PAOR J. TTIK DAILY NEWS. yMir.l July v S The Daily News THE DAILY MISERY PONTOONS AT The Man in the Moon PRINCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA SAYSr- Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newa OF ILL-HEALTH DRY DOCK ARE Prlntinjr and Publlahinjj Co., Third Avenue. I he reason woman's hai cost GREEN Payrolls i ban iiis,. or turn BEING CLEANED;; H. F, PULLEN, Manacino Editor. Tkree Year a af Saffarlas Qokkly he cvtra cost of sellinK them. RoUeed by TRUITA7IVES FORESTS SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Till: sun aliln on Ihe Jul City Delivery, by carrier or mail, par month .,11.00 1 Thli Ben s Dora Plr Since Tlm Tny TMi Wr.Hat aiMl the unjust iliat l In Pales, Fish Uy mail to nil part, of the Hritiah Kmpire and the United Mates,' Launched. line. iu advance, per year ...... (0.00, 'Vld'to MEAN MORE WHMI'N he To all other countries, in advance, per year . i . 97X0, Thr Wnllnr are hriivfr Hlili.nlMiiiK I'o. limn men. At any rale tliey are ' a Ui. trei'nr nine einrairrtl dnriuir uhrn II rome lo dfea. TELEPHONE SS. in r-iAiring (ni )V.iiIimki hi the Employment t.n dry die. Ii is the first Till', neww dfiAiehe4 yeir 1AlbY KUmON, Saturday. Julr 9. ltl! i me aince HiiliNns were day rt ieople n giMiiping alnMtt '" fill in (Iml lhl ha Iteen eleelions. iluno od il has been found that a a 8houtd Encourage s nif ..f ilietn were mllier Imilly Till", etureaalon "early fler. Shipping to Come. mm 0 need of fltiitti up In various lion" should be Inlerpreietl n Crops The announcement nmde hy J. V. Nichnlls, controller .it ways. The work eonifa Iu lak-uiir nieanlnr "early ite aiinuoeit." the rold storage phint. Hint a shipping llrrn mtffht cnim here ihein out, seellon by aee. . a a a regularly ir it could secure fM ton of freight eoch trip, is ;i lion, from Ihe water, scraping, II. II. X I KVM.NS haa ln men. inosl iulerrstiiiff one mimI it is to lie Imped Ihe Trnde mid tJom-merce MR, CASPAMO DUB0P.D I'lranfns- nnl nairiiig Ihein. ttoiied a a MisiMe enhinel ntlo-lter, BURNT tiominitlet' Of the Hoard of Trade will lose no lime in Inking 159 Arenne Plot IX, MouJ. and I hen iiiiHois them back lll what ahotil the rlee. Recreation up theniHtlf r with them. Willi the new dock almost lluished mid airnin. or of VmteiMner. Will lliey with Ihe development of the limine of Ihe district, it would .eem Tor three yert, I km a ttmlU Work oivtho ilaHaillaii rVlliii!auaiu back the preaantt vrrti- lo lie mi easy matter to secure (lint much rnrgo. It might pay nftntfnm DytftptU lod tnjr ftotnX and ihe ffainadiAn Thresher Is menl. Dial is Ihe chief worry FORESTS health bad. I coosoKni a the city to put n good mini on Ihe joh at once In arrange with INh tu very nroeelinir sallsfnetiirlly. Hoi"f Mr. MelKhen. phyticUa d J took his turUic iaa nd pucker, cornier nnd others lo make shipments hy thut route. Ihe former vessel the engines nnd' " ' " WUi fully carried out hUlnitrurtUmi; Game It titight Vecm nt Ilrsl sight a if n -liiiiping concern coming but X did not Improf and fiwllf lA ...tiers nr now aM ard arid thejDOCTOR LOSES HIS MEAN LESS here worth! take much liusinesa from yiieVn road. llllitiel lias away Jtmusti doctor feU aw TcaeU hot b tmnd. been pill Up. Iliote he rememhered, however, thai for Ihe lorijjrhni'il Hindi freight is At this time, a frieod aJviied ma who hate seen the funnel LICENSE FOR ISSUING . heing cent lo Vancouver mid IrHiisierml ifiJ'Ve, lo the-great dis-advmitage to try 'Fnui-o-tirrt aad I did ao. that it apienr rulher small. PRESCRIPTIONS of local shipper mid with ijnuingrilhe goods. If the! Aflar takls two boxes of Trail-, This