BABE RUTH IS G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public WESTHOLME OUT WITH ARM THEATt Four room, fully modern, BUlh Avenue Kasl $3200 Four room. Fifth Avenuo Kail 2300 Five rooms, fully modern, double corner, llorden Slr.-el 3400 BADLY INJURED t umgiii wniy, 1 UestJay To-aparliiient house, four rooms earli. fully modern. Summit Avenuo 3500 1 Term can bo arranged on any of those. Doctor Orders Him Not to Play No trouble to show them. -but ho reckoned Again During World Series. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Insurance Rentals Real Estate without Zfm-Euk WAITE HOWS PITCHING Writing in in Sweetwater, -Harris Chaolin Frlesch Did Remarkable Stick Term., I .S. t Mt 'ar V. Work for Qlants, Holding Petty, savs: " For four yar High Mark. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES I bad an cfceiinate dry ecxetnx -My seta r-U t (M, aad e,erj NttW YltftK, ih-t 10. Ii Tuesday, ik-totM-r 1 1 ,Itirfc 1 1 ef IS tsyesr. ) High- tft:fl5 a.m., 17.3 feel. nUbww mI hs.l Aw) Hulh ia iiul of Ihe world ba. L . 22:OS p.m.. Iff. feet. an stahe. said it erapooa cm erlea. Injury lo bis ami w i 'torm Country1 t eared, bat fnee eat at. Maaw get Low 3:85 a.m., 7.8 feel. mm tokr ! TeiayfT'st preveeil bssn from playing (uki 10:13 p.m., t.S feet. degat. I vmm a iapreel. er. tbe linelor order. With ti.-series ATUit riatlonar e2 Attraction s Wednesday Orlober It rkm rH m tkre In two In "t ek. Al tk usm I Warlsd feb High -!: a.m., 18.0 feel. Ams-B4 Hk erre aa4 taJ al ihe Yankees, Hugsrti t ., JM i 365 Days Year 2:S p.m., 17.7 fHt. on sy hmmti. as iai Sok roe-kl manaajer deelarxt I hey bail - - a for lb twhn la N Low 134 am., 7.S feel.' ptmfiM haek llielr risrhl luar iiril ..i mid over 300 of tiinpo days 17:10 p.m.. H I feel. Mmjttmd ihonMlgMy te mterm r.HT tkal I. by n we devote to the baking of Thursday. October 13 ik aw of Zam hsi. raj k ku brea BABE RUTH High ll:S7 a.m., 18.8 fe.t. rai td te Bormti Hhy eowlrtwa." GOOD BREAD ' ur a IfwwJ Im !o "rJ 3:IJ p.m,. 18.1 feet. (ram aitlar(hitMiB(tllsStt. - Trying every d.iy to Ret Ie :3I a.m., 7.0 feel. la tut ft ma. ttHui a ( i'f it a little better and a little 17:51 p m.. 7.3 feet. gass-Bwt m'hn (pkeAkily. It Tooner-ville ComeJy, better. t ridey. October I i MRttM thai ara-llak Iwau aajtkia Ni strange if you like High I :0I p.m.. !! feel. II. an ymi seem t, f'r we're l.nwC- SitM a.m., 0.0 fe-i. hm4U mr .., r'1. aThe Skipper's Follies" selling nmrn and more of 10:25 p.m.. 0.1 fee!. PMif S ' i SJH S.f An S' A. e it all tbo lime. HaUtrUay, hcIhIht 15 loa t.''i. 4Mrts - tf RUPERT BAKERY The lime used i Pacific Hlan-lard. 13 Admission, 15c and 35c for UeO ISnfh Meridiai' Third Avenue Phone 643 west. It -to eosxitad from 0 . 21 hours, from midatght lo nVd night. 71 M The table riven i for P n Simpson but the time for I'm SNAPinCOAL I it u pert varies only a few in n PRINCE GEORGE e I lie ebjiie' of t-r I i t,. iules some dayn tnd on i ii. r-is llea and i I i ,ti , i lb same. Tbs range of inr lu Ilam4itn Is n beewrf hittr. 1 H'-ln '. h irnl.. .j.. ,,, tide may fee eomsuted as 3 per PRINCE GEORGE ti- hurt b4nteetr atealtog I lie old IIUH-rs are life a A nnr We are overstocked with cent greater at Prlnoe Rupert farewell bonejwet on ttr..j III H) tig. r Interior Coal, and in order to j than at Port ffo both at .!,rl -d tbey rw(d land tbe night in bneur bf H. K. l.