jMir two LjH, The Daily News nf THE HORRORS OF j The Man in the Moon pni.vcR nupRRT - nniTirfii Columbia SAYSi- J. A. KIRKPATRICK H Published Kvery Af'rnoon. exce pi Sunday, by The News BESTION H Jt iMlIMi fr.Hil Hi. nllenlMWi Third Avenue. Printing ftnr Publishing Company, I given the Daily V.w.t.v Mi- II. P. PULLEN. Managing Kdilor. Rclieied by "Fniit-a tiies" lnniPIHWWt one a..ul.t niiane announces his first the aaner was a mn.ti.laf r..r SUBSCRIPTION RATES I the Fruit Medicine eteetintv City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 1.00 lhiea or Wk Ily mall to all parls or the nritih Empire and the United States, purtMl Intift....dijr.ima of too.I. h r svf IMKRR i one iimia CI Sale In advance, per year 18.00 lb most seixMH of feeent .kjy the .resent ramfmlv" lien il is ean-up To all other countries, In advance, per year $7.60 cnMy(.iBUiniM It H ttfa ever MBUhm. Will e W' to TELEPHONE 08 MtHm- serum trwaWe. ay: ffif kWletndenis -ers.-.l lft to Im Mfbn.,r ft W On l.uoiarv IB?, I Ii.i.mi.I to make . ttenl atleratloii. 1.. i, DAILY EDITION at,ri Monday. IV-tetnher 5. I Ml ilm.u ivnmT ifii.-i MnrtUm. f If-. I.KI"S aee. ho iii.-i.'im. i-' is. vlii.'li will n.'.rssiiate my B.iaiwndinv hilaea ur a lime. 1 h - S2erpitur4 mmd i. ,Vi m ! Peek fr ihe-.- 1 a tie' Mil th, ,1 ... I!! -I." . Ill I . Ml I 'I I - I it I I 'S I to Hit Back Iw-tween ... . ami Proposes rehrt M the 1 i'iiiii.-iiI "Fruit a in" M 4ak At Malls NtwL I " U,JH dftaositton and t:iM -i Heek 1 llle Ml.- will cn'im... .t.irin reHhef. or anlM lh U ! IW ll one i.f Ihe three- iiraans of noliUc-al. independence. a mnunnto Which;.l a.i are...... treasibra tlte tMeh rae, ehMed. Will he .r.nise .. v..le paed ot. V aatever yam hmf ynu can .leind at rttiiar n ,. 'I. Vttht. -UpINirttng WlMl UA l'ree "IH umrnmiwi Inrmx tb Ho f the (hf'trtlra atalnst the treritt ...wei TTu- constituency ref. ttwoitel peek' a tUfe4enlg The Dail Ju'rerl aed rom-el C Wf tie, hteh ttad Kllfi thetn tMil ..( p.werf I. "We tawght In the Scripture i: are w. The enet quotation u.uaHjr AreoNipaajiea lulif)OM. 'I neeeaaary In a-k lbt if n nirtM -mite oti on the one cheek to turn alo the tdher (rial ait Ke. Oa a tax, 6 for te 70, . fleck toward him. I tinl -ay I have md advanced .iillicienll l At dralrn or Mat imtpaM by I air.: I hi little unit l.i do mi. I am nut Mfvpaml to a;.. Ihal f. I have not reached Fruit-a-mea Lhbj'-., Otuaa. Ol a eaf.rlti.Ms rter(..i ale Men's .... h a fae of ImmMi ierfertH.ii. In fart, I propose hit bit. k I'lte way it change "lr jnsl n hunt a I ran. Is eitottirh lo make ..tie -. . amount of thrcnteniiiR from anyone I going to deter The SUITCASES urlornie MEN'S MARTT SHOES UN0CRWUR l.niK News from doing it hot to -cenr the defeat of tJnlonel ln.tewnleni . Vain.- i sta.aa l.Tk il the present election. Sm h a petty thing a threatening T runks Suits M. . .. n .. the editor of this paper is not m keeping with the high standard ' c.i 11 Remember All ana price, 111.00 r nf sa.'