is (me in a way. It Is 9,000 hip once commenced eortiing bcre) they Would,bd nn eucoimige-j two, I waa greatly reliered; and Ihouahl Hint il will be aatlsfne. menl to local business and some of them might carry shipments fra.lually this marvelous fruit lory in wbllh but it inay hate TflllOXTO. July l III Thi.. MORAL Be Careful with Fire of lumber nod Hum help keep our mill going. With I In' starting medicine made me completely dl. lo be Innjrer than Ihe preenf defnan. of llamilion. Ont . w of the pulp mill, another industry would provide freight for iljr difestioa aad tearral health plans rail for lo provide suffi tinlay aiiapended by the Ontario vessels for the east coast or the United Kingdom are splendid all of which I osa to cient drafl for the iler. Ihe Mi'uVal !onnel from the prar. a. t i ' "FraJWa-tiTes". outline on of plalea nnd fenerhl lire of his profession fur sit Let People hull work on the Canadian otoliths. fir. Coleman wa Develop Country. OASPARD DCBOIID. Thresher I prr.. i-eding with dis found guilty by the rwelM-al There is at Huru I.nke a group of men who are anxious to patch. eiritiieil of "iufamofia a ltd ills i COe.a box,6 for $2.80,trial s!te,?3e. drill fur oil. wish to (heir iu SPECIAL WEEK END SALE. I They spend own money pulling At all dealers or sent postpaid by gracerul eomiuel in lite irne-llee I down holes lo lest the country. They are finding it dilllciill to Frult-a tie Limited, OtUwa, OaU BIG K.C. PICNIC of his profession." 'Hie' t .seeure licenses, after having complied wilh all Ihe necessary charye aaainl him ane ool of forms. It aeems dillleull to understand what the ohjeclion euild ON FOR TOMORROW tils rout iel ton al llamllloti of he. 10 cent Reductions ! SUITCASES havlnsr lHrs preer4rirana per The people of Hums Lake are very much disturbed over the for ll'iuor within I dree otoliths' Ail Goods Until If Weather Is Flna Evant Pro on Saturday Night refusal to grant the licenses. It does seem ipieer that the ilie period. industries of the country should he tied up when people are TRUNKS mises to Be One of Great The discipline eAmillillre Indies of Prince Rupert do not have to my hjfb willing lo take a chance liy spending their money in development. HANDBAGS Enjoyment to All. which recommended In Ihe eoon-cil war prices for There may he some good reason for refusing, hut if there is, the Ihe six month' suroi relebrafe T" ihe first anniver people shouldt lie lifhi. jAsj it i they are feeling very eore with tents, Sails. Awnings sary of the ealitliHshiiienl if inclined lo deal leniently Suits. Coats, etc.. '. (he ,nrvihclid'goif niQieut. We want lo nil wilh develop the coal nod lir. hot fell thai . oil and olhi r oaturrtl piUliir Is (hat are In sight ami Ihe (Jove rumen! Iheir eonneil in Prince Ituirt. some disciplinary a el ion was ad- ; as they now have a Vancouver store and Vancouver Ihe Knighl of Dolumhu mill we fancy should he 'very diffident ahont taking any action J. F. MAGU1RE i loinornrw bold a nomaler nieriir tlsafde. r. Odeiuan had ll4 ' prices. .which would retard urh ihe 'development. .,, Committee, It was alalesl. o Tuvrwell Island. have Neit the Prieee Rupert Motel .Many that be had tlndersliaul lhal me- BENT'S LINGERIE SHOP ; .'vlrfshv, Settlement . '. ? expressed Ibeir otenU( of pro. leal men were I iml led In UMl tj Seems) Possible 4 . inir alony Ami now Ihe only re- Third Arenua, rtoat Currta'a Bakery. Phama AS I Marl preseripliona in omuiIIi.! a ItU ff. people-nf the conn try are undoubtedly looking for grenf MINERAL ACT. ttlirement frfr rontilee auceeas bof were not limited in Ihe num.' j. tiingf front llic coming conference between the Irish leader nlid 75raoveET9. ill b kind I real merit froir, the hr of all and elirhl otinee the llrilisli Government. Undoubtedly' the Hinn Fein Irishmen ccaTirirjiiE or Weather .Man. All arrarwenieitla seriplion. The eomoiilte pre- feel very strongly or they,' would not take the1 chance thVy run sprnaOinni I." 