' TJTEt DAILY .VCW5 v , . ! '. 1-' !shr of the Interior, had refilled The Daily News to consider In Pc d 'h 'set who met at that all the premiers pniNGR nui'F.nT - unman coi.u.MniA I hat UnV with the Oovernioent Published Every Af'-rnnon, except Sunday, by The News .had favored it. n neo snow Printing and Publishing Company, Third Avenue. that He waa n inane w unu.. Columbia. II. F. PUI.LEN, Managing Editor. Oriental Exclusion. ; SrttwUhtM? would have tn m DAILY EDITION 4 ids Thursday, October S7. IWI L.nm i-wanHns the ewlnskm ill v (irieniaii ntiie the orovinee ' In heroine Hhe the Istand LIBERAL SPEAKERS MAKE IT vail, where ten per cent f vtK! VERY CLEAR THAT FRED SUFFERED YEARS Orlenlala. Strength was held by STORK IS LOGICAL MAN nan riw. imtfi avv eminent TO SUPPORT. I niended the franchise to re (Continued from Page one;. mjCZEMA turned Japanese soldiers, while tM H. C. LiilUire 1Ul,rhifI nrf wfes at thi session The rml-Way IL Absolute eirlusion should I'i '"'n had teen suddenly "Fniit-a-li.es" Cleared from now on he misted npon and introduced and Ihe load had been the Kast vwmiM has tn he lm. jftaerd on the people of Canada. Her Skin preased. He reeoanited Japan ami Tti smernment had nn man-ilale Potrrc Sr. Pis sic, P.Q. China as great trade markets and to do this particular piece "I saffcred for three years wtth he did not wth to hurt Ihe fast, of work and should have oon-saMrd terrihtt Ettma. 1 eoasulted several inas of the people of thoe na the people. This bad deetert aod they did not tie ase aa y tions. There should be no attentat )en done after the minister hnswi read. at assimilation, japan had solemnly Mated that I hey that herself. Ho uoulit reeoantte Then, I tucd see loi ef .WdU-SoraVad would n longer continue tn two boxMoT'Krnit-a lives" was not speaking aa an atarttiiaL Junction after the peace. They an J say lawdsarn Wftr..r. Tbepata hnt he was corrvlnced that tha had tieen guilty of a breach of Utroeaad there has beea no re una white race would net ho ante U fallh and il i no wonder that! I think it is tnr trllcnn berauso nn hi old its footrRft with the yellow If The Man of the Hour lhefr support was scarce now. other medicta did me any good omeihing was not doste Imnte- Their that the cuf system until I ued "HoothaSsJta" sl dtaWy towtiM their tiatustoe). had been In fiiranrial dlffi-cullles 'fhmtatirn'. aW miltrfti mmlitiat If ytM) heliesre that the Liberate but this would have not rxuit from fnttf. are gniraT to he retfjed and yosj not been the first time that lite MatUm Pl:TFK I.JIM ARRE. wish to- he represented wtth a In this hour of Cannda'a most acute national cris.fi, government would have had to SOe 8 fori? X.Um' ise. 2V. a tot, stmnn voice in the front ranks of oome to its aid wtth a lean. At dealer or rnt postpaid by the Otrrarnatent and not wtth a the country's greatest need it leatlcrshtp not clasa Tha opposition amler Mr. Fruit a-tivrs Limlcd,Ottat-s, whasper. then vote for Pred Ptnt leadership, not sectional leadership, but NATIONAL acquisition King had protected of the road against without the ..n I ewd'er ," cotscloded tha leadership. A pilot mutt be chosen possessing the first consulting the people and SUITCASES ,speaker. F. O. Congdon necessary courage, foresight, breadth of vision and Mr. Fielding had moved an determination to lead the nation safely out of tha Mr. Conadon spoke in -plan. amendment thai lh waiter be Trunks : a 'left over until a eorhtrrltW investigated I ng. fluent antl hnajoroaM vota, bad existing' economic uncertainty. it. This had been ,tiis addreea was none tha he voted down and the government CLUB BAGS forcrfiit and oowvlwahur tatan Mt, And one man stands out head and shoulders above bad said that M had been sufficiently Large Stock on hand. ,VardonaldV The aartdtlnn of Mr all others as fitted for the task. pre-eminently investigated. The only Prices low. i Wilfrid Laurter to make a great Investigation was