sday, September 27, 1932 FALL SAILINGS From Prince Rupert for Ocean Falla Powell River and Vancouver, Thursdays, 10.00 p.m, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS From Prince Rupert for Vancouver, calling at Queen Charlotte Island ports, Fortnightly request. service. Particulars on TRAIN SERVICE Passenger trains leaye Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10.30 a.m. for Edmonton, Winnipeg and points East. Passports arranged for Old Country Sailings. For information call of write local agent’ or H. McEWEN, DF. & P.A Prince Rupert, B.C, [~~ LOCAL NEWS one —— a _—— dail lies dite im . i | ‘Taxi 35-Erile Large. t'! Miss Nellie Lawrence, who has} | been spénding the past two or! meeting in C.L.D.L.,;three months in Vancouver, re-| Wednesday, 28th Sept., 8 p.m. turned to the city from the south! |un the Catala this morning. N.U.W.A, Hall, A, J. Lancaster, provincial col- lector, returned to the eity on th: Cotula this morning from a tri, t« Yarieouver ang Victoria. | On recommendation of the fi- nance’ committee, the city counct!| last night accepted an offer of $100' SPARE be plus 1932 taxes from S. T. Hib-|! H. F. Pullen is paying a wtief bard for the purchase of lot 49,, visit to Port Simpson today. Yerblock 3, section 2. jeft for there this morning on: the’ {Catala and will return on the some vessel ‘Thursday. NO MORE SICK | menses business: _ HEADACHES the Prince. Rupert The regular luncheon of Gyro Club was held in the Come» Frailt-a-tioes medore Cafe today. President Wil+ le liam Cruickshank was in the chair and there was a fair attendance of “1 suffered exceed- members ee nt Silene. ~ aches for years, I could hard! anything and was badly constipated: Irealize now, of F. Snellenberg, who has been’ employed at Porcher Island can> ne:v, will cail Thurseay morning on the Catala for Vancouver. course, that 1 was ina sehy-vasdiah condition, Fortunately for me @ nei; recommended ‘Fruit-a-tives’ and I begantakingthem, I amcertainly glad I did, They regulated my system and toned me up generally 60 that now I am in the best of health, I would, not hesitate to recommend em | to anyone.’ Fruit-a-tives , .. all drug stores For drin! Jchn Hed- strom was fined $25, with option of fourteen days’ imprisonment, by renness Save ANOTHER 5% to 12% BY BOOKING ROUND TRIP to EUROPE CABIN=—TOURIST—THIRD CLASS © Sail in Septeniber or October in uticrowded “off seasoti” comfort... AND SAVE A FURTHBR 5% to 12% BY BOOKING A ROUND TRIP PASS- AGE. Phisivia addition to the 10% to 20% general réductions in rates that aré sti// in effect, Take your choice of luxurious “Empresses;” regal “Duchesses”, popular ‘Mont” ships, Every class of accommodation. New low rates apply to a/f Canadian Pacific trans-Atlantic liners. oh. Frequent sailings each week from Montreal and Quebec (trains to ship side at Quebec). For full information consult your local travel agent or J. J. FORSTER Steamship Gen. Passenger Agent, C.PR Vancouver, B.C CANADIAN PACIFIC Station Masistrate MeClymont in city po- lice court this morning. t Miss Lindland was a passenger aboard the Catala this mornin bourid for Port Simpson where sh: will také over school teaching du-* . y | A letter from Capt. Ruby M_| Steele, local commandant of the; Saivation Army, mude inquiry of; ithe city couneil last night as to! iwhat was to be expected this year} les. in the way of the annual civic do- : G. E. Gulick, local manager of nation to the corps. A letter of 4 reply will be cent to une corn: | he Swift-Canadiean Co., sailed this pointing out that, tnroveh finar | Morning on te Catala to make cial stringency, the council had |‘ round trip to Anyox and Stew- made no provision for grants of art on company business. any kind in the estimates this year. W. J. Orchard, teacher of th ‘ native schoo! at Aivansh, and Mrs ‘Orchard were passengers aboard j the Caiala this morning bound fo the Naas River after having spent the summer vacation in Vancou- ,ver é Mu Whipping Recipe A copy of a letter which has been addressed by a committee of |Canadian National Railways em- . jployees to merchants and business Again imen of the city bespeaking an even - igreater amount of passenger and Recently, upon request, we publish- | freight traffic for the national sys+ ed Pacific. Milks whipped cream |tem was read at last night’s coun | gincer ‘Day from his caretaker “|gestion being made that the work -| | Wed. Special Caled, tr he ws. 00 | Munro Bros. | Annual Basketball miecting in! City Hall, Wednesday, 8 p.m. All} interested please attend. 