-rin. move this surplus with the springs and neaps. Therefore NOW TYING UP world ebanaftnnbii forever Indian aenk, who len least possible delay we quote the rite In ibe Prtnee Rupert Three Heroes. n I hursUf for WlerSa - 'I the following; prices: !harbor is sligfeUy- greater than It waa Holh . hunt lhal :nal ... Made in Mine Run, loose on Port Simpson. Will Be Withdrawn From Stew-art the nnentsnr f"- the Tank ir rbere wa a sneelinf f thr dock $6.50 The height Is In feet and Service on Sunday Even try and be servtre. in the r-maining dramelie rlnb lsi week and it Mine Run, sacked on tenths of feet above the average Ing to Undergo Overhaul. gnmes m be grei was derided lo stage Ibe fit B.C. means ! dock ,...S7.50 level of lower low water. mi.seit. Fewster lakes hl flare play ia November. Tbo osweers On the return from ber trip Wilb tbe ! r Ru'h rkn wrw aa fiMew.. Ir-si. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Menael Ihe a'urdy Wail- II . ' Something liii Prince Rupert Goal Co .. Hi. wart nesl Niaslay eveovtfig. eoenpieletf the iriiimMra'. ( denl.dent. James He. MuiImHI Twrwbnll; vlee sres. eervtary. ; tbo Prince Oeorp wUI be with, Rod i h between Jas. The eeeleeifay's vei..r..M iaeball partnership Office. Central Hotel lark Krvsl; dlreetnr. A A. 0n. I III.. ..( hr )) 'Hal Phone IS Adkins and Herbert Wait in tbe trawn fro servtoe for aaMMl hemes. Ms allowed t. n hii f -n Hoe. rteeniree effteere, Mies H"-.-an know o( t.. f .J out eHal n-t. t4m Adkins & Wail Logging Company overiuiul at the Wallet 8lftp. nKsre than A'ebf anl is f ihem Mr. tMMewwy anl MU of Peei'te Vila arluall Honk jas dissolved as at October 18. vareja bere, aeeenUny Is an an-nouneesnent eveeily dt4rtnteJ the Hartnry: sofeotioei oommltlee. I fr ihei lellrr lo u I' All arcounts against tbe pa r liter-hip m4e IbU neafning fkt Ibree Mning bin etee.t fur A. msja, MM. feslbtwer as! ia reoHy eurprising bow many will be paid by Jas. A elk las. by i. F. Jonnaion, O.V.H. etty the fir. wbb ataried wi'li r I. K Kreel. say one of Ibr I f'HOW lh Extra Special who will continue in the logging ticket afent. error by MeNallv. the ut v ... like I'aeilie M U vr I list Arriving Monday business on his own behalf. Tbe vaetael will arrive, as -ill lleoekken rtirbthander aurnfiipi A rariaeej of nunssotrSlea wgo ang other Is lr.i e Ibe k.' ilKRHKHT WAIT. free n! all obalaeb.. L'nMiie .n-ftt fro the flles StanU. (Signed ms Saturate? momta: hipped II b Ibe only milk n i in i 100Q lbs Mild Cured JAB. ADKINS. VaneOiivar and wtft ge noHb l beeped bim ns-er Ihe boiiip- irtl mine to ibe Trail snsslter in Hellish ll'iiei.ia. .! - Stewart the seme evening being tf tbe seecmd and third iniimg last week. betiee in h- nte imli'' ' al Breakfast taken off when she relnrn. fparkllne Qlants. ... There will be soiling ! Tne niants. eVepftr iheir ei H . ft. Hoafl. ef Hytear. reasbed Pacific Milk Go. Just Arrived Stewart en the foN'rwInv week aek. were not wtlhitl iirklii'? liere Inei week in nf a vaM. Limited the firt one alter tbls weak be 4eeMnpllsbnienl. Kri.--,, ,pt BACON ing tbe I'rtaee Jniin on WVifnes- up remarkable slick work, b 4d-tsstr Orftwee mm rnabeJe are S.Mw's.rstel .1 s4 M STSttT day. Oeleber IS. Use erke tbe hieb nrt mark .f plenllfss) as ever ha tbie dtslriei 1 I 14 lhsh4. B O. vaaceuvta U.NCL TAEH1 ! while it lasts will be kept u by IbU slenmor S00 by l"uehlng Hyt fr is ibU fall. fortnightly thereafter eowneOt- slnglea in fur apiearani-e at . . s 29c lb Alberta ing with the Wedneeday steamer Ihe plate H. mWKan, ef tbe cwrdieb from tbe south. eoninlOIS. SBlaTM, ns eeen TMwrrew the I'rinee John OLIVER PLEASED AT imikliat a trip wilb Nof Han Kaeh and every pound I wiH enrl foe all poiula on Mas- en ami MTiteU ot .New HotellNi C0,Ll separately wrapped and we seU Inlet and on Saturday wilt LOYALTY OF MEMBERS last weoA lo vleil wNh feV. Her H. S. WALLACE guarantee every pmir,d we FRESH go to oil nnints on tbe 8ostlem sell with a money bark Queen ChorMfe