i PACK TWO THE DAILY NEWS JL - i: The Daily News nun imtnci Pit INCH IIUPKHT - IllUTISlI Cpl.U.MMA! ' jl, FOR SCHOOLS I'rtMlslicrl Kvrry Afternoon, rxrepi Sunday, hy The Ncw Printing nnd Publishing Company, Thlrtl Avenue, II. R PUM.BN, Managing Kdllor. Three Are Necessary for Receiving ewin Classes 9Cf Bsglnners g ween SUBSCRIPTION RATES I at Two School. ea T TMt ca an akc afp-nted eryoy ninil or carrier, per month $1.00 HK" wrltao Mr. itmr, t jiy mmiv alLAwrt of the Ilrttish Kmptre anu the United States, Sethaefe. Ma. - In SJ.IW n The 9ehoof Hrmrd at ll nteetlrn in i lvrliMr. per year loJDtl the rwrflM I i'. u irasi te last nivht aulhoruml tlv ni'i'-'in'- tato To all'? filrditintrlcs, in advance, per yoar 7.oO soa yjBaWaMO'I Ma laartloal''! :reatmri! fur int nf an MiMilionnl Icm hiT ! th laaal tprhioar ataff to rt-h.-M but nalr i tw nfy tra yaars. TELEPHONE 98 Umpanry fens' Th ' I ' iuraat"t in tin m-ehrMiv Mltf tu UfiMi mnl ear sre I gins tat. Irin. ipal t lOwptV II, Mi Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch earn lnertfoo 1M0 6m hmMU day I Nf' m the i aewepspsr boo. fvtis present at list a-tng, re Special Attraction Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.00 per inTl a account of a ted ilw bsvtai ported that there cr 9 hanv Local Headers, per insertion 2e per line ton eweid by ba Uwk aIUmsU arcs in Um two public nrhuots. t Clarified Advertising, per insertion So par won! t wma as antic!, now ot aarthtec in each. The m were Lesral Notices, eaeh insertion . .irv . JL.i.argtaiv llliyi H-L fMvIWi tt sae-ata tal vats I 6rt4t4 w "to eaj w Uat larira and ahmild be n I'Vtl ALL THIS WEEK nat three. derhlad t a trial, i mji It Ms put All advertising should he in The Daily cwi Offioe on day preceding tela (rtf ct wr r sm to air (WHTof i ha tmiSm no the present publication. All advertising received subject to approval. vnett mm OrsMaV xwa ssr4 U ttaif inn a feotivintf rm and trntrovetaaat Haaunattea was arava oat. o aftfiMm anather l lake IN fx.i thbtr tton ir a hloher arade. Ai the Mr trntm waa m4d. mm. da if: EDITION sVgiX Friday. September 9. I PS I ytrt ot mttrtiat. I reliiH I was nrment time the nil in the re. on tha saa4 t rotorwy. With kr-MTirtthf. chins chvHWa were altarwMsMjr half Let WalJJjj&t al aetiiptstrir tawfm tM ro sm.wss-fta.ah days. With the aiiintmrul of DRESS PATTERN FREE. Is Good Motto. , tacagk tbst thrso fear afea. the rtoM hsacher thy will have full . not ta tao Mutwmi I lane. The motto "Let Walt do it" is a good one. iHimeJtaei 'There trac of Us iktr rmratar." are time, when we have wanted 16 eithort reader of this paper to! for ZaavBak eescoM.h bolts,fh W pimples.rsi4r.bla4-oSsoatar. also, Mr. Policy lrninhell of Principal.niitlinrd several m put on a 1oh1 front, to fare the diflletiUie of Hf without flinrh-ing. p. barns. fM aad f hi pwliele at the meetiair'and TO INTRODUCE to every woman m Hie city !hc woitofl flilJ l Keep oi fighting, nmt to tell thw.,that the man who i' eato. All d&Urt, or Zsa Bnk Co, tar hoard wat on record i Toroata, tOc box, J tor i rr ."II .i . 1 n is a data Thrtt along Walt Mason and laudtatt hrhind him on In quitter (tna. ay values we are oiienrg, wc win give witu every pDrwiirr IInhni. Hcfrtnnrr Ui he ad are the thing In rhyme ami does it so cleverly that there i nothing fur tiiiit-d twice yearly, in tea4eanher Dress Goods, one of the famous Ladies' Home Jour aTDrJ it but To let 'al do the exhorting. Here It is: nnd Jauiary. Another plan of "A man's no older than he feels," I ery, in cheerful tones, as1 Mr. CampheM's is to have the r Patterns, of your own selection, 1 limp by om aching heels, with still and freaking bones. And I eiina class t.