Tane 2 TTTK PAir.T N7TV9 The Daily News The tortures MUCH HOSPITAL PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ! WORK BY LADIES Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News OF RHU Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. or Activities for H. P. PULLfiN, Managing Editor. Creditable Report , Happily Stopped When He 1920 Presented at Hospital J Board Meeting i SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Began To Take "Frult-a-lives" I m a t mi. it i City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 11.00 S Ottawa St., Itnx, P. Q. Twelve n-swfiu niivliniia. t I he ; By mail to all parts of the British Umpire and the United Stales, "For a year, t auflered trilh Rhr-maism, Ladies' Auxiliary of Hie g.-tirrnl in. advance, per year Jfl.OO. bring forced to atay la bed hospilal were lii-td iluriiiK Hie y.-ur To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50. for fire DiODtln. t tried alt kiuda of tUjn and the m.-ndinir i Hn- li-' TELEPHONE 08. medicine without relief and thought idlnl lias hevii iak-n nrc ( and: fbrthe Transient Display Advertising ?I.T!6 per Inch each Insertion 1 would never l able to walk again. ninny Ctinlrilntl - nave been Mora Tobacco Aoiey ' I Sir AV-fi. 'fM3 Transient advertising on front page $2.00 per inch. One day while lylnj In bed, 1 mule n - well. Th fcillowlnn Local Headers, per insertion, 25c. per line. abot "FritU-4-titxs" the treat fruit articles were rnotHbuteil: In Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... 2c per word. meJJfcine; aJ it aeemed just what 1 doien balb I..W.-I-. ' !O0 larue' Legal Notices, each insertion, ... 15c. peragate line. needed, so I decided to try it, liecU, J(i(i ill aw jdiecl. J.J Packages 15 Contract Rates on AjllCGtion. Tkt Jirit box kilftd Mr, and I pillow enae.. .i tn-ilpreHil"-. IX took the tablets until lisijlnl liindmx, t oil , regularly errry hjpixJi' ibllna 85 All advertising should be in the Daily Mews Olllce on day preceding trace of the Rheumatism left int." sloe; ft '.lilli. elieatj, t lilh.j publication. All advertising received suhject to approval. Lonnxzo Lr.Dcc. locln)riH lap -ill if II, tl ninnd. SOc. a box,6 for J2 JO,trial Je25c i uxeCs, 2U.!nctn;metit irny rovw-.. I DAtLY EDITION. Thursday. Feb. 3. I a 21. At'all dealers or sent postpaid by SO line loweK i I iloelnr' -nis MSSagBSaSsSS m Fruit-a-tlTf J IJmlted, Ottawa. a id I. dnelni-o' trnwii.a. A limalion 'f ifl wn also "tent i - ru Modern Methods (in Hie ho-pjlnl ImnriL lo tlsi in Have Limitations. iln:iii Christmas prefcenfa for Hi.- SUITCASES Modern methods and coiirepions have their limitations. nurses nud lutli.-nt anil a iiiiii- Lust night Archbishop Du Yeruel sjMike r the modern conceptions TRUNKS hns iM-eu" boiifilii for the itae of Hi" -r.se. 5B5aiimKHiimiKinKo and the result of psychological 'study in the religion lif. , lie n. A ilance wu held in October, as showed that in the promulgation dt religious ideas '"the press HANDBAGS e n lVn fiiles of home r.Mikill;:. could be very powerful, but it could not 'replace the "personal and a vaudeville ahow from whieli WHOLESALE AND RETAIL touch of the church niiigrvgalidjj. So in riio-l new things, Hie Prince Hiipeit IlrniiiHtii- Sei--ly MAIL SCHEDULE there are new phases of jolil hfjig-s buf'Jhere u real change lieudeil iii 155.IS. A