Pr-re 1 I I I "T BRINGING UP FATHER ' . 3 By George McM SM PROH.BITION-KOTTSOIN 0 &?) C,r EEt ME AN' I kiS? 1 HAVE A HUTT-f I HAAACHILL -nr J! Nt i ' 'JJ iL. CNOX VTOHSj TO ' THINK I CAME IN TO 1 I J S OP' T" your last ycar'i skirt or drcsi and have it returned looking like new isn't that true economy ? Frequent Dry Clcaning and Pressing will prolong the life In . FANCY DRESS 1 ii of your clothing and GREEK RULER keep it fresh and new. BUSINESS DIRECTORY COURTS FAVOR DANCE SUCCESS COAI May we help you These are Good Places to Mnke Your Purchases when You go out to buy economize ? Constantino Leaves Nothing Un-dona Event Given Last Night nt'De Luxt to Win Good Will of Hall Proved very Enjoyable. JDS0N m RUI Canadian People There was a most enjoyable AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDJTIES Steam Laundry MORGANATIC WIDOW funcy dress dnnre al the l I.uxe MERCHANDISE BEAVER BOTTLINO WORMS CANADIAN STEAI LAUNDRY Phone 8 RECEIVED BY QUEEN Hall last niylil under the iiiauaKe-menl 7M PMwr liwl - rhvo lit wiL'mo oratton -Car. Tbird sod lib. tUntm I. for CleaeWf and l'rn DK of Mrs. Ilobei'son. Most of rtwsMf Own IK, for etmj haiM rsrnl-lure. STEAM COAI ATHENS. Feb. 5. Kiwr Con the dancers were maskpd and BARBER SHOP PAINTERS AND DECORATORS of tin1 Creek lloval family, now in some very frorjrenus posluines Athens, are Icnvinir nnlhins un were shown, itneniiii upstjrns YOKAHAWA BARBtR CHOP FURNITURE fntO BCAOOIN i taior Lady Asrber - Bain - - ti ird At. Hik sad rraaef rh.. ora done lo win with the im0I linvins Hie prominence. The rRANK "."MU On I In oilier hand, members of a scene whs indeed a pretty ns and Thlrt e. - roan.' Orivn 4 It. NANA'MO . WILUICTJ it'dinn of the upper clans of willi excellent music by, Will IUI- BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS COAL Reductions iciry. the so-culled lion-hunt iiiuiiil s orchestra and n jolly FEED STORES LA CASH BAKERY THE A. W. E04K CO. tod Ate. t:;, nee doing evprythiiiK in their firoiip or ilancers, (tie eirect was third Armur pbum tit Peflli.. oiK OM. lt Wanpepet. power In obtain lidtuilLanrc into uwisl plcnsinn. PRINCE RUPIRT FEED CO. All Lines lew ks-alHin. r,.r m.t Kir. and 7lh L on Mi royal circle. Support was served after mid CHINA, CROCKERY A NOTIONS PAINTERS AND OECORATERS Albert & Mi ESS of . The Yenizelisls, lir whalever night in the rooms downstairs andJ -Irss of society they Wlonff, rei denefns was kept up lo a late I ' THE DENNY ALLEN CO. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL BELL a CROSSETT Pfeae SIT. lir.!lrd anl Kinn Cniisfaiit(j)e ai a o 1 1 1-1 1 hour. Among those prpsenl were: Third Avium . uw i(c Cl Orlre. ARTHUR'S MARKET Phones 111,1(4 Furniture individual who would sacrifice Jud?e Ynnnjr, Cimiu1 and Mrs., Thlid Kir. I'lv.l 4u k 4l P O. bo I 111 PLUMBINQ H p interests of lireeee In satisfy Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. 