IHl'l. BOARD JOINS "SWAT THE COLD" he Bond Between NOW HEALTH SLOGAN! Bank ana farm CONFEDERATION Health Authorities Are Back or of aarlcultaral pu Campaign to Prevent STIMULATION l to the w.lfar of A, C. Garde, T. H. Johnson and Disease. CANADA'S NATI0NA1 h Dominion. Thii Bank plajra it C. F. Duty Asked to Represent aa a national inalilution by lending Lcal Businessmen pail nouftt at TIip rniiuiinr wt iiii. ny- ry arrltallural atlivily lo tha Vancouver. loKun in now imn n i,v lo aupport Ik-bIIIi fltilhnrHmt MINI III' pulilli' fj utmoil. in lieiftfz jiitviaifGn 'LIVE fttaOLUTIONS Hill (ill- B ropl" in iiid-r sw h III! f Ik Mil ar. ltl4 l win TO BE FORWARDED Ilk M ! (!. 'watli'ir' Hie fly In trim llehind tbe mni- nl III!' OF CANADA J In- Hoard f Trail- l lis meet. liei:ir lo rhenk tlieiHi JNION BANK of inlluriuii anil luii-the HlITlWrf lllullt diiefded l. nmilflln trnnliiK fiimiipi c cry Wit Him A.-fali'l Hoard of ) of rrrtd. "if IV (IT-iiII y r l f ft Trmicof II. O. would jrei ltr M .. ami appointed A. I'.. ' rnld Ruoerr Branch A. I. moaencjc, Manager rl--i.i, ... HrnrrnrTTT'if urn Prince w wihjIiI ii u..ll.l.... '.aide. I!. I filthy iiihl T. II. Jollll-!. i.n-w-iif in dfJKeai.1 wll" in Vancouver, - HH '3 arc jn now i.niiern unviol. n "'liirai'i to a!tend the Odd and Kfftr ' ,rot,.jiiiy r-omettilnp iiet week, and i-frVrMvidjr treat' ! ;ii iioine hy BASKETBALL IS llc.i!iili..ri- will he, forwarded the(iliintloii iiaf of f tlp-tT.drat n h A ii'a mmld I'OIII. Wednesday, Feby. 9, 1921 ' liilrirMliM tin- ndii'iiif uf provlii-.i.i he lined hy any nh-ii-iHn. fJrin- 703 Br inches 1020 I it i lii I flint i,mil), un, nukinic I i. to il rapitile r..i .M, kro I h mad In conned Prince flu-i a cli in a niifhl and : - nr..mol NEARING CLOSE ly in I he of cii.- am I- s.iiii tiv with Hi.' interior ! ini'liiili-il ill -Irtui I at 35r .. !.. . ,M Bank Ii Mm M-lii-l nl luiliry. tie Royal The principle of open rU wa IF EVERY CANADIAN ATE FISH once a day, just Race Now Down to jCllhuly Cup til.o i'inlnr-1'il a ml n ri-'iucxl Dial BOARD OF TRADE TO Colts and Son of Canada; I'rlnee I In- uuiili- ,mo of llir think what a quantity would be consumed in PROTEST REMOVAL of Canada Colts Won Last Might. ojxn porta on lliin ma-1 will In-aiki-il. this Dominion! Think how many more fishermen ' steamers! rtii- :olt defeated the .".Ik l OFJG I'ln i-.ni m i.in itilliK' nki'l lo il,. -kciliull lnt-1 nfulil by a afore .-niirf I In- il-iiuiiiil if I'Hiioi' would have their homes here! Think how oEectYcup Victory BonsSs by n( .'." lo I and. u h I'l'mull, are ltin i l ..r itufltcii-iil DkIi car i. lo A IdcKraiil rei . i i n' , lill leading iii' S.-n...r basketball hUniM IIk- IrnjDc a ii'J auk Dial T. II. fa4tvJJ& In ..-.-ard In tlie i much more business there would be in Prince Safety Deposit Box li-awue. Ii wa it quiet name and ,iri...in.. i, Ifinibhi ti iir on r'porl-d removal uf tin- a Ulif winner, (mil tlx tipier hand 1fit lomninn mrniiH'nl l pro. Ilufwrl ond '.fln (ieorice from! Rupert. jalimtal all the way IHrowih. With iili- IIh iii. IN- riisl tterrMeiiHi -MycHiii,-.- Iteposi die coupons every jthc -biiii mi far advunred and a irolet, ti ravid nl Hie meet, i r "ths m a fcavinjrs intr of the Hoard '. I mde lat SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES the habit of by getting in? ire than half On i-lied fan. OLtUnD inrUftlilrlllUil nijrtil. , t and earn interest rc jni tx-Miiimnv to H-rulalr to THROUGH PARLIAMENT Miperinlewteiit It- iHnmnt Mid' eatiEg Fish frequently. It is wholesome food 1 1 tin iMilfoiii and who will Mmi-i. lie did nof think it.