nra iuibt hitwb Make BRINGING UP FATHER By Ge I- 1 ill,' ! m ' 'i I ' . I .11 . T I T to preserve II rTUP'ClHfb"i'Ki mr,, II WPII .irvn.. II II Rieur. II uriuru..uui-r 1 II 1MU VILLAINS- IM. .., i.nt. . I l I I - I JITr l w '' 1 WW II. II' " 'T ! T, V" I I Ul WW 1.1 II I r 1 LJ L-LL 1 - I '-'F ycur health ? your best THE, HOOb J VtWIOOOU THCr ARK. IM. THE. ' , . THEH FAUN EXTINt, L? i AfnNP J I 1 our asset for . J & L. I hwht.ovhk? U ! CVti Sot or for:? , , Y Tf' Zt-' I ma,de- ,v Mind successful.making life Good digestion is I i - l vi rcv r ft.m ui 11 .11 m vcjv r i i in is.- n i i i i iv i ii i k is!ki n ' important. ihe beet way to insure it is o Take Bcecham's Pills. When the digestive organs fail, nutrition is interfered with; blood is tainted, nerves suffer, headaches and minor ailments multiply. A reliable cleansing, corrective agent that acta quickly and with highly satisfactory results is ELSINORE MUTINY CAVEQ-CTSHERV SHOWN IN PICTURE!! " ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY SPECIAL An Episode In Life of Jack London Ln 23 ,n-oe,25,S0e. the Noted Author. These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy I rtaat Sala af MaoUina ia t Ha War!4. PRINCE RUPERT This Week "Tin1 Mutiny of the F.lsinore c III llirillinjr motion picture of ail i iihirc al sen showing nt the Provincial Government Spends AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES Chiironiti West holme Theatre tonight, re $32,000 Providing Accsmraor MERCHANDISE Dross raven aoTTLina WCRIt CAmADIAK tTCAM LA U M DA X r- t ) iIitIh i idly some of Ihe most ex datlon for Five Concerns. L CO. ? FTt-M-r SlfI Mhmm tit WILFRID aMTTON fW TtilP tnd Tlh . a. (or dattmt ani pieMf tr4. Kit-hn f T riling -litiil'r. in 11m- aihrnliiriMis n : rnane reri Iff, for tmA turul rural i :irnr nf its nullinr. Jack lindnn. WILL TURN WORK OVER BARBER SHOP PAINTER3 AND DECORATORS Uprmlist j-r tur Jm k LomlDn was not only a IN THIRTY DAYS' TIME t'iut: t writi'r ndvnliirc: hi lived lift FURNITURE voahia eanaca hoi -of MID tCAODfl have received during the lat three weeks :ts Ihorniixhly, ilnrplv and ntlor- Tlle expenditure of S,000 UUr Irt-r rlh 7J Sea Ao. rRana it-CHU Aiiik I Ml frawf e rtrm ft Tap -s'ry 'rr! fiill' as hin own Ihtis. ahoiil the prminrial tcovernmenl T1HM . - riKM Or-a 4 It. As a hoy ho wan n professional Niharftn Ihe past two months has BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS Parlor T 100 cars Coal ra pirnle wlf Ihe I'uast of lli-foriiia. vinI ihe Dshinfi indimlry for FEED STORES la catft Btnr THE A. w. toot co. tJ At. Al. M'enli'n ho siiiiMnl fr;nee Hi:pert and now tlx' emii. rtrftSl Alruue - I'IKMM ttf Ptata, IHI. 'IIim W iM-foro Hh' luast im mi ubl sea-ni, nnies have iwrnirnonl liM-aliin nuNcc fturtnr rno co. arnej from Macleod River mfne, owned fer toe'(i. rir. fnd Avt- im tk HI n. vi-ilinjr Jnimn nni Ihe ller-insr lher by Prince Hnpert eilizena. CHINA, CROCKERY A NOTIONS f PAINTERS AND DECORATEnS Sa. Arse hi 'Npil lirowii and S'uire monlliV ajrai Hie llnolh. 