tub daily NEWS I BRINGING UP FATHER D.. 1 SWr ''t'yK j'TVasiaaaBaaat1 a a an : ! i r- - "J I U 111 1 FCTXeTS?Li.,. Ill I MAltt " I OiBOWH-ANO II '"WETOW III A 1 i-S J"' III f I I f I ' " .1 . j sT.cH-.--.tj . j henijouneedit L I VMI,VCfftK jj rj - fptstt sf rmuat aivfcc tc Office Space I in this eolumn I am like NEW SCHOOL IS Nejr who on neina akee1 h 21 feet by 38 feet Partiqnfarly suitable for lh (tlmtnan iMlhHl:where Pnh.on.he rot letaeti tb-rMrkea Daily News Classified Ads. I h iEflgtessional Man GIVEN A NAME ytAi PUB III ui A rood aermnd I AaV CI IMl dew't aah ym wUvre jri vl II, 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No At!rrrtUmnt Taken for' La than 0O For Rent an I hof. you II hj;X Ike WIN Commemorate Man Who eHaie ration for me" Gate His Llf Attempting WANTED BOATS FOR HIRE UpStJrwJn our Building Sava Ohlfdean. WlllOa lap i the lap of 5 MART Ganvaer wanted to sail I.Al'XCH Narbatboat." Phoa luxury. piendid line ..f I adieu Waiata, Btaak tao It. 8m Agents for 'rgnt V illiam Booth IT Ued to h" th. ale. delumve ny biv.m. NorwejjTSfT American Ltae rutont t i ami I en than INVEST EltTS hy a rattle for rue for Prmoe Raj'-n to nht per- o4etitTrai or artiavc. Swedish American Ufne wn. ctitarn for tb nr rhM.i younaiom Sam lava; aiuae have Kard. Apply ma i-iiy au-eet. iH.fi MRX ion Scandinavian American lai Hrr t:e :irrtc r tnr a hi lay the land Line. -rlim.i 'i,.ar-. -nmtil on moil Bt. If of OaantianHv; irood aad n . f TniicH Mr. F. V. I.iti. WAiVlKlk Vowna- lady wiabea laMe axMrerament ; hrlpful and tttm am r..i . FIRE INSURAHC2 ---.,nd l.y lrwp J. r.. Mr. poaitinn a tcii.rapttr. Apply frleodry roaax-ratb R neaith-fal I.ennan. S-vpT,il ior4 tcictw P. O. H.. i.i.". .r Phone anil dry aad warm eltmala !hl rommum-atin fwf.K-- lh- MaM J. 21.1 and Minahine all the time, w 9 'tfcfta Dybhavn & Hanswi BIG MISSOURI aaaaal ami a.-., board r'c.Mi.:ii.'nJnhf lki niaar. have npen .q.Mr.m... fr rfaT a to..' W . ' and FOR SALE inule lien and ; alo m lady 4 t- lnnrance Afrentr. Tbtrd H wn .'ful'. -i eil in the m. im, Prince tin def '.l t..- on id,, fta'iti- thit i.ax r famlllea who ara ialeeelf flaataa Aveaije. Rupert Pat Daly to Spend Up to Half v iai 1 1 i' i JL. theae v.w erwt a uitaM a million a a SUrtar on 7 Aere.. 5. .J mmt ,..- I tahl'-l at h,. j,Hit iii'a.nitj Mine. f-tVT tit. bemv un-hixliv ill waiiit ..- awo..4 jB ajM ta t- us m r I aarttaa of tonite. ' .... oy , Si..., u I I' rireumi4ncr iiMler Mrh ill WORK aUllY TRM aata aa haMwa ai had ' ! eh. n. FINANONGJliE Wrile FOR THE BENEFIT at -nee, Tlt'r wrr lMt.r from I he T. BX Cbeitieimrgh. aaaari ? ii . i r. Prlnee Rapert Should of the Community Soae of EtuHaitd War Smettar to Handfe All Cat Have Watte abawy Ijin.i. Limited HAinonESSINQ Mrtk..i ia aaaaaar rweaer IV- i hi , I.l i. ton Ore. Talhwa. K. t:. ?l a mth aaarr ' tel nrt irrr- Ir, f-M-itr and ' LADIFF HAHtDAIMNNn. .use. i-w.rwii mm v.irr r- mn. ' If Prime t" itupert tan pu-rhae an article of in 'Mi.