PAGE FOUR TUB DAILY NEWS SaW CONVENTION AT ff PORT ARTHUR Daily News Classified Ads. SKaf a a CUNTS TEH WOKD IN ADVANCE. N Atvrllmnt Tnhen for Le. otmn OOo James M. Campbell the Local SITUATIONS WANTED FOR SALC Delegats, Toll About Pro ceeding. POH HAI.k; MetUarv 11 lor . v HI I.IAHI.K woman wnnl pal. I " a Hi rap i I nt MS 'i n; coo for hunch or M-MlM- ran we comnlele aril I. all "f. ?t M Mb rrvt Watch your soWler"Mrmlparontion bodle in Caned of -waa returned lhe henaier; or an w.rk ty it pipe and wairrfronl fllltng. igg&J1 wJ:-' r?!3 ttaawtft-and connect i. n r-..t 1 1 mtmSTLTli prtL'TrtS'iCr Apply Hut haiiy child's feet moat Important business taken Nervous fti.c. IH only Ihree .nth. in u.e. jtT'La&r Jgi''TrSf' -S3kW . up fit I he Itottilnion convention Ki-CTtC ' I Price s;& a.h. Phone ir mmm J . ' at Port Arthur from which J. Breakdown I "PKHII MlTn lay Stt that yew cWUI fct M. Campbell, Hi local delegate pianiat VMatn-o . inl place o B j J". Skaae hi s rtain. iiJ2rtiK Mtmlr-tw(f. Sr r that the kiss ere mi cnenped returned yesterday. II wn a The extreme depression and practice. Iox no Daily Nw ijiiairviniABi.r. nome tor ale itZi'?. "1"i tm itti crriwfi(l n the afcnr 4liat naj vry ftuceraartil convent um ami discouragement witch comet over cnice). tit Mil room and hath, lawn mm. u i P a'all,jp"1 1 1 toe lias room to grow. Yotwf fWirre w-rre ISO delegate prr-a- one at timet it the tnott alarming garden and rbuk.-ii h"u, cnt from nil of Canada FURNITURE REPAIRS pari he. Part rash, balance rrowinc frrt rtowirr rvrry ere tymptorn of nervout eihawtian. a rt-ni If the cafld b to be free from iweett Prtnee RtlwaRl Island and DO.NT IIUIN Furniture far Apply Monro tlro. if of TKii It it hope your Prince II u pert. tier a meuace TH awWr. thai I a a poiafal foot trout. On I he openlag day there were to all who End thesuelrrt in thit wont of proper repair. PelUh aWf. MfM iu BatMtla r a z m on fortunate condition. In ir, Cralinir. II. H. Hammloga several prominent ron in at. rHURLBUTi trndanee, amentr the beta Mr. Ceo. T. Tbgley, Mbert. 'late llulaon'a Hay Co.), till pnae). naiMwsai tiroaery, tiU .et mmt aum ,w ma, 1 I II..n. Uv. !l. J. M anion, of Fort N.D.. writ: Third Avenue. PImmm Ilk tan fllMii .," anria ka ,t UtUp r3a ai... CUSMONSOLC M5. (irern Ul. If William, minister of Soldier' J 'Fmm aM t k.i M . rv . ii run e.ut, Hiara aiaea birch IT - Shoes ' J " " 'Children civil re..ftUblihmeaf in the new fei t ilipiw . . latnaw 4ra nndDwa w a. m nmm epcwwooa. 1 1 z.oo per full n.rd i wakr uui n.i iMmlnfon cabinet. Mayor Mat. W ia tpiri)! m4 nfmd a trt dtel COLONIZATION A M M are made to gtve true nature thews, of Port Arthur a well a et hw. TW lit at wU im-UM delrverad. tt flooond Avestue shape to the foot The toft (he delegate from (he returned km i m timn 1 fV rfitii Phoaye fi. f tanersolc and broad tue allow soldier bodies with I ttiUmir wU s iuj. I tea- raiict ai rrat'otii'j;i m m ri-r which M wn OF B. C. LANDS HANiiAfN -tnn walnut diiuna- .1 the foot to trow natural!. The mImm Slrtal Joeion m tft .raprt or h.t atoc rrvt proposed to amalgamate inelud rtmm iilU I .