.. which -hmild be fwqnired f a raiiHiaale. K'Kir v Ht- h.lil thai another thniK t which he t.Mik exception m CLUB BAGS year atio Your choice ef any kail "lanael.i The Ii.hIx N'-w wa thl i hi- -Hiiro from mwes when he Large Stock on hand. I'e.'jile N.W Mpeirle Ihe )r no.lllr. HATS In .toes Fee paemeni V5 . :.m wa of Prince Hiipert and wn- give a maguiricent reeep tstaateid his home in Van- Price very low. ISletaon. only $7.00 - Ut he retiirniag tiuii h. re The New -nifl ll we had to a.. iv. i . ..r something to that efTe. t. If we were wrong in that we J. F. MAGUIRE lew Bear a Reork le Ue. ee ST.aa. $39.50 Per gsemtnt t2-J$ stand .-orr-ei-tcd. Iml a the Colonel has l.nMight the matter up. e W as to wave the I'liion Jack. aale price tS.OO if not mind wying that een yet we ronlsler he l his home in Neit tfca Print Sapcrt Hot llt lh" MH.e teii so. Vancouver unit i not n resident of Skee electoral dilrict in the H'.dthanarn. eesr. saoa. II"" "a'er m..Ii.i 'k MACKIfUWS strict sene of the word. We ee no rea why he should not aah $4 00 price ntF. daaer of having mny. slort Is niarfe of Sic. Heat. live ni V.m ..over if he fishes to do Alofle time it wa reported iii he eiwrien to live in Victoria ami command the Sixleenth ALL PREPARED 'hitta ta 1 with the lrih K-a. (ft and tan mls. ttml. lua.. Ik ... leiegatM ptatnty .ii..i. llatlalion ihere. hut he Iih Hpparently given up that idea, for he! Rfatfy, Campbell'a ami C. Iat ri'. Ii.ih Iwen ed the rese-e. ceorHiiig to pres reiiort. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS New pli. on FOR V FPTIflN N. A R. mate. $10 00 The are all nett matter and we do not like dealing with 1 Jl LlLtLlVliUll Grey Militarv Flannel. Htr and the beer wa. M. addrese. if the report art to be believed, the 1 he flnet Mna -res. them, but in bis ' lie lirlne. Mom H r a n d . ale miididale spends mnth of hi time dealing with pell y matter $3.00 fate worsted and ' abi.-h have no partimlar intere-t to the peple of thi city. What Polls Will b Held Tomorrow n Irt-tce lkert Nnlblna Aner MACKISJtW tHtrrri wc want Ui knuw i hw the lilonel propose (n vole shiHihl the Black Building, Savanth SlT the an taar aimy candidate officer i m it"i..3 ljilanr hbabt FTmanrl tbiH. era n.a.t- and Mie bie'lie-' R II ' con-titiiency be o foilih s to choose htm for its memlier. He and Second Avanua. where be I up f.r re.eleel k.ii sj.;j; now S3.00 I, r . Ill Speafal J M Mat "l.s not tbe feifow. in the opfwUhni. of nire will I after " beinc a.paied a mem. have to Mipjl "fctVe.v who are at present in the All in in readine for 1 1 t.nrrrameni '(Jovernmcal. 1' kobttn nf the tM for tha Fed- if ibrta. Thai the way aiili eal eSrelton itere Mtaanrraw. f- I .ratv .ffterrs. $39.50 Hew Will Colonel porta R. . UamrrtHi. r iamitia I 'Vote on Pensions? offteer. The vntlnp will take TNK final .moinlmeni eeaaie One nf lb oae-tinns likely to rHtf f befire the next Parlta- place on lb ftr4 fi.x.r at the Mr. ta 1 hi bf Meiirben ment is the enuatWattoii of inim. As Mr. Segoofn ahl at the IHaek Hutldtag at the eor w of recent Litter! rally, there are widow of nnlier semHlMng liorslii, gnaf 44 ecMt4 Av- Orowe ts eerlainljt imeiliiu Moy frtam a tore of ealabll-bed , .1 1 ion I tf nl j i- 'for a living, while the widow and wiv of vf!lf cr are well pakL twe fetfa M waafc in the asnra. l.tpt. standard of ni' r.'- nn.t t i" o..- .al .f.. Ttie l. lerml policy l to change thi-. If t come before I'ania nr un'd in the .vemnt: Omni. metit. will Oowmel Perk siipnort the rbange? ffkf nf I be bailor will rn-menee IMF. Premier kept the 1.1 11 U dinViilt to k all the iietkHi which ocrnr. tiutonel pSMaMnV within an h"r. Crow- daasliaa until IUr lo J. A. KIRKPATRICK few duma which day hi !