rvnt mti9 www bad pvldenre Ilia I the owner of the Horrible Cruelties of ' In lir.il rollee!-;! money for , Korean pAtrfolfe' tui-fiop. If ine 2 L" 'only f if offender iiiTi'i-i'il, even ilk Japanese in Korea is olijrrt:(lie hnri'dii"full It would I" Iwniini not xccioimly I hp per. j fei-tly innocent ami ti.-lple nn- Made r T 1 7 7 done to ileum vrllhoot rn m Here .. 7 o3 by Missionaries' s-ivtt , tti to ny aim Actions of Soldltrs ;.n., I Ik I I'lii'lrtr Men Shot Down in Number without any form liierfb(nir Hie a-(i.n. .,t iii IJapaiipop fioliller at Kan ctumK. a,,. ny milk"ol pnl Hint u'I of 7 rial and Villages Burned; Ilev. Mr. I'mile f Hiai th. y.uny iu'Wiii'i. ; rlltoipe inptt of Hie i inni d in ,,is.m. llier lliuti Christians Wiped Out front of g Korean lim... mih. ii-i-ir. lull I am 1I ml even n ftfiii if Miinmiti mn. i hoi ilirWft, J5ln all. Tlo-i iip' linnli ilolmnMn TDK 10, Jan. 22. Charge Uml he Jnjtnnr.e lo eul into lxnfp bM-.l i., u,, in' li, li--i Milk for jllie Ohliiee ililrir of Chieiilno. a .Mftiirhiiriait roimniiriily jnt iwirpiip ami evi"i ... . need mil add 'over Hie Korean border, iinlirrimliinlely ho hundred of the nnt liiirtvl. Wliib- Hn fm i s.i Wlllll villnp-er without ftentltlaiir of Irlaf, burned villar, M-hool, IipIiib pU-ion tliPin -..id,. ,f Hip rhiirrhe and made wonmlpil HI) wen- ai.i. i., ,,. itoj, are pnhlie lijr Ci nml inn nilioii.irie Pacific Milk Co. t'itioiieil in .Miiiirlniria nml Korea. , bill wre iaynhel(ed in iii- utoik ami tiipi llielr fate in tin (l.-iuic.. Llmllcd Iteplying lo Hire i-harRe, LieiileiinnJ-Oilnnel llntn, of Die I know lliea i u.-ii." 1. 0. Jnj..ine.e Imperial lntT," nt Hie jAi.iuee Var Olllre. tlaled Hint Mr. rp ojiMtfjl eil. Iipv )te MCTOAV T UMI". . o. Hie Japiiiiee eoldier had liiinicd chiirrhe nnd rliooN only nfler in an injl-iit9liy-nv Kpn. The evidertee had been olilaiiiril Hint they 1.1 ikI wa nkl tfttiU- ami flrwoM were hrlrijr ttel n ecu I or i neanee. Tliy ! a uip. i.r oiiriaiif liy Korean malcontent.! Iianl.uorktoi; fumpli- win. Hi- mII Hi" lllni" destroyed iIIiiimp werp fired ami noon the. niruit. ulcil li.inl to niak a hv ihk. l licir wne iliirtf- In whlrh I lie inhabit. Iw lode ounlry '- full of miioko, 703 Branches 1020 pbureli ami &ool, tluir IIIIiIp ,,ni. Iiml Iiccii in ti'Aiui" v.illi lhculilrli nn pljinly iiM fnom am) liymn book, lln-ir Humlav tillaw. II'' ilwlrtml Hinl lliojlliln town. The Japan en- olrlli' worcliip. anil, alp all, tiipiri Bank illiiui-r wr x rtih il iriily nH'-r jllK'O iri'i mil niwl Imriml Hie The Hoyal Havioiy, wre (JiPir jiy. 'Ilipy iii'iuiry I'V Ho' mililary nnd riyil ,IioIim- of Clirinlluii l.li-cr in wptp not nalriulii' iiiipr m.l 18 :siiillirilloi. jitil.er tillnitcit nil ..wn I lie talley per paece .llnfiprme. ut Ho- liifr.-li lukinK To Investigate s' trt Hn main nol. Tlion iUy iirt in imtitie. fro foJ5f of Canada The JaniM joiverniiiant hn. rT"?rr""'. '".'T. V e,'l','ri,' hm Five Encuttd U. nt lo.rjiienlao n r.,ntr.if.afon Ift jK"I"r..r birthday, JIU lUnui.i M; l'ul-lliorpe,,rif ndin1ini of 50 100 hmealiirul llm entiilifl of lio; Women Walling Oniarto, a iiiPoilwr ,.r Hip tin. IrtM.p.. TliU iMHly i lirn.lr.l liy ", w a,,(,rihli Hip nearliV ailian I'reeliytprliiii mi.-Ion at n A CHANCE! H ISilS .....iiiopl Mixiimaeiii. rormerly mtl-e f.Hin.I only women and Yonajuna, lellit In li'-r tapiient mai y HHU.-II.' ai aMitiiKlon. I. MfcTren ami .....in whllr.lniire.1 of (Im exeeoiioii nf nipn from the small Ton will not miss I Oup of Hip iii..piirte. r. f.mr Wn, ynz Hie villa of WurlnU-., wlio. ulia amounts. HI Martin, of -rnnu.lUn-l. a lm,r. ln (heir lim k wpm- walk-l.liy.irlnii a-o. werp IpiI by t h- J:iiinni -p I monthly altarhed to Hie rjiiia.ll- tnu u(, n, ,,mn j,lnjr. .ipt to Hip tofi of a lull about J On the fir day of every i'rcoliylrrian Mitn at Vonit. 