May 31. I02lt juesday TH1 DAILY VIWI PA01 t. HEART SO BAD Local and Personal Enlargements! Was not safe to Il.C. Undertaker.. Phone 41. tf MACDONALD'S Leave her alone Skill atailclh nauKtit UeddlnK'danl Cily Market. without I Ik' proper equip. n-i Ma p. Vaimiaa. iru.rnmorr, onl ' aTleino'n For lea, St. Itegis nn'Ml. 'III in machine re- rlli I frrl that I luuil writ and I'll ion of iliti arm IhwM I tut rTfltrd Cafe. If lul ii tmscM llic iiiakinx ri'xn Miitium'a Hurt and ncrta rill a ii f enlargement. JiiKt j MhjuI finir rara at I n laa laTMblr Wanted Haw furs. Pal Phil Cut Brier I'ad villi injf heart, nrrre and faiolint lipon. tf harp ii the original. CH" and waa don in bed for about U Mm. Youngmau will not recehe fiKMiiln Price dof-tnrrd mill lo ditrtrrnt very reasonable. HwImi ami arf-inrd 1 r'l Ix-IIT, allhourn tuiiiorruw.i Hrlng your favorite nega. (ic rainmir Klla nuld not irate nn. More Tobacco for the Money inc I iild lake aurti irrrlblr fall), torrrr mid we will convince . t VPs ?srZZZgikfS.CT.'J? VkVV I I thai II -, nut Mfe lo ia iiw I.lsl your (boats for tale with alone al any tin. At ll I flwirfrd to M. M. Stephen.. tf rrrl in rfrlta ry mfrtintvi ana total DEVELOPING AND xn-ral dinvrrnt klixtt, but awm-d lo r PRINTING; rut bill imlr ixiMfli from tlirtn. niw Fresji red prinx italmon, ii ''if Packages 15 (lay iKiilnna llw alirrliwmrol or Mil lb. Cily Market. 127 for atualrum. Salisiar. burn. Hriri aiHl rrr Hllla I dmdrd to . (Inn iry Ibriii, and lrforr, I bad takrn tnorr . .Havn'er Bros. Pioneer Under guaranteed man lu lnr I could acr llvy rre Help takers. Phone 3S1. tf Quick Service Hit iiit I lntr tairn about Irn bfiira, ... isssssswaKf era and am allmfi rrlirrd of IIhimj Irmblr lii". I -Inrrrrl)- frrl mat )mir inrrilrin. Caidi for your Victory bonds. hat rru a blrp to imp. and I adtir .Vo wailing. T, McClymonl. tf m ',nr ir-iubird ita tlMvtr twarl la try llx-rn. at 1 am coofldrol tbry mill tlnd Mrx. T II. Joliti-.(on ti ill Dot a "I f-.xw wii- jpXrf relirf. recehe tomorrow. Wednesday. GMnaeMvs.JJd MiiiMirn' llrart and .rrtf run ar lot, ... a Un at all dt-arra or rnallrd dirrrl on of Klrr by TUr T. MlUiuni Co. Mm. I.. M. Ifex will not re I imllril, Turoutu, ont.. cehe tomorrow nor aKain until Autumn.. , I . International Organizer Mo Launch Provincial for Stewart, Cutchebn to address 'Carpenter' Thursday, 5 a.m. Phone Red 391, I-or 11 1 1735 Wednesday. June I Prince Rupert Boat House. 127 ROYAL PURPLE , Important business.1' All attend V . I EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY' 127 La-lies Auxiliary of (he . I Buiid! Build! Build! ! will hold a dance on WrdiiPsu-iy HAD FINE BALL Ti-ii cam wont out llii June 1. in llif Maelnlyre lll. EAT . iiMiriiinir al V:'JU on a xprriat .ailies 5(e tSeiitleinen 73c. tli I Unit Iraiu fur llm raL 'Mil we Lninliri i- lhe lien icsl building iiinlrriul m the world and the lieovlel xtralRlil flsti trait The Oeiiny .Mien 'Cfj. opposite Made Successful Entry Into the in- ht1w reached low wain- m.irk. - the spring Irnde fur miiiic llltle I line pant. post onicp a real vale. I.arpe Social Life of City. j Rupert Brand i- ..iK'iuiig tip, he tendency will likely be toward higher a reductions in ehina, cruckery, aj A li-ller nt llianU fium C.C. The first socbl function of irn'CS. liiway. neerelary o f llif kitchenware, aluniinuiii and toys. public cliaracler held by the Order Mi- I'ruifo 1 1 r k 1 1 Lumber Omipaiiy lias n large cluck Come and look round. 