Pa ere 2 TTTE DAILY NEWS 1 I The Daily News HER CASE SEEMED WHERE MONEY !'armed steamer guard on honolulu PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News HOPELESS WAS EXPENDED Remained on United States Vessel Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. while She Proceeded,to Cork H. F. PULLfiN, Managing Editor. Alderman C. C. Perry Gives Some Bul "Fruit-a-tives" Interesting Figures Regarding OI KKNaToWX, Ireland. Jan. Brcugfif Increased Taxation, to. (in I he iif rival from Newi : SUBSCniPTION RATES! Health and Strength York oTIlie t'.S. learner Honolulu!1 City Delivery, by carrier or ti.ail, per month . f 1.00 r.. lVrry tin luinili'tl In for Willi , eHI'K" 'f provliiiiiiis for lliel Ity mail to nil parts or the Ilnlisfr Kmpird and the United Htnlej, 59 St. RofcK Sr., Moxtbau piililirntlnn I lie fulliwing olnlt'- relief oi the unemployed nl Cork.1 in advance, per vear $0.00. llienl (Iip. nuflioritie. placed tin armed To all other countries, in advance, per year . , $7.60, "I aiu KrtUutf you to tell you that Mr. . Niekeroii. 'one of the Huerd 1 hereon. Niilvvltln.liili.liiiM I otvt tny lift to"Fmil-a-ti ett". Tliis of (he Hie TELEPHONE 88. mayoralty r.inilMnlivt, has o-pIMHeil I lie prolenlH captain. -tocUicine relieved uie when I Lad Transient 81.85 inch each Insertion la 1 1 an I rrimlnel rn Itonrii niei Display Advertising per iteu up liopo of crer be log well. wonder it In w tint u o the Transient advertising on front, page f2.0() per inch. I tru terrible gu.Terer from money rtti-ed by laxalion on in- (nnur when she prwelei ioi Local Headers, per insertion, , 25c. per line. Dysfpsia liaJ guflVreil for j ears; rreasod lu'lllime in I9S0 vvn put. Oort, Classified advertising, per insertion, 2c. per word. and uolhinjr I too:: did me any fuotl. t he mill i ute in UUli was L Legal Notices, each insertion, 15c. per agate line. I itoJ about "IVuit-a tivrs'1 and 13.730. KLONDIKE PIONEER ! Contract Rates on AIicttion. tried them. After taking a few boxes, Hi"' mill rale in mifii was LIMB SAVED All advertising should he in the Daily Mews OMIce on day preceding of this wonderful mtdicine mad 'rot 25.1(18. The inerewse is nee.mnl-i'd DIES AT VICTORIA: publication. All advertising received subject to approval. fruit juicet, I nm now entirely well" for nt'fnllovv: i by ZAM-BUKI Madame ItOSIN'A TOISIZ. iipuueiion in nriii?-ni op- viiITtHIIA. Jnr). Hi. Kenneth DAILY EDITION. Tuesday. January II. 1021. 60e. a box, 6 for $2.30, trial site 25c i i..M...i,i..u.l.,..l..l..ij o, n ifl . r...Mldl'iui-,,.,,,), 7 veni or Hre. a A alab from an ordinary elnJ needle afanej my pciionsj " Miaa S. A, Wemlike. of Hilton III At All dealers or send postpaid by 5.100 mills, r.xehanwe. 8.00(l,,. ,in,i ,.,i,.f rmrin- arm, w file fu.i how finds (hi, attain, tauly pHonuue.lnlei;tiuA i: i imited, Ottawa. e.iuals 2 mill. AiiinAnl over ex prove ,j n ll,,lv Norln Pni-llle v U. into Ihe Im.eM cut. a rauh or abiaWii I lor. 1 r I:.: t:-. n I.ende.l in 111 111 eiiuiil- 8 mill Lj(1,, ,., Suodiiy nt the Juhl dntr' With am Uuk as nur rx)il4y healer f f, ANNUAL REPORT B.C. EXHIBIT Speelal rale- i .pial 2.150 milU. I... . ... ,., , Vle. prepared foe any irylury oe akin tnmblr 4111 Iti.k 1 , enJa bln. kuallintf na InfUmmatkm. It puntna a J SUITCASES The speeinl rle referred to (r;B S(.B,,lr for , ,,, Ijuards Ihe tla mailed nuea s(invi dlas II nt4ni OF CITY UTILITIES WINS MEDAL TRUNKS ire hn follow j forty years Hod U widely known; perfcit antiMptlc heallnt every time. Irrr.i ami relHmtii. iiimal I m.t J "" "'"" rirrif. In her teller Miss Wemtrke.lU was not long; brurej lac r.i Mre :rttkHrli.