.1 PAGE 2. TJTK DAII.T MEWS Sir The Daily News NERVES ALL NEWSHOWAI PRINCC HUPKRT TID18 PRINCE RUPERT .BRITISH COLUMBIA -KUP KEPORTc r I Wednesday, May 18 al kj Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News GONE 10 PIECES WESTHOLME llivh. ItOrt a.m., IN. fmt. HROM information collect . Printing' and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. j:i:i; pin., jn.i feel. ' JfANAGiNQ S jAlh'on Company to Olvt Two Low, ' ft:ld a.m.. 5.1 feel. compile. jnoJaa! report, cover H. F. PULLEN, Editor. "Frult-a-tlTss" Conquered j 'Dramatic. Feature In Addition 17:10 p.m.. n.n feet. every part of the Dominion. T.f-La Thursday, May19 tO PlCtuMt mittcd over prmie tclcf.rarh SUBSCRIPTION RATESr High. ll.S n.ui.. Im rt'feel. winch Nervous Prostration ,hcy are nuiW free City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month tl.DO In ailiKtion o n reel of Ihf I.OVV, a on a.in . n a reel. w Uy mail to nil parts of the British Kmpire ami the United States. II. U. So., Oai.truis,Ms. lalesl fealure nrftirc. the Allii-fl i; :M pm.. B.ft feel. fomution ihcy contain, ""'gthf in advance, per year ; J0.00. "In the year 1010, I 1J Vcrwi r.iniiwny, whu liae made surd n To sll other countries, in advance, per year 7.fl. VeiraiS in in troftt forwj lot h'f', will m it in h i.rniua- The time uswl I rartDn Man I Ilt, notify ,h, tLfjSTi " dropping frum 170 tu 1 13 pound. fiiuimii of Mar J. lltmA wi.Wy itard, for the I loth .Meridian weal.! DAILY EDITION. Wednesday. May I ft. 1081 73c doctott Ma J no read novel, ' T' 'i'l""l lilid Snn-slune," It Is counted from 0 lo St hours llSe rrcovtty, and rtrry medicine I tried with Mi-- lldle Johnson In from in ll n m lit to mnlnUlit. BANK of M0NTRR4! proved o.i'lcs until MeuJ Induced the part of "im-hine," lhrillle The table tlven it for I'urt fcSTAIlUsiU.uov.Tt .ZT Permanent Grounds lUra". irirl vvo riuial' ulinllii- wlir-e. Slnipaon hut the time fur Prince Ar,..ua ""'Wl me to take "Kntii a For Fall, Fairs. ei sue goes. ' leiiiponi anil llupert varies only -a few minutes; oankL'( Srmo; The.'-directors of llt.e fall fair'"Tire friakinp imeiToH lo I befn to-rnend alroott at once,I Siillsllliie" loin III.' inline of lieinu on tomt days and u.i othra i- minis for the liolilinff of I he fair. Thai and never lud.turti food health as one uf Hie outs I IlllereslinU lll)S Ihe same. Ihe ran of Ihe tnl. whj they arc jniMing on Ihe liig haysewl dand- tonighl ,ai1 have enjoyed tlie I't'Fmit-t-thti"etghl years. ever wrlllen, fin- tint reason that may be computed as b per cent I without hinnslcr tiimbolft. Kveryone' who Intjs a ticket for the" lug mm nrtrr greater I'rlnce in Ikt iouu". J.VS. S. DKLUATV. II carries poo! HhUeoior ciHiieily at llupert than at event is'hfllpiiig on the movement Tor prowling v Miilnhlc placa and lieiirt IhIit. .1 in n inntiuer Porl Himpson both at aprliitta and and for Ilia' 80c. a box, 6for ? V, trial alte 25c It fn which to hold Die fair. U a worthy move I haj" oiakeH ynn ii heller teron neap. Therefor Ihe rise tn lne unusual At all dealers or ecut posted Ir (hp News is giving it prominence.. t fcoii Haily for haviuir seen il. Il is a pretty Prince llupert harbor Is liirlilf There slionltl easily be a thousand tickets Mild for