" - - --- PAdtt 4. . - - - . . . Sensible People BRINGING UP FATHER 'i In all walks of life have for a long time used Beecham'a Wis, TMrNTb rNC tou tv; hou-ac i cor J L ILL CAT vjnc riT vwai rive Doi , a." which enjoy great popiilaritr. THERE'S iOME or tit tJiOT FOR MY J. POUND AND VOOVe ',A The7 are reliable and contribute inM t AMD T iMM rVRTf TMIyj AFTCP to the maintenance of health. riNH Mr patin IT . fMAvciciie made she NOON When you suffer from Indigestion, VOL rive PouNot 10 0 biliousness or conrtipation THEN 'U. VlN -W. hi ill l) JW. aCtVE MP I I I Jtjr TO TRV IT- r 1 USIt I1 OUT- 30Ht i, ir MN ,Q OV I TQ IMi-.tat- ftv ir i il v yru j I 511 Trrfcra PSLLS In boxct,2Sc 80c. Lariaat 51 4 Ay Mrafc in lb Wirt. r u SALMON r-rc TROLLERS j J O ttn e. mil. r;..i,.M,, tc Trolling boat with New Engine, all complete, For Sale. COAST TRADERS ALBERT HAD Oliver Typewriters OUT OF RUPERT' PREMIER ORE Daily News Classified Ads. Exquisite Cary fireproof Safes & 2 CENTO I'EK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad-t.rtla.m-nt Taken for Lea than tiOe Vaults. Recent Search for Escaped Prisoners Left for South This Morning with W'.RTED. ACCOUNTANTS Lots & Houses For Sale Gives Local Police Ore, Lumber and Salmon LAND ACT. emu "Some Ideas. WA.NTKD flood canoe up to 18 F-VPF.IIIKNCKI) ACCOUNTANT inarmmi The learner I'rlnre Alberl, fel, one good Oolh'Mird en-gine. wonlil lake charce of set nf Nttk t ln(ll U tsslf ( LM Ih, As a resnt of the recent close which arrived from Slewnrt yin-lenlay one good 4 tu (I tt, p. engine. ooks, whnlo or part time. lor m UMuin Mnt r-t'luist rrnw t vim sin.niuni mi i. .umi. 1 " rn.it t v Dybhavn & Hanson Wiilrli lliat lias lice n tnatli iif aflernoon af 2:3ft miiI lef M. M. STKPllKXS. tf W. B. Wlllistrott. J'hone iern Se rr.unpn. lit oamk mora IdaiMl,mmhi si.il IU,j fiufl pasinp in nml nut of I lie niraln tlii morninir fir (he south, alack 23V. tj nub on enrnr M'l al IWM lWi I ( W ANTKI Wizard or other good ! aaMwe imi i, virrr4 w. wtitni. at Insurance Agents. Third had on board 20n Ions of ore harbor in llir oiurfli f(ir K. ' . . condition rMM HMSttt. n nreaeaiin km r 1 1 1 j j Mugneto In good nuestlt from the Premier poid mine. tu Avenue, Prince Rupert MirlicNnn, who ecaiod frtuij llio I State prtre. Ho No. IH New t rnHBwSM ernj iaiHi f .ir rily lock-up 'on Sal unlay pvenlntr. This wa loaded, on Ihe steamer Thtirdy night on TImmI IMIMMMt M S MUM IMr by half doten men who have nfllee. trt jl.irsr nAttKe4i res at a uM ksr I H im W II. l.