TUB DAILY NKWS -r i'Aur l nitr.r. ? wL rm CATARRH i ft : r BLADDER i ) Local and Personal ICHOOL OPENING tM MM V J Launch "Oh Baby." Blue MS lit man ftwwwfc e e FAIR WEEK September 6th Dance at I lie IIIhk 1 t ulay II "BEHOLD MY WIFE" AT ammmmmmmammmmmmammammnm II. v.. Un&ilnVnn. ihone tl. tf Avoid the crush of the opening- days of WESTHOLME THEATRE I I"yd Otmaai le e ill I he rily school by getting from Alloa Am. FURNITURE Famous Novel By Gilbert Parker e e Your Supplies Now I Dramallted With Great Success. lael niallt trmu Iii.rr. Can Choose early, choose well and got exactly nary. (ironic Mrlford, Ui veteran what you want. Books oxchangpd If produm, ha ncored another tan (ieorae Morrow arried on ai c not right. lrike m his prodwetlofi of "lie eveninna tram from a luaiii bold' My Wife.'' from ttr O liber t trip up-river. Bpoks, School Bags, Paints, Scrihblcn?, Parker famous novel. Tke pie e e ' SALE Crayons, Loose Leaf, Compass, DIvideis lurr, which will be shown at (le ow arrtvai of silk and eera Set Squares, Rulers. Wolliolrnr Theatre loaJahl, If the oreaaea. aiao bmm and elrtned (ry of the transformation of an kiru. "IHamra.-' If Mail.orders sent by first train or boat. Indian maiden of tba Canadian North ci, married In a It nr. nod .Mra. a. w. HiiMiKrae . ll ll , S a. t J Iruiikrn rage by an arietocratie 01 uaa. wro arrival. , t. Ptty youim l.nftluhMan to eplte lita y mat Mailt a tram. family, in Us a beautiful and ml lured young woman. MHton 8MM, sv.Cj ii nail new.. . cnminn a. roin now All Lines Reduced F.iiiott Ixxler and Ann Forreol are epea. imukM rotoned for pmau also in the eal. 'd-lnker aa irppef parliee. 1'botw .. Mr. Melford i rponetkte for ia. f vf lume of Ike meet nelaMe photo We pay freight to outside points I'lay of recant years. Con pent II. Mowit, Of frliirr' us among Ihetn are Tfeld lei the arrfvod In tne eHy U.t mhi and Mill, with Hofcerl Warwick; Ike k) raWiatorod at' Ike Hoih Pnnrr famoue morality pMy". "Rvery Hnpert. woman;" Jack Ijondon'e '"lite Pea e Here are some very Special Bargains Uotf." and 'IV lifter! Up. nUMRMM 0. I mackerel EAT FISH kterrtnjr Roeooe Art Me. Tve at tao nofM EaU. Why not eotao aof and ei (he real The porta will Urt at I tf Two KMekoa CaMeMla. $25 each -piere Old Oak IMninir tloom Salle. ..$2S0 m. akarp tomorrow at AcrofwIU And Support the Industry Two Kiloaoa Cnkaaata $35 each e Haaeie4 LoekVa' Ad will h. id V.pieee Hd Oak inning utte .....$275 which supports you Maeaorrede Inure Friday aie of wora and hom,. i'i.,kifiv Three (lotdon Oak HnUn lrer. . .$20 each Ask for evening. Npl ember l at Kx n tne mm Oraaa hut on Monday -pieew SefJd Walnut lHM? Hoom b'klle..V00 kJkitioa Moll. eat. tt Tea will ke ..n,-d ri; Three Ootdea (ink Finleh Iimaare. . .$25 each Fresh, Smoked and Canned Mae Caealerkrld. loose eoekioa. Upralry 100 KHeben Chair, douMe rang. . i$1.50 each A . baa- of eandy fr every Mr. and Mr. W W Fish Mawe on Ike avoond lomarrow and ekihtrea name m from eover $175 100 Mniag tloom UtMite $2 each afternoon lhor ley entrta. elite I net afeia and ar.- ra.t.i Distributed by One i4neieraoM. Hooter a ad Cfcair. looee fix only eotton.Mted ed at Ike Hotat I'nnrr Bui.-rt MaUreee. 3 i. U In. The Collie Hon of evakion. laoeetry eoeor $375 $12 each Knar- va. lian fish & Cold Slorage Co., Ltd. fehajfl aatknh at I hi. !