pAnn ntoHT THE DAILY NEWS nnd Reliable iniiirh Interested lo react the Popular MASTADONS ARE .mailer tone In whkdi Utile al Public (.i.ii..ii la uuIIy paM. and G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Y1K which raatly rnsjM I" nteked up NOT TROPICAL in.I aed II tt) h hoped, he MM' INnrHANU: U carefully wrill.n by ti in reliable coin-pnnies. - i. thai miner other will Westholme :: Theah We are pertnnnnt!y engaged in Ihe buMnee and our '..k.- an nii.iit Hi seeing thai record am accurately kept, no that when ymr policy plre Slenllsl Visiting Yukon Tells of reach (he mueum. He . you will I notified In suftteienl lime lo kep yr property Soma of Remains Found . un-d noun- ierlmen whm Tonight, Tuesday There. ii.-'K. ant 1 1 tw li'ati In rt-ainiiir We Holleit bnsin. protected. your any other wttlrli mlaht H.WVWIX. trot. s-mii." of .he ukIii lo hi allenlloi when It's the gny bright light LTD. nrot .i vw , H. G. HELGERSON, Im popular notion In regard to M-liii Uri, poaalbly ten Insurance Rentals i In' eitinei animal of the north .la "i W'k hrlirc Mr wrr ahallervri lie re by a mi.I Me Mill.-i Will lair ANITA Kinjrulhed iit..r. V S MiHea 1.,111.- I" f 'I ''Mil '"IIM. STEWARTS orat..r of hiuminnU 'Ho Ua lOc CIGAR led ft ate National Mu- i. He w lie re the remain of maid Union Utd im Vaacoerrer CANTEEN FUNDS grentesj p t moth, two or three kind of Egg Coa! Weston's Egg Coal biott. a lara-e bear, a deer ami i"o lt04 "The a horn. All of tlire animal OF SOLDIERS Yellow Mill er. that Ik a a li Mated, although related la Guaranteed Coal frtHiin on twit and h.-rba e other now livtn. long hOAe keen Speciality Alberta Standard , Speciality lettiae. probably inee tke tarty etillally like Ikoae winch growr Premier Melghen Has ta Answer 630 - - PHONE - - 630 part of Ihr Irr are. today la SIlKTla. a rearion wo for Disposal of the Typhoon" rliHMlrt A popular mieconreptton. ay a mm tary differeat from tkjtt at lae Yuk.n alley. Money, reaarftinir then Miller. exist Guaranteed Coal means, if ours is not as pood as tlr. The presence of thce Mammoth' Teeth. Oh, boy! Wht a thi alrr Hi we say, we will remove it and not charge for what animal doe not imlirat a The la rr leidh fr. quenlly HAMILTON. Sept 13. A. u foud IMS mot Premtrr Mflirkew 04 Mot hr Ik reaion popuU climate here have used tropical at unit time, you arty railed maelodon i-.-th. es. enoik to worry him In Un( Egg Lump tli Animal mammoth rentally whirli tin are imi found a! dak Mr. t Miller. m.liy o;oin..o eleetin wtifili be Im loonerville Comedy - "The Fro Btf lore, he explain, have bees) teeth of Ibe maftiin n'li The aroufhl on. eeral huMJml ioh- $13.50 Delivered $14.50 found in Siberia froten in tha rowe'of tie maM' il ii liadk kwr of the IHaelMriied toidlee yamisvoii, isc a: d ? - ABSOLUTELY NO CLINKERS AND NO SOOT i in nb R'Wd foodMlon I but ha Hrmm tuhrrrle' oi rimdoi and Sailors Federal lem Iter hae their p.fotrtneh -.intent tan be humM like thoe of Hi- hiwk eeat a ptntedly wwrtln eomaawnt. tudi'd. The- lmw. ay Mr. lee Ui of a ulc. vhilr thr teetb atlna to Ike PHtww Mlnulr. in 1 1 ordinarily f ootid kr- r,- flat- whlek thay teasn In know by am I I a a a. m s a Jt aa in crowned, with ero ndaes n( wkat rlakt ke and hi cabinet aa sua & I II b ird enamel for alrin.linii TeHk fca, "ifcl to male awj fellow lonlcht, luftdajr t tin- kind are T'tin-t only m nut or tnenMivew ky laylM Ihnr Save Ihe Pennies Mo- ininitii'ith and lt- In nB elr-. kaad on Ike $l.a6.M0 Knl.l Universal Co. Trading n .f r.rtia ai"l fi'i'a. lurrf CaaleM ruNd and aiin and the DOLL ARS will Mi Mill.