-H ln i.. ! tike hifh qutlitr the "A fritad lijitnl i al Dr. ' " "t Uktlrl satires fewest an "".pre a c "Yaatlti m ti -- . .... .. inp the Army and .Navy VeUr- mk n ni t 1 TaaaW sv, . . coit per day of wear. J I J u'wrtw, ana, n.A.U.V. and Imperial Vet- Tto Million Acrea Government Ifrflj.r .., elesf frjnx. I here wa also a dole. orid. Tk n a avuUd (kc Ownad Alono fcUI.IC fr vmmmL Ivrelv. V aaetaiMjiia uw tal , Canawlan Na-tlonil, ration present from the hmrri- ache. a a load. a. Ii.iu' fmaa ratlar Sit, uvl lw, ) tndutjrm lfCfu tit nmt Pattiillo Announcers tmi aar ao.r. iimw n, as eftk Yarftu dttJtr ntartst ran Legion of the United Stale. a wim J lad imJ a Jam Loirt aaj. pliiaaf llre.M' fill K-Oi rlM.I., M,.a aI.' to T r w WcxUy tuNnJ ud at at you. Complimealary peehe and vnrnRiA. llel Hon. T. eiBMMkat. nMaiatae ratMy tvtwrtd f iwt WtraU FOR ftI.K Thlrtcca nni li-da- l addresses of welcome were made 'tjifl I wr4 Kr. I Patiullo. mm.-t.r i.f lanow. "faias SuawM ri.i isai Id Jg tTrr log house; central location aw i avtaaaoa. m lo which President Mai well rr- peaking in the I. iture. an. Phone Hlack 91 us C f. tOaab PACIFIC ; kdlcel. kit Waadtffai KeilM. mKr aar nouaewd that ih -.wTimat TkU U few. The first hu lines, was the at M wfl rrn i oaack tad wa about to inaiigiuaie a com. PROPERTY FOR SALC ratL T I V WtTlil''T. WS-TWCf or 'iinr aina Iw.ftUrWaf few election of officer hml the lal. ptnaaanl tditf M Im f km." prehetialve oidoniiation policy. . " T?"y i' rHTiSaataru. irr -foot Ilarlbvt to iuw aw Iks Injr of oosnmltteea. J. M. Camp. Dr. CW. Nem Food. 50c lookiiic to the e.!t,met ..f e. Haaeltaei iNatrisl. Large SJ!?ggft, fiTTlV; FSR It Mil. Ike local delegate, wa appelated hex. all dealert. or Edmanton. lected rltlera upon !h- arwt ni mmmtt lrfU' Knejutre r -" aaTltlLVi 2S1" lo tbe procedure com- Datet U Co.. Ltd., Tordnto. iajid of I . hniltre and wi also made the lirulaiiy thoe in Mi.- v.l.e'lii; if ZT& TVn'i 'r, i when for II. C delegates. ahiif Ike (irand Trunk Pa. ifir FOR RENT MM a railM Ikb.- - ... , . , lr-n,. i V ... aa weai rkanx aWam MADE IN CANADA B. C. Gets 'Point. fa..hora of Wofidwurth Iike Kailvraf and in ihr irnr iUon haial I Baaal af raaaaaahaai r. f laia), I BT Al the oancua of II. C. ule-.WBr w"'r iUm ' diatricla. The mimr. wh a. TO It KM ruraiabad bedr-.m tea "flp4 4a awi 1 Ha mi The Hurlbut Co. Limited g-alea the line of action for !urnl reorntly frm i.rem Hrl-iln hi prrvale h.-ua. Riewm heat, an. aioToi i tarsa. rri I Sold Bm ' ed c..r Phon Mack r Scaaafc r"-i- i my in Mo PRESTON, Ont. amahjramation wa taken Hp. . , aad other ttur(ten r..un-ine. sr The wealem men ww all alron? ..." T"T" "7 .V said there a maraed Til RIT.vr -Kurni.hrd H,,,m. r'3L i'rT i K. aeTni. t ata-j for Ihi. nut Ik.. . ,r' " iw c"y "n in. .rwrwaae ia utr mt'-r..! beiRai No. 5 lulion which they presented tn irroBfNl iMtt deduct kw from Pacific Carl?'' Ilia onn'nlim. T...J- "..k their afreet oonirarla doe to d e loipesj lo tafc.- advairiaee tif ' . g ZJJ'.ZSUtt jjfj wt Sng That amaVVmaZr ' "T'.1 ?.? me aiiewfaea. io secure a iargf niitNr.aPl.'t r -na so real saaaiaiM n ca ' et a We Agents fira. order of bu.inea- and that J" ntimarr of lhe h' tt. r-.-l nt-iif.ia. or room and board Phone Red 7 mt-i' Mb Mwa Ma r 1 i are t be continued until .ome 0-,J T1 f' "' til tr UlUa easeaiL I ISmh a 'tiaiai. aw& MM M for the finite aetioH waa taken. The TV twrasacn' enn'ml some OM'aa. am a. raav aakat af I convention seemed to think that waa bald p. S.oosVM acre. ,.f n., f,i.