1 THE DAILY NEWS pAon six :; Sue Grand Trunk Attempted G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public for $20,000 for to Murder Westholme FIMi INSURANCE in carefullr written by us In reliable com-panics. :: Theatr We are permanently engaged in the business and our Causing Man's Death lll'HAI'KMT. Kept.former 16. Abraham Kmer, a soldier, 1M record are accurately kepi. so (hat when your policy expires lias been arrested fur attempting Tonight and ymTwill be notified In ulTlclent time to keep your properly KMIONTON. Sept. 2t. A the murder f Gnunt Julius Tomorrow protected. We solicit your business. damar aHin amounting t Andratsy and ei-Preldent . ?0.oo ariiiig ut "f the ctr- sat kovsky while they In Ihe H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. eumstanrr surmiindlns; the Hungarian Assembly yeelenfay. Rental di'ath of Stefan Medynski in the Koer. hi shot five time from Constance Insurance irand Trunk, Pacific Hallway a gallery, 14 believed to le Implicated yard on Aurat 30lh. was filed in a plot to p lore m I he supreme court of flees Fri Kin t'.haries to Ihe throne. day innrnina- ly Knott and (tar- u-py. oticitnr for the relative r tin- derea-l and the elolm Liquor Deals Talmadge iitI I hat ili' company was H. S. WALLACE LIMITED. occurred.riiHiimihle for the death which in Chicago Stefan Madynski wa an employee SMITHERS in of the company at the , CIIICAtlO. Hepl. 20. Poll.r !ime nf the arndent. t the Mr. K. K. Orchard who ha Muportntewdent Cha. Kiliinrri maintenance-of-way department, been til Is mueh improved' lit Inform United Platen aultioriln Girls and and working on a telephone pole health. thai per cent of Chicago' "The Perfect Woman when as a result nf a fall deatli N poikvriiieii are IntoUed In liifuor .nued on the date In qtteMlon. Mrs. ltrtlierrqgton left em Sunday's deals and he I unable to clean Amout oilier things the train fa Terrace ! recuperate up irregularities. He asks as- company Is charged with uejrll- afler her illness. iatauce , Misses' ireoce in not prwrWiHK a reasonable safe place for Madynskl to Mrs. AbtU wo taken III Toonervillc Trollf y Ccm(dy, work, compelling titai to emrage on Friday eight i ntakiiic salls- Sympathy for m watt in whieh he had no faetory prwifren. aThc Skipper's 3chtme" pfTvtoa eijer1eiie and the employment Germans Shown of impnir and dangerous The new soliwd bwlfcrhsi? is DRESSES method. eriHK completion. nearinwh MANNHEIM. Oertiuny. Kepi. ?r. Vtff1nrtilsi nrwl Tliiir-M?aty '! t ....... Never forpet to look through - Seventy lhnuand perott at -tended he Ml(1e,1 Ibe funerals nf tue tr starring the 'mother i. h - lims of Hie Oppau etploaion ! Ten Years Ago These attractive school frocks ar tha best value we (teneral Inerli and Ueneral In Prlnc Rupert lAnanl rurpitel Ilia Krenrh have been able to show for years. FOUR army and brauh( wreath and September 26, 1911. meaase uf tMMitoUMc. I're Made from all-wool beautifully finished, and serges, idenl l'Jert aipre appevu Plans for the Prince Huperl tastefully embroidered In neat designs. CASES cemetery at raiiiw have been Hon al Itr inanlfcllln "f tin HOUSEHOLD forwarded to I In- rity eouncll man sympalky wtileh had set -:- Skirts are pleated and attached t waist, thus tea) uy the O.T.P. runway, Te city nlle I tic barriers crested by of dew; A. DAY will aume ike aevesofMoeat war. every allowing a different Jumper to be worn if desired. Aiiiohk the letter received in work. Mis Mabel Edgar Specially Reduced Priced Sizes are from four to sliteen priced from years, reply l I Ite content Jut closed Ir. Ctiarie IVrmal. editor nf i ne fmm n gentleman the Health Mairatine. New York Weds Dan udstone for the balance of thin month ( - j A whose prufraeioti I that of City, arrived in the rity yewtor- $5.50 chef. He say he ha 4 spent day aflcrnvto on the Priuoese Marrlaa Took Place at 7 O'clock VV. G. BARRIE Ituyal eHrowte to Skway. Me mnidcrftMe; .time with the on Saturday Kvsnlno. In Msth In small sizes, and sizes eight to slitesn years from to k loirainir oemfmnles, ouwl-ing I making a Ifto.uoo mile lour odlst Ohureh. in ramp and at lime has wit) bU motor rnr w'.ik-h he ued an many a four eae had on board lite steamer. The marriaiie Uiok plare on $8.75 to $17.50 of milk a day. Kalurday eeniuf al 7 orlork Hi- i;iy that. rtnrdle of Frl T. iJowad-n. Liberal at Ibe Mebodii liureh. Ile Dr. Sutherland irtr'. tie would nt have any member (f Yukon in the ls (I. Hskr rfeUltna. uf MU olio i nuty. und tie ha tried iiariiamefil. was a panr for Mabel Htiirar. dauihier of Mr UD.S D.D.C Tt. B. We meet all competition and guarantee the Hi.