-r rail il. ni..n ! tli II. W. V. A. M of M, with ELAINE HAMMERSTH 'lo- f4rl 'Imi ' Hi-"in wuld le Ike penmlae lk4 1 1 .MA murr Th Mall Order Housa of Northern B. C take care of iwihiM follow ewek swath. I themselves. Calls Action Illegal. j in Announcing Our Low-Profit Cash and Carry EXTRA Major Tkmuaii lark tklr n4erwon.wreleeL M.C..Sl member . "The Girl from Nowhere' f Ike frileealloa roalewd in Quick-Turnover Specials SPECIAL lur rofiioiuoieatiori hal tek ae. 1 COMEDY Policy. Lara r"etinc iVarbrs. pet ii.n on the pirl of Ike rorrwiiM-nl . , while last i mholN illecal inaemwrb i Ik-' eae $1.89 they A rail at oar ealablisbinmt will prme In yni that f mv( Italian rrunci, eaf. . $1.49 fund I Hie properly of returieetl all competition liolh in and ul T town. Let us droonlrat-to llartlett Pears for pivn'-r- ldUr and Vol lo be (parked joo. The follow ins are jut a frw of llie many special we itsar. case $3.29 it bog I a mandate frttm, Lkren have lo offer Concord lrapv, basket . .95c 50'BOXES re. TWPri.rni i.ap.t im . Potatnr.. er iek. . . :$1.$9 Mr An4rr-on remiade I'retnier II. C. or Paetle Milk Mi'ithen of the promt made bjr I en dnti Way' Woollen 20M yard print, all good ron Mil U w4 ii ma rax V.ijnr IIiiimp .riRii on May 31 . . 9 tins for $1 T wiwf hi I. M (Ioc. our own iWHrlalHti. pattern, for bur day DUCHESS j.l to lh fltrrl that Jelly PowoVr. asxortrd Ike eaaleen Tu kl la M tt. r.. I H special at 50c per; pair. only, at 20 o pir yard. parkaae So ( ml i -ild reman unlourhd ' ! awit Mmwm Mb i iii iiiil. .. tk- men ro4ient4 thai U Libby'a AsfiarsRua Soup. Srt Ml I LmK i. liny' Cap. All kind and Children Crepe Lreosce it: tin 9o lioiilii ke urd for any f-ijk ac.l Lil r. o. aoi ss wrtSTwoiwi tmiatnx bioci rotor. S5c and 1.00. W liii-. H(iik aud Blue mi Libby Tomato Srup. tin 14c APPLES iurMiw. farludint. Mr. Aadr- $1.25 each. Itofetn II.nhI Oale - oir rommuniral'on sya (n pari. Unyt." Straight I'nnU. from 8 lb. sack 30o "I quettloa your Jurldtrtin. II. C. Uranulaled Hnsar sir, in diretfr of any of ibr 3 to 8 year. 91.25, 91.50 100 pairs Ladies Cauva and $2.00. Pump,3peclal $1.00 per pr. ' 10 Ibe. for $1 money of till fund. I am un. 4 Swift's I'reiuiuni Ilaron. aware of aay law thai pee wilt you UkiUif Uieldie C2e $1.75 or your atHernsnaiit la ttllltie in 1A aLf I i ' i i I ai Bki mm an bt 11 i rr i We hava the Agency for Oall Ileal Lace, any form walar Ibe fund Taw mm m m m a it i i j Don't forget about the Boys' School Shoes. ini-ird U your ear wHMeul Srt W W aaaaaaaiBBBai aaaaaasaaaai mmmw " per box 4rime manlite from the, Sanitary Market legal owner. 