- - any a ! pcrcc J ' ' annum, com- lib' fiflliuly Cup. Tli iinnT of REGARDING RAILWAY cri'ilene o he nla ' m l he ru- ---easy to digest---feeds the brain and pouniiod hair-yearly iittU Irofitiy now ri IiHlwh-u lb.- im.r. Me HiOHKbi-tin- had lawn j nerves Lhrr Thi PP"I the Board cf cunfu.mj with nun -i lii-r plaiiH, ---and its variety appeals to every taste. n o ff gu'ariy with irsmi. ar.- olr..i. on uMd'-r ci.ntideratinn . th.- Omi-I r..,i. ih. i.o i..n,4 iraaeinfiesarawccsicr - . i s I-year boml. you will ' lny. . t, .....r inUrnt thsn u,:i it i n.r. houM !' a 1 Operating. M. I'. Keener- m...-. liml .11 , i.-,. anil one of llm I li li-jtrani he aent t.. I'rfeiden! i EAT MORE FISH IS GOOD advice from Prince Rupert ii ronnwiinn Willi a riiuai or inrtol inlrr',aliiH uniuc of llo-i Henna in reward lo u, ihhIUt. i wmwin, for it will mean the lir- liiinrh! MoiiHiiir W'urii'n uf I lie (i. V. .iektwoli I i In nk Mr.' to all Canadians. Prince Rupert is the Fish :aii;'.illii Xatlnnal flaflway to jriv.-,) S3S.SfiO.CCB iiliiiv f (In- I'lilor fif rham- Uanna Mid when.hi i in-re that . S51S.122.317 jtinlili' irontlnir ) if It-Mini llifiin-ji -h"iiu tl (lie huat" WkUIiI U'-' '- l.iko ntf City of the Pacific and her citizens are urged to i-u.l uf oH-ralloii pi-r mid of tin Jij.naila win from tin- i.alli' 1 1 x l thin rwi." l riat and lo ih inrmii- ieril set the example by x making Ash Wednesday i .-Mt4) nmlit. I Hive T1lmoii: "I !!n-y nav! a from Hi" rnl. tt. uiallrr will It ' I.at nijfBi erorinp we. anyfhiiia -Jl-n I bey t- Ii- 'p!" I !f..li.w: liiki-ti iii.flirrti''r hy the enaunKtew real Fish Festival. A M-ole arainni rh ac. 1 ami pimiM urlinna 1b rean! ' ..! KriMi'll Smilb. 5, turn will be rw( lo 'ho r-md. lo tlu ami' will In- aeketl in the i iii-m.'. 6; MHrMI, H: tlrei-Bwril, COAL CO. r.U ntle.I U ; WHIiwrrt.MoHry. ; 2;IUHlifi.nl OawK. lfni-i him ins of'peweiiin.(IriiiliMono at the fiirt h- WILL PROTEST LACK ; FISH ALWAYS COMES BEFORE meat courses at dinner. ! Junior League. it eaid H. W.be Xiekereon tboupbt UiJ.In I'erk illMiinu wotildl OF FISH CARS EVERY Let it be first and last on Ash Wednesday ilur-r-ft( li the lil to tli Junior .ratio irainA iaeti the eenro Hie the it. of ftaure Hie tlnue.I hey toluol Il i.n i TIME IS SHORTAGE and always to the fore on Prince Rupert menu?. nixiii ihe Tilliriiwi- wn aaaln -i.e. m!ul in itofeatlnz liif Hpar- mifirnf- rrTiirfiih- 'rnnipeuy j No better advice for Prince Rupert citizens, mk wa iitteraiinc tbe road and Hie n' maitej ,t ub rai- a HOO Coal h. t li 0. Th- keenly cars oHlriaU did aAt know liai a aaain dimierd uf' the ini-i'i-na- of r..i.i.-ii-.i in the ami mir, but nt individually and collectively, can be given the Ike vl. lie lltouirlil it would put .(to H-tird of Tr;..le a1 niahl la)te at Mi gain tba thew hi had Ifltiey Male.1 Mililiry from the dtruneiin il rami' "Hi - Vr- Ri vtr mine. ownJ jii r ijro etiflii in anr round than 1 tbal I hey did not know. that about Irn fiir--tm cam are on year I fi: - I: .;nrt fttJiri. I loeittR. 'Itio fotmtm mt the their hery in aifdilion lo noun , way W. i x ;..!. riirht to .-varlan Miffri from a rear. in Tnnce llupvrt. jraiiHi'itcnt that had tuv-n niauk'. UNEMPLOYED MEETING of the tympany - dil raw. No i new oiien haxi- ! Imh'ii dciivi-reil. i.',t! Iiy other roJ I he M-orina: Tbe mailer I'-fl in lh-' our firm nine i Tilliriiiif - I. ijiHe. . 