heeltr was nlo ewndnrleil at the eihihi. FOR BREAKFAST in fundamentals. , ;-t- J. F. MAGUIRE For the Cast. liun. Tlifi riH-eipls iiirtller wiili ArehhUhop l)u Vernel is a man who believes in adapting 712 Second Ave., Prince Rupert I lie ilues iiaitt nmki- I lie tnlal Mondays. Weiineadaya and Sat. himself to modern ideas aiid modern methods, lie believes in anionm rniicd fi.r Hi.. y,.r 'irdayn at t0:ti a. ru. using the press to promulgate hi-views. Through (he Daily News 2,l8t.tS. Rupert Brand From tha Eaat. he oflen addresses the largest audience he .can possibly get in Thl very rreilii.ihle rfwrl wa Sundays, Ttsdays and Tbur. Ihe nnnmil inert I Prince Hupert and its environs. Allowing live readers to each PRINCE RUPERT TIDES presented' HI nr al 1:15 m-nipht :'lay of ihe hnpilal bar.l on Tueaday P- paper, there is a possibility of his reaching over eight thousand by Mr. Illanr, cerlary of . KIPPERS these columns, but he told of his articles being people through Thursday, February 3. the LadjeV Auxilinrv Mr. Darton ror wancouer ana oouin. placed before half a million by means of one of the greatest llish. t:-'3 a. ni., IR.T fc-t. l.i-ci..ml ..f tin-Auxiliary. Juesaaya p.m. newspapers in Canada. 33:37 p. in.. H red. 'ThMrdys tl p. m A Nourishing nnd Delicious Brcnkfi Feed Low. J:2t a. in.. 10.3 r.-ct. sat unlay S p.m. Archbishop's MAYO TO SHIP February 12 ami 26 Views Are News. 1:S9 p. ni.. 6.1 b-H. The Archbishop is able to secure entry into the press because Friday, February 4. Iliph. li.tO a. in.. 19.1 reel. From Vancouver tad South. j 1U LUUiV. nnd'cook for ten mir :'es he has a real message for the people. His views are news. Low. 5:S5 a. m.. 9.H reel. 3,000 TONS ORE Sunday H p. m. t He has a keen intellect nud is able to aijalyze and dellnc and condense. The result is that when he writes he has something 18:13 p. in.. o.3 fi-i-l. U'lnesdays 10:30 a.m., Sold by nil Restaurants, Retail Grocer- ft.- tti to say and newspapers are always glad to pass on a real message. The time urO ia ractnc stan Saturdays tl a. rn. SMOKED DAILY BY 1 The Daily News welcomes the articles which the Archbishop dard, for the 1 20 Hi Meridian west. Will be Rich and 'Permanent Kcbruary T and 21 writes because he has the modern conception and is able to express It is counted from 0 to 21 hour, Camps, says Juneau Customs Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill Foe Anyoi and Altca Arm. from midnight to inidnleht. Collector it. That, is why the Montreal Star also is pleased to give prominence to his articles,, '' '' The table given in for l'ort 'Sundays . 10 p.m. Prince H ijicrt, B.C t Simpson but the time for Prince Jl-MIAU. Ki t.. 3. Lal ywr'n '-dnesilays V p.m. Must Hold Fast to llupert varies only a few minute iUiin-K a I SkHfrnay lnmcil nil 1 Old Fundamentals. on some days and on others is ini r.iM-mcnl omt Hi.-lui-ine. of From Any on and Allea Arm. In spile of this new method f propaganda the old must not the same. The ransre of the. tfiie Hie ynar Imfor.' ami' tiof ti .nil.Tuesday s ........ ....... a.m. be forgotten. . The power of a good p)iulift.sp;;akfjr.js as. great may be computed as 5 per cent then- that t!i depnlon reuli "hursdaya p.m. as it ever was. It is greater, in that the eloquent speech can be srater at Prince Hupert than at ins from -Hie war and the" hi;ili 1 1 passed on by menns of a newspaper report. The grea speake;r Port Simpson both at sprines and eosl of via anil tVhduein Im- Toe Port Slmpaon, Arranrfala, Mill can move multitudes as no impassioned oration printed in a neaps. Therefore the rise in trie endel, accordim ri the annual tljy, Walea Island and Kias Rler. newspaper possiblyjcan. The unity of thought and the magnetic I'rlnee hupert harbor Is -Oightly reM,rl nf P. J. Van.Vw-. lh- Sunday I 'J p.m.; Grand Trunk PaclDc. influence of a groups gathered for a common purpose i wonderfully water than Port Simpson. I.jnily Hollerlor of, Cuitoin in' great. The height is in feet and tenths rhanre at that pltiee, nhirh lia From Pt. Simpson, Arrandala, Mill S.S. PRINCE GEORGE laUing There is too great a tendency these days to forget the value of feel above the average level of len tWriveil at fJostorn heail- uay, waiea island ana na mtr. MMnUhl ThntiMjay f.- tai m Ha" fx of learning to debate. There is a desire to get our education lower low water. inarlir in Juneau. It I belifei Tuesdays a jn. er. Virt.M iii and t . u. Weilu. - -- through the movies instead of by contact with the master minds Hint lmTr prieew fir rorniiinlilii-H I 8. S. PRINCE JOHN oT the world in literature and with the,modern masters through Advertise In the fiailvNews- and the lowrrlntt tnKe in the Quean Ciiarlotta lalanrtai I For ISirt :i-meiit. Me--'M. Ilm-kl- y !.. debate and personal discussion. While one may be good, the Interior 1ll rell in Ihe opening Yor Masstt, Von Ciemenla aud I S.nitliem Oneen Charloilr. I-lnn l J..n . other must not be forgotten or neglected o.r there wilt be developed of new mineral. eeetSoa thai nre Upper I aland points- it day. Fetimary -trl hletaai!. a light and frivolous type of manhood, easily swayed, iiitdiei 1lirMiah Skitpway. Ferrrtmry t and 10 i ' -rnaiN irnviCP without that spirit of self reliance spoken of by Colonel 1'eck Mr. Vaii.l.-vmll iirelift dial Hie 'rom Maaset. I.irt fiemetits and' laener Monday, Wadneoday and Saturdsr at11'1t uud with a tendency to return to the type from which we sprang Mryo xilwr-lead .lilrii l on the,' Upper Ilnnd polnla: ror Siillli..r. rinr- l.e.irtf... I .liix.nt. n n" is'i '1 . I diri-ei for ail p-.inia - before we learned to walk on our hind legs. ITINOOMPHtnt. HI warl rtlver will le a rich and , ri-liruary U and IV inB riinnet-lioii ( AH Ocean Steamihlp Llnei An eiimrnailnn for lunln mnt Miir.. (MTiiiiinent raiiip. The Yukon liolij , - Agency Debaters Part Urtmanrthr mill b K.t,t ...... Play ri w Tfr t ti tofenaatna ara r-titit-a rebraary iin. itii, la Mnrxjutrr. Vie-kiru. Oiwrwhy it irrx4t-linR ili e r SVIdea-ata. (iiieen Charlotte In Government. e cnt TXM omaa, Ira TS'e rt m Wlminlr inrt turn ouwr veIoimenl work there City and Iriwer faland points: on an ex-1 Why are there so many lawyers in Parliament? Because tep-.i- aeale and wITI have .'l.rtftO t f'ebrutiry 'i and I t Ihey are debaters. Part of their legal training is public' speaking. -iii1i(l!F m.i I be RMinn mtiun. riiom or i-miuh tor it Inn one tnr. ton of aai-ked ore haulml out to i From Hinat. kJutu .harlot te The result is (hat at election limes when public speakers are of Ihe rail ire or aeirenieen rear. atKl needed, they are invited lojhe fore, and" they go. ' rhe. public ikiI more than inirlr-nn in or a. Hie rivrr ror -lilpmenl