-Bclifr advanaa imjly, my friends, by this, thai I am reefing young, that in my' uilh Ihew puwti for the Srst two form no sparkplugs miss, no bolt are bent or sprung. My false I KraOe. 'Hum inr tearti of a re. r.ixtna rtasa in Kiiirmher will teeth nijdtiArouFMl fare, truss is down, liver SUITCAbES FREE my my iip-ide my padsj carry on tha second term with the get out of ptare, as I tml through the town. I hve a eru-k along! same pupils and another trachir my tKrcHf?mi stitches in my stde, ami yet I cry no hoarse "AJa-k!"j; TRUNKS WlH hake Hp the hegutn-r in but meet men cheery-eyed; for they tvotilti rather hear me tell CLUB BAGS February. He al that all rh..l. how ythng ainl brtlhe I feel, than li.-ten for a weary spell to M.nje should have have two mfritim rui AN materials in this department been marked do si! unhappy sphfl. I go to pieres very fast, my eyea are weak airi'j ti-rT ao that tbk jrt-m ran Stock dim, nif ireeX is in a plaster cast, 1 need a wooden limb; i dairy ! Large On hand r fifwod nut. rock bottom, based on the wholesale quotatio s for fil ihi4dtaairel wreath and haunt the busy mH trt buy me gotta to select from. Mr. i4iniphell i ftndina rnnsui. per ha teeth and other tore-made parts. I aeed more extras and in instances half raMe work d-nma twtinU-ia buying are most price than a Ford to keep me on my feet, and yet by me no man ; hurrd J. F. MAGUIRE for tin various rbMl. a I iwalown the street. For when they awk me lxw I am. I sav, Noit ta Pn.. Hprt '--) "I'd have you know, I'm young as Mary's I title laantt, whux fleerc A 1 1,wool Ssrgae in naty. sate, Plaid Draaa daads ' white a' snowP' They look at me through kindly tears, and DISPUTE REGARDING and ear.liaal, So-MVh. ...... .H.S0 par yard 'ry. "If'Pff niay yini tlirive! YiMi're sorely younger thau your years, artd vary mneh aliveT' If 1 began soma dreary tale afirk- LOCE LAWYER ELECTRICAL WORK All-wool Ssrgss, H-inrb. aay. bla. k. brown, llwal IMaaeoil Ceatisg ne and decay, they'd wish I d hit the king, long trad without - rardmal 192.60 par yard an hrtiir delay. Pattlnson & Linn Object to An St imbe ttUW . WINS A PRIZE other Firm Cslng Called to All-wool Satin Orsnadlnaa Oet Together -Make Tender on New School m a sm HMsSte ad Fair Sucoeta. Work. l,rown. (rreya, nethas, .: hlin. S3JS yird arry fHirroV. br. a 1 Jf TJe anhualVall fair is one of Uie oerashma when the citizens L. W. Patmore Ctta Cup for Be of Priiire Itupert can get together and make a r real aoerea. TImv Ing First Grandfather In His HprrenlatUca of I he mirr cm display that spirit of unity which is necessary in ny thriviHg University Class. Irtral nrana f Harlin A Ward iTha above prices repreaant 1914 vetwsa, and fiimmuau, j i is a time wnen everyone can Jhrow awe poll teal asMi Pamnsofi i.tng had a mt ramamber. evtry piece has been isartod down or other sectional feelings and Join with the rest of the city to I.. V. Pafmore. I he local bar. I lh srbool EMsard bvWiiib laal to correspond In alu with n goods artvlna. make the event a big one. risier, reoenlly received from ni(ht over the naadins of ad There i coming a political fight. Undoubtedly therswill be Toronto a to vine ci aianifiaat dil tonal wirinv to It A, i it. a contest in ihh city. Citizens Wfll lakp dlfTerefil side And will of a MfMS honor of (itch u i--'wn iiiiani innii !M-a)iMt. vote as they feel is righL For a week, however, it will be wit I to is Mat It stroud. The run nmec inn completion of lh forego the pleasure of electioneering and Jain tu the big calajira-timi. aw Uf) hy tho l niverail -w of To- main contract hy PaMii.n a, Everything point bra great suereaa, hut in order that the 'into aradualiua elaa of ISM I.inf another j whuh will event may be one of which we can be proud it is necessary that to he pri'utrd tu the firat mchi amount to about IIM ha l.