30 DaT We have the exclusive right to nrrw hair on hi' rlnit."' He knew Min and I'ai'iflr flslieries e-i- THE DtNNY ALLtN CO. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL ILL C0MTT PIHM 477. handle thisxoal in Prince Rupert. mutiny; h lincw bloodshed. And rvrl with noliees hy (he railway TMrd ATriiix-, iii(miii Vul ontr authub s aiAaacT FURNITURE Si Don't be misled other by coal In- kiK'w I In- rail nf the sea, whirh e.oniany that they would have to TMid Ar. I-hour 410 4tl r II feet 111 i PLUMBINQ dealers who ue our firm name r:de him throw up eerhinr at Mirule their present loealions at CLEANING AND PRESSING to advertise their coal. tlii- heivhl of his sucre In stM-l 1he west enil of lite (Irani! Trunk GENERAL MERCHANDISE TttM a LonowiiL r a. If you want a real good screened roavo ovt worn n a oruir arutinil the world in Pacific wharf on acerfunl of the dry coal, call bp leanina 3nl Ann 47 wma chin VUtN CO. !. 5(-fuol krtrh. extension that is beinx huill. 711 tco4 Atnmf is I RENTALS Terrace fruit Phone 58 Hut Jack London v.n ns niany- 'Iliese rmuimnies oiealei to the f. W. HAKTT I'knM r III. i t I as his luniks. Ilo was a provincial poYernmenl and plare.1 CAFES GROCERIES Prince Rupert Feed Co. rancher, Iranip. seal hunter, Alas Ihe is,ue plainly before I hem. Thel THC BO(TOH OBILL linicv's rnimcc mupimt onoctav 8IQN PAINTING Ii', Mil!, 0 UM y, 1 ikan tri'hl roerlor, war rorre- ffoverninenl would either have In rMrd Ave. Pbuw 4'T A rid place U rtl cmt fih snu rurnji riMine is SKIM La4. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. pondent, a writer of fiction sinpn- provide accommodation for Ihem; SELL 41 CMOtltTT rt 477. f . . Stfi r h r' swi-pinp and Mlel with tut. or else Ihey would Jiave lo move, thc iliti: care HARDWARE man color, an aulhrir of 'search-jliV stime port wiirlfna Port VA- ' taeai ft tnoney IHOWI MtNULTV - fnd At'. tlvt. SHEET METAL WORKS ltl u tn8 works on eiMinomic eanditions, 'ward. H was deeideil by Ihe so"v-' ' " . lupriMlltTV, psinu and rnttrrmeat q C I I . i- , fll The .i heavy drinker himself and one rmiient that provision wotrtv) 1 CIGARS AND TOBACCO pIM. EiftMf la Sli MUI( ettu ;- . i ma rj-l best to have way of ilu- most iMiwrruI advocates of irtaile for I hem and action was nt tswond DOWI'I I aniu i -. Avi-MW - raxnM II prohibition n hi treat antolii. once taken, VOKAHAWA 711 Tlurtl Ave. WML impORTED GROCERIES YourSuit ngraidiieal story, "John Ilarley-j Different Jobs. ALBERTA SKEAT SIASSET STtcn a lokowilc a. . orn. a . sen-ma.l man, a man, First a contract was let for the ORUGCISTS nik llreel fbom ft Ciiimi I Ittralaoal l onsumed with a burning desirejextension of the wharf in nilfiit? inj TAILORS LADIES AND GENTS Cleaned and Pressed to live life to its fullest. ..e cove between Ihe It ova I Kish- W. 4. McCUTCMtON LAUNCHES FOR HIRE KENNEV BROS. I ( is by our Miu-h oT liis own sea experience eries plant and the Akerliers-Thonison terand AreutM. and SHlh Miwl. Lavsah "NAeETt)0." mmt SlMl 400., T. LSI rpfs.kjt ri im Keal Katate and tnunsl Ls contained in the fierce adventure