frna rttCT mrwB BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa Trac Economi Jit 1 , ar-nnnn . ,i '" . -w -,, 1 1 1 1 ftlBiaiaaaKl :rr 5&n M.1E rt NE LOCKED . bTRANftC 1 IsVlftra CsKKVT I ft I im-tme door t eouTco Wl. xou cone o an HEY POT lliV- HEAVEN'S: n fi if on Tne otme oe opcm the wtm J THAT , I -'cot docj ilvs? VEVE Bceh wrVli IHE THEKEf TO THE -rT tHftVtv to W OAT f DOWN OTN BSlWk ' fJ"H rONTOOO?- c-' liT 7 TMCM ON66UT MY Thltj DOOR!1 ttfllk ROBC,CO: 1 j, V I i ssitsbi mil Mrii uivi IF YOU US ? your last year's skirt or, dress and have it returned' looking like new-isn't that true economy ? r Frequent Dry Cleaning and Pressing will prolong the life ST. ANDREW'S MAKES - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS of clothing and GUESS! your SWEEP AT BILLIARDS STRENGTHEN THE LEAD keep it fresh and new. "MY CANADA" "MY CANADA"X 'Djfeated Sons of Runners GOAI Wanderers are Making Poor Show Canada, May help we you In match With the Great Up, In Whist League $300 Cah Reward to any Person economize? War Veterans. Series. Who is nearest light on 3 Guesses The Yalhalla i-ri ilir winner I'runkly, wo ant l draw your allonhon fo Hi" ohotriwW , Canadian In Hip mxIIi game of llio St. nl wliUI nl night liy u oorc of inniorl of IJnitod Slain. rihhN into (tiKtila. W- want ynn ( Andrew' v. Klks hilliaril fimriin-menl roallio whal It all lo Canadian- l.nlww moan i- to wiwr-ally. Steam Laundry 0 to 3 nvrr the Ureal War Veteran, ry Bulk played yesterday aflornoon, the F.Ik. defeated Hip (Mil. So wo will pay In Cali I30fl.0fl Kirot I'rlio, o,oo Phone 8 II. Davie (St. Andrew'. defeated follow lii I, snd the Knight of Si;umi PfliP. $50.06 Tliri I'rli and llo nol i-loon iirllao l n.l.i ,I'IL I... .. i..i.i.. .. ,v fi r. .i , l .. .. of 85,00 mri lo any por.nn li mokon and nd In to gf STEAM COAL J ..f 200 to 158 ami the SI. Andrew ! r,'.u",'"'1 """ ! , noaront iruo. to llio aniiiiint of money In poil thai will bo f.o.b. h.,vothu made a Tffm rre, ,e,T aV" r . ."i.Ti''" llnpoHod lulu (Jinndu fnurt llio t nili d Sluli,, Tor l l'lllll AltY, cars ,f..r Iho. .rt,rnn..Tonl,. ., , '. Iho soonn,l.,. llio Snnr of (Lnnaila 5 In b; 1 93 1, a will bo roporliil in Al... Ii'illll IIP UU 11 III l ?ti-!liHI. 1 111 linfil score for Hii inalrli Is: SI. Ulan.Following:Una hi date:it llio Whll League Canada's Trade Returns for February, 1921 NanAiaio - v;iuj.ctj Midrow's, 1800; Klk. U5C. V . - f w. I'ta. Tlio ilcor. Tor Kiliniary. I.'0. woro rto.70.? n.oo; fur COIL Reductions In llio Wamlorrrs Chili vs. Kniulit- of Oil. in SO lohniary. Itfl!. Hov .-r' :. ir.ri.uou.lin. for rilii Jin'-, ivln. lironl War Vcloran-t woriofi, whieli Son of Canada . 7 1 1 (hoy woro I.1HT..HI t.00; Fohnmry. IUJ7. rro 83.&, i ciininoncod lai woninp. Hie on Ail Lines Valhalla 0 12 and fr l-'olironry, l!lt f'liofurr Iho r Ihpy wofro Didy 23, fnrinor loam soimii In havo fallon Son of Fncland (" IS You whoro v.i- nr.