'im-onla are in capable )iand atnl every- found llmf 't ir.4llo)etna'il Will tail '. NOTART rprmnm THEO LTD. ivery daj. of fdiiig shot or imprisoned. On Ihe other hand the .'Na. I -i Mow a f ars nt. latins; la In readiness for Ihe Ctcel ChJ-Jiil" w, far a COLLART, - pun LIC I rami" iirl cuikm, iisau tn in ntst complete enjoyment of Hie '.Hay" feeling is just as strong on Ihe olher side. wwr Minn,a MsMm m caMiar vtsinct. J: i 4nr ure-criileo were t- FOR SALE at Torratc. It.C HgKt rJ eeasrrt There was Jitlle settlement aslonga ware kiettrd: oa rmlrsot Crera, til by all. rant heats, I hnperof a Ihe bkflder nun Hirer. cerned. i cellar, lot fenerd. furnkW Only ) liutk frvra Pt (tTr a-sl f refused ty-get together and talk things over. Xow that they have TXkK soTICf nut Lewis w. ftunor. There will Is a roinplete hi Store S3.0OO. 8 bs for mora partieaiart. rrr Miner's Certiorate 5a. IS4SI-C irral of attorl etenls for rbl "atr.1 ,1 agreed to .thi. there is every hoiw of a settlement.- People iu rar Itie Mtro Mrm ta Rose wmiof Comf-snr Hi t-.-0 ) Inauranca Company of Nrfrth Amartcav. Tb Mod this rotnilry all hone that strife in that rnnnlrv will rout I HnOr4. - eersoMI Lisbon. rr Mia- younjr dnd Hfte ortie are ortl? Liberal Company on tk Coast. ., 4rrunru a. 4tlta-c. iatend. nid tided for Ihe winner. II wdl J . that fnun this time Ireland will on reluni lo industrial pursuit ilrr trm tne date nrreor, to ipply ta The vtninr aeenrnr roe a Certiflrate at be possible In run Jhce races r.o. B WaaOWaaa TVaatro Blasa rVrM Brs aa i s aii ounei lor ineir surplus jMicrirv. PfllNCK StUPCrrr TIDES imrrarememt, ror Um pvepoae al aftttia tar a troma Oraal af eaHi at tbe aaova with etery eontertience on Ihe When Will Dominion rlliam sandy shores, of the Island, AMI rtaTHEN TAKE NOTICK laal aelMa. Saturday, July 9. Election be Held? anxler trttnm tl, nasi be eurmnrd be-fnro There will Ire plenty of re Iliifh 3:57 to.v feH. &?Ztl ML- J..a a ..: C A I C5 .Vquestiori which !S uitiore f sura Oruacala of, I is agitating some of the people is when lmirrat,, freshments. Coffee, ire cream. v B1 rX 11 C l.UIIUUv.1 a-kUV.a.lUIl unkai Id: It ro3 , will a Fkiminioii election he held? The llaily News has given an TtIi inia tlta dr ar Mtrea. A. D. and olher ieicacie will lie erv p.m., feel. opinion thut it will he in Ihe lale spring or summer of next year. Ittl. Ltwis w raTwoat. ed free and all Ihe esrurbnila I.w-10:17 Z.t feel. T Y W anywhere, promptly and efficiently Nothing hit since happened to change that opinion. It is possible LAND ACT. are asked lo briny are the cups 52M3 p.m., feet. If JJ Phoic Red 157 10. Auntlay, July it may be earlier hut not likely. The .Meighen'lioveeiiment res and basket lunches. MihJ- ZZJ-tfry 2nd Ave.. Section 2. Prince- HuoctI B.C 1:5 3 If J feet. nothing to gain by haste and there is always the hope f some- Nalka af IslaaUaa U aay ta Leeae taa. The hoala will leate Ihe Prince ajtl. -vriCjHtor' ' ' uniiK turning up wrncn may aid Ihem. At present the outlook In Hanre t. ivwal Land Ultlrtrt. aerif. Ilupert Iloat House at 9:30 I7:3H pjii IV.'J feel. iar Oiatrtet r fnnrm Kairt, tad iitaate Iiw 11:00 a.III., .m feel. I blue and it can hardly get worse whereas it may possibly im-i MhKIM I'aaur. I u mora aosinarat ar oeranie Lannrry, Siaiia