TUB DAILY NBWH PAUE BIX ia5Wr" has aaUawasl. Aa a Savlilkae ami a' LIBERAL SPEAKERS MAKE IT VERY CLEAR THAT FRED Popular nnd Reliable rltisen I pay whaWiaaKxl tril-ttla G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public STORK IS LOGICAL MAN io hia ability, i vwwi ir mud- TO SUPPORT. Imainff and thara wttt be none from m." Westholme VOtl SALE A good bungalow on Sixth Ave nuo In Section Six, (Continued frm Paje two. Sets Colons! Right. :: Theatre not far from McDrlde Street. Fully modern. Full basement, Mr. Htorfc then wwsH etl la raanl I'ttrnvftfnnt line hul I Ik- '-rnmenl fioin Hanatrd In r-Wnrxl to a; well lighted. Has living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, refused to let the people- a lenient that hail beeti tnade by lonigm, Ihursdav pantry and bath. Price $31 50 on lerm to bo arranged. know about the Imaine.. H t.ohKifl Peek In ifrU to th w ansotntety neary t MhlmhnoMit of returwwtj nven tn! 1b flnnneea i rralorra i i h Nhertr. It was true that lie J H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. und bast. ImH moved a loll to this effect fttfel. Insurance Rentals Real Estate I trust thai lli- result of the il had been T.inhd b Mr. Tor-' -leii.n will he i in return of u-.,n and ain,,rt-t by Mr. iHshT thou who will lii Id up the h bihI Iir. i hiholtii He nrRlectt1 I. P. Railway aiii i :is ell r lOc CIGAR lo ny thai the Prime Minister bad 1 LAND ACT. Prlnee RiutI. N. "i..- who not iit r1 it and that the Colon I CMARTIRCD ACCOUNTANTS AND Nttlta ef Inl.ntlaa I Apply U Laata Ltntf. .irr Mi.' .welfare f Un had withdrawn it In compliance AUDITORS In i imi Mew nt.irirt, neroraint rainn Vutoa lfd Im KaaceTr of Prlnrr Rurert. tad tltuaM tl CaUKt and Ihe railway ill Ih-iIuI' in with tlr Hobert Ho nam's wlabes. R0R1E & SMALL li'.n.a,Ta Fin noitr l.land(hit ftty MtcdMlM. Sf eonitiiir i ilii" r.Mii'iu-ion tfi;v XaM 190 Mr. !trk aaht he would noi frliir Ruprt. B C ocrupauan MMMII. then should 4' a I'lianue atol eominil bimaeif to aehielnjt mm h mienrt. lu apply for prrmiaakMi to Imm Hf4tnl rartnar the rlln mir rktM-rttmt Iambi: 'hat fi i inl of Ihe cily n. rail me mrtlKxl ot rrlirf n.l that was aa far aa the Oriental an at ion atonai roric. o. C .mmmrinr l A pu.t plaatad It In C. nh.'tiUI Im' rrl'n'd t" "'W- hv a ehanfre of uovcrnment. 'mnwr. ". rhaliM aorta r WUU Rata way was -oirernd. huf le was per-uadeit Auditor for Prlnf Rupert ilwur rham north. rli r al on.i a rnhaa thrr wan r chana of fro. that they were in BinkraptcT (Mm MU. IfcMM 0n aurely Authority Truilr it. tarnea rrnmpnl would P.rta.r.Ma Acoaunta rMni nut. and raMcmiiit mr urn inert Fred Stork. the rlly likety aininar enntrnl in th WhI nm.1 Audltlri ir ha. Fri'd Stork. Ihc I.ihcral rnodi- amount to nothlttff toore than II InxiUt'llOfi. Llquldtltn R IHrnniMD, Appltraat, llnee of I be Ikunlnlon. He wna rinaitclal R.porta, te. A.ltaainU Areal for V M. K. nth Ob. dati. n.ok- brirl'. pxplainmg that tixtaay. From n' oeean to sahanlulely and unalterably on. tmrtl Bwliama, Prln ntptrX rut Vbihi Ko t. fl as far th I.ilwraU wn con- the thr there wa . iifrnee that poim lo another etnaie one enler-ina PHant SST So, S4t Ql'ECM CHARLOTTE t.A.10 rnHl iln OK-i'tiiiu was lh open. there was mttmr In b" i rbanae. the iMimnlon and he would Taka nntlr that V. 0. MrManta. ntmr. ' Vaainater. II. C. tatttvls la Ht IS n ins- r-ub. Hf dalt with local and otal Htembera of th aovrm-ment uae hi voir anjtt vnie toward ' Rrttith CoimnM MMMMar ef LaS far a but aurb R. F Ir that titore as Ureen. aM homo, xlatina was ore tin II. Ha I lirenar to reatpert for coat tairatHHB ri would stand nainru ra orrr aaa aaarr m ranniai "fltrid, J. A. ('alder and liforur Fi- Our phone rumtar itrrrtbi landa, altaalr oa SklaVrtM lean, ready al all Umea to rloae the hnr ehsnred. Nf num'! 