The larseal drag Ssmim la Vwlhrrn B. C TIM t). I aim. : M Prrmtut machine shop al a cost Terrace, BX Steam Pressing Machine if "The Mutiny of Ihe or I7,uW). The buildings were'-Ihen Method. Klsinore." provided ror the BreiHtimo-jx It only takes 15 minutes. itation of the Allin and Pacific ; Our Price la tt- Fisheries at a cost or C.250 and; Delivery Reasonable ia Prompt Ten Years Ago for itisiile Ihe alterations ncciHiimndslion are I win?of made thejl Daily News Classified Ads. Give us a trial. Phone black S03 in frince Kupert , 1 lloolh Fisheries and the M. M. A j 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE; No Advertisement Taken for Lra than BOc Block It. Fisheries costing JO.OIW), lie. j,,-.. TAXI LING TAILOR January 24, 1911 sides these expenditures, $2,000, WANTED. Ft HI HALF 12 inch nrrworp). WATER NOTICE. 821, 423 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert A eiiiiiiiiil lee Jia-- been appointed wa pent for the extension of I ' ! nloMAbtC. .J.."tO a nek. A. Iaacon. Itinu consist in of Acting shells on the eal end and i."fl)vv.vrKU Colli fori able Imnie for .a itlli Avenue F. Phone Oreen TAAf MUI' K llul K 11114 1 l'l SlUtil Phone Mayor V. W. Smith, Alderman in Kenerai rrj'Birs. yomiK mariieil couple willioul "ir. r. n io Thee various operation have , v i-."... , v nroiitrr nKt. iwmim, ft. sill I 4 srv Kirkpalrick, Alderman Newion two-or furnished , ! 'IM children; more Utf t ,rnn. Mm taa 4 ao I and AliJeruuin Claylon In invesli-ffatn kept about 2 I6eni men busy for hiiusekseltniK riMiins, suite or FfJIl SAl.K Oil I-IUSIWob nrint.'jfe---1 I Himtlej Ii SMITH & MALLETT j the matter of cutting down the put c(Hide of months usfne bouse. Would consider room business mid nlanl. u' iniri. H. :.. alao lunn 1 ! A Ve V Ihe city hall staff. local erjuipment and In about ami boartl. Apply llox l.r2, naeliMilae. Ik.ll. . !i Jl'H. '?' lnll ibMil weMtf al lla Iimm M i : l i thirty day it is planned to have Daily News Ofllce. I A office. tf The afarava dam am lurltm si ml PLUMBINQ AND HEATING 4 Alderman Clayton, Alderman Ihe work com pleled renily to bo l immm ake. ngrv.TV rapani ifi iww or Late.ttm tMervntr Ill srmtMoai In l Kirkpalrick and Alderman Pat. turned over to (He various fl'li WNTi:! l?ejnd-liand furnl-1 ton RENT eresiM u sanui tlo.aao sere rrei sad ill C( ENGIKEERS ... alll rVst ab-'H I mm rre af land. 1be TOM LEE tullo have been named a- committee concerns. i lure. If you have anything tn w f- asier UI b. diverted f rnra tt airesini Kstlinates furnished. HOI Hi: FOII lllVT at ihMai tlMMil Hip brad i,r.lm I I ami flo)r rov-erlnus, for a civic reception for the Companies' Work. 4-ll call itatl 213. We pay cash. wi sill Iv nard f"r priarr tsiraww atsst 810 .-. " Canadian cruiser Italnbow when With Ihe giving tt the premise F. M. Crosby, 710 Third Avenue blimla, and oine furnlt ine laim om nbrd sum u wa-dtb Id Address, 3rd Avenue, head fheisila this port. lo Ihe companies Ihe work i not. West. tf lure for sale, r.ol 'Ihoiupson Maa TM.Hevm-anore ...n I i-iu and rn,mu aa Km Had.aiwaad V E Q ETA Bll Streel. Phone on tae tlrd day ar .imaler, I if a, a of Second Strnet. a lllue 419. 