-.-i. H. S. Wallace Ltd there Itejj.iiiio of all forces. The civic spirit should be given l$r, of the class to beeosue found ri.rfary. Arrhltiri ... Co., opportunity for full play. Let us get together and make the fair grandfa(hT. Mr. Palmore ww ter has asked hoik Hatilnaon A a success. the winner. The fawaog for thai Uor and I'arhin A Ward h- honor is the rHtte dhuthtar of lander an Mic wock. C. G. Minns, Manager Get OuUUhat UcaniLUra. l. Waiter, of Van. (Uplaui Koranhir. repre-iitin: We PgOnT: eatrref. Mr. Vikr heX ttte rattinsonA Itw, fell that hi HilJfLt1" ')en 11 Um'U i Gl omethih(r for dChtar of Mr. PasJnaVav ftrm til atflltltl 1.. ir m an tTnTliffrNWiVtiallr get'out of anylhltig what Ave put in. Whim In ber.iuing a srandfalher. tawtolate ,n rhJ wirk. it brinir the trhitif;tii(iia oened here the young laijy in eiiarge told tha Mr. Pet more liaa beaten several an eilra on the main job. It penpli- but the Chautauiiua would be just what they mada it. prominent aary u) faaffd affaiM was ruoiaarf on biy jobs to ?10 CASH OFFERED nothing more and nothing less. If they derided to make it a of today. Anion thesn are atr tV stieh work to the eoftfrae-Un MH-eiW. a(ccesa it would be. So it is with the exbibiiton. It U.nnv raanood. isff alary to who bad done the wain FOR THE BEST LOAF, will jut what we make it. If we ure willing to sink mr In land, and Son. V. 1. MrKes- enadraal. H dM not that jeah'ie- and differences of opinion and get together tor t,u-connn Kinti.lader of tbi- ovjMPilion H was ii-caary te call in an RAM In adilition to i to- i.riif offr gjil the fair will be an event to be reineinterl. in (In- i.nnailian H"ii' ofXom oiilaid firm to Insider. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC al I h KihtbHlon. m ntiorii nwas. tioih of taMc wn were Supplied Motor. ltn 1 8. S. PftlNCK HUPtrrr M u.ns -,,-(,! he nrlir liat, another irlt manthera of the tffr elaas. The A. T. Parhla. renrawcnliaui Wednesday lltoo p.m. roe ni"' hf l IA.MI cash Is beinir offrr.11 "" asd latter is atill a tiicl Parkin a Ward, said his firm Ocean Falls. Vaneoutrsr, V electa bad aiiili-d the motor wbleb Wf Knherae A WimmIs for the heal 8. S. PfUNCE "tORat . Mliri Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE f of bread based with llohln wna vw to Im wired tod I he Victor! s " TEACHERS REPORT Ooean Palls, Vaneoutte, Job had aotbinir to do wtth the Hood flour. Kntrles for this Bay, s. . prtmcc J0HM UV0 10 prise will be made in I he MEHara or the b.c vkktiv co ixi';a TO SCHOOL BOARD main contra!. t or "ori t.irilirilia. l Trueleo 1'aUoor snoed and usual way with the Kiblbillon 14lh, and all M.mu n uh.n. DENTIST Truate Mt-Maakin aeeondrd n necretary and the lonvi-a will be Septambar 2nd 1ih. t Phone 575 Smith Block Are Quickly Becoming Established resolution thai Ialtlnson A. rahildlrd at the lair. Hiese Train Ssrvlce Hick rrads dental work at th lownl prices. In Various Nw Location. Uaif be Kiven three days to Irit toetra mutt be haieI with Pas i in Ko-rer MONDAY.Sni.ther. WtDNKSOAY i'ri tff IIimhI