1 "I plioliticrcplml ruin, of iQ Ilirpp mile from V-'iiujnnic ami: rr.snlb draw a chwjne for h'im. h i.lll Hie villnlte f ,u,iHi, Among wliirli rr o. (Iippp put to palh. 1 credit of Wl.wi on (l..Ur 31. Iwo mm lrlnir II.Ht hair ami rrytnir "In Hie lop of !!: bill." Mie! the $10 for your iitay. nflr Hie Japanee went ilpetar', "tliprp Jo ipntf a lurirpi sorra '' inp Account. Do ihr-.H-li Dial illolriri. lalc: Wovprtnjr ImhIiV or untMirned Hollow not liWe fr..m tlo- rnl th . regularly for, aay. ten rre..Hii iieiow timuw from H,r l.nrnlite ruin. or Villarp. ITte x-lims crfi yearn. .ty I" Hm ! li.lril iitk man wrnmn w er-ni ami I iiioiIp lo nit at Hip I,..i.ih .if tlm. i Yrjr Urj will then hate Ki1n.....rr.lipniaoinHi.-.o.iHiprniwrw anno-at uliai I ha.I n hIiptp they pf tn-li,-il ni with He part ! Hn- provimra f Klrin. dial I rnulil mil ihIiI my camera !ortl. It in report ! tiy nn -! PLAYER s S2.08L& can own a ,:"ma. Ulailv ptomicIi In IjiLp a llmio 'wilncoK I lint two -r.l business when other boys j Jhiwii. unoVr tlip lrnB-t (M,Mirr broken ami thn Hk- awful w..rk re sf I workinjr for wajrea. i.r..ir,i fntto cbina li cent orrj "v iiata name anl aeeiirole ' flniliwl wHIi l-nrt. Tlien llS.oon im-n into Hit xirt of CtifnajimwU f 31 villrre- nliprel'lie loi eiarlli wa .ulls ,).. n NAVY CUT llll Hip intention ofiim.rilpr from Ihp Mbtp of Mip -PPlllinK nn.l (In linvi. .n iiuh! hoiiow lo tipinitatm $33,810,869 Aliina nut nf pfftletMe, if n. Oiip vitave ba liml a luauy a i-otpr the oiulilaled lo.liPi." CIGARETTES ti IrswtM SSI J.122,317 !ibp. ibp wbole (tbfUHan rum. 116 InhabitanU iitlpil. Ilnne Villages Burned oiuiity. ppppially all yotiwr men. have been loirnpil with women In anwerlna tnnoirlvs at the I Burning and Shooting ami rhiMrpn In them. At Ponnnir- LlapanpikP War DflK, Lieutenant j "Villain- aftpr villas l Nlally erpo.J tip in front ri'omri uaia tooi ie .vkiiiip.i MIXKItAL ACT. j If inn MH-llioilii-ally biirinsl ami Hip a lartrp rrave. ihen liot and llwir rrpaa rorreMinirni tnai me illtf llli-n nlloU :h thai at prpenl IhnIIp iplnyel with burniiijr number of Japamw IriMip em CrlilUu f ImpraiMitU. heap foal v Iibp a rind ul vIIUp nr-r.iun.linK miuvI nnd nil. Tln i lypiral." piovpi! hi ine iih niao aliair a MJTIci. FJiTig31ajB B & K CHICKEN CHOP the ely that hap Shot and Burned 5.000 not I1.WW. Villapo hail iffnrel fitmi fire tr hol'alp lieen barnevl, be ritul, (ml only in -iwt cinr.- -lipr our so. i B & K SCRATCHFOOD Thelte. XV. II. Fih(p. Canadian -0Hr :uir .la f." tut "Copprr uiir intinlpr or both. TIip follow inn I'leohyterian uiiinary at Vonc- pe nprp Hip maioriiy or i n- V. S" Minrral CUlm Mluale la Um .141 These are balanced rations and if fed with We .ffrr IfnrU are alotiilpyaepirap: junir. naiop neveral villaBex in liahilanla were known to bp in airer Mmmr IHfiuoa of rir DMlrttL the necessary grreen feed ALFALFA At ilaytireak a eomplele ronlon wlilrh Hip home, nrlntol ur leaii wllh Hip outlaw. WOn lordnl: kttun Rirrr, Allr Ana. .MEAL). BEEFSCRAP5. GRIT, SHELL ItefpfPinpr to Ho- eharae that an lAt .NOTICE Itul I, ueorie A. tounf. f Japane infantry Mirroumlpil and CHARCOAL, are sure to results EDSON COAL elitirehp uf I'-lrictitn nativea rm Mmo"! Oronnle . SStt-C. r. Rive iif l;lirtian lllaire of rtranixeil ailpnii i niaile "lo and INCREASE EGG PRODUCTION. main were loirned and ay thai in one inr for mjteir and