'CLEANING AND PRESSING GENERAL MERCHANDISE BTEEN LO NO WILL PIMee S, Mr. and Mrs. Juck liiii own ambitions. . I'ilW.ury, TOKVO DYE WORKS, I'rrMMI ttd drj - 9 ' - - - TfMf Kinjf evernl iirothers are Minion, the latter as Winter, Mr. rkanlnr 3r) Aurnue - Plsjne 474 WINO CHIN YUEN CO. until my nb i) heartily disliked in Venizellst and Mrs. W. C. Orchard. Mr. Ilald-win, 711 ceed Ataee Phes" Black RENTALS WE SAVE circle, for they never miss an Mr. and Mrs. flarrtilhers, Hie r. w. hart Mme II s in. Large Stock opportunity fur makinp dispara?- latter as "lawn," Mr. and Mrs. CAFES GROCERIES ni(: remark aboul Hip Cretan Cyril Orme, Ihe luller as a rolletre THE BOSTON ORILL LINJEY'S PRINCE RUPERT GROCERY 3IQN PAINTING Your is reduced statesman, thanks (o whose nstule sii'l, J. F. Majruire, Mr. and Mrs. Third Ate. I'turnr 4 sr. A tl plsca lo eat i nt. ' in and fiill n Ptsina tl diplomacy Oreek territory was II. I'allin-on, the latter ns loll.v BELL A CROSSETT PtM 477. extended lo its present frontier. Varden. (Captain Formby. Mr. and THE ELITE CAFE HARDWARE Barriers Manos Intruder Mrs. O. II. Mc.Nlcholl, Mr. and Rifv.t iwal rr the nvoy. HOWE a MtNULTY tld Ate. tlutu, SHEET METAL WORKS lll.v. r Mine. Aspasia Mano, Hie mor Mrs. II. St. ft. I.pp. Mr. and .Mrs' hlprhsndl. paints and riahrrroeu s ap V 11 ! 1 Eterilhlat la Skeet Mu ganatic wiilnw of thc lajp Kins nitchie. Mrs. Cade, Mrs. Nelson, CIGARS AND TOBACCO plire. ROWC'S eiilt r. -Ju-l Furniture Store, Alcintlcr cgnlinup o nllrncl Mrs. Muljy. Dick PilUbury aijd J.' I IMPORTED GROCERIES S?fceJ Ate rnnne l SSJ YOKAHASA- 7S1 Third A. Wl. KMU-ral atlpnlion In illirn. Slip AAicholls. f Third Avenue nov. lives liy licrcplf in a ralhpr Some slrikin? costumes jwere : ALBERT MEAT MARKET STftN 4 LONOWILL Pbeae B. ; 1 e i ri'lh Street tel . , nirnlpt ilwplliri: in llin Kiphisnia those twrn by II. O. Crew, jesler; DRUGGISTS - adilr. Avi-niiP. The prinrpw and prfn-ci'k.ips II. I)u Vernet, pjerrd; MisVil- LAUNCHES FOR HIRE -, TAILORS LADIES AND GENTS brut ' r who prpppflpil Hint? dn--(inlinp kerson, Pierelte: W. Ii, Ffsher, W. t. McCUTCHEON ficfi Smwnd At mu and SMth Strrrt Launch -NABa-ETRONO," Pnea Black 400.i M. T. LEE Omkmji Pcwl onv and QiK'n Sophie lo clown; II. Ward, Hunt; II. pocock, rim larsm drat house in .Northern B. C The iiso.oeo ntL . Kn Cleaniat wA rrMuai Terrace Fruit Lands, Alliens rather looked upon Mine. C.E.F.; l. Stork, Suinnier; H4 M alios a an inlruder and gave Howe, monk; If. Tookcr, Dutch; Itiodern Ueaanif hf-T'lhe cold shoulder. ; Qupen S. Itazelt-Jones, ycrhtsman; J, A. -1 20 Acxet,3 Mile from Terrace on Snip's fnolherly Insflncls, however, Mac'donald, rnrate; )'.. II. Mur- Pressing Co. Good VA agon Road. frot Ihe hellPr of royal Mood tinier, .(.liinc.liian; T. S. Davis.) 4 Good Acres black under soil plow.on clay 7 teres tub-soil.more prejudices and he repeived her clown; A. K. Hazett-Jones, cleric; j Daily News Classified Ads. 3rd Asn:i ntit C' partly cleared; 2 bearing: fruit ;iimrKanatic daurhler-in-law willi Mr.jor McMiillin. clown; Colonel; Dskiry trees; 2 good wells with Tots of .open arms. Alexander was Quen McMo.'