mn darjT Kama Monday, jiln ii. . CATARRH lf lh THREE WATERFRONT DLADDCR rellev.-l In ACCIDENTS OCCURRED 24 HOURS Westholme Theatre They work fin. eu..een.lhMIOY Fisherman, Longshoreman and a Fireman aro In ths General naturally Hospital as Result. TONIGHT AND i TOMORROW and form (PROSPEROUS TOWN t.iMiU Hlnr(oii. a lil.riiiaii. I fell frmii i Itiihlnr u hiti unifiir ' I REDUCED TO THREE !,""m"1 ll niitn boat Helena m Jack no habit !tlie IIIi dork mi Saturday and London's ! ki-:-x:iiik.X." Jan. a i -Tu m-1 fr",?;:il Mr,Hl Ui ,,,,,s stirring 8U!ty ((f bum.- down m fail,K t ruin. II...' ;J'""" "'"'; the !..... ..f ii...n.... , ,t i.i.i....i -dcanier Priori .1- 1 1 1 . -iitained scn; -.., .-i ,i,u, uiiit it iiimii inning ,1. .. I.,,.. inn nr. mi nip HE HI- Saturday liniiiK cffiiiiniuiiily of jilrr.l. now linue but Hire In- am' "" H"M' 'rry Hny. r The ""' ,,8r'',e i?lp fdnrinit Co.. in-u.-irt..i,, Mutiny h. I'ituiils, according In report They -work I f3 liiouVlit here by five iJuroif Iiir ankle while uilloaiilUK QBiiiKfvBlHPrflPHP the J nil 11. naturally meii who re turned from a bui-nex All ilmt in the Hernial of re the trip to I he old town yesterday. and form lliupital. habU I fkinaeoiily I Scores of ntd.lillicrft in Ketehi-kan no 1 Dhlb I unci' narfieipr.ted in lite FISH SALES Elsinor it'titiiii's i f f In- iini r prnpernu I mil liw- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i I -. in now natural iy Thros Carloads Bought Yesterday bad. I In- biwiil lreel eollapinu, Willi ninll ar.d fbtm Al Fish Exchange for Shipment strrcist, ml many of liw houses Ki-ailunlly no lubit Miinblthff to ruin. East. Dinger iind high ndveniurt vaaaaaaHaaaviaaaa9aBaBaaaaaaaaHEtt Ilm lar&t flftv Ihitllsniiil ililllur witli onp strong man The fnllilwillK li-'lll- sold al tin-Hei a- boin till stand: ii iir in now r:in? two-fcorcinofiht exehnnite at Ihe regular Sua-lay Jeeiup; turn down "Hank" by morning- al-: to preserve n Ilnselle niiil A rl Iiiii- Pi-npn. I tin vvomani J1 Kinher, 11,000 pnuiid: Senliit-' niL STAO CAST W JACK LONDON a honor A drnrrn prosi'iil owners. Willi I,mi (.rune. I. Ift.OilO potiml-. I" ihr A II in "iWt flUTJNY yiU. CLSINOOC pfrriv .vim ha boen at llailli-v fnr some KL'herieiJ al I7e ltd Or. plnyrd beyond MRht nf lflnd ORMES LIMITED Ini.e learinp down the building. (iraylinf, 1 l.oon pnund-: :hlm- ; Topi' s of Todny Knufmnn Weekly on the fnrr of thr fathem-les ind (l. A. IticlianU and" Ji Comedy, "Dill s Anniversary" d'ep era, I I.Oon ihiiiikI-. In tin- I'aeille sen, Fi nek. Iliey here few relumed a K!herie, at 17.Se and Ce. li:y apo. Tmiy. 12.0011 ii.miiil-: i:nven-, Jfaa lion. U..HW Iwinnil-. In Hie (4111- i EMPRESS THEATRE - Tonight and Tomorrow The Store PROBABLE SUICIDE - , ailinn Flub Cold StnniKe (.. al If ti i ii i mm 17.5r ami 6c. FOUND IN THE PARK W ilson, 8, 11)11 p;.imil. lo Ihe "eld Storage al trte and He. MIXKflAL ACT. V.WCdl Vi:it. Jan. :i.