I Dressed Beef TAXI TAXI til6htrlnir. hhlp-"I. Own Tof Live Stork rrcw arriving Phone 75 -k d!re-t from the stock af the Hulk ley Valley. WE NEVER SLEEP EORCE J. FRIZZELL PRINCE RUPERT Prince lO. ZB, 1HO Rupert Auto Market FuUonMarkst j Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 707 Second Ate. Prince Kupert I'lUNCK lU'PEllT. 11.(1. MONDAY JWX'AIIY 2i, H2J. Sttvrear'a circvlitlee 1M. Stftrt ! 114. PRICK FIVK r-KNTS XII nother Premier Mine Suit is Filed lEPARATiONS FOR CRIMES BEING MADE BY GERMANY UNDER PEACE TREATY Lt Daly Sues the Owners of j MAY HAVE DEEN KILLED BY MOONSHINERS. Gemany Delivering Premier Mine for Nearly Goods to Allies in Hi $2,000,000, Fifth Interest Treaty Fulfilment R. K. Neill Agreed to Give Him i hare ard Directors PAULS, January 21. An immense number of ships and quan-: ys - 01 i .,n oikI oilier mnlerial have been delivered to Ihe Allicu Acquiesced in Bargain; Sold Half lntcrc si fcr M Ihcn hy Ui- (iiivernmeiil of (iennuiiy under the Treaty of Verwiillp on reiiaradoii arroiinl li lo herefnber III, 11)21). The following is Va . kpnKANE. January 24.-8u!i for 51.000.000 was filed In the INTERESTING WEDDING !i;. j,,,. Lu. here bv Patrick Oalv of Nelson. B. C. formerly ' ".il ;.HIM.M(I otl)i. ! IN MEfHODISr CHURCH Ii'IiiITi.. 1i.7k;.HJJ kiliM. FURS REALIZE irlnlendent of the Premier Mine t Stewart, B. C, against Hi -aiii-i k, inifin teoylx and I. Nell, R. W. Wood, A. B. Trltes, W. R. Wilson, of Fertile, EARLYTHIS MORNING ; i-!in IimhIm. ?.i8t.713 Ion, Ipreient owners of the mine. i Inl.mil iia i nation niatrriaN. LARGE SUM AT Daly ssys that Nell agreed to gtvs him a fifth Interest and this Local ! 1. - I I lft. Girl Popular Becomes Bride approved by the board of directors. or Railway Man Will Make Liwiirk.l. li.HOS.riKN.tr.'i.'lrt;kHw.head. NEW YORK SALE declarei that defendants received million further a Oaly Home In Smllhers. na k. 1.571. irs from the American Smsltlng A neftnlng Co. for 51 per Iru.i... I2.0'.ir,. I . .. . I f I .. fc I L l I I . fl. .'... Squirrel So-.i Better Than Any 1 oi me Sicca in inc mine, in mom no tiiimi n is ciiiiutu A weddinii uf uunii iiiiprrot '.ii.- i-in-k. ri.oon. r filth Interest besides a like Interest In the present value of look place u IMiirmns III H l i Kii-l railway iiiulrHul", 1 10,- Cther Pelts, Showing Drop the Mrllidit Church. SuUi up t.... i in of 25 p:r cent. remaining 40 per cent, which he places at $10,000,000. Avenue VI. when Miit Itcalnee ! ::!ura' marlilnery. 131,-' Heidi KIIUh. IIi oulv dauithtri f : MAV YOIIK, Jan. 31. .S.uirrel iportant Conference at Mr. ami Mr-. Ilimli Killin. 35' Vl I M l ItrilHiii riM--iel, 1,- the star jHTfiiruier at Ihe eoii- Itmlilll Avenue l'-at. Ihthiiip Die i'iri oi Miiiiiuit?, riuuniz ve.o.oion or I In- fur alc in ry D TJ 1 1 T J briilr nf Thomas lloss, of llir eu- 1M.K0 kilo of dyelulT and I In Maonic hall here Saturday. r aris oemg oeJcl 1 oday .Hru..r., ,,t the c.n. il.i a-il(i fruekx. Tliee pelts brought prices which Jian Nalli nrl ltr.ilay at Sinilh. surpriaicd iuot uf the buyer pres . . . . rr. Ilev. T. II. Nullall ihe ent and which nhuwed tle small-entMeragc breientatives of Britain, lran.tr, Ita y, Belgium .urviaiiim rirrtyiHan. WILSON URGES dec 1 1 i i-Iry OA, pring and Janan M et t Coml er Imo. r.nt r llir eMHU had l-en M"lly Jim r' CwlUkft. Jr lilnn)nM:d Uoy aiJ'lrrl Ii.nitK.'r