- If yoa attaa "MHi-M M Wif- Ttiree Nolle UkVtotk 60c par yard kw Ifcay apt lewufnm after RoaHn I.ion- ..n larr Six only Mixed Matlre. 3 ft. C In. art PRINCE RUPERT ' nd rim Newa. Three HoUa Majoteu'n $1 per yard Ueklng $10 each miag ajani, Wetkdinr loalnhi The Oreal Xrtkwcil Canadian e t wo fl dl Linoleum $1Jt5 per yard Hi only Mixed Mattreeeee, I ft, 6 In. art RUPERT BRAND Hay by Hir Oilheei farmer. Wet- Have tried yon Ihr Cluk break tio.rarta from $4 up to $20 UekiB? ..$11 aach hlme. lonisjht, tomorrow mat fnai at law Uod K.i. u . inee and niakl. wMHHwi-M a-ptrre iolen dak IHainic Room tMe..$150 aara rrom and w. fix only Miied Maltreee, t f f (bjL. art defy tko world lo lexal any one of H-atede Fumed (mk Inninv Hoom tuiie..$175 I . Uekmg $9 each lk. gone of Canada knee nam roe arte or aualitr if - 'II Bame tomorrow afternoon. t y.pieeo Fumed Uak IHuiaa Hoom tsiile. . .$200 t will he wmrtk the prase of Jaek matkerland ka bn-n Six only Mixed Maiirseee. I tU In, art admWtion alone. oareUker of tne . V.pieee Walnut 1 Mains Room uh $225 lirkiajr ..$ each e l ai a alnry of ir. There are many ?4 Ilk. llirre waa a -roiil Wnce in tomorrow' Labor Ikay efjarta n front Pcier Itrumari Rupert proof-am prive Ike proa-mm tke onee over, H'e wortk wkile wtebina lo oktain Com IndUBlrial or C4iml Ike lfcor I Kay tprta tti at Ike Fair la reauiir' row afleruoon uwlud. 4eknll. ay tae Comnnllrr lo apply a! W. G. BARRIE FAIR fooiaall. ladle' no-it rwais, eelkere ar not many Iff fieW m'Ktrim ad rkiktren 211 event of all kind. i..itral a4- e MMaaton Mr; ladle. 5r. cbil- Son of KacUn-J Wkiat lm Post Office Block, Third Avenue Phone 123 free. on laaee f rtoay. SaatemlMr V e t 8:Sa m.m. la K. of r. Hall t. W. rakanie. of Mmhm Jaw. dmlaiion tOe. HefvewkatenU AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL BOOTHS I be eontraator for ibr Prior.- orite for Um aeouHi tieoTKe and I'rlnre Hup. rt ia Mot ateraoe. ;1 1 . 7 dfCI tl.l l.in. It). Ill.llli.- Itirll.n L Iknw r- a .. . . . : tNn. armed in Hrtnrr i.rf . on Wadneaday evening I" uu A Mi.T from Mobaffery. uik T. Toff armed in ih- 'ly la ""' rotb1'- rjr niene work on I Ur ufaiion ilo-t kona A iJoyte aakhftf for a kar- front Km f ini' i in Ho- niui.- rtplana to loop the loop, and other elunU the witerUVe for wkkrk kae all f th- iiiiiruee on Ike Serpen ni Iki mommy. The qualities that made our arrivW, Mr. Urnknuie i William Booik Sekwd w. fiU PTEMBER 1 3f h tn 1 7th peeled Ul vMt I'ruvre Kuirrt in by Ike arbooi hoard lat niykl t N. boyd uiik. of I tI Ho' f f-w daya. r.-f.-rr-d lo m Jaanary w;m-h tt. Phone ronree a Simp4:i. rearbed the oii yi-'erday S65 Elhlhlllon tlulMInn Ph.n. KM aaoibrr S&o.ooo wttl k taken aflern hmi. SPRUCE ANNOUNCEMENT. ut. I.. H. Kenny arrived from Ter-lat Mr. 8. I lair her open a Mil-linory Tke HrktMd Hoard ya u .lifted marhl and i rra:iterMl and Far Mrv on Monday. ky Ike Hepartno-ni of Kduealion l the Hotel I'r i nee Ituperl. !eilenker IS. al WaUer'a Maie at tne meet ma I ant ainhi ikal the chief wood for aeroplanes, its strength, KNirr. Mi Helen Hibuard, for whorl .Vfler tke kow try tke Good durability, toughness, ease of wording, I.adiea are Imiti-d lo inapevt a permit waa akod, w eul tiled Kala for Iteep