.... Cxnreti For Prompt sji.M Service mm TAXI QQ ransier Service 3 Phone r0Y PRINCE RUPERT Llraonttnta and 7 rasarnB'r Touring Cars Northern and Central Britiah Columbia's Newspaper MUNCH Ill'PKHT. H. C, TUESDAY. OCTODEIl II. 1021. TMttrltr't Circalttt 1.0. trttt eatat e. PRICK FIVK CKNTb - aw w w- el A TW-t w wm a A M III 4 4 fflTim m m W T TTA IT VVnriTiTl A 1TA ii ma, rm m a m rm m r a m. r& n . u m i ti i u an ibih . v ne at. 1UML LLAbUE YYlliO liAiflC AliUllOl HEW I UKA MILftllflIM EXPLAINS WHY I ARRESTED FOR SPREADING SEDITION IN INDIA. Half Million Dollars Would CANNOT ACCEPT Be Cost of Potver Project at seball Game of Thulme River it is Estimated A NOMINATION! eries Making Tie ! Utilities Superintendent Ordered to Make Report Q. Parry of Prince George North Fork of Shawatlans wrltss Letter to Secretary on . .. . .. ..I ,,.. c - it ii inory prn nrtj nn uie iwiia ui wc Liberal AtsoclaUon. Creek for Auxiliary Power c r-.n Yankee pitcher eaeI in and the American 1 ui an eight to five defeat. Over 35,000 H. U. I'erry. ufmUr f--I'rlnrr !at tcr. I (leoraa Hi lit l'mvinr a The city auperintcndent of utilities night preented :c which evened up the wwfl serrsa, rach and which he hai liftlalre h4 doeided nl the i-oiinci! a report on tha examination atirveys -I' rc.pl I he R;iff fetation fur lU made during the nummer on the Thulme River power project in ; ,li mjrettea over the Yankee, (mi .Minn f UariNao fr which h f wroriiaiire with instruction isnued lait spring. Three men had u . Mt al the l4a(e. ri-rentiy rwrhreU Hi Hmiimai i n been engaged on the work, but it had been found impoih!e to IU teller lu the MwrHory if Hi Uie tel tfl every department mt Ibe geMe l.nVral AiBMnH f.JIw: make any extensive survey with the um of $3000 that had been Y .nkeee started off brillienUy hi the tor I Whlla dcrly aurlatlnir Ui provided to cover the expense of carrying out the examination. mii end hlffh littor lite l.lWala nf Gari-)o The examination had been made with two objects in view: WAITE HOYT 1 wHbi have rnttf erred Hfmn ma in Ural, modification of the col of power house and dam; second, tnaRttavMialy uf fertkg me Hi i..r. w'.. ir orkinz or IU31K 'ic ana a rpuuu- merry r fo ItffW fedant nMHHtalin. I ulueerely caa form of oenaneri la Inl'A. liar J bm arr 'e4 -y tha rhlh letermine the et)eapet and rpr- hadinR H nreary l Ooremmeat for and)tnas g.vrrh. n1 atlrmpt In nmj Id' ta of mutiny 'eat lranmifoti line. rrTAnT fxTyrT aaMlata lh ixmlUnn which I In tha IndUa arctton nT 'h Itoiiisli army la bxlla. Bluukat All U oo tb rb- I' lal r..l f Mie power r.rrlHl lir. I tha rlhi t4 tha -JTmpb Thrlr mthr la la left and Mahomed AH un phot nuur aim iranuiisaioii iiiid aim ..-ta Wi early eiplaMMl I l ha aHieiil lor tha reaira. Durlns tha world wr tha ta tetbm win Internad by tha Uin Ibe would be $157.- i wit e i v i i.d mil iMrefore rexrrtfttH tlrntah Oo"rtntM T a finally apiMaebt by British otrk&ala. ; plant ARIZONIAN IN tori itr Ibe t n at thi IHne. wUa cobi1I iam tbr re!aa in rorA Vxm ihal tha brothera wuVI ra-fraHt t Tbia wotild provide a I.