rrxnrt wwu PAOK 4. mm BRINGING UP FATHER I've JVVT COT K oh" Heu.0 BILL-BIUA- LOOK) LIKE I LL PV A.L -as,.. ' A LOT or THE" L.ITTLC rjLL AN ttCCNN. TIC BACK. WM- HrD NO IDEA ONEb IN OWED SO ( IT UtMCtl rnfi ajLLroA much: - J V- m I Z) -v- 5 T It. means better Health. Have it lianidy and it in vlso . . asjaw coonuig ma i.n d 7 lit! H T. D. Pattullo Addresses The Home News Classified Ads. Daily the Prince Rupert Rotary Exquisite 2 CENTS t'EH WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvertlMment Tkrn for Laa than COe Paint will add years to the life of vour home, and our Club on Problems of Day new wallpapers would make VMA.rsrXD. I Fdll 8AI.K Mnuhlf l. ki innu the interior more comfort-HJtJvJable and limit". liiitvn.ii, .). , m I.WIi ACT. and attractive. llr'fnre ihe itnlnry Ululi yesterday. .Htm. T. 1 1. I'liilnlln -.iiuki ii.I.VAM.KI I " N V TKIl BihhI eonillltoii. Apply --n-iUn uiiu jiinniii particularly, of th plans of Uii proinnien- of Ihe now pulp plan! plljc want c 'I fniiilliand. if 209 Kill trtitii Haul. HI Wetict In I44ns-( iniMiien-41 i I sselt nri ItKirtrl.u H...rif ls. SILVERSIDES in ri-gnp din Ihi? place. N'ot only were Ihey proposing lu inlnlT litinilreil fi-i-l Mfh tw Ineh and itr i.wiMri r mar H.Hvri. mmi .hhi, ihrr imix, I" K""l e 1-7111 till .' ....ll.r.l lUlnl........ ! Stlfclfc- Mwiltiwr.l pulp plaul willu paper, milt lo follow, lull IImto wa nil engineer pie IIH IM I U BROS. elif fort. Win 4r write bM pluiioj iil'.i JnrkrHlihlt iiMMori Ml iwm (mu nr iiami UMad l jam nniing here In roniiler lire Mislliilily ofJ in"talljng it mvcr prieo.t Ui J. J. Mo.Wiir. l aiLwh, for v.lnir ninflitiie. l'lumr'ermr Tike hnnrn.tHir imi a. i,.I. .k'umii.Ht K. Wnrni um ...r ol 2nd Street plant. This man was lin eminent niilhorily. ' l. 11. Ureen I IK. If raeur. tntrma l.t ipalv r f'" I).I Paints Wallpapers Mr. I'atliilln said he haif urged, iln, (he Ktitf rtn iieople Ihe ,A -SAI.R IV WAN-nil . IXtrMn f"r Senile:' Kfl Mnnir I.ntinilry. lli viai mm a Mr iu im li'-inihilily of developing povr heiv iiiui Ihe vil nf tin engineer man lit p rival fninlly. AiU y i ..IT. ' .'P' Varnishes Kalsomine ' . !" I. iMM lu'Wn. Wear rNM wax Ihe result, lie- had urged Hie ilcvclnpnictil nLpoweMo veil Jrw ltt l3. haily Nw4 ML V Ul il Mim. iet Mr. IMHM M M Jktl lull ! trim vm. mrw naitiinmi Glass, etc to the cily. if the riiy Uiirri Oltlee. K .'FT. a a mm. n-onunnri nirniiare ixiuxniana' u rnm r. wkmht Had Ihe power eiluMion hier I'nllullo oaiil pxprynnt wmilil bi-al.nl WVTIil Pnntll rw or Mil iiii.ia ii. i ii Whsor t Ntwlm't Art Snpfliti - a-"a at a a Ssa. (lllivl ficrral yrarji ajro, lliprt III.' biiililinir of. lite nitirl boat. TUtx iHt. NVwt (Idirf. t)is tf MTi mi mi tsn rrnmin vpmr Smith Pictures aid Picture Frcmicf vviuilil liavr lieen ilituMe Um prr- lniii' was iroiinr nlirml. Tbn iratvn ai rtsT iuvh miihh i m Elcek Phone 22 P.O. Bo 120 "ill population In Princt Rupert j lurl lug of I ti- work lnwvel lh SITUATICKS WANTCD. FOR SALE. Kitchen cabinet ami; THIIT HP IIUHT. HWH t Coratr Third d tit lnlay. When lli" eople lierelrniifldenre llir Provincial (U- nig. 0 by 0. Phone Rett H'.l. if Take anllxe Ik I I. n 'Inn' mlriM Kviierteiiepd strrxMrropher will 111 BMW I fw s t p""!