30 Hwiiniiiiiiif Club, for llm f300 of the Hoyal Purple, the recently ... 1 1.!- wIim Ii III llll voiir rftpt.rciuenW. xranl Mat rrrrivrt and nled by Constable Alex Maedonald of formed ladies' branch of R I L L S- DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH !he rity fuiincil la-t niglil. Al the cily policp force relurne.l Hip Flks, took the form of a -B it lie rml nf the Kfimifiii the club grand ball held at lhe Audi SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH will fulttii it a financial report to alter yesterday navint'oij.the awoinparneii J'rince.s a Mary t;in-nese torium last evening and was a (lie city. most pronounced success. The Do Your Dutldlng While Lumber it Cheap. prisoner lo Okalla Prison hall most decorated Farm. was tastefully SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE I'm.. Mi jour rcumri'tuf Hi 31 Hip ..11,.p. Seal le. or ! Tender were received al Hip . . and an elaborate supiicr . , Phone 361 for Price. eouneil niectinir lal nlcbt fur Mrs. I. II. Morrison is in re served. Dancing wa enjoyed -lo' TO COOK Cut fish into required portions. Dip in flour Mir Imlltliiiir fif I he fir Hie ceipt of the sad new 'of Hie the 'strains of an excellent orchestra battf i. Place in very hot fat and fry for 15 minutes. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. I new l ord lire Iruek atid the Job of eight pieces, including !.-.. death of her brflbfr. Wpllinitlon SOLD BY ALL RETAILERS a a., al.. tt.......a tf..a.. a.. French, a fariitfr at Cnitroimlly. the novelty of (wo piano playing itlie of.el Irmlrrrr, their llsuren WashiiiKltiii. He is survived by in iwrfeel time and acconl. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ibeinir fljj. OiTerif' were uIm re a widow- and fajnily. In addition o (he regular or pptvod from Hip Keliable Macliino ... chestra, the popular Hawaiian ; rilmp (735. and Jan. Hunter Co5 Fir dimension lumber rind Quintette consisting of Mrs. li. A. ; I ... sltiplap. I). 11."siruce. II r finish. Hryaiif. Miss Itlaurhe Curtain, j Then- wa n very enjoyable Ifwm and windows, lumler ri- Iou2las Slork. "Alex Ilix and Sid-, utiii driie held al the Kehekali ne! Ilaitiplt-Joiips, rendered snwn and ilresed to any size. sev-i liflap rooiiiK in the Hand lllock eral onnlribullons in most finished Denlistry-A-ftBayne Ouiek del iy our own car. lat peniiiir. 'nin wiiinprn of the I-:. II. sliocitey:7r!fW lay If style, ar.diilg greatly to the Northern Industries! firl prien wpre, gentlenien. I. eiijoyinenl of the eVening. I Support All.rill and. table'. Mm. Prie-al A letter from C.. C. W. Perk. Under the able management of j A. Cnurl and Mri. J. II own 1 1 M. 1'.. slnlimr (hat Hip O-land the Honored Hoyal Lady. .Mrs. Helgerton Block, Coiner Third Ave.and Sixth St won Hie rontolalioii awards. Ite float could not he built this year Sweet, ably nsslsleil by Mes.lamcs particularly when it costs nothing extra you freitlinu'iiU were ncned. account of Unsocial conditions Denial Nurse in'Attendance ... on