If Toe- Ff-Ke I 5TII DJOCT KBWB BRINGING UP FATHER , By George McMJ CX4: "fEt X MR.MITH tf' f" 1 SPECIAL ! DOT OON'T tAVz THE au be Of COLLf 'T"S I HEARD AOOOT THE HOWOC PeTY AT there like CHOWDE.I who cm fTV AT'THAT HORRlO DUAM RAT5! DOCAvN't TONIGHT aoucx: THKX PE NMIMT-AN' I COT REtCH-ri COtMS THE?; "WITH THCT 4-t CMtfrecT OH THE IT 4L. ntD This Week I T"sv PHONE' TO tHEAK OOT- nvCPOUCENCH TO tCE THAT THE LAW ft&fiwn t V - I I , t A z m i ii v a if ft r - i ChifFonieres $18.00 Dressrs $22.00 ' Kitchen Chairs .. .$1.90 ' ' Upholstered Arm Chairs $32.50 Tapestry Arm . . . ' Rockers ....$32.50 j i Parlor Tables, all prices -1L Barrie's I J 191 Iwrt Ps.niat Slavics. lc 30 Day FURNITURE SALE CSiKDIDATGS FOR OFFICE AGREE ON PLAYGROUNDS In the Letter 'Box (Continued from Page One.) SOLDIER VIEWPOINT JSINESS DIRECTORY Watch mio children, who paraded, all had l parents who ww interested In These are Good PJhccs to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy the Kdilor Xcwn Willi refer )aily EDSON COAL GO. r i his IhiiiK. The sentiment was verwhelminjr. enre o the romingr mtinii'ipal Milk election and Ihe candidature, tif Dp. Grant Speaks. tv; returned soldier for scats as !!. Dr. II. AERATED VVATER3 FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES ,Hfil II. riranr have received was the daring the last aldermen, I would like lo draw I he Label three weeks .ft-ond speaker, llo referred Id attention of (In- public lo a point BCAVCR BOTTLINO WORKS MERCHANDISE CA4A0MM STIASI UkUNOSir Hie fail I hat in the much flection if vii'w In repard fo men wh 7l (HHT I'kuw lit WtLTRio OMTTON Cor Third and Ttn. : i b. S. lot ueaMat and risi CrpL I'm ill s had been niml of (low Hay, hut nerved with the army oversea, riMiue Oreen IIS. for serwid hind fsrai put up I 100 Coal In-, m'.i.k a mikiII riieslion rum'. flUff. cars which, Jinlafnt; from opinions x. BARBER SHOP PAINTERS AND DECORATORS lUSllei '. I ui i t'll wild I hi- one rnpnginV (heir pressed in I he press and kW1- Ilk . :(ii'tiiion. In the war il wan found YOKAMASia B8IR SHOP FURNITURE ruro scAODtit from Macleod River mine, owned uhci'tf. seems In ho often lol none ...' there were1 a ureal ttiimher of Ladr Serlx-r - itn fit ird Ave. til Hi tod mer rhub Or St by Prince Kupert rltizena. ijfht or. riUNS br-chu ui'iiklingit due Jack'of We have the exclusive rijrht to (o develop, Now in Ihn flrsl plaeo Ihe returned Third Ate. - Ptw, Orren III. Wel i ineni In youth. "If yon raise a BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS handle thisroa! in Prince Rupert (Mier in a eillren of the lllSISl ! Ki'tiiTHlion of defectives will Don't be misled by other coal urse he said. they jrounlry ami one dial in ihoi LA CASSf BAKCRV FEED STORES TK A. W, INI CO. tad AM. and 1 1 or. you, ci'i has caeri lip-ed holh time aii rtilrd Amue phone ! dealers who Use our firm name rsinu. ou. utM sad Walls isr, In Prince I PfflNCt RUPIMT ritJ CO. Huperl there vas no to advertise their coal. liMNinpKH itpMtr(i;nitieM in defend 1 Pacific Milk C place for (he children lo play cx- j rw kieaiiuo. rur. ind Are. tad Tth St Jf you want a real good screened llo- rishU of lhal rilitoiiwhip (we CHINA, CROCKERY & NOTIONS PAINTERS AND DECORATERS Il on (In- streets. Thai not ttr was coal, call iuri! Io.'ivm mil nil I s ( ami lL- up ... . u. Kin, u b. . a from purely a buine, poinl THE DENNY ALLEN CO. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL ill onottrrr ew. an. IM 0n SI Vt ' II Phone 58 iii.l tiivin? IIk'Ui a rhanre. Tho of TMrd iv.'i.i,.-. uwstuc I'm i onics ARTHUR'S MARKET ra-rosr at .. .. . 4 view). j i.:i.1 i j i w,.M,r.