. .la!- May l I09K thi vulj nwwn pacik 3. Baby, Local and Personal Everybody Smokes lave Money! if fed properly. I lluddiiiK Ju-plant City Market. li ' There is food ; a II. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf OLD CHUN that will bring special o4 Salmon, City Market. him health and I Reach's For aflemovn tea, St. Itegia rosy checks Oafe.' .- - tf There's world of itaw a Wanted (urn. Pat Phil- lllllll. ? v tf satisfaction in a pipeful Sporting Goods EAGLE BRAND 3 of Old Chum Tobacco. Hayseed danoe, mi Wednesday, Condensed Milk May 18. " It -1 nt Catolog Prices m O.W.V.A. 'regular meeting li- Tlio Tob acco Patronize home nr.d avc Express Chnrges niKht nt H .lii; List your boats fur ale with Sm of Qua lifv" Baseball, Football and Tennis FULLER'S SPECIALS M. M. Stephens: If Special Creamery lluller 47'i Supplies to Please Everyone fccllls per Hi. II. W. KrunfcH"ii arriwd last eveniii; from Ihuelturi. I l-lb HiiX'x, 45c fv III. Mr. hiiiI Mr. Albeit K.'lly relumed While V under Soap 3 for 20c. Cash for y'our Victory bond. foillli on the (.junun VryV f lMrn) llanif. per lb. air. No wailing. TV Jtcdymonl. tf lafil iiIkIiI. EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY Lux. special, i tor 25e. ..." . fflaeMw.Jjd I Jolly Powder-. 2 fur 2.'c. Tohi llollnn''amved on lal Mm. A. If. Jlayne 'rr-lnnii tins' EAT I sin iiiii- i:iiiini, &sc lit. ulalil'n train from Lome Greek. innniiny on Hie I'limw Oi-iirge from the Houlli. French Mushrooms, per tin, J.'ir. Mrs. II. O. Crew will receive In. Mr. and Mr. Martin O'lteilly Malkin- llel r.oITec, u few 1 ins morrow, Thursday, and not apaiti Kailed fw Vaneouver on Hie LUi-. Brand left nt 55c it Hi. jllii season. mo!uri'taatt.iii(cht. Rupert Frcsli Mioi-oiatc Jl.im, 12 Cor Mr. ami Mr. J. H. Kins arrived Our. J-'iil, Unbfifni) returned on thei !ycsler1ay afternoon ixi (lie I'rinee ' Chill Kiiiicr, ffir. 5e, now Si' I'Miie"! eorke . IMay from a Build! for GSc, AIUtI from Swamp I'oint. buiineon lri south. BRILLS Build! T tuild! -V Special I'runea, & lbs. 55c Mr. anil Jlrn,.A S. Ma;nin returned W. f-.' Ki.her, nrptineial tax Lw-ul new la Ml Ivtrp. per d. 55e. 1.1 I ftfplil, from Wfnniiwg : Special I'-ofTce. 3 lb. IJHI. eolleetor, rvlurned lo town hwlay her they Kpelit n few week. from a huinej trip lo Victoria. li'iilil'iig iii.ilcii.il 111 the world ;nd Special attention and prompt . . ,. Iii-i) low water murk, a- tin- -ITing hade d'liiT to fishermen am. wharf .Mini li a in Klnjr, eliarved with Ial Order Moone wlii-t drive SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE 3 ,.. Ilif (riidejicy will likely he toward higher order. varattey In lliei-Jie eourl lhi and orial. Thursday. 19. ai HJO TO COOK Cut fish tnlo.required portion?. Dip in flour NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. mom In I., w- rettiande until tomorrow-. p.m.. iieiiekali Hall. nam. iiiiM-k batter. Place in ery hot fat and fry for 15 minutes. H Lumber (UmiMinv has a large slock SOLD BY ALL RETAILERS nil mr i-fni.rt rm-ittf. The eily Ik about to ullili a DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH ...,.ll..l...... n...ir.l.... .,..llfv. II.A ""J"'relumed. Iiijcrlor. Canadian yeftttlflay A. K..Mmirile.!Aeland.afternoon l'olire.nf I lie boopilal Miss M.ulafT,Murray,nMuiiuil of Hie to local'I li ' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 8uil. of Ulilitir in wrilinst be. v eily on the I'rinee lleortre IIiIm FLOORING CEILING FINISH 'from Hlewart," SIDING fore May 23rd. 1021. 