226 | Miss Agnes McQuiilar. who has | 'bean spending a vacation ii Van-| rouver, returned to che city from} the south on the Catala this morn- 7 } ing chief bridge en- for the provincial depart- of public works at Victoria A. L. Carruthers, meni jand tormerly district engineer here, |Was a Dassenger gbo-:d the Catala this morning going Stewart on offici through to al ciuties, eT > A recommendation from _ the Board of Works that W. H. Good-| sell, who is suffering from rhewu-; matism and neuritis, be given six months’ leave of absence cuties ds cemetery was adopted by the city council last matter of} relief in Mr, Goodsell’s position was! left in the hands of the Board of} Works with power to act, the sug- | Withou ta) The night. The be divided up in order to make as much empjoyment as_ possible. There was an application from A. Guyan for the position during Mr s00dsell’s absence. Hotel Arrivals Central Gilbert Erwick and T. Sjequia, city. There’s even a . Men like these finer: |, flavored crackers, overvfresh’ anid flaky | with jiiet a trace of salt. Mave thert hatidy, in the paritry always: one : Classified Ads FOR SALE WORK WANTED ‘ FURNISHED flat for sale. Apply | WOMAN will do washing reasonab- Kalen Motors. Phone 92. tf} ly. Will take it home or do it at FOR: SALBMink;. Quetec. Labta-' Whe house. Phone 37. tf dor, young or adult. $20 per pair.| F, Hoppe, Lochdale, B.C. tf.| ORCHESTRA FOR SALE— Four door Chevrolet poR Your Sataah orchestra phone difference cine nonstrat t > Fair. | x Uemonstrated at the Fair.) i) meeting. The sentiment of the CANADIAN PACIFIC lo Vancouver PRINCESS LOUISE—Sépt. 12, 21, Oct. 3 lo Vancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Pridays, 10 p.m. via Ocean Falls and Way Ports ro Ketchikon, Wrangel, Juneau and Skagway--Sept. 8, 17 arid 29 For Information call or write W. LE. COATS. Geteral Agent Prince Rupert, B+ TX! Y ‘ nI UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Ruovert for Vancouver CATALA BVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M Via Waypoints. arriving Vancouver Thtirsday am ras PS8. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, arriving Vancouver ev midni! ght approx Neekly sailing Port Simpson, Alice A A x, Stewart and Naas River points Sunday, 8 pm er information regarding all sailings and tickéts at — VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenu Phone 568 2. indie + pecial Hard-Time Bargain Offer Again we are asked for it. Follow} details closely ‘letter was enaorsed on motion of 4 1, Have Pacific Milk cool | Ald, Linzey and Ald. Black } my Whip briskly two minutes. ee | 3. Add fresh lemon juice freely Havi 4 , ; av pen uged over a aay and whip until cream is | “@V/n8 be : des os thick (about 3 or 4 minutes) in - leaving Vancouver, Union ss 4. Fold in slowly 1 teaspoon j;Cafala. Capt. A. E. Dickson, ar- each separately, of granu- j|rived in port at 1 o'clock this lated igar and vanilla. ; : ; i Serve |morning from the south and sailed wo enit ; e urs later for Anyox, Be sure (1) to whip 2 minutes | couple of ho f A before adding lernon juice; (2) | Stewart and other northern points ‘o use granulated sugar; - (3) to | whence. she is expected back here } fold in sugat ang. flavoring | Thursday morning southbound. At with spoon, not whipper. the conclusion of yovage iti! iVancouver, the Catala will be * . e Pacific Milk | withdrawn from service for annual “00% B. C. Owned and Controned” overhaul and her run on the Van- . couver-Prince Rupert-Anyox-Stew- PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD art route taken over by the steam-j| er Cardena whose place on .the | Vaneouver - Bella Coola - Skeena River-Pritice Rupert route will be taken this week by the Venture this steamer | Armouncements | tion now will get the rest of the year 1932 free. subscriptions or renewals. This is a very attractive offer subscribers to pay a year in advan¢ Payment may be made by check, sent"the more you get for the money. from January 1, $5.00 Rest of this year to January 1, THE DAILY NEWS one year from January 1, $3.00 Rest of this year to January I To Subscribers to the Daily News or Any Wishing to Become Subscribers All our advertisers have been offering special bargains to the custom- ers, Here is our contribution. Any person sending in a full year subserip- This applies either to new THE DAILY NEWS Delivered in the “ER one EE ‘ong FR S Pewee by mail out of town ive FREE and is made for a limited: period to induce during the diffiewlt financial period. money order or currency. The sooner it is DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. Balloon Dance Sept. 30, loW’s New Hall Oddfel- Moose Bazaar and Carnival Oct 6 and 7 United Church Annual (set, 10 Suppet Thanksgiving Day benefit dance, } Eagles’ Hall,October 10. Rebekah Bridge-Whist, 12, October Boxing, Empress Areha, Thurs- day, October 13, main event—Wen- dle vs. Gurvich. Bagles’ Dance, October 14 and 24 Catholic Bazaar, October 19, 20. Elks’ Dante, October 21, Hill 66 Halléwe'er’ Bridge and datiee, Ov. 28, L.0.D.B. Hall: Miss D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 — - ami ale No a eZ, in the KELLOGG’S Corn Flakes havé such a delicious aroma that you'd be sure to choose them if you compared them with others, just on the strength of opening the, packages. And of course there’s a big difference in the taste and crispness, Kellogg’s are the very best corn flakes possible to make and they are protected by a sealed WAXTITE inside bag that brings them oven-fresh to your table, This feature is patented! 