--' ll-jrar tor- sayv "Tbta nerslte weal so lr r V,il. r-,w,. HANDBAGS !' Inl. it rrii aimnal WATER NOTICE. Into mr finger that n p.erted lh lfc 'n"aatw , Light and Telephone Departments HonorsTaken by Display at the year Srwrr VliiiilrlMarr, nil. CSK A0 STIUUUK. bone XI v hand t-eame n ' ' Shewed Earnings of Canadian National Exhibition WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ml., annutl .373.e Tvvr. .KITICK Ihai Klliniat I'Dtp and, .ndswotleait-lleW..JT.:'." . $3S,062.19 at Toronto, In-rear Wir Ktiimkin, mi: k TuVk 1 I aaluraily tried ftrnadt r .mk . ,!, , w viriir Vo'irotirer. C. lll B. oil., annoat i.nnt '.fanlv fnr . miim. i.. I .a .iwt lu nM1 knew of, hat d -ntf ironsoraai ! , .jtt,b.. The.annuill k'ikiiI of (he Uti-' VIC TOItIA, January ii. Uril-Ilies J. F. MAGUIRE n'-year 3l tr.t.llyrtro-Kiwirtr i. rtnl . aiuinal aiMillon- l,Vs ntindml uwmirt iirmrrrt teiiejtf frri of a&i ir to ml i.r r l.nmr:r IIUWM ptaaon senu ana Ttie. lae?, - .-ftw n.J a teadej light lalnm? arm aa ,i gi .11 ! a , Supermlendent far. i'i'ld Was iih Columbia' forest produels 'nxinni rmu-ri.'il for r-wximr Inlet hO. Uof lnlt. H. c, aim knnvn, up . n . was mien and I crfta.iilv' am llMk to; te 712 Second Ave., Prince Rupert . . . ,, veroey rallt, KlWcb 0o lrrljr aiwii pain ' "read at 111. iiixlif rouncil moel-jexliihit ha been awarded (ho jrold piirrhaw-nr tw qiwrrr , " rtraln. tkia Ue UUrl alHWI at lia ivait. th.irurt.. I woul.i li e Ii".'. ' lee erre-ma, c ' ,4 jirin and :nr"rliri(r willi the approval medal and diploma for Hie wond All I In',Inonles raised a n"ell tih- .torar-dim will u- ImM at 11 llwaaia a Isrtnl". ..iffus.i and tr bua. is t u : i ales are still in hand n siTuntv uk.. ft mniVr in tVsVrvfiir to Swollen state an,i ,teal ere 1 1 al-.i, !-:eisi a a!-. - a of Ihe board a vole of thanks was .uiee.sie year al llie' Canadian . wlio laT-ir A li "r a ' -:tea. 1 ar j, .painsl future payment., of in.MJf OFLXTJ tendered y (he council lo Super--'National Exhibition. Toronto, ne-inlendeiil 10 Ba C l w.a I d.J aad bewmsi m aad sc:ka j. ji: 'cor-diiiK PRINCE RUPERT TIDES leresl and redemption. ie mt f imru ns. it- iwm of flililies T.C. Diinran. to information reeeived lal iil 4 9 lalal m r a m ---a al a a m ama In nddillnn lo IhT- foreirnintr. the ami win b md tnr nnaar nntaw e n The report vva laifl over for the here yesterday Jy Hon. T. 1). I'at-eonxidi'ration of- the iiiriiinlng''ttillii. Monday, January 10. follovv lnp extra money had l br 2 ram-Buk pouneil, ! Hish. 2:25 a.m., feel., Elseil.vlx; TM ttollCT vat pou1 uhr.. ttw ifto.rmuM The nt earnings nf.thr- entire DDCCfnpWT Tfl HREQQ 14:5 p. in.. 20.9 feel. rtrtianr (fir i l.tu -ofi, of im nnitr ih an aiipliralMa tnr rlMn' (ftr li'li y.uiili ii"i- tbrrrlo ami In Ihr "Mairr r, iiif, !' IM" SSI HI" J1 Low. 8:11 a. m.. 8.3 feel. iant to HAard r Trart ,,, mil Kind in in nr ,r iIm wtirr MHO.fif.Ui and there in- i 20:30 p. in., t.l feet. nainrortnr Dn'Tirw-n ,"-'4 lie- r (I Pr.... ' "rl were IN PLAIN HOMESPUNS ii - i -pi. n mar l tensed in the service rendered by Tuesday, January 11. ! iwwt amMHiiinwiii auiMuir IIM iih Itw- m ' WIit Hmintor nr llll SrsEC Tea eaa gH ?