-,.wo ,H,ow-proper Tlutd Ate. Wuse ISO k 4l. I'O bsi 411 ; pny., When Ihln cilin rome l-rk PLUMQINQ Prince Rupert Feed Co. ,.al eoM,l,,i,o and that cpuld ,l0 want, to fnj p privjlfi, CLEANING AND PRESSING only he oHa nedh plenty of play. W , rlllzenKhip and he eomea GENERAL MERCHANDISE v STEEN A LOAOWTU. rtaM S. Comer 2nd Ave. and 7Ui St. . TOKYO DYE WORKS -rreMtar and drf M-J r utllOl llrtl llll" IJl'Ml pi ,h:ck with a hroader mind, a "lMiir 3rd Atrau - POjoc IJ wm4 chin tuts co. start in Jife. Stcsnd RENTALS Ttr;ace Ffiil '4 .-ilde V.. inHiri.ll.til lirrrclr appreciation of the real- 731 Ain Fh' Sims 7S r. W. HART Pfcuo. kkua .-r amounted 16 anything with- CAFES GROCERIES 41. , Uiii Mlnvmm Rajn.(, ....I dlared lh Alf. 0 S.li t?m TrJ PRINCE RUPERT ...ory power fr,,m ,b Inllual (ndependenre of THE BOSTON QRILL IINJEV'S PRINCE RUPERT OROCERY SIGN PAINTING ' !! LW. Here there wttH n ,.flI,lradel, ,1M:pr (r, lf Third At. I'h..i .'-7 A rid plies to fil ' Cm rift sad I'sllva - Mnsw Sit ...on, lo el Ihe iKiysJn teams and ELL A CROSSETT PVm STJ. s sr Ml fk s' r n Central Labor Gouncil, vU nk , ., M. HARDWARE BaisiK eir fc .n.,nhem,nespradrorp.S:n!CL THE EUTE CAFE MM thai . c anylhloK ltl. Vllfe '41 L 3 .luh .pir.j vaa Ihe m that eeond Ae. H r nwtl rw ike money. O. B. U. J,,,, SHEtT wlj, Uff aenntliMhrd HOWE A McNULTV - tnd At. IWTrt. METAL WORKS tpe. ' c hied !,. It Kave then, moral ..,,, w lo ,,.. j, tll.r. thiiri-ktaoiery. psinlt and 1 obltwq s sap- j f till S !' t ' Afliliated UniU and Dates of power one of the preale.f thinv.i ... for , CIGARS. AND TOBACCO plies. Ettetklt Is Skset MeUls r.S apl-l'. ' : t sown hrts( I S f MEETINGS ii i,ii aijiifii hi.-. i.itioiit-o Hrrr iMirinf Ihe Ar a fart hlch Seenod Atesws thr.- IIS Btrtr f Vr - Mr. i Building Trades Unit, First more important lhan any other YOKAHAKA 7J1 Third Avs. Wt IMPORTED GROCERIES ,was impspssed on the soldier mors naiMSi and Ttiiid Mondays, 8 p.m. inlerenl lliey hall.' ALBERTA SI EAT MARKET STIEN A LONSWILL PUNI S. Petes, tOCd, e Central Labor Council, jthan anyone was the cosi? with rMh street I'Ikiw tl ! 1 Ye M J pM Principal Every Tuesday, 8-p.m. Brady. jwhich huire sums of money could DRUGGISTS yomen'a Auxiliary, First ms nHnrnieni iieraius me Le vo,j j. TAILORS t(lH j.overnnient for LAUNCHES FOR HIRE ) LADIES AND GENTS fil Wednesdays, Pane & Social . KENNEY BROS. hepinninff of Prlnre Iluperl'n thn purposes of the war. whkh W. t. StcCUTCHEON at Business 9 p.m.: Third Wednesdays, prosperity dec lared J. fi. Hra'dy. 'purinipn for the mod w Senuitd AvHme and SHIS Street. LlaKh N ARSETRORO," Phsss BLMk 400. T. lee - 'tiii rMt omcs Keal Estatat and Jnu"l Meeting at F.SO D.m. part 8. C The Urartl ami imu is Xnrtlwm TIh- tivv.otu Bust '" ' -s-fs asd NEXT DANCE will be held principal (if Ihe liish school. TMr(j.irl.llv Iifl. an.i ne..i.rlv: Trwnr TerraCs, BX on 2nd February. murh mtlenlion. ho IIioukH. had iJ0ih none the le.- apparently Political Economy Club, hen jrueii i.. other matWe. It M Every Friday at 8 p.m. ewssary o remove a menaee to Metal Trades, First and Third was imiiosmhle lo eel pure and ..r,.r.,.' ..r i..,.....,ii n i.' Fridays. honest covernmenl when Ihe therefore onlv pensonnhle foe (he1 Shipbuilding and Fourth Fridays Unit,at Second 8 p.m. lonitle-hildren fo were develop.not uiven Where opimr-;:,!rhiid-lv,.iinpnPB!.ni.ii.. i il f,... .. istJ Daily News Classified Ads. TOM lee CO. Fiehpackcrs,First Saturday (fl ,e parl of Hie. 8.0 OPEN FORUM ren were deprived of free play the5 !;tl.prn,lif . ronslnW 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvertlHment Taksrn for Less lhan ROc f. (commencing Sept) Second louno msconieni. ana a uiscon- live work for the deveJonment of-i CTABLCS and Fourth bundays,8.30 p.m fnled Coy means a discontented ,,e rnunlrr Rnd iUf t,etterment of, VEQ WANTED. SUXi.Mi.HAND