saTeTrvri"'Ar',iiii3rii!flh6 fnirtunl Intermtional Problems il-roraln for I lie iM-n.fon anl th l-llr cunnina m l'Laltilll WuuH Dortli nf Sew Itedfonl, Jt. collections sold during- the entire Ierr4lln a (! -imr nritrnnr. , Itr u nn-'mil io t a rului of foul Uy at llir hinJ of nuuul..'tu-r' PLEDGE NOT TO week. ullli lite ahuiMUtirf of florr The in drop squirrel only U mfrxlnl Ibn. I. Ibv tlovr large mvip bib? i.trllr ent lteirffiiliilie ol Ureal HriUin. Fraure, llli allied II mlinirl. oi irjlm lu riixl elllirf i aillm of hi UAf The New UrUf' rd .wlk-e 35 per eul. Harcoon, which de-i'linel Jnimn r herr IimUv lioliliiiff .nfrrfin e "''I" '"' "u iy tiir rauir ariwixl l- Itio murilri throry and Krtdir clctit lhK-uHiT ! VIOLATE RUSSIA forty per rent, rame reeond tmm rallaj I.H.I um Ht&,lA.I l.v in the inlere-t of Ani.ne buyers today. ' 3li 4rrfal nvl rfr maile lo fuiioerlkin with tf nil lo thai the in nii-.ri r nrrewlmp iffiiiiin , .. , Inmim. a p..u-hliK-, aim rtlortl I be Ur for flflM-n nttti'ite on I hi Compared with the average :. .ll 1 p ' u. The itnneiital figure are I're- iim-ih-m u. ii, U; f bU 11ui-a-niirr. mwX S- Emma l!Ulr. who ItvrJ In a hrk Public and Solemn Engagement Is prices paid at the April sale of Ihe i I AritlifJe llriantl. jf. li. Nuliull or-l.l-.l at the pie In It PlalinllW- V1 A I to uroe time a warranl ff irn-"nrl of Necessary, He Savs. to Preserve or'; ur Auction t-cpora j-cU lit ! di uel at the galheriiifr re iirmu ami playnl lli YVeddiiiu Jr.i lllla-ni on l-mnl. a ptlrof Uoojj oternlU ltnr Imi found Integrity of Territory. I om here. Saturday's, other offerings no-ill ol llrrmi.nv. r n l..i, ruifiil. . .if lh.... 'Marfll. There V, a UrB"" HallliT. nrar ilir ti(k lu tlx- t1ilnvUe Wood by a sean-bJog irt; ) na.i. showed these percentage declines: B. in of i ll-wi-liln friemU. M tnl-ret Mark bear, 35; linmn hi-ar, Tb ax tx attrard-d , nr Mi.ilir nnlilli .iltuiiv of llir -ainr. I lie WASIIIXii piX. January 31. A I'Lt IiI'IiImI fllallllHlf HS. M 35: ixilar hear, lierioan and Itns-ian 'I itia Keio-ial 1 1 ii- i.i n iIii,iIi.mi .iiihlie and solemn euuaseinciit Haiiiifnl (rnvpilina fKilt of navy IW.. i.al ,i.tl li. nteh. CO; moh-. CO; .Nutria, .1.1..It.. ' mm iMue mil wliili- teliH liat and lht Canners Urge Reciprocity . ... . . .,' , '55. and ermine, 50 iiitiaii- r ff-iin:i lMHtiin'ii oi me llHiuquet m of iink nml while Lnotllcial exltnintes of the grand FURTHER d'rritiirii'l of Itussia is NOMINATION IN inien ly jrooeo. The brhleniuald alo Uore in Buying Wine and Liquor ivcartled by l'r."idnl Wilson as lotnl realized during the week a navy hlue ult with while unltn ',,aip il cl ' -'5 00- to the eilicalion of .-esary NEWS OF PETERBOROi iiui ami nirrir. a lMiuitii-l or SUB. WEST Ameriea and Ihe slates bordering' vilp ami ink rarnaliotiii. Would Sell Br'tish Cdumbia Natural Products in Exchange the former empire. His iis are REFUSES AID Wedding BreakfasU for Brandy and other Alcoholic Drinks given in a note to Pn-sideut i DlutUr In the British Navy Five Candidates Eiptcted to be In li.lloi!ia I he remuoiiy a will HyaniN of Ihe League of Nations. lc Armistice and Worst Field Made Vacant by Burn- ,'' hreakfaul m n-rid in Ihe Hp ursi's full ro-opi-ralion among, TO MILITARY In All Pec Time. ham's Resignation. lOntral Hotel. Ilfi.le Ihe hride VAXCOl.'VKIL January 21. lleeiiroi ily in nnlia:s was Hie prinripal powers. i