fit axi 139 ma TAXI CALL Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP untley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto HeIgeon Block 707 Second Ave- - Prince Kupert Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper H I'lll.VUrMU PKItT, II. (1( TIIUMHIUY PKIIIIL AIIY .1, IW21. Initritf' Clrcelsll 1,660. SlfMt SslM 411. PflICK FIVK CK.NTS XII N' MLWAY COM I 01 ADVANCE EIPRESS RATES )TABLE ADDRESS GIVEN BY ARCHBISHOP AT ANGLICAN CHURCH BANQUET AIRMEN SMILE AGAIN ON fTETUnN TO CIVILIZATION. blTORIAL FISH CARS Advance m Express Rates Inity of punposE. EN ROUTE TO of From 20 to 35 per cent. L .! iirMif THIS PORT U' iu . m well fxem- j . i .i . .niipnigti l ; Fish, Cream and Fruit put up only Twenty per cent, but L .,i n-h cm - to Mayor Rochester Rectlved L her. Tlic encouraging Telegram Fir t and Second Class Articles Higher L . .-. tin muf u.itg. From General Man L n , . r m nj;v (.i j aaer Warren. ! VICTORIA WINS AT OTTAWiV. February 3. The judgment of the Hoard or Kail-wav i, , .tu..nation Willi I Commissioner exprrs rales cne was iMieil jeslerday I i , ..--nring iifnl A telegram wai received HOCKEHN OYEOTE nflermmii liy Chnirman lrvell. It granN ronxiiJerable increases thle H. B. morning by Mayor . . Hie ' ! nochetttr In reply! to a wire alllimigli not murh a Ihr 1 0 jer rent asked. , .in'Ces. I tent by him to A. C. Warren, "l-.MTI.I.. Frit. :i. .!.. The iiirree graiiled follow: !v. Ilii li-M-ki-; match I nijilif ! i Lc j ,., been III . general manager of the weet-ern First rlas rul-. :. per rent. ! iwc.-n Virinrta end Seattle Dial ..! effort ul llnee of the O. T. P Heroin! class, 25 ceni. ' j. :il VI 1 1 II I f H overtime Was fleers. ier which la moat encouraging. , . I he ruilwav - ( enable the visitor In win On miHi ronimcnlilies a. lish, cream and fruit 20 per rent It said: L - in . iiiiiipiiI of "Over 25 eipress rifrlger- .'y a score of 3 In 3. This judgment is in line with the judgment of the board on im need ol a ator care now, en route be- ' freight rates delivered last autumn under which art''advance of , n-h . r here. tween Winnipeg and Prince EASTERN HOCKEY, Hf per eeul was graiiled on most commodities. Since that time, ntlfiwa (. Toronto 3. al Ottawa. ,. ' i'li,.i of the Rupert. No effort will be Il ii'iili'iii 6. Monlrcid 3. al Mon-' however, there ha been a considerable reduction in the cost of 1, spared to take cart of the . .. ai"-i -atisfai-- ( business.' :!. :ifdr i erl line. living, and in many cases' wages have been reduced. i Dial llif (I .i-.l The news of the receipt of t.u nl ihe de-' the wire received with was Archbishop Du Vernet on DUBLIN CASTLE I , i t 1 1 National j great satisfaction, as bilng 1.r 1 !n tin- mil)-time !.im the railway most received satisfactory so far from assurance the Modern Phases of Religion MAILS CARRIED 1.1 1 In- former company. Speak, of Power of 'rets, but alio Urges Value of; BY AEROPLANE FOUNDER OF LOCAL i Personal Contact and Interdependence cf OFFICIAL i BAPTIST CHtBCH IS Individuals and Nation Several Killings Reported' f rem TO PREACH SUNDAY Irish Capitals-Police iSTRUCTIONS "The individual by himself as u