I THE DAILY NEWS rAOR THrlKB Special HARD WINTER Local and Personal J If Enlargements FOR INDIANS Universal Trading Co. Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. Till UnlanHng Marhine li s n new Invent Imi recently W, E. Colllion Returns from Hand at the rink toiiiifhi. 237 Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Street ),Muglit out by Hip Kodak .Fortnight' Visit Into tha f 'impanjr. II revolutionize Naa River District. St. negls Tat I, l'hone 450. tl tu making of enlarge. r"-nl. COUNCIL IS ELECTED 11. H. UnierfaVcrs. Phone 41. tf s Low-Price I'll vastly superior prlnli just as sharp as the Hayners, Undertakers. Phone MiiUret print are made W V. CollUon, Indian agent 351. tf for the Na. River ilMrtet, haw in HitM formerly require rp)rtifd frm a fortnight's vlsll Walltlowtr and Dulbs. City d n make one. Ili iii nbir, however, that Into the cniinlry corning under Market. tf Q uick-TurnoveY Sales only good negatives make liU Jurisdiction. He wan up lite good enlargements. river a riiiderable dlotnnee and New arrivals In fur-trimmed iiled uitlikilamik. I.akatzafi. oals. Derners. If i.i.ti. to wbieti perhaaa a Ml of en- rtwinaha, Aiyanh, Klneollfli and From Thursday, September 29th niparaM for home deooeaUow. Ihe rainicry set Moments. Imllan For practical shoe repairing I'ldurK a n Mi eallnf." Sead along council were elected and oilier see Simpson. MsllrWe Street, tf and continuing to October 11th enrral business looked after illy mounted and framed. preparatory to the cloning I ri f Mrs. a A. Harvey. Hpirella" 1 hp wIni'T season. eorsetfere; oppMte Post Office. AitnotiMfytK OttT sew Low.Prfse Quick-Turnov-tf Policy with the Universal Trading Company Mr. illioti re-wtii that Ih tf. Imtinn tiavr bent hard hit n guarantee t)f ds pe-laMe merchandise. We are lound to make it pay you to trade hers. i i-.uini l(f the iHutr f lli In tf a Thanksgiving Sapper at the Yourj truly. on and nnrtiy l not very pi mi Methodist Church November 7. UNIVERSAL TflADINO COMPANY. 1 1 ful amonir thtn. At the pre Tiekets 50c H. K. Shane, Manager. ni unit- many of Ihf in are dig mug thru- Rar4n and Uktg the Sale of W ork and Home Cook r 1,.1,. (.f DolatiH am othrr vrg ing In Methodist Charch school util-. Nhern art oat bunting room December 7. WEDNESDAY, THUR, FRIDAY SPECIALS mil 1 rapping. Tne winter I go nig i br a hard m for nany. This Is the time of year for A Wet Trla. lll Mine Pies. Try the Good IIm- 1 mi wa ralkr a wet one Hals for Hits favorite. tf Free Deal in niKl Mr. lU.lh..n a!d that he ex to doz-n COTTON WORK SHIRTS. 10U duten BOYS' WORSTED HOSE, all ig the olurm llw at iM-nenr.d Frr a real tasty diti, try Special at sizes. Special at .ame tlmm a they rrt her Kliruballs . gmoked Kiiered rii.-ie win a U4 of rain In tin- Sainton and IUaek Cod at the tirimir nf Alyanh. flood Kals. tf $1.25 50c per pair JONTEEL The followlnc IndhiR cmnril were ! led, Mr. CoJIImW hav- J. A. ItiHIjetfard. IIC.I.S.. ar ng rhnrge of ihf vn4e taking rtrl fretn Vaneouver yesterday JONTEf L CoMI'INATK'N CREAM FREE Qitlakdamlka. and Is returning to tsk and the 13-INCH WHITE TERRY, just arrived. BOYS' SUITS, all sizes, designs and Chief CouMrUlor Ja Inferior an NvemUy. Hinylli Special at cloths. Special at )ER ar J J NTLEL KCH'CjE. Tl.is is $1.86 O.unrilloni -Ctiarte Mortwi Daaetar dtai K. P. Hall value far oorg ItaMatMWi. ltM Wright WediiedaY( 04aer I Hoyt. 45c yard $7a50 up John I Mvtea, Ann (HMttng. Cs. iMt- Adll ela H:30 Lakoalzao. Phone Mrs. II. O. Crewv. On-en m Limited Clitof OwMlltor leSMMrd t88. rmes IKmaiaa. 22-INCH WHITE TERRY, Just arrived. 