- wi-ri- in neeil or nein ii woiihii'tiiiiipiii nan in mo pi arc ami , , .vlfnkrnR m IS taO...in Vunb'-I ims Iimv- lMn a icront ailvniilnpo lo'aUo hi own eondilenee. Fir nilislitule or take Krtnanent ' Foil MAS.K. idnr uas iinmrr immoshm II I sum pbsim iwii riaxlp. wria nf ft tor Hi"t M mi r. hiiuxelf he bad jrreal position. .Reference. lint IN J (able. .I'tmne nren tM. Niwe, m.tia iavi- It a it iKiwerful inl'ret lirlp very confidence oval S inM tkeex. in Prince KuiMM't. He had News olHee. 0 I rasM). i,arfve em .nam IIIK. ' FOR RCiT DINING 1 SALMON ' Moral Fibre. said many hopeful Dilutes in re. rttein.fr WOMA.W WANTS NT RSINO (III Im ba kanvkai a. II i,ufHVr. . Donling witli fSovrrnmrnl af-'j pard In Ihe city, but never anything lay wurfc. Phono Ureen 3l7. 0 DESK SPACE for renL firlshe,Lii hs fairs. Mr. Pallullo ixpre.seij the he did not believe? He had in unirrui or pritaie iinwej. in ne Ape'tat TROLLERS pinion that it wa more ilitHrjiilt peer had mtresennflilenep in Ihe AQENTS WANTED, Apply Prince, lliiperl Agencloa, eti ISA to romliicl th a flair of llie place than lodnjr. As he went I.lr successors lo I'eek. .Mri VTI HM iS ll rSTSsiljLIM tn:r AtiFiN'T reliable man wnnl-hI pHivi si rrar i.so misi'T ins npi'iind IU- au building gointr on Hre tv iiuntry' now ban durinp I Ib war. A Ct. rWejond Avenue, If OiHT up Klt, NVlt l Trolling boat with New At that limp all wore bi-nl on on nml he found t-vcryone njilimis-lic. in eey tovni lit lake orilers Iske nnfHv IM . Wsuee M ! The Imals cdming north for best cuslorn.iiiaile chdhes TO RENT FtirnUhrd hti-e. 3 steMi t- sentr for s WWW w Am n dnm far Engine, all complete, purpono. Tixlay ,vi,ryhiily w for M.r.)lTIMM I tar lijlWHI arvntaxl liKlurlw-iI. TIip public tnlnd was were crowded and IhN bMikeil in Canada. tUgheel enmiais-ion. lelroouM leepinji porch. Ir' hnhit inn Gotik For Sale. si s pi atsamt swi - Rei Tailoring Co,, Ltd.. uiiM-ltlcil. Soiiip public men were like phgre. inoniii rrtMu Mny lt. ki isw, sveser Miser t .ft Oliver Lvery niueh worripl over Ihe ilu- Pulp Contract. Toronto, Out. I(i I view. Il.lv t HI )u!ly News office. mat est saMrs e iusm;eM iai 4 nia Imi raeias:Himk til I VI kWllJltSVIMj Typewriters allon ami lie. personally, was .The. .owners of Ihe Kinersnn BOARD AND ROOMS 9V ! el rtm; ntfr aona rtr IkV. f m IIVt pt t yvrarv am- l rue, etMNK Ihe paMM ' iar uol nu re thai il ilitl not mean ItA mill Mere under contract waih Ihe; rtt'IINTSIIEI UIW SI ei M l Sanaa UatkSr IUK1M.Willi hot and pntnm Safes & Cary Fireproof K. Wa.taonraVl Sa rteaaj. lin-akinp up of civiliialinn. There Provincial f!oernment. Mr. Pallullo I'AI.MKIl ilflUSK for Hoard, IKhiiii cold water, suitable fop twrt. Ijaw-aiaa sies T. iPfi. Vaults. uai a lHenei nutrh an bad xaid, tit begin construction and Suite. Home cooking. WtLTtH M. Wteual a, saaeiesnt Norfolk lloi.in, Phone lllaek never been before, bolh in, private on the new pulp mill nut later Mrs. MrMougail. Ult-tOU Seventh cut, r a tl la. life. NnUomi, like lhan April of ncti The 32t. 101 U'MI. nss svn prtaoiiea soton I.e. he Hahil. Lots & Houses For Sale and public year. Avenue Vel, Plume Red pmivh aipfirr lh tusTwv w Ubl lliv many indiviilualx. were deeply in rioverniiienl look arlion on bin 119. If OFFICE OU IIOOmTTfoI RENT tsi.rv tip Hunt. stut. s. Iirenk-injr initiative In helji gel Ihe mill ill. Ttt a Or IMI I. Dears H.4l"r. i delil and moral fibre wa in Theatre Itlock. Cuulr Imhi a spasjr lie s Mreat