.TJ1B DAILY KEW3 Frldav A PACE SIX THIRTY-FIVE HEAD SIX HUNDRED Popular and Reliable rviH-v. a REAL 'BARGAINS in Real Estate OF CATTLE PASSED WESTHOLME THROUGH FOR MAYO CLAIMS STAKED On lot Second Avenue, Section 1 2 CT-"" THEATRE Mi On lot Beach Place, Section 1 0 n Two loU Park Avenue, Section 1, each 350 On hrr nip north tbi ftk, MAYO DISTRICT Tonight Sc Tomorrowt Pour loU Atlln Avenue, Section 2, each . . . . 400 the CIMl. tranier Prinrei Ry-l Double corner Slith Avenue, Section 8, pair 100 had on board IS head of beef Saturday Matlneo Double corner WcBride Street, pair 2000 rallh rm-i(rrreti f-r Mayo, ukim Galena Hill and Ksno Hill Favored Two Iota Hajrt Cote Circle, each BOO IVrritory. Tftr -Kek -a In Section of Silver Camp, i The Fnmous Story by rharjt' of Harry Iloinlon. an old One lot Eighth Avenue, Section 7 250 DAW.SOX. Aug :. It. - n tii Winston Churchill, employe of V Iturno & (-which rwosl jrroirrtiay ,v th. iniiitttj.-rm'tfdrr H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. comfmny i radihE M in s: at Dawn brouaibi to tlrf (uvrnhrini. wfco are FAklOUS HjOTJtS-tACfry rrt mo tn.vai WTi 'el for rlaima . tTrore appitcatroiia arti .1 now operatinK in the raanp. Ttre slaked In Iho Mayo district. Thi- lOc CIGAR . animals will be taken from Skag. makes . ;,,iit if SITEVA LA.VD DISTRICT DISTRICT Of apftroxlrnalelr j OtEI-f CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. way to White Horer by lire While in that are) apili'l f-i ' mU UnJom Udi Ja Ksjcoarag wtll then be Psm llailway and Tat nntlro that I Mtead la trtrfy to the season, raising l hr i t w I uini .oi Xsmt 1904 Mrr cimnHMiwr r la not roe e Bcenee driven overland to Mayo. toca lions s I - Mayt M orer to prospect tie ami for of Miinl land rn at raekrwti and twuvtxue TIm eteeiiner m expoeled back, area le I.3W.now altvr The grealn in nurii ..... ' i l.il oir s -A L I'.I- v 1 the I CMnmrnrlar it rl HuW at the toHfotrnw. of Mtltwnl rifwr of SecOoa 14. Tp. . her of tbee elaima are on krto atts) J), and to her akd, and Cup aV Oraham Itland. marked A. A. M.'a S. W. C. II HI. ami ItHMl of the others on thrive north tt rbetoa, eett ( chtrot. oUrers wera report eat goisvg over eosta it cnaina, mi pa cnains. fANDERHOOF hills adlaetrrt to Krno. Ouortr Chocolates Located Mir Mod. Itfl. to stake at the time the la at A. a. NrCHAJU Loratoe. IleeaKder Gillespie and other of advices were received from I here A. J. Oordne, A rent lb goal office busy rewerv. ACosmoDoIitan Provluction are old lino- Hunker T. Mitchell and faHMy hv Ft. Ftwll. I SaECSa LAVD DISTRICT WS1 RICT Of tag and fHvng the appiralHn WHOLESOME SWEETS for QLECV CHARLOTTE I9LA3DS. mnti to I heir new home on Creek miner. wh arruel ihi Ihel Ct ffiJrvmcurJ QUiurc and wtilrast and dtagraaHs THE WHOLE FAMILY. Stuart Street. ' Naou'liti )tlentav. s tte of; Take nonce thai I Intend to apply to tit caicr oMnmnooer of unai ror a o a o greats. the stamedera and stakera. Hot la tnr neteral rat aad petrolcsm Of the recciwd aMUicalMHia prospect The Choeojale used in over S4S arm of land aa roDoate: Mitvs Edssa Itwrdett i ipd)ng ays the 1 1 ait from hn City) &nmeaer at a pwi fhmt at tnr yesterday abajsM Iwo.thirsta are where the nntl