649 j OnilMni l.land B. :.: o.aw.urlaf at a of IV and th iHtMiokMl lo Ibens.) QOLDWYN br It M taa aasnaenr a nvWtottlo ACT.M-ew,-.-. Kinar. wh, Mould be the He Meifrhen! l' m T- mmm clad that Mr. f it- tiii An H71 I taanr, aorta at rtniiu. tftrnra taal ALfXAjiotn u ntHER, dJaed. aet Premier, wa Ihorouahly I I ill I All UK , . I chain. Uienee teat rtiataa to patal a fairly before the petapte. Ha' r tt""iTirt that m arafc af Hit Haaar'joee4 oil the north and lt neita. had airnwl R.Ktfalhee o hV rto-I Chester J Lnratnl Sattrmtwr IMS- ISM. VrR Y'wat. tmUm taw ItSR aajr af "VVia. nL.. ... i.... ... Outing. Gaic!y CanjJy, "Bn8- V. 0. Mr MORRIS, LorttoT. iak laai I m iii.ii.ml laaku.! ' " r --'" ;sure Hill whlrh had prevented freelj Irak i" war BMtat or aiwtir u. fiaair. pr ri iai irorfrn'iirn( ana pv apeeeh m the House of ComnMna.(T aured of treatment tit uid EOalr ar rtmttma aytnpathetic ,nirl amtr ne nao also peon tne meehantr nirMMi aarnr. pruoanr TCitfahpaSaL aa mm and development. Ahout a fort Adrniuiiun ! ar acrnrr lar 1 7 Ik 4J at yfofrmht. who bad framed the WaHHnes f lt-tt arxi all Dam HrlUrS nirtif aar I left PHnr Rupert and!pwllon Arl mkieh hmA in.ul)pd PHILPOTT, EVITT 5 CO. EMatr art rrqnirvo' in par tat taJ I hair iaSMrlaa In ta ramwnm. i me a use amy rsnoioaie in ine imtniarant when Hellish esjunlrty' OH H. MfSVlM, eld Sine then Colonel Perk Telephone 643 Next Postofflce irartal AitsiitMtmjae. and juatiee bad been protnla. mart Riiat'l. R. c them. j Utm ihn ITta day ef OcaaW, Hit. Sole Agent in this district for the new TELKWA COAL Rinrt RTI WSTSJi T -Sf "W iMrt front hat we hear! ran Hotly Mine . a really first-class furnace and domestic coal, TC BMlIt aial L t t I a. r v. and it have a new rwv eminent Dr. JOS.MAGUI clean, smokeless, and the nearest approach to Island coal f WEEK END SPECIALS. n t tvt,a Breaas arcaaaltaa Ss Sruaam aaatr f r lataa prMMawa m tan aai on Iteeembor 7 with W. I. 1 aatural M a Saw Mfr.wmc aV fSaii Markentte Kinf a Pretmar and any Interior coal yet sold In this district AND CHEAPER. 20 hoses Jumble Pack Apples tin..n. . rnaaaaaat awl awat af at iaa a t-i W aware MW at i myaelf, I hime. a repreaentali DEN 1 1ST Sacked, $15 per ton delivered Loose, $13.75 per ton delivered While they lat. wr i..rts.'' Ito.a tatiaj.Wwtwa mm taaaea raata.aa raiaa.laaar, here aillns and aupMrllnT hi. Telkwa Blacksmith Coal, $25 per ton delivered hot $2.15 I aiaaJi Se ekata. i aHrt government. Visit his OnVta Rws 7 sol I R.e I lim line in our vtltdlow. ti,wr,aal. aaataastac ara a ar W. K. WIIIMbm eftairroan B)o Ira was or phon fee ss hk 300 lbs. No. 1 Walnuts in THOtS lUJoTT H D S"W paairi- of Ihe mHin. H cave aredlt to hofit STt shell. Kitra "penal n. wfiiiaanr I ati lne Peek for hia atUinmenla ,,o houra 1 I t tl 2 lbs. for 25c LA.1t) ACT at Ottawa in the pal. hut felt that 50 boxes Creamery Butter, the