II 'BRINGING UP FATHER By Ge 0rge Mc Afxte Jiconomy fl I J fLU THROW M If) Ml TZ3T3n flll?' 11 N Z$ (f CT OP ANO fjT CLOTHES, COT OF THE Tjutr- I ( . OT4 TCXJH ItM- AM WtNOOW-THEH I KIN WALK li ' k.m"! TMNTti I M l wnun t CITJN TnLvARQ III) III II I ' I Mill H rv ilf I If I I F YOU tend ui your last yerV ikirt or drew and hive it returned looking like newr-iin't that true economy? Frequent Dry Cleaning and Pressing rnQ the life prolong TRAIL CLUB RESUME 'NEW MANAGER FOR of clothing and your LEAD AT BILLIARDS LOCAL ROYAL BANK I keep it fresh and new. BUSINESS DIRECTORY May we help Made Clean Sweep of Games with S. J. McLeod Coming from Winnipeg COM you Elks Played Last Evening. to Take position These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy economize ? Tin Trail Chili made a clean Ml-!t. f. M. Sinriair is leaving Canadian svee of Ihe billiard tnnrnatiienl lodav for Vanrmiter. where he EDSONXKEB against the Elks lasl night by a will join Mr. Sinclair who is not AERATED WATER3 FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES 'Sacked , Steam Laundry seore of tsnn to 805 and thus jrHHftrfnjr to Prions Itupert. MERCHANDISE Bulk Phone 8 iitjaiil hate a icimuI lead in the cup j S. J, .Mrl.edd,.Assistant Man. uvcft BorrttNa I CANADIAN STtAM LAUN0HT j series, the Hits falling further imager at-Winnipeg, been ap-their tit WILFRID RrT9N Cor. Third and 7(l PIo 1, fsr Cksems id Pretxet brpt rauae vna far im aaod rural- ' potion nt the Un. of the!piinle.fln niceee Mr. Sinclair as STEAM COAl .landing, .til the TH'iI vielnrie lineal manager of Ihe Royal Hnk BARBER SHOP PAINTERS AND DECORATORS - o.d. cart hJci 're liv ff-fMii! maiiritie... . . Lr-r nd-shorlly. is to report - o - ----r - - etpH-le V0KAHAM4 BARStn SHOP FURNITURE J men scaoocn i Followin?" wirr the individual tadr BerVe vtUlh - T1 Jrd Ate. Uuu ti frswr etwee Oma III FRANK SR"CMU MNre: TMrl ve. rtuu iiretn lit. nawaiuo . WiujicTal V. Mcllmoyo iTmil. , 200; ALICE LAKE STARS BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS Stop! I rani, caiuafi tlJLs , 133. FEED STORES COIL II. ShaVerwar. 20; M. Mr- IN PARISIAN PLAY LA CASSC SAICRV TMS A. W. IMt CO. - tM Ate. Look" f Sicilian. lt'.O. fbiril ATCQM rtMW It pRiNct RvetRT rno CO. , rstais. mU. oism v4 Wanptsee . J. Sudan. mi; T. II. H(opr, V loratioa. mr tn4 A sad Tth 91 ' Listen!!! 143. Diy and Soul." a photoplaV CHINA, CROCKERY A NOTIONS PAINTERS AND DECORATERS Albert & HcC promising to be th must inh-r- J. iuie. ?0; V. F. Ilobrre, FISH RETAIL stin? of Alk Ijke'n aptearans TMI DSNNT ALLEN CO. MERCHANTS, CU. 4 CROtStTT PkMl 477. L!.-r..ld A LITTLE CONSIDERATION 139. Thlrtl Armtt, epfiWle rot OfSra. on ih screen, will Iw seen al lh ARTHUR'S BURICT Ph3nti11t,W U. Drown. H. 200; J4. will convince yon that dainty Lepine, 'twu a. ww t a at ro ba t Empress Theatre luniithl. . . PLUMBING new Wallpaper and fresh V. Illyilir. 200; EOwn, 88. CLEANING AND PRESSING Local motion ih'atn. clean 1'ainl are not only Th" -furidinir for Ihe IVaiLCIuh picture GENERAL MERCHANDISE STItN d, LONOWUL raw a. Roers have seen iirol like Miss sanitary and healthful, but lip to i;tl follows: TOKYO ore works - rrMniat and dry vtjm tvau Arerir Lake in the comparatively fpw ro 3rd krtmr I'Ivhm 471 WIKO CMIN TUKN CO. the attractiveness of your Tit KW Aim PKm SIMS TS RENTALS iirrounding tends to Trail 8 90HI 113A hut mare than comparatively eue. The Td WiuHlecr . 