-iu'lil 1..U "! a I Ik litcal pllroarr evolvlnjr some Avenue, gold bracelet, engraved nl ISO iailMI rartwr tit I,.I tht-tirir ix In the wny eial not joined in Ihe strike whinli WAXTI'U 'To rent .mal iMMise. j j "Funny Clifton." Fincer advise t,VV. S. MirVI IHrlMV Ifr.in'l n emit SaM lur. IH n ii imi iitt Iruilnip" of liquor b"lvion lhl has now become iilino! peneral no children. Phone tfj. in Ness Oflirr. Ileward. til lw Waler tear, sad -uihiii Accident and porl and Alaska is carried on. as far as the Premier is eon-earned. atHifcn : wnkihi The larirer boats, il i boIieviMl. The strainer also broiijjhf BOARD AND ROOMS FOUMD tnwo isst'iai eay ot k s o lti Mrs. S. Frizzel Sickness do not- c Ion r with llijuor at all soulh about llfly passenirer. PAI.MKR ItOt'HK far tainl anil tvTinvi ns sn rrnen ki voter Smith Block . from this iort. Instead Ihcy many of whom were striker FOUND-Cn ltd', fur collar. A p. nivir. aiTrsiT km tsm i Corner Third mi Fiftk rooms, limn. Oxiklng. Italtm thict or :ost. shoe K Mimr here and place llieir (Inlw leaving Ihe place. OuriiiR the pfy Pally Ncia rfTfce. Insurance and Ihi-n. IcavinK (he hartxir, lie niyhl before she left for the reaouitnlde. Mrs. Mrltougult, ta mntlr MMI I. H lurtn.mm iniMvi SUMMER t. iiig tar a Smw nia la mmmrxi f' IUt-0l Seventh Avenue West. RESORTS. near some of the islands nearby Miuth the Albert loaded nalmon prlcmralM Ml IS fnNnetflf erw-rrlm ! You an- not immune frm Phoue fltMl ttV. If owaawertM al pai imm aai Ihe Turks Inlel and anil awail delivery by .mallrr nl cannery I.VCUKASr.ll ArUlMMOHATION SIMM enrik H Hr ir IM Naunl f.r Accident nr Sii-kiicn either boals whirli are nnl requireil In also 60,000 feel of lumber from ItOOM TO HUNT, with or without including a tent fr family nr IfJMle. ilea i,im nr rar hiivi mwrw9 ri ' nn"i . ip!.jvrir nl home nr travelling. A Hear. Ihe Georgetown mill rvlisit(ne jHiird for one or two geiv-llenien. rly for nimurr Inwrilers at a SM. iSJWX'i aval miim i- DINING HEIE Policy in une of ntir ifr"ng There are1 several hilili powered for Knvland. Phmie Red tIS. 17 fllll Pnfin. Termee. Infenr A in h a ' H onMlrra Companies will properly boals in the trade, it is believed, Frneh. fi 1 rtant. provide for you ami your and Iliese develop a pewl FOR ROOM AND ItOAItt) Plione terS) tt, ll tot family Our during Policy any will diwiihility.interest ibal make ihem nlph Impnsxihlp In the Letter Box tf HAIR 0RC8SINQ. IS A HABIT! to overtake. T o sueee.is fully nsi sals lAin HllHSSINO. SPKCIAI.HCAI.P rMsr r srftT tn wtim i ii-iji:t you. rmiibat this illiril trade il would Marcel or iutr. avnl v Irelinnl. Fare Prince require palrol boals of hlch TOURIST'S PARADISE. FOR SAI.K Three cruisers 33 to massage. Hair dyeing.waving.Indies' isai't.1 Tate ia aanr aaeay MMI rw I. a Wsii.r iifcii i M u.WraMmm And a darn tend Rupert speed and fully armed. n felfjaeasi m Itie ftorlawvaf alraetiapaf 30 feet, one halibut Ixial. one mimhifigs made Into switches. UxaM GaTdtbod habit too. Kjlilnr Haily News: halibut schooner, three, trd lers Charles l.e:iirri. J33 Kltth narnawf al a awl tiaeinl uvmt ! Insurance When thousands of Mir f 1tm nearea IHvr al a-H DOING MORE WORK people are- IH to 3t feel, 18.foot nina-lout, Street. Ph.ne Hlue 7 far home. Mr ajatlr rl et rtSW MOW. nnd Mtisfaciory tg-vice bniking around for a place, lie) r.i a liaMr Msna ts fm, AT SWIMMING POOL which tn sMnd their summer two Sterling engines, one wpiyitntmenL if llanaer rati rhAMSM m rWawn'r,Srr wart m meam flcad Agencies, Ltd. 7 h. p. Ounrue Hvy Ouly rtaama f holidays, Ihe opportunity i af Knglne. 