-., jst ri K to ri-nt at. . 'Jr. um saeaai"VR!Vet' CM I Hurlbut Shoes II. C. waa a little alronir for According- to eenaua report a lands alonjt the Ona.ltan N.i. PU. n- A.-d l. jaa aiaa , J. G. MSIC amaijraniaiioa ana aid not want Iimm at tHlawa, lirttiirk Go- llolial line, land which f- i MUSIC lo give in hut the delcfralea from.lumhi hojld nweeve tltiricwn vrud to the crown under ihei ratct aittat sxrrtca tswa mtw t MS .the province stuck to their gone mcaahera in the Me44rihlUon proporiteaatc liancnl leki!a-1 ia rn - an. wttx-h twct or toaat aA.s n .... Ta mmn IM I tfc-mm awwaea 1 1 a Shoe Store 'until the point waa carried, j um. iion r ivia aoear oi iace wmmmw i a mil j "i"' r uillil"(-I VTaNa. af Taff . a C Royal I PrcHidenl Maxwell reported thai! land aave becrt' rrcrvcd from lo human wl(af.- Herher tae l l ejMr sWsei pm a aaj m Mr k next Wallace's out and out amalgamajton would k eai' watit ach ttem a fh rnv i rtoenc'ir M i: nailer, teacher. MnaM not im iraxmie ngni now rnji lie rnniaai aw II way clear t. M7 atthtb Avewtsc. Vkr.t. I fpaa (aer m-4 aufrgcated that a federation Hie Man in (he Moon t-oHianaace oo!tiuatlMi work a Tiltpsmae lirea fl. it i aoaaa eaaaaaT a UaaW aVa.,er, Sow might be formed with a view to SAYSs- 1 earnest, ilevcral huadred th. - run vaun n&vt d.vM or so. k af aaawaase ultimate amaVgatnation. This 1 rm rvu arm arr m r nun ci4 evesU. Pryee'e 0p.ta.ltke r ew aceaa. The best ptaco to eat Is arto-iiie waa mint-wed nad the e eurrrv laed na-aiiy Mm. seai in flat, tesi WHII.K airia ewfiUauo to wear Orawattra. Pbona Itta t.Juf'l M4 aowaan vraLaa. home. Cut if you can't be ereculivc" wpa mrrotexl te in short nk.rla bered ia plaere m4 eaniiieui:r "tjlst"' hnya are alwajra home the best place In - rn and draw it plana for uiied for agriraifural prp TUITION Mrncc. looking forward to the time Rupert Is red'-rntion. The delegate from' It is eaperte) ibat some f rm paar ai rasr? wlsra thy con put loasr H. TSaVT or O . on At'MHKT PHYtX. Pnifewear and the out id bodk did have of a loan eyateu' will pot proareaa TM a-4ir aM t, e t n - m niaudat. but will be aAed later paota. Se vried out to at th-Rcwcoasera. Teacher of Violin wnd Piano A Tfa. a c aaraajaUaa luan I arH-'l-" Star fr St. Regis Cafe lo aubmit the feelinga and pro-poal . The Htrr to Ih iureited aunaber of pUittrt aaei sets ssf ul s pr- LIVIaS of tie t wed aa or. Phone Wo SKI. If of their memberabip. I'leHed will eoaae aaoatly foo Third Avenue Matter of re-etabHihment All rewrnd a ;reaJ Mri lain and arh wilt be HAIRDRESSINQ We etMsW be Rood &Fn The Itcmh-ZYoiis of lhe were taken, I lie iwnl imporlsat aa ep.oied lo have auffteienl capi-ial 'ffaaMsWa takfSJMp fesJaTal W tflMsM, nwVll MtllM particular diner.; itusiueaa UUtff the paaakig ut a And Mmi ha as they to make first payment no LAHU1T IIAinnninlN(. Mar-eal earn Si araa. erra Id S-.m l 1 1 You can aleays depend on K'oululion aUng the government !eaK 'he land and aeeurw aufftcent wjvlfttr, shasapnoiag. Mare- A.f getting a real feast here to inereaae widow' pen Iaave bebimt m eejaipmcnt to make a aid iiu leg, Hair Iryeeng, Saalp IreaUj Nothisvt uweeh while skilfully prepared dishes, Kiona lo 175 per