- rrem an her parx- aattoa la InaU'a political eontroreratfa. l'p" 000 horse power plant and the' My rmwuu are. a esatine' bnk af the peopxa I iHa riraMa mother of Biaokt and Mthom4 Ml tMr horae pwwer of ?ellinjf ( llif rfniltoi wh-n derlin. vaa-frf that ah d etati brr tvo anra rt tha heart If thay eiMHt4 ta LOCAL YARDS "i nerrr the eily would be 1 up ) ;ieratt any nam.- In p le tha largai. Nerd i.-. aay if a brothara mrr4 ! of Inurn- af India' wvaUhMa and mtt laXlamtUl 1 137.50 per horse power. Over. i n - H - y S fore II Taa ll hr. trra ar lira head cmld ba ' eipene covered) inai I waa eWaled by (Dominion Govarnment Askad to with in a horae power. ii.irMY l.iliey in J . Irn Illiai ( Kurt ti'xjynje liem i rHin-tl "FORT NORMAN . Tlte reH.rt prvpo-ed to foot; Reduce Dock Duea at and . damtwith a apillway. tier a re- E?",J!l.b, .. IRISH COMFaTRCIaCC luct in of ISO.Oort-wiHilJ be iiiado jlbore artr tpanji prH iliaMar- HOLOIRO SESSIONS VICTOniA. Vt. II. The OIL WILL GO on the orijrinal esllmale. A dif-l ) ' ' IN LONDON TODAY ferent Iraiiaralinn line bad beep j lomiiiion OovernnH-ut dpart- M 13 I dr1ermkte1 to bate aatia. Iniil oUi whieh would col $l8.-'nent of marine will be aked lo TUr llrNkl)rn (ningiT la lh fcae4iXly dalt wfcli Vj tho pov- LONDON. OcL II. Tho TO VANCOUVER 000 l.na than Ibe nnzinal pro- reduce the tirydoei uuea ir me iik-' hero of iUr hour. rMtaenl. aau eonferefe-r of ropreaenU-tive poal It would be SO milei km? Hawaiian ateamer Arizonian re S MINK Kr--.nitty fin.t flMl II wMtM of the UrtlMi Oov-erfMMint am ab ul I mile nf Urn preaent cently disabled in order to per-mll K IfNtolly Hereary fitr ma fo anl tiinn Ftia line to shawatUn Lake couH be llrilisli Columbia rrjmfr N.B. VOTED reif my aoat In the IxnVsralHrv tuet tbia niorninff in the Muat Ba Mora Producing Walla uied. rani i to bid fr the wrk. V I Ain DV befiire few i nr noHtHvatr!, area cabinet room. Downing Bafora PI pa Una Would Pay. Sail Shawatlans Plant. ' llie Victoria Chamber of Commerce . M Maurallf ierrv Imwu p5terl. After the aeaelon, a lle di- strpuiirt the request of, BONE DRY row hi al be fulfttlMlB my dulh lanted until I VANCILVLIl. Ik I 1 1.--Fori The report augsestrd Varrpwa atnmr dhi line. The bt the l.rjrlllHre while earn which Niirbian oil will be Utui:ht t iHiaal oi uie preeni Miawaiiana i. .i . i.i ..: o'clock, the confertneo a .. t..l ii, i..,l r.iiiuJiiiaii uun aic PATT .1.0 . FmIviiImi; in tiribu. NiwemiTr for ref pntK, slate lin- ban th uulh lhe' adjourned till I. , and Paper Co. and also the ell- Thtrd -A a Liborol oRrtr. portal Oil Ci. ofirtal. -who are , Anolhtr CaaUm Prolnco Iok of llie ateaiu plant. Arramre- oounuary. euambiered It my duty lp et- i"'P u,ut 'r4,M" Oaclaraa Agalnat Importation 4 m m a a for auxiliary plant: , ... nieuts an Win it Pirformad on of Liquor. iMatti the w1h nf Ibe Uartnoo .aourcrrf o( tfie Fort Noriitan dla dW " Turney o the alt.ea. amrid be made wilh ll.e dry If tlona Arrltaa In Ke.rrnl I ibeml rireilhm to lhL !inel lire Upilrheiil iMe supply ' Ipbuildinr And Prydctek Go Ibe uffleiul IfDim wrll tiumbvf one whjeb is Aid. Dybhavn moved that the Hi. Oliver Tlma. 8T. JOHN, N. B, Oct. 11. John n Mil GREEKS WIN 800 barrels re,-.rt lie laid on the table and ." aM,il,n "7,? fi ' Naw Brtinawlca totad two leader of Ibr Liberal parly canaldc f producing b In on, inslruelion Ie Kiven lo the sup- lhi prminre. and I believe, from it U.