30 finished, however. It will take and AU ena or tkia IMIra aa a tpptot pair- Whole salt Phona 174 P.O. Box 274 An evcellent Ilurns concert was Ihese concerns possibly a couple WANTF.H Home, for boy of five aranr-raio (M uw -waxr Itl llll " . Til IIF..VI fll. Furnished riMioi; pel. will I alert m -t i ftrr Wil'r - - held last night in (he Mclnlyre of month lo pel Ihe places ready and plain furnished room nerntvrr si mure nuirrl. box 151 vale, family, gentleman only onjrrlksia i . iae lie 1" i llr.ll. Cray' Orchestra wai in for their work. workiutT man. Apply pii-tll'in may The jroverfiment Apply box Ibl daily New of. Nleal alM.lhr aaul Water NeenrOrr ih ilk' attendance ami nmonff lh per-fonnera merely provides (he roiifth buildings . News office. 17 In i4ai4niller f Water Hia-kia. earlia flee. (f men I tMliliKX. virma, (i. c, vniftin p,, " II - ' B' IANO were Jaines HusseN, A. with Ihe roof on. Then contet IV I VITII Vll l.nill atnnll ilri iliya atlrr lie- flrit trvsrinre ef ' 1 " TUNING riupperton. Mm. Mcf.oiiRhland, the work of finishing nni) eijulp-ftinsr or lliiffl foorned enttairn or J-OIt IU..NT -Three-root.i furnish, u noiirv ini,in tsm wrai nevapaiu'r.iwi ki..i. nrti, i - P.HONO REPAIRS W. M. Cray. Misses Mabel, Klliel which Ihe compnnie thi'in. buiiKulow. llox IM New of. e;i apartment. Apply 20H-210 i"V7 w7ni rasVii xZH HOTO ENLARGEMENTS nnd I-'lofrie flray. selves ake care of. To 'jr on flee. ZO Ninth Avenue l. tf'"' n..aia ii i tnit tjetnt" ... ", jsniroilnitelv lie qiur iuii iwiaerti with business maelilnery ha io A tent for best art enl&i orients Ijiljef Mer.nrvell has issued he irmlallrfl and fmir ice house W AX' KV-by youti man wort HedriKMii for rent with bath. 60S riarMaaaJT oJm Em, OirfiHi-Ma. la MUSIC for DAP made in Canada. Nrgulivea tiot order fur Ihe elearinK out of all Fifth Avenue Kant. 18 i !- 4. urn iiiainri. will hate o be installed. Theex- of any JUtKj. Apply W. I.. M. klUVJIT CI I.I' AM I'Al fH 111 . necearv, but merely a print in rilm the side of Cmnox n Aptll-lll. 1 on any condition faded, crackeil or i' upper pnndllure of llie fish firms will i wards,TLU'.V.A. room. 10 LOST bf Noel IIMni'lieiil. Arrai. 1 spotted even I Avenue. likely amoitnt lo nnolher lfl,0oo. r. ,'. . Tlie dale nf Ihe flrtl sitllrslli nl IDH inure iaariiiisr it. Iff.. ARTHUR'S Phone os and we will call. The Kovern.neni is about llnisl.-!,'!V,y. """ '? ,',,.,l!..n "f.. ",ant M)T Hold chain neclslnce nnd J, Shut Slevant The first of a series of Millard ed Willi it improvements lo the! ".jr " --'yews illamnnd riitji. Finder relurn to II I'IMISATK. Red 291 mr.trbes between the Prince office. tf P.O. Box 7(8 wharf. Any furllier work to b I tally Ni-w oilice, lleward. to Orchesti lli'perl and Wanderer Club was ii tiir srrnRAtK coiiht or shitiaii Four Piece pluyi'd laL nitiht and Ihe latter done will depend on Ihe nllnwjnsr WAIIIIFJI8 Hnyal MI8I Man' aray wiuden (Hove. IMIMIMIMA. fo a