VKQE 2. TTTIJ DAII.T PfXWS it - 1 V , The Daily News How PECK DEFENDS iiiiiiiiiiillllllliliTmmrl Triage rupert British Columbia Ekls GOVERNMENT Published Every Afternoon, 'except Sunday, by The Newt Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. MACDO ' H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Banished Says is Sure Policy or Minister of nrnm Marine will Win Out City Delivery, by carrier SUBSCRIPTION or mail, per month RATES I $1.00 MY PILES thai A ri'renl tloltiiwl eupy I'erli of Han-an)hnubtt slmu iimm-; PRINCE of WALE liy mail to all parts of the Hntisli empire ana me u ruled stales. "I suffered Mverely from pile,"write ihr- pointtilf(( of the Itinisf nf iffenw In advance, per year J0.00. Mr. Jaroet KuM ,l K. ilw. 'ut.. ColllllMills ill ilix ll-'-lllg llli' mill To all other countries, in advance, per year S7.ft(. "thepaiaat lirteae imlwurebJe Inao CHEWING tried CI after another ul III -cilJ i. e. ilt'iaUtniiiil ill ri nit ti 1 1 1 1 if "I 'pilerrnedie.' but conuniiej evert bit Mipfjy. (In ili.il iHi-(tMiini In- ili-fenileil TOBACCO TELEPHONE 85. as bad at ever until I cotnroeijced the I In- lh iiinfll tliiMTHiHi'iil . , Transient Display Advertising Si 25 per Inch eacrr Insertion ZaraHuk treatment. To my jy Ibii brtbal hi-aling balm sp-dily relieved tbe fli-r tt)iHJ! Hu 4lllli III.I he J Transient advertising on -front pagt ...... . ... ja.oojjer inch. burning irriunctn. l"ereveriHe bin-hihed li'limett fir Ihr ih-flilte "I ItiMiiil Local Readers, per insertion, , .... 25c. per line. the pilej compleielr." i atfs mnl iiri-in- lu'ller irowri'-. Classified advertising, per insertion. 2c. per word. Kor pitoi apply Zam-liuk at nihi and XVb njaBKaQMaHMalBlBBaBlH each insertion Inc., agate line. irl it act u-hilm yom tlttp. Zam UuV't If snitl: Legal Notices, per & refined herbal eaaence epeeddv aotaha 'I mn mil g. iTi- in carry nil iln- r-r n-rnU111 Contract Kates on AivItC&tfon. aod beat the inflamed t:aue-take aa il!riifii,ti .hliioe of I lii 1 1 All advertising should be in the Daily ivews Olllce on day preceding the burning pain and awful itcbinit 1 ! ih i4iiiey nf ihe iMiiiiler, ImM'iiuh' MMhiej else caa. 2im-Iu publication. All advertising received subject to approval. fine!poMible remedy forcea, ulcera, tel lint licoil i. id. HiNl. II ! M'tx ringworm, roiaoned-eorea. burnt,acalds. ejf In Imir I It nut lrn. Imi il i- 'and boil, regies and other apim Uia DAILY EDITION. itn Friday, April ?!). 19? I. troubles oOe UxSlortl tt Mlilealers ery Imnl In Innli, IIh-iii up. I or frwta limbii Co., Toro&ia. iini ipille nri i lull Ihe iinniliT . .i'S ifiMiu in v.ni tul. iinl I Many People Are run prenari'ii -land behind ii i Looking Northward. SUITCASES MM ! lml ile' ' M;ui people in so'ulhrrn Hritih Columbia and in ulher llirowli ul in." ah'ntl my riot rrn-iti." Canndn's stSndard part f ilie World are looking northward. This summer ihe TRUNKS lh lltHir "i Hie llirtl've. t mu since 1858 liajryjurn AtH'intinn or HrsM.'h Columbia .iru lij have their slimmer nirrVng at Vtfnderhoofl TIn tmvir K Hhfr' eeiilre of h 4 HANDBAGS a lntii.in member km n rn-''-i li-r Itetl rater le-r.a- nl-iii' r::i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m f dairying tlitrit;t and a. Miivesfiil crenmery i rondiirtfM there, f !'