10-2-0-9 morning. i - Do Your Building Whllo Lumber it Cheap. J. Sliipley.'iSf C)ie I'remier Hlille M. KiM'tiipsberg-, a well known i'dlldl!- it till' iifli. . Seal Cvi. or ;wa amoni: III arrivals fnim Vaneonver wholr.ale jeweler, ar-rive Phone 361 for Prices. The Man in the Moon Stewart n the l'flnee Albert yeji- in Hie eily on lh Prim-e . 'terday atlriulW; Oeorge thi imiriiinp. : PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. SAYS:- II - - t We the I-ndict of Hie (inl'-r of the Itoyal l-aplain James Aiidenon, who carry most complete A 1.1 IT of men are !iuiitis: o: I'lirple ilew liieel Weilneila)'. has -iieiit fiuii days visiting in "in the t.niHl rfntlei at Die'H t. m. ih aril III Itebekah Ixlr Hie eily. returned to Victoria on loiol.oU t fiiiiuhl ill onler t ruom, Itaml IIIimSk. 10 Hie CamoeJJii. ial evening. Stock of Lumber eoter tbeir Ital tle.. II. II. MitMillaii, of the Mc.Mil- The Indies of Ho- Catholir AMI lite Hork will Ki! n'ilnii KxiMrt inade Hie round r.hurrli will Jicdd a ale of wyrt d llnJKriday in ttie (iatliolie in the eily. Our mill is running .steadily; we quickly o-nal mmH Uluu llial U Im H lu SteuarL n-Hirniiijr to afleroottti f u i(la a ruek-t. - - leity on Hie. A llwrf yesterday af- Hall, oiie-nin?1 nl three. oV4rk. manufacture any sjteeiul order. Denlistry-P'--A;H.Bay.e leriiiM.'u, AftermNMi lea served. 17 . IK I lind t rlne u reiil Before ln mg see owr stock on 'from timolol, znr me (hiMe teet Harry WII.mhi. who ha s"jen I'urTCr Wood, of llie I'rinee GEORGETOWN WHARF. 1 !iiier4. Hie winter at Slewftrt driviiii; one eorx', I" bark on Hie shipaain j . if Hie I'remier Irnelors, arrived this trip after an. absence nf Helgerion Block, ConrrTh!rd Ave.and Sixth St WITH omn of (Jie M-ole SPRUCE SHIPLAP,, BOARDS, DIMENSION, PLANKS, j soi oe weeks, during" which lime on the I'rinee Albert yelerday Dental Nune In Attendance aroiii'd I on Sam Vimm' milt aflertKMiii. he underwent di-nlal treatinenl. TIMBERS, LATH, SIDING, CLEAR FINISH. jir-.tii)i I'lixi' Htli Im- it useful Cedar Boat Lumbsr V-Joint, Timbers, Shingles Office Hour, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5; 7 to 9 !rlfC fieonre Welioll. of I lie natural Thei:iiilcd Slates hydrnruphir Fir Flooring and Ceiling. resourre ii'arlinenl 01 I lie survey sleiiier Wemmali arrived' iloiir (iiiiilt liani aek of or in litis l last evenint; !o nick ! National ll i I . pol I'juiailian a w a y n.Hll.l In' all Ill, light. oi. yon f,eie d'dN! n-aehed Ilie eily on la-l eeniii!:V ti a parly of surveyors who ar-j Prices Aifr u five rived on llie I'rinee lieoryn this I ! Ill-' eiMire Iwdiew will Br! Hie train from llmoiilon. morning. : BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY C K. wnon, f Anyoj, ar-llie i FISHERMEN!! ilHeK of eiBitrs and lin n "ill yet Cut hlw rl Caul, son of James; riveil in I'rinee Iluperl un llhe fnee iovtder or III'- Mlk at Ho- Wal-i Uanl. superinli-ndenl and left till (lainottiiii yeleiilay j t..'.ll ll.ll lllllikl ill !.rt..t.Ma n U 1 lace Sliiiiyard. Norlh Aain'ouvi We oflcr ...1 IU.... l !..... I.... ...nil. MIL' " can now ( i ..- -- - - .- lend lu iniini've lii.o olrawberry arrived today from the - iuMi t hae, a laiidliibber tin-' uir of take a position in thr ilrafim FRESH FROZEN HERRING nine 1 1. oar. a liimnlr Hie -laimon. ami a department -f Hie i'ra ya-U. ieiiitti4t the lully New. Kir dimetifiou lumber and (s DRY ICE QUICK SERVICE hidai, ll. I. iriice, II r flui-lt. RUPERT BAKERY llt'T evei-y liml-will uel I lie fm. j j oors Kitd windows, IiiiiiImt re- BUTEDALE" CANNERY - Prlncew Royal Island lor "eryumy yfu m- in -n-. nBwii and Sl7eied to any site. For Alsoor (luiek idelirtrwiy our own car CAKES AND PASTRY OF QUALITY j MAKI.Mi love lo a - rl and ll II. Mioctfej; iay. tf The Bread ' UltiMiui r at the anie lime. Only best material iul Order for , mini leriiiuraiiy Albert MeGaflVry liiive hoiiRht r.O. flo pv . 