7 iV. ii 1 0A DAY or Swim NIGHT ! for Taxi I v w- n I ic PRINCE RUPERT Phone 67 Northern and Central British' Columbia's Newspaper Joe Brom Fred Syrotuck l j-.'- j i. - I'MINCi: III PKIIT. II. C. MONIiAY. APMIL 18. I t2l. trr'a Clftul.tlos M06. Strtrt t.'M 4M. PRICE FIVK C.Kti-r nal Bunker Site Is Obtained Here STRIKE SETTLEMENT LIKELY UNTIL AFTER FRIDAY WHEN MINERS MEET f GIRL WHO WON ALLIES' THANKS, TO MARRY. tish Railways EXCURSION Minister of Lands IS PLANNED Reviews Situation ervice VUi laucu ! TO THIS CITY Account or btrikej Re ardine, Cow Bav Boards of Trad of Vancouver nd Victoria to 1 A, IK Tilt; Cut eminent nuthorilic are nnvlous Chartir Rupert. Tli: followui letter from the niiiii.'.rr of lands in regunl to hriwrrii I lir iitiiiriN will the whit of iw Hov wiic roreived lhi. niortiiiig: i . lwpc ur arriving nl a jerninneul aclllemriil VANCOUVER, April 18. Coni(lr ruble licu-'iiiii ha- Inker) jdare in eonricelioii with Th Boards or Trad of th tP ' . win. Ii . Ihr millers' alrike. oltlea of Vancouver and Victoria iv l:iy mill it M?eni lo me thai ome very' eoiiiderahtc mi-)!rrliciiiii '. ...!"ililil' of any meeting before IViday ara planning for a exisU in reg-urtl therclo, or which reason I would . i, ., f-rtoii ihorlrtjrt of roal. In order lo o!rt excursion ts tike plac c ;liinugti :he nieiliuni of your aper, to review the situation I, ..- JOsi.lde, lie IfOllJ MTMC-I'l. Iinvo llCCM arly In Jun. Tha iltamir r the henefil of Ihc tilizen -of Miicrt generally. "Prlnc Rupsrt" will be In Ihe spring of HUH, the (iraud Trunk Pacific Hallway Corn- chartered for a special trip around Vancouver Island, ii made reire.-eiitalioii- lu, the liearlnicnl of Land (hat they Ii IS SHOT CENSUS PLANS thenea t o Prlnct Rupert, ould like lo acquire iome of the properly inside of Cow Hay, Anjroi and Stewart. The liicli i ownrd iiy I be I'mvioeial party will be mad up of iivrrn.-iient, fur railwav pur- j fullel ji(i-il.U .devidopiiieiil of SINN FEIN ARE COMPLETE three hundred and fifty.persons. ii"'. In dmrl'ip var,l(ue ,('uvrrmiienf walerfrnnl, Vhich BY : LL70BHk ' '7 'aLtaBBBBBBBBBBBai ' in relurn for wiiicli Ihey ;will be of jrreat cdvanlaze In Ihe l.il tlrey wnulil be willing lu'cily. Ill facl. it would mate infer Jo I tic province an area xmible Ihe whole area in ltii DlitSct Divided Into 7 Sub- XELLY D3UGUS TO kIM 'Spy" and aceom- w (rrfrmil. An azreemriit w i virinily be.ititr made.a splendid el Ceilncste of Div.s.ons ana work i BUILD AT EDMONTON I lly nrcjved al. the fuinliiK-nl induslrial eentre. tenUr.es ComptcUd in Month, whirb aureetnei-l c'llin-i Tbrinkin? you for Iho courleny " iiieiii Hie Mliiiir in of Uow if your valuable space, brlieve X , )M KiMy! Following Ibe 'oifrrciiee mi Sit has been Purchased at That Hay. . nie. V J- I'ellelier. C t Makes Claim. faithfully yours. . f.u . ., .4.1 i.-it?nlinlr City for Warehouse , it., J .. . .1 frti.ll hef,-l lMlliHirr.JMlin Hew, ! Sb.iHIy" afle-.v:ird I lie rily T. Ii. !A1TULU' ,,f ," fiiMj'-"'",!"!.! iii-iurry i:nxiu,vnix, I :Iiorilles liMik Hie p-isUioii that ii, !...,iy t. .f.ni if.-rW ..... , rlill. ittt.NVw" ,"rr' would''! 2? l' .llmr liiu v Ii IpoiiIk lino i mak vliile, llo-v had1 no objection to QuiwrOsf- m.u.ru uuiuMaiuuu-EMiijMJry r. ...... . T miiinrifOea'.Bar- lr- ; ., nol W'lisenl lo Ibe .,..-,M,-.- .T. .