level rrosaliiK at Cow May In IS Tut MTTHl Saxaphor Cafe. tf Finder Or 1IIK "AtlVI.MaTMA including were vielinioiis, 1 1 88 In 10(1. please Mum lo News prnvlile'an nien road lo the dock. ' it T"w et" NltTht Phones - J, G; Steen, 371 The players were: Wanderer ror. ta.LX olHcc or phonn U8. r 'and Phnne!431 PI1 W. LonKwill, ltlu270 Pellitrrew. Mi'Mordie, Howe, Tins-ley r II TMK MATTtH llf Tills f.HTATK or Day Phone S and Oakley. Prince Rupert SHRIMP CANNERY ACCOUNTANTS -YtUIIII IIIMo kUHOAKHI. tm r.AsMI, We are iiiakiiiir lMirlritil poslrarilt IATKHTATK. O. II. Nadcii. Muhley, Pillslniry, KXPKrtlF.NCi:i STEEN & LONGWILL t'.fiO doien. Call anil ar-raiie ACCOUNTANT jer Ileiison and Ilroderlck. Floating Affair Goes North to lit hare) Ihe haby's'phnln would lake cliarga of act of TALK .voTirr llul in Ihe Order of liti Rupert Dance OrcWl Sheet Metal Works Wrangoll where It will .iiKika, whole or part lime. Itonir. r Mrn. Vmim. maile Ilia Mtett-leflitll taken. Re Chandler, PIioIok-liipher, ilajr if Prlnlf. f ' vto, y,n ip W. H. Wllllsiroft. Four, nvs Agent for McChtry Furncaea Operate Sl'rt Shlh Htrcet. tf I'hnn Isilnlnl Ailminlalitlar nt Iim 7iie of Now wjTjil iea.ty Illack 259. tf k6lilrWro knlily. im, clirrl.fil, inn til Sanitary and KinCIIIKAN, .Inn. 21. A FOII Kf,.Thre excellent view larim iiaviHi riiiiiu iUi im utd Phone II. Heatinif Engineers Rtsultini from tlurrilh shrimp cannery hcloriKins to Ihe lots on Fifth Avenue, lllock I, BOARD AND R0OM8 etltla sr lirreliy required to fumun urn Sth Street and Fraaer Street Action ol tha Iir ind bowtlt Olympic Fisheries mid with Tom Heel ion 7. Ileauile nt 1 35.00;Two Kenllemen run have l,n,.r,l aletriiiii WHwrly div terined of nw on A. or Ii. Iwrora 191, snd in Prince Kupert - - - U.C. l auleblv raliavsd b tha uia al ileckman a aiiiierintendenl. left eai li. eiish, M. M. Klephein. If und room ullli private family all partlaa tndeliiaii In ma mi.; ,r, ra Or. Chna'i Kidaty-Llvtr Pill. here rcrcnlly for Wrnntell where I'lion mack 305. n flWrtd lo pay the iumwbI of innr In Hotel Pniceto On pill dott. 2So. i bei, I it will opi'rale. II Is proposed Foil .-I.K-- Furniture, carpels, Irlrteilneaa in m forlliwtiri. ill dsiliri. I it i in- room suite, I a pes Icy 8HOraHANPTYPEWITINQ JOHI II. MfMllt I.I.V, to pack from 100 to 150 five pound, A. G. GRAY ontriat elciii-iJ, Shepli. -d. No, Hum. Aiiniiniiiriior, FU Dr. CSiases tins a day and lo do (hi a crew Pitman Slenogrnphlo Schoi!! I'rtnr liurerl. u. C. EUROPEAN tni Taacber of Plane llul Apart men! .. 21 luted ttyi fvlh H of from 60 to 00 pickers, packer Hvenlnif claaset, Monday, Wednesday day i.f iteremlier. -If . 1 J0 Pr Studio J37 Second Avenue and cook Mill be employed. The S;(;OM(AM) Fl UNITI'MF sold and Friday, 7:30 In 9 Cr PHONE Blua 421 or 444 Mavis. Hunland and Creel will be I on couimlfainn. P. LcClalrrt o'clock. Individual Inslrucllon. llie Two.eolor window card lake PIRST-CLA81 u-icd at cannery tendert. J phuiie Oreen oil. tfi No. 10 Bmilh lllock. If News eye Job nttlckly.Department,He0 them at the Ml D