1 if m p r Phone twmtde. : .i that Reatauranta, Steamships, Canneries, etc. loss uavia n. nays oc o. 07 -(arli one million friof'ro, I fir ship-lap Promptly attended to and dimension, and are sell- 207 Second Street MtlXKY i ealleil doiiiih lieeime iuir at lowest pnw.'s ycl quoted, Satisfies Joseph Gap anLC. IL Brscenr, I'roprietora we klieau it Tor our dally bread. AUu cimiplete slock of fir flnisli P.O. Kox 5il 61T Third Ave Phone Cr en l We have a large LISTING of LOTS in doors and windows, and buildinjr I ONI! about the new H Ihinjr parts ot the Townsite. Some excellent materials. If j woman as miared lo llie obi. buys. We have nlso several HOUSES Ifahioned mil i lint I all the iinx Tomniv IHiriis. n yrll known FOR SALE. Uhe wearn tn her eliiihes.neur the Australian t Hie prospector Call and see our Lists. 'wniol are all afet tu. imrlh. arrived yesterday from AGAIN! HOME Hie Prince Albert Rl islewnrl by Estate Notary Public Fire Insurance j SOMK of the uoineli our bound fur the l'eace lliver mineral hi Vaui'oiiver. fur mstainv are llelds. He was aeetnnpnuied nnk.'il 'HoohIi I.. Iim on Hie by his pack do which is almost For real nice HOME COOKING' and FISH AND CHIPS 'S..ri.'l Islands as well known as hi master. fust Arrived! Skeena Ither arrivals on last THE EMPRESS CAFE I exening's train inrlu.led K. W. MayDi ay Jolnislone, t'ispaeoj Ojrl liraf-strouraud Where Everybody Eats White Help Only Taffeta DRESSES tieorj:e KV,.dams. t'.ar-lisle: Boxes for Ladle Empress Hotel Block, 3rd Ave. :: Let's All Clean Up A. W. Curler,-Oceanic: J. K. Lord, Norlh l'aeiilc; and ll. n. in Newest Designs SPrCIAL ON BROOMS Johnstone ami II. W,. (Itianibers. (ood sli m:.' llrouin . . .75c Inverne.v. ' llniuhuo llrooiiis $1.25 y 'aite Wlilhks W. l. Watson. inuiiiiHiiiK i.ir-ieclor sb "DEMERS" Phone 27 "llolel Dr. Sutherland (l-Cedar Mop of the l.akeUe eolil-'imny. O-Odar I'nlish arrived from llie interior on l.tipiid Veneer lat uiiHil's Iraiu. lie has with D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. T Shoe lliiiiilic him proscetu.sc and plans for lle-t orkiHi;iislM' ""'I Stme llruslies the new liolel al'lh popular re-sot I LU F I AM AS l l it all Wash Hoards t which he has just vUilcil fur1 DENTISTRY in its branches Art llllly. Oh reusutinhle uppeuriltu vvirti in Arh hi om- Clothes Ip Kralher Uusters. only. . .50o the II rot lime. Pi ie.'. a standard alwa ' parv uf i In W -'"tn 'on Tn '-In;- v-e Suite 14 and 15 Block, kepi by t(iol Uros. A We are still After the rci;u!ar Oildfellow . . - - , i Exchange JS0k Pro.. A Allen! Alien. lis 1'iiri' Lard. 75o l.odlio inert hit: lal nlghl about For Appointment Phone Black 516 Ui'' I 3 I'nre l.u. d. . . . S1.25 foill leeii nieinbers Jo.lned in a DII EC uX"nr Cstltmri indfeiU Over 2S0 patterns to select suinrisi! party al Iho hoine of (lev. fails and Overcoats froni IT. II. Nultall, Methpdist minister Munro Bros. lto It-titc in lh inirse or a STEVE KING Third Avenve few week for l"lllaml. The Pr,Cb'(ini tturt ImUui Ointment Uull will reU yo boti i ooe J Advertise in "The Daily News" " Prince Rupert Sinn" parly spent n ery enjoy- 3eilr, or KUmiunou, Bli Co.. Umltsd. Phone 88 Third Avenue tunsilo. Suil Hoi 11 ou uuiullou Hit The Paper that pets Quick Result ial'le evenini-'. Ittpw m4 aolM "sap ' y-y yvvtf.