- f Viliid. ka:aAt of Tnkina with him, T. A. WN-ana. Pm BALK Neany new hufM.j aal wavtna. eharap.inr. Star- l4ata,7i. li', fPyth . .tnd I: . ...Vnl and a minins fnan ettenoioa rou, h h.m.r hac. Hair fveln Acs In trl g ,' w ki equal value anil prk-e to !hat eaauaeer ..... . 1 ' 'r.' " iea aa J-v anr . l'r.. i v- nr.lof r hnV The W v,,r, aad wtth aurfletaal ."mm rawr, mi'i i-i i omii a apeeiaiiy. lovpaae mmmrr m r-mntnf in any other rrty 1 ' . Wiri ayae h i m . PURCHASE IN PRINCE '" -t.iii.i ha.t nSirtim rooaey to carry a arral dam mpiie, aa-r t .-iyj u i ny. pir .'fi; ..i"b an i nnn of taaian. i a. u ium .r. .i-.i-!, ig .f K. of aVelonaanl work. Pal laaa Klahtb Avnae Kat .Ml tnsformatioa. far UdW. l35&" RUPERT -, I till- ' A - l erHMl- .. J ltajlhe wall kavwa mtaiaa "MM awilahae maJi ap from ladies u smsS r . V.l II wUl.,1 to your ultima i FfR SALE- -Hit rwoia umiiier BeJI. K ...! at . ' forr 'aWhakai 1 Jiaiaaai axam 1 A. ' own iMmiMaft. MIX HAMtBA - - a" e. luwnraivBi iu mw' maiflmja rwmJMf r VlFTr. benefit. re.iden. e on tiraha'n I laml. HiU f . i.'iipr the arfviaabttity rli -m the Ria; Mi- art mtae mjfP IT Math Htre-t. Priare ?."',5- WE SUPPLY STEEL WfTE mmmI iHtttap, boat in fi-h-ia rf e.-. i iiik th a ttMart. Be aad Mr. Wtlaaa R apart, . II. a Phoa fttas ROPES aad bathhaj. Apply to H aaTdiflii r Jt ti. Maeal (f" T i i EffecL 7M. Chan. 1-eClcrcd. will tf inspect taa mine rare rust? " lm Htm of a price and quality equal W. Dally Neva ffe ?n mna taa at Mr. W ...m1 and Mr. Hill aV and aWieV a rire to he s l( n any ortier houo in B. C. BICYCLES r m, ... BUY dreaaed the hoard, the farmer miwwrd la roanartirB witti FOR SALE Lot 10. bioea 2.. LlatatL ator mm afl Maaa. it a FROM US MOUNTAIN PARK STEAM eanpftaKltnK laal la inala aftfMrafaA. A flie taamttaaw section I. Seaoftd Av loir with "PrjirnrrM--AiNB; for Hteya. AND FURNACE COAL the eitjr w-ef. prarlteally unaa-im.'im all oa taa aroaad then will fe two at'iry buaineaa block Veil laa, naiairs aad part. 411 taa t I.Ibm im tM ue SuMtt. ia . I'iri. in ttic rtioicf -f the aame ao preparafory work t rented. r..0ot.oa. Term. M. Fifth Ave a lee Kaal. Phone ft- TcMrtJ locally and found tli aad tint ilo avif iauar or aad Mr. pair aajra be aipailt St. Meph-na. ill lJlueIJ7. itraaa 44TI. tf (Stood rtS IM EteaL . tha ftMNli. . Hill i..14 of tka i" naep a naanher ..f men woifa. rta? iriiiina of aa rtr. sasn m moral lea" thai the BRINO u your propel I r .pies-ttoaa. AUTOMOBILES ai mm nuai f. Evilt & Co. aataethai iiR alt waatrr at (he mine. Mr..i ui Ma ar am rMasjUn 2 Pliilpotl, Koeilel a I way a brtua taa cfl- Aakful haw he aneild eieri Xew and u-v pi"pe. RI'PKftT Motor tin., dealer--"Han" r '..M-M otsy isi a ! at MW v , Tel. fc8 Neit Postoffic dren in i-ooifixTiM ratine; th rind a nun.