.:!ily. an! if Umi u iniii-i built ii few vear. airo bv Hie lroiiiriai (roveriinieiil a part of i! Tents and Awnings situire ettosl'leem-y dll in A I- i r" ruiiiiimigii for the opening up of Ihe norlh roiintry. The mmlfiM iHTin. I inurbt lnl a whole Ul r! r of the ,iociiition are mostly successful farmers rind their visit f free lmii uilil tvitlllllK eUe. ItHl l PRINCe RUPCRX TIDES u should mean a great deal to the district belweeirhcre and Prinee f. F. MAGUIRE Ulli tt prarlleal MiilieflR. I ami tt (leorirf. II is possible t stopovers lie arranged. in may any Kiinr In ilalil fur fiw trade wherkl- Friday, April 29. rate an effort will undiulldelliy be niufle b HiilKley valley residents 713 Second Ave.. Prince Kupert Build! Build! Build i' run gel il. Iml J rhalleitKe my; HiM. .t. in.. t5 C. ... ttf have lb tlUjairypieii see Uie eti it l!In', Hon. friend frum lied liesr la oy; I If -U p. 111.. I a. I Tret. a. Pattulio's Suggestion I if lie run stel it from Ihe oMeial In. 0:1 .". ill., I0.S feel. i in Hegard lo power. II, leisilion in tins House. p. m. J..1 fill. I.timber i the rhr.vj"-l bmi-i -,g . '!. i Mr. I'altnllo told the notary Club yesterday that he had been Look In Vain . Saturday, April 30. hn perliii- re.ii lieil n w v. , , , I'-Mi urging Ihe promoters of the proposed liKv pulp mill U develop "Tilke lb,- l.-.i.H-r nf Hie Oppotni. High. n. nr. fli feel. o)H-iinir tip, the Irtiilenrv w i; i , a large. WalerpoNver iu this ucighlMirhood with tire object of providing WATKft ACT. tOH. Iin Mr, Mi I' line Kins), ftf the ?0:3? p. .iu ttj.i ferl. line. power for their tiwn mills ami also ioilily of .supplying NOTICE IS IIF.RCHV til V K.I mat Hit In m. tiinmhrr rr r'liellitrrae ami Uew. 1:10 a. ui tO.i fret. The I'rinrr ltnierl Lumber iAnii..i Ihe cily of Hrirrc Hupert. if the city tleeided it vas prepared to, Mnaauir Li'MUnaat iMfnnr nt ttrtUM Mjiefii Olr. KielftitiK;, or the I3:t3 H- " . i feet. I ruin wlpili lo (ill "nr reimt. i,. (,i jitimMa l ml wtta tit atirir r Ht purrnase. As n result oi inese represeuiaiiotis, an eugineer is K'.arnit TftmiirM na b-m nmanf m htm. member for fjnehr ltal The iiiio iiwj i rae.ifie elan. DIMENSION BOARDS SIIIPUP In etime here soon and look over the power prospects nnd it is "rFT:TMIMnaanl M U prnviMona tit Mr. IiM(nte or Hie Iil rrviii- )rd. tor tho truth MridUu et UT1 quite,possible one of the loeaj wolerixiwers may be developed :i-a HerM rba(4r It yf f I tb of th WWr fttatair Art tttt nf itl twin! Imt for lleaure IMr. lleUful' II U roiintet frnrn n ( 31 hour SIDING FLOORING CHUNG im resiilL tint Hw rmiw uf H unrvraMrd till Iheae lion, Krl!eHlen lle from miilniaht to mMnihL The Daily iews has coiitfnntly nrgetl the desirability of trying and urr.UafWnl nf bear Niter Lane.in iM-Miun tne Pitar imt Hupert nmile hillft trleeiwniJil epevoliea Tho table Riven lo far I'nrl Do Your Oulldlng While Lumber It Cbtif. to. secure power here aUd plenty of it so that local industrie Water Imtrtet mtanMMiMl bjr in lhi lUtiae. VJimk. In ain for(Sfiiipn but the lime .fur Prince prfenl Mini ri ipm i'fl lrner-ln-iunrti oofniierMi to an, may 1 supplied at low commercial rates. .This would be a greut peond an tk Ktn day or Dernnter, tree trader nrelh itLher siile ,(f jlluperl vane only a few nun ite Phon 361 for Priest aitl U' the city and her . future, development, ll'ower I the line It M 10.wmiw be etarelKI pertata In lo m tn far wster at Um of M i- ltoiiei ' .on ifn days and on otiieri ia thing needed more than nuythiiig ele just now. Unless we Iwve Witer arbwl hWirvt Ktrer in arwl the hmi Piiare mite Hupert! "If uny ijn. jwrl Ionian can Ibe am. The ran of the Idle PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C itwejrAinH'l eXpfytIieupletrrome;here. atuli start iudustrie. iii-H