- traes sag arefgM ! Ju,u CI'Vn lninr, iisui mi. awl Tnr I Ihr :wiDu.iilrr 'nl Walrr RiSla, ranu tlMe lui.tlM-IIHsr iiHl'Mla"iil both the elertrir liphl and tole-imone II i;:h. 2:58 a. in.. 19.0 feel. tmmf. Nni ItuiMinra. viruirta. H. :.. wnmn I la Imswm M lw a mmi asawwliike yn ft I f BOSTON. Mas.. Jen. 7. The t i : 10 p. in.. 20.0 fet. Ml.ry .thirty rtay. aflrr Ihr nrat appaarinra (.f n uv,iu 1 seal Me la a M Basse lUs rer departments. The pat Ire irparlmml. rnr rtin lvw MM nnlir in a Inral urmnfr. yer.r has been al I lie same time'homespun suit made for Vice Low. H: 1 1 a.m., 8.2 reel. ! I.7 ; .nr iiwi, i.or imi Hir, nrii, find and Thlrit lkra. SMm.wm Laar. Hie busiest and most successful I'resident.Kleet roolidire dnrinjr 21:9 p. m.. l.t feet. Halih lHparlnimi ""- Tnnrr NimiMon lar, and Ihr alrrrd j the election rariipr.i(.'n is lo lie The time us-3 is Tactile Stan ollra iHtMrtmml li.iimi it Urn rorrr nuia mm Lu Inwt bnnt .year for the department. The, 41 irewmi nr lorrra-wd fmpuia-imn pprotiiMtrty liO MTiiarr mura lilrrfi matched by a suit of homespun dard, for the 120th Meridian west Srwtilif Chanarl and ixmala i.'nannrl on Sliawatlans plant worked conlinu-j mrM of ir and aalanr. ously exeept for four Sundays; foi lreident-MlTt Hardin-. The It is counted from 0 to 24 hour? ml Itl.Ma nirrr-FiiMmtm in liattirr rh viaiolaitd I. i it fnaat i Mim.o cmumbu, in Westholme Lunch when repairs Were beins made' t;1iric is beins woven on a loom from midnight to midnight. ltl. klllMVT PI LI' ASO PAI'I.S' AppliranL CO. IC yrar dd by Mrs. Laura A. The table given is for Port s.mi Hoard m. b Sorl Hufry. Srrnt. and one daywhen the coventor ' Ow In Jarvrax- (if auir ami Tnr dal at tbr nrat puMlratioa of mil lUnclsr Nave Management : Jacksonof this rfn vvhoe was broken and the Cow Hay eily Simpson but the time for Prince alarla, and nira matxiraif nnllrr H llrrrtnnrr II. Ittn. steam plant had t.o be reverled"to fprms in Beatel. Vt.. the wool was Hupert varies only a few minutes nwnl ima CCRTlflCATC OF ItlPROVtmfNTS. ALL WHITE HELP for a slmrt time. clipped from native sheep. Mrs. on some days and on others is r"?"1 w,k ifrimt 1.H3 Trartur, f Imii. manMriMnrr 'A Iron Dukr Muhmi t.lilm. lot Sn. till Slow Telephones Jackson, nolvvithstandinp ad. the same. The range of the tidp Hank matfe, ml. t.nnn. and I rrl fkuti no. MJnrrSI ie, lol So vunced years, ptil ttt e wool be 5 fll; Wirral Claim. I.ri Sn fja; Westholme Special may computed as cent The lelephoue service has been per l'i.' Drrbr Nrnrial Claim. Ul " fU7-VM foniinjuous and the slowness at. Iliroilvli every rtM,t'j4 necessary irreater at Prince Itupert than at m h lllelillier af Ilie Cilv n,im adjolnlnr mirrral rlanita ntualr in Vorn Iiiii4 has Ikwji ' aceounl of the;lor lis conversion into cloth. Port Simpson both at springs andfeil. ft would' have peaed me lwl-'Wftrr inriird- on iui 1IIMI. fhree