4 ‘ Kellogg’s guarantee you the highest quality and satisfac- tion. Look for the red-and- green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario, iClaim; 1 | } Sedan, good condition. Cheap, prs Black. Green 218. Snappy Phone Blue 315. 224, music! Prices reasonable. (tf) | pare FOR RENT a ane | MISS NELLIE LAWRENCE will re- sIX room house Phone Red 914. | sume violin lessons October 1st, lFOR RENT—Monxnern seven-rocmed tt house, close in, furnished. Phone, +o TRANSFERS Red 720. tf YME choice modern apartments’ CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 177. for rent. Gre=tly reduced rates, ‘ Westenhaver” Brie. tf Dry Wood. Chairs for rent. tf Piet CHIROPRACTIC " SWAP HOUSES Fate WILL swap sell or rent houses W. C. Aspinall Phone Green 638. tf #hree Year Graduate Chiropractic | Modern Ray Treatments Given : FOUND Phone for Appointment ——- = -———-— Green 241 and 549 FOUND_ scow 16 x 50, name!,, n Evenings 6 Excnange Blk aieiees No. 38,” found adrift) -” e win Maa off Kinahan Island. Owner can have same vy vaying all expen- ses, W. wand, P.O. Box 852,! Prince Rupert, B.C DAIRIES eee > For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 —_ SHERIFF'S SALE In the Supreme Court of British Columbia BETWEEN: MARY QUICKSTAD. Plat: = t J a C jitor nad JOH? Ne nt et CONNORS ana). PARR eeeee Eee THOMAS WINLOW, Defendants (Judg ment Debtors), TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with an Order to me directed by th Honoureble Chief Justice, Aulay Morrie son. Dateq August the 15th. 1932, J) Will offer for sale on the 29th day of! Wpresh from Buikley Valley September at 2.30 f.m., at my ofifce h IS SAFE MILK the Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C Farms the following Crown gfanted Mineral Claims, namely Lot Forty-eight Hundred and One (4,- VALENTIN DAIRY “Superior” Mineral Hundred and ‘Superior | Forty know. 801), known as the Forty-eight known as the Mineral Claim; Lo (4803). Phone 657 Two (4802) Number 1” eight Hundred and Three as the “Red Top” Mineral Ciaim: Lot Forty-eight Hundreq and Four (4804), known as the Red Top No, 1” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-eight Hundred and) For Sale or Rent Five (4805), known ae the “aa Number 1” Minera; Oilatm; Lot Forty-/ eight Hundred and Six (4806), known Rese, Cowan & Latta as the “Superior Nuntber 2 Fraction” | Phone 234 Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-eight Hundred | and Seven (4807), known as the “Red| — Top Praction” Mineral Olaim; Lot Forty-nine Hundre@ and Forty-five} 4945), known as the “Amazon” Min- WHY LOOK AT SHABBY & DIRTY WALLS? eral Claim; Lot Forty-nine Hundred and P eral Forty-six (4946), krown as the “Ama-| 7 eon Nikwmer 1° Minefel Claim; Lot We paperhang a room for Potty-niné Hundred and Forty-seven|P $5.00 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 (4947), Kriowrn as the “AmazoOn Num- and up. Call, Red 802, jber 3” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-nine | | Hundred and Forty-eight (4948), knowr jas the “Amazon Number 4” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-nine Hundred ana | we Forty-nine (4949), known as the “Red + 2 = oe Top Number 2” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-riine Hundred and Fifty speed List your goods with us—Prines Rupert's leading Auctioneer. khewn as the “Aniazon Fraction” Min- G. M. HUNT Olaitn; and Lot Forty-nine Hun- Phone Reé Red 637 J. P,. MOLLER dred and Fifty-ome (4951), known as the “Attiagén Number 2 Fraction” Min-| tral Claim. | The above Clatins are located at ‘!ul-/ en Creek, about 6 mifles North of the forks of Bear River, Oassiar District The amount of the plaintiff's judg- ment is 810,662.21. with interest from ! 3rd Ave, the 24th day of July, 1931, and the costs of eXecution proceedings Other than the said judgment there aré no charges aghinst the said lands _— ome = The AUCTIONEER Dated at Prince Rupert this 27th day of August, 1932. Packing — Crating — CASH. os aoa 8S. A, NICKERSON, and General Furniture mean Sheriff List. your goods with me County of Prince Rupert, §-a27,08 1017 2. GEO, J, DAWES—Phone Blac 136 wr eee ees wares oe r 99 OT A I IU RE