-.With a The Forward i in tmlay with Elaine Hammerstein 'Form r i. i:lift wound in In- l.eati and a I7.nii0 iHMint-. i Certificate of ImproitminU.I ronher In bin hand, tin- lifeles Jewelry vtii:k. BASKETBALL LEAGUE in VHIE rili Tl i.K Mineral Claim rittiate ' ot an miiileniilled man wax in I Or Mi Iiikt Mining luvimun'or caa-ier Ciiunl al I lie week-cud in Stanley Costs Less iviln fiutnrL rrnm A.lrr Where Arm nrad -About of kiliaull tl I'ark. Knlltminir in Hie iiUKlrlhall flivrr natin. aiUmnlnr "SHt llorue" Minrral itandinsr: "The Pomt of View" TAkE ?IiiTH:f Ihal I. Lrwia W. ratmorr. IVM ACT. Ssnlors. - K M C. n. 3SA-i:. as ar'iu fnr lutin Now iHlernrn. trre Minrr'a rtinrate Hn. rORW OF NOTICE. I'. W. I,. I'la. FORD MONTHLY AND CGMFDY 107311 C. Inlrnd. anir davi 1mm iim dim Son of (kinada A & I 10 iMTMif. In apply lo n Mimna 'Hreordtr C.iMSIAR LA.Ml liMTHICT MS1IUCT OK Since the luxury lax lias for a OrilQKair ut Improvrnwnu. lur tft CASSIAfl. (.It 6 s I lo prpio of llaininr a Crown Uranl of been rlinlislieiJ nearly all our tin ahnv rJmin. 1 TUt iHitlrr UHI ,1 AVrlWtrr Send Snnp--ll Kikx S I t H AMI rillTIIKII TAKE M'TIIK that C- "f T r 1 rranh uwl K i: ormiutiAfi (allien ti t I 4 111)41. uiHlrr .i?tion aa. miiil hr cinmrncn you 10 per cent ladian Atrai. HilrM lo apply fur nrniitt- ixfoiT u iuiBce or mrh irlilical of iw M-ar iih rtHtriwint ipacrua una: (i. W.'V: A. 3 14 2 Was Suffering f rom less. The former lax nirrrwTiirtiui. al a war 4idiM'nr.nt pwl iUnlit yanu iialrd llii ioia day of o(-mtirr, A. U. in rv nr Iru wrUlMl or ttm orttMI Son or I'mk. 5 0 5 0 or 1(1 per cent is also cancelled, 1110. LKWIS W. PATMCHIK '-riH-r or th THrpll Otk tMlr. Intermediates. THEO COLLART, Notary Public marki-d Initial pmt; Ibrsra MHO Cftaiaa; anil as gold has nut iKiii-i. 4tt rtunM: tkeoee rmtttn 4 Cnltf I J I A INDIGESTION Heal Katate Krntale Insurance NflTICK. !.- rtulM wrl ( inr polnl advanced in price've'ry much r rmiiiiH-nrrmrof. tait eonlaiMar IM acre Itnovpni I 1 3 S KOJiON COAL, i Bulk. SI2.00 i?r ion ... i i l THE NATTER or an application for luorc ir Ira. Intsrmedlale Cirls. FOR SALE Sacket, S,1J0 , No Fear of Pains Now Jewelry i cheaper in WEBSTKR SCOTT SIJII'bM.. pro. iut iwwu i rr- n rn iiuraifi wi line lor IM tl and t. ni'irk ti. Srrtlon I city Jiali-.J liwfiitier IMII. I.r'v' Meleom - 3wI. 3 -3 0 G Moat Utacral MAHINE INSURANCE on Hie CmM porlion lo lots of things. of l-rlivf IliipiTl, (Map tt3l. I'liooe (iirU S I 4 Inaursne Company vf North America. Paya (iantia ,: MiTlCE la hrrrliy nrrn mat It la my It PnnfUTF, taaeall la une uf Ihe wortt farina inlpmtitn In tMi- after the fiplratlon of THE SLTIlKVK OHKT OF UIUIISII .Maple I.etir 3 I I Z f alMMt InwMr, and May peutM John Bulger rifM fiKioth rmfn tfw. nnttllf<r.n h(.r. -COLl'MBIA. P.O. Ba WeMkoJwa Tk.atie Bloak rkaxa IUm II if. a fn-.sH n-rllllrile of ltl to tltr ahol. (S. W. V. A. 3 0 3 o iBrr lerrtblj arier etery Meal Ury rl iwiilbmrd lands In lw nan or kditn ; JJIK MATTEfl OF THE AliVI.IIJTIIA Girls' Junior. i Me n-Mt; and allH uf tke fiwd. ranta , Jeweller lalirl Mf-M-irili.