IMMicer. Oilhuly. Atkins, Karly 1 n-ceivpil and filed by and I. who in charge wn., ipse!t, were OtTice Hour, 9 to 12; 1.30 to ; 7 to 9 V. SebutUe and J. Postula llic -council last night. of the various committers. Hie Do not Import leame up fair nenlencp 011 a charse affair iasicd of without a tiifcb .if tight iiur on. the public lretl Albert A McCaffery have bought' a'nd niuch praise was accorded in Hie police court tm iiioruinjr one million feel of No. I llr ship-lap the new ladies' ..nler uputi the LUMBER Mnui'trate Mc.Mordip coimnented ami dimension, and are cll- success iff lli.-iv initial entry that il wan apparent that l'un-tula Inir al lowest itHces yrl uuoleil. infti the pfK'ial life of the city. wan the nffjrrrxfor In (he Also contijele stock of llr finish The Indies in charge of the coin- FISHERMEN!! mailer and lined him tZQ or doors anil windows, and building millffs were: IfccorntifUis, Mrs. from the South thirty day.' Sehulie getlins off material?. ' tf (J. Friszell; music. Mm. F. c il with f 1 0 fir Iwenly days. a huly; refreshments, Mrs. Ken-cer: We can now olTer Alileriii.1'11 J. kelly and pfrjri invitations, Mrs. II. Lipsctt. Buy from the FULLER'S SPECIALS iMirhaiu will represrul Hie local FRESH FROZEN HERRING branch of the J, W. V. A. at I he Particularly prctly were the four llltle girls dressed in Hawaiian Acadia Cod Fish. 2 lbs. 60c. forthcoming mutual provincial rostume. Misses Alice BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY DRY ICE QUICK SERVICE Itadiuin Hour. Special VM.Ib convention to he- held al Chilli, Spencer, Vera Thompson. Laura cart. 15.75. waek. fteorjie liiirliain is al pn-s-cut FrUiell and Norma lingers. whose maintairs ore hundred end fifty, payroll over BUTEDALE CANNERY - Prince.. Royal Island .-wjfl'i, Ijird. 3 lb. 0c. i III in the south and Alderman service also Yeoman were rendered 1.30. Kelly is leaving ie,l Thursday. people tributary to your city. by Hip brother Klks, anion:--whom Pure Ulivev Oil. n jr. (1.3U, now 1.00. A. O. Franks was awarded the were Hen Self,' Joe Scoll, contract for I lie-print infc' of I he H. Lipsell. tieorge Frixzell. W. I.ur. fprciitl, 2 for 25u, K. Willisrrf.ft', W- Macdonuld, DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY Jelly Powdern. 2 for 23o. telephone directory at the roun and K. J. Cobb. eil meeting last night, bis 11 sure Special Prune. 5 Ibn. 03c' General Ral Eatattaa and Iniuranca Anjantai on the whole Hit pages being ;box W. G- Barrie Phone - !.oc new laid I'gn, per dx; 53u 80S 123. Special Cuffee. 3 lbs. ?1.0(1. ;07.75 for 1.500 copies. Ilosp, TAKES $20,525 RESULT Cowan A Latin Co. tendered t."i tin Sfi'Diiti A, iiui iii IlliHk U. Sci-tioii I. for u few d.iyn Special altetitloii and pnmpt 8.f0 per jiage and Mellae WOODBINE SPRING MEET THIRD AVENUE - POST OFFICE BLOCK leliery tu flshertuen uud wharf Only $750.00 Cash ordem. H.05. TOIll INTO. May 31. Commander Buffets, Dining Tables, Chairs and China Cabinets Tiix . 1 100 free ridon 011 I he merry lot i uM'rd ftH fJ-.'