Course Meal - from 45c up I. tnu nr overJoaded panel.' This condition . . .. , -.. the rise in the ', lo have seen Mr. Xiekerson in- Stir Vir "aWroW?. prntni nf HriU.n tha .will he overcome when the new ILAKL jHIuC DEfEATS tior is slightly v.. isnte the civic expenditure lie- jVi?BftlBT,00,'Klf'o7,ravtrif ta and II it- w Slmoson. Ifore offerhis nnv erilirini r llin arml W ri Prrarn. of tnr mm city t pnin-i now ivi oroer is in minim-1 sion. The load of the lipht tANAUlAN lUKLhRb The height is in feet and tenths ujmiiiitrBlim. I hope the details itlT,n?irraiurT,.c rmn.-o, Ir service had Xirreased 5 S 0 kilo. of feel above the average level oflhere jriven will be sul?!cienl or. XctSri1 ' Crown uraat of watts in the year nd the telephone LO.MlO.V. Jan. II. In the flrt lower low water. eount.iliilily for the exlrn millaire! srt rthTiirh txie Mime that ar-! 7 Iwn. iiwrr arrtlon , nintt b rrxnmrnrrd , service had ill nevv malch wilh the Lairayhire curl imposed upon the ratepayers in krfnrr um ixunrr 'arn carturata of 1020. . All of them have been ('"CTj.rSL'. pliones. ers, the visilinir Canadian teani care- ar r n . a Sjieakins lo the report Aid. was defeated by a score of 08 lo fully considered, and much of the t. .. i Perry, chairman of the Utilities.57. nt ney i in the treasury. i Committee, staled that more ds-j -"" TIMBER SALE X 2767. CIIAS. C. PKIlltV. 7ME sl'i"IS arwr.PBOIUTr.:ii nr r hhitishi; velopmeiil and extension would Aldemion. .;iit univ. , jit TMK K7T:H Ol THK VI1WIMTHV have been desirable. In future he Notice to Advertisers Sralrd trndrr malt nr rrrrltrd hr thr ilol .i:t " liutrlrt Fi.rrstir not lafr .Ilian nnrMl n ... . would be opposed to the Finance Casual advertisements tlir tint dav iif Mannar). ISII. tot llv ATTEMPT WAS MADE TO ,1V THK SfAfTKB UHl' THK KSTtl'K or of l.lrrnrr ' purrnaM- X 77 lirrnvnir war ! '.rnHHP SKWHIN. fiKKVi-Hi. imm r.oinmittec of for insertion plan devoting the same day . i.iiannri lo rui jts.dou rrrt ir I 1.p Hal- I prolltn and reserve of this department should be in the Dally ani.onr HrmliM'k rrar will and br Snriirr.alUmrd for rrmntii .ASSASSINATE OFFICERS,..JX'VOTH F tna In ordrr nf IIM Vre. ViNina, madr IUr 3rd otr to the work of other News offlce before 10 a.m. nf lintlirr. ur January, , ii. iii. anprnaira Fiirlher parUrulari of Ihr :hlrf I'nrr.lrr. 1 iimmltral"r lo rhr mrair nt omrrr r. ! ilepart uieiits when it could be Changes in advertisements Vlrpirla. ir Ihr lii.lrlrt lorr.lrr, I'rlnre DtHLIN. Jan. 11. A s-nsa man. drrvaord. amt all martina feairuir riiim used in ineiVasini; the lixht, and should be on hand before niiirr(, n. i.. - llinal attempt wart made yesler. ,tn rurtuab mil". prutrts Miapd lo tar. telephone eflleieury will) a poss- ' p m. on previous day. TIMBER SALE X 2644.. "" nrrurr nr in aar or ixoraar. ible I"ll II ial and all MrHM ikdrnaad la ia reduetion in raffs. j Sralrd IriMlrrn will hr rrrnrrd by ihroIllcer! and the wife of one of "H irrd tn pat IUr, rime a I of I '"-ifeiV i mr lorfvlin. ZWXn0LtiynKW S'" "'y ridin, in a MrMI I.LIH. iRIrisi AdflUnl.lralnr. PVTF.n IMa llh day of Jaowary, Ittl. Spnirr and Crdar. on an arra auuatrd m The ear was riddled wiUi bullet. Dr.JOS. Burl" cbtowl' H,ne Notice