month. t!ra meat a pealalty. Taajpees SO net mae'e frcm the choicest, child. ISO, aeoattd aMId. 915. Ttret wH- stay. TRANSPORTATION KEN and wig for f rntlmrn and raaor f aj avrearr r or cnt lamp a.phtbict rrvt w freshest meats, vegetables third and all other, lit. The riU. Irene formations for ladies. T aaM i af pels' ahjajopsaii Has and fruits. iint-inploymrnl queelion w al aeyvther Calgary uartMy on lr ARE IN THE CITY AND 8wtlhet made ap from lad I' Kapeel. l it" iW a Htwaa I peiaaart L taken up. own eombings. R&X HAKHMR ass aat asr ii w The pl;,-ut and homelike awtaaft BMNMeiad poesa. (.Va I a it I Invited to Paris. TALK OF THEIR SHIPS fillip UJ atlth rUreet Prtr-fluperi. BtSS. S eSrnaw Mar I irrouBdina will add to aot raw the lfroo peace. I aaa toe Bilrar. Utw Mar al af UM In the of the II. O. Phope IHaw course eon van ymir eiijoymcnt of lhe -twn modeel. I eaw teH in a repec-laUle m S rsilai. Uaian JJJJ, ,a"i" aood food. day, the eaty of Port Arthur pafar. Two I ran portal ion men are in 7M. Cssea. IMll-fti it Ishiaii esst PS eaieri&iaod Ute delegate! lhe city today. C. A. Whttelork of It ate aaaaS. We speelallze In private al a banauet in (he Prinee A' the Cunard mamsbip . Ltd.. AUTOMOBILES laasaaa AeteM sis. tSfl Asearaat aasss. Dinner and Supper Parties. SHOUT Hve-J w Ihur Motel. Madam Iluerin. the and Frank 8. Btfiait. general nUPRftT Mate Co dealare SSJSSJt fA Sn parain.1 Taxi Service In Connection u PHONE 456 "poppy lady,'' w&tv i maklntr We ahould baiU aarcnt of the I'nioa Paeine yalm. "Ilco" Oars and Trnrfcs Auto, aoftcr.. arrangements in Canada for the Our raaa to slay Itoth of Vancouver. They any that j mobile repairs. Tir arcca rseiici rajcr"si ptar or coast VjI .lliiig of poppies on Anuiatiee travel i not heavy thi fall aa saries and Ford pri a I way ra a.oe sVm i a a atraoav Iay. was preaeat at this eon. Aad.Isne ilefterija?hehhsd H ' it aa in the apriag and summer.! In staak. Ramuiereial hodi- PrMca aar. ajMaa aen.s g. r . h wts,wii a Btali I Pf.T Ali the FiBfl vention. She spoke apprecia-threly Head taut Itasa Mr. Whitel.K-.k. in apeaking of built far all purposes. I.ei Bn far rel, aaaarsl sea eee of the (treat War Veteran Won't waah away. bis company and ita plane, eaM it j US give you a prtee oei ynti. et mm a pan.rwiae east sat i autt rnaa r. air. for Terrace and the Canadian soldier generally wa early yel lo talk of hie company's aar motif. Taylor A Vloor-hanse. Svans SSM a tet LMUa 0a IS and lavited the U THAT vera would da far snipe lanradhNr the Paeelic. Cor per Third asui Mint' re lu saast ai sf i at anrUi Tbnbgi'w tion to hold it IVlfi ooavewiion Uayr Jluehar who U nukuaK There were ruaaur frwJa time to Aveewe. II laiaaif j in Pari. "We wtil nt only hM of Iff err ttoiafr an, but m thing Aaron fiat, ihi. Fruit Lands aa altcaitd to build gewd waa 4a SEWING mi, give you the freedom of the t tr. ao far had iauUertelised, Tkay oily," the said, "but we will a Wo a . a were 1h. buay on tbe AlUotie. GOW.Vgt CeoU. 