100 yards WHITE TABLE LINEN. i'........ilti.r. leakier list emrtrS for the huildmj THE REXALL STORES Ham MrKair. I.. MiKMlt. It Cl- f lle mmre at Wood .rth Special at Special at ts R2 and 200 corner Third Ave. and Sixth St. der. Arlhtir NHaos and m Lake for IJiP Hy ha been lei ray. to J ohm 8. ,Vlon wh- tender 85c yard 75c yard i:4 Thin! Ave., opposite 2nd St. At Qwlnaha. f 11787 as toe l-w.-t. I se our Free Delivery Service At liwlnaha a board of tnra 1.. manitr affatra d IImi village Jam llafu Tann.HS. t r-n tlirotiflli the winter wa Rfnt- fraser l a(jlriteii to ! a r-ui d. It U ae Mlww: lel mtstoer fr taking affidavit Expected io arrive on Wednesday boat shipment of Haul at and Mollard. Vevako, within the jienvinee. aceonlniK John Mpm. 'o h eurteM tsue of the li. C Vlllave offlrer.. inrtudtM fire Oaselte. EVENING AND SEMI-EVENING FROCKS chief, chief aoftrtaM and '-frmiendrnla EAT FISH f eletrfcr HgHl Elks' Whist Player. Wm M I llmil. were al" rben at aaeh lod has been settled to capiam rilare. I he KIk' Irani and reqoe-U all And Support the Industry I In . li eliMii ..f hliirolilh WlIM ntenditw players to gel in touch winch qupporU you with hi Ht. or the seervtary. im-ms-HaWy. 23H UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Ask for Smoked and Canned STAPLE PRICES It. Moiicrsrff, the contract r S. K. Fresh, Tor the iKHiillSSiHI toerniifiii Shane, Manager 1 Indian School ai Fftter Lake. i Fish ARE UNCHANGED In lle rtly aatbltt arrl-i on Phone 376 Corner Third Ave. and Sixth St. Distributed by Mondiy morniag froSH Vancouver, lie Males that the building No Furthar Drop Slnca August 1 is almo.t aHMpl-te li radian fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. According to Official Statistical leave for Fraer I.ake 1. r- PRINCE RUPERT Report. ruw. The -current iu of I be 11. f. RAILWAY IS OTTAWA. Kl The elat- (lazelte records the Ineorttora. ITfl!Rr. it?IM v H Hira iim Wvtt RUPERT BRAND tkral branch of the eprtmrHt I too. uf the Silverado Mining Co. I I b sisa iiiaaassaasal aeaTasoliii1 1" i f lstHr ii -nieni htw that NOW PAYING Ltd, llh a capital of ttH).WK) tapl food remain standard In GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Ike resrilerel tiffte of Ike rom- price eltte August t at about 50 pauy being at Vancouver. This S. S. PRINCE RUPERT sailing er cent lnrreae mer pre-war is Use formed to President Hann3, of C.K.R. Submits Wednesday 11:00 p.m. for Anyos; Thursday midnight for roHipauy nrlres. ll m hel.- e lbl prteS pur Favorable Report of Ocsan Falls. Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. chase the Mine dioassveml lal S. S. PRINCE GEORQE Saturday 8:00 p.m. for SUwarU " ill sot go lower but will lend to Finances for August. "' bait iiui'ti, year at Mewail by Juttn the I'mn Ocean Falls. Vancouver. " ''ring m by Ashennen be slightly higher before the new Sunday midnight for Swanson Bay, " nui itrucurmuie ai any racino iamsi oct. t . i . n. Victoria and Seattle. year. rotso.Ni'o, i -ii ' Price, $ per ton. AppllealKMi Isas bean made for 8. S. PRINCE JOHN For MassetL Port Clements and the Canadian of 1 a gnud quality trip la J. W. Ihtrrau to orswt a tlifti una. prt'idtt Buckley Bay, Oct. 12th and 26th. All points on Southern ... pUv t ..ui UaiU fruicn lot. Price. aMMntlMCEMENTS cottage at IHttf Sevosllli Avenue Valional Hallways. announce Queen Charlotte (stands, Oct. 14th and 28th. hat during the mr.nl h of August Kat. C. K. Ylroootg U the com- Train Service. -quipped' I rector. A. T SnsUii ha taken hi' gro. revenue from the op. Paseni-r MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:15 store ran supply Ashing gear, Adair Carss Chapter I.O.D.K. of I lie Intercolonial and F.dinonton and Winn.-peg. 