searule mill I i nijlli, J Ambushed. II.Iioii of Ihr imafiiialiiin." declared Archliishop Du Vcniel at' Annual Supper Congregational the myii's banquet al the Atiirlkau Church laM night. The in-1 DL'IILI.V. Feb. 3. The calle 't ' 1 itrnnn' M T- ' I. A KjH-.l and I., f'i.U' 1' Hild on Tuesday Night RE ESMONDE dividual man is a member of society and only as such can he'rrporl that m-ar Dunlatina, J' ;.:nl a.' i Inn' '.It -nil).;. iv hi a 'In' lltiiU-in Outlook Reported Bright. County Wiekluw. Itobert Dixun. 11 1 iiii..iny ii mlii.. Man,., .i i. i ili.-ir lifl'-.-li-day Irlp IC roilsiucn-u. lie l t llllllliri nig uniinni e,"-" - masijlrale, wu sliot (Ji-aiJ and Ins Oi iCiil No Ida lIuoi.Kll ili' wil'l lr 'in Mi - Kai-ii.ry. The annual r.,nsrf:alicnal of mankind. j,, Jalll4., seriously wouiitled EtVon I Immigration iiiMr r the lajlil Church was The Archbishnji sH.k of tin value of Hrsonal contact, hor Wsiiins armed ifirii ho Officials will Take held on Tuesday enfnu and - Ihirty jears he had been a'sliideiil of p.jrho!og and he ifecosr- uVuumietJ money. l One Hundred Men ni.,al rrpivrli from the various 1,, ("j, iHlwer oT Ihe press. Through tlie pros one was .sure -Mails fur liuUliii istJe are now i Iiiiiiii. I orijaniialions conneeled tliej. , ,. , i idclly droniHiJ within the grounds III Mil ttUJlrir M IIIVII ua hvi . I.. I rhurrhwrrerceri- There were . ,, ,, .Mli.ii.i l.ul the modern ronceii- ny airplanes. ...I lllltl lie flfly at attendance and Hie. ... .... ... ... ..niioii was of one (imJ Hie father of A number of auxiliary. tolii-e Are Now . . .. . Working!; i i 1 1 1 1: the I.auies. ..I i iil rite-' uglier vkos proidetl by an' offer -from Canada' itreate,! la". al.-.e all ami penadius the wire mini of P. M.l.lniey mlhe el.air. '..7' i. .ir ...n. v.l...le umwrse....t.rinains religion yesterday, four being killed and . I.--..... ,......1- .1 ..,ll.l ....u.i.P --ll- " - . - wounded. re. of " ecn lion readers on the question i - - in in Au- Repairs to Prince Albert are i bout sixty that the outlook fur the future;;psychiilo:y, whereas In church he was esrredimtly bright. NI i Sinn tml i-m-iu cent, completed No Word No permanent astor lias yet could While address he recodified comparatively the power lew. NEW CHURCH AT MAY TAKE OFF 1 ii- r.nn.ii.m p?.r been selected but Hev. J. V. of J lie press and Ihe alue of (lie , hi-hi ...Li from Ottawa yet ;;s;r imi.-Hten u.. MASSET OPENS TWOPRINCES an (o tell of Ihe inspiration Hint from Prince lieorjje and will con-duel I I.. (4lllU.' fare lo fare. from speaking No word trom the ol S allure flupynnl oIllciaN al the Sunday .services. It was came of Cod wai- secured, llllawa in rtiunertioii wilh Ihe lonil ship contract has yet been Mr. I.eilch. then an evaugelisl, The inspiration through the of .".rehdeacon Colllson, or Klncollth. Rupsrt and George May Go on PENCE i-stalillslird Ihe lirsl personality , Vancouver-San Francisco ahu Kaplisl Left Lest Night to Conduct reniH ul the. I'riuVe llupeil nil no and work on Ihe shipbuilding mail. When a church was Jlllei ! Run. 