Ihe Krult a-Uffs Llmttod, Ottawa. lnry of (tie itlt hefore lt nrrater than I'orl Himpsoii. and hold tickets also attend the dance Contractor! llioe who tombola may i:ivil War, wtih never a doll The helKht Is in feet and lenth if (hfywi!!. TJie articles to lie; given ns priir-s were doiudcd moment. of feet above the averaite level nf by Inenl hierrlimits. It I, for tin eitUciis generally to respond SUITCASES lit lllldiMoh the AlloMI CiIIIS1HV Inuee Inw ovnlee. hy palroniJiinff the nlTnir and making it a great success. AND TRUNKS wlii iireseul ihr Hirilllnir play nf if Reserve Still irison life, "Tlie l.w atH. the I'nborn Imfiorrtiwa uml !eft Prospective Builders. ,On Coal Lands. " j HANDBAGS llllef." which wa written smc. vealeniava! Vviiv fiieui.1 luml II The reoorl thai the" reserve bad been lifled from the Fraeerj ally for .them hy W'ilIU Havre. Iheln. . 1'o.lny la everylhlou. Ad- 9 jLake ciinl hjluN seeinS J.fi have liecjr premature. .'Word received Tents and Awnings IrHiiiatic critic ! the Seal lie verle- now I , Nearest approac h I pre-war pneu op itjittflie eityis lii the elTect Jhat '(he recrveMs nhl yet lifted. I! Dall Times. This play rlriiy cVina a pily that the coal mining itidulry, which means mi in a"ery vht.) iiianner. ho- a v .. ousurtr--'iNiiiaM isi.vm. in. ins Shiplnp, Dimension, Boards, Lath, Floorisi lo Prince It.ulrt as well as lo the K'ople or rraser l.akt! J. F. MAGUIRE nllriuetl criMiV en Ire efirjertel laar ire.i oour imi m iki.v.ii,ti iwar,e into" Lcihng,' Rustic, Kiln Dried Finuh ItettL Hiwll. M .. aerrtit l... i.tir- (..much jo bo allowed Dooblless the railway, should nut prtfecftd. the ) rule of hit MHd order, nil iif wl'l to awtr aMMamiMn i. i- .-something will lie done in Ihe njjnr fiilu'rjt" liftvaht lifting tlie 712 Second A. Prinee Rupert IhnillBh U, little child. "The Ux oatiu-f ut imu n it ee,ih-- r n. il All in Number One Fir 'embargo. . , and the Thler i- said lo lie one f tsd am Mm nIMwnff 4rrront have la ataat M Ikr Wr l ,i .... Wo git prices down to rock button:. Lord Flndlay" . .!.'.. "' f Ihe iiMit mleiisi-ly tlrnuialie nstn lHfl. Hr.' i. rat ai a t i -''IT. I.AND ACT. ai tar aawnaom wf ,.r i Inspect our stock and And Canada. plays ever m-Hleo." , lllti imar sal rtwiw iltrMrr place . jr arte j The aprointmeiil of Lord. Findlay as chrtirman of Jhe Hoynl Notko of IntaotloA u Apstf U -Pvrttitao Addet. lo all till evetjllenl a how rhaakS ekaMM anrln;atMifc Ikeurr t roin oral in.it-... ,J RommissionSo enmiire into Ihe embargo uu cattle Jmjorlalion tana, v ill In heard Mis Ifco-olby Itan-lall. warrti mi, ian in .Mreno UM lnmft. nearliBi m TllnH mast Albert & McGa lo Hritgin will lie. for more than one reason, ut p?cial inlnresl IMr of Mt. nann t, tful ttls1c l brad ulm tins iiitly earrteit the . Matinew v fiery, lid lo Canada. Lord Finlay will be 70 years of age in July, and nr futon Hay. irljainihr lot ITS, title of "Oinada Own Soni:hlrtl."i Tak nonr I nil .Sorman R. Mrodirartl. in her liijeli rta- VIMS cNVILoTtr IslVMis l M .l- 1'liones 1 10 and 5G4 his acceptance of Ihe position is a further proof of how the -inginK vnoile. iaHT liMIHta 11 IMi H x veterans of the judiciary are ready in the preent congested or ir,Crlnrr tnipixtt liprt.to apptT fm-ivatHin ror pnnuioa mir man to lie m l. Takr Mie-r oat.imi Tn ,.