-V" 'icy w-iiiild llrt- j ',MI. The llrm Jiiaa Virgiou Jladi;jn, (Le beautiliil ou young ni no Ding Ihri-inf ui'e Hn-y were ill , hll'. ImusU. rlr Villi vliiltMi llH'l- Ibe applause of Ibref natiuo bj ber portra.rnl of I lie Jlald,if rnnli'il a iiw- of w'alerfnml. BUT LIQUOR iiiifuimt lii making Ibe decen riKTrn. Ofieaos io Ihe Jojn de Are (wgeanl lani jrcar vlV, liecome tlii I.-...H .Iiu.. Ilinl llij M lif f i .11 Hurler al VniM-initt-r lm JiikI nial omul and erilriu Ho l rtiiilHwl I llif iurrliaM "I Iwn bride of ila rnj l Ifcurman. of Ilutte. llont In lh near future, Ixyrn bandied bi'ck and f'irtli.l FROM AGENTS ot her ittfot-ioalhfii r-rjuU-.J by to! iii certain ijunrlern an en. j 111! al Hn HMHji't irifr il lfla-i llatilraa tbaakrd KT I be Kiat ami ijne-r of ftel-lnto leavoc lias bewi mads lo omke COME HERE Ibe department. U'.Ml Mm-t "'l I'rare In Jlhr for.ber dteii and u iooored vhb a medal from the Joan :J l.:ticl raoilal out of lln situa ilirlui Arc SUtoe Badetj of Prince. 'poi. ,.l.et im make ,f verj' clear MO.VniKAL. Af.il 1H.-The InlH ami .hul...lc ..f Kal'Mi I N i ll.- ' Hit n.r.H,Sl, l.y II. hat Ibe i.iily reaon Hie I'm- 0 ebi'c (io'.vrniiient I i u o r EKING WORK IsikI. rir it mi ni'-it nll MIHon Mnriln. im-ial tiiiverim pi made Ho M lieme lias been ll'H-krd . by Ibe Here Site l tvipnrf,! aii'l llr will l i i Hi in!-nMn of lh tiroi Coal Bunker Ki-eeiiirlil which II did with the refusal of Hie Jilill'iii-. of lirarf irjlly all rfliiriil iilir. In rwi a lursi vrrhiBe, mil I rand Trunk Pacific was that it Cumpe to ije w;ll Die Coyern-metil i:fit where employment Alraly Sir. TI'm lie inrl-i lt3ii f'r Ihr liiilliiiK unm tml ri Has Been Leased frcm -Canadian 'irlicxiil Ibe arra.ireioeol to except tlo'i.iuli l!ii-ie ascitis, 'ttif-t fsr Cett whsra ll i. i..'t I.. ! -i ettr tlir ..,iiiiit me blh for Ho advautase of .!o an biv whole ale bouses in It None ililnrl. National Hie ji'-nviiir,- and f Ho rait way Montreal, wlneli Hie ioMrmiieii ! II in . .Iniiai..) Hint all Ihr rr- WALTON RETURNED Fy. omprny. and ali fr Ihe we. si light lo displace. ' Hri, Wi" I"" l"'.lll.llltl in mn im or Ihe rily nf Prince Huirl. 14l klllrf, Hii-iilii, iilnlili'lii Hlf U JUII-' I. TO RUPERT TODAY i:iLio.TON. April 17. Unal Brrantrentciil haxc now; been haxe OMicta rcpcaleilly ti Hold indicated Up. lu CAR SHORTAGE il lli.-v rail Hnwiird Slnii liliiiry, urn" rompleiixl between Trade Commi?sioner Dial he city aullniriliei a re-uesl llii ,, II,,. r,. Vls'ltd Edmonton and Vancouver the Canadian National railway, rrom I liem'for walrrfrotil "llrr.tl. , RECORD RUN A. I Warren, general mana-feritf i, n ,-itn. ,i-v In Course of Ten-dy Trip; of Ihe necessary v.hHr(age and trackage for the mi Ihe bai of actual use would IS ON AGAIN ll -M ,v I l.f for. Ihr leasing C't! K' l work III I lir Inspected Lin. buibjng of eon'l bunker and rol conveyor planr al Prii-ee ltuperl. rereive fav'irablitl pnlderat Ion, BIG EMPRESS ml Hmt I didj nJ:fpJrorJ-r- lo ilirriiirnleiil N. II. Wulluli Thl rollow! reprei-eutalion made by Mr,Slilrhbm y Tor facili-lieal illovv Hie Cow Hay mailer lo be Over Four Carloads Halibut Offer "i "I yr.MIMl mailt i ri hi nr.) Iliin morning ly the Prince Ituperl for the handling or Allicrlu roal along the used ns a club lo "hold 'li" Hie . Today with but Three Cars M-iil Irml ul I HI'I'.MIM I'I l.iirMin Asia Crossed Pacific In Little Lets lime fi-rlulil wliorlly