FOR : TAXI &139 : call jtley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Taxi SERVICE jelgerion BlocK Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Ernie Large PUIVCB JHPKItT, II. C, TllLfn,saV, MAflCll a. 1021. r f' Circulation 1CI. lrl Silit 4M. PftICK FIVE CENTS iood Hope of Starting Steel Plant DRK AT SHIPYARD STARTED AGAIN THIS MORNING; MORE MEN EMPLOYED COCKER SPANIEL BEST DOG IN KENNEL CLUB SHOW, Work Resumed in for Soldiers' Beer Local Shipyards Wants Legislatuie to Approv. 'Whistle Blew This Morning for First Inmissioncrs ey under new Ac'; Cun- ' Time in Months; Number cf Men can Favors Another Method Being Put to Work and No Prescriptions Willi Hie welcome blast ol Hie whistle al 8 o'clock this ( turning, shipbuilding operations were again resumed at Hie h :, l ul. I lie returned soldier club art t al tli dock after Hie lung lie up following Hie failure of the .:,.U-r ibe tloveriiment couirol measure Hie evvman Hrl contract. The new Wallace contract for the cum-ielion . i-ienre ml Hie jpletidid work they have o Hie two (iovernnienl merrhant marine ships -loped. ()rln,rl CapL Ihii Mackenzie hut have !.iin idle all winter i at last under way and men arc i ... i.iii ihe Lr(tilturr yesterday. Ho a- euig t. Kti on today a- Ihey ajiply for work at the gales of Hie .. ..r Hi- M.MJeralloii League Mini repre-enlu-i ird. I p to l oon 7." men had been started and moic are being Hi.- r 'rnrtl soldirrs' organizations jit "the ken or Mf-.idily. A start was made under inslnirlions from t A. Hi.' i and J. 11. Ilxi.r-au, - visited" Hie Puritanic.!, IirfsPii! ma i lio l-Mniiii.n ctiv-n!:;.-n. M r preriiUlivf final tntrurlin LABOR LEADER i .i i Lett all Hie nirmbers willi a copy or ,-txii .in llif head ollirinlx of the inrll tb Aailar.- Shipyards at VanriHjxer I..11. IS BEATEN BY ; .!-.- t-n- t-d al any.Hjiie. - ii ipecial t S-al.inB l. the Nrw this ..mho's U SOVIET PUTS DOWN . nurniiiK. llubiTt A. Wallarc, di II.-. SERIOUS REVOLT rl.n . hiaml llit alllioosh HtiiiiiH COALITION MAN Murkeiislc IN RUSSIAN CITIES ' vor'- imc- drfiitiMy started, work M.xllTNlhHI 'uuld have to lie rsuim-il slowly .Mint Hill I.ONIMJX. March 3. The i m.J it would be a few day lwfore R"ay Macdonald Defetd at (.!- iluriiiK litlmt report tn (lie Jlril- I n;k ts in full swing. The WcoW-ci by Cap. Gaorge enUli-.l i,h (iurriiuiriil Indicate. With Very Ctose Voisl - - -'tl MldLHf folnrtlte, a rockt'i uinwl ilia) VruworU klnr "r dosthat XwJ. Tn:fwriiTf- tli" jKiwrr home' -nd olli'-r d-tails will await the. i I.MIUH. I0IU have upprried Hie itjvolt part la the Winttnltistcr Kennel Club Hhuw Id New York rlty I r he Mnnd, attci renderm; j i c.-itit of further instruction - f.ONlwi.V, .March 3. James Ll decision In faror of the -Ther two pl-n.ll.J d.r. 1 the rocker the Hi. tiniiMMft fu IviingfBj.Biiil Moscn. panlet,.-ild were pire I nrti lh- Vanr iuver ofllre. Itauisay Alacdonald. the labor i d, A lule report yelrdcy prite over tbe I'tklncc Phantom o.' Athcrvft Ut j ue 1 coukidi-r that Le I a better cocker spaniel . ei iter, was defeated yeslrr.lay in I Ilir lfe. f in.Heated that an overturn ILan tbe 1'tLiugCM li a t'cUticcsc." en election for incmbw of Parliament al or ih. of lb Soviet '(lovl-noicol PRINCE ALBERT for the Woolwich run. 1 Hii- l.'Ur. hhiiIc, IniU lhrr stiluency. His iii-fceriil op-Irtineiil ..I ..r three i.m not ! o have been was 4ipiaiu ieors:e. a M.rtl, Hot iiuirh t colli in lliul. Steel Works Proposal Looks (supporter, of the i..erincnl of ll'reiiiicr t.loyd (ieorae. the ma- ..w H-lmu. j iorily lieins Stfi. The Unlit wa-i i.ulil Si..- Leave for Stewart at Ten O'clock a very rlo-s- one, s- r..e tliitl it II ' v-uu iuwi 1. xThla Evening Fearful Is Out ,, itMMssibIe l t.