- and what nr ar rnmltlff t Albert & Mctfo of own badly anil won bnl nno of llio Knight. Pyllija. . 10 in Onnn.ln' What will Hi - iiwu- In- f..r I.l.niary. lltXIT fmir uamos nlayoil. Tlio t iron I Um.led S. Andrew' 10 An yini n Komi Kin"-or If fit m nno uf Ho- irt-. 'ar Voloran?!. n llio nlln-r hand, Phoni3l16,U4 I. O. O. F 0 Furniture nro pluyinp a siiioi iir pamo. 'I'vi HOW TO WIN i; w. v. a r. v.'titr aro ioliunoi. Ihriso uf F.Ik r. . . Get two of your neighbors to glve'you only ONE DOLLAR each .1. Nol-.nn '.';indoror vm. II. -it for a year's trial subscription lo "MY CANADA" (regular price . Outrlilnn (i.W.V.A. nhd It. II. WOMEN'S AUXIUARY Two Dollars per year), and send in the money with your three ;nnJowi-fi; j. May WE until Sliuckloy v.m.. SA? my ' guesses. Each subscriber Is also allowed threo guesses! Will '(i.WV.A. . OF CENTRAL LABOR you rltk an hour of your time to win THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS? Large Stock Score and Standing Come! "GO, GET ITIt" is reduced nipbl'M Tlio framirTollows ijclailod sonro of lawl COUNCIL HAD DANCE "MY ("Xr.V will ho pidilioi II li. lo liolp Your Cioty yon and Canada d hrllor Hiintt'. II iiim- without anB lhal -Iho S. I; MKMoblio, (VandoriTs. Alioul aovonty-dvo roiiplri al- niuro rondor wo liavo Hip bolloi- tin Xalmnul porioiltral irtO; Sjrt. Jol.Hnn.ffi.W'.V.A IfiO.j 9 londod Iho dunon &.'ion .liy llio will ho. TIiih l. nol only Iruo ronnnorrially. toil wo faal lltat ILi. Barri J. llnwp (Wamlorors 197; Dr. es Womon'n Auxiliary of (lie Ono Ttitr mory additional roador moan o tniioh in Id oil moral ipmrf. . J. A. W i xt tn.W.VA.i 200. ! II r.. ,i - In ion in llio Mrlriiyro llall lat Your (rnott intmt ! in liy FKIIKUAItY SHIli, 1921. Ah Hio I'ioiI SlopliVnji (Wnniloiors) Furniture rvcnins and tlio alrair pros oil ftld ndas-p wnnM any, "ohoy that imiulo" olioy fl nuwl llolp ran i Store, t'J3;:WV Jrilrjniiimsrs !lninni;.'My ri1raanl. Muio vn u- hy (ho moan tn roinforr our mvlrlliin n to lli fulwro fl. Hi. Third Avenue -'00. lirovidod ly Ar I lair's i)relioxlra am) Iho pront In Canada, and of loolin llio way to ImUft Jii.t i.l. T. H. lfii)iPEr(WflnIorors 17'J; with Mi Mabol A da inn al Hi" I hinar-v for yon. nnd your, and n. Addross your icuoaa and dl i:. Yoiin?inph4njVy-V.:. 200. piano, Itohort Arthur, Jr violin. ond iihrripllon lo Iho puldishor. "MY (;.XAI," Kuto Tlio nlR0iiin,lo dafo 'i I-isjfa rpinis Arerire J. X. KoIIy, druiiif, and Mr. Ororn- Ml t-5 Stair llldK.. Toronto. Trail 5 .S07C 1135 flold. Al milnit4lit rofroilniKMil fnli Terrace Fruit Lands WandoreA 5 SS31 1121! wero norvoil. "si. AiuJrowii ''.(Si ceai 1115 Mr. Harold Smilh wa con- Modern Cieaniol (I. W. V. A. . 