-lair.iOt u, t,, slate of the' nation's lniines lo take on additional dtiliesN Of'Miiacai 1m a lu-m-r u. ttm- .. i Lord Finlay. for some years before accepting Ihe illie of CnnwBrar il I tt ftianiM on I ft MUSICAL AUTHORITY ml Laasla rr m Hw aouoai,!CiuiMr r... n.a ir. m I'" i Lord Chancellor, appeared in practically every important Canadian main lie or ii its, ihrixw rail to main aM otaarr Mar r,fc.i -.'rt- u.-r tlwnr ota t tbnr wil To ' e if '.rotu-. I ritTrriTliiirri taatnt; it mmtm appeal which eante before fhe Judicial Committee of the rtiami la tttnn: llwnr ttont nor M potl . Privy Council, yet it is less than two years ago eiriee he .made ana cvaiaimnt rnrijr arm, mar or ii. iMmiwoH mmr r i a iiio ta... I " i B K PASTRY FLOUR bis tlrs yisit to the I)om,uion. He liaij r mo! cordial re-'Ve'plI(Jfi SOHMI H. KHOIIIIIHST. ,' rHolao; Ifcitii'v tnl a. rfaam I wfierevei he went, and delivered addresses in Slrtnlrral Iiaim Janatrr . Htl. Dr. Vool Taken to Tugwell Island anq Mellakatla Tetterday. i.woied iim nn. ii TV rt?nl white pastry four rid andyyinnipeg which received the most respectful attention LAND ACT. I III-.Has . , throughout Ihe Dominion In conversation with a representative Dr. Vogl.fdenn of Ihe family! " means belter, lighter, an$ i,crt irlhe! Canadian Associated his retnrn to "I5tk or InUMloa lo aaoT lo Lou tnO I Pre on Knglaiid i l nr muic ai the I niversilv oljVfrs rjuni,.rir ii im i wi, flav pptr'. he Ve feared in IJie terms of the warmest gratitude to the great ma oitinri or I'rtnr Hurvrl. and aiinal ,oro.,1.,. was enlerlaincl 0I a T.J'tSaw,,5k.?A'i." " 11... Ail irood w ll U'i(krtur"Bir , courtesy1, kindness and hospitality extended to him in Canada. in r MMdlr kHinmr riun uuiMt fr tltc Mm whi ileitle v-alee,lnr... aflnrn......... I.... VI I.. !fc,,-.,..rea4, Mm.Mfl. a M M ...Niirt. , , , .i... .. ,.. . I. . iri'Je Murk an ti-ed. 'l litive brodght baek with'me a vivid ense of Ihe great future Takr unim mat I, Atrrrd C. Wnmt. or and .Mrs. Ilryanl and Mr. and irmwae r a . for ikomv e. - i guarar Prnr 8. C. Soprl. land in store for Canada," his lordship said. "I did not get further 'jnur, iniTxi tn appir nrrnpannn rr rrmiKm or in Mr W. l.. uiiiiiiuis on . Mr. UMrrikm reO" ita nimw oarter ike xi Mmiw r.,.i! ALL CK0CERS sell "BfiK- PASTRY wpsl than Winnipeg, but .was most deeply impressed with the i iim ri.iHinirn MriKritim ur1: llrvnnl'a flnu I........I. 11.1. Ik... Oraltaui Ola US. a Crimrnrnir at a rt flanmt nn In immensity of (he natural resources of Ihe country that awail -al mt at the Saml Bar knr,n al -Kaao party going as far a Tvmwell 'eome.i iJtt till al Uvw. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING COill ' development, and I cannot, doubt the -Dominion is destined Jo rurbr sanrt." of 44 Lot rhalna. Ilanrr al or t.in tjft.Xorin Inalnrli tail Island when! Uiel eveninir meal IK.vHin So rSans 00 rfcataai;m ai rt ahpfw on aaai eha's.01. ; play a great part m the hislory of the world. This impression in thmrr all uat aruund pan tbr (mure tnw saiKj Vaf gar.r lakior Mart, was oerved, irtulns tn isM ! niwmrmri a ni I'.O. Uoax 74B I'rlnca. Kuprt. B.C. Phooo JM is all J heard of