-ll whal would :v vjr .u. TWENTY be the result until the count was 'l.-ralion Tlc Prince Albert was dis. ,,ete.. The vole stood fiewr-e - ami iini'-l tl CENT ARE IDLE A' C Garde Tel,s J- C- Gavigan to Bring Message of En this liarueil morning.from Iot the annual local dry overhanp lck 1 3.010.Hainsay Mncdonald Marl'na'd 12,721.was for-uou 1m'ii complete. The Priiic.j.r"v cl, ..f the Ui'juc i.ii.iii. airman couragement to reopie or rnnce rvupen; one John was al-o ul the ..-k trans-j pary in Hnxlaud. 'Shipbuilder Hav No Mor Con-1 Near Port Edward ferrins her carjto Tor Stewart lol Proposed is MANY MUST tracts London in England,Paper. Says .V.:.: 'r:iPRESIDENT EXPECTS j"r A. T. i i oiiKdoti un.l . and the Atlri tonight' TORES'IME Islund poes "Tell U ople in Priii. c Itnperl that cvrr lh"iR look-i favor- PH'CICF, MlMMtN. Mm ill 3. ' I l-11 o'rlock to Stewart. j able for Ibv elMi!imeiil ..f a smeller on Kaien Island near twenty per ei-nl of the slilplmil.l-init laUf bwH lixlenslve repairs (1. the lip.- OF UW IN NEW YORK Prim id A. U (lurde to J. C. at Victoria a e HjiperL," (lavigan tin- m-i(Ii in Kiialimd are ranl lK r.,anl ui.-tii--at 114: pM. Fearful, rifcav.! in Iowiiik sand ILLIED TERMS and Ihi' uhlphulhlem have no run. day or two ago. Mr. (iaviguii wus in Victoria. Vancouver and iitihilitics and it wu aiin'ounw-il front McXi. lmll Creek to Hit iiew WASIIIXGTOX. March 3.-- irnctn on hand. 4 ftie .MornlnKI.Seallle on a trip in rouncftioii with Hit llupcrt Table ln Noveiiiber that the nixesltea. is can d(H-k are also complete and president Wilson announces that l'ot. Twier us inaiii orilers have 8npplv wl(en he met Mr. Oarde in Viclorla fairly bubbling .iver,'- "J" al that vessel was also discharged. he will resume the practice of law t Dons by Mondar Noon i.t-o luiict-ll.-.l a hae ben .... ... ..... .1.1.1. I.J'" eoinpletc. have u.y in partnership wilh llainbridge ICounelll will Commsncs liilared ..p..r... ...v. e.urMV! j,.,, ,,wje ad the ciiirinw and GLASS WORKS FIRE 'olby. Hie retlrinj seerelary of had been with the Jormed iron ana steel company Inking up recently promoters are on their wayto, state, with ofllres al New York and also with the f!o..iiiueiil. 1-tnitland Iq lay their wl.iole scheme ind Washinslon. Financial Loss from Glass Works in Mutiny WALLACES LAUNCHING Mr. Onrde said the provinnkll Government had proiniM-d a uil- before the primipals. Some-further Burning was $700,000. 'i to R.c-.-pl YESSEL AT VANCOUVER i"1'1' ,,r ln,,J ntr ''"r ,:l,Nxwr', f"r iitk nnd w,,,,,e "chen investijnUinii and tts.'vv1ll I W. Campbell, formerly express 11 '"II liy till- be necessary before any detliiile ItAltXSVILLK. tlhio. March 3. !iiescner here and at Princw liau H'cn taut lM!re tne promt.ler ot llie lec eni.-rpnsei vviui me - The Allied work can begin, and it is Just A Link Ml.'d wilh molten nlas tJ.tire. left by yesterdays train Hint mild It the best tlia! had Imm-ii mude they M hIv nullftetl Canadian Skirmisher will Take ik-sull proiosn possible thai it may be decided to burst and started a lire which destroyed en route fo- Ireland, accompanied - n are nil Water on 3L Patrick's Day-Miss to iticui so far. They left on Saturday for Kimland whero tlic whtde establish Ihe works n Vancouver the (Sorsiieh Klass td'aiit. by Mrs. Campbell. They will mule I.U I ffis Langford Sponsor clii-iiie will be laid lieforo Ibe old Island or the I wvet- mainland, but the loss Rimiuiit iiif; to approxt-llialely st'.oovrr at various places on I bo 1 I ller,.itl- country capitalists who were ineii-'uinl.possibly devciopiiiK the !- Mr. liiir.l.