IslamU. Thi Qiiallty Vlore Only M. A. Macdonald Has Ae- agreement if not satisfied. rrviee wiil al be italHtleJ ccptsd Nomination for Federal Tbe KlagOoS Valley a u w 1h not wait unlit the end fortnlgblly. Honors. ssanken' of a a asissibie wM field of the week if you want to The lri Albert will reniatn Lnel week Al. Kaie-'ner and Henry The folloicing eut your bacon hill in half. EGGS in ber genera! freighting aervte' VANISH V KB. et II - Pre. Hreisin went ihs! lo tool rlaims Special for Saturday Only. a ai present. ... niter Uier la elated over tbe Erookfleld Butler, 3 lbs for loyally .himrn by member of ilause W arden It. W. t'rnnkliu PriM $1.25. Limit 6 Ibe. to eai li 'us goernmenl Is determining t and CstnetaMe Carr. of Insrns Special customer. land by the adnitnUtrali'tu in id, boive returned front a Irtp We have IiuihJi other Ibe WblUaMM Lake a !He Mi' inUi eowulry ,. ... ......1 j i v nations l enter lines at la I low . lias uct pee. (triees SALE Hie feifceiKi r na in tbe forth- in force all and new good eoniteg in ming rlo lum on Iteeeniher 0. Tberr wne a aatrprtee perty f every day. 'inijr one inns member. M. A. indlea of Live Wosnen'a A miliary OCOROCTTC CRCFCS The Cash and Carry U here per dozen of Mai'd'uabl ( Vanrour. boa of HI. Heler's ebureb on Mrs. Y.hii . ii ' "" ""' to tay. The tarter our niered iii.- wider field and bis Iteorge Imngale last I ueaday taiiic "f "l..r. lo I turnover is, the greater will !'. is. offet by Ibe noiniiiatioii eveniiitt. Mr. Hunwale, who is DC CHINES be our liuytng pvwer and We buy American Cur BLOUSES f lr. W II. Hose, in Ne!ain leaving stiorlljr for Ibe eoast. was CRCPC Pink. sky. pearb. roe. w our margin of wilb beautiful silk profit on I'lie lallei oreaenletl a will the Coi-ratie-i earry yard each artiele wilt be redu'ee rency, Silver, Gold or uioiiist banner in handbag. quality for. per in proportion to our increase Bills West K'm.i. nay. reitlaeiiiw Hon. COLORED PONOCE SILKS tie of satea. It. K. lire. 11 has lieeli ap NEW HAZELTON a i"'. hi""- until poiiiied iii tbe -t nii'. This Per ai'l Sanitary Market Table Co. leaves the balance even, and with Rupert Supply Thirty ears atxl a lueomotiti' Sat., Oct. 15 many eunlefilious issuee feeing SILK HOU . arriMil here mm Hat unlay afternoon fAEGE the prvivincial Huuae during the PHONES 211, 11X. Walk Downstairs and Save for ihe work of trarklaylng fall - the go eminent will Money. ihi Hie I'jetfle (irsvat lie a let u Georgette and Crepe retain it n,i..rit. ltHwayoUlh Of liero. (lafigs of 10 tie Chine Blouses, men are astmily busf preparing Your Strength Popular nnd Reliable ihe roaillH-il for the slerl. Conierres $12 to $15 values for ... Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. A. t:. MeMillati, wf KntnltMipa, Emy ouno; of " "Me1 e' B'f $7.75 for the carrml JiminuKrs your po i here campaigning -i Room II. Smith BUk rnJuisnce. J'g G iiott of J. T. HwblnssHi aa Om-' co $8 to $11.75 values for I. I h.un S lCl'tlg?' Silt A4CBU ialie iioiuinee at the eon-v. (JUUUS,III J" ou- $5.00 ntioo lo be held oi Saturday to durir ai Kamloops. the wsrmut snJ Silk & Lacs CamWoles . mote comforuHs of i: A. I'yiie has reluruetl frmii $4.85 to $5 values for a lout of inspection of tbe pro. all known girmmt. -.-it r.-t vinea in roiiiierlion wtltl tits in-uran'e H.S.W -JH1 $2.85 work. i k; Telephone ... im-ulcpt " ea Th" l"al lnsiralrs will Number 7 have u "iivi-nilon WWiiea. sst ; lOc CIGAR r Demers, tissy - ili'lrg,iii" for ihe Sls.s AtlM f OUaAI'll Will Take Coal Back If not. Satisfied. lioitl l i Milium u be tWsUs Cis. Valom Mult im Kaaeeres; belti i hanii...... -I, -niuriluy Xiaaee m . P. IJgllM"', II Is UhUi I 1"mI