'ohy ftuiu and I H r kl two milet rrora town and give you tbe frccdoei of our They w-ie the .Ideal on ts roasptMiy Un'i HhlrU made b order aad t on note rreoi ariiuoi; 1 H rrt UDdrr IIAHHY'S roads will arw B r. . astiaei u. appiy . rtillivatl'. uoo wine alar." lhe Atlantic The Neurola-Ha anufe 4bm utati.r i Jgsejwr (irawtMrrjr plaau. t0 AH rasa jail m remodelled. tSS Tnlrd Avrnuu. r : Markberrir altnu ant 100 riilvbrry liiare were various oOe' . till b.ld lhe record of I da 17 'TVr 44U: aawa iUkw ts4 n. Prlc SSSO We hwtd ImM ew ye. Phone 4W. If ZTmZl mm) aaeVr ia an xtrmt f SSSO icial and enterlaisHMtit , tunc. l'- luk, kUae arranaM. libail with lr hour. & minutaa aerates the rUHins. Taa-lrr trtet iiiimi adjotainr wwa-Ma. Hon for the visitor which In Mwut feair ru-itta ani Xaiaaca euuy Ho Ike saint ocean, and she would be faslar FOUND al ia. HjtewM i""' ?z clam red. rrie S1SS0 eluded a drive a rotted the twin set when she out af doalc " ' WHf aval MT HsatB eaiaa U.,r Trr.c ani ,nUfialBnlal. an4 Kvei immmi. Sited as aa ell bnriier. The: KOI'Nla-vfhllM'h of key. Aply SSr. !ars7Vili. psm f Uian Prt Arthur Arm. wawae relr jjaw Offie If dartre In lhe Wtt ihty at. large! pa.M-nger boat afloat, lhe. jse laMs.f ssja. ISI, Kenney Bros. & Co. ory room.and tbe Part William club Ilerengaria. one rif the Verms n WATCH REPAIRS Munro Bra HINtC la4 alulii's marling vrH. Itfh.ruicd la their Una a a.1 cut a4 ln..rnc. Mr. Campbell did not stay till II. JwwiilM1 ami Walehusaker Brkrt Mar ia loic H aVHleajey. now. r tonnago was St.Ott.j TiW1 si TCRRACt, a. C. the end of Lhe convention but prions IU.' Luviaihau, which wa even; LEC 8. JOE " left Purl Arthur em . Friday for kwaS i""i"j"?i"rri ' .'' pwv-' PoHtleUM larger, had been (led 4ip ai New 1. O. IWjx 1709 "T .Jl..arla the coast in coiMpaay with laarj AN raraesd York since the war. Ile eiaf r-8il Third Avenue. Prinee Rupert iMaeKrntle, M.l.-A.. a Vancouver We iMHsld make a ftlling being o ieestr Ail Work (HMrantnad. SwuT? 7nSm mmm-t rar of r'"nln C dilgac. 'Phere he met Mrs I.EE npeerb, but ao Christmas Boats. I Mall Orders a BpeeUlty. thm XMAS GIFTS Uainphell and they return. If we did we're Th' :in i.him. boale to the aid " rtm. . atrstM hou 1 vr " home iiigciiier. iawnaaai Hurr tbe audieaoe mUy w..old he llie Antiitania. Mi'tui.n.M You m f going to s.-nd some, Would at one the Mason a and the galurala WLNTKM lwrber for amall bosU: one d"ui to you a Christmas 'ct ui aod k. Mr. Whiteloek aehl his ot,efcll CMU0J,nt 1 V?J"n-i no swell and no ehafins; 'JLl. ,5S' 5- ' J 1 lela, prewnt. Look our stock Ten Years Ago bnd booked 71 par natal. f the wharflDger In conaUut alien- aJiiIl TJLL' fmSSr r t JTJ over and make your selection a In I'rinco Kupert e crop ,,f the Okanagan llaai sis 11 TOO IITr tn cii aaviarw danaa. Apply Northern KrteWUtegS t.Hinii liiuped to. lhe old F. AKASE U change, 135 Second Avenue. ..ni4 ia. eexintry I ti.-jr were rarrlnd In 619 Third Avenue Octeber 27, 1911. WAN'TKI) Til llltVT Hm.1l ffcn v. iihl.ii.'ii nniirlerH I'hone oio. tr (i.,Prt M u i.rihrMi ci-rr ' "et Prine.jy II I n.hii f ItMH' Phone Red 85 Thirty.four leauVra ware re--1 U. ujnualiavl or , 1- ' I'D, Mi Uhill.Hk and sr. HKPAIHe Im l u ,,( Oi. ii i ...ulh mi i Imim , Hhi,". r ' ' I reived by Um city eosiaeU kaat would i ihriii r n .rll) ft" lulu. i purrhaae furniture. Ap- hiiioti --tt lu 141 vu tut lie at even a, Jti .. ....J At.-own, rnrai-ii nl iiiglil f"i Hi.' 'liuring of Hi. Ply Hot Zi aily New. nolilll loinnlit. Co I xalwl a-flMMfca. 1.1. oppolle Kdgc Phone J0A W 0 UrUoW. I1"-