liffire ihmhi it last serVwl hy I'rimo lluperL It i undrisiliHM Unit immediate pinviiice for wab' efmiiL I Mill fllH l ti. r..) inn,, u Mkli-' than 9 Days fi..iii u lii -ilay lri, in Ihr slrp will be. tk ii lo apjdy for a charier for a company tu build sland exactly where I lod Trout Taii rarluds oT liulib:t lia. vId s.iii-k of wliirli.lu whh in an- the bi'giuiiiug. by noon al Hie Hsli l-Ucbauge today he; butikr-r, and lu commence where lie confcircl with The llailway Commission have last the two rw.nil ciiutvr. for shipment in oi ri'lirl. , VilMOlUA, April 18.- A . iradlr oiniUaU hi n-utinl o .tin' .peii(l, SOON rceenlly advised llial they will ireirigerator. cars that arrived on 'ffMI, , I'nt-ilk' Uh bvt'U " ,,!., M) riil icros (lie l-".tiirt?- Bllernllumi In llov rrlrjff'wtiieii . Tlie fpllowinif wire ,1ms N-eu UQUOR not uullioriie lite lilting of Cow last night's train. Nearly three, IM.U. Ilnt-r lliieilc Hflii-,1,- ia!. iUr by lli uvre announceil on sU unlay. limited Ijy Mr. Slulhiifry from Hay unlil all parties liavr p-(Hii-luniiy tuib ds were Ibeo wailing "a '"I ( im Hirr,- , f r Aiu, nt-tli i nliii lo Ihr Km-'lirrun beard. be Mr. Walton Im wnveaxj oc ieoeral .Mauatter Wunvn: "We FOR THIRSTY lo agaihsl one car reported for arrival of Iloiia anj fdiltl Jti- Whether Cow lay Is or Is not fa u flilmoiiton ami came ever on Hie lime freight which ;it iifl on Hi I'ailllc Ucrmi. ire preutred I" lease 41 sile for entire lu. Hie lin (o I'rinre IIuhtI in-ieelllir closed is a mailer Or was due! yesterday afternoon, but slii! iiiikIo lh run from YokaliHinu roal handlinir planl ul llinre lo me except insofar PWINSBY'S tlio road bed. lie rrorl difference, wlilc Ii dd nol arrive until nearly In Victoria In elRlil iuy, i-vciily- I Operations of Newly-Formed of Ibe ei!y that theve are a few- minor lide lir,rt lftvMi-n 1 1 Hi and till is Ibe developim-nt noun today. Thua the, llsh car WATION ACCEPTED IlllllUU'k. . Klvinfe IronMe I nl lulirlicni street. TiluoJs I .. at nonilnal ren-I Board to be Spee'ded up. is eoncerued, aiid if any of my idiorlage is again oil -and .(here ure Uiul Uirre will Uo Utile nl. As you are swart waler lots polilici'l oppoiicnl.H imagine Ibat are nol'suriicienl freelcr I'wr tho "ltH. April -M,,. MISTOOK COMRADES trouble on I lie road llii" f iitp. in fH.nl of block l. belonu to VICTORIA, April IS, It Ihey arc hurling my feelings in haUbul ylTcrhig. V ' im rpH, Ho- tiomlnioii Uoverumenl for was decldfd at Saturday's opposing I lie closing of the pay. l-ollov.ing v.ere Ihe arrivals and ,,1,. "Hihhy rri.ni FOR SINN FEINERS PRINCE RUPERT WAS leas, lull we w ill of course, sup-prtrl meeting of the Liquor Ubard ii-v re laboring under a foolish a!'.s up tu noon today; your apiilicalioii kUic Do-iiiiuiou to speed up everything In delusion. Korwaru, 15,000 Niu.uds, and ' lllr OUT FOR HER liiiMriiiiMiit In Hils ie- connection with the board. Present Position. L'nimak, 8.0U0 potim's, lo tho I.IMKIIICK. Al.rll IH, Two HAULED pcrl." , . It Is expected that It will, be The prcsvul ptisiUiui, I believe, and t'isli Co. ul tic oc. liu'iiilivrx of tli crown forri ANNUAL PAINTING In full.operation soon pe ,th ,n to l.e (hist If the eily council lloyal Nuiiu Ingred II., t5,ono M.uuds: wlu-ii utildlern' wi-liiiik were Wfllfil believe. withdraw H-i.hjcrlion to Ibe llllinir te;';-ii...i-.i,lW , llifir roiiirailes