-aiiHisirailoa Perk h not declarfwl himself on any f these matters of poliey The dar will be a b.diday far ,., w hirJi j re of vital interest to the elector. He ha spent most of many hat the baak will not he w4td have In tiane. when xddres,ng audience, in telling the people what a t make Ike aaaiMaimrai. ;wicked new-siMiner i The ISaily New ami what a !! man h On I lie eve f tbe et eel ton b.4b Tilt siiamm F, Tidernr sxa i ..n .' its editor. laandtlat bad then aunnortera There are doten of other rtiiesfion in which the people are eem f onfbteat ..f majorities At ml, dry drk fae n-paef Tin interested. The Colonel might be e4 what he propose le d the Let era I committer rni a erl awaaaaaka wUI be limp- asi sl puntii-r, U s .feaia.IMIS..M w..nk..an4 af i'4 ;wih t h-it I bole of sUgnaMi water nt ThmJ Avenue which i gCH-serall snajaelty of laaa for Kred xi..rk me u4o dry daek pswaahly abwu' known th4 Bf w-ptWJJee ile. Of course that i mnh la prerffeked wtsUe ana i. the fig Wsdnsijay. ala for repair. ttm rkaiai. tkrmn al rlLwas. tmrt Canadian National Railways ;t'K petty a niieslMirf lit be anSwwed. It i much more important ure thai fM. Jerk' nsanaBeatrnt a a rimrt. si 'to talk about getting the sealp of the etWtor of The Daily New. 1 far htm. HI MUX F. i ail rtoM a ad rra i iua. ai I What i the policy of Colonel Peek in regard to seen ring a not treat r feature of ta i the aameaake but there i -"Stf AfJr11,rl IMI. place for the fishermen to tte up their lats? That rely i of itwaltaa today t that anseh Jul a lilt le imn I hiK wnm. rati asd strtaau!i a T importance. The elector bare a right t kHow thee thing before mnney i betoir arfeer. to waaer wnb the rudder of both. rat, c ai rtar 1 mtm ws Prince Rupert ftTT'-x rat their balkil. Stork ha deciared himself. He has onl-:hied led Horfc and there are Tk Tai auur t ikal y I. n iim r Wsts-klen 1. i hi policy and i read) to taai behind iL Cm 4of i H Peek baa very . If any. taker who aea tt.Vf: adsanlaja about t.-Hiii Tli null, a r. ajaaatr . iaa4 t .given no Mtea of what be except tttnt be wW port any Willtatr to bet an Cnl. Peek. poor ta that 1 be duetwr ia Ise a aaaaaa M at annil Nat-Mew.a- tSr r bin. That i hi idea of itaety to reeommeaa an --ra .aa at a kwi H" -,larlv or policy that suit independence. a the forwee baee eveai anaaj 1 s ' mm w a it r 1 a tit Shipyards jTried to Place Issues' refused. 'Iliere i a atnlden biaam ieM mi sa - ut aM.k Before the People. ia Stork alack on the laal ilty m ft af xoaiii wi. The Daily News ha tried to place the ine !efore the people before I be eteelMMi. IT may b aa leaaor b eie a., ane. sr u. Floating Dry Deck a r. aacaTa, ri Operating O. T. P. 30.000 Tan us we see them. Thi stay be the la lime we ehall have a chanee ehs.aen a eandidate ta aa elee. rr-a v nia. r I to iav any tiling before the v.le i cast We snggest In the iefipe II. F. Karjrhj, M.I..A. for Allin. lion ca mimiira. hart frfve me a I la If If Engineer. Machlnlet. Boilermakers,, rtur 'here that they weigh well the merit of the Liberal and lade-! naed IbrtNiaih tha rity last anae i" a nivbt wateaman in-, coat s rettwuKU set makera, Founder. Wxxr.r, Etc (u ndent causes. Giinanler whether Prince IiMjert will he mot isrbt o the Veal are on hh y lead. raiaot bi esjiT um MTaj t taa b nefitted fnmi the election of a man pledged to a certain line of to Anynx. He will address a e e 1a T T nr 1. T n r iia klse. W 4 t.. haixtle '' t iiii plant is tP- icv ir sending Ut Ottawa a freelance whs. stand for nothing in merit mr I bete toniabl on b'balf TVER: wtM be a lot "f f I Vlrtuela, saia r Jpflrticiilar. but who has in the pat faithfully followed ami voted of Kred Mori, the l.HVerai aaa. vntera, mea a well a women. MARINE AND La the Meilien Otaarnnif nl dtdale for the Federal eteetma. urfeo have md yet learned how I H f l.H III. Mfto aSaWpf wm MnB ftA. I'mii.r ; Tlie liberal leader has promised to help Prince Rupert Mr. before retuminjt tom.wr.ea" to to mark a balhd. 1. iW auria a WORK iMeicht 1, ti.i- never seen Prux r Rnirt and Ita no aympatby with Best aa aa. laeae B COMMERCIAL hi home in A I tee Arm. WK read the ledUi aprerbr 'baia n ait af s "" ! nm our aims una asfHrations. That ha been clearly howH in tbe .u.alM area., m mr le. And f've bear the rae fls. a r NOStCSTOS. Meat PHONES 3 AND 315 u, 1 or luii In tht. a in other oirie, OtUtael Perk basin ra iua - .siipHtrt him b voting for Inni iu the House of ComaHHt. i I ruaaed lTTikr ft. iff' Hlork will go to Ottawa to back up Mr. King in hi Lil I.eraJ , J Ten Years Ago Hut tryina to aaake nay blind up oaL aaa rniwri n a act Jul fill with .lui-. Should I'rian-e Uupart not get good treatment, be i. In Prlnco Rupert me diiiut. eaiacK Mraar 1 sa mstmt MS T1...1 :A tjtt ov (tavar risoe -iiiurpriuj. nl ru.iiii iu ier tor ari aim unr it. I nui ifriuni j Fr Peek ia ladeaeadeot 1 Tab aartlr ttWl I. N. N Cuaasll. f, .1 the iru indepriMleiirr. A long a the liberal do the right an tnayae. a . at la air mb". iuv- tu "DEMERS" December 6, 1811 Re me ao today iaaaw e a- . ! filing Mr Klork will npMet them, and we take it that as long as the Ho-.ital Hoard And ;iMa aaa aalarai r. .a. ike Linvwr a Hl..rk i Mr. Mork 1w - the nirbt thing the Hople of Kkeena litiiencv: a Liberal true j- ra,a tat .miaria t-i lsi eidrd to call for rnmpetithw steel, 1 r ma. alft aaa r rkaw. ran rewt Jw ill ii.i,ij lufu Mad Colonel Peck broken with the fio eminent the M telii nf Tat !. lbrr ' when he found we were not getting a square deal be would plan from the arcbileete of the I think I II tofe that way. IrfiOai Uasf sim,Ml I ekaiM. ik ivi eity for the battdiuK uf a aaw m raw mm. a ta M rhaav. I.. am rmve been returned in thi constituency by acclamation. The laf ftaami 1 aw a 1 1 at, miilBlae aerr.. wihk tu the Crateal Maa4tal. UD ACT. XMASGIFT I aaw ar mhw. .ei.le here have nothing aguuist the drfonel perMmally. I Hit they The M K. IHIrtT, p4r.l and re ot.posed U. his lark of jx.lirv. Oa that gnntnd we ask Liberal provincial govern meat fM.scr: l rET LASH DjSiaiCT -PIS rre M nu. Afat. the city will each he ad for TIU'T CO VST M4 K a. nia VMaster II. tft -nd Consarvalivr v4er who wib lo see Prince Itnirt pnrrl .. TU aourw tail I. JWua LarAbtrL C flw.nott frraat. toward I he urrnHai mnltai raiawer taao act. ? .ne rtrt- Kitil Htorw. the Literal candidate n mill far Ureas tar a (a pn.i .. bwUdinK. .. ... f tiiimlamii mmA 1 m. ik. ---. nttt af lttia la As u Imi