6nJ JCfoot hull. M. FARMS fOR IALK H telMM aaaia! arm;,.In 4 r saa a Wait" patroni P.O. Drawer 1632. Phone 130 forded for rest, recreation and - tf tnreal rrS ft. ltd Second Avenue Volunteer Workers to Give Another profit, with Urn accompanying Mi STKPIIWH. a P. II. FARM MNDS Tho rich wsiira H. wasrisi'M. iM"it. AND OURS ARB im r safMus ie' Day to Improving pleasure of. visiting some of Ihe SICrriNO KUOS M.OO a d.uen. prairie nf Alberta, SaikaUh. Get the Habil; Bathing Facilities for beauty spots in this northern Jlhoile Islafyj lleil. . Hens laid wan and Manitoba are eioeclal- ,T1 evi. ov rmoiaij sim-t Children. country. all winter. ,"1 SitU" Avenue ly suited for mlied farming.; hh.t r nr. a. Innumerable islands am scat Hast. Phone IH7. 30 Land that, will produce, Un PVJT!, Rupert Marine Ironworks & At a meeting of.4 he swimming tered along Ihe Pacific within n erop, of grain .nd fodder. nd " .Vre---4 Cfl; Kuli held last in the FOR SAI.R Two fllel night Si. Regis iiikIiI gown police well few miles of Prince Ituiiert. adapted for dairying or my an4 a m anrth m aaer "t Supply Co., Ltd. court room al Ihe rily hall, il There camping parties troll fnr y4e( Hiid ?H yards mrb tare. llveatitrk raising can .till be tUf-J"'' Have on linml: was decided to hold another Ihe king salmon during Hie Si Phone Red 2HI. 1 T-ktd Aunat Large new slock l.ill working Jee next Sunday tnorn- hours of daylight, while their Seeond-hand furniture Itoughtand 118.00 an acre, with twenty loinm? i - i ar - Thrusts, Hln. in 2'-iiu.j im-pTwvet. intr In complele Iho work of families may enrup alongside old. P. ICInlre. plionn Oreen ywrs to pay If you wlah. Only l'JL Cr fTTeti pattern, at reduced cleaninir ut Ihe swimmlnsr pmi some pleasant xtrv-um where Hie .Att. If to per eenl down) No further! Johm: M'.'."YVaj!!?"JIi.' prices. al the Sail Lakes wif-rn the fresh and sail water bathing fa payment On the principal until - - - - children bathe so that when the S0H lha nnrt STI Ml. tit tsll MIMHMK Vll . SILVERS! cilities of the best. FOR SAI.K Mrvnareh llamre. l!ollowln engines .for sale: are or ina lotirtn year; men !pl r M.a.fjr , on rmrrrtH t w sand Is in it will be in heller 6 II.I'. Ouaranlee. put Salmon Trolling. till Avenue K. wr plnue lllaek altla.n annual' nivmanli" In.' TRII r oe rot.f. hIVfll t I'oiiililionlhan last .a- -.j.,. I mrara. Wtaialr.an 6 II.I1. Autoinalic. year. For some year hundred of 828. .. If terest c pe,- cent laaatMl in atttur rr t hrrtate tn pry-l'' Oh will take Ihe Bros. The llaby f..r farlraiream , M MatVUM ajearokra) 10-12 II.I. IlufTuln. Irnllers hnvr been making a Write to II. O. Lnughran. Land workers a't itrana. over 9:30 Sunday FOR SAI.K KflglUh haby-lmggy. 