of latantlon U Apali te Ltaie Land. MAGUIRE "lZir1,ty- I'Ul Ihe omrcr and the wife ph. Thrrr vrira mi tir ikimrt rr ... r..l ti... i,i..i:i.. t .. . ...... tn Sterna Blvrr Mlnlnf fNilrtet, land .r.j. .11 ..1 mi. ,x tu mov.l r.r llrnhrr lurilirr parilmlara of thr Chlrf Forratrr, pantH Waa not itiaclosed, liUl the dlalrtrl, Hrrnrdlnr DIMrtet or Alir Arm, A Laundry Service -Within r R. and situate at month of Louis' Crrrs DENTIST. Bi.iSrs.Vvr kar went on lo Dublin Onlle. adJMntnr Sllrrr air B. C. Tsar nollre that 'we tha onderslrnrd, Every Woman's Means MIXEflAL ACT. EASTERN HOCKEY Vnilin Mrilolre and Hernard W. Hsrrrit, Rooms (Form F). of Alice Arm. orruustlon Braaprrtor and 7 and 8 Smith Block Certificate of Improxmants. liirrkeeprr, Inlrnds lo apply for prrmia It is here for jou in this Family Service we offer. TOIiONTO. Jan. ID. Hockey inn lo Irate ilir foiiowint dearrltied Und: 'Lady Astistant What is Isn't Open Evenings JurricE. most disagreeable on washday? results are llainilllon 3, Toronto ConnurneMr at pott piantrd soatnrait Office Hours: Sunday by ivoME fhacti'J.n Minrril Claim attuate rnr. It cltalae aouturHjr dirrrtmn from it the mussiness of wash water; the steam of boilers Phone 575 in inr naaa nirrr Mininr lilrmon or Cav 9-12; 1.6; 7-9. Appointment alar Imirlrl. VVnrrr loratrdf Ahr.nt it n.K. corner of ut ; tnrnra t( ehama and tubs, the lifting and hauling? muri frnin A lit Arm at hrad of Kitiauit norll); Inrnre 10 rnalns rs: thenra II And it's of relieve luvrr adjoining "Silver Horde" Mineral that we you at a cost truly Claim. WHAT WONDER HEALTH rnalns auurh; Inrnre l rliaina raat and moderate. TAKE SOTir.F. that I, Lw!i VV. Palmare, ronlaimnr si acres, more or Iris. F. M. U. Ao. al-C. at arrot for Hani A.Mllil.NY We MrlJLIIlE. take family bundle, wash it sweetly your THEO COLLART, Notary Public 4071S-C.rurrrii, Intend,rrrr amy jvinera dan crrtincate from, me date no. RESTORER HAS DONE UF.nSVHIl W. BAKHKTT, clean in soothingly soft waters and billowy, glistening llalrd Movembrr 3U. iota. tirrrof, to apply to the Mininr Hreordrr Roat Eatate Rental Inaurance for a CertlUcaUof Imiiro.rnir nl 1. for tna sudj and rinie it many tlmce In more water purpuM or obialninf a Crown urant of eparkingly iu tai i rmtrd pure. EDSON COAL Bulk, S12.00 per toh delivered FOR SAIJE ?S;u;kJ,Sl3.oo , AND fUflfllf'RETAKE NOTire that mr. oy dnitrrisp durmr lio lun in tlw j Next we daintily Iron the flat pieces; the things lion, undrr arrtinn ti, mual it commenced wimdrrftil work by Ihr (rest lirrbal SUITCASES Moat Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coaat before the laiuanca of aueh certinrau or rrmrdy. Wm.ilrr ll-allh llobirrr. fmrlnf , like bath towels we dry softly and Huffily they Ire urance Company of North Amrrifa. Payi Claims promptly irrorrTnrnia.natea tnia iota day of November, A. D Ilir inr it hiii brought rriivf thousand ' need no ironing; and other pieces that require it m.Vi or rax-n nf A.llilin. Iiliriiiiuillsm, Sbimarn' TRUNKS we starch and make ready for you to Iron In your P.O. Box 66 Wcttbolma Theatra Block Phone Blue 69 I.KWIS W. PATMOHK, roubles, Kldm'jf cor.ipUInu, Frmale Iroiin- ; own home. LAND ACT. lr, I'llea. Skin dlrars, rir. II Is a