Liberal S"trnrornt the was ) frill "RIr SlffcRT i An msTMrr Maid of t'.lover. it-lh. TRICT Of envst Rv.if s. lliinn fi.r itanada now and for Householders ! l,Ti Hxrial al $6 Vaimwtar. cejaai oeeaaattaa I. aarrr lat'iaa, ar Prilier liii..rl e.prrially ; Five doien pints E. D. wawt lo apals far a knaw ta aeaaaaM artroaMMt, aaa aatarai Smith's Grape Juice. To .kMrnlHl ataaat Ciaami wait at anM clear 30c ntankM at law.iv.w .f Lat ISST. iMff al SS tan Ui- aai ta $10 PRIZE FOR Strand Cafi 600 lbs. Economy Bacon, . iMt au : a aaiiM to aalai ..f wwnatt aaa hewd. per It) 35c anu at" arraa a".- We offer Coal I akin piece, per lb. . .30o MaJT. m. qatna.Mhvtosn.ateai.araat. NEW NAME FOR i Under New Mana - 1ji pier i individually LL 'Ml Screened, and guaranteed clean, for the next thirty ftraitfted and average weights un ACT Third Avenue are from 1 to 2 lbs. NEW PRODUCT delivered tOISl IfSTMCT btSTRJ'T Of days, 200 lb. SMtb'sfrURt MVTji palls Pure Jam, t Riisl Best of Everything nt the Chespe I Ta auttV UM I. Ilm Cmaa n each. Niagara Fall. Ilrand. nt T'teaaa CreHl. areaaaiaaa trae hi Sacked, per ton - $12.50 Haabrry and Strawberry r.4laina M-aa .. asa SVarnard ar t ta, W hae uVeoird lo .lpt"vl Home from Home for the Work nj Mia only. Kitra tpnt-ial. ar ptaniaa ea ike wmia tnmm aa to the peiil of Krin-e Hn..ii ..,l na -aair aaSV tfi.iaat trm Lat Bulk, ton $11.50 pail 85c Was i" aurta . and dialrM deeiV ahali per - We would adv ie our rua-tomers Haaiiw. IRtari taal te tr.ar auaia he the , ta rhaaaa to pm at aaaaaaaar name given our product to buy in a plentiful ta sira. aavt erla' You Cannot Beat It! i...w known a. Kureka sv cow a Ura-.v. mil'ply at the aJtova prire a aaasiraat tlleaner" made ind eanued In Jama are searee this year tta. atl Prmr Rupert. We ahall e SAVOY HOTEL and the prteo will sever he I svo art n- prire t I in (Mi f,,r ihr heat ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. lower for this grail. IRI.r RI'rfRT t WSTHO'T rtt trii t o coast aavoe t n4ne aueated. and mtnmpimt B.C. or Pacific Milk, 9 tins $1 Tat a.tr I Dal I, t Ixrkaart. hy ua. ftucsraliona he Vinrii,r wraaaiaiai foaaaiMaa ,it am.I in frr Slrttl Phones 116 and 564 Limit 18 can to a rutoiu,-r. kamtd aetrf. fn a ltrrMa a amajwi f.ir hy iiet.iart4 ntid-nihl Nasnea felanagtment Nsw arir.Jri.a w.1 aalural a na tar r Under Granulated In bulk Sugar 'a rlrvrMt MMM. Clli'' 1' t H a n. I ready traeV.ntarked and used Comfortable steam lo-alel t -at 10 lbs. for 8 So aatatMi S awia atfe aaa as ra ! of on other artielra cannot b eon-idtred .. ta moderate prices. Ua- sc int tit. taae I.ituii .''i Hi, to a customer. rnaia. ibrwr awrta t rtwia. iaar aat .a .M r. Itw, amtth ta dawaa l- amat Hot and cold water In eterj roe -r mi.iniMirt, aiauNa( Sa term I he foUuwin ropy of Ihe la-lel liupert Tbdjb Supp.y uo. 1 a.ra r i- will (rive Ihe eontealaett an MRS, A. B. FISHER, Manageress 4HV l.oratORT. taeiwraal "Mosita rti, nr. i hoi uf a idea of what naaw "Kureka H.S. WALLACE LIMITED CO., Oat! 4Vl'0.brr it. stl ' juer rau be put to: HOUSEHOLD COOOt nmwiTiiar amo EUREKA CLEANER I nexrtdled fur eteanina; pami - hand Hard-are, etc.. FOR SUt slh1 Lunch d W.M4ork, wttillt. plaaa-ware. 823 Third Avenue West. Phoatt: a.. We meet all Competition Special enasnetware, hath tuba, GEORGE LCtK, ucv"- mas or rnirrora. and y iral rub well with Mtireka Cieauer until dirt la removed BEAT IT! 40c rUth.thti fHiliah with a clean dry lor Cleaning Oreaae. Pttah ie . OUR a a FRIDAY, OCT. 28, 1921 Paial from Ulirtblnsj. Huirs. or A Comparison of Prices Will Convince Yoa is a Year Carpets. Hub saads with rienei SAL Soup until removed, then with sud Number Liut Prints, per yard '. 