!ir, clown; Waller Hume, 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE, No Advertisement Taken for Lena than OOc water; well made log-house, 18 'Sophie's favorile son. naval; Mr. anil Mrs. It. Ileautuoul, by 24 ft., two stories, with addition 1 orders A. Hix, sailor; has piven Queen Sophie eaily Victorian; 16 by 18; log barn, 20 by WANTED. KHIl SAM", -Purse seme U f.'isT - An i:iteiri Slur pill CD- 40 feet -with cellar beneath, full i for the employmenl of an Knslish Mr4 Marcnteflp, Pierot; Mrs. fi. by 11 ft. o in. by fi., II lon grae on bdik tib owner's NhrM Ph. size of barn 10 feet deep; Price ! Il-Melass nurse in preparation for Marenlette, maid; Mr. Moore. iTHXOiltAPIIKHS' vl-xaimiiatlon W : I ' , I; U.. net, irross; 25 three iiaiiff' was lost Ttiiirsitny Rfter-niMin $2,200 caih for quick sale, $2,400 Jhe birth of Mine. Manos' ehild. IMcrol; Captain (iroves, Arab; An ' Civil Service. Phi for B.C. Day cylinder duly lU.rlUs en-Kine. iM'iween th on terms of half cah, balance 1 j lieuvy corner of at 7 II. F. Pullen, at the seaside in exRin'inutiou for junior and otppiio invTrcfl1' year per cent. Hull ami engine in uuar-anlecd Fulton street and Sixth avenue KENNEY BROS. & CO. summer; fieorK Whilehea-l, senior slwioRraphem will bei eoiiililion. K I e c t r i o and Prince llupert Motel. Kinder r.r piri.w hi Ten Years Ago Pierot; Caplaln-Iloberson, pirale; held on Saturday, February lilflit. bilre pump, live lierllis. utittaht re-rnrdeil by reliirnlnii Sheet Metal Waril Real Estate and Insurance Mis. Iloherr.on, Indian princess-; lu'th, Vic 1U2I, in Vancouver, CHrry ii.noo In inpio. I'nee for pitt to imtier at Prince Hinted Terrace, B.C. in Prince Rupert Mis. Crew, ballet dfineer; Hubert Agent f 'I toria, ' Sew WenlmlnHler and immediate sale f 2,(500.00. C. D. Jloii'l. 30. Ward, Turk; Cupl$ln and Mrs. suHi other points ns there may Paynit. Kelrlilknn. 33 Sanitary and February 5, 1911 firoves, Arnbs; Mrs. Kcaumonl, be live or more mud Males. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING 1 1-tln M of old fashioned lady; Mrs. Mor FOIl SALE Oil LEASE Job printing As a result a dynamife ex Candjdates must be British sth riKf TOM LEE CO. plosion at 1 luane), Kilselcs, timer, little girl; Mrs. Tremayne, subjects, resident of Canada for business and plant. For Pitman Slenftjrrnphlc Mto Prince K :r rt llui'e Italians hayv been killed and Turkish; Miss Kdmands, ridin? al least one year, nf the full nice particulars apply Dally News F.veninir elaeses, Monday, Wed 80 Second Avenue, West eiplit injured. r costume: SfUs Heckwllh, HpI of seventeen years, and not office. tf nesday and Tridny, 7:30 to 0 f Cross nursp; Miss Clipslmi, car- 4i.l-.i "n r r o'clock. Individual inalmcllnn. VEGETABLES A ".'elect coininillce froni thn n i