the and its liouudle; I Ilk array Ittl deepened Ity west, mi cmairuni jnn mrm, mnrm or Itelurning. a call was. made nt THOVt ll VV possibilities. AIJ-nr.D t. WBWMT. MellaLnllA ' IWI Hf..a. oaol i i natrd ihia in aay of tni 4. I). Ittl. uliern lie V..l .l. mlrcal Hie churehu!id playe.l on !v'i.J ''MauiMK isi vst 1 vsi im- ' Navy of Empire LAND ACT. In Future. llie orgap. Ihe Indian ganlena Iar n-ir. llwi rimi leai. l-i-a.. Writing lo the Canadian Associated Press on what he lerm fti of lotantlon to Soolr to Looa La4. Were Very l"r'y. Ihe IMlijnilUHia. ,,4' ,mtrmmm tai.an n aa4r 1, . hrrt,a liar Mir. ..' Developed aoi in Skrna Land Dutnrl srnront Pia. rorgelloefiols and Other flowee 'M rnr pemrtner ,,t , r, FILMS Ihe present naval crisis. Admiral Sir Cyprian Ilridge remarks rtrl or Coaat, aann I. and aiioai al brad Mnir umrr a fewt ror aelrwlri . ami . that until the last war our primacy on the .sea was generally r InkMi ST. ad.'ommt lot lt. ip fUll lilooill. iMMkf Itw rurMsiM oWntwal Uwl. ! Printed -acquiesced in by great foreign powers. This of ilself Is proof Take notlro thai .nonnan K. lirttram rhoa in Ihe parly were lr. liL r" "' '-!: or Pnnro huprrt, ocropaiion maorr nan- and Mr. Williams and ehfldren. ti alaerai i eEain. ta iron ."t- that the not of tendencies. It i.medij Kmpire was suspected aggressive finlihed the nr. inirnd lo anplr for Drnniaaion lo Mr ami Mr. and ail eaenrr of IM mi; ranee Film In before 9 a.m. Ilryanl family. to he what it defensive m,. ih n,r. ii..; was seen really was, viz., an essentially i'i in folh)mt ownw landih arrangement. The United Kingdom was obviously an insular Ctimmrnrtnt al a poi planiM on to .Mrs. Parkin. Mr-. Waril. Mrs. !r,yMg7M''f, sjale and, as the British Kmpire grew up, il was phi in to everyone mum lln of lol its. Ihrnre vral ( rluma Durton, Mrs. Illanee and il.nmh- uarsi Harm' wm ii i The Prince Ruoert Drug Co. inorr or im to low tr mart: inrnra ter, Mios Way. Mr. Jack llarn.- "aSlJ, that the hetween its cunlmiinioaljoiis parts were maritime, - '.-. eea ., 'Jt tn! Al' asothrrly It rhalna akii low watrr mart;; ley and II. V. Ptilleh i iioni; tu f'ven the vast Dominion of Canada, with its thousand- of miles nuaw mm i main mm or loi lo turn Ol l.tS (JUMi.Ttf 11 S!i- 1 in tirS ' Altentlori of laud has coast side Dr. Vo, while in Mm cily. iso 1 ,nnvs im.vmi. 1. Mnll Orclera Cln Prompt frontier, a long line on euch of two great watr mart) ttwnr nnrtnrrt; a loot bira Take oceans. What their armies were to the leading continental vir mart io pom, ronlainint 7 arm, exhinineil the pupils of the SI. AtM, viaaarii. 141 B. 1...Tka inland.lMair.t,, aaatr laaOtan ai. ?Hrfr. , , .n"- ranro or la. Joseph's Aciiilerny and Mi Way's Mwartv m Mr Winiairr r ias iw ia-rriM-iajee states of Kurope the navy was to the Hrilish Kmpire. II is SOHMAS a. of fc. rnr a lamar r 1- BHODHUNST. class ami nl Ihe . truth admitting of demonstration that there Ivro dainrhlers inNwae-i easy was no foreign fiaird lannarji f. Ittl. Jlw- faslnwHMi of Mrs. W i:. '"L Williams country too great to derive benefit from the international vsho are ijss ni orakaan uiami. n 1 if eniinvTK, iM-insr tnuiffi 1 hy llieir molher. CMRtftimnnt al a 01 iianii ai jiosition ;n id relative strength of that Now il is navy. no longer THE SLTflKVK Mil ItT or UhlTISH the navy of (ireat Hriliiin; it is Ihe navy of (he British Kmpire, lllLIMHIt. . He relurn. il east this inomina. a7VhaT, i!e.l' raJTilT 1 i IX THR NVT-ffH or TIIK afimslSTIta. aoirin roam- Itwawe a4 om ftiaii.