5 II.I. Palmer. good living for some mouths. Age.nL C. P. It. Station. Van. raawwai at a btMl MMIral ttmal morning' and Ihoie willlnir to pro cheap. Apply' 5I3 Hlh Ave. noiiverT aMh fail ami kttf Mart iff .witr Nirrr 3V4 II.I', Palmer. are asked lo notify K. It. Tabrum riispooing of their rntrlic n im Knsl. If am p ait.,Bnr:rtwr aest Htrtare ata mini mtt aa rmmt The Home of packing Iwmts sent out from r,H All in complete working order or Cyril- Weslaway heforeliand 'o rTEr Ihrtte CM a af lta SS and supplied wild CoU Prince llupert. All thai Is needed FOirSAI.B- Fumlshlntt. of nie eStta.. ihrfar. .ml ft rtMltM m Ma arl that provisions may lie mad; for if ttiajawwirfwrtrtrt. rttaftoitusa eta a, vi Ramsay's V umhiau Peerles:. Propellers. I lieio. is a camping outfit, a supply of in McMordiw Hlik. Apply U! Im t lata a M Wirt WltaSiramt. Waterfront, Prince provisions and a ho.it. II mailers Tai. , HI ritant. Rupert Blast Stumps. Unealerl Mtrrn f lrl. Il More work I to be done to Ihe Illlle whether the boat is TIMCER SALE X 3208. r?itt. r. tewaati. iP-al approach lo Ihe float, and il Is driven by nian-pwer or by gaso. FOR SAI.K -16 joung laying Sealra IrtvVrt i t rarrlrafl hr llw Pure Paints line. With no wild animals on "hens. Plmno Oreen 355. Ill tiiiuairr r la rati, al V'lruiria mil Itlrr Ibin utTi-nti. ots txn rr.iaolfi" i'TiVf also proposed to. blast 'out the Man Ml Ihe Iflh dav ( ., tf I, rr reiver ari rhT I tsn tnrnn r- these islands and the fact thai Hi Kirrnie nr Lierner iff f. li cm aaiit nr nitat altai.k t. Ar I slumps at Iho entrance, lo the AUCTION SALE. aii.aoe rwi .f spmrr. Hrmmrs im ixtirl Tlk,' uit' f a,,, I. i hn, f tag. L beaches of sand wil bout GO. the are n Uar anriharlir waeim i,r Mi 4 if, v.rin lake beiow (he dam, so I hat scow- ln1 M Ir-piT for I Hems tn rentf1 J-ir danger from depth of walrr, Ihe nenunra. inn. iun , ittai inairtri ilmltm an is roU..it. vni-l Vaiva. loads of xaiid may be taken rf(Hit AUCTION SAI.K of household T if i r MI he aiMved rr r-" iuanarrlna II a faaul PMsll about r- for the beat . up to Ihe dam on the high tide. Idea of giving children Ihe ad-vantage furniture and .kitchen goods, mrittl ru'iiarr n( ItUilarr.i-iroeajua rr ihe isirr faresirf. b-if ana. aorla nl Ih rarl VV V.illi wilt ho lnr and ti- tv A la? day is tn be held on of an outing also ipiuiililytot I lowers Syrup Victoria. N. :.. nr M.Ulrl rcarMIrr Ittnre rllr; IfeMtre " rlMtnai trne wat Alberta Coal Saturday to raise funds with apparent. and Molaxie, will be held in linprM, U.C. t.i rluint! Ikew Milk IS ruttimi rntlna:aramaai. etal la r-Saum an paunl "Y"M which to emnpleio Hie work jif On Graham laland. our sale rooms nP.30 p.m. M IN Kit A L ACT. rMiummr am irr. tn ur p'n , ..f Phone 58 The months of June and July trStub a In. I rjtlln , improving the Hwiinminjr pool, Friday. 