-v. Wli'i e l lie vi' wi tt Kt'1 Arii.mian repairs unlit the ia on In favor of bono dry ortHlendent of utUilie. U. aeer-.he I the in that acceptance would Im jutifid. ' l rtMaH prohibition aialnat tha con-tlnuad hla rnvratiii.of the nomination my at Ibia ON NEW LINE line lain poa.ibililiea of the further new jum now ,k - j Importation prlvllsga. of the tuirtb fork." - . -t".! Ha. devetopmenl wwuld be wrootfly cnliu"d 'In- rorawr All countlaa with tho a caption lime Provincial APPEAL AGAINST of Shawatlans creek. . This waa 7 " rl ii ml Uwr of two aupportad com-plata an an at lack upon, (he Starn Battle With Turklah Na OF eiiided by AM. FHueil-Shawatlans nroblbltlon ard ovon Oovormtmit. tlonallats Being Waged ARBITRATION 'l.l.- Uc A nf Creak. BUILD Furtkcc: Kniming the f WILL w.i thai tha cltlaa want dry. want Only Ibe rolMenry of ilarihtm. I am Eaat of Bruaa. GRAND TRUNK RY. 1h Kpeakiux to hie motion. MiiiiH-a mmi ona-thlrd of tha otara nilbh l Aid. Dybhavn read from repurls. n4 In Ibe financial ATllhUNS. Oct. It. 11i n reel a MllK-Mlliiy to tha poll a. 1 .. toad by Consulting Lminrer j DRYDOCK ramamlKb NEW FRCDERICTON, Oct. 11. fHmdaMX uc h a omily and Turkinh Nationalist foroos: LONTMiN, tiei. II llieappiu Col. caUeod ThompiMin. of Scatlle. and Tha vota for tha bona dry kweb a lare and ar now eiiBaifed in a tern war-lruiioa of I In- tirami trunk aliara- nrr. V. MahkMt DavHs llien city n- law In thla provlnca jraaltr territory would entail. fare bIohk a new front in Asta fa.iMer for leax. to apieal day waa aa followa:, for, 35,-600; I reflrH lo fiml the pre ro-prti Minor exlandine northward at. lasaiu! the award of Ibe arbi jjineer. in tll. Tb ropwrts ui. tha .f...,. And w,c. Make Ar- tatd that fortr neroMal agalnat, 15,000. wronaly mib it ajar mt directly rat of lrua. On t ration board is uol likely to rin8cmnt and Company U li II Shawatlans Crek wa i'a for flow of that tha del male reu Couueit Incorporated. the southern end of tbia Una. before the l'rivy 'i Mi lal- nomination wa an says ooMe from lhe north fork. This eanild iiionjf CANADIAN SCOniSH actual me aereil nimiinalioH. an olUclal atatement, tha Oreeks (hi year j be diverted into Womlwortb Lake, VICTORIA. Oft. II. Negotiation ' i Dial ll deep have vn a eomplete victory, ' i M,J A,d- Iyhhavn. and would in- are reported complete between AUSTRALIA Araln eireMif my ap-Itrerialbm driving the Nationalist from the George L. Anderson of Kttlmaat - I'I Al IN I if ON WAY f the HamiMrUed hoi-or A..ii I k. . ' .... ..I II....I I . tii.,le tlltl I ereaae me now or m u. Coutihlans, Wallace and 'MniiMe getenwly e,u .., .niueiui utravy loaaes i appoim present lime there was an lh Dominion Oovemmrnt for a the deteKalea ' lu i Winn Big Canadian Oovammant Mar- wihe. lu below uo me. anl upon them. Marriage Art. (overflow at Woodworth Lake drydoek on llurrard Inlet and the "im lu oy chant Marina Fraiflhur ra-porUd auriii7 you of my loyal aupporl ' w hirh the hitehiiiK up of lhe Itiirrard Drydck Company has ' . laiu. tiUry Catavan Laat NlghU In the eauae of l.ibrallm and! north fork, might provide a muali bean incorporated for the pur. ''' Dial lb lo Hie eamlidale rhnen. I am. cheaper proposition than Thulme po.e of carrying out the project. 