In Hh-Ortlnide, City and Lower lalund points ...nrmi ntltlPII ArrHeallont to wrlie will te rerriTM ia 81. Michael, ilnrinK Fehnfary S and 10 fpeaker is still ft-valued assel'to the community as long as lie is VP..10 WJne(Hy, lruii7 sin. LANADIAN VhlMl mum Aripliraiion rnmi iut rull pariiru-iar lh period ..r riier nsvigalinn ni-il clear a thinker and has a sense of'real responsibility. mar ne laiml rrom llm unib-mrned Public speaking is an art that can easily be nbused. It can ur rrm any iMirrrnmrM AfnL summer. , For Skauway and tha Yukon. be used with effect in a bad caue as weJl as a good one. That W. II. MAIIS. F.-ltrunry nnd 'it B.C. Coast steamship Dcrncn v-letorla. B. cV. From i why it is necessary that young men with high ideals should be Janiury ttlh, 1011. Skagway-and viikon. trained to express themselves, for only so can the right he advo CCRTIFICATK Ten Years Ago Feliruary tt and 2f. e BBiNeric MIRY cated or defended and the bail denounced. Or IMeaoVCMENTS. run Ketchikan. Juneau Skaaav. Alaska, front rrwi Iron Duke .Mineral Claim. Lot .na. till: in Prince Rupert Itawart, Maplt Bay and Swamp '" niiae So. s Mineral Claim. Lot o. Point, Rupert till; Epmok Mineral Claim, Lot Ho. fll: 94. C.k-H.pi. T .nit 31. r-rtnr Mineral Claim, Lot .Ho. nit-aii FOII-, 1)omina mineral eiaima tlluala in Oueen February 3, 1911 For Vancouver, Vlctsrla and Sealtla from Prlnes nf Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE ; narloli- Minlnr Dlriaion Hupert oitineL The (own of Juneau is nil ex. Fehriiary r. and 30 Where lorn iwl; un Luia on nil. FIIOM January 16 and 29j February 12 arm TAKE .OTiCE tnat I. C. I. aeneo or tn cilemenl over an alleged tntinr BEATRICE rily or Vincoiiyer. Hrnruire or Brllun arl.Nins out of a love affair. February 7 and 30 i 8. S. PRINCeSS ;rlM thluratila. Fie Minera Cerunrale .10. II -7ftK-H. tnm Prleta mufi tae am, h, Otua Falla. Htttl " artinr nn betiair nr mruir an, it SeJIna Dovtlfug, Jirnuliful lialf-hreed DENTIST. a Btarae Cara. "await Rlraf, 4 Wlttttoa-- Vtnroufer, girl, is under arrest. It is Just as cher.ii to ret yoiir i Itrri Starar p m. dale lll-C.liervor.iniem i .' printing one weP and done at; Tor fiMa, retrrralkioa and itiliatt, M Ihe almve eUim The prineo liiipcrt . Inliilrial tome as it is lo send it away. Try Ai n. nnr.HlRn. Qanaral Aosnt. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block a.n Frimiiii take .mjtice tnat at-lion, Hie News iinrtr aeriion . miul be rommenred Association ha gone on record a Print Pt;t,p. and 4tli Straat Prince Ruprt. Lady Assistant iM-tore in iMuanre or auirn Certiftrala or endorsing Hid telephone girls in Open Evenings iu.iirdti'iiicni, Netlea af Innncton to Apply U Ltaat tana1.' Office Hour: . Sunday by liATEU thia Jra aay ot Deeernber, A. u. an effort lo secure an incrfaae in Phone 575 lJ9. : 9-12; 1.6; 7-9. Appointment C I. BE.H3K.1. wcge.H. In ttrena Hirer Minlnr Pinrict. Land dliirlri. nrordin Diinci or Alire Arm ceaTiricATi of 1 n. c, ina inuaia al wuli) or Lntii Creel naesovfattNTS. a ueeful concert very waa Mljoinlnr surer city. p. c REPUCTI iron nuke No. i Mineral Claim, Lot n.iheld Jn the fi&lvaiion Army Ciladel Tim notice tnat tne tmderilmeu. SPECIAL :: QNS lj;lrnn Duke Xo. I Mineral Claim, Lot last nighi. MrH. Jolltlelon and,""''"" islra a1 rirrnard W. aarrelt, ".-" qrnW Mineral Claim. 