vc.I; Miss McQuillan, harem ane. Applealhaislowrital h l,SECOXD-HAM) FIJHNITUriE until .No, lf srmtii Block, tf council coni-lin of Alder- ,,-,,. ,.. LeClalre - Sa- & r71 1 I it 1 .11 Wholesale and Retail cily poliimp; Miss Krskine, Turkish; be received up to noon, Wed .ocii' llll.lilcli, Clayton, PallJillo Miss .elson, Victorian; Ml Phone Orcen 014. If ACCOUNTANTS Oeuerul Contractors "and early is nesdny. February 9th, 1041. Labor Exchange and Newlon eon,ferred with a dee fifnee Ciirlin, (lower prirl; Miss Application fornis und full par-tlcularfi FOR RENT EX PEfl IENCEI) ACCOUNTANT cation from the I.W.W. comprising Iilnnclie Curlln, early Victorian; artr P obtained from would lake charge of set of PLUMBINQ AN0 Prince riupert, B.C. Messrs. Fraser, Morse, I'lsher, Miss You lie, sprintr; Miss Alkln. (he underslsncd or froiu and FOIl HUNT Seven-roomed houses looks, whole or port time. Phono 517 P.O. Box 725 Carroll and Casey yesterday after. son, Picrelfc; Miss Ilcrnice Pal Ooveininent Agenl. W. II, furnished, suitable for raomeps. W. !. Wllllscrofl. Phone Estlrnsls furnW' noon rejrnrdinj? the demand of mer, pinto; Miss Illicit, plercttn; Mclnnes, Civil Service Com-inifNioiier, A puly I GO Third AvwueSnt, Black 250. " tf the workers for forty-live rpnls Miss Katie Cillll.n. hallef pirl; Victoria. B.C., Janil-ary next Pioneer Laundry. 33 Address . un hour. A ilecisioji in a fortnight Miss -Oil Vernel, pierelte; Miss I2lli, 1021. LAND ACT, of Pnnnfl I t FOIl LJAVE Ycur Suit Cleaned is prooiised. Orchard, Turkish; Miss Carter, IIENT Three-rVirn furnish 0. ' and Pressed by our Steam v e Mary Jane; Miss Willel. Utile jrl-l; WANTED Second-hand furni. ed aimrtmenl. Apply 208-210.CASUIUl, I.VMl. I.ASkllH IHTHi:T DISTRICT Phon. 174 f Machine Method. Price reaton-able. Jack London Is flphtintr with Ninth Avenue West. tf - 1 - - Miss Wakefield, pierelte; Miss lure. If have anylhlnjr to Give us a trial. you f.. XIKT- SWTICH " t. t. sur sad Phone the i-evolutfoiiatlesi fl Mexico.' Mills, starlight. sell call Ul23' We pay cash, FARMS FOR SALE i. r. aerainui aura Ann, Mile- , e ,",wlL",W wr lor riiiiiAo u TAILOR Umf Black 502 F. M. :robjT7i5 Third Avenue - MI'iainf nrfi-rltml lalsl. ...ii' Th ll'viplfal Hoflfl'd ',a'L. ti WHI8T LEAGUE, West. IflC. P. It. FAfl.M LANDS The rich' ''ns'iys-inf ai a t.i inanied m the TUWf annual meelinif lant iiishl and Uie i 1 1 -p- .prairies of Alberta gsskatchc-wan H.winr if tA water insrk io nnrin mr I PIANO followiriK directors chosen: ''nd bab bt 11 itN'oce S i were WANTI'Il'!i-Bc,I nr. ssiij Art. lain Following Is the slahdiiiB .ii ami Manitoba are especial, I. , a illaMwr nt 11.4 II nsore or less in MUSIC FOR DANCES. (presiiU'iit, D. 0. Slewarii Vicn dfte for tfic Dybliavn Cup: ' biiKK.v. fpfittrw Black 3S0. 