nml lirliletirooin ami Ilie liriile nijoeil to Premier Oliver thi morning liy a iromineiit delega V. Y BEEN DAMAGED I'l IT.IUIUIIM. Jan. .'I. Ihe lur-iil lie- iuvileil xuenln inrlud- tion of uluioii caiinerw. II vai Miggeiited by them that an order Premier Oliver Holds that Such 1 IliillllliMf lasts las lnLilltf IiImiI litalut ii Ml MNrnnrel Ityan. Mr. J. M. in couiieil be himmI iroviiling that nil piirrlia-es under the SLIDES AT KWINITSA Work is Purely Federal. Kmer. MIn l-liW Kelly, Ml INrERNAL EXPLOSION"1 TTTl St .MiHlernliou Art he iilacenl in eouiitrie iireuiretl' lu nin liae an DELAYED PASSENGER million I'elnr- N'ornti Ki'imy. Mi A. MoiiviMnir. Mil ( equivalent hiiioiiiiI of llritih Unlumbia's ualtiral rudm'tK. VICTOUIA. Jan. St. Ihraine Mrn, Jniiiei Siiiiion. MIn I'lur-rrie ksi p....... ... "wro. i in rnnry wan nri-nniou- TRAINS AT WEEK-END t ,,...- Mir provincial gtiverunienl has not Myall. Hoy fiilmiiiir. CUtII The Premier errueil ftiMirobly iiiipievl vvheii il was immuIihI enough look after Hie lha r.eP IHuriflM,.... former lioueruillw,jHnrwi.. James Kelly. VMan, Krrr. out lo him that "io.otnt cae of salnion were till on hand und iiuMir services money n that TfZ arc purely Supposed Lie. i loil vi I iiiorltl the L'liioiiMw (ieorue IK-Iuarnu hii.IJh. Hiirhnll the market was slin k. II wmh urged thai the gtneninieul iiiiHr( Eastbound Held up Twelve Hours provincial, a business Buveniment ,u'y""" ,"'IduriiiK l In- war nml reeoimtruc-' The ltuit to the tirulf wan pro-loii iliit'et from Kranee. where large .siiiilie of hruiidie, wines nml and Westbound Delayed .cannot make a grant for the sup-'..iri Jnnie llurlinti and Mlit-ii lion ilino. lie elulined Unit now hy Hours. u wn" "! Hi.' Ihe Ooveriiiiienl M); renMiiiihi to hy Ihe hrtde. )iqtioi were on Imud, ami sell to that country in jmyinelit ijiiuiw Eight uf military (irgaiiitatious in war wa oer Premier Oliver Ilrilish Columbia, lirop il ireli-ipe of union. a room. I'-arh of Ihe "rjiMi-iin-n lilies of H. C iirodiii lfi. Slides in Ihe vicinity, of Kvviiu announced. Aid was requested by " of file Inliinlil ilwlure llieinehe-i Ihiu. tiiii mke eiirelnif tho e-lieni ilsti. Mile Hi. have been giving a delegation which wailed upon I'lio-f wlo'ii on tin'i.iimin noli- ' He l now runuinu u In v htcli the hrhh vvuh hi'ld JAPANESE,SUICIDE AUTO BANDITS TOOK 'ronlile on the railway for the past him asking fur provincial aid to-iwnrd ,. f V...I . I . . u lriilulil taiunenntivf nml tier iiiiulnrity. ronBH were fev days, tin Saturday No. 1 east- one of I lie newly formed 1 1 " "i f t. im Mr. Il.iriilniiii are II. reinii'Hil hy Mr. Juiiom SIiiiihii, AT PORT ESSINGTON ONLY FOUR DOLLARS ImhiiiiI was delayed for twelve imilitary organization on the Il-lilie. I'lilonUI, Mho in itelllllK U J. ,. Kelly, II. Ilrnwii and Peter hours on account of u rather targe jeoa-l. The premier holds that i I Hnliall llliwit llhiek. There leleuraiii from IN THREE HOLDUPS wax a Kuud ileal of t!onerMlhe Mii'orl this slide and yesterday No. 3 wesl-houiid fosteriiu of these is purely fed "'' Word reeeixetl morning in nilnlii o and Mr. and Mr. W. II. Vlekern and was lull lillle l.iliernl harking; (i. M. was delayed eight hours eral mailer. T5 in'' ui-eiili'iil tliu erpliiiii from Port fcsim-'tnii by t:hief ! 