11 r (.t uil,l Hnff n iluel lr rf A"f Arm- occapsitoa pronpertor ant G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public -in auiuiiiu iuiii rui riatrn.I - ' - - -r'iiiorf keeper. Intrniti to a net- auHKaa in .'-."'oi" Mimnr Din.ionllioyt and Cnnluin Kere irave re- !., ia i..u H......J riirl DKtrlrL wiwra lot'tua.- tin Leuua miinn cilalioiia, Jlr. Miller and Missf cwnnieneiiif at a poat puatM tomnetii Coats and FOR SALE Cny TAkK of Vanc4uvrr.MITICE tnat Pronnca I. Alei or Hnr brlton or Co-llu Mabel (iray gae cornet solos and TV"' " ", tnr"r -irrctH-n rroro l.-i.iWa. ri-e Miwr-a rerimnia o. I1TSS. other recltationx and annua wore IT ,: ' '"" " rn,,n Ready-to-wear Hats. A fine double corner on Sixth Avenue, nenr McDride li, anim on lluir or mywir ano at aaentl :nortii: ihenre to tnaina t: tnenra t for Hand Marclonald, or the Mid City or, Shell by Fred Leggatf. Johnnie cnalna aotlh: liwiKe 10 rhiini ran .nrt Klreel in Rcetion Six. Sewer connection. Can ho bought tanrourer, Irra Mlner'a Ortinraia Ho.Ir ... cm w.. 1 n ni,iM. . - . 70I14.H. Intend alilr l0) ", .-ii, , - v. -j oavi frmn inn ',.iji v-iii. i'riiy DEMERSI clK-np for cash. An excellent sllc for that dwelling which l;u lu-reor, lu ly lor a crown ortnl ami Knaipn Johnn(on. o.. iiik.i mnii ine DEMERS AJen"J you nre koImk to build in the spring, , ui A.0.in- bikivf HIITIIKH riami.TAkK MITICK tnat at. a a Oiltd BtltMHD W. BAHKETT, ' I MI1LC nuiwi. H. G. LTD. lion, miner arcuon St, niuit ba commenced A parly of prominent O.T.I. noremter to, llio. i mmmm w mmm ""PrB HELGERSON, tM-furr the iiauanre or aucn t4irtinrata or """" Insurance Bonds Rental lliiirJ.rmriiii, ulllriaU ia Mnowcd In up the line. j -tt si l jrrr j is trrrjju. m i.tfrff B UATtO tuii Ird day or DecemBer, ttfO, ( ALEX KuotHS. A anow plow was taken up' to j 1 P clear the track In front of lliemj BAGS! BAGS! kV i.v(- a a a NOTin?. and freali now hailntr fallen after t n THE MATTEaor an appllratlon ror them Ihey are blockaded, for the CAPS THEO COLLART, Notary Public Hie Untie or a rr,n rfriinrnu. or tin tn plow ciiiitiol be reversed, Buy a lig of inbatantlsl quality, HATS AND mm. ti ami . mora it, nectioo I City of material that wears ami with ul l-rlnrr huM-rl, (Min Sill. Real Eatate Rentala Insurance a frame that ia constructed for i'1-iii.i ii nnrrur rirrn mat n ia mr EDSON COAL, Bulk. 3112.00 ton delivered Intriillnn lo linue after lha eiDlrillon or MIhh Jean Muirie and Miss aerriee, yt of liKht welaht. Ut ( per una nimiin from tha Aral nubllralinn bera. Godwin, trained hiirne, have tia efjulp for FOR I ar ypu profierly SALE Sicked, 91 3.00 or, a rrrMi rerllllcata or title lo lha abor BtgVnrkty Moat Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coaat inrniionen linn a in tne nirne or tditn rived from (lip. Vancouver General travelling. lnuranc Company of North America. I'ayi Claims promptly Imiimi Mabel tTih MrMorrilx.rierriDbrC,whlrn IV 1 1,rerimrin aod la oum-mn HoHpital In join tlm local hospital F. M. U-rert tJ l. ' Crosby ul IT. -MIh Atkinson now has A P.O. Bos 66 WattWma Tbaatra Blotk pbona Bias 69 Und li"-iry run nar omre,or iireuioer,trine ivvo.Hupert, a. C Braduaten, 7 pupil ntirnea and 3 71S Third Avenue. Prince Rupert Men'. P.,,l.l,l-. Third A 11. r. MACLt.iMi, tea aaraae wwmww DMIrlrl rtrtifirar or Tltlri. pi-ohaliflloner iallhe hnspllnl.