U4. Mr btmlial Ua4. CMvaa4ne il a psti The roatrajrl for the railway CnaOal U CMIa MWtb ana l. fret vssl si I caa.t tana IMOrtrt, heraniiaf M.lrtft ha tX aaea-r r LftI , theani -! SSjf rnara Htur aaa Mtaiw ai vapuia FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Secondhand bridge at Mile aft. Banehamsick Sp. U-, aartfc S tln, calla. Till Uoud (fiala. taenr suulh 00 ehaia. fa loawlj Tk naUr I hit Kir Mi.aM. ef Hardwara, etc., FOR SALE at our Salesroom, Itiver. Ua been awarded In f eMMaeartaueitl MiUlala( lie lerca rrawi Kaperl, B .. aeraiiatloa Bibertuaa, value $50.00 S23 Third Avenue West. Phones; Black S1S Red 1S7. Johnson. Carey & Helmer. 81. JOH 1-OCkHAMT, Aplrflraal. Ha ala tiJIuvlur tlfty assrribea fur aertMioua Uiwl. tu I. First Prize, Evening Dress, OEORQE Paul noalraetavs. The wm1i H t) Cuntrm. Aarat. CsiumwBit il a Ml plnt4 l la S C LEEK, Auctioneer Veotat. tt. fit urtMT. fit iniiai aurtfe ef Whna ark, value last r.rtMmael week. Mwan I r fell a. atsnh. Ikeara raam Second Prize, Silk Blouse, JliJ COAL A!0 rtTKOLXl'M ACT. ml lkr ia sun Ik. Ihenra n . tetMNt !. aa4 fvar arm mor auuuiwsi Aid. S. M. Xewtiaa marched I-Hivtr. ni rtar lau distkict bis- 7im value from I lie rity eonncil lal aiM Third Trimmed Hal, Tika aa.iina 1 1 a t-uniitt af ..... .... si u Z rT.s e Prize, The Increased f.ilhiwtnK a depute wsth Aid. faaaaaa. ( .. ummiils aiiniua aacinecr. rMt.a aM-.. t ... Demand for OUR notsl ku lee'r far a Iivtum. ta peas.r " Ilildlieh over the awardta af Cw mrt-um ana aiiam aa ina rat- ( misjimal ACT. ' lumber ar os.riiMd laudi: OMufUMiiir s "nFMFRS" a eoalraet. Aid. Newtaa p BREAD t4.Aaa IV rfcaia. mmjih aiHl It elm CniAcU af leaU. Speaks for Itself. raised an irfiieefiun and Aid. Hit. ami lb aurtUNMl rwii-r ar ua . . - 3rd Ave. i"'" IS. Uiear rH rliiiBi. tbeeM narlb ' oTH ditch ii.ket the marar to aten rhiaii. iar rl S enalai. llMHtfa ! Mavt-U. u I Mut-rsl Una sMail. la HAVE V0U TRIED ITT Inni from waMsnir the nnril BlJJ? taaat af Mainwara- Mauaa iMlaa nf rrar ba laaiaiaiaf ke atrm. awn) ar !. ksrl Mstrtrl: karalM rnaer Iwril . IMITED. Specialise In Birthday and Wedding Cakes. time, ripeakm dire, lly to AM a a rri..TT, iviia. I.tied, aaw aula aaa a kf rrnw aart I Mr Our Paetry U NewlMA, the kfttt.-r reconunended .. . . rrea m. hoi. Aroit. Ftaaumaa. UNION STEAMSH.O-.-; , Uneicelled. vwm wytrnaw IS. IMI. Tkkr aoOra WmI L Mr, flsrsari Hnaar),1 that he take a doe of aali trw aiaer'. 'rliarakr u lli.. lata a, THE LACASSE "AI A.VD fCTHOUtlM ACT. tt feMpj ar tfl Sera mill 1 reem..e.VIeUjHa.r.HjW BAKERY Nrwtirfl ..hliaatail t,, 1 i, lni aW MUHaa fVrsaaw far .er.atral ' rr earl ei.. Zl'JuHr urn Ut '' . , 'The Home of Domestic Bread. inatnualwa. ' ,a May, Mon S&VL'V.-' r.annaei 1 e.raar-. .. ....' tte rka uurtws.Ik", antiuiu CUie, 0w.ll ua t "ia an ee sataars "' " r. a Phone ISO 717 Third Avenue son eaid i.lka alileMsan was a.i. u-.n.-e llial 1. 11. a. aiwlt. af 44 ruHber uk I(HI I IMMMI .iii.." . s.iin... . a., . V.I R C. P. o. lo. ... 11. .i, fr" a arraTil aialac aajr. .,' Hk it. riM.i k otam).. I ... I 'T . 'J. jaca aaaastlft "i" ' iniM.ii mrm V. ...l f. i Urea HI prn" I f..i. Hi. '.null ... -urii ri-i.ri'.i, -.t Aid ewi..ii lit i.:i lajl 1 " 'Miiiral ( aa Ilia r.ii i.,.f. ..-n . ut .iauirlif ilr- lb i -'.ar. 1 1