20lh. Aiyone having (rrm r i nre. lor.g and the weather pleas-ant. , ciias. r. scMAi.a. Aflrfl, ptiaiil' thai being Iho most important any good- In diposc of. we -r.imni:vTg"oriTvc8ovrnTs 128 Prince Rupert Feed Co. work undertaken lhi year. There Is no doubt about the will put ihem in this sale for Mw itonat."oTIW..-ie t-airh." ijteK"' avt.' .n t"nouitv V.Tfmrr soTits P.O. Boi j.cond Strert 'It at i 00 w catching nf the huge salmon, Comer 2nd Ave. and 7th St. you. fleorge f.eek. Auclloneric, .W ... ri.iar uttot: a. .tiatie Mi Ihe.vaat Hlvrr Mlntna inririeai which disport off Hie north end nnl'lr . ' K. BILLIARDS. 1. WANDERERS' Sales Room, 2nd Avenue. Hrr-1 of .(JaaJar Inlrlrl. , Tike mtt of lira ha m Island In large numbers. Where loraiedi Alxiai fa miles lip Ihe iflr far i lieent m peaattert Hon t. awimierm.. . en.. tn..ii'"r t""'ZL kiliaaii hirrr m r inlinur) kismn at annul In the second round of t!i Wood and water for culinary lllurk ri'af Mlrrr. ildilianrwi e-, I""" o..... hirrr . J. C;Stf -' i is in abundance. on Ritpj-i Ttkr ViriKK that I. Lewit W. rtirnrr. mil iixl otm luir nurin NI.M Wanderer' Club handicap bil purposes ami tlx.nl mn nla of uJ nil. Mm. at .i . aa ttrnl tor Mtml t. t.i TORK'S liard tournament Ihe following Why people will travel to Alaska VVrlahl, f.V.n. . Mno lit ruir M. .liuni' Own aal an rrttma; Dy 'bon sanies were played last ieniiiK In view glaciers and snow.clad FOR RF.NT -The ground floor Wrtthl.( Dura Ire I. VVrltlil.Miner's lor roliraa Minrr'r n.'r.(rrllll nerin 0 ritsi lo point nf 'WrTr,?B-r.siitmm S SELL, O. A. Hunler (30) 200, W. II. hills f a mystery when we have and hatHciiienl of Ihe Scott rale V.frrlinrair Itfat-C; Xu.Man aif-i::V. Mtrl.arrn.AlaunrtT Irr-inei'a simin-a Mi M ntura.iftres. "" " QTFPNSL TOVES. Vicknm (30) 101. . so many attractive spots endowed llttilding, Kerjond Avenue, now Htilill, I r Mliirr Orllrtrtlr . a1ll LArilrd Mtrrlt K. M.ttrnl.evilTM.ItO.Arr'""".". '. MaulW A. II. Sliversides,Scratch) 200, by nature right at our own ocrilpled by fj. (), Howe as n irrlilirtir ninitra ..n, i.nrxe,Jtu-i lttM ie.wff oiruiur,rrrt surMrrn Iree c.htt, r Srhtult. fl. O. Shaw (30) 177. doitm. Our inlrls are almost Slieet Metal Shop, ready June 1. Mliirr'a Orilltraie .Vn. 3f7)C. rmi Jolei fKTHOirtlM .ATlll . (IAS AMI n-fll Trrr Mnvr't rrrliKrtie J. Howe (35' 200; 'IV It. Hooper land locked and extend many M. M. Stephens, If vu.nuirrr.tistr Inlrml, alii, iiava rrnrii Ihe (Ml ciiijii.k itli-fiiT tAit m'TiyT 'i,7,ll,eB,w,, hrrrer, ut mt'lr ut lit Miniiif ltrisrdr TltlCT or"t:o.ST. i miles, almost cutting through Fred f scratch Ii5. THRUM-ROOM APARTMKNT TO. ror a OriWi-ti nr