the wet-k end wfth her staler. over t the point .Molr'e It one of ifie most eootbeari nrwr of SecOoa 7. To. t. Ore for UsaaUoais made onftialena him island, and marked A. W X a S. t. C, Mrs. Ptlipelrtck os her farm in recent Making began wws about : nourishing of food, and thenre north chain. et It ChalDJ, the Lakes dNtrieL IIUI. Samethlag like fifty claim, four mile lsa. aud thnti thai eoaia se cnsini, rui mw twin,. with ihe addition of pure O O 0 have been stalest there. A few timber and bnsoh. The diocov. A W. MrlJTTRE, Locator. others siisee slaked last faH and sugar, good butter, and I, 0"r4"f, tBl. Th flag payle wa retard In ery. ho at ate. i on the fare. rich ripe fruits and nut siccvt lavd district district or front f lire new aelirwl oti Vie- Iho anew went New off Find.this spring. of a bluff "ti what is known asj Sunshine Comedy, "Jatz Bandits" FctKVtJ it forms a food combination Tlx.QriE.V notice tHthl'lTTl thai I llllk)ISLAVDS.tn apply M the toria Street Wedtwaday. Arrivals. yanyerwj. "n "-z"',,.,i. t Porcupine I'.reek. which enters' Admls-slon, 15c and S rtatrr ComrolMk.oer of Landt lor a Hreiwe o o o ,.,,h -,A, that la hard to be a I. an fratpwl for natural ret and petroleum brought word that the ftr-i I ever ate ecrl of land at retmvt: Mr. J. V. MrOetsnaak. Nurse the old SiImt King mine A yd Meira hive the additional Cntnmrsnnr at a poi planted at that Todd. Mi F. Iay, and J. Ho. rugs on Oaleaa this soring were I - - ! EMPRESS THEATRE, iffiffl eootheatt corner or Sertiam t. Tp. t. Graham on I he DtHaesa Creek id. but advantage of lUnt and marked c f fc.'a 8. E. Vino from VatvtJerlrSttl are Mmp-iiig Corner, tftenre north SS chante, wtxt a thai aiitfw the middle of -.HUGE PROBLEMS i pleasing everybody's taste. chains, sooth chains, ail I cfcams U at Stoarl I-aVe. attract find ban month MM of nmwtmwM o o o a new Carmeil Meyers in "Dangerous Horf Jrom the oldest to the Located Mar ftrd. ISM. attention the wcterty or -lena C D. EMMUMS, Locator. Mrs. Raadall. Mr. and Mrs. youngest. a. i. oareua. Arm. Taylor and daughter I.uey fnnn Creek side. Unsrard the Mr-Oueslen BEFORE PEOPLE A 2 Reel Westerner and Paramount Mtrtt M valley. About thirty men LEEl I.AVD DISTRICT -DISTRICT r Prine iJeorKr are visitor at and 15c Admission, OIEE.V CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. stampede r Stlet Agent Smart Lake. are said to Joined in a - Tak not that I fcatrnd la apelr to ru a o a over the hill from Duncan Creek Montreal Osteite In Urging an John L. Christie Chut OanmitMoorr af Laada for a Urea" la pnptt far Baleral ra aad petrlia L. V. Slone -of Vancouver, Immediate Election Refers otrr aa arra or land ai foHnira- Prince Rupert. B.C. CommrttrtBr al a tMt daofd at lb who baa b visiting Ills son to Them. authraM cornrr ! irrtHra Si. TT. S.l Dr. W. n. Slone, Ims to Graham Uland. aarkd A. A. M.'a S. K CJ gtwre iiarnra nor i a a a rnanvi. aa tsarni, VaMswvar, traveling by way of WEEK-END The okl lrfnervallte paper the aoath rbalna, eail rhaiea to petal f Montreal Oaaetfe t out for an Prince fleorge. He was accom Located May ttnd. ttl. panied by Dr. and Mrs. W. It. SPECIALS i.nmediate elertioa. It says; Smilin" 'The Season" A. A. MrrHAJU Lor