- where Kir l or at I -w prirr .N.. tiirrn ar ili I.San a Mr at KlehaiiRe. Ke-oiid f'rs aad Irurk Auto, 1 m swrtMnism Maws St ia name of a man ti - death had v.-aue. Auctioneers Insurance Maaji with bla UiaaMM:d or a c r.-.uiiaal (ram aa at; ripl t na haaf taaJed, M, Itaiay aaid U Pboae Hi. f mobile re pairs. Tire. aea-sortaa r ta aa tffaet Sht aad I rd part I ways II.IM iSe MWIM af ( l llie liven of lilll cln!.ri'n. drKJl had tidd little. Thaf m aad taaral Oaa MM la rii vary H KAI.K tkruna typewriter in in etock. Omiaaereial tMMliea bMsem. ajiaaW W assfis av aw There wa on ili-i-unun! had all the reports on the maa good rondilloii. Weiglm only btiHH for all parpne. Let arwssa fiwsisdssssl aw ttu .. among the m. ii.li i - of the folluwing the drill and he iiyiitu, ream a eaa at tag eight poiiiKM aad -i-ldn m aa aiva you a prise nn yoiir hoard. tt. Patmore uU ha fett aartaka wamat a a .isaaa. like Hiay yea oirite -just caae. I'riee tt5. Iftaily S. w. ar body. Taylor A Manra. tnrt MtaSHar af Im wauid aol favar the Dame tin lew it rieii. bnaea. Garaar Thlnl aad Mnth ijwre a laitlat u explain He had foand the e at the jMD Ki.i-w.smL aUo kmdlina . f3SP&5l.i. Avenae. tf it. Mr. McLennan flt that if M Premier and ha felt aura he wood for hI". in short t-iitftba new!! ( ii.iiut'd vtiiii.i'i. MiMiih' rould do the earn al the Hi - Apply N.-w tUiuil liituae TUITION LA0 ACT. f. t; f :..T f 1 1 1 If 1 1 1 ,lll Mi-ouri. lliill'lilitf. I'lione IJd. Ill - 1. . X KioTttg or UTnroii iffit va 11 iiinulw aarci' n .1 rCacaAS4t LAB. nJ2 that the "f '.' wa- ii io- fouii'l-cr Two Companies. ri. auiiimi rmifKMir in af tlx alvalhan Army. Ir In FOR KAI.K -Itghtly damaged mil Teacher of Violia'aod Piano. A har y .Qasat Ua How, vfu 1 1 a we aimed regard to the financing of saJsjBBaBri HSaaauHl an aar WwWmwmW .w Kiirlt Ian-! fern K ajin f irenl lh- n.itaa and the mine, Mr. Daly explained of new- print, litile river I OA limited number of pupils ae-captod. iesauui a U sj ua an r loi U 1 r asiis OUI riiaaiai Banana w 1 w i.tii. Daily Newa OUr CUIMIHT Vfll'll til' had la Bund 'he aaimur of iiw thai there Wera two rouipaniex. cheap. Pbsma lhss SMS. If IIhi r rt Hrbaol aft.r lro of the ttffice see the rmlt af i ho lry Horn "tie a lioldine company inor. SEWIftQ rWia aa riani(vr ansf Pn-'tii v war amonu whom he menti ned ported in tha L)ailed Htate. K')H Mil. McC.lHry' KWetrir lmiti I aantar i f L I tS. Sjaar I tion Rive tf4r larmenU the niii" of Frank H- lliitwl and known aa the "Pavtlaa4 Canal r . up for Miiick -ala. ((KM Kit A I. Sewinff 9S I I "i rl (liini.. alaaa rsanH.t m n.inr ui aaaaaa ai l.l.arniiir lawn af