'thuicli liere more. Ihan len years Ceremonies. rniiineiircil. . both preacher and audience gol an al lln Creek has mil i iko and csi:idiirled Hie llrt ser COMMUTED Therv are, however, one hundred men working ul the dry dock irea in Ihe old building in Crenelle wplialioi, lhereMaasnma- EDIFICE OF I VAXOUtVKIl, Keb. 3.-(Sue.. on repair to Ihe Meiimer In fr nverliaiil. T. Allen, repre-enla-tie (Vmrt whieh is now occupleil Ihetie radmlion which as we I NATIVES PROUD It is rumored here, and.the reeognli.d by psychoIogUU.j of VallWe. reporlcil lliii morning that Ihe repair lo the by Kelly A Mailed. Mr. I.eilch wonderful - ( Murphy Sentenced lo vill also nildrej. the turner Club Tl.ere was power .... ... .... .,Jlha, lt. Orand Trunk steamers (. T. I. sleamer I'rilice Albert were already about lxty per cent uiii.. ri.m iii. iii,.iiiiinir in iiiiiiii- M Now to be tmproslned tomorrow niylit. ed last bv the PrinceVohn ITino llupert and Prince lieorge Fop Life. completed. The Alberl turn bean up for llltle over a week, havijig ami spirit iii common worship. for Mass.evening ll where he will open arc lo be taken off the ancouv-r-Ihe been taken on the oiitiion imi Tuesday of last week. She U Recent Revolution. , new native church on the ln-lul'ert run and placed on a new' well Ihe Work of general LATE DESPATCHES liurimr the last 73 years Ihe .anoiiui iiienmue - I'lic ilea Hi having Mime plates replaced as us , .liali reserve al that poinl. Arch- P-anauian '"ih Mm -n o vrliaiil. greatest p-volutiou bad come bvon (;iM,n has made special rule mtxvv irum inmuuiiri t l iiim 1 1 nil WHICH was ever Known. 11 tmnr with steamship! rraneisco. 11 mis is uouo The Irnwlen Alidrw Kelly ami (1. Yl Foster lefUlie dock last Vnlinu liMlay in Ivlta. arrangements the of vvflliout the clashing swords or ii (he .null, Mayr Chun li or Torualo calls compaiiv to tne reserve" y, "" -' "' week, their rejtair beiiig eompleteU. the bursting of bombs. He referred '"m Ihe Cn-ut Lake (o replace II. 1 1 li.-r H. haa uieelinu lo form asieimtiou to when Ihe steamer is in the inlet ill.- uiiirlnni-I'uiivletliiff iniilial disloyally. lo the revolution in the tomor-ow when he'will conduct, W he nurlbernajntae, I. ANOTHER SENATOR TERRACE WAR YETS Procession of iH.'Miu unemploy philosophy of Ihnuaht. The whole ii !.. .v -...I .it it,..1 Mr. Icakle. head of the 0. N. H. .1 In va uullly TO HAYE CLUB-ROOMS ed at Copenhagen to Parliament basis of IhnUghl had changed in .Uirn twrve hours later from steamships, is dtw here on Sun- I.ii).-red an FINAL APPOINTMENT llullilings and Kills' l'alaee, orderly. llinl lime. lie iifw cuiicriiiKini,,,,., ..i.,.....,. ..MJ1,i uiii .i,, ilay. nil- Hie iien-! ol iiMl aim Hie universe anu uie qgcin and lake him so he will j alixiely OTTAWA, l-eli. Thi il.-iilli jProsldinl Klrkaldy Told Local Nat hen Cahen plunjiivl fnm top wonderful relation of body, mind return here on Saturday. The,BIG FIRE AT ( i i-iiip'r hai .,f w,,,, Mi Suei iny at M"n.