-. tnrh rrrlinratc a Tl"' ACT a the .1'iMiacii. aaarniara. viler braa. iwiird 17th fwrcnibrr, ill, and i numL. fcsft'lK Tillirtinm 1 -1 0 H ueletHna f .ad. wMlliir atairtly aricr GIFTS THAT LAST luntt i 1 III-. VATTMl iif Tilt OF land ln-irv nmr- Prince Ropcrt. B. tl ' 'L''j.f EV.M. liECLAiiEO, IMTtU- Kink Kilwanl I S 1 0 aliiw. lc. are aota in Ine miwaM. iinl dkj nf Orrmlr. IttO. ta rt. Kparltut - 4 I t Tto-ie ! Ki He,'! Ivr an) rl In je .i-lM.-Fi(aiirar or'Titles. ., ,r'E . ViTirE ma In order f Hii Whiz-llatiK 4 0 I 0 miM ladlaa'.lhm. iyawMia it an -mar leMarii IrMrkte ir tt; ' il "iMiur r. srp. KHiua. mw tne aro ojay rm mrwttmmmmFtMuartrm laiKiatr. . ft. Il. I an imunu rt k.- Rur.ek ahaue) Ritler. nK-k ITO I iliniiii'lrmtor ti Ine etale or Umrre Hem-- ' aMMi I 1 bWWTI WHIST. LEACUE j i. ii- a -irfFliiiuH-m M uah n-'a ewiia. kerte, man. derraied. and all fxrliea harMa Halm aaiii"! I he 14 HI Ulc ire beretty required ik- and berrieaj rtMBjMMUoai IMI raa FOR SALE ! ri.neh aamr. pnlwrly rriined In me. n. n lp I.hi pin tin- iMara nam TUESDAY SPECIAL A i V'.r IVit.brrre and ue all tifi 4rue day mdeMe or lebraaey.l tfe- Kollowrnv in the sIriiiIihk In Mr II II. , Avrbni. .A. a . na: ' -tali- are rwiulml to pat .Hie aeaoiMt of i. In rr the 1 lyblutvn Cup: "I 4 wiili tie .iveraeae riirre rr firfir MHr wd-lleifne4fl lo we r,rlltwltA. W. I.. PL nr. .ltd iHn aanalla. ami In I'.arr. I Wllf II. .McMlI.U. uf. I a iiurM-tiiuale eauusl) Hi be f nmriai Adraimairaior. Kni.-hl l oliiiiibu tf 2 16 I IHTKli ihi' m lav ..r Jarowry. I11 , iiixti aud laken I sa a 6 room House on-i r Cnnufta .7 3 11 ;:! ie i r.r i', vr. and lh- Pl taey 'SntiK ir I upland 6 5 1 in n-il aind. al IMie. and alley i fi it. un. I found t uWanas rruea Ki.ii.lilH lylbiaH. . h 4 in Singapore ..a-ti.i. Whni i 'aiar aijaae ia July, 1 St. Andrew 5 I 10 and Two Lots h I iv i I warly a wreeK. I mat told CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. Vall.all.t I S H ! i ii- lmr--k ltlii allien I did ao ti. W. V. A 3 7 0 nnl rUMt a real reiief, aatj eaa anw eel Vi..i:E IS HEREBY UIVE.X Fine Harbor View rr..rrr- covermr Lot l, CaMiar that uimrUTl.the I ft. O. K IS 1 1 ill m tear uf paiaa aad Mrkne. 