31 ly sulled for mixed fanning. rai ffftiimiirv nr Kiirep Mount mineral &. HOTO ENMliCEitMJ jtim .i.Min.r,i , ,a eoullierly flirtvtKm: I ARTHUR'S jJSsL 'president, O. II. kelson; secretary W. h. Pt. Land that will produce lilfr;t', i in nnxliirlnsi nr aaul niter ' . ...... ' treasurer, A. CulLberl; dfrpclors, FOt "ALE Hi buiifuUri I. iW..' Agenffor' ,4l Knmhls of Col, 10 2 20 ,. viiia oi kiuoi aiiu luuuer, anil ,..,,.,w.M, v, ...r ,, lo nnnn Kllin 1 J. A. Klrkpalrick, M. M. Stephens, well iiurv r Ijii awii; iiM'nre rotiuwiHt norm; mail In Sons of Canada ,7 5 H adapted for dalrylnfr or h Phone 481 481 FOIl ITvo rootnrd modern ., PJione J. i. Scott, J. 11. Thompson mid SALJI. in miliary m i.ul imSHI i rill noci Valhalla .... fl 5 13 house, ,JJfo.- 428 Fiflli Avenue livcslock raising can still be nwiu'eitwinl. , . any - !" C. V. Ilenticlt. pons of Knuland fl 6 12 West, 4.3US0. Term. Call or had, at prices averaging about Ile Jciimrr JIM IIiMom.17. int.MrAHH". KtteJ nvi."".e . Knight Pythias . 5 4 10 or plume for appointment. 118.00 an acre, with twenty IN PHOHATK, I none Rupert Dance Orchestra HI. Andrew's' ,, . , SVJ5 10 One nfjlbe best resliknllal,' years to pay If you wish. Only IN Till! SI'I'llKVI.llll-I'MIUA.ioiht OF IUIITISII Red 291 I. O. (). F. 3 5 0 In Heclloh 10 pef cent down. No further viw, delude cjirners Four, five or six piece C. W. V. A 3 8 0 Tonus. payment on Iho principal until 'N Vl'& Act""" "''tm Cl'ftMSTIU-snl Now ready for engagements j tells ol kidney toubls. The most 2. $75(Pjf!i' Flks 3 8 0 the end of the fpurth then Second year; Phone II. White, Red 192 One iitIpwi lot on "r t"r j prompt relief Is obtained by usinf .7'JE..MTTKM ETA1K or n III,1(10. M, sixteen annual payments. Interest A M. IllPlft, OI.OKASUi I Dr. Chin's Kidny ller Pills, ths BILLIARD LEAGUE Avenue on jjrnde, o i.,T.kk. m 'np ordr r in IT l .l IJnCfl hi tf per cent. Mill Hnrni i 1 1 1 1.r. ii" M. Siephej, Vuunr, lunle I ha lfi 0y well-known home trestmtnt On The standing 4o dale Write lo II. 0. Loughran, Land i.r Jiiiiiio, lUrl, hi, rH,intnl Allium Chartered Accountant pills doss. 25c. s boi.slldsslsrs I'Kyrd rolnis Arrrste FOU MLlji? j r8 liedslead Agent, C. p. It. Btatlon, Van.; dert-twl l,lruir in and mr Df liatinir iij, m, cisimi nuler, and Auditor. J Trail 5070 1135 (halin Irilsjj), box jnallrcss.f fii"yL.,h "' ,,,", ,r herelia- rrqiirel in fnrolsli same nnierlv Vanned lo ine mi GEORGE RORIE Bi. Chase Wanderer . 5031 1120 mahoirariytl''rhllTonler, wlillo, LOST ur liefere Ihe rd day ef Warm, A. Ii. IVJ. af garle Small. C.A.. Vtueouver and 81. Andrew's,, COfil 1115 bHleadt"e(j Black 23J, LOST Arclae dpg list week. ml all inruea Imielileil i? or'ineir a Prince Huprt O. W. V. A, . 5227 1015 Intone Anyone seeing same kjndly X2,."2SL"I''r me riirihwiih in- PIIONK if! P.O. Boa M Federal Building Runs nf V.ns-Elks 5053 .1011 FOIl PALE Folding haby-lnidgy. phone Oreen 133, 73 Walcr St. JOM omiMii II. MCMIII.m.Adniininlralnr. t Ptiansf ft Adtlrua snd )"hen St&CO 078 buKvy. Phone Blue 320. 37 Ileward, if rrlliee Hii.rrl, II, C. MM lint ird djy r tviirmrj-; III I.