-- urancn or riourisning membership of 10-slorry building on llroad. ii lid spirit had been revealed. As original lutein ion had been to, -llii.neiiienta lon , ycnterday iiioening up the Line. Miy. New York, fell into rauvas wilh man so wilh the classes. have Ihe oieniug lixl.iy but us Ihe makes Ihe ninth Henale vneauey. receptacle and unhurt. There was the commercial class John is making Ihe soulhern is. ' WINNIPEG ilii.s I'l-esidi'lll Kirkalily of the Ter-raei' from banker In baker and there the esel will uero fi,...., P,. n,,w in II. C. . Mbertu MarquU of Carisbrooke, sou of land points llrst I. Haskali'liewaii , UnliiSJo S, braneh of the (Ileal War Princess Iteatrir.'. sailed from was Ihe working class, but class uol arrive in Massed Inlet until .'oa Sinlia I. and New Hru"- Veterans A iH'iultuii was pros- New York for I'nsland. wtrfare was unthinkable lo tlte tomorrow. One Man Killed and $100,000 MO POLLING wirk I. 'ill ul Hie n(iMlinK of Ihe local man who' had studied sociology. The new church is of handsome Damage to Dingwall Block. branch last night and nave a short VII were Interdependent. ijrcliilieture and has been a year TO BE FEBRUARY 7, aiMfeHK. Hp -eports I lie Terrueo CAMPAIGNERS' SEC. Community of Nations. under const ruel lou, all the labor WINN IP KC, Keb. 3.--Kire last FERRARI CARDINAL stirlal Inn in lloiirislilug eoiuli. Archbishop Du Vernet went on lie-jug lluil oKllii' lluida Indians. night destroyed the Dingwall 'I'l. DIES AT MILAN hi.a w-iili Uly mciiilii'r.s enrolled. DIED AT VANCOUVER lupeak of the relation of nations The rd I lire I one of xv hlJh (ho Mock in this city, one of I ho city r.i.. 3. It is pi-oposeil lo ciuilih a rluh unr lo the other. As no person unlives are justly proud. Hremen, Michael McLeobaga, los 1 it W.-l lukii pftter-pfarl MILAN. Keb. 3. irfinlliiiu mi mi and canteen In I lie straw. VA.YCOL'Yi:it, Fb. 3. II. II. rould live to himself so no nation ing his life in tin) blaze:. The I i W rarl. aieliblshmi of Milan, died i-rry town. Yountf. secretary of Ihe Campaigner could live lo itself. All must be. BIRTH. lluanciel loss is placed at 8100,- riiuiy 7,. All of Ihe Oreat War and u ministering members' m a great A sun was born lo Mr. and Mrs. 000. lb- born In t tills yeeleiday. as AQED 120 hui'd DIED YEARS. eHrdinal in I HIM. A eaudiilate for Ihe provincial legis-Inturu society, bound in the common Kred Orimhle, 51 Ii Ave. Uast, ul "v. -mr - uml oover and ffaled . eleeliun and for brotherhood of men. Ihe hospital last niffhl.' Thatiig Impejrial Oil tanker ineinluT of Hi'' arrMl eolleiin w rrri Niioiic, w isv ivb. 3 In the last us possible.. u hnd'irntmil deal of lnlltieno ,Mr. Iiek llluocker, Huid liy her iildenunn at I tin civie elections. Is I'erluips Ihe most wonderful! D.lwortli arrived this morning at, V I. he the prominent. dhuwhter tu Iirno been Iffl-yenrs dead here, lie went overseas with revelation vvirs Ihe new voneeplion ' Captain Newroinbe is back from l o'clock from San Pedro with uf i v inclitl tux nml wiW-odo uml lrittfkiii). Cod , an oxteiided trio east and Is again iis.niia barivls or ruel oil for do ..Id, ileud here. Her daushter Is 11... (.M..I. 1i1..ii....i...... . was or Cod. The Oriental wa of the lloiiiuu lalliolic 1- I v " - - a - -- Anyux on the ilii- uatiini's of linked with Iho thought of ubso. opiN-atlng lie Dixie nupcrt, . local tanks. - ii Q.Ut 1U1 e rs old, , Hp wus 38 year agot jChurcU,