- a name by which il might always to l,e called. TION ACT suni nr riniMroi. a e.nllt' and TORONTO I.i-alet lllh Mar, Ittl. RAILWAY 1 TIIK .HVTrf H Or- TIIK f-STkll! Or INSURANCE TH'lVts MSV. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC hi r.Asnt:n w. raTT. ntxnasr-la. tllkw ' atm l . TAiK NOTICE hat in orrtrr or Ilia MAN ON ... .r eeiDCC Ulna? FIRST VISIT lunfmr Tx .urn. vnonr. tnafto tn 0111 ilar rilVRMITTi: ItLASIra l lMi ml. tern. mi. 1 wai sproiniMj Aommia ThirT- imtiiav lai atn n " Mlffnuthi iniirtuey t u naau Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE rraior u the t.aiat nf AU-aaivirr vv mit Taka n.Oee Ikal inonaoa twaar. laytian' CJ bbLbV oXaiirt. and oil pariwa narinr riaima Ljrman Root, of tun Insurance . trtii, Ma.vll. n r. intemia In aaakT i . araiii.i ibe aaid Ealai are hrrrhjr rrifuimt Hirifai to ine Wlauorr Laatta for - 8. PRINCE ALBERT hi lurniao aamr. pnifirrir annil, 10 m, Co., Arritevd on Last l-rotinnr of n i. for a lirfm traniiiit S. e n ur Lrar th Itih UT or Mat. Ittl, Evening's Train imi'm v nrwaprri ror petraarMIH oe For I'orl r.lcin'nU, Mw.nl. It-We, ltv .nn and all porliea inotmi In lb r.tal art lie follnarmt AVarnhed mb4 atpioie M has been called to Vancouver cn required to par in amount of liwir In-ilrMranrao in ri ijnati oa iranain laaann. r emHIrerrr Otii-en OlrnHmir, Menu u m rortnaltn. l.yman lto.., or Toronlo. Canadian, aixl drvrlliea a. faOn My 12th nl I Hiewart. J'lllX It. MrVJL'UJ.S. i nnrtirtH al a li lalonlea al Ihe spedal DENTAL WORK. orflrtal Adnximalrolor. manager for ,lhe Sun In-oraiiee Wcthmeai nvrr of 1.1 Mil: lamer rati TRAIN CRVICt. ,t1i;1. OvTfn una I tin day or April, ittl. m rMiw; inrwr wniin rnam., iairticei Wedneader and -tl. Wi.. of l,nndon. rkucie: im fa.aenner Monday, laeal ta rhalna: Inriare H.n. rHaia. n' ' He will RE-OPEN His, OFFICE MIXF.IIAL ACT. the rlly am l(il cicnink's Iraln lnl of naitnirnemwni fur Milll.rr. I'.inc C.eorde. tal " ,' 4 ,ili. . ...... .,.. . wiroiMi inn aann l.vtl i imii fur all pi'iiii" on and after Jtmnif XoHh lo Anyin TIKIMVS IOAST, ChKTIFICATr or lvrHUVr..1TS. on the priori- (leortrc liuiljilii will H..WI Wroaafe afmt Agency All ucean JUNE 1st -Mamnioin. Titer..noticr,HMneaiake Mineral continue on the name alcniuer lo Ol'f.r.S TBIC.T f.lMRMiTTr.liiaiiaai II.M li.ali,I.AMI n ll roe leronMiKw.. a to TMrt O.aaaa. , Oaiuia, aowaie In llw ominero Minint Ui-nei Vancouver t'.nmrrnw nilihl. Mr. Take oiin inal Thnanaa tlraar. fn-lian of caaaiar Diatrlct. Unrra toralni! Atrnl, or Maaartl. tl. I., intrmlr k. mokr on nrirtirr o Boulr luiuniam. Hoot w,as In(i lily iileii.c.l with the ripliraU'ei U, lne Vlolairr of land. f.,r TAkF. soTir.e thai The cat Minint weslern e. of the (l.T.P. he protlnre of H, C. flit a llrenrr Oi .r-.. nn mnuaiiT. un mi. .