Aaole IHe with smooth finish, readiness in taking paliiT.aVtd lumber ih- new Fall niodt-N Ix'ih in Hata lo a third rla reetifteale. Mi. velr ice rream, only Me. If Bought Direct nd Kura. Mikknrd ! on I be alaff of in varnish and freedom from defects, render it ikrdeii IMreel SrbiMd. Mr. W. H. McDonald, of ter suitable race, and .mm a. u. neaa ami TOO LATE lO CLASSIFY Every purekaeer wieo kaviny ekildren, of While Horee, . . L?oihet,?Iin .8aves 'ou th middleman's bouhl Sft woiib of prueerieft or arrived hi the city on laat ei n-iug'a for Joinery and House Trim saIuu ..... rneaU at I lie Table Smmly durimr - Juur patronage wun a "quauiy IMANti li .oj . it,hi ion ;'Mt train. Chaulauuua week will bave r'i. i'r iii in- i.ralloii an e e 318 opportunity lo aeeato a fS.M Mr. and Mr A. Morrin and unSI0iV RflADnc cmnikD i tTii Oilletle Safely Haior free by pur. family and Mr. and Mr, i. haaina two koaea of mini Set- Friol and family were arrtaU BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY PjjWK FLOORING CEILING FINISH I be diaplay in our window. If I he eily from Any ox on I he 'The Puling Season" Prtnee Hupert lal aibt. lildine- acnccl ck-bottom in price, lender for four elect in a "me is, herenresent oen and two diar Ue fur lliu Jaek MrNeil. tke luen-haiit vour renuinmpnts Let us supply the Ihiuteallc huteure Uol fl I nua a a wnr toal iiiinc owner and rancher uu,ce. seal Cove or Phone 3G1. oeued and awardeal hv th.- of Telkw-a came m oa Ike tram WCE Good Eats i-Ii.hI konnl lael algltt. tor the lat niwhl and went aoulh en RUPERT LUMBER CO. oeua Palliiuoii A IJW( lender, route lo Toronto Uy tke CP.lt. Dr. Sutherland We can furnUli everything ed J7 eoeb and varVkl A Ward from Soup to Nut, inoluding-Ollvee. 176. for the lo, Paltlneon & t . r. ti. tiougk, of London. D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. Plain. StuflrJ or l.iiiM, ilU.iMi . h and Parkin A ilnitUiid, eon of Prebendary A. Uipe; Olive Ilutter. J'eanut Ward, 111.50 t'be low.-i im- . tiouvli, who reeenuy vuiled Huller. Canned Meats, der were aeri-pled in eiilh-r Hie eily. retuiued lo tke city DENTISTRY in all its branches r.liloken, Ibtter. Piuien. eaee. Ul nhl fi"ia lakelte (jtke lore, Salad Dreielnir, Piekle. where lie tenl eeral day. ie ve Hofl Drink, drape Juice. Clareure Hrn.,,U. OHtftKed Mr. tiough will lcar uu tomorrow Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 King .nTsm't9. I.liim Juice, Fancy Cakee, with ath'inpi d -uifiJo by culling morning tiiin for For Appointment Phono Black 516 and Fruit. hi lliro.it. wa let out on WiniiirM' No MUx'iuli'd aeiiteiiee by JuJk1' charge fur packing. t " i Free Delivnry. Younir yeaienlay aftornoou. Th'-luUgf D a I Mtvt Just Arrived Kiive eoiHt' K"d aihu-. tnctbaf a.r iia AUCTION SALES Conducted itiiiu,niMNt. i lu unfortunate nean a ! Mi PILES tut. rvii4. Wool UNDERWEAR Munro Bros. "iiiany lie kepi. tti r.nu k iHIl4i ft. Before disposing of your effects, it will be to vi if iiiikhI Willi pity i atlier ll ri rl Wol dame! IJt tU l jette interest consult Phone Red 157 sey Mercury - 'inn r 'iiili'itnitti ion li,.vn..n irft Jy;f-4 iuuu Mitu aw. TW your to us. btanfleld, etc. Phone SS Third Avenue u a taewu. tsJpi lMrU r Mi'X Xliit 823 Third Ave. Prince B.C. i pa 4 aluM hk uay la f ku. Byrt.