lor. "Keep Outing A J. Cordaq Ami ttone as far as Prince Oeonre. "Failure to reorgsnlie lbs IVEE-tA LAID MSTWrT MSTRfCI or 0 0 0 Maid if C .w-r i:rriinert-Hotter cabinet i the chief cause of the VI'EE.f CHAHLOrrC ULAJiDS, The oeteftifig of the Vander- in Hulk lb present undesirable ruftdttaOfl. Let u supply the 1 Tak nottrc that I Miad to apst? to Iho hoof Hat Shop took place on for US. The market t he elrrtorale ktw that at toast Universal Trading Co. to Chirf proaprrt CunminUiorr for eataral of Land raa a fed tar wtrolaiUB a ItrvOM August tt and Mrs. O. J. Wheal-ley has advanced and thi-lirire ne-third of the pre ten I rabin-t Good Eats !or OmmrTK-ina 40 arra al or a land pnal aa plaatod lotto: at Uta was eornplimenled on the will be a Ihinx want appointments. DHay in FRIDAY, S A rURDW AND M iNDAYSPECIUJ oothct eorner of aX-ttoa ft, Tp t. fine display. Tea was served of the past as srwin as cabinet reorganisation neeeooU We can furnlih everything .oranam Jiiaita. aoa aava a. a M.'a s w seal atork Is es-hauald I Comrr. tbmra aorta to chama. rail a by Mrs. J. W. II. Day assiated pre laied pH.iMsirioent of an a poo from Soup to Nuta. including rhama, aooth rhama ,rrt t chama to by Miss Violet Day. to the eecl urate when the aO4 FOR LAOICS FOR M CM mt$, plain, Stuffed or Duul Located of forfinwownwat Mar SIrd. Itfl. Alberta Ctt-.W fratry IKil-ler. were oaore fatoroMy iMltrHsf to' Muslin (Dorset ijsrr. Meav W r Ilipe; 0l p Duller, peanut A. A. MrfHUL. Locator. mCMA LAVD DISTRICT MTR'CT Of 3 lbs. for 81.00 the oew leadership. A straog eon-, 45s, 65c, SOo g.,- , A. i. Gordon, A aval. Ilutler. Canned Meat, ytlE.H tHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Alberta Fresh Kggs. per trimitory rauae to the govern.J Muolln CJtemisea .0C, $1.15 3 pslrs fee Chicken, Lobster, Pimen-loes. Tak antir that I MilMad to asolT to Ih diien 5o iuent's poaiiMm hat taefi tUe pre-cedenee rhW r4mnlaloar of Laodt ror a bm Balad Dressing, pickles, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND to propart ror aalaral raa and iflrolran 3 dfn for HJS given La world. Kufopean Muslin t'mleeoktrts 5c FOR sort Kofi Drinks, Grape Juice, AUDITORS orr dimnriar 440 arrra at or a load pntl at plaaied rolkiwa: at th Fry's llreoVfa! DacHi, lak-Ing and Imperial affairs when mr do. Mercerised Lisle II..se. per lrlM..'i - tt; Lime Juice, Fancy Cakes, R0R1E & SMALL Oraham MMifhal Uland rnrarr(fcrmr or Iho Samoa anajloratl T. TP rnrnrf IS, whole (Mr, lb. 42o ineaiir probletn are of soeh mag. pair. SOcS pair foe $1.40 Ipss 1 and Fruits. at laad arreted fori, martvd A. W. M.'a Frvs lireakoflSt laon. ttitude as to demaiHl the undivided KalUH" Hoso 3 pair for $1 haar- for RaaidMt artar S E. C tlwnra nnrt SS rhalna, l SS lb. 5c $121 'tt Mo ark charne packing. OEOR0C RORIC. CA. mama, aoulh SS rhama, rati SS tbalaa to piece, attention of our government. I rtaiisowaU. ery opecml Free Delivery. poteil of nmiinrfimiirnt. Fry Hreakfaat llaeon. National Tragedy. $12.50 Wa-ii - PA tstl. Loratrd Mty ttta. uy Aiiditnr fur rnora feuprrt 50o A. W. MrlVTTRE. Locator. slleo.1. Ilf ' No Kovernnettt was ever confronted AoUfntad Tral' tn Bttikraptry A. I. Oordon. Arnt. Corn the Cob. t for 25e on with