1So ai.d over 3'H of thoat d.iys Lucky Clam Chowdsr nod stiff brush over go Dark Prints, per yard 23a W'i- )-ole lo l h. bakliitf of garment Salmon Salad thoroughly and presa 30-inch Percale, yard 23o per GOOD BREAD Will alo while damp. remove 27-inch Galatea, yard. 29c Choice of Continuing. per ink a'K'te that have not been Is Still IryinK day to (ret tailored and White Outing Flannel, par yard 17'io every Shrubsall'a Smeked Halibut it a little better and a Utile boiled; also an eaeell, at band 30-inrh Outing Flannel, per yard..... 29o heller. Corned Beef and Cabbage cleaner for waehiniaia, miliar, Octobtr 1 27-intli Ginghams, per yard 29 o Do not forget to come on Saturday, Not atroiue if you like Boiled or Mashed Potatoes and biaeaiamtlNe. pa inter a, and Curtain Muslins, per yard 23o all rlaeaea of w rk. Miniply rul winning the prue. il. as you aeem to, for we're Carrola In Cream Apron Oinijliaint .7 for $1.03 yards with eteaner until dirt la 36-ineh White Cambric, per yard 19c NeJIiiiK more and more of Cornsd Starch Pudding re- Win the 30-inch Longcloth, per yard 28o il all the lime. inoed, then rinae ii. clean water Somebody Must r wipe off with paper or waste. 9'i 8 tO.ipch 4 Sheeting,gbeeting.Pillow per per Oases,yard yard naeh 22'i0 SOo 65 o RUPERT BAKERY Good Eats Gale II lcel w.ll or clean leather.auytbiug axeapl Prize! Will it be You.' Third Avsnue Phone 643 Keep eovcr ua when nt In 20 doxen Turkish Towels, very speetal, aaati 2So 10 doxen Olass Cloths and Kitchen Towels, eatli 25o US4, Kureka Maaufaelurlng G., pleasaaj wuUi '.n Many have been 50 dozen Turkish Iiarber Towels, doxen 95o :'M WeeotnJ Avenue Weal, I'linee ami 'r . haU lha IS.ineh White Terry, per yard 43o liiii.ert. li. C. wek. Th-y out on Ladles' Radium Bilk Hose, black and colored; regular of ooiilcnl on their laws. Man r- "KurafcM Ueaiier is Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. pure 12.50. Per pair S1.90 whit and is eataseialiy adapted nat the sams al an na t Children's Drawers, per garment 35o Room II. Smith Block for the ua of Htaeh inista or . will ha a-wdtlilssnl." , 20 Ladies' Hsrgo Skirts, special, cash $4.60 C0r same Bargains on - others enjeU in work where 12 Ladies' Serge and Silk Dresses, each S14.80 Sale AftsU ordinary soap fce of Hills value halanee of the bata to be elearci 50 Plaid Ladles'Skirts Sweaters, all styles; each $2.80 iu cieaulnff the hands. regular lrice. - from, each 7s0 " muki 42 Chlldren'a Rain Capes, all ouiis, iroin .$15 to $2S THE EXPLANATION. ALL LADIES' COATS 25 PER CENT, OFF 10 Ladlss' Ralncoata to clear si Prlcea Good TIII Further Notice Auntie (to nieee of ait who haa been a flailing , - 4 what FOR WE SELL did you eaten? TckikoriC Child U'loudiy I cauirhl sis RrnS H.S. WALLACE CO., LIMITED Number 7 IIUMtkSUcl. Yanun jauuui y.r Auntie a hud SuiLx Hul Vrt1- II C. Q. MINNS, Manager. weren't you aattk HOUSE OF GOOD v THE Phone 045 Will Take Goal Back If not Satisfied. i'.hlld Of eotll-ae not; I illdn I ui I hem -Pmich. i