4ur EAT MORE FISH! Mayor and Soma cf tha Aldermn hande of lh- tiftnTlei. r.immillii-' :nh. M. Wrttae. 2: . Uek. It, If l Bean Asked to Allsnd Sunday with power to act and n I he nn- j a ri ftiii rrrn. 'M.ltae. t; Ii. Manlonald for I. Meeting ilerelandins U.at --very lo I.- Hi.-; i'.rtrr. ..... ... lm! i u i. i...... - i. ;m. ! spartan M. I'slnirr. 1. Tr. )WI Ullf.iflll nJ-M.ii.fc ihniip iiaimi, Phone 58 Imnyne. W. Illlili. V. Hlnrlkliy and A nia tii'"titur of the uncin- n n away wmiid be proiuiilly !M. I.Mnater. d yed line been railed hy their pnHeted to Ottawa. Prince Rupert Feed Co. Colts Win Again. romiHrttee for Snmlny nishl In the Af eml Tih St The Holt ami flnmiTu, of the Mi lulyre Hall for the purje of INCREASED FEE LAM) ACT. IL lnt. rmliati' I.i-uRue. bal another eoneidei'it the lor! xllualkiu. tiiiereolinir match anil had die Mayor Rnobealer bat been apthj; or IXTK.MloX ULtSK LOP.TO ANXV TO B & K CHICKEN CHOP Board of Members Must ked to apeak and Ablertn-en Kerr Trade. la Vwi i Mrfctli' llaud l-and litre i- - . liilii-r lem, emrialiy Jl'irrinii, liikfii ailantaKe of (fn-ir nppor.rand Silteraide are alo ake to Pay Little More and Pay fwvttrmnw t aOrn HuDiHir iwinn adjoinm w smiw,l-ol- lit nua.r ana B & K SCRATCHFOOD 0 R RENT 1 1 it n it!. Ite iiiifilil hate ailihnl Lt' jireeeul. Promptly. TAli::. MiTU K Out I, Moum B. Hthlnr balanced fed with lua nf rnnrr Hmrl. nrrupaium Mailer These are rations and if noilier h'tor' lo th'tr m-ilit. W Mter MIMut. ... a r.r.lV ttif imllnim IV TiaPJHpjHajarV feed (ALFALFA towm-er. t lie i.nlta ti'! tln'tr Mi. M. A. Ih.rlwnk will arrive At the meeliin: of Ibe Hoard n(L hI iur ruUaiaa detainm unai the necessary green Fcrni shed R ooms t I mien and won ft hunt f..iiiilil" .'i.i i he -nut Ii (in WednwMlay lo Trde liud night. ibieonMitHti..nuT. of SS in oS "rr. and MEAL).CHARCOAL,BEEFSCRAPS,are sure GRIT,to jrlve SHELL results t - nil.'. i to 14. . j'" iicr iiio-imnd vM.ii i in tbe Of the tantaoitn'ii.o Wa ehanaiHiajn. ' l'n'oa0"d and INCREASE EGG PRODUCTION. The playi-ra ami actinni;: i- f nl i lie prveni lime in lh to provide for the vi)inent of alHariaxia. inw Muiwnrrir ana ruio Dominion Hotel joitk -.. ihinran. M.h'-'i. ' N. II nam.-erin depart merit. fee of tt n yenr instead of ten iJSL. ,1 Jtzl 10 imi aue i Mr. and Mr, lturbank wore wed. ).. ...... In I n fi.el line irtUUU mill t SttUMlVrkl CnTDrr Of Lul We retail feed in any quantity FrUel. : ltrt.i rl, t MHebell, (4,j. inmn, raM j.io rtuina to Hw fouin- V-tM.RmM( i and nrfarnih.! I?. drd lal Monday In Vnneonver nrovidinsr Ilia! niemlX'ra three ;ei mrnrr r Loi 111; Iftwwe nurin-nionlliK 'nr K,r,i Ave. and Eis.a I leave i I'eliiH'r. Mardomild fler nn ncipiaiiitanee iif tittle in nrrer.i- lie jmen an- 'irk ni Hirt.nr 17 'Mill, mort ..r THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. 5lrt. d'rinra. Huna-t I-re lliiii! Jl I'lmr. Ihi;hrlfe other thn-e notice .., ,f "'' L' HJTS!araX taa eni.lb. t M-.i n-.-li. HaU ' I J IlVw ; P.O. Box V4S Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 3SO Red 468 t'O. Rox 3M lr:iinu lie n Mi Monica I'atre-, of jtli A ll" III"! he r due- they. lirN . vahivoto.v " I cVr read.Mil, U.C.L.S.. arni. deriti' IP the flally New. it -n ;i. dropped fr e 01 v:11 ti I :i lion. rwied Ike IU lUy uf JtniMtf. 111. ,1