greater dMOattc Aadltlrf fartaarahl Aacoaota Munro Bros. KEEV LAID WSTRIirr DISTRICT II ler doten 70c trade has FrJ lataatlaatlooa UoaWatlooa QI EE.1 CHARLOTTE ISLA.VHS. probiemo. Our foreign $5.00 Gillette Safety Razor riaeaclel Raaortt, ate, AMiainwiU Orern Deans, 2 lbs. for 25o derred at an alarming rata; Tiko notiro thai t intnd to apply to th Cukea 2 for 25c No. Large radaral Prloaa Raaort I Baiiaiaa, Phone 88 Third Avenue Chief Onirnliikiorr or Landa ror a llrrnao mr revt'ttue l ouly ntaintaioeal by rin Hulurday eveiy ourchas.r "f rhoaa SS7 Bai S4S to proanrrt fur natural rat and petroleum Psr doien $1-00 . of direct f the burden orr S4S arrra or land at folWrw.- inrn-aaing tin. store Will hae the ir4 ileg.- Ctoomonclatr at a pt planted al the Flneoi Il.C. Cebboge 4 lbs Uiathtn; our national railways and three blades fie. ith -a-h ' ' oatbeaat rvmrr ot Srrllofl S. TP- S, Ort-ham 25c Uland. and marked C. D. E.'a S. E. foe tn- a naliooal tragedy, and unem-idoymeot al regiila' .'loe. I'll.Ill, ly Ml. ' o.rner. tbenre north SS rhaisa, meat SS Yakima Kutubagtie, 5 lbs that tt rhalna. aooth SS rhain. rati SS cbaina to is so aerlou ev. r ..Iferrd in anada Im pmot or cofninenremeat. . for 25c atone would call for the undivided! UKaica mhj win. i 1 1 Marrow. aud Citron Veg. C. D. r.HHiiM. Locator. attention of even trMtger atatea- A. J. Oorrtnn, A rent. per lb. So 'men lhaH are al pre ten I in otHc; Tailored KkEE.VA Oi:E.V LAMD CHARLofTE DISTRICT ISLANDS.DISTeic I tf Fresh basket Tomatoes, 4-pound 50c or trong in govertioieiit parliament. lo It handle needs Ilia a Universal Trading Co, Take notice thai 1 Intend to apply to the Okenavau Islue Plum bas-kst The Prime, R Chler Commlaetooer of Laodt ror a Ureaao rresrnt situation. 75a a to nMri ror naiorai eaa aot Deirtuetim i Minister cannot deal a Kb these i in.onus ON iiLOCK over SIS arret or land at follower 3 lbs for 253 i omnienrlai- at a imki piaoied at me Criibspple problem with so many of lite col- i S. K SHA.NE.M.OAP1 Hinhoent rornr or Secitoa IS, Tn. s, Psr case, 49 lbs. $3.10 PHONE a7fl r.rabam laland. marked A. A. Ma ft. W. l asne seeking refuge. He iiml w rtr. thrnro aim in as rnaint, ran a Hariliit ivars, per case, siTure reuhiu coniKieiwv in nisi Suits rhalno. north SS rhama, oral SS chains to 50. $4 it' point of nunineiM-rmeot. atlministratio by Jwinging to Locaioa mmj t.ra. Fga Plant oer lb. 25c and A. A. Mcl'IIAIL, Locator. more vigor, more alability A 1. OorOon. Ar.nl CallfmniH traveimlein v-ples. of It has : more lolensity purpose, KEEVA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OE psr cast, . $55 been urged by many that this can Ql EES CIIAILOU ISLAM'S. Muak Mr..iia 20o and 25c nly be done by an mnieediat. SALE Take taotlro thai t Intend to apply to Iho and SALE rabinet reorganisation aa hlef rooimlttloner of Landa ror a llrenae Watch for our Special $5.00 ap QtZc to pru.pert for naiaral tat and petroleum " peal to the electorate. It is urged Our new Fall Suite have a .-r r,4n arret of land at Dalloot: aillette Raior Deal Free "fnnvnciar at a pott planted at the by others that a redistribution distinctive style and an easy northeaat corner of Section IT, Tp. S, on Saturday. Wi- llHYC must precede a general election, Thura.Frl. 