8 !0I5 1137 res-tful pictures which have Iwen CAFES r. W. MART r KUk 411 brighten though!, and GROCERIES your St. Anir 's 9ir, 1105 hers since her sensational rocket. put yon in good spirits, too. O. V. V. A. . 8 8M7 1052 incc to iHipOlanty. As Ihe tlslicr THC BOSTON CRUX i!NZtrs PRincc rupirt orocirt SION 'PAINTINQ We carry the newest and TMrd At, fhoae HI. rl pUre M est -or rh vi run - raooa Rirl in "Should Woman Telir Task S.,ns of Kk. 8 820 1 1093 u of b-l CLL A CROaeCTT PkM 477. Elks 9 87 15 072 and the not dissimilar but more WALLPAPERS AND PAINTS HARDWARE tmc fLtTC cars. uinbiliouw role in Jas. A. Kerne's Varnishes. Kalsomine, Glass, smM Ate. ftltnsi tnt tor IV money. 'Shore Acres'' her freshness of MOWS A McNULTY tnd At iet. I SHEET METAL WORKS etc. WHIST LEAGUE ;-hi-x-kuwierr. pslau and ri'twrnra I,tep- ' lersnnalily and strength of enio. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Cirtaie tt siuis That's t .9' ; sij SltVERSIDES BROS, i tion placed her on an arlirlici sown Sons of England,'.El as and Oddfellows plane which she achieved arain ; ! IMPORTED GROCERIES M Arrow rtHM 111 to Kive (ivr Hiifr fit 22: TOkAMAKA- 71 J THirt Ate. Writ j Phone Second Street Were Winners In as the n'ush diamoiul heroine of j ' r-xti P.O. Box 120 Last Night's Games. 'The Misfit Wife." j ALBKRTA SIKAT "ARK IT STtlN LONSWIIL ptwa S. For f DRUGGISTS ,! ri'in Slrrel rimw ( i sunt.,.' . The Wks. 8ons of KnrlanJ and H-t I TAILORS LAOIES AND GENTS tying 1 1 LAUNCH" FOR HIRE l ! O !dfi-IIi the winners ' at w. 4. mcCUTChcon . -'Tffl were Cak vhi! Ia-f ni?hf. dcfi-atiim the The Man in the Moon Seeeod Imw sad WU lrL - iuwmn "NaRBtTRONO." pthms BUKk aoo.! T. LIC - OMKWitv PMI oflte V-r rite Uriest j!raf IwtUM 10 Morthertl B. C j ttm l . nrwt h ':W4a'sf sad rrmm And Kniuhts of t'ythias. (ireal War i SAYS:- EPSON COAL CD. Vftirsins add Valhalla nvperlive-ly a- hy sinilar scores of 5 to i. TIIK lrIe?ales from Ihe Union have received during the !ut daU The follows:Whist Lfajnie W. stnndinK L. Pts.to of to li.tro C.before Municipalities the bar. threatens Is it any Daily News Classified Ads. Si. Regis Ci three weeks wonder Honest,John wishes to Knight- of :!.. .1 2 vast abolish Ihe bar. Sons of Canada . 6 in 2 CENTS PCR WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adtertli-rmmt Taken fur L.. than ROa 100 Coal St. Andrew's . . . 7 C li cars ITS a sad tale, but they say a Sn of Vmk 7 G li certain WAMTID. ron RENT man in I'rlnee Hupert (pot LOST Valhalla 7 8 ti far behind in his room rent he from Macleod River mine, owned Oddfellows (5 fi' 12 had to marry his landlady. That WANTKIl Second-hand furnl- yon UV.ST Three room and ,,0'' Ladle; gold watrh. mono. by Prince Rupert citizens. -Knights I'vthias . f. 7 it was "of lure. If you have anything to, ufl(, MeM'.'rdie .nnrt:n; r.Li. rram "J.MAVV nr, baeii. fte- Day phone I eotirse. many year We have the eicisilv iignt to Kifcn i in H jo, sell call Ued 2U. e pay casn.i Annl .Metiiffer-f. (libhon A I I