1 1 i cancelled. . ' would reridMuelMt Ii. H tf'. Hi all tJ mBer , 0. tl. A DE N, Klki4 2 8 1 Irim Indlsralliat." I Pineapple l.and fn-pirlmeni,Deputy Mimaler or limit. RurdiM-k iwd Hitler baa been oa I lie ' $2,300.00 Vlrtorla. . C... iiarkel for over r-rty years, M danita mn Itn. PRESCRIPTION OF iiiai tiaaa ba luade rapaUleM aeemw tu I1.HH- foe. reliev.iiy all aloMarH trnauM-.. GREAT HERBALIST Vtiiufalureil .mix "f Tne T. Nilbarn i n.. regular 4Cc I nuiu-d. Tuehato. nut. Advi. IMaffery, Gibbons No remedy ever ifl"reil in Itrit-i-li (..iliiinliia lino ntlraeliil nmre A Laundry Service Special u-i-iiuiiie liii.i-el than llml nlinwri & Doyle, Lid. hi Wnnder ll.-altli flelorer bandied ITCNOQftAPHCRI, Within Every Woman's Means in I'nitee lliiHrt by Ihe 3rd Avenue I hone 1 1 4 tins for $1.00 l'riiii-e It 1 1 l)ru Co. til eiandaallnn f.,r lMair sad aetunr pi-r-t iliiaiaimarei mil tu. am ua aaieraay. It it here for you in this Family Serrice we offer. Tim ri-ini .lv i in a elann by il--If n-uruaiy i a in J'wiver, Jfir K rla, Wf.uuni.ier and tuck of Wrut Is moit dissgreeable on washday? Iu't in that it i really llje iiivale fxHnu aa there may be die. tuSi- Limit 12 i.i''4i-riiili f nne nf the wiii'lil'n Hatca. or tuure It the muitlneii of wash water; the steam of boilers m-ealel ,. dali-t. a native i.rhr1'' :r'':nala tZ it"uS!i Jne",' and tubs, the lifting and ha u line? SUITCASES Sri.llait.i. Tlii limn Mlielll hi lire ... Z.Ih"""?. "1 And it's of that we relieve you at a cost truly in the m-ai . li ()r herft Juiee ,nrli ,.ux,"!"'m .J1 rlte will lm received moderate. , TRUNKS .i- wiiuld i i.rrei-f orKitllii- eoiit-lil.-iintM '.1. A,."ri.'."'."--- ,'.'m' nd '" I'irlirii' We take your family bundle, wash It sweetly Rupert Table Supply Co. A High. JUST Grtle ARRIVED I umnv Mine Iiun and reori; Ijwllli. lie ar iffll loay any obtainmi Unt rrwnelll frwii A rent.ihe unnemnaNt clean in soothingly toft watert and billowy, glistening COAL urenen i I., ntV3i u ,iJftl. e (but . ItUlACIA.AKH. suds; and rinse it many timet In more water i nil neTVka HANDBAGS PHONES 211, 21. For Furnaee l'nn the fame nf bi iireianilitn Htiread yirtorti ii. r.. Ixaninlaalolirr. cparkingly pure. (ui- tieyiiml lux rloial Inucb and Jauuiry liUk,lbt llelivepeil, Sarked. $13.00 ton today tin- i.iiieily, preparoil ac-i Neit we daintily iron the flat pieces; the thing! F. M. Crosby lii liMTi-il. I,no hi-, $11,75 ton nriliii) In In exact foi-iiinia. i LAND ACT. like bath towels we dry softly and Huffilythey Sli-ulu Coal, f.o.b. earn, tinw ulTi-iiil i over Ihe world. Notice of ntRtleaj APtil, u aurchaa need no ironing; and other pieces that require it 715 Third Avenue 'I'll ill it i- iioiim niilnld Hniiil i in $6.90 ton "ittr'irl. we starch end mike ready for you to iron your ,JX ''Wr Un:, I'rince Kujiert iii.i.-ted I'v lliiiUM.