.lKi.H mill i 11 ipfalid bargain. II. It: Illee was it successful iro-rouiid. (iet your ticket, in camliilato for lliinl class .msi-neeriiiK J. K. L. Hoss. of Montreal, Window Shades, Curtains; Curtain Rods Our Own Ten and Coffee. lei. all Hie winning owners al the at the examinations paurs Blankets, Sheets, Pillow Cases, lb 50c Woodbine spring meeling by a l"ry' Hacop per P.O. Box ions rirti Inaurnnce Phono B7 which havci been held in ' Fry', llanif) per l'. i5o the government ofllces here for large margin. It's burns had Comforters Fry'o Plcnio llainn, per lb. 35o Hie bast hvo days, John Clark, won -.'().5;'S in lb" meeling which Fry' Salt Pork, per lb. 33c boiler inspector, presiding. W. closeil last Saturday. Squirrel P. X. Iluller 23c Herman and C. Itonovau obtained and LADIES' CaUup riecial, per bollle, 25c Ihird class tickets and C. Throw Millinery er n special healing certificate. HOME AGAIN! READY-TO-WEAR SPECIAL NOTICE . . May Day Kvctimioit rales from here to OnJcrs taken for DRESSES, wade to measure, in Fdiiuinlon. itud Vancou lu order lo dive our palroiu a Calvary Let's All Clean Up For real nice HOME COOKING and FISH AND CHIPS wife, Tricotine, TafTcta and Satin. Designs and betler delivery erlee, we Iip ver by railroad and from Van Go to the Cloths may be seen at the store. Junt roiiipleted arruuseinenlM couver lo here by boats come SPFCIAL ON BROOMS with the Aoturia I:iii'sk and lulu effect tomorrow, June I. lhe THE EMPRESS CAFE INSPECTION INVITED. (iood I string Ihouoi. . .75o liuxe pleasure in intitnatinji that round trip by the, C. .V. II. cost. on and uftei Monday, May 30, a 50 on special rales being olTer- llainboi) liroonis $1.25 Where. Everybody Eats White Help Only P.O. Hox 327 ") MERS" Ihon 27 all rd by lhe company. All eastern Whisk. twice a day tlellvery. eoverinir excursion rates also become effective O.Cedar Mops Boxes for Ladle Empress Hotel Block, 3rd Ave. of (he will into parU cily. go O.Cedar Polish etfecl, loavinfr our nlorv at 11 tomorrow, including those lo cilies in eastern slates and Lnpiid Veneer' 1:30 Sal unlay. a.m., p. 111., 7 p.m. Shoe lrushc-Stove All orders entrued to us will Canada. . . linai Morkiuuiifhip and . Jlrtislics wilh roiiKunalilo receive our prompt allenllou.. The case of the llsherman N. Wash Hoards Dr. Sutherland Art ip:tilily. Clothes CITY MAHKKT, II. Murk charged with misap Fealher iHistcm, only. . .50o priei -. 11 Kluiiilitrd ulwuys I). Olennie. propriating thu monies resulting kepi by Cook llron. iV It. J. llacon. from the sale of the llsh ob We are tdill selling D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. 'C"oc Dro. A Allen) Allen. tained on the List trip of the 3s Pure Lard 75c Tou ara not American usn uoat tiaiunier came 5s Pure Lard $1.25 DENTISTRYbTIts branches UiJiti' Cettumn toi fil$ Over 250 pattern, to .elect tCZEMA wb.n up for healing (his morning In Juili ud Lisbt OurtMli from rh.u'a tou us fitiiL.Dr. (he police rouil, " After the taking I blent lor Eirin and hklu lrrlta- of evidence front lhe three Munro Bros. Third Avenvo tliuia, It rrll.tta at onoa ana BTgu- Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 STEVE Altv Uk lh. kkln Humill. box Or. other men workipg-llie boat, (hu KING lliaa.'a illutin.nt trr. II Jou u.n.Uon thl For Appointment Phone Black 516 Prince Rupert and aeud?u.awiup (valii. OX', a ruse was adjourned until tomorrow Phone 88 Third Avenue Er no,li-rt or taui""". Hwa tw, Tutf llloruilla-