5 5227 1015 vonor of llio oomfnitloo In rlinrpo 20 Acres.3 Miles from Terrace on Smis uf Knp. 5 5053 1011 and hor aisllanli woro Mrs. Daily News Classified Ads. Col Good W agon Road. 0 Klks C 58G9 078 Iloavynido. Mr. V. II. Monlsrom-':, Pressing Good black soil on clay sab-soil. Mr. Ssvanonn, Mi Hronlri-it, 4 Acres Under plow, 7 acres more 2 CENTS I'EK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adrnrt lrrnt Taken for Lea. than BOo Srd Attn ne t Cswrt Mi- Joy nnd Mm. S. V. Cox. Mr.; partly cleared; 25 bearing fruit iBERT KERGIN GOES H Cak:r; IITlmdill as on llio d,r. trees; 2 good wells with lots of water; well made log-house, 18 ! SniFTH TO ROOST WAHYSO. FOH SAM". Five roomed modern ACCOUNTANTS by 24 ft., two stories, with addition hoiiae, Xo. 128 Fifth Avenue 16 by 18; log barn, 20 by Rtisp..5!"5 hi l:.N()(illAI'lliaiS- Kinioiniillon KX I'Kllll:X Kl) AGftoUXTAXT FOR NORTHERN Vel. ?3.150. Terms. Call or 40 feet with cellar beneath, full fur II.t:. Civil Sorieo. An Would take charge of set of size of barn 10 feet deep; Price or plumo foT appolnlmont. " WANI HlunbK WAGbb xamirulion for Junior and f Jtytk. whole or (tart time. W l cash for $2,200 quick sale; $2,400 One of the boat residential, on terms of half cash, balance 1 II. F. Korp-in, f.I.I.. roprffiont-iii xi-nior xlopoKrniilirr will bo view, double In Soctlon W. H. Wdlisf roll. 1'hone Dey Phone S year at ' per cent. u I In- imporlanl oonsliluonry of Now Qsttlng About S4 a Month, held on Saturday, February S. 700.00. corners 1ffn. mack 250. t( Altin, will ho among Iho pa-1'iiKor Juth, l2. In Vancouver, Vic-loi-ia.' STEEN8L0NGVYTJ KENNEY BROS. & CO. tall inc p,lli- tonight on but Would Like from-55 to $10 .w" Votininlor and Ono busines lot on Second Sit ORTHaND TYPE WniTINQ ,Rel Estate and Insurance Ihi- Pi'ini'c floorgp. Ho im-imod Avenue, on arado, 1,100. M. Sheet Metal Wr' poos ,MAI)lfll. Jan. 29. Canadian audi other (Kdnta a there may M. Steplions. tf Pitman Terrace, B.C. with Hio Idea thai, tlio houIII Slonograpble School TcoiiMlorned to payitip Iheir ordinary lie the or . more candidate. I. doo not know nni.indortand Die Cniiilidaloa imint .lie llritish Mining rJaaaoL Monday, Ved-n.da.v "hired pirl" ifUO or more a FOIl 8AI.K OH r.KA8r Job print-Ing r f north and ho will Piilitrlilon llmin month for perioral housework will miiI.JitIh, roKidciU of Canada for business and plant. For. nnd Friday. 7:30 to 9 llattn Enil Uf; haii lived for many yours in he inleroxlod lo learn Hint Span, al leat nno year, of the full ago parllculara apply Dally News o i .ik. Individual iiislructlnn. 5th S-r- t t r.