vthal of the j very i ity 'of Iriniw Rupeet bad Keen Drayton-Ackwortb commission J. F. MAGUIRE .shattered wtth tha return of the Born on a farm near St. Mary's, Ontario, Arthur In 191 7. two years before the Conservatrva in It! I. If tha Meighen is a true son of the people, a toller Next the Prince Rupert Hole Liberals returned there acquisition. Guarantee a to were who has fought his way to eminence by sheer stock had been made thai offer would he nroeperooe etty hera, ( ed great opportunities.for speculation a lifiag meaaorial to the great Bar a I ability, and force of Intellect. Entered Parliament which, no doubt, bad due. The present government j Wilfrid. It was neceaaary that tha In 1903 j appointed Solicitor General in 1914 been lakes advantage of. Il must be got rid of to bring that Liberals abanld he retarnad far Minister of the Interior in 1917 and Prime was not government ownership about. the good of CSanada. 43 f railway of whieh such a "People ttHist think of their own "I do not understand a aaan wis Minister in 1920. .beautiful picture had been palatini interest. Theee Is no t f dis. w ill eland between the two and it was government ownership guislna that aay more. The proh- t ll himaelf an independent. Col. At the Imperial Conference he was acclaimed by of- liabilities. laws aut he soltL and la do so Pork doe not eeem to care vary; the Press of Creat Britain as a great statesman, as Rupert Blacklisted. HrtUfth Clafabta shoadd hav mtn h whai you rail bias as lone Hut the road had ben acquired thirteen re pre sew tat Ives la m- as you elect him. I would eosa-pathy a strong, virile, vigorous personality alert In mind, jaryl aq II' mast be -jfieiently wUb the liosremateat. It ftt pare him to the Dnke of YVatlaaf. keen and far-seeing in judgment, and with a fearless managed. Had the leUer to have one in sympathy tan. The Duke waa a good pan-wilh present management been a sor--'cess? the novarnment than to have oral, hut ha wa avan a worse determination to stand for the right. All knew that, as far a one who would give but ifty or politician than Ccdoaet Pack.' the Grand Trunk Paeifie and iwenty-flte per cent, representa-1 Kveryone was deeorttoir tb Professor A. D. Skelton of Queen's University, and Prince liupert were concerned, lion." jfiovernmeftt. They were gnttig to biographer of Sir Wilfrid Lauricr, wrote of tha they had been blacklisted. The Take Over P. O. E. iJsjdaesblfM. the Sen-al, and Prime Mlnistert "He has already given 'dry dock had lain idle for years The province had a railway o roe wore leoo4iiiag present .and transportation had been diverted problem of its own in the Iaain deals. This was a euro shin that proof of high administrative capacity. His personal from Prince liupert and Great Kaslern. He would favor ail was over wtlh thew. It was integrity is beyond question." ' given to other tinea. A dcllb-crate this beromlna- a part of the Oaan- ami a Tory avvernmaat. than attempt had been made to dlan National system. They could Conservative. tJien LiheraUCn handicap tbo (J. T. P. and Prineei suceeetl lo Ibis end. be thought, if servative, then National Idharal Of himself Arthur Meighen said to his constituents .liupert. they bad solid representation. It and tneratK-e. It if went an U the other dayt "You know where I stood on this The government said that the had been taken up with Premier might soon be calling' 'ftsalf an I stand today." Issue In 1908, in 1911, and as In 1911 people bad no right to information Meigben but he bad refused to Independent government. as to the operating of the consider ft deapifet that it bed Llkelv Ba Ashamed. toad. When the opposition had been done for the Valley Railroad Oat. Peak was doiar paWleally A Real Force A Real Leader asked for information as to the in .New lirunswiek and a Quebec what a man would he ahat for operating of,the system lby road. Perhaps in time the P.rt.K. in military life. Tha Mm of bad