'irthain ItUnd. and marked A. A. M.'S ft. ft- 26tn,M nt that marks them as thoroughly thrii'e touui SS rhalna, mi so cnaina. but thi is held only by thooe who north so rhalna. out SS cbalat to point too tn give away, Saturday 4 runimenceuvnt. do not want a general election WELCOME EVERYBODY tailored garments. Loratad Mty llrd. ISII. sure y..ii get onf. this wh A, A. MePHAIL. Locators year. j Our already pleased ru-t r They are finished In such a A. I. Q.rdHi. A rent Should Be Consulted. sales nave ' at our prevtou HkEEt I.AXD DISTRICT DISTRICT Or Wo buy American Cur-rency, "The main and outstanding .i lliein niiii....... iii.H that thsy all show expert way giLE.V CIIAHLOTTE ISLAAUS, Silver, Gold or reason advanced for an immediate GREATEST tvawnatMS OF THE YC workmanship In their Take notlra thai I latend to apply to lha election is that .stability and bier r:ommlaakioar of Landa tm a llreoao Bills BABIES' cirri mske-up. Our new prices lo proaperl for natural (at ard petroleum -Irong action cannot b obtained Ladles' Muslin Nightgowns, . . i trrr ! arret of land at follow: s Habie- under ronditlons and that present beautifully trimmed; regular :omnirnctnf al a Dual plantai al the are all popular prices. oulhmeal coenrr or Icrllon SI. TP. IS. under such iercumatanres the 1.15 95o ami I'l S' - nw h pi Oraham laland, marked A. V. M.'a S. W, C, Rupert Table Supply Co. should be consulted." Underskirts: "'-art i or ore porta a coaioe. ran av coains, IM'ople Ladies Muslin aMith SS rhalna. weal SO chain to point mm 95o Ihthlcs regular 1 1.15. sale if ruounenreioenl. PHONtS 211, 212. $33 .50 Located Mty A.tlth.W. Mrl.VTTRE,ISII. Locator. BAYLEYS DEFENCE Lndie' Chemlaes: regular 11.96.laalU- '!' - .r A. I. Oordun, AfeoL 1.50, sale price &5o 7 AGAINST ATHEISM I.adirs' Vests: regular Me; 8a lony 3 ,ktl" 1 le-r ale. Jt for 950 $40.i.OO ' In defending liliuaelf against Two doien Hahles' liompeM, roguUr I . .. . .. ... BlutottMB 1 Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. idiargea of Alhejsm hroiighl by i nil n. iiorsRL i.itara, ii "- the 81. I Ion If see school Hoard, 91 th, sale 95o TowellinH Room II, Smith Block W. D. Hayley. labor member of Ludies' (Vitnn lloee. Iiloelc. Shlrlinw $50.00 and $65.00 Stilt Aftst -r,n.U the Manitoba legislature, ald: white and pink. .5 palra 95o S ple - -j.'laft .ain i "My viewpoint is that the Idea Ladies' Cotton Lisle lloto; :i 1 of ft tranai enilaiil peraonallty. reg. 03c 2 for 960 3 yanl- iwrt from the world, directing it Ladies Hilk "Kayser" Olovee; for in absentee landlord fashion and rrg 11.35. sale, pair....Mo White i ' frf ruling as an aulnrrai is' out of EXTRA SPECIAL, dale. I prefer i lie ulcii of an Adanar Silk Hose, all colors; Ileay i t1ttit MARTIN O'REILLY 'immanent p innplp 'hat is, reg 11.75, sale, per pair 95o 1tri,r Tclcphon OoiJ in ahd Iht-uogli all eiport-eniea Pillow Tubing; regular 75c; ! . and relationships." Our price are all Lower Cash Prices are always ci-' Number 7 I'nbnrn (oniorrows and dead Price. Lower Prices. yesterdays! Why forgot nb'ut Jabour BrosJ Will Take Coal Back If not. Satisfied. jthern Todsy is evttytlnng Ad ,vcrlisff now I