In pni r . down. This wa partly due flailed here. What Ihey wanted FOR ROOM AM IIOARII Phone llrolher MrwMly. if iroteum aa ttw mimarfir "iis leas . & Hanson industries. II would 'help the Itel 421. ' I f i XalM mt la al anal attHU ato.al r i j i ii yTfe i i n Dybhavn to I lie riTort In nlmw thai capital wns ask- seat a Sag aarktl T er arm aa anif labor were antas:oniiic to hiwn nnd add In the ulnlioii. fi;rntshei seite to mist Skxal lfa la M ,al a' ki. AUCTION SALE. Uaim t a Wik a'l e real, Insurance Agents. Third each ither. I'ie company, he might say, had HI. Louis Room. Plume lte ul. rMii.: laeaearnl Hktia. . tarare ari Thii Arm Avenue, J'rince Ilupert Sfime people Ihoustit national sllll more ambilious plans limn AUCTION fAl.E of iMisehold SUMMER RESORTS. aiaiar easiaa,-e f arrpa,aasl to ol fee n aaie al. m j; ization fd itiiluslry wa the only thrtWe already animjinced. Theyl (urn ilu re,' unsisling of biiffel. IbJlnatr-a W t rtim. I ai) nrrj ft. tali way out of the difficulty, but he proposei'l In pul in a paper mill carjiel, healer, bed. MrClary INCIIEASEI. ArUMMOIiATION ..Kfiaai: teilM'WSt. aiaMteeal. would be turning and it was quite probable Ihey' iaasa P Sfaaab. sseal thjuicli! this range, chairs nnd older house, for summer biwirtlertt nl Hill the tiandu of Ihe clock backward. might establish a power plant. hisll efferls. Sale will Ih held Farm, Terrace. IjiiifeAr A iriatl ns .! rrtHoiri umil i rnaemew . - For He van more, inclined to pin hi Trunk Road. , at IflCO Hays dive Atemie, on Frenrh. ,,'i'hiMK I Taifir ai rtnt r wmt(- avu : . a a l fniih to profit Hhurinsr. Speaking of the possibility of Halupilay. April 30, at 8 .to p.m. LOST Hil-M Tata autio ISSII IMI tot I,S I.wsaiaimai.pmwl i nun .ii.j Finest Hand Tailoring Youth of Country. getting a road built leading out C. V. KvIlL Auelhmeer. 100 ft.r nniiaaw mi nw t mt aTlk"l i Mr. Pattullo ufre(cd several of Ihe city, Mr. Pallullo said he LOKT Oren and gold itarakeeL damiti a.Mia- si a fmai Maaaral Sknul o , kaTMITir'U SI Hill For way iu which Ihe Holary Clubs lad been among the first to agi mm balk . Return HI. I.oui. lloom. Re- Kaaa saa) atixal awrf naa faar Salf ana .nh rt n aall aae a Hiaaf l niipht aid in bringing nhiiut a tate for such a roan and ato unrd. iit.Llar' rMf. lu.aa- taaaee amiyi ea raaie mm k i ..a Guaranteed Perfect Fit FOR SALIIJxIOH halibut to Ihe of Ihe hill. A boat, belter condition. He urired that one top rasins; iStaea rl se rtaMSa la It pk V IIS C 0Ulc they ue Iheir irtfluencij with the Highway Mil) had been passed by fully equipped Frinen Standard, DANCES nr eisnfwtaramrai. roaOMMiis sis sera. ItaM-- For Engine; la. snawn aa el Wiaeor.- sn. s rust C irrowifig juiuth of the- country. Ihe Legislature which provided Oppo.iw Ease and Grace the boy who were Just about for lh eonslru&rfon of main 30x9 work honl 28 h.p, heavy EVERY SATURDAY EVI1NINO, II risun.OirsInT Varrfi SIM. lOfl. kixn.v WAIIlJllhon. Aprwssl duly; till 12 Dane In Mrlnlyre Hall. ready toslep into our nhoen. An highways in Hie province. They .k. P. SrMk, seaai. endeavor xhould be made In inculcate had an excellent argument for 31x8 work noal or Sroller 5 h.p. Admission: nenllenien, 50o; mti'hu. n svn rrrrioijtim joricy. Km ideas of riKhl and hiph getting road work done here, for Yale; Ladies. 