urn to American (ii4uUl. If STEEN SLOSH handle tbiscoal fn Prince Rupert li. W. V. A 3 to TIIH fortune F. II. Crosby, 715 Third-Avenue Oojl, Lid. teller rnlher " i Don't be misled by other coal was WeL tf LOHI Ho)al Aeroplane emblem Metal taken Sheet aback the fair customer uion dealers who ose our firm name FOll ItKXT Nicely furnished brooch, fli-turll (( r;nee Rl- to idvertk their eoal. BIG ATTENDANCE AT told her she wnnlcl fo know vv'AX'l Kl- i- iirnishe.1 niarimenl ' riHirn In fully moiWn home. I'crt Cigar Store, fli usnl. rl AS-' ' -r. f e If you want a real good screened not so much ahoul the future or sVnnl! house, close In. Apply Oenlleman unly. I'hone lllue Sanltar .ful DANCE UST NIGHT eoal, call tip ' husband she would-col I lit about l!i IX !'..'. I tally .News oUire, &i SOU. 9 I.OXT Hllrkw m on llar (U.ve f feetlnf Ef the past nf her prenenl huslmnd. Circle. Finder phooe Illue 33&. Phone 58 Women's Auxiliary o f Central WILL lAY HI'OT (US II FOIJ LOT FOll niSXT One front ult fur- Reward. 52 Sib St t; ... - Labor Council Affair Was T1IKM-; aro walnuts and hazel, in Section On. I'rlcc must Urn tilsheil. HI. Iiuis Itooms. ' Pnnce Prince Rupert Feed Co. Wall Patronized. nuts- and llrazll nuts and just rlaht. IUix 11, X"' 51 ".(LOST One ifAHflng pump nedir I'dain, unvarnished, untniliirnted j ILT'Lii1' I l)e Luxe iiaii. Hetiirn lo iiaily Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. nuts. The reference is to people WA.NTKD 1'Jalt swing, Mr. FARMS FOR SALE News. The liipgmt rrowd yet in at tendance at a dance of Ihe WoJ living in Vancouver, of course. K.I'earl Upstairs.Murr.tiv. 231 'Intli A.52 u ' ' rAHM iadus The rlcfi SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING I SMITH & &0 men's Auxiliary of tin; Central IT was a brave man who under. prairies or Aiuerut, Bastaicne-wan Labor Council was recorded last ItOUSHKEKI'R'n WA.NTI1 Apply jt'ilman Stenographic School i and Manitoba took to kiss the wives of about are especially mtrJt night whenv ahoul 200 fralhcred. Mrs. Fellierslonhaugh, Second i suited for mixed farming. ! F.vening classes, Monday, Wed PLUweino o thirty in reputable citUens Terrace Fruit Lands The event proved thoroughly en-jnyahle evening. one SJreet. tf Land that will produce tig nesday and Friday, 7;30 to 0 CKQIIttM in the, strains nf excellent crops or grain and fodder, and oVl.x:l(, Individual Inslriirtlnn. SMI imisic provided hy Arthur's ()r-fhextra. at SITUATIONS WANTED well No. in Smith Ulock. tf f adapted for 20 Act;3 MJes from Terrace en At -inidiiislil dairying or Good V agon Road. splendid lIKltlPJcr.0.1iTHOflILrilKll livestock raising can still be DANCES Addreii, 3t Good black soil on clay sub-soil. rcfreshinenfa were nerved. MOTOR BOAT WILL nnd hooklseajiftr w?ls position.; had at prices averaging about ... k, :d SI" 4 Acres under plow. 7 acres more Mrs. 8. V. Cot was nt the head SOON BE NEEDED Ileferenees. l.O. tun 7 1 7. 31! 118.00 an acre, with twenty i:vi:iiy sATUiin.vY uvrvino. 