lalaad. Md 23-A3 p.m.. 6.0 feel. prove. .Meighen is a much more active man than his predecessor uira rail aorta rati or Ornn latantt Mrm. PRINCE GEORGE Monday, July II. .Jin ollfce aud he may count on startling the country with a line or Tate noiir trial I, Airresi r. Wrirfti. af rnm i: Iliah S:SI niiprri, a. arrMtua lamt aor a.m., M.I feel. Viliry,that Tnaylohclf the popular faiicy. If he could bill gel reyor. mtend la arjrtrr ur h.miuuM ia Hi.hup A. I tie I'eitcier. tif H;.16 l.3 feel. mmf lam imnn oearriUMI p.m uadt Hag big enough and wave it widely enough, vei he might . ; xaiiaiewinr at a U.t Manted u tite Vancouver, was a visitor tiera al Low 12:00 .ni 5 feel. me uuy. i ne niiucuily S In iret the flair And Iho ram. i.i .... 5ft",lml.rM ". r "lies Ihe first of I be week, lie tf aoalnmeat mntp P im roll GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY lo It. yas ihaiws . I'm! Maine!; tbear NM firmed eltcht raiMlldalra fis- HU The lime ,tne enure Sawt Bar, latins la all laal pari tise.J Pacific ftan-ihtrd. 8. S. PHINCC RUPERT Oil PRIRJCC OKOflOC I a!-. Low V nirr liars, aad ctauniti is Michael a Chnrrh. for Ihe IJdtli Meridian sailing ivii mn ar 4Lthen m taaifiMT a a weal. It la counted from 0 to Thursday and Sunday Midnight fee twanaan Bay, Ot as a DaWsl lata tai aar of April t. O. Ittl Miss llnlh Pne haa gone lo 21 hours, front iiililiilaht lo ntid- Falla, Vancousar, Victoria and Saatlla. Dr. JOS. M AGUIRE '11 HK surartir coi ht or bhitish Vancouver lo spend a holiday. nishL Wcdnday 11 p. m. foe Anyes Saturday t p.m. fee itawart wiu Mnia. a a " I.MIL,,IItH 1nti "AOtUISTBA The Uble. given is for I'orl S.8. PRINCE JOHN TIOI ACT Mr. and Mrs. p. K. Wilson Kor Port I'.tetnenfa Masseii liui kte) llav Juljr rl and e the time for I'rinee MEMBER OP THE B.C DENTIL COLLET.I ' - sad - and family have taken Ihe Jark !liuipip.ut all iomia on Kouthern Oueen flharlotte Islands July A is the mat 1 1 a or the tir only a few min-itjeson DENTIST MthIA KM-f .. MCtAOln. son hoiise al West Lake for dlte Train Saealoa. T.tSE notice thai M ttas onw af Hi summer and are wear residing aome daya and on others Paaaeaarer MONDAY. WaDNESOAY and EATUROAY 11 1 Phone 575 nnnor jiKirr r tru vrmtir. mtltr tne la the same. Thn ramre of the 4, to. For riiiHilirrs Prince lieorge. trfliuouton and W -ieg. Smith Block ivrnir eirtiia iar or Apni. its i. i a I lie re. aiuani4 atmliualraur i.l iha ati .r a tide may tie rtiotpuled at S per diakina direct connection for all mlnt in tai Higb rrade d'enUl work at the lowest prices. Maria kauirniaan. srwt all ptrnea Lunada and I ruled Hlstes. I can give Um test of reference. barinr eltima traiaai ih 114 hum sre The weddins; was recently aol- rent greater al Prince Ituperl 20 in active service. 'rri.r rrqvtrra ta ruraiaa uma prrfwrly emniied here of Misa Harriet I ban al Port Kimpson both at AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. jrears rrnnra K, no an ar brrura ih K"r f i-II iiiformallon anil reservalioua apply lo Cral ilar of Mar. A. D. Itfl. ami ail ixrlfa llaker. of and John Keren springs and neaps. Therefore Ottawa, Oinci Nr-I12, H nl R ... City Ticktt Orflca S Third Aranua Phorva 20 tftt Inmfi 1 wp-uir, imp paiaut ars rriMirea 10 paj C wzi vW ,rr 11, ui inrir luoruiaaiapaa ta r Ihls city. llev. William lira Ihe rise In Ihe Prince llufiert rorihaiia. harbor la slightly greater lha.11 JOHt M. MrML'LLI.l. haute offifiatitiK- Mr. Keren Is OlDnal Admlnotrame, lite C. N. It. airenl here. Port Hinipaon. f-narm nuprrl. M. C. The height Is In feet and tiaird thia lilt ear or May, tttt. P.O. Box tenths of feel above the average 327 "DEMERS" CANADIAN PAGHC RAILWAY Phone 27 ft THE ItTREME COfnT Of BRITISH 1.01 IV nit. Ten Years level of lower low water. Ago 11 rhoatTr. It THE MtTTrh or THE ESTATE or B.C. Coast Services JUST RECEIVED lit Hoi ft ijiiiistii' anciir In Prince) Mupatrt lilAST MtiTBICT. BAViE HISTHUI TAKE notice thai tm the I HI dar of or riui.x. H.ri.iiT. ( . 