frvi... Adair ii. Fiaail Mr-, l-iiia " You'll .y it too, wW Vim. ami another incorporated Phone I n.e Ml, 71V aaeood Avanua. Phone MS. f Hfif er saaas ar asaatrnr-ateM you i, the work yuu a auynatetj I he naiue' Serai-aai in Hritiah Columbia, known a Avenue. tf saa esataasar i P.ssrsa.NUUfOU.I mj r hs u to. d' Aryou. William ikMjth whi h would the "Daley Mi nee '., 1.11. SUMMER RESORTS pTU Wheri avoid) aoufuatoii. Thu wu - Block in the fortaer had le.n LAXD II... lion DiaUiet. Ijir Shall We CaMT TWC BAtMV T Al t JecUd. placed on al In Xaw York and ami KI114II tract.. K inquire PI8M ISO---HOATINO HATH NO. Formal Openlaa Later a good deal bad baen ! J .m v in 1.'.mi Agency, llaaalkm. gpend yoar wsaksnds ami sum. ta rXa.rrra.iilerr';1 Canadian Ttie matter of a formal opening Wall Htreet. Ha attoweil rurU Ii r. tf mar holidays at ltkels I'amp. Ut biaiM ay m laoatci a rati. Slvea usutsp Oui t ti i ".. . of tbu in-w seliool w in I hen " WrHo tiatt. larraea. s). c. tf ...a report giving qaotatloaa uf a. v., a aaaaaaaa awifip Ii- Steam Laundry IKRJHI.K ami 4igla . bad for Pfl,, Several to dieu-d. the Miork .J -fii'Hticn elliug at a premium. aale. eoiuplata, 304 Sistb Ave. CORSETS a a ita aw"'' "' Phone 8 with Vi aaaataf were uk-aiested It waa put oa lite market at a nwe We,.. fll t a SarNMr aal tie ' - Third Ave.'W, xurh aa the prenentalion dollar a -hare and wa quoted t af on am 1 TiTsf n r Prince Rupert UHlHKi made U Mrs. order. Memorial aeholar. BJ fa aeM la tar IISBrr of a..w. i. i of the Halaey tl variously at from dollar and I)H1MAKLV0 and Udlea' Tal. a Director. Phone I II us JHJ. t( SaaMC inaarwrnl ruaMif I "! r- abip to Odne Duoean, the pie. a quarter up to two and a half lorintr. Asia Trading Co. tf fciiiswa. rrtare ai-n. . . 1.1 tb liaBSar. tea. i t is aw aenttttiou t I b tablet and a dollar.. Hal.- were alo re. MUSIO T. aaaiua Sua S wu Marn-! ur ' roaoitrt. It waa kjed to an. cordea FOR RENT faar rlaua Mat br l..taa.l bits aa i '' ' CHARTiato AocouirraNTf no in the firinled report. AUDITORS nounee thiit the arhnol h Mr. Daly says lbat t!te people FOR HKNT Hinger sewing .na "HIIW w fU what we kasm -Thti IS HHwURf '.' and to et aitle an lifter- U Ur pasiss viiilsdi .Ual jB) aw lOpen .... who have the ftnaoetag of Ihia t HI. 1 ehiac. Jut hy week or UMmlh. RORIE & SMALL noon for parent to visit. At aaenys lit eire." Iteiiamtiia), hi h "' 1 mine in band ebrvwd hui-neamen ara phone Vi alker's Muaie Stora. tf ifJiPl hi. Ii nlm convenient date eome dm.