17' po.,l partly cleared; 25 bearing fruit of the affair and Mrs. Metz, who Phons e years to pay If you wish. Only till 12 Dance In Mrlnlyre Hall. trees; 2 well with lots of good convened Hie commitlcfl in charKn roi ALf Those 10 percent down. No further Admission: (ienlbnif n, 5nc; water; well' made log-house, 18 who hnvij motor assisted Mrs. ftat hy Ileavysidc, by 24 ft., two stories, with addition Mrs. Mrs. boats f(ir sale should ad. FOll SAI.I'. Four full lots ond payment on the principal until Lailier. 250. If Monlt:oniery, Casey, 16 by 18; log barn, 20 by verlise Idem the end of the fourth then 40 feet with cellar bvneath. full Mr. Kvvuniu and Mrs. lioolli. j, soon as the burn on Ninth. Avenue, near; year; Never forget llitoush to hok size of barn 10 feet deep; Price lain was th" masler of cere, seasoir is coming when Mcllride Streel: Ilarn easily) sixteen annual payment!. In. 1 2,200 cash for quick sale, $2,4Q (tionierf and W. JtumlHl ntlended they will be In demand. A convrleJ Into dwellings. I'riee teresl 0 ppi" cent. Ihe classified Hat terms of half csib, balance 1 Write lo II. O. on the door. few dollars spent in advertising 12,025.00. iTfrnns. 750 cashi Loughran. Land rurtopr" rU year at 7 per cent, C. I'. Agent, It. a boat, usually 8tatlon. Van. Tind balance over two years al H S1.t4 p' wtM KENNEY BROS. S CO.. l hcrn a no more un In having ll'.nv. i-.ilU. if Hi" price per cent. M. M, Stephens, tfj Cabin Cruiser Launch c1 Koal Estate and Insurance g. ods that nohody knows about it) right. HAIR DRESSING. FOll SALR Oil f.fUBB Job print- rm Terrace, B.C. than in winking at n pretly girl a La CtrV- FOR SALE In (ho dark. If Ing business and plant. For IIAIll DIIISINO. SMXIAL SCALP partlrulnr applf' Oally News trrulment. Marcel i e waving. Fore rtr itie. tM 'Ha rrmr -DONnic otllpe. If massage. Hair dyeing. Ladies' mck," itiiifi si ft. ty s rt 6m. combings made Into switches. rtirion io bp. rnnne, lin dyntrno Iumbagb Notice to Advertisers Second-hand furniture boughtand suit nllrhtKisrd, Speed lo 10 TOM LEE CO. Charles LeClarcn, 233 Sixth sold. J. LeClalre. I'hortn Oreen kiuil 11111 rrdir. line (tieelriT frrt Street. Phone Illue 78 home 541. tf fop k.n in sjicrtin. AminimudttVin 810 Second -Avenue, West like rhtumstltm li esuiadbr Casual advertisements appointment. tf r..ll r nmiiwwtloui rsbin, wild poisons left ia the blootf by defect for Insertion same day FOll SAl.K Kngllsh baby buggy I'Sllwr riKhinnn, tmslt IsvtKiry in VEOETADLE8 , Its kidney sctlon. Correct thi should be In the Daily ami sulky. i'liona Ilcd 201. 50 44verii- t.. fx ik mmni' nfun, toilet. lofkr. Wholesale and Retail condition by uilnf Or, Chate's , Nowb oOlco before 10 a.m. mall iHk l.. k () sml dlnstir i ..UP J Kldnoy Lltsr Pillt. 0ns ellls dote. Thrrr ia a rnriiny riM-kpil tlx) III 0uw Changes In advertisements ACCOUNTANTS tio4i ia in flr-1 riats irufxi. Chorte A.sHtIV' Oenoraj Contractors and 2So.a boi, til dollars., s should be on hand before if. i MUSIC FOR DANCES. 1 ana"-- i Labor Exchange Dr. Chases S p. m. on previous day. liXPF.niIi.NCRD ACCOUNTANT i I Price $1250.00 would Inkn charge of set of ARTHUR'S Site.. . Prince Rupert, B.C. Applf Is 0. Rerlt, O.A., fi .t f'J,tv' jocks, whole or part time. ullSlef, f ts f. O. Phone 57 P.O. Tiox 725 item W. n. WHIUcroft. Phone Phona 481 rhon 481 Sulldlng. BrjrnsUon, f HONE W .nulldiM Advertise In tbe Dally News. mark 259, tf