ranreliallun he paMtsnetf ror .how nte where we can iiel nerni-,"T h compute! aa 5 per cent litre Main in Ihe H. C Uaieiie larater at I'rincn Hupert Ihun at Bft for tare hwaUw In an l.we lie freevlnnle nr a Miltetr UmI Villi Get' Big Interests eart llytnlh ij anrne newpaper ptb-ii.liet vn l: lov.nrt). free Irmle will ,e tr-ri itnpon nom ai nprtnga anu To Back City. - ln.trirt.M in rrnm Bpri vair v. ttlt hiin. tent m Ihe meanUinr ineopa. Therefore the rl In the '.' has not for known it luleil low Km dav of A. jf'rince llnpert many years wliat i lo T. U.Marrt, It. Itl vimi line i hIiov. me. I al- r,nr" "'iperi naiixir i augniiy have(hy big interest backing the plat e hud trying lit help it. The MtMiier PATltl.UI.or Lam. ;t- listen in my hon. friend 'frealer tdait Port Kttrjpaon. .city. ha, fiiayed a lone hand .md the result has not been allogcUier fnmi lte.1 ).-er Willi .the nlmint. J lie nejgut la in fort autf If ntlii ; successful. v tth all the natural, advantages, nrogres has1 been - .NOTICE. rr.erf. nml I r Imlleinrr him to of ft ahova the average level of j slow. rSi( ,,0Ai a imi i,aerfion9 Ul ani 6J' wliellier lie lia any ninr!i"wrr wmr-. , There are petiple who are always opiwised to" rur or HfMiM Land Ji'tittrr am and In tne ymimlljy i t.an I lme mlh (he GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAM mailer or tl Four (4), Bkirk Ttainr HOI i people Yfioilri business in a big way. . These are the 'people, how K -l--f- fi -mi Mn' uDll'llll lliiOM. serlkin one u. ftty of Pnnre nuperi. ever, who are in a position lo push Piiuee Ilupert to the front (Map llli. linn.' MAIL CHIDilLr S.S. PRINCE GEORGE i.ilint They can lurn busiuess onr way ami by Ihcir inlluence rnpital will Proof of in Dream or Covenant, and a lllilitlflil Tatiree'dy fw S.n. n llitl come here for investment.- It is foolish for us to adopt Ihe Inutile re-enlry and rerovery er punteMton, bj foe the Cast. .. er. Vteltirid and fenllle- Vdfie..'i, It ; . "l Edna Waldiv.n, lite rerl'lered oner ol FOUR WERE 'GUESTS 8. 8. PRINCE ALBERT ' altitude which, many afferL fit I'm this nttilude is assumed just lite Mondays. Wednenlaya aud SaU anove lot, nnder a leaae rranted by pejl forUie purpose tut. currying favor witlj labor orgrtnization, lint i'narlef K. Hurr" 10 you, Ueorte Utry, LOCAL ROTARY CLUB nrdaya at 10:15 a.m. For Irl fleinrnia Ma"H ! 'l'- t'l "lCl(ei have thai effect because people are becoming wiser dated tne join June. Ilia, and rendered pnwtlixrn f)nrru i lmii- i'.-April than they used to be audicau see through such ladies. IP Ike Land Hetittrj omre at pnnre Unpen. from the fast. '.'Hits. a .B!tr ttll-O. barini been fur-nianed, Short Addresse from Men Build TnatM ttravier Result of Playing y it it mj Intention after ine, r- ing New Court House. Here. Sundays. Tueariava and Thur lln.eeeer Mnnilli tAeftnl1a and SalUKlar t 1WI 1 The Lone Hand. ' plraiina cf thirty dart from tne Mtntc ef iUys at 7:1$ p. m. fi.e HfMlllt.ra. Petit.- ier,ra-- Id'n-i I n -in ' Wir-anytS-l ihi nnllee. to ranrel In reritlranon or inir direet riinnertinn fur all ii.unt -a aalMX We hi-ve seen what it meant to play Ihe lone -hand when all lite Mid leate 0i.n tlie lletUter unieaa In Aid.iIkhi In Hip M-aknr nf the big interests connected with (ha Dominion (invernnient have In tne meantime a rood and valid objection (he ilav, llun. T. II. I'aliiiMu. the For Vancouver and South. Agency AH Ocenn Steamship Untt Inereto li made imt unlraa yon ttke ami Tiieadaya 7 p.rn. tm laronMtina a4 i-ettk la been