-sMtt, UAVE Ycur Suit Cleaned o. 10 SiiiIHi Jlloek. tf: iho Atlin has tfroai Dlslrjcl and of and nol M-vcrilcen t isl: dumoHiie aro forulinp a labor year, odlce. if Prinr K ipc Macliine Method. Price reason ryith in il. organization lo cnforcl a domniid more than Ihirty-nva years or ; I fMOIHT v able. Give us a trial. Whon soin yolorlav Mr. Kor for an 'incroanc that will brinp ago. ApplM$atlous lo write will SFCOXlKHANIt KL'IINITUnK sold W ' TMn- i&.tfWS TAILOR Phone tin raid -i) many; iiooplo did not their wage up lo Hio equivalent be received up lo noon, Wed. on commission. I. I.eClalro iM LING, Black B02 ojm lo raHz life imporlanon of of 5 or oven 110 a month. nooday, JVbruary OHi, 1BJI. I'hone Oreen 54. tf i mr. Ttrn tB? s.t.,. ... Hio mln'ng ililriot to (ho norlli Cook, parlormaid, kilchen-fnalih, Apidu-alion forms atul full par-llciilar-inax,J'' QOARD AND Tair """'. iw.tA.i. i.miji- SMITH & MMUn Anyox wa the groatott copper wel nnre and penerol obtained from ftOqiVIS , Tkf; WTtr.r. im in rrtr r in FOR DANCES. uamp in Iho province and Alice Iho undesigned from and iMUSII or help have unilcd in a movement Two gonllemen con have bonr.1 .7Simmu."tim,Sii.VA J.iC: KtT Arm Hie prealet (diver camp, with (ioverniiienl Agent. W. II. PLUMOINO AND ARTHUR'S. nol only for higher wage ljul for r n.l room wlih prltnle family.'MXZ!K Stewart nlronp in gold and silver. an oiglil-hoiir day. TM wpuld MclnnoH, 0111 Service Oorn. Apply llm 157, Xcw olllce CNQIKttM including Saxaphone When a camp had real ahlpping look ridiculous, in America, but il misMioner, Yietwla. It.C, January f.."r.l?!"rr .,n '' or IrbrMrir, Kstimates ir olk Phone 481 Phone 481 ininog Much a thoi in the camps I HcriYiiiH busilne for tlio Spani 13th. 1921. Two youn? ladioa can have rmm iflsl A. n Ittl.ara raiiiuml Sim) Sll in rlli- INt.bUd nv sntimnl lo Ih.uf inoiilioned it meant, a preat deal. and board in nice homo. Apply "lf liltlifni In in furtnwim. . .J j A AvinCi. ard. They are accustomed to Young mnrriod .cuuplo about to ( ioil.l II. Mr VI 1 1 in, riuurers, 1 " It wa an inducement, lo pros nwriai Aimunuiiiiar. K-'xL their hired girl the payinp eijui-velent Second pector to look further for other make their bomo-in Prince Rupert, nutn imi on a r hmtt. im. of Dance Orchestra induce normally of about 1 1 u would like to (tecum room FOR RKNT Phon. 174 M.W Rupert rich mine and it was an monlli and Jhem. hn reijuirinp lo icfHCNKnnui,r and board with private family. ix ilir. or bmituh mont for rapilnlisls to come in Four, Ave or six pieces on duty from early in the morning FOH (tl'XT Uol I MKU. Sovon-roomed AddroMM Daily Xows of-fleo. X.Y.Z. houuc, n and Iho "r T,IK l"",liTH develop prospect. Now ready for engagements In lain at nlghl.vir oven until one ti'm act1 fiirnlnliod. Phone H. White, Red 1 OS Mr. Kergin lool for proal do o'clock the following morning. 2H uilnblo for riHimers. l vidiiinnts in the northern Aopfy I fin Third .vni Hnsl, 'UUP "IS? 