Lrular FrLrunry X IP Till DAILY IIWB Page 3 " 1 SPLIT IN RANKS OF PRAIRIE FARMERS Local and Personal DIARIES Trouble Brewing Among Agrari Auk for Atkins' Hauiage. In an! Manitoba, says Report 5 . II. C. Undertaker.! Miotic 41. (f WINNIIT.U. Feb. 3. A nj.lit In for llm ranks of Ibe Former political I'rlim! uti'i'r bee?."City Market. party In -Muiillulja nboul lu.takn Pocket pbu-e, Wcordinjr In political I.11 your boats for sale with and Office prophet. Tli Independent Fnr- M. M. rUepheii. tf ini-r Kitmp In (lie provincial leulx- luxury but n necessity to the successful laltire ii-m-nt I he ul'IIiiii of tin; II. W. IInrrloi (arrived yesterday fulled Farmer of Manitoba cnn. from Svvnu0n liny. business man or woman. - vt-ntlon In-lit nl lruii)iiii p-ri-nlly, in iumirfiiff I lit? h-tllnlive. urunii Have jour liOieli Inmorrow at Loose Leaf or Bound, itml (In platform. An open colli Mr. Sinei-ldii', 3011. Second Ave. Bowler from 25c to $4.00 eem likely (11 orriir and may In run iwXi'Kirr Sinn: niipAiii- ilM'l.iliie, ,y (he f,11 U ! lo by- Iiik, Mi-Arthur Shoe Store. 3rd ) 'Smofes clertlon. i t: If The iaemelil tlied In- J. ii.I Gem Calender Stands Complete llmuii. president of Hie United Hubert K. Taylor, of KiuBlilkan, Farmi-r of Msuiluha, to Hki effect i,-uiWr- at flic Hotel Prince NiLLBANK $1.50 Hint Hip I'tilled Farmer had tiiwrl. taken no pint in (Ik Uakrldoi Pads only - 75 cents nomination or elrcllmi content, tui Hrail. violin leai-her. For ;lia hrouiHil iiliout definite Mrps jarrtimiemenl civil Wcslholme for n dUmplion brlween the out-iTheatre. tf In nl Farmer member who con At MUS. LIU. r ded i.iuU In Ibe election lai( The llifnrfe lludlau.l nolo roi. c K.'inmcr ami Hid United Farmer I rry ruf wan adjourned IM morniiiK uiilil Monday jlarly. Fuller' Orowry nimg utter LADIES IN CHARGE Mir buine. U'hIi Ii ur win dows for keen ieetal. Phone 13. tf Lurge Committee Arranged and Dr. Sutherland Carried . Out Banquet Six-rial iiiu'foal wiiht t H,r I Lait Night. MelhodWi Church Monday veuinif. D.D.S., L D.S., D.D.C. IF- II proHrnrlime publif-lini tonior-Tlie committee in rharse of Hip K .millrnn Church banquet lali ENTISTRY in all its branches iiituht ronlled of Mr. Y. . l;Ie- Cut (lowers, Howet iiiic plants. iim-iiIh ronvrnitr , Mr. M. A. Me- Hr. I'unpral tAn mailo to Niclioll nml Mr. II. F.. Trrmaynr. order. Flower pole l all eit4. Exchange Block, Suite M and 15 iTIiooi- lo-nins wrrr Mrn. I. ti. Cily MarkeU If For Appointment Phone Black 516 (trovi-o, Mr. H. I.. lloi-roii. Mr. C. F. Kemp. Mr. It. I'liilMll. Mr. A vole of oonrkleiM-i' in (Vtlofiel 1'i-rk. V. IX. M. I1., for Hie rood V. C. On-hard, Mr. I.. M. ! Sx I5cts. !ai-l-d liv Mr. T. . iHntran, ork he vra doiuR for I'l-jnee llu- 10 or For M. J. II. illHI. Mr. I. V. IMII.!" w" wi " '"fm at inc 25 for 35 cti-Round Mr. A. i:. liarllJoiie. Mr. K.J" . Tins of 50Jbr7G&- BL IB Rk -m M B B B BB. 1 c. I.a Trarv Mr. II. H-aumorit.i .,.i1f...-i,i . . a. II at i w ii.'ivnio eaea Mik iiniia. una a. iirm. urdr for pHleMVfitTlil iinM-niii(r Mi. J. Ilulu-r. Mr. J. Ilariil)-. Mil Hie Ylrt-berfi wlf- ui-MTtiou Mr-. M. Oaltf. Mr. J. Omvay, fa e on It-riun offecpd by Hie defendant. jro to Mr. J. . I'jbiK Mr. J. C. Me-Lfimnn. Mr. W. II. VIUr, Mr. THE EMPRESS CAFE I J. II. I'ill.lmry. Mr. A. W. Ilpaler. One refrlireratw ei will arrive After the "Fie" ... . ... . INI.