for Sinn VIOLENTLY INSANE most'Eoottegglng people ceems to be in of Uow- Hay'I lo llailway Coin-lulssbm 5.00 pounds, and Whit?' Lib, 3,-0U l'elner. lieiinU O'Doiiiwou. VlOTCJItlA. April IK. The CITY! running almost unchecked will, I le-lieve. order Ihe pounds, lo Ihe liooth Fish, lr """ (IUl lii. Uubmt(imI of hnrlioriitK lelirln nliiiniT I'rlnee lluperl look the AT CHARLOTTE throughout the province and closinir of the bay. If Hie council e-les Canadian t.u. at'lS'c and na ktllol. waler lut week arter bi'iiiv the government Is losing an does not withdraw objeeliuii. Hie C liuuliil out for nnnuul paint iuu Chief Minly. or the provincial! Immense amount of revenue mailer will have lo lie heard by III (till, ll.lun itotimW: Hanaro, and cleanimr. While out or the Miifc. Mas ilu- riling in dav that tho operations Ibe Couiinissiiiii and I do nol 3.500 pounds; Petrel, 1,000, and every at Force Germany to waler the lull uliaft were lilted celpl of a nii'-sage froin J. I., j of the board are delayed. know what llieir decision might SI. Cloi, J.000 pound's, lined iip and Ihe veiieral lepalis follow. Harpe. juslice of Hie peace Hi ; Dually Im- after Ihe representations for the ear reporleC acrbing. (iiu (her trouble Hvyaiitwii Huy (Ji.cen Charlollc l.ity, utallns thai . made. ' l.auru. n.Oi'O pciiioNj llriug. Carry Out Treaty Terms are 'well on toward cinpleiion. ..H. .I..I....II.i iii mi.' i... !.,.. limit ",-lii.il Him ii ' U the city thinks llial the gold, ia.5uo1siufids; Malid. I l.njin She Will be ready lo take Hie Iak('u In custody llien and (hat a CARPENTIER LEAVES ifivaler publle Inleresl lies hi poiimN: l!ehune, 7,nnil Miumls. ''Mhjv "' " 1 place of Ihe Prince (leortre in bout bud sljii ted oUI .wllh him to MAY 4 TO having Ibe bay open, the logical and Sulnrn, H.nno pounds, hold-ins "' fi-sard i!"' ,X T' Ovruiuii floveriuiu-nt is Mill in Je ahout two week or lens. bring him aero.,, to I'rinca FRANCE ON course to pursue, of course. Is oxer with no ears against "r!r.u i r,''"'",MM"' payment mix uImi in i-egiinl In Hie lli:pci i. but this boat hud relumed BOX JACK DEMPSEY obvious, namely, lo light In keep (hem, '"iii.li,,i".,.,,I,"Jl" the law of wur ami hlie lm DUKE AT VANCOUVER lo Oiieeil Ctmrhdle. Ci(y, The il open. My own opinion is that lies in Hon. T. Patlullo-is vislllug man j evidently a had fa!.if. for tin greater putiHe inleresl l. lr ,ern,K fu"y I" rouiHTtioii with U" VASi:oUVI'.li;" April !. Pie Ihe liiyssage -inlet! thai he was m:w nniv. Api d i ceorje Ihe closing of Ihe bay, ufler in the Okauagan inscetfug in I. ''tu tieoiKO lolJ the House of Coinmons Duke 'oA leMin-.hlro and party umlep guard of sis'inrit and a narpentler who is In htv Juek which, if an order ran-be secured gallon works. He vjl lelun: to fuil"' U thut July S sails -for New from' Ihe llailway Coiiiiusion, Victoria in about a week, afler '"''eoBf of tU'iinuny, il ini.eiutive arrived this forenoon on a fare, i-emiest wjis inate t lint- n slronff iemey on French which I believe il can be, for a which II is expected he will visit t U. 1.r J" ,,,'8,l to ulejn tu lio lukiMi lu enforce eoni-' well vla.lt. He will leave for Vie. Hi'ard Jk seal oer lo bring him York... on. .May I. 'Ihe ..int.... level crossing, il will enable the Prince, lluperl. eii.-cjji.-iii t.-uituiii"ii. IS HI freuty here. jpoVIUl of Versailles. Inriu luuight.