-laler II. C- Iwitpy. teacher, M7 Htfi a nl4iU ertr who operate In a larae aVfl Hiiro Mr I rv.TlVC DIHIF OCOROI RORIC. CJk. thara wNI ha a fnrmnl iy and Ih. y art prepared to FURNITURE REPAIRS Avenue at. Teleh.ine m . r. tn.i 1 J5t 11 With areai itfT. TTsrarair-x-.v. eeiung ceremony Jim-.r :ily AfMtntr tnr l'rln tmprrt "peiui u good ileal of lll'iney on 1 ui vr iiitiv LV....11.... I H Avttvriw"Trt ia eeMeew and aiWre..... tag actiooi i- ,,. ,. . ,,aa ' wan't L?nr VnUH JfkXT 0.01? i.Mi.ea essftaUriiMr avnif ,rriirttiia AMt avd yat reay far the formal i b1f million of hAllih. or so. n-ia. sa0Mi eanua aabf W m- ,,Hhlng over a l ,UJ "" Up-l"-DU! aawa 1 an sam aaoea UiMtieVtHii inr. Cr.tin and Rhlnnlna. Il umiimi opening ao the date of the v.ir- tlUrH f(,r work, aitta i 1'rawa baawrt. C.I nii ainrt, !. AMlaau toaa functioaa wa left with the Nmj jwl.ipm,Bt of gnllePi II. llemln.a Mate lliid.nn'a tii Orelieatra. Phaae Ilia t3. If aassatt i r aasjajpat. 1 Phm r4trl SI BtUMlMf lrlct Rupert Bi prmnpai m ue. iu- m uuuuc p.. f ,h In I he 0o.), 8.'3 Third Avetiue. plional MIRRORS rtrri rwsm assart, a. ' 1 51 iiiiam. will be duly indlfioti. Portland Oinal dUlrlrt. II lllsok BI5 tf aya be believe, there will he RESTAURANTS XllllinitB mad or resllvered. tano act; IniBlcnae iictmfy there In tlo-near IMfMrtnflald, 417 Fifth Av -nne morir.c or mt in to rnT to Night ttione . J. G; ll Hie Man in the Moon future and that there will THE B.MKATON TlUHUUMi. 390 . Hast. I'boaas irtue 337. (Ireeiii . . bft' W IogwilL Klua7o be a n i.siilwr of kihh mlnen yet Saeood AvatMM. far U0MR. 4f7. if,1:1 ai OMirwi or r 1 ua fn aali Ana. Day Phono S SAYSj- four,,I whh h will keep the place WMtKKD maala, Um.Tiiaila . 1 Ttk atwlre Hut I. Claa C K LUI Hrincs RafL S. O. atramaat STEEN810NGWIIL huy utol I -ui! the eyp of the braii. ''Bk,. ami pastry, Mellon raarawf. lauad M tpnly far p 1 II I- . .1 "m ill re... for W"i I.I in Mm! ill! . ,1 ion. Uowbruy porr pins. Hoard by'l.inr nn. .1 . ..ii'.uiii.iii tuy a,ia i la.M.Mnnwas Ilwlafcts lt ( aaaiTiii'iMwrtW I li:' 1 Shaat jvtatal Wurkii in.- ! i i i ii UlK'llilll The mill of it aiiieltcr, W day or week. If p.ml- ..n.l in. 11 - .... i. 1 i,,1, c real.. I ram nml4 of namn. rn. VSr rasHM aorta, fti.ii'.i.' i.-- w. AgratVoi' McClary Pumeaee .i tl i mihk,iert l,y Mr. Iialcy. lie I I' I ) R k nes is rkinat ..m'. m v . asia -i" he "-"fiftise ,rl. IM MiMtlataf 4J S ! - n- If" Ihuka, lUfHTi i lo.t Uu4, km, aya Will ! c c; ktiwis. Sanitary' and J ilWHlt 1.1 at infill i.i m, which people nhi'tilit oiganlia a in.'l- mukiiiw n mmlske if it f iiU PAINTINQ M T. " (leatiriK Englneara ' I i.-l.t (!,. '.id- f-.r hi i ' H-W I.'I ahlrh mi located rlht .-hi m lake I...it, 111 the milling i. I I'MNTIMi. i.r .iinnu 1,nil Kal i.ivb Ilia in-ef. r o. n 6th Ulraat aud i iwrr 1,1 liat u W 'uM ii' i ... I, 1 li. . 11 'I 1 . 1 -i. n- It -! t .... ,f .., rti.v l.. m. , ti I-.- ti Prince llupert li ' , r. "l . It . . . ,. Ti . . o I I 1 V 'i 1 i'S".'-ii, r li r ciaa- wtira Kal. Msea In lli da'j n w mi K I' -js: -ii I ai" it IL.r in, rti -, t 'jltuy adtrrttosd BtJa