25c. tf raisi Hi rrsT tsvn hstmu;t The Master Tailor moral idaryhirds. lie wondered Hie (iiivernmeut collected motor; IS ft. row boot, 2 14 h.p. Inboard Q LASS. Tsse mtire"imi MUST.i. rru.M'P.wm.s. if Ihe young people were receiving licenses here and ye Ihere was engine; lanii i spMr fee s lirea s praei tna n Knows How prriper moral inspirnlion. If no provincial road on which Ihey, Hull 2G9, ready for engine; " viN'fOW HLASB ALL BIZES rtrnkani.nn riiHrilins Oh-si fnllovins s r"' pts daarnheil All ouW Ihcy were not. there would be could drive. The money from Ihe 25 h.p. 4-cyelft engine; Mirrors nnd resflvering. Wp hirer Ml mm iM ball simnii roilea i rrm nule of l af '!" be paid SUrt chaos. The situation was seri-ou.s licenses -wa spent on roads in 50 h.p. l-cyclu engine; call nnd deliver. Illonniheld. Hirer; tar mln SO 'Hisii Iheaee J to Sam Wo od and iuAllttitions. such as the the south. 7 h.p. Oiiarantee englna; x tl7 Fifth Aenpe Vai, ph.nes aall a.i rlMina;s rhaina Ikefire lo pmrt aualin af so HmaHBal.rMSK Rotary Club, could exerciw a Perhaps This. Year. I h.p. Adainn engine. Illue 3.17 and flreen (07. If maislnjop a)Hb' a.i l si-res.elatm.Ui I laaaa ss . ' .i stable inlluejice. They should le Mr. l-allullo said he had during - M. .L8TKPIIiyH. - Ieainl JUreh. Itt. a n If I allltrlO should avoid the discussion on Ihe BICYCLES. "S- P. JH.lMt"..sppiii.a. iroKressive but Ihey appropriation IIOI'SKS AND LOTS FOR SALE. Master Tailor nicking Ihe boat for fear of upsetting for Ihe court house, Five moms, N'lnlh Avenue Enl. IIICYCLEB We have two second I'W.Vi.f;iti-ni.RI'lthT n An MMi rr.Tnot.rrM i4THII.T tn Propriort Sixth Street il. pointed out thai ,!0n,ouu liml S-clloii hand Juvenile wheels, one hoy, Tiui:t OP PIMST. HA.IIK . ' fl.finil.OO; four been realized from Ihe sain of h, Tske iwllee Ihsl I, t. M. smim. "twj, P.O. D. x. SOS. Phone 238 Load of Debt. one girl's. 0. C. M. "Perfect Provjnclally they were suffering loin and Inken south and spent looms a i id two p m I'd ctdlnge Agency," 117 Fifth Avenue fltS tn Ml Ihe MkeaMf Wrill 0d. , "il one lid, N'lnlh Aenne Wel, tlBlil stusil w r WA Ciai.imnrliif at a foal from the load of debt. The Ihere. It was Ihn feeling of East. Phone, Hlue 137. tf mile an.1 .ie Mlf norm r er a'' i Pacific 5reat Kaslern Hallway alifactinn over such things as l,no.nn. Cash or lenus, rut slusil ln miles es rl lnr Plmne IPack I3fl. I Of OKOre el SO i-asiru; ivtiee "''"" was the fly in Ihe ointment. The this which gave rise to (he move, ACCOUNTANTS rhaina; llienra e..l se rlismai EDSQN COAL GO. remedy was to jret, rid "of Ihe ment for dividing llie province. FOR HALE. IMttbl roome.1 modern EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT norlh nuinm so Mum errra,In twiiil la lie' knnwn iirneneemni.as a. a STEEN8W railroad... and to formulate ,n Tm- He thought ft was a very good house, Itlock 3, Keel inn 7, for would lake charge of set nf liiir i.sint.vo.Nsn-n t rismi ffrwl. tlfl.. . .1 ...It... L'l I tl nn II... move t' aecenluale belter treat Metl imiirruiioii lnuiti. wuiiuh ' i 1,500 nboui half its value. .inoks, whole (line, :. U iitii. PP""' Sheet or part would give mpiiymeiit. ffienL They should have heller rhi. p. Sftusb. ssysj-, r,.f eoijntry This rare opporliinily IaU one W. E. Wllllatrofl. Phone Um received daring the last i I'.very humii was an assi:t. There represent al ion In the north. He week. Apply John Rank, nil ,'ilnck 250. tTl:HL 0S Ain fKTIlolli:" MUM Agsni tf IIITMlT LAKH msTHItT-IHS three week must Jin more people nere in or wanted to (ell tlicrn the north Jlaya Covo (Jlricle aflef 5p.m. PIlMI.P THIi'T 'P ".OAST. IIA0K . , der (o develop (lie industries. He was very much In (he public eye HAIR DRESSING. Ti iM.ure Ihsl I. hum ArSI.,'nlend Wj aan.fullBaJ.a- for Ihe south knew Ihe north 102 ll.ljr fur s nrn M prn.