mirdy which Ms Ihoroiighly lived up lo' In a word, we do all the toilsome, mussy work Notice of Intention lo Apply to Purchase Us t-rpiitallun as mirquallrd for the trral- I HANDBAGS of washday, and leave for you only the milder, 3 In Caulsr Land Imlrlrt. Krrnrrtinr nu nirnl irf .inn dlsrasrs, I pleasanter task of ironing the lighter pieces. ABOLISH WfkDDV PROLONG 'inr inn and or 1 one nnrr half Hupert,mllea east and or situate tnr town.about VVoii.lrr lliilih Hrtrrr Is a safr rrinrdy. ' F. M. Crosby It's a truly economical service within the means FINANCIAL TV W XV XV X YOUR LIFE lie of lire Ann, and adjoining lots no.! Jiilrr II mtua or 1 iw lirrbi.abaolulrlr Is nillrely nolhlnr free from bul alco-Hie ' of every woman we're sure you'll like It immensely. Take notice that I. Jnaenh Vtitar Trrth Iml 7V'. rhircl Avenue ' or dnin II il lis work as only', rejr of port lltimnond, occunstion fsrmrr. f- A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WILL DO IT ntriiits to apply fdr ix rinJiMin to purchase iiatiiri- ran iln- luarveloiia medirinal imurm 1 I'rine; Hupert Telephone, we'll welcome an opportunity to tell iiiiiwini uarrim-u iaiiu: of IitiIm Having Ix'rii rwnbiiird by a great rjaiiinriirinir at a post plsnted at the you more about it. lirrbalist in formula wtdrb a has for Gives a larger return for life than is obtainable nuthrait rornrr of lot it, thence 10 many rlislns north; thrnre 40 chains east; tnrnca yrar brrn r.-iirvln Ihr uk. IK primary from other form of investment with absolute any 0 chains south: thence 411 elisins till to rli,11 in on ho bliaul vthlcll II rrmlers security. point of eciimiirncrinrni, and containini purr. In II are tierb Jiilrrs whirh irral A. G. GRAY Canadian Steam Laundry Free from Dominion Income Tax. JOSKI'll KIiUAirTllliTHfcWIir. organic u.wiwi in a natural maiiiirr. Teacher of llano Any person resident or domiciled in Canada over" paled November t3. mi. coriihihg, rriicvinif ajul rorrrrting. It also lohrs up tlw enure system. Studio 137 Second Avenue Phone 8. tJ the age of 5 may purchase,to begin at once,or at any later date desired,an Annuity of from$50 to$5,000, The remedy Is nn uSrred In Wild liquid PHONE Dlua 421 or 4,4 and capsule form, the Inner at a lightly to be paid in monthly or quarterly instalments. increased r.t bill prepared lo meet Ihr Any two persons may purchase jointly. liiiiamls ef Milferrrs when Irsvrling and Employers may purchase for their employees. CANCtLLATION OP RESfftVE. for greater iniiiriili-mr 111 hmiie use. I'hone KA VZ1 2nd Avenua (Ji.t:F IS lltflUiV WVfc.N that tha Won h-r llnlib llivtarer Is sold In Prince ' Apply to your poetmaiter, or write, pottage free, to S.T. Baitedo, Is rmrrve rovrrin 11 slo, cassiar Ui.lrict, luirrl by lh. I'rlnre Huprrl Prf i:. C. V. EVITT Send it WS'aTJI' of Annuitiea, Ottawa, for booklet and tantejlrd. Superintendent other new 7. II. 1AIIK.1, Ask suniii 11. ,irl a ropy of Ihr booklet. Auctioneer information required. Mention age last birthday, nrilKlv IflntiLtrr or I mnitm Tin linau 10 Health." which lells all about lands v iriiiria,Irpsrlmi.'M,n. ii.. II and give- tigik-d l.-iicr. nf ihite who Auditor and Accountant ruin xf t.iniiir, too. have used II. Cm...I..',..