(in.rrHuu i.iariiiuvi 41 l-r prlrwe-om orrr and ihhI-t i- of Vanrouver. B, C. t rrt Mmrra oninraio railroad and Mbeamt ilrarriDMl unda nuob- m tlx -ny-'lhnl ua tf scenic G, H. Arnold Public o. Hill c. Intrnd. anlr dara from tnn Vr-4al of uraliam I.land. II i: - Notary lal rwmtt, to tpiifjr to trie Minint Hr- mule II Ik even Superior lo I he Otnoienetnt kl a.rtl planlrd so 'ham. rororr iir a irimrale or irapmvrnirnta, annih rnn tlie wrlhsrai rorner i C.1MI. He ftfso l nva aw ror tne rniruoae or onumina Crown Orania ut aareeahly t . Mil: llirorr rliaco. r. llirtv ' aattiMl ut ium iwiia riaima. rtirpriioil lo riioina aonlh; Oirnre on rhani. !: n nnd, on tils flrl vlU AiHi rurihrr FOR SALE. tarn none mat triion. ua-Arr an rhaina leirlh an net aHI t mamixo" Sent arrtion f. muai bo ronimrnred Ifrfore here, such u and large prcKpcroint n rnl. SteamthjP lne laauanro or turn Ceftinrate of Im- ' B.C. Coait A Lot on Third Avenue in Block 34 prirniriria ciiiiiiniyiily. Iraud lllh Varrh.TliiiWvs f..:SV. Paled inia lat r tlt Harm. A. O. Ittl. h'U-rrt flr.'Vli ttrnl Adjoining the new Concrete Building wjiich is being erected there. A very desirable business Ten Years Ago For KeUhlken, Juneau, "0,y' " I Bas location 5aA In Prlncoi Ruport end Seattle rre VlelorU H. G. AVATKIt ACT, 10M. For Vencouter, HELGERSON, LTD. Suitcases May 13 and 24; June 3. s,nofi W- ""t Insurance Rentals Real Estate JUITICE IS llfKmr livr tnal Hit May 18, 1911 $.8. "TECS" from 1'rlnre lltipcrt fr , Rl,fr, UuiMjiir llie l.leuirnant Onarrnor of arltian W. 11. ( n' Uiliirnbia liv and nn Ihe adrift or Mil Tuny, port engineer for Trunks Kallo. Al. rl Hay. H"r 'i f.arrntivo ;iunri not lir plraard to Foley, Wi-hli A. Slevvart. and , .. i.. ' nnnn. urflrf: - Voiieoiiver mTy Thai mirauant lo irut i.mrlalona or William Cirnnt. fireman on llie Srrilon it ut llw Water Art ISM l-Inr Tents, Packsacks teaijier Hkeena, lout their lives Phone rhapirr SI or the sialulra or ltl W. G. Barrie Ilia I in rearrve of in unrrrnrdrd Oeneral yesterday wtilla rrosslua the 0. ORCHARD, SOS 23 atrr ut Hear Ijkr, MrVliillw Crrrk F. M. W. Ruprt aiKl ManiK.i nivrr in tn I'rinre rlu. Kkeena Illvcr lielween Kilaelus Crosby d 4th Street Prince firrl VValer liiatrlrl raltbllalwil or Cor 3rd Avenue an THIRD AVENUE - POST OFFICE BLOCK order-la :unril iiumtterrd sit ap-pnivrd and Kilsiinikalilm. Their row 715.Third Atenut, Prince Uujwrl on toe Mm day of nerrinprr, hoat overturned, It 10, tm I'anrellril In to far ta llui aam reaerae prrlaina lo the watrr of O0 Tatiles, Mannol Hirer In III more Huprrl The O.T.P. howlers, lasl nilit B&'H1 Buffets, Dining Chairs and China Cabiqcts Wairr lilatrlrt and Ilia I no tiro or heal Ihe Cluh CO. OF mill raiirrlltllun lie publlalied ror Wandccrs', hy a UAVE Your Suit Claancd UNION STEAMSHIP Window Shades, Curtains; Curtain Rods three nioiitlia In in U. C OaietU score of 2373 lo 5272. The ' and I'rttaed hy our Steam tnd for three nmiltll in olio laaue Mtchine Mtthoti. Price Blankets, Sheets, Pillow Cases, rortr tnonlh of aoiuo newapair puh I'layers were: OflM'a Crunr.all, reason-bl. Give ua trial. J tirhrd III Hit 1'rlliro Huprrl VValrr, Melville, Chalmers, Mauer and liiainrl. , JACK . Comforters lutrd Oil I Oh da T.of I:Marrh,VATTtll.MI-.A. I). Il. i'Ay; Wanderers 'AldmiN, Tohey, LING, TAILOR SK ck003 ell 8aooe Aaaoiio Mlniatrr of I.TSda. lleak. I'eck and Mnlvaney. w t teoreeeeeeo. t