“Ww ia Fe* THE DAILY NEWS ‘‘Age is What Counts’’ LEMON-HART Pe We APPETIZING AND INVIGORATING ‘ This advertisement is not puflished or displayed vy the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Coftumbia. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Pxcept Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance ...... 5.00 For lesser periods. paid in advance . per week Ret ci cual 10¢ By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British ‘Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 2.2... cc cececececcceesseesseoceeeee 3.0!) By mail to’all other parts of British Columbia, the British km- pire and Unitea States, paid in advance, per year .............00.....-..... $6,00 By mail to all other countries, Per YOar nn... ccc ecececetenceseneeceseeees 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per insertion, per WOTd 2.020.002. cece cee eee 02 Lecal readers, per insertion, SI I ocsshin -tuthacMaaiaecdlistspesocibsc iosecseess | aO cae Sifire Monday, September 26, 1932 ECONOMY ADAPTATIONS At a time like this when many people are unable to pur- chase the luxuries of life which have become almost neces- sary to their existence we find the more adaptable mem- bers of the community looking around for substitutes. For instance, many people this year cannot afford to buy proces, apricots, plums and other fruits for preserving. y may possibly afford the sugar but to buy both would mean a very serious curtailment of avery valuable part of their food supply. Some people have diseovered that in their own back yards or within a very short distance therefrom there are wonderful little low bush cranberries which make excel- lent preserves or puddings or pies. They are not so large as he commercial varieties but the quality is just as good. They also make a good sauce for turkey or: chickens or other poultry or game. Other berries which are used by a good many include the blueberry, the little red huckleberry and the salal, all of which are very good when properly prepared and they help to provide those vitamins and other food elements which are necessary to perfect health. It has been suggested that anyone who has been suc- cessful in the serving of any of the wild berries might tell the Daily News how they did it so that others might bene- fit from the experience. Write the recipe in as few words as possible and send it to the editor. DAILY EDITION EVEN CONSERVATIVES KNOW The Omineea Herald, Conservative, says: “Premier Tolmie, it would seem, has not been well advised by some of those he consulted in regard to forming a union govern- ment. It seems that his advisors were more intent on get- ting rid of the leader of the opposition and his first lieu- tenant than they were in getting a better government.” i SPORT NEWS | SERIES ON WON THEIR WEDNESDAY LAST GAMES New York Yankees and Chieage Cellar Bisslten’: Defeated Pennant Cubs to Start Annual Baseball Winners in Both National and Classic This Week Ameriean Leagues Swnday | NEW YORK, Sept. 26:—Mayor NEW YORK, Sept. 26:—Pennant McKee will pitch out the opening winners were defeated by cellar ba!l im the first game of the World dwellers im beth the National and | Series between Chicago Cubs, win- | American Leagues yesterday. The ners of the National League pen-\|Chicago Cubs dropped a 5 to 3 de- nant, and New York Yankees, Am- cision to the Cincinnati Reds at erican League champions for 1932,|Chieage while the New York Yan- which will take place here or! Wed-|kees were defeated by the Boston nesday. Red Sox 8 to 3 at Boston. The Yankees rule favorites te win} The world champion St. Louis both with the experts and in betting 'Cardinals and the New York Giants . quarters although there is conceded ended up the season tied for sixth Not Atten g to be a chance that the fighting place in the National League. spirit of.the,Cubs may earry them Week-end scores were as follows: through. SATURDAY SCORES Ree tie et ae National League Boston 2, Brooklyn 3. y/ Monday, September 9 enoms es, } F FINEST VIRGINIA Welhae ery: OGDEN LIVERPOOL mea 4 A imu OW aad eee GDEN’S CUT PLUG : N3Z¥LS WNIGAW Ne. Ep HLS CS that President Herbert Hoover will Series. depart from his usual custom and It is explained that the chief exe. cutive iS too busy with campaign » not attend the openimg of the World ai , World Series Series at New York on Wednesday. matters this fall to WASHINGTON, Philadelphia 4-4, New York 8-5. It is announced at the White House / games. For the past three years, the presi- B dent has journeyed to Philadelphia to attend the opening of the World Advertise in the Daily } BADMINTON exter IS OPENED “sn ancl Washington 8, Philadelphia 7 Chieago 8, Cleveland 7. Prince Rupert Club's Season Off te S New York 8, Boston 2. Geed Start Yesterday With St. Louis 5. Detroit. 