-. J. II. McMullln and Mr. V. Ion I yhl from Hie lai and flflei-n 1 1 I HI I a i.XitaiiK. are eaiertei on Saint day. There I w-err no flli arrival on the water, Four Chi dren Had B UYB ONDS Hiirlpen memler lia already front Hii moriitntr. ' Hie Ureal War Veleran' Whooping Cough )Miiid and the nrt prarlire will ! Freil Aurlol. eltarew.l uilli huv-Ihs Djeing - Dry Cleaning jlietd lii'tl Tlmrdav ii'kI'I. 1. l4ei ChikN In hi iweioii I. jprek i brhiff keij l endear wa enHMltln for lf(l hy Masi. W lw4iiir i .Mitto. aitiiiMirli pUf ' KLfS Till OR For good work, prompt ervk'e I -tie MeMoedie thr and 4lrw J rliihlhuxilli u l mi mm ma-nml moritlm? lo i-iirf liimineiil for and rvontk prim owl rt4 la Uhi ml, but may ormr il t CITIZKNS' CI.KANCKS A lixal band from Ottawa. The till alleriMMMl lie i up before W IIMr f Utr. II la lr nf-UH- Province of f M . . JJVKRS. M7 4lh Ae.. Vao. mi-mlti-r already Joined hae llieir Jl d--e VoMHtf lo ei-i l. itaairrwt. at inlawr. iikI rrvtf cvuvvr. Iiwjulri MltHted nun pritale iii-f rumeiil. naaaea aw daalh Uiaa trarkt h-rrr, "1 The reoiuliijii Hie Hoard of f lifciil nr at4Mnru. ml I naner nanmn Trade ami (Uly Cownril unriiiK the a feiajakr iaan walr rtiildrm eurly Uirl by Hie provincial kov-ertuttenl Wbi(mr I'.iim lr-i nh wrimt, British Columbia on roail eonlrurlion tlnar of llw ryr. imull-.n ir ie Uuiwi. fr.Mi-. ami iiirti. from I'rinee llui rl lo I'orl 1-1-vnrI Dr. WaMl' iray 9'if- njp t. hirlilr j hiih la niirht rnriorni-d by n- miM-iil-i1 In na.lhr-. 'k-rwl,rv f-.rt (Guaranteeing Pacific Hie Ureal War Veirran. I iim- n ii r .r on lfjlfir a n iw-ii i" b-ar iim rUifH iii air xif ir lu. Great Eastern Railway) Lashed the 1 Mr. ami Mr. luimli-r- ,,fiiur.Mi. .u.i hi-ih Ikal ha' iMirri..i, by .ikI iii Ihi ua lirtliv il 11m- "ul.j4f ' niu, ef lu-l niiihl on lb ttHldt lt"lir lit' UMi-'ll n.tiitlii fr 4 due 1942 liUl-e J i ill ii n ii-nd llieir lioilev. tM.f ,1H, M,t 4h, lh. ir. j per cent, nioon vi-ilinv Hn- .lin-eii I'.harlolli-i Mr. j M . Inirral. -lai.. inm: I Whips of Circumstance I aland, relurniiiu hrre on Snlur i IM Hn. IM fait, mj nuir rhitrt- j la and then norlli In make llu-ir rn liaA iii4m(tduteam.mmgn Allr and im-imit-r ihna' Price 77.97 Yield 6.40 liiHiie ill Ibe ameller tuvvn. IkHllr. ( It. V.h . VM-iray a To be lashed into action Advertising Contracts for Don't fonti-t Hie KiiiefaU of 'w lanr t-Jfrnv aaaiy IHr nNKto.rn- Il rll)la an n-lh r-euir.m r' The the market toliinibii niul Jtit HMWrrti. aad i hi airv 1 cheapest security on by tho Whips of Circumstance increased space this year. i la nee imonrriiw ninht rtar4) 111 SI, Amlrew' hull. Iiaiieiiia Uvy lair u rvaaib. aim aat murr." today. Listed on the London Sfcck is not evil. Ilr. Wir i- 1'ilir wytPP l 3ir. an Hut, greater evidence mmmenre at 9:.1i: regular pr a Ml aor. a l.lilt- al all dralnn. Phi up Exchange. Payable in London and Brum at 10 oVIm-k. Will Kd-ntlind' TIk- MlUiuni 1-ruul-i ualy by u... Untilrd. than that New advertisers Canada, These Securities will be One needs it jMiriodically pee hi I nnln-lru in al- om. to overcome the flatulence are planning to use IrmUDre. Itefre.limeiiliu :Admis- worth very much more with exchange of prosperity. daily newspapers to reach lnii by imltalinn.a a DAYLIGHT SAVING at normal. out for new business with