flour, and the I can slvo ths beat of reference. tier on the work. Blobin rx'ir. riiakinii iliren eoaai ii "" ' 1 20 years In active aervicr. The heads of the variotia de. Mr. rorniby Slaled that under muat have a rreinl from r.annda nnd t nltcd Mates. raTS' Office Rm-S-12, M M 7 J. 0?e: Enalcjj Iuriiiii-ut of the city M-boota wwre Ibe conditions his firm would their Kroaer fur Ihr iureli4' City Tlo.el Offloa B2d Third A.snns tn altendan'- al the meeting- of not consider lenderine. hit the flour, allarhed to the the Reboot Iloard laat nlaht, and Hoof. Iliese are the wily fn hiade report on the work of bo Ilehol.l My Wife." from atr nil. liUlhHts. onnnu eatahltslipd in Ibe new' bfrl Prkrra The ftriir- la open to anyone book. "The Hav eri7s 2f Neglect loeations. 1 ana," W thome ton tffh t. who hakes bread, and llo-re i-no CANADIAN PACIFIC Ml' Mi X. ll.MarceuB. domewlle limit to lh number of rn -i-ii-nef iraehr. naked for bandtee tries. Judiilntf for Hits iinn as .DSgpstive ailments are freauentlv neclecttvl. for th- 'liTtrii- Mloves. Itwaade.lf nn ir a III be done at the Pair hy Mif Coast Servicei -eopie id.-.Vto order a doaan of thse) ICR I earS AgO duly appointed judges. ?t3 say "it's only a touch of indigestion- from I'attinson A Ling Ala eostof ) In Prlncw Kupwrt fromPrincelf ffiJP fi0 away" What Osiris as simple t 50 i arh. Miss MaraattM sUted a--- - ings flicdmfort is allowed to become a serious-chronic (hat the new iloinostbi twienea September, 9, 1911. Wrangsll. Junsau Foe Ketchikan, ."uarii-n. TOM LEE CO. at the WfDIam lleutli It 11. H. i:i-innts, 10, ailment conservative Never October neglect the treat-, Hi hoi.i er not yet In rniilrma' Ssptembsr B, 12, 19, 24; candidal)' for the Federal election BIO HeennJ Wast . . Avenue. ment of .If laW digestive rd derangement. To relieve r li.il the idaclhf Of the atnlp. and Mayor William Maneon Isfl Toe Vancouver. Victoria an " '3&rders of stomach, liver, kidneys and iiM-Mt I H. wi-M under way. today on h cainpalu trip which VCQCTABLKS September 10, 17, 2 Ottobsr 1. 1 shockley, manual tralnta bowels, Beecham's Pills act promptly and iiiHh will lake them aji far up-river Wholesale and RsUII ii. i,ir, lep .rtrH thai his new llai lion. Um ustially overcome the difficulty. Take ': lilricrv' hail urri,-l vaaijapdm as s fleneral Contractors and Agency for all Slsamshlp f wuw auf tioj , it fo order Iuiii- A lo t ll from faLlnla in Labor Kxebanie In 1 1 .forlilH l r to . arrjr mi with. Ith,- v ti-.niiv ,,f lliiva Onfe trcU W. O. OnCHARD, 0MM.';',u,,,l BEECHAMS I'niu ipaJ (,a.l, of the II ifefti ' ickina I li .i sixlh Avenue he eon I'rirtoe Itupert, 110. Hrh'11,1 Phone 847 P.O. Hot corner or nn orwi " report .) tint ili. r.- w-re lift t mij. i i li uicti Um eircle waa 721 umi. iu IMC HiKli M-hool. with 10 I' H.I ill III, HU)ttnil laal ' in I to- I'm nmerrial Hss. He aeaed nhjbf. Hi - p -til ton waa referred PILLS for iiior. -liir for Ibe library to th.- n,,.o ,i ,,f u ..rk l1 iiihI ir j Our pbona nambsr Is A UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF SMI - I '( Hn ttnf) riisea of salin'Mi N,w"uw b4y rr arn'i, ..-.a ran- tn- " Sold everywhere an Canada. A-'wi'ii-inx ofi..,, expensive. i...v.- .. .,, Up on the Hl.-.-n twrT Smi iciia.WiM !"! as U' Artu. In boxes, 25c, 50c '"' 11 " ",! ' s c-vpi'n.dve i ' K 1 , a, ocofdina in TAILOR rori tir 'I.Itaipwia tit (! r is' a on c i y Bn,j idla'.- .. ' LING, ;aiA... . . LargeatSalo of any Medicine In the World '"r". nif,. tl. wimli Im'lirxn StS SsaaaS Aims - ll ttj' IW