'ration out a permit for the creation ef i. rn re mitbera. Prince George. clothing, iiroCi'M' unci provuioite Kc-cond Annual I tail. October II a WHHI d waiting Iraw-r under lh Prince K.lwsi.l line. National making direc, connection for all points in Eastern I'ranm 'iilinc-nlal. "r (irand Canada nj United Stale. K.m of nwila Alblatk Iaiv- Heller HoutHg Aat oh Water City Ticket Office 524 Third Avenue Phone 2C0 W ENGLAND FISH Company Street the ootrnetir baisg William I i n nk Pacific and the Canadian Friday. Oatober ft. Antlrew's Walts. Northern Hailwnvs eseeedetl ex-;.,-ue rtsunman, Alaska Dranch Hall. WesllHslsne (rc4islra. by a subUwtial amount. s Aid. Parker IsvqutraU at !' Ihi i the first monthly period Hospital Annual Dane. Oo- ulght's oounoll since Hie railways have been ineWlag if all CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY tober 31. the Oovernment men who ware employed Uy the peratetl by P. O. Bos 743 s Hoard thai it has been Missible city publie works deitaMMtrni ntlANI) 1IAZAAH in aidd of An were 'rldenl. Mayor Idtches- to present such a favorable B.C. Coast Servicci JAMES HUNTER nunciation Church and t. Jo lalcmeiii. ter replying la led lltoy- were ein- ERAL tepli'a Convrnt, W'ehMday and phtyed Ihrnugli lliv Provincial The mileage of railways em DLACKSMITHING CAR BODY and to. Sailings from Prince Rupert AND Thursday. Noentber 9 l.aHr Hureau ami llwl married braced in the ttateotoot U 17,000 . BUILDER residents were always given the miles. The figure for August For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway nt for nirl Ouldes The Dansant first chance. were: kcoss earsirag. siu.ajo.-161 Tramc, Day.Eldsr and Ruggtta Trucka TlianVsglving lay. 7 i; work i ug axpenses, glO,-lHU.2ao.30; September 5, 12, 19, 28 j October 10, 21, 31. ' ' n be arranged for purchaser. s uet earnings, S 17.-23l.lt. Construction of the mill Pulp For Vancouver, Victoria and Ssaltls Plret Avenue Presbyterian Fall liaiaar, Nov will necessitate moving and Cow a Bay por- ember S3. September 10, 17, 2j October 1, 14, 25. Prince Rupert, B. C. lon of our lumber stocks, lu s order to clear these stocks be ItoMeAt Dane under tho Aus Gilbert and Sullivan's "Trial fore construction commences, we pices of the Women's Auxiliary Agency for all Steamship Llnss. by Jury" by the Prine Hupert are making special price reductions. O. II. 1'. in the Melntyro Hall Full Information from New Fall and Winter Musical Society. November 23. In certain odd lots of Wednesday. Oeluber 12, at 9:30 W, 0. ORCHARD, QensreJ Agent I shiplap and dimension, these reductions tun. Arthur urgbestra. lion- Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnoe Rupert, BL O. ZC3 eve King Samples l'lks' Christmas Cheer Minstrel are drastic; they will llemeit ft, ladies 50c. llefresh-utenls. Show and F.nlerlnlnment. December move quickly. Ilring your lumber 231) S and 7 to requirements us and save i'OAv.mw. Mia I I .ml MPS i - i money. Prince nupert Lumber liobbm "I say. eld fellow, u uottwf S7 vilS Company. Office Seat Cove. you are gelling thill tH'e you UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. Just Arrived PILES III k IBS.c Iron!-Meeting. Phone 361. tf retired from business." Tobbins Fe V.iiuy..',Vkurls.S.lllnt r.ltttif front l ina rrlser H,lispsrt orssa rllt, TueMUy S pju. Ms e-eoa dealer - HlWt'a right. rr rwl SimsM. Nu Hie, .t MS !! Arm. SumWv. HtldlutliL ru. aH All vs Cllls ( 0Mle sS Km HrSM im ssuiuss frl , Su. S, IS, trc. Wnnl rsii I IWnFDUF A P riu4.pr-stisa All fish order served at the Y -li se , I dou'l wiigli a much 4 tS. JU. I. BI r" Wl Clll.f si SmmwiIII. KnMB. Still Bt Ml MUtU Ut (, S, flo IS, Df.CtitM-i Otatnwnt Good Kals are first class. We s I dil. 7. It. II. SI. ..w.avy mercury Maniium, 01c. 0or4 U.Lo eMJi ?!,.ii, get a fresh supply of fish from SZS IhhI wiu JACK BSanSLtT, Ml Prlas RSrt. B. O. fi(m4 imIuu to. us w yl pvus. the duck ry day. t: Subscribe fur the Dally Nw. -