(ri it; " atiggesled that the Oovernmenl kiiint on in folkiwins rtarnlirl ln,.," elhStrM 100 cars Coal woujd have In pay more and more would somn day pay off Ihe debt FOR BALK Fishing, boat Annie, IAIR DIIFSINn. SPECIAL SCALP mile laVHInrrulMS siwl ish hair si S ifiriN pl pwiilj1 f sk.Hl "fj attention to immigration. of Ihe province. He conld rml 37 feel long.,,10 fl. beam, II fl. treatment. Marcel waving. Face ..wl. slow!.. fiHir....simI hair miles I hrfll"' ...a ..an .......rh.lt! - local affairs. Mr. whether work would be. massage. Hair dyeing. Ladles' laniar niirr; iitrmr - from Maclewl River mine, .owned It.iuliiiK with say any draught, enppkr sheeled and iru-nr anu in so rhaina: Inrnre esl ". by J'rince Rupert citizens. done this year. He knew Ihey copper fastened? I'riew 11.800. combings marin into switches. rhalnai Ihrnre nnrlll SO rlisms in S4 ino fmn 1 or -Miv We have the exclusive rign.t to A.SV e wanted a trunk road and n start Apply II. Kohrl, (Um I lay. 01 Charles LeCUrci, 233 Slith nf in lie iimertrmei.l.Slinan aa John ennnminf Arsie's So, ;. might he made on il. Klreet. I'liane Illun 78 for homo handle this real In Prince. Rupert. inll.V AMU... Arplicn. x in FOR BALE boat Jealous or North. Trnlllng fully appointment. if chsa. V. Brtisub. ,'", I J w n r Don't be milled by other ral X good dealers who use our firm nsme Only the kldnejrt cn purify the J Mr. Pallulld said he had been engine,equipped also wllli Evenrude running engine. MISCELLANEOUS ti iiai. has sn pktiio rt'M ;T'.e !- II to advertise their coal. blood, and Dr. Chase's Kidney all over I ho province nnd each .Sell 023 Bill CIllirK IU IHIT Mlf Vnr I ' cheap. Apply Ave. i:iUST. OP TIUCT If you want a real good screened liver Fills arouse the kidneys to e constituency fancied Ilself not. Wesl. 0 MAXWELL'S TRANSFER, llag-gage. Tak iwlirs Ihsl I. H. nrcJ . I rf coal, call up wejl treated. The south was Express and Coal. Office In si-rlr for s lireiia la pwrrl , lie. bos. all dealers. jealous nf Die norlh. lie had no Imd not beerl speaking in n par tl7 Fifth Avenue En. plume Phone 58 doubt Ibis was llie riches! portion lisnit way or for political pur Ulna 337. If mil ml aJM.nl n.r mi three h.lf mllea i.orlh Hl,1'r','f. J"Yt v',r MT. iW!! Dr. Chases nf JirifUh Olumbfn and poses inn simjdy because ho llienr nnrlh so tlisinss iseacj, ,An"l Prince Rupert Feed Co. J'rince Rupert, which was. midway knew Ihey were Inleresled In Advertising Is often expensive, rli.lni Ihrnr aniilh SO between norlh and south, lliesb things. He hoped In have t'tjl it Is nothing lilt n expensive rMiuinins I0 srre,r.Uim l fc lnon St I I. SI r. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St should prosper, nn opportunity of meeting Ihe as n emply store and Idle Bnyrhuk's. ...ir,. No M.rrh I. Ml. , Iu closing Mr. Pallullo said ho notary Club again. clerks, if tn. r. srlisuD, ''"' 0