trmi for Jovpe 'rflbavp nml. larlina from Hip Of III Pill tb eHip were hol and wipe out the whole l'.hrilian rooi-uiunily."' Wetta. frr Mlnrr ru(lri- la loetl- .I'i of Ihp firp ti the Inilonel llata ail thai it :, twl Arm t4iB, Frr Niorr or-oeetl We valley. w Hip ImmHp burnpil. The eap retail feed in any quantity Deinrered fin. 4tl -c ntpod, loose uwit)e (lily atyt ; -$12.00 tlarkn of unlbrpliPil war thai a majority of jiininpuw He deelare are "abanlutely fmen o due hrrwr. lo apply to um Sacked- iiiiib i. barl. y ami lraw and then aiilbenlfr." Hip premiop havlnsi thp who hint be.-n pvppuIpiI wpre MlnMf nreordrr for CtrtUrtle or Un- THE BRACKMAMER MILLING CO., LTD. - -$13.50 oiib'rnl Hip orrapanlm of the been inpelel by four mibn-arie C.lirllan. but ihey wrp not prmrraienu. tor Um prpoi or cbuiauir tim- oiitip. In pari! rae an pun lwhp1 for Hi.'ir reliaion. but Cron UrtBi or ttw ibov riaim. P.O. Box 74S Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 3SO and a eutoni oflfielal. And 'urtrwr take natir tut iruoa, un fur liaiulilry anil reltelli.in. No Hip fnltipr or on IipiI forth, Ouotinu Korean a hi nulhor. der serf ion IS. unitt be rommMMrd txfort Xuaimt WdSatlei Call lie wa hol at n lrbl. ami a It, be ay that S3 pron were rliartre wan iini'ie afamt Hip tlw umiukc or Sara Certism of lmpro-men Iip fell on hi fare, perhap only l.r.l and even liiirnnl to ilenlh Pinisitiarie. is. Dated tan (ta or hliki Milmilt Colonel llala. while admitting oar .nnDfr, ti. In,If ilpqil. sreat pile of hurninir in their own bonne at Chens !iin; traw wprr thrown on loji of him. Hint mi were hot at Un Tons Ja that harh iii-nure hail lieen adopleil. xaiil bail Mtmliliniw hail; W A P n ELECTRIC & MARINE Some Blood Marks and Ihat llire were nil Chritlan xipl in thai ililriet for a lous' W JSU "I n uliown Hip Mmh marks villase. TORK'S SUPPLY CO. fcl & time owine to the unrherkPil McCaffery on the iirouml eauel by the I"he ooldipr 4nd coiniimndin ' " aelivilii'K of t:iitne.e hamliti.' s .1 a :- i.-r COW BAY ' t 1 Umlted hayoilpf llirnl iiilllrleil on Hip ofllrpr' who mi lo llieop plaep," SELL Korenn oiitlaM ami llu"ian Itol. ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES, linn a I Iipv ulrmr lo rlp. from iir!priei Mr. 1'ooIp, "a n pisnprnl TOVES. helki. lie i-ail Iip wot ponilit-enl representing the Itniiie, in ilr of Hip fart IIiIiik haxe no eonpralfon what- that Ihp Japcm-p nolitiers had Canadian Fairbanks Co. Ltd. Hir.l tlipy hail bpn llir-e llmea ppr with Hip people, but do thpir WS X!7 tnd Avenue hut at ehe rai-e. The Imllip diaholiral deed tod pa mi, Ku not been guilty of Hie harharilir C. O. Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 250 h.p. wilh whirl! they heil lieen rharj:eil. c. v. Evirr wore noon rharrpl beyoitil all re-, Sei Tun ir IiUip only place 'where, Fred Stork's Hardware 8-10 H. P, Heavy Duty Distillate Engines, munition. Tlo molhpr, wIvp any rao wn Kiven to Hit people.1 It is Just as cheap to get you! All the Latest Improvements. Auctioneer ami even the iilhlrrn were fnrrei! atNilI for Hip nd ion. a Korean )rintlng done wl' and done at Skcokd Avcnuk Electric Lighting Planta Come and let u givn you a Auditor and Accountant -pelatore nf HiU trealment of nil arroiiipaniPdlhe notdler and loldi lome as It is to seud it away. Try PHONE B1ACK 1 14 practical demonstration. the urown iii&Ipx of Hip vlllane. the people that the officer afd hej I'he New Print Shop. WHEN A MAN'S MARR i Sam i ' Sam -f ibe E WELL TAKE THIS - THE KITCHEN'S STEAK BACK AND OH SAM! IS ON FIRfc-B SEE IF IT YOU COOKEP CANT-HAVE ENOUGH FDR ONCE 3 1 Tr