- is coiiildcnt that hi 700.000. way. f Dv-I. MIltTII V.SfM)L'Vl-:it. Mur. 3. jllt'iie.! at the lime of ificorporo- per Hlvjer coal Ih'ld which has a proposal is belter than any of aim Hie luihr St, Pntrlck'M Day. Marrh 17. ha lion of the coin puny. Ipotfd eoklng coal. .Majtnutile the other-, and Ihe cmiineefs and .v uld alio been chosen n the date for the Provides Bonus. (would be secured ironi one or prom. tei-s ndiuil that it Is (he Horrible Condition in 1 .1 i-uuiilry launchin: of Hie sti-c freighter. The I'luvineial (ioverumeiit. be-'moru of the big deposits in the be I Ihey have y.- rwc Cull. built sides providing Ho, lle, bus ur-.neighborhood, possibly Porclier is niurtr ' ' ' '1 1 et UlUHK Caiailait Skiruiikhcr. being seuen!) he verr enthused hi Wallace's here for the Canadian raine.t for the coiiipauy to secure Island. over the possibility of Siberia is Described uf the io eminent inercliiiiit marine the bonus provided by Ihe l.euls. The company Hint wus mcor- success. ".lit be m- services. ' ' laluru al u previous sesSluu. Thlsporute. lu t Noveiiiber'is known r ! uiciil Mist. Ii.irolhy hpugford, rhniui-llia bonus is the attractive fvulure as tbe Coal Itanue hlecl t-oni- lUeut -Ctlonel Younp, Red Cro Commissioner, Juit St . r id.. ..1 Vancoiner society xlrl and about the concern and mukes 11 a pany. i-a'piluliml at t3.tiiiii.iiu MORGAN'S DOG ' to Canada after Two Years Spei t In Country al ancouve roiiitnrtrial tiossihdily. with heud oHlee l,rh onnuili, extend iilcee nf F. W. Pelcrs. i ;r y, liV'rlulelidenl, and vsho danced Mr. (larde's pnponl iiu-ludes The provlshmnl lieeeturn at the " Hlh the Prince of W ales dtirtujr Ihe lakluit of limonlle ore from lime of IneoriHiiatloit includctl TEAM WON DERBY VANCOl'VKH, MjHy.U U. -I)ecribii?'j etntcUlhiii ... JJiUuiu us TOWN bin vfsll here Inst stiiiiiner. wilt the, his deposits at 'Copper lllver John ). Kearns, I. J I.audal. Ma -PIHiiiinp, UeuL-(tr Uoiiglus Young, commission! for the Med MII.I, sponsor Hi! lautieiiiog. Took to Cross .Society in Russia, is here en route la Ottuwa Mlowing twu Blizzards Time Delayed by B AGAIN The Skirmisher Is the sUlli work in that country; CUHING Cover 200 Wiles was Nearly years' almllar vessel built for Ihe I'.an. IN AID OF THE HOSPITAL FUNDS Thirty-four Hour. Colonel Voiiug declared Ihut u(l Itussians, irrespeclivo of their tidiun (lovrriiinenl niul eompleP 1.' "iImi- oi.lili.vil svniimthies. ncouired nil immense respect for Canudu. mill th Wullac'n rontrart. '"!" I ,1 "' 1 fill: PAS. March :i. It. Mar. ... i..i.ii...i wiii.-t. -erved fo tell the horror which had ituim, an,1 Grand Vaudeville Concert " I'liiibor for BIRTHS. sun's doK team won the do8 ,,';,me.w,e,ne,l n.sia. On one of iis journeys he brought relief al:J r. aket " n lll.X yesterday, the lime r,H alo..,.- tiers of (lei). , ,,,., ,ynir in the VI11 ,. il ''V loijay. A daiifjliler won Inn 11 to Mr. h!!ut t , T)7e "X lU.ced '.o such ,, condition h,ou8h want of medicine and ,:- March 3 ' "iHy n und Mrs, II. II, MoNeill, of llunis Westholmc Theatre, Thursday, re?t Jf no enliS. w" tr biliUut Ihey wera on I and i 1 nun . a then is ,I.uke. II. (1.. ul Hie Prince Ituperl All Star Programme (( i ti kl.h(, kniv0H without any anesthetic. 1 1,0 to UnJidfciiciiil llnspilal yclenlny. li . 'IVphus was devuslulim.- Siberia.' C, iel Youn said and I ulait. izzuH- n,,,.,i,.e,-d on Keservr d Scats, fl.CO v.i- . . .. Mr. Admission, $l ......i r..PM h.. u'H .lint hecuiisM the ilikeaiu A daughter was horn to and ..i... ...ikniu .lu; k-oiiiK very.ucr. u w mn "r' e- 1,6 U l..y"News Mr, fleo. Arlliur uf Hit in nil L ,(!e. Plan at Prince Kupert Music Store hard and uncertain. was so infectious. ul Iho Ueucral llultul today.