lniirriiiriiit, ror li Tts nii. intl i. l'n Aral, int'nrt J Stork's Hardware tlm largest of the Islands. We ihihm nr iililiinlnt t i:mn flrant tr rpir for llrrlia ta I'T'lL. 1 let furniture for sale at a etrli nf III a hot rlalma "".!" JW? "....boSTr.! Second AvtNute lluy advert Iseil, goods and buy hate sandy beaches on Hie en bargain. P. 0. hot ami r in ii hi TSkr mith E intl ar prince ItuP" Address roast that with Florida, I inn, iMHr arrllim t, rrmat l roni-liHiirril nil Mt htir, imrtn nf ,"''' PHONE DIACK 114 i hem from the local .merchant compare K29. 17 lirrum Ihi latijf i4 aurtl (r ii.d tlH.ul f.mr tint mi' wif nlili advertises. Hotels Needed. lli'l'aje' 'II lllierl.rinr'ni. rittr nivert.. thnr vimI " '.'l m a t, mm ultalnati I n"flr a- tivTEO i iin jii'i itv nr Arm. b. lti Should some large corporation FOR IIK.N'T T0 room house iiwh vv. i-wimoiik. s arr". rnniniiint erect hotels for summer visitors with biilli and panlry. Apply if nannieneniirM. ii raos tv. In Ik kieivm it jnno srair a n R I D'E A "PERFEC T" Ihey will attract many seeking 881 Summit Ave., evenings. 11(1 1.1 TMK kl'I'IIKVIK COI HT OK UHITISH Us-...l HVrA1.,PP.f.nt i oi l:y lit v . places where, people may enjoy I TDK gATTr.lt OF TMK AIIMI.VIal HA Cfllt BICYCLE t all that is lacking in the cities 1URNISIIKII ROOM AVITll HOT HUM ACT ... ...tmiiriiu NOTK'K Only the kidneys cai purify the and cold water, Norfolk Rooms tuil . st I'asi " f l ','..VJti.i. i.-nia t blood, and Or. Chaie'a Kidney and towns. IM TMK MVTTrK OC Tint naTATfc OK J Plione lllnek 320. 27 iotrdi isausk, uzitsniiL in- Cniiada Hie These comparatively unknown Aftidc in by Liver PIMi arouie the kidneys te J TfSTATIC Canada Cycle A Motor Co. haalthlul action. Qnesinsdei. e Islands will be the future north' FUIJNISHKD SUITK TO HF.NT TAkK .MiTIIK I lit I In nrrlrr of Hit : ir-i7cFJiTll llnitnur f. Mr II, YfSma, mid tn till our ir1 PRINCE RUPERT AGENCY ISo. i boi, all dealers. ern resort of the people of the St, Louis Rooms. Phono Red Ul or April. lll. I wtt iipiintl Adimuit' y, ,rin7.i. -M-v.;ir,,,'!.,'v" Pacific, idfcring Inducements Dial Iralur In Hi C'ltt til Joar,li l.nknakl, nit 417 6th Avenue E. (lorraai-d, tiu) ill ptrlim Imvinr flaunt Dr. Chases cannot If, obtained in any other DANCES altlnal Hit ami Klltla tra firrrby riquirnl iirn rtepatrs, Tires, Parts the HVKHV- Pi rurniali tain, irrvprrly vrnnrd, lo nit, i.riiiin' iiifiiiw loblh ciulliif miaDA.'ijtvt pari of world, RATHHDAY KVF.NINO, 0 mi or brrifr Hi lf(n ilty ut Mir, Phone Hlue 337 MLANDKR. till 12 DuticH in Mclntyre Halt, nut ill inrliri liulrbltiil io iha fiitta ira LEE reiimrrU In iaV ll irnmjnl of ltir HI P). Itox 21 1 ' Admission: nentteiiien. 50o; ilrlilrrliirai lo ma ronnwitft. Lnr.,ed M.r.h ... Itll. Advertise in the tally News.-" Joil.H II. MrMIXUN, At'Dt. Ladies, 25o. If omnu Aitimniiiritor, cut), r. nenauii.