1 lloriloii, a ulrnixhl l.ihrral. uml in ninny roiiurajulairiry VAN:i)L'Vi:il. Jan. 3 1. about one mile east of the llrst -i allied III "'t4" rall. At the eonehioii of Ihe Minlv of Ihe nro im ial Police that -Auto thai Irflhor miilttioli It li espeeleil slide and did n reach here until ' ' ImiUiry sill lircakfnol all Joimsl in irjtin(t . ... Itatialil m ill Ilili',' ililTiM'eul holillilis ATTEMPT MpDE TO mid fanner ruiiillila.lea will he in a Jaimuese woman nan taken ' three o'clock this morning. There iliMit.f rul .Mlielhrr Ihe llcliViiuikliiif ()e In all. "Auld Imiiu Syiie." poison and then haiiKed hereir. " Sunday moriiing secured are several oilier smaller slides BLOW UP ORIENTALS kh 'iieernliiir. K3 Much InlrreM i. I.i'iim Ikiwii in Mr. ami Mrn. Iti are tiolli well Carlmlic uclil is meulinned as Ihe a total of about four ih'llars for along the tine. "n. It in aur. in Priure lliiier( utid Ihu ""' lliio fli'i lioii ami leuilern or all the known poison lilken and is also said llo-ir Irmil'le. The police believe ! may have heat of iliet will follow thrni on Explosives Put Aga it Outside of parliea tie wilinir the eon.tilu--luy that a teller was found in her jail Ihe cases were the work of thti i ! in mli-miil ix. Ihelr nmrriaire. Mrn. ltot linn dress, TANK EXPLODED Building In Whion Chinese ami aililremtiiix iiii-eliin. ,saiue pail). Hi, -1 1'jii rHMiru crown up here.from young uirl-IiiiimI, Were Sleeping. I' ''' i'l li ..f 500 feel hnxtutr romp In rinee II si ' ' ' -HlHI, i III". DETECTIVE FOUND perl in Ihe early day wills her Number of Negroes Killed and VANCOI VKU. Jan. 21. -An attempt 1 - ai-i' '!!It I'l II- in reiil. Mr. llo hu railroiuled Those desirous of fecuiiug ii'inrlmcnts, or iuveting capital, Othsrs Injured at Memphis., was mad' Marpolo to " 1 In hfillK nlk DEAD IN HIS BED hrre for many )ear nnd.ix'rM'd In in Ihe proposed blow up 1 slecpi'itf quarters of ' iiliduriL ijie tlieBl War, Inixiuif heen MK.MI'IIIS. Tenn.. Jan. St Vt 30 CIiIiiuiik ii during Friday night. VICTOUIA, Jan. St. Arthur iwarded tho I). 0. M. after hi dU-ehuriie. New Private Residential Hotel least 35 ijersons were killed, must Kxplosives were placed outside the ' DS OF VIOLENT Hnniiin. Iiiiiiki' ili'ln-lite at Hie if them negroes, ami lllty or iinn-v building and Ihe resui; of the impact :iiii i'm Hotel. mi found ih'iul in eiin'olilain full I'lii'ticulars fro'ii J, F. MAQUIRE, 712 Second injured an the result of the ex-plodiiiK was that several windows CONTINUE IN IRELAND liln hed at ihe lioiiulaM Hotel, BIRTH. Avenue, ami run see Hie plans . r lu liuihlno:. The of a tank ear of gasoline. were broken and part of the Trustees fur the Investors are Mr. J. II. Mr.Mullin. Mr. I), (i. rocked. ., . on vv L-. Where he had taken a room chimney "r-i.t :-1 J.I 1 1. ' l . I1n.l- ..r Friday iiIrM. 1 A roil wii'h linfii on Falunluy o Slew uil and lr W. T. Kergiu, in whose uume all monies BIRTH AT TERRACE. V !' T 1 : '" 11 1 nil) fi.iiiiniie. At Mr. ami Mini Ueorge l.illle of will he deposited till Ihe taunpany is incorporated. SPANISH CABINET RESIGNS. EASTERN HOCKEY. Terrace, The First Moilgage Debentures will bear eight per eeut. THIIIIAf'.k Jan. St A son was MAIltll. Jan. SLy-Premier. , '"I'l Me a tho Viiiiinlo 5, Oltnwn li Oaimdieitif iutet'enl. born nn Saturday last at Terrace Palo of Spain and the ttnbiiift has ' 1 f vuriuus kimU. 7, llauillloii 5. Advertise In tba Patty News, to Mr. and Mrs. Abel JLohnsoa. resigned nnlce. 1