-in all. tune and again. i he narth on th Hrione Hoyal and Mrs. Intuit Mtr, Kourtli D.P.S., . yeMcrday a(leriNn. He u going A en lie hiasl. and lan l.idoe. quality of our merchandise. Pacific Limited'Milk Co. to Or contest Alfred the ThropMi.aHIHuiu-y with m of Xrwfoundland.Mr. ami Mr. T. J. I.ld-tooe. DENTISTRY in all ib braotl ecUelM at Hie bride was attended by MaassssBsasaBBMaassHsssMBBBBSa C. O. MINNS, Manager iMw, a. o. sis oaaai stmcct Inborn imo. ..- nl ilead ber iler, MI- Hla rlar. and Eachanr e Block, Suite 14 and U Limits VANCOUVSJt terdav U'ht fnestel about the KrMiinisn was Arthur For Appointncnt Phone Else Sit itiffn Today ( everything. Advertise Imekwnrtli. .ytml fnrty friend nowl were in allndaneti rtr ihe n - casluM. (W'Zm&K rtu i iwin oallj lofiauciea A ! rceelMn ws held at the home of Ihe brtile'e parents LTD. Before disposing of your effects, it will be to Walk Downstairs Just Arrived fidtowfoff the )erettMMy. The THEO COLLART, your Interest to consult us. Phone Ked 15? rouplo left on Ihl ttornlMg'a roe mls nM rirts ..' usee, rei u. AND train to eHHd I heir mmeynHMM ! a mf . 823 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. in U.k and. relurnlna' TBurday T as r i t - Another eeHinjr. will take tip Ihr4r rel-Uenee M.M Sl. Ste. W suel.. .''2?StOCS ,H SAVE MONEY! mou SlUI M WSSWIM hi the city. Fresh Shipment Mr. Udtine 1 quite well W M assM ro ' known In the etly havlnir leen SATURDAY -:- SPECIALS! ion Sack. Robin Hood of r.r some year dental nure for Flour, 19 lb. Hacks, pee lr. A. II. Ilayne. Mr. I.ld.lone Sack, $2X9. i'u here from Victoria and ha In the Wallace STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C. Uf1 in :mi i:aitii Ormond'a Sotfa been employed UNION Crackers. Regular tOc Mc Cor macks Shipyard. He is a member of Special, 25c. the Hons, of Canada baseball MEN'S SOX ram. rer ien MM Htl. ' fM ton I'kg. Ormond'a Fancy s t Biscuits, Arrowroot, (trail a tn Yarer. Fig bars, SODAS Celtic Club in Australia and Winter Weight and ibr pkg.l.i'tiionola.Special Regular 16o. Farors Irish Hone Rule ARRIVINO SATURDAY'S 6 lb. cartons, .MKI.IIom.NrC Kept The IARH1IR RROS..LlMlJj UNDERWEAR BOAT. I.el lie Club ha decided by a ' J JT. V-r V- av ' : Oawford 1'eacheM, $1.83 large majority lo ronllnue sup pee box. Irtirt of Home Rule for Ireland, Italian Prunes, $1.63 believlux that a aelllemenl t Week Em Out- IJn.' or MEN'S COTTON per $1.25 box. the lrlli problem I only mi-bte Three Days SOX in lllack or Ui .wn Hylop Oabitpplcs. $1.S9 tlirouuli compromise wIIIhhii a clear at Ihe establishment of a republic 25c per Your bos.lal chance for pre--iiiik We buy American Cur BIRTHS. Extra Speci a pair fruiis at low prices rency, Silver, Gold or There was born t the fleo-eral Bills llopltal on Hundny, Kcp-temlier 25, lo Mr, and Mr. Msu Thursday, Friday and Satoju Men heavy weiglit. a R'km Sanitary Market rice Anderson a sun. WORK SOX, to cl.-ar at "Walk Rupert Table Supply Co. Mrs.A eon William was Jlrowij born lo of Mr.liraham and S.pUmb.r22nJ.23rdn- Downstairs and Save 5 for $1.00 PHONES 111, HI. enue. Vetvlew, al the I'rlnre pair Money llupcrt (leiierul HiMpltal on Hun-day. pial oaU. Ladles' lUlm Heplember Jf3. A dauvhler wa bnru to Mr. Ladle, tlray TMai WHitar CU and Mrs. Henry l.ear ur Hlith ''"1 Avenue, al the I'rlace Hiiperl Ulille rianHeJsUt. tfM. 9 UnCt. BEL UNDERWEAR, exlm Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. lieneral Hospital on Kuuday, Velveleens. nir WsS J"" heay weight to clear at Heplember 25. - brujM Wsie. dark rml brb4 1 Room II. Smith Block Stic A(tsU The city police yesterday arrested Ladles' Monnreli UM M 0 a man named Ham liedore ' $1.75 who Is wanted In Milliliters under 20 daien WlillO MHl U.red Turk-' Ihe Wives' Maintenance Aet. He riTRA SPECIAL was taken to (tin Interior today Tbl. P"' HI. by l'rivliilai Constable Hcrvirn Do Not of Hmllher. MARTIN O'REILLY Judite F. Mall. Youiiif returned Telephone by Ihe I'rlnasxis Heyal on Hatur-day Bros-, Number 7 arterniMin from Allin wloe Jabour Our prices are all Lower Cash Prices arc always In- held tourt Tile jnJtfn re Prices. Lower Prices. (i ois bad weather in Ihe north Cornsr Third and Seventh Will Take Coal Back If notJatlsfled. iluriilK the most of his ii ip r d nsd wp nil' i pr'- ail -b