'ft CtTTB m- I llic plrN VVA.NTi'.D setond-band furni FhlANO servant or Spain are noj pioneer d:i l.aitndry. corntry, a aloady development UMiially allowed a luilf day off each ture. II you have anything to - TAkt: aoTii.K imi in ornf ef His 'imNO REPAID . Chartered Accountant withoul any bomninp. month, scdl call ned 213. pay cash. FOH lli; tutnlnU- lTIrt viViCTl I ENLRCEHfVTS and Auditor. The eight-hour daylilla Iho F. M. Crosby, 715 Third Avenue ed apartment. Apply 208-2 1 0 niSISSi l!rKllMJ,.,hitiTI'Jluli' H9T0 GEORGE ROR1E J". Ilekhenhach, nf Friizell's lioiiHPholdor hardf. d. (Ino riowa-paper WOHt tf Xiiilh Avon lie Went. tf sssiiui Ilia fil eotaiK rr Iwrcfiy rriimmli fur lit1 I'ical niarki'U at Slcwarl and Jly- la furnish nw IT'inTir vnruiril to ilir, Agent of Itori A Small. C A., Vanwnvcr and satirically askn: "How will WA.NTHD Jlmisekoeper and im or "irur Uk i I a Hi s in irurusrr. mad i" 1 Trine KupvrL je returned yesterday from a baby get m If llio wet nurse declines TO IIKNT One furtiUhed anile. A. I.1tU. aH4 all lutrlifi liMrtM lo Uwi nef'v 1 r rilONR J8T P.O. Box $49 trip aoulh. cliaiubiTiiiKid at Iho Coiiirncr-cbH SI. Louis Himiiiim. Phone lied sm iri ilinKJ In 4 IM SlruHJUl of cooitC' " Federal lo her any Building perforin dulioa for thrlr ImlrljimlMM In In farlhwlli. Hot Chans of Address and JJhn Hotel, 21) 01. 25 JOIIM II. MrMl'T.I.IM, Spotted ' I linn hour mor" eight u day?" ' . .. offinsl Artinimslrtlnr. Phone us si t. ron iiLvf LOST umbagb PREVENT FORGERY. Red 291 r TO SUBSCRIBERS KOI l SAI.i:Vk BllKhly used Connor LOST Fimmcllcd brooch between GuhcribiTfi to The Niws liks rhsumstlim It esuisd kjr t WASIIIXfiTOX, Fob. 3. To electric "wnnhlng mnchlno, In Second Street and Seventh Ave. Notice to Advertisers are ikeii lo puy th de- poltem left In th blood bj delect- pi event forgery of lltpinr pre- perfect coniiilion, too, AJo Finder pleaso relurn to Kmeo. livery boys each month I he kidney tction. Correct this , KCripl'inns, prohihilloa rnforeo-menl uei Wnirnor bahy-buggy, 915. ton Tea llooms. , 2ft Casual advertisements Pntirp RUP when they call, except condition by utinf Dr. Chsie'l . olllclala liavo Jtooii'd phyai- J'hone Offftn 50 1. . , , 27 for where payment lias been I Kidney-Liver Pillt. One pills dote. ciamt with new form on pec In I if," LOST Airedale ring- last week. Insertion some day 25o. e 6gi, t:i eeiiert. FOR KAI,1!- llfasi bodjlead Anyone neolng nnio kindly should be In the Dally made for thb year In ad. walej-ni'trkod iaper Tlio-wafrf-incrk (anlln finish), box mallrpsa', pluilii! Oreen News onko before 10 tUROPS" 133, 7.1 Water St. a.m. ead!: The boya whon "(ntornMcvenun vame. iDr. Chases Prohibiten." mnhoghu.' chlllonlor, whHe, flrward. if Changes In advertisements 51,bl) per dsy collecllnH' offlclal 1 carry re. bedeaij fv. Phone lllack 232. should be on hand before ceipts which should al. In Ivti LOST Man's Ctrl gray wnnn glove. 6 inT p. riRST-CLS on previous ways be preserved. n. A.' Tillman reached iho clly FOH RAI,I.Ioldlng liaby-buggy. Finder please return In News dny. a La nrw. yesterday fom Ocean Falls. ibono Orcen 22fl, 30 ofllco or phone fj, a n 0