1 'I III MMlll Tlie Canadian gootllah aa re- faithfully yonra, j Hiver and ona which would posi. J. J. UouKhlan I expected bacK i'" ilaiiiMi vt Hrtrd laat night from Kaltvan IIAItllY 0. I'KIIHY. bly fill the lived. from Ottawa tn a few day, probably 3i ii faiiUI lrlea slat on to lie 179 nines MEETING of LIBERALS Aid. I'erry slated that II wa by way of Prince llupert. i' II -tanu onlv at certain season there The drydoek will cost about o'clwofc bouin off Taloixli at frtmi Vanrouvw to Auolralla on BELLA BELLA- IS-;-STILL was a surplus at Woodworm $,500,000. i i'-il in r-N Lake Aid. Dybhavn saldl , her maiden voyage. The viI PACKING and all supporters of the Hon. W I, thrie)U Kihgr, Leader now. - 'In v.nmji 1-llllTul aailed from Vancouver on Hunday. COHOE SALMON or Uie Liberal Parly of Canada, w ill be b' ld m tho raili,' turdlnd"' thTpro! TWO CANDIDATES HAVE LIBERAL ROOMS, PATTULLO BLOCK, vidin a bigger rea.rve of water. WITHDRAWN. ONE COMOX lOK GUNBOAT IMMENSE SUM FOR Is Only Cannery In Dlatrlct That Seoond Avenue, Prince Rupert, on behind it.Must Ba Tastsd. AND ONE IN CARIBOO Has Not Closed Up Will Aid. Kerr felt thai uumey VCn An PLAYERS - ui rinmii BASEBALL FROM OATE MONEY Follow Suit Soon. THURSDAY, 13th OCTOBER, would be well spwd lu ascertain T. ii. M' ltiide of ilump Lake ing the capabilities of lhe n-Htli ba withdrawn aa nominee of BRITISH STEAMER NI'.W YllllK. Oct. II. The only aaluioii caniiery etlll at 8 p.m. fork of tthawallan Creek. The the farmers in the Cariboo emu Hiver prwjeel ami the slilueucy mi Uie plea that Hi Thulme The world series baseball onaralliiu in Dialrirl No. t. Is for oriuniiittlon purposes, have lu be whieb nominated him Kat flow there would eottvMilimi al "i ii. pluer will li a re the Ma. the Ootae-Mlllard plant watched for several yaars in any was not represent alive. 1 Viailtn. Ret fund ever when the' Italia llalla acc.n-dinii t a alnle- The meeting will be addressed by "' llalavta auui of ttV3,StS I dtvideti metit made Ibis ihouiiiik by J. T. Frad Stork, Liberal Candidate case. A Omox-AUVrnt similar eofvlUtwi e-nilltuney obtain in No share of a Williams, inspector t tth- the MrltUli amonR lliwii. sidl tiak. Hon. T. D. Pattullo, Member for 1'rlne-o Itupert RETURNING OFFICER. I whet.- William Mnrrliaal wa ixi'h the arte Tbu cannery i ta iia. lhe balaitoe of Kms ' under coboea. ibe run "f ' tiitina be- Hon. A. M. Manson, Member for Oiulnefn VIcroilIA. IteL He Rewrite mmi nyii in i v the IHmm bIs. The the .rHli iiiiiea to to player noes atuseoliibo of YanaHlver has U'cii Ooin n i pie h;i. Jrti awled b Ii 'ea aa). the usual urraiiuamanl ina oyer. i will outv He rw- H, F. Kargln, Member Tor Atlln ex-, appointetl reiui nma officer for new - n ui i i"f Ibey 'I w others. after the fifth Kama, i 1 1 1 if a allot t i mi' ..: and et.r!.irl d' r'e(. Trua U la Mbinu ,..,t p;U'd. Ml "ili' t jm tm have Ibe liuwx wn ..,.!.. Is N... fiulln'J for thf li'Ut. laatu sim -v m.lo. C3