Aid. J. II. Kelly. pri'kltl of Hie IN NEW YORK STATE Let us be frank with old lines, and to introduce liHutj hraneli of Hn- Omit War each other. new lines into old established Veteran''aiteHier atieml ha'iroiie a ieeial lu XF.W YultK, Feb. a. New York Royal Financial Corporation' fields. nieelinif of Die prn metal rom. Stall- nuiy ftdlnw Hi-- lead of I"an-adiitn Manufacturers, M e ma ml of the imii lion. After eilieM in repepl In HtQ rt-chants, While such vision, and H e Jlleellnt at Vam ouver. Aid. periml of dH.vlihl ttaviny next Proprietors, Limited Newspajwr miiiiiiii'I. A hill now heforu the is alive Kelly will proaeeti In Viclnria to and faith, courage, ini'idi for live; and Public, we bo preenl at nn oM-eutfvu meelinit lepiiilnlm-e have all had a succession in men, there can be no between the eirilliire mul tlR.'liionH: of dayliyht poxing, inlead. Rogers Building, Vancouver, D. C. the future. I'liliui of I l.C. Munii-ipnlille. Hit even, t'nder the provision or! fear for 8 RANCHES AT of fat Now! years. some " Ill' bill the lime i-hanveK Victoria Saatll Laado of us are timorous nt the . What of your fighting Al lln nioeliiiK ir Ibe f5 real made oil April 30 and September ; B.C Ptrtnantnt Loan Bid j. 201 C.nlral Bldl. 1 Eldoa L. C a Z War Veteran A"i-latlnn held '30. thought of lean months. What are spirit? your last rvenliltr II pointed nut ambitions? that tliM-e were nmi- men In Hie IS SELLING LOAVES Well, lean months and ily who Were Ii.-k u itijr on Hie loan years would be in Are you going to reach IrentHh of (heir b.-insr returned AT A NICKEL EACH Advertise in "The Daily News" store if we sat still and out and fight for business? oldier.In lu'K Theae from iiii-n Ihe'publir are not up-poseil n wailed but not if we Well, then, you have one Hiey will lie gheti uilaiice front Ni;w YoliK-.Feii. a. vt ii-a.,1 om- bakery in N; Ym k is ci'IIihk show ' mighty force to aid you Ibe iiKiK'laHon if it is found lhat fight. , limvi-s at 5 eenln apieee, deiplti-stati-MH'liU their car wurlby of aid. that is Daily Newspaper ure by the Haki-i' Amo-i-itlinit We to that il run'l be l i . A are pleased sec Advertising. BOYS' NAVAL BRIGADE. lillli- Italian bakeilni al l-.i-liih fighting rpirit awakening. I Avenue and -11 St i I is s.-IIiiik And Daily Newspaper The liny- Naval HriBiule will laimlii-iN of ti-uunri- Inuvi- fm-' K3 It is shown by the renewal Advertising welcomes the I iu Hi lb- ti'iiUhl ui llm-den Street liiekle apieri- mid i-laim II-- i -'""" hwmt4 l.Fo" t' ' "' .no of Daily Newspaper challenge. , bo jiiM-n by Captain Itoberson. lllain.. .i,on,.v m All members Iuiviiik uniforms will The Dally Newspapers of Canada are resolved to parade in full ilre IMPORTS AND EXPORTS do their part to make 1921 n Banner Year. They In-vile V.. V JCVFIT. TO AND FROM U.S. you to travel In their company. Vou perlniriit-HI ar. nut rCZEMA r (log OTTAWA. Feb. a -Canadian iuu u.a In. l-limaM1. Hint. imporl and export-, to and frmn lnutd by tht Canadian Dally NtMpaptr Awciation. Toronto Linrnt for II rrllcirra Eeii-nia at ani one Wil.and the United Stale for 1020 aw hi. Hi. akin, haopla bui I it. valued a follow: IIiih'i (lliiluirnl lr II )vu aiauUoo Uili and aund Do.iiamp lur wif Xl- Import a. y i 1,85 1.U00 . Kl-r allioalon nr KdmaaauB, llatra Si n., LliulUU,Tuniutu Fxport. rUlt.TbS.OOO.