1 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Entitled to Vole. Our Visitors 1 1 Walk Downstairs 'and Save We bu American Cur. "It I true that yeo are our Phone 370 Helgerson Block S. K. Shane, Manager Money. rency, Silver, Cold or Prime M inkier and leader, and w-repert your leaderehlst. but it Bills wa neer Inlefxled thai mi fckiHibl UMKft Ihn divine right of i'ruMB kimi ami awne without Rupert Table Supply Co. renweet dlrwel control af Indi-idoal PERFECT rlahta and liberllei: for. Save Mom NEW FALL PHONES 111, lit. fiom time Immemorial, eanln i fund have keen available to thr 1 1 a lor of Ikem. ami Ihey kai-f inxaMairfy len entMled a votee BREAD in their dtrMMiieM.n Shopping at The eominiiniealion t.nn. 11 hy NEW tl nt tk O. V. V. A. return all Tin- Iuk'h'-I iei of i. at monev lko adanred to it from JABOUR'S rH4cr) i the dakiiiK .-f tlo fund, pin latere! af H per ptTfiN-t bri'ail 4 ml ttn rent.. ntkerwrKe member- of Ike eantiol be ae'iiiiililii'd FALL local Soldier ami Sailor.' Id-eratkan We hae n doui.i in inui.l Ilia' . with piMtr fbiur. rwefuHy reenlMd lie yar that (be inol popular, i I'rwmler Uat they will apply b the LIMITED. Prince ilupert i JAOOUR BROS. Use MILLINERY rourte of Jucllee far redrea. of a few of our pi mi- Five Roses The w ry latl iuouVI in Little Mary TOO SUDDEN.awme Into Ike White Cotton, per yard - Ii-)-- 1 1 iiiiiui'U ami leady-lo-wear kon beilruKKled ami weefttuir. 17c, 20c, 25e pi.i. ) Flour Hat. "My KutMineei," ertad bar , ti ilhrr. "whal a eiaiil yon arel rimy tUtllon. per yard A !" ' . made up In tha NORFOLK m hiHiM-ly. and you will .i ii.q4 Inn- of How dkl it happen?" 20c, 25c, 30c I- -t i" I ALL WATS at $30, "I nin .wrrjr, smiimm, but I " MODEL. Something that Is fiinl m i ft-i i bread i an Colored riaiuieetl appropriate eriydHy r'ull. $37 and $50. fell nlo a iiiud.puyin." 35o very any season. 2So, 30c, "What I wild beet yjHJr unw hew At L.nli .(fl all Our Norfolks are Grocers. dre onT' Tr Print, wr yard 20c, 25c, 300 dm - ' all made from a good quality "V-y-yr. I didn't hai time o of heavy weight tweed Sale A Kent Mrs. Frizzell cliaiiRc II." Central Weeleyan Our Hosiery Department '' very suitable for this time John L. Christie War. From 204 A, per pair up. U'U ' ' trie- of the year at Trine Rupert, U.C. Come and look them over. THE STAOQER TODDLE Our Wool Department-Is ' ' " Algy Parker, I'm mined M-i. B0 psr cenL lower than ally! Lat nitflil at (lie ball I In 1920. drank loo uiueli and r.b.i.i. ataicrfered Ribbons, Colored and Plain ' into cseolxxly. Selling at practically half IM- 1il Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. Kery Valel oue'a Scarcely talkiog thai,of you of 1920 prices. , , invrntiiitt u new datiao. aiiiK Roota tl. Smith Dlnck We would like to annouiMw la our 35.00 Sale Atesti The mother to our Hlioi. parlno'iiI Men's Boots, Hub wa H Until lo lee. 3 r"- lure her snn for an offi-u Boots. Also Umt we ean offer yu "' .ii 9fif j ha jiMt dieiveri'd. m with any Hlio. prices that compete fu' "William," she beuan. 'Tui Pi A complete line of Blankets, ComforUrs, afrabl I'll m-ti'r imi-t jtiu in Heavfa." Valises. We are raady to back up Why, a-k-d Um young mail MARTIN O'REILLY Tslr phone doto'."lutereeUdly. ' whata y u bevu Ltd Number Jabour Bros., Our prices are all Lower Cash Prices are always 7 Advertitina is often eipenve, Prices. Lower Prices. b.I it is nothing- like ilnced. as Will Take Ooal Back If not. Satisfied. eiprnslve Call In and be as an empty store and idle clerks. tt