against,us. We have- wauld Improvements, hut the inler-esis ll'iiary i;iun yoHi.irdnj- haI a have said "no." We pemerul Um proper prorredlstt lo e- ItinrlieHin nifta nt Jlto St. Revia Thnradnya p.m. Oetv TUIel 0l IU T" havefw.iuied vh iMirs, but we have been Ulihin your rlalm or to prevent inra pro howling in the wildernesg nnuncwii yefbuslness i going to for poned artka m my part. nittma four of Hie iiietn itilirontml Haltirrtaya 10.16 a.in A 4 I ..ll 4 eign porls bernuse the frfiwerslhal be are not in symiialliy with Land iteriMry" tiipea. prtnre noperl. ill llir liiiiliiinir "f Hi vr r:;:;rl Airt, Mii our aspirations. We have beey trying lo play a lone litUni when B :.. am xjeeft. a.II.a,V.isji.MACLKOO, houae-. . Tliea far A. C. Me-linuifHll. we might have hail these people wdh us- Dliinrt Hermrar.or Tniea. -f ihn firm of Mrliojmall From Vancouver and South. We want to forge ahead. Stagnation' not good for any of Tc- Ueorie Orey, v McNVill; H. WliiiUker, arrlil-lrl: Sunday R p. in. sAl. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILll Prlnee Rupert. B. C MiirhHI iWednesd? io:S0 a.m. . .Allffrf. of Vaniu-vxrr. us. Living in a small and isolated place we are apt to become ..aMI small-.in.our outlook and isolated in our ideas. I,el tfie city grow tM) ACT. ami M. V. Mrllnlftry ofllila April , IK ami Z Steamship Serried .i niiy. B.C. and we shall expand menially along with it. We shall gel away Coast ,Mera. ! 'op Anyoa and Alice from our isolation anil shall live a more norma) life. Murh of Nonce of Intention to Apply te Leu Land. MrfKii(rnll, V'tillnkr Arm, T43ie polTJiU'ss of 1'i iiu c lluperl life will disappear if we xpalul.' In Raeena Land ftlilrtet, Herardinr 011- ami Alitor! ench mailo a fnw r- Sundays Wr-dneadaya..... to p.m s. PRINCESS MART marks. . Mr. McHoiikiiII Maid Iip : V. p.m. riet or Cat. Iianre tand tltuate at bead To Kotehlkan JunAU. SkaOWSV. Alaika. frw 1 if I'niM) Bay, ad:tlninr Hit Its. wua nrr-nrni when Mr. I'altulln From Anyox and A Ilea Arm. I M . u . -. . n An.ii a. la. e. Tate hotlre thai Norman H. BrodnurtL pill tip Ihe fight In tin' IKialn-lurtf Ttipadays a.m. nupen mmrvn i, to. '. tuMnl or Pnnre Kupert, weupallon matter marl for llti inoiipy for Hip Inilld-Inp;. 'hursdays .' p. in. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seam iron, r- Si; ,: Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE ner. Intenda to apply for perraiiooo to Ili waa a triHl rnppr. , March 12, 23; April z, i. -J kiH Ihe riilnBeiietrruiei landu Sl' J II 0r,. . .. . i .irnmr nrina at ( poal pitnled on tne Milrlirll Albrl pokp of tin- For Fort Simpson, Arrandale, ftlll 8.8. "TCtS" from prtm r ' s-Falie. I .lll'I'l II II'- 'I KHilh line Of lol I epli-nilid trk Ihr r.lnha ! Alert Hay. IJea-r MEMBER OF THE B.C. DENTAL COIXEGR 1st, tnenee et rnaine .Itnlary Bay, Waloa Island and Naas Rlvsr. more or et lo low water marai tnenre wf re dninic in Vanmiiver ami Sundays 10 p.m, Vuncmiv-r er Slnrl.i DENTIST loutnerly 10 rbalna alone low water mart; older plaffn. i li. firm ItuiltliiiR (From Ft. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill tnenre eaal I main more or ea to lurn w" water tnr; llienre northerly alon hrn lli conrl limiap wna Alln-rl. Mr- Biv. Walta l.lanrf and ai..e for rate., r'er.tmn. and mr. Phone 575 Smith Block ... nntuinn n.neeal AQtnt. viler mark lo poet, ccnliinmi 7 arret r.afffry. Mrfiotiirall Sc Mr.Nolll. In Tiieadaya ajn W. u. unv.nnni, - r High grade dental work at the loweat prices. rnoro or leaa. Nip iiiiftlfr nf. provlilinif anppllpit Cor 3rd Avenue and 4ll Street Prince Fuptn, I fan give the beat of reference. .NOHt.l H. BHOUIIUHST. my local firm wonlil Imvc iln Queen Charlotte Islands! Dated January ft, Itfl. 20 yeara in active aervlce. prrfrrpnrp. Tor-;- M PHlllHTR. Mr. Whillnker on 1,1 Hip hull,I. I Office Hours 3 12j 1-6 and 7-3. Open lutli .x tiik rl'I'iikmk- COLUMBIA tait nr of aitiTimi, in If would lii a fltir.ortf nnd ulimt from April 11 and 25 IS THK M4TTKH Of TMK AfMIllH. It wna nulsffnwri Tin adilitinn April 1 1 ami 2fl Sutherland TIO.1 ACT ' rould ln madp an (ho plan pro-vidH Dr. i and for Hint, Thn iirrnfncft of l!t TlE MiTTKR tiF HI e"T.TK or For awaiiway and tha-Yukon. Al.i.XAX-Hi w. SCOTT, fi.c(AKO. xtieli a Imlldinir wotild put ('rlnrt D.D.C G. H. Arnold - Notary Public ihif lltipiTf in a difTVrenl rlit. April M, H and 2H D.D.S., L.D.S., i ' TAkF. SOTICK In order of ma From Skaoway and Yukon. I . I.J llnitnnr T. MeH. Vnuni. made the gin lav 'it April, tttt, I n appointed Admliua April ?. 12 nnd 33 ...nil itsbrancw FOR SALE. ireli.r lo the Kttatn of Aleiander W. Hrnit.. DENTISTRY dereaaed. and all partlea navlnr elaimt i A Lot'. tainal tlie aald Keiei ae ?erty,rf 5if 4 Ten Years Ago Itewart, Maple Bay and Iwamp Third Ayenue on in Block- -f turnun aaine, pnifjerir venneo, to me, OH n or tM-rnre lite lin nay of Mar. Itt I, in I'rtnca Kupert 1 Point. Sull. M '"J"?.. and all partlea Indeitied Ut in etlale are ( role Ech.n8. Block, the Adjoining new Concrete Building reiiutred lit pay mm amount of tnrir in . -"' I PUnnt l)IBVt which is beinir erected there. A very desirable business dittlednera to tH me forthwith.II. UrMI I I IX, April 29, 1911 April 1 1 and :s ornrial Alminimritnr. FltOM location inTtn una ttin my or Arm, "fn.'lr nf Urn" yrat s llii-rn .will Appil If) and 30 ! a population of iO.OOff hprp." H. G. it rnoHATR. HELGERSON, LTD. it the bi'piikmf. cnritT or hiiitimii ulatt'H Cjy Knalnct-r Tlinmpson of Insurance Rentals Real Estate CHI.IVMBIA r-iilllc tin i-nnllrrn liu phllfn-alp BAKERV It THE NATTtll ACT II"tiIK AIMI.V4TltA-Tint a ctinxp, vaUve onr. Bas Try RUPERT and I The Srliool lloarnlaL night IX THE VATTfM or THE ESTATE ilrr Idi-d in hulld a playground at Suitcases QOALTf Jii'M'll I.fcaoSkl, I'f.l:r.AMi, For .TllVOf THEO COLL ART, Notary Public Tf.HTATE. jjip hliu Kdvanl Prhool. It will CAKES ANP ilfiili atti TAkE MITICE mat In order or Hit bi built of plank and will infaxiir' Trunks The Bread Only b"t 5 houM w,t,n in Honour r. MfH. Youna. inada lh tin day H by 0 Ordf rs or u .it FO?.SLE' room bth- plaatered. Conrad and or April. 1st I, L iprxdnted Adimnia. fri, 9th Avenue, for S2.COO, $700 cah, balance 6-12-18 montlia. irainr to um a.aiaie or joeepn LVkKoaai. Tl I'rinre Rupert llulldintt and This houae ia practically new. derraaed. and all partlea Davlna rlatmi Tents, Packsacks that atalnil tlut aald Eataie are hereby required Imralmcni Cn.k.haK bren nraan-iirnl ProlrlrtlJ"- ...M Insurp your boat In the Moat Liberal Company on the Coait. to jumnn aaine. protieny vennea. in me. fiiaurance Company of North America. on or peror tit 1 1 in dar or May. Ill. licrf. Tim dlir-flor arp F. M. i,eee rUaoN and C ' .nunis1" and all pirllea- indebted to the relate are M. P. MnCafrny. K. C. flibbona. . Crosby Satisfies required lo nay Ihe amount of their in- P.O. Boa 68 Waalkolme Thoatre Block Phone Blue 99 debteiineta to tne rnrlhaiih. Jr-arph llii-kry, ftordnn Haiti and T1& Third Avenue, Prince Kupert JOIIt II. MrMIILU.t, omrlil Adinipiairilur, V. Williams.