-nidx ubo lime Ilerornnif na. j rinee Huneri. and home. DENTISTRY Large SUArk of Clean Lump and trieil ii and fi.uiul relief. about own t'gll alan on land If you hi any of iur frieiiiK, i I anil IT ' ",J0""n la Ml In a word, we do all the toiltome, mussy work "Not a Lignite" are Hiitrerniu from Am lima, llbeu-inalMiii, Take nullae Ihal I, iovnn Kdrar Trein-'.'.TtZL'l' of washday, and leave for you only the milder, Don't neglect your Teeth StnMiai'li Irotible, Kidney .Z"J. "'. ocrupalion firmer, pleasanter task of the lighter pieces. FOR RENT One decayed ormialn tootb .Consumers Coal Co., Lid. ('.'iiildailll-.. Xene liai'neK, I'lle. appir tur iernilMnn lo purcnata Ironing lowers your efficiency Kin afTei l inn, etc.. rail at the Ihe iirtliiiM-nciiia full.i ln deicntied al. a hi lanrta It's a truly economical tervlce within the meant planted at tne J. Irne MscLaren. Manager I'l-inee llliieit lirujr Co. mid nxk iiiihea.l eorner of u,t it, ibence ae of every woman we're ture you'll like It im-menfe'- Furnished Rooms abniil Wonder lleiillli Ileelnrer. II aa,l.'Sf..,.H,MI,i. Ji"".'; " r"ni . Room 11, Smith Itloek fbene 7 .... m ..I...... DR. BAYNE ih Mol limy but (Iir Juice or Iterb fNiliil of at OfTicc iloura-Moriiinp, 9 to 12; but it- uoik has ileflareil it In lie iiu arrea,riiimiieiicemenl,inure or leu., ami coiilaiiiina Ttle 1 me, we'll welcome aa opportunity to tell AfUrnooii, 1.U0 tu 6.30; .Sator-day, one or the unci potent and elTee. Oated rtomier JIIHM'II FIlllAII tl. isio.1IILTII1IU.V yju moio about it. Dominion Hotel 9 to 12 only. Kveninni, ne i-eini-iiie in me worm. TueaiLay, Wednesday and Krb ti ('imam:. Just Itemodelled ami Refurnished Cday, from 7 to 9. DRY DOCK ti""THE ai;tt'm i-iii"mi."r i;i.i 1,,fc ut of mmi imii Canadian Steam Laundry Corner First Ave. and Eighth DENTAL NUItSK IN ATTENDANCE Notice lo Advertisers i ml Street, I'rince Kupert PHONE VO rOH APPOINTMENT J 15 THE M4TTKH Of THE IHTATf'llk- ' 1'hone Ited 4G8 P.O. Box 353 Jitney Bus Casual advertisement Phone 8. TAkE MiTlCE I tl I In ..a in. Leaves the Royal Corner fnr insertion name day Chartered Accountant in! Ammkio und Clh Street should be fn tbe. Daily PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD and Auditor, 7.35 sharp every morning News olllcu before 10 a.m. SSiJeSw ,d an p.rlM,; "avmV elaiina mrm IM.. Pbor.e 93. S. K. Tarker, Mgr. GEORGE RORIE HYDF TRANSFFR ClionKos In odvcrtUcinenta W Jliruiali aaiiie. Pearly v.rine.l ti nil. of fUirie a flmalL C.A.. Vaneuuver and should be on hand before Send if Caraful atWntion aivea to all order, fur I'rince ftupert. SERVICE f urailura,rraiaat. b'iaaaa or atlier riioNK tm p.o. rioa at 5 p. in. on previous day. renhiiet to llw amount of i cfgunary tranarer work Federal Dulldintf SueeesHor to Joe Urown their lo n forthwith OEDEKS TaacM oa COAL and WOOD Nota Chanfa uf Addrtu ad fhaoa cull ll. nn vi I.I.IH. onn-ial AcIiijiiii!ralor eeea ee -aae tIArtt) till. 4a iU of Jauul, V. Oma