4. ) Big Crowd on Courts | SUNDAY SCORES Ameriean League New York 3, Boston &. In spite of the fine weather which | undoubtedly wouki attract many Chieago 4; Cleveland 6. outside, the Prince Rupert Bad- Philadelphia 1, Washington 2. mifiten Club had a very successful St. Louis 4. Detroit 5. ason's i t. ntyre season's opening on the MelIntyr National Hall courts yesterday afternoon. : There was a large turn-out and the Philadelphia 3-6, New York 5-3. ‘ourts were kept busy for several Cincinnati 5, Chieago 3. olen , Boston 13, Brooklyn 7. Ss. Daring the afternoon retresn-| Pitsburg 4-4, 8t. Louis 1-7, ments were served with Mrs. G. A.) St. Andrews-By-The-Sea Sea bathing in the warm waters of Katy's Cove,|mond; Mrs. 8. Watson; Mrs. R. D. Bell; Mra. St, Andrews-by-thée-Sea, New Brunswick, and sun |George Balfour; Bryant and Miss Franees @ross in Baseball Standings charge. NATIONAL LEAGUE Interior Weather WL Pet Chieago 9 64 584 are Pittsburg 86 8 558 Canadian Qovernfnent Telegraphs Brooklyn $1 73 526 Terrace—Foggy, calm; tempera- | philadelphia 78 76 506 ture, 44 {Boston 7 2. Vn Hazelton—Partly cloudy, calm, 52.\ st. Louis 72 82 474 Smithers—Clear, calm, 38. New York 12 82 474 Burns Lake—Foggy, calm, 38. Cincinnati 60 «684 )~=— 390 AMERICAN LEAGUE +e ete trer ee @ w 2. ie. ¢ *#|New York 107 47 .694 * JIMMY FOXX CLOUTED * | Philadelphia 94 60 610 + FIFTY-EIGHT HOMERS *} Washington 92 62 598 + DURING 1932 SEASON #1 Cleveland 87 65 572 + # | Detroit 15 75 500 * WASHINGTON, Sept. 26:— #)}s¢. Lowis 63 90 .412 # Jimmy Foxx of the Philadel- #/ Chicago 49 102 325 # phia Athletics hit his fifty- ©] Boston 44 110 296 # eighth homer in the game with @ * Washington Senators yester- # TO MEN ST BAe # day to end the season two cir- # # cuit clouts behind Babe Ruth’s # MECHANICS # all-time record of sixty. + + aa sececesecccees] WIN TITLE Cc. N. R. A. Seftball Championship Settled Yesterday Afterneen 1 Sf fn. A oN In the Canadian National Recrea- - Bee sn tion Softball League playoff for se- cond half henors yesterday, the Round House trounced the Station team by a score of 10 to 4, thereby obtaining possession of the Haines Softball Trophy while the Station receives the C. N. R. A, Softball Cup | for runners-up The gante was well played until | the seventh inning when the Round House seored eight runs. The Sta- tion went up in the air and, with a few long hits by Cameron and Johnson and a medley of errors of both omission and commission by Station, the Round House ran the lnndees at will. The outstanding bat- ters were Johnson and Cameron for Round House while Stiles secured the best hit for the Station with B. Tobey also batting well. Allen, in the field for Round House, playe’ tip-top ball, while Horten and Johnson were safe at short and third. t The Station infield had an off day. Round House-—Johnson, Horton, Cameron, Smith, Raabe, Arney, Al- len, A. Skatteboi, Nelson. ' Station—-Geddes, Unger, Astoria, Stiles, W. Tobey, B. Skattebol, An- Mr Donald Markey; Col. Allan tonellj, McIntosh, B. Tobey. bathing on the shining sands, are two of the most | Magee; Gordon Shirres; Gordon Reed; Miss Dora Umpires—Comadina and Howe. } healthful and entertaining ocenpations of those Who \javee; \irg, Norw Wainwright; Mr. R. ¢. Stevens; Visit this popular and smart resort, whieh céntres | Wiss Canilfe, of Montreal: Mise Hi D'Arcy, St. LS Pr on the Algongitin Hotel of the Canadian Pacific |; outs: Miss V. Schoonmaker, | sia : | Louts; Miss V, § maker, New York; and D, A, Railway. Anderson, Ottawa, Billy Rheil, beneh warmer with The iMustration shows a group of socially prom inéut people’ from Canadian and United Stutes | Inset is little Miss Lucinda Marguerite Vaughan cities sun bathing after a most refreshing plunge, of Montreal, who and includ@ :—Mr. and the Hon. Mrs. R. M. Red- well-dressed infant wears when about to paddle it mond; the Hon. Peggy, Hazel and Anwe Shaugh- | the warm water, pesey; Judge and Mrs Bond; Miss Margot Red-| the sands. the Detroit Tigers, is a pinch hitter who really hits in the pinches. In 11 times at bat as a pinch hitter he connected with @ safe hit ning times. jis showing the world what thé or build @ great, big castle on e ‘ : “err cy, ‘Two Children and A aWeek! HEN John T——— was alive and healthy, both he and his wife were proud of the fact that they owned $5,000 of Life Insurance. e thousand da'lars looked like a lot of money— about as much as John could earn in two years’ time. Then suddenly Mrs. T— was left alone in the world — alone, except for their two ehildren and the Life Insurance. Earnings stopped but bills had to be paid. In a few months’ time, the insurance money had shrunk to $4,000. At this time, Mrs, T———— did some figuring. Safely invested, $4,000 would yield $200 a year —less than $4.00 a week. Not enough to pay the rent, let alone buy food and clothes for three! And so another widow sought menial work through the classified ads. of the newspapers — and two more children were deprived of a mother’s eare. Not a very pleasant story—but a true one. That’s why we suggest that you measure your Life Insurance by the income it will produee—the income that you will need for your own old age—the income that will help take your place, if necessary, Life Insurance Service One of a series of messages sponsoted by Life Insurance Companies If you “roll your own"’, use Ogden’s fine cut cigarette tobacco omer a. 2 < A A ELAS OT