been voted d&wn. Dirootons would pay. but U mis hi be thirty going from one battalion and of the Canadian National Rall-Vays years. Aa it w the Ixtrdan was standing betwaea two to had beeaallowrd to con too large for the p revise. Tli which one might win be for tinue their private businesses. line should be extended lo the ioinimr It. Altea 4 rMoeieifl. All but two of tbatn were big in-I Peace River Vallej. red bis poeitlon h would llka- lTet men and their duties and Mr. Maedonald. in speaking of y be ashamed of it. jnirrcsis coiniicicu. r.vcn mo ireicni raiee. aahi that tne ots- premier Melghen wnuM have mU ugfon. iircounls of the systPin were not crimination against II. . iiiiixt he the people indict him on but one Canada Subject to the examination of discontinued and It could nly be iue. Tliis should not ba dne. he Auditor (ienemi and bis depart done by legislation. The large The government should be Judg. went. blocks of land in the Peace River -d on all. issues. An attempt - w Bo far as Ilritisb Columbia Valley and other parts of the shoubl ba made at this oteottofi was concerned the O. T. P. must ,province should t restored lo the to obtain a belter form of de-be r--eslablished. There must jpeople. The flovemment had been moorney. IiepHMiraey uld nol b d v lopment of trade routen asked to do this two years ago. but succeed when the government and Prince Hupert must get its again Premier Meighen. then Min- .nld not be trusted. This; gov- Consmatht 1 The National Uberal and FUOlff ITT io"" ci Hllll!ll!lll!lillEilllllllllllilia) eminent had violated Ihe fundA-twith the tariff pftlleies showing . . I TO . t s nT - sUC - menial principles of llrtlish where proteetlon was not In the . n r i m m m t a a a - - - constitution and waa nt worthy Best interests of Ihe people. If MACDO f r.iifuenee. If there had not had no tendency to reduce price ... ... . 1.1 a Sr. mm b.M is4 U"se' " W been an election In I V 1 7 then but had ezitttly the opposite effect. UOO SMN . ... . b r. ih Mf. . l why had tbey not walled until Free trade would bring H..I ..1.1. . f . thiatss aftfr the passing of redistribution about avinipetilion that would rxont stui ss wisTiota U was because tbey ware bring prices down. The people HMISS ! H - J CS"1- Cut Brier afraid to go In lbr House on should not be fooled by Ibis Th. o.i lUxrsl eoasay ' account of lbe disclosures Hint tariff 'sry. iinKtit lie made in connection If the people remembered the with railway. They were afraid sins of (be government thry ttudv n MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY tha' their power In Ontario would vote t down solidly be t would be gabbled up with the tween here and Lake Huperlor. PEMBINA MEDIUM lJu,' transferring of thirteen seals The railway question was also . .t L. 11 Ml 'Bv ' Packages 15 rroin the Rast to the West. dealt with by Mr. r.ongdnn. Tin-Canadian n.llvarsd a i.in sseks.0'i lis w r- Ia lk, a' National was run on . ... it..i cam" ..j.t IbTlns 85 Back to Economy, (Oontlnueif'on Page Bis. This la ona of the best k - Pirlif' , lie had eonie lo Ihe conclusion Absolutely tr"i from du.l er slse urs t :W that no government that had mend this eoal wber. i nuick ,ltt fro- been in power durinir a war period esDeela r iUlteu ior - - - i a should eoiiiliiUe Into peace M. T. LEE times. It would undoubtedly be Ladysmith-WellinnLr extravagant and aulocratla. The . bulk, country now woitlcd to get baek Ladies' & Gentlemen's Delivered In lo economy by turning the psiiverea ''-' h " Moigheii administration out. If TAILOR The f.moua Ladyamltn-w ."w - ,Mn ever there was a time for an Guaranteed me marsev ir w.-t - 9gj ,r Anti-Waet.. campaign it was Pit qualllle. of this sple-dM j ii"W n ciiduavor had ttin T. Ps.rvpr. Coal fltODIFy Third Avenue, opposite P. O. . tllO'l'' In tin. Uov.rllimnl (" I I I I I V L. 5illillllllllllllllllllllllHHIlgTi Prions Rsd 138 Offlaa. Cantral Hoist Mi i nyj"U dialt at Icugllil