1 .I. ivii. lumiiuiiniiMi af ina .iiim w ijirialie Mrlrair. dread. la- TtlE JOTirE that I. 'aarW-a pardr. SERGE DRESSES tralate. wae franled I Mm II. MrWalfin. Julr 9. 1911. laaraxi afipiy rir a itrrnrm m pni-i Sailincrsfrom Prince Rupert ortirlal AdruiiUiiraUir. Priorai foitn. Mm. The Prince Ituperl Hydro-Kleetrle lis Uada:pelriileaia on Ike i.iKiias avarribed ia CfeUiftitiia. Aali I LHTHEH TAKE roiTICE Iktl til had alirnlfied Its (Udumenrins al s IsmI Masted sbnul For KtUhlkan, Wrangalt, Junaau ana) Skatway in l"" owins RSMiies ta the atld eaUla orar aad a kail Bailee isirtk d Bearer Hirer Juno 13, 20, 27; July 4, 11, 1S, 2S; August 1, 8, IS, 22, 2. newest intention styles lu ahead are rrmilrr! in Mr the aaiMt to the Ad- fco al once a rut tlx! tnrrS auartrrs or s anile ae iiiinialraur rorthwitk. and all israa karri with the installation of u Cedar ftiaer: Ihraee kArm aa i-Miaa, For Vanoouvor, VUtorla and Sttl Also 1 arrounli ualnai liw aald ealate tre a ate meat as rliatna, lko atsoa as Serge Novelty Skirls rMiulrrd ta kU the tame wtlk the ad-mliealraUir woraa ami power plain near rutins, Ihenre eaal aa rkaina ra imal af Junt 13, 2S July 2, 9, IS, 22, 29; August f. 13, 20, 27. ttubia Iklrty dsn rruu IIm n nwierrarii. efaitaiartas sit arret, tu tlal nerMir. near Prince flui-ert. be tlxn aa rardys a I Llsiffl. For Swanson Nay, Ocoan Falls, Port Hardy, Alert . Otlrd ibis tetk day af May, Mil. a Ijietlrd tr lia. Itfl. Nlnpklsh, Bsavsr Covs, Vanoouto and Victoria j'J 11.1 n. Sr LU1, Mra. II. I.. Proctor, wife of i.iitkit.s n hut. Appiwni, AtnMiiatrttor, EVERY SATURDAY AT NOON. lie foremarf of Ihe construction P.O. Uox 1SBB Phonal B7 LAM) ACT. of the Uoaraillilte, llosnilal al Batfg Tu kls tn all parts of the World Full Information from LARGE FOUR ROOMED HOUSE Netka af lataatlaa ta assly ta Ltete Lead IHxby, was iiufoiiiinale enough W. 0. ORCHARD, Osnsral Agsnt For Sale in condition la lunre t. Land oiainri. Hrord-las to break her ankle at Ihe Island good on Alfred Street diatrin ar friere auisst, tad tttatu lust 11 Ik lit. Ir. Tremuyue Suitcases Corner of 4th S treat and 3rd Avsnue, Prince RuBSri, 0. $1,800.00; Terms 10 4,Mm fsaaare air Ike .SortO Weil ikora of kt-nardy lilartd brotiKhl Ihe Injured lady to Ihe The lot on which the house stands is equal In size to over Prtnra Take Buperl,uallra mat B. C,I, Alfred ocrupstloa E. aur-eyor. ol local hosfillal iu (lie launch Trunks , - --t four 25 ft. Iota talrnd to apply prnaiaaioa ta Kvelyn. im leaae tfca rullowins drarribed landl: ruaaaieoriKs at s uuat Miiird oa taa a a Teati, Packiacki II UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. DAVID H. HAYS eatl ttd or Ilia Stud Btr kitftan at 'Base Misa Mury AIM llolen laal & COMPANY SjikI," 4 rhaliia oral or Ike .torlB Eaal if; wksva tts b!'.!: ';tr'.':r,,.iord,J";,2:' " ronwr of Ud Its, Haate t. aoaat btalrirti iilht leMiun Ihe bride of Krneat O. PFHCY TINKER, tbutar '"f tri:f!l tftr rtiv.rv SaJ t. A. Iive, Ulilltlea F. M. Crosby in all lhal part atsrre Urw Walar Mars, city Mlperili. Kaal Eatatei Plrm ln,urinc. ami coaiaiaiiis taa Al.lkLO arret, WMIUHT.ur laal. ienibiit. itev. V, W. Kerr ,er-forniunf lit Tleird Avtnus. frlnca Kupert It Saaaad Aiaasa e-AM BAatJHBT, ,.. Prlasa fet, bated uit In day ut spm A 0. Itfl. (he rereioouy.