 2 for Bio Uil Stwupp 2 foe Bio mill 1.1 naii it ....I" "mil I " 417-423 Fifth Avenue East r-H iiiiiui'i Hhould be careful Phone 18. day iu t lie water too lenif. We spp no reason why there diould bp any objiM'tion to one-piece bath ma UII, provided, of . ourse. th.- piece in'l Uhi Urge. Murphy Issuss Chsllsnge on Behalf W. R. LOVE, Atlm ti. ' iy lias kivcii furlli the of His Horse Against Ormes Limited declar..i i'n i li ei 1 -n. pn ee Iwatliluj Pacer. uils vm!1 U..I l..piflUd this RYnACirgK. x. v.. u...i ,j Electrician Low Hay. City add eason antnrr pi ti.. e fuu to bathers halh-will Thomas Mann,nB Murphy, driver lit 1 1 fit of w.rlil Peter m P.O. Box 1680. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS Pboa ink in.. ntoiii"ii ui'iiiir a champion tr.ti.i- ..-.. o 99. mi ELECTRICAL AND"W i.hi...ii i in.nij t jp n.'i k, . ., tiati. wt(. rare s.i g!,- i. i Srf Prince Rupert, B.C. . . MARINE SUPPLIES ii ln.l iw . -i. M H ll lie i I All famous parpi (.., The Rexall Stores ELECTRICAL REPAIRS w I'atii. n uRilf u arm lake for any r:j- v up I Ur U 'W 3"- -t r ' 1100.000, the wuruer Uj Hie , Hoi U37 Miono ur-en :"Vl ol the October unuiij i ar-w mi I Auerui in liie liaily ftsns, meet at J.exliiKl'.u I