Fl ilMTI-RK sold 1 Wholesale and ReuU man. in unpen uiey were all try- n. ,.,.,.! r.A n, ..r: II u III MPSII U'llII Tills! IlllllCt IIITT , ... on commisaion. p. LeClniro naykjable waters protection act. (leneral i ' i 1 ..... I men reiurnincare impresses wim va?ITKI Seeund-band furni- I.I . n d a m i-none ureen on. u Rti(s StsistM st U Kr - ...u-i nnri,j,c lllf name Idea of improvement of, I II have anything to f lis .... ... you lot iii'i. , iwiu u ilild in ruinilo on'n t s - I i rndit srii lirp. ll'v nnliirallvi FOR RENT The test way to have iir,4 -n i ilea zi. we iay casu. Titi! umwji nn mn iaiu stub Prince II " " " mi luuiaw net logeiner "n try to accotnpiisii i i i a..r,.. 7,il.w-:T,, r. sites antics umi ; ' YourSuit scheme (o carry out the iinprove-in-ntM Ihese Ihinss, if FOR IlK.Vr I urtiishe.1 house-ketint SSS an I'd SsrtSMI siui the M-rfl swltifr Oi at of IIS fssMw Mia) Flmne 5: i" ' in conl.inuily. Th.ere should Practical Citizens suite. Apply 410 Hlxlu "im... mmi in is fses at urn lie a praetical scheme laid down Therefore Ihe pepern! public .VA,.TKI t.w ofllce wants ImmiIu Avepue KswL, or phone Illue (? iMMrtn PMirHi or&eflirsr prises fispert..tn si Laad Is tterturvl):itr .I-.1 for steady pro'sresa.' He said should realize that there is some-! keet.. with slenoirraphie and (8 H sad lb. mm of a wsarr Cleaned and Pressed authorities lee.ided (hat crime dis-.ippeoret tiling to he gained hy Ihe whole! In"" expp'rieiuM-. Apply tax hs tMitli is the sseras Hirer, oaBelsod' NIfht Phones J r- -W KL'llMHIIKll CAIIIX TO LKT- 01 ffi!Zt,ZZ: anrns ssd desennes it' lx.a;w.l, J is by our with Ihe approach of nation in co-nneratinir with and1 147. Uajty Kews otficM. 10 SeSVk Sf S at IM A recreation. They should make the Nintll Avenue West. jo'telrnlsr nsoeredi ssd.r,nv.av. ion . Day Phone 5 supporting Ihe soldier ritiens in Steam Pressing Machine i it heller every year. City Cor WANTKIl by gentleman, fur-ImJruoiu their effort a foe Ihe tie!fa re of the I LOST ... STEEN & LONGWI'JI 4SD TAkt. Mimt in private Ik.I mttrr IM iip'ion would he relegated Ihe nislied Method. i to eountry. In Kelly and Sljversides . . MrslSia sf SB RHtmtn frvoi tb. dale sf It only takes 15 minutes. dust if proper recreation farili-: you have hard working praclical i J.'ZJXlIL'ttJ.i w i ii.. ir.r. 9 LOST on Third Avenue between l& rl iBleslisi sf tas jMes i.. Sheet Metal Works Our Reasonable Price Ts ii's were rovid'd. cilizetm who have the confidence! MALE HELP WANTED, Jojt OOle and Fulton Street, LSS-JJrL'' U"LT"'nmtrt - Wnasier WB It)sf sf PsMW Un Agent for M Candidates Agreed. of Iheir PX-f,o!dier comrades and 1 ' " ' 420 in hills. Fitter please return si dV M U Mlf f tlltass Give Delivery is Prompt Following the three speakers of the advantages stained from wnr nOVKHN.MENT PCS1T10X8 Men lo Daily News ollice. tf for' sisTi.isi lsr to ui euasMiet is said lb mi ssld and shsrf.plaa asd Sanitary lie and En-ins"l trial. Phone Black Una os 602 a Hie evening, prarlically all the experiences. C. H. KOIIMIIY. wauled, aj$ed seventeen to forty ACCOUNTANTS I rtsy nr ViwrniM.ai l-rtaet ists.HstwH, a. c.. IM tsta candidates for the school hoard five. All grades vacancies. 'TH i kyAttUTTfUU ASD UlLO STOMAOr 6tK Street Snd Ftaser 'jee; I LING TAILOR and city council, including the ALL COMPLETE FOR Ordinary school education suf. FJCPI'.jtIi:.NCi:D ACCOUNTANT otisblon...-art.lis usijto.soMdisri.bf niier and Priis Uspsrt 821, 823 2nd Ave,, Prince Rupert two mayoralty candidates, spoke fleieiit. l'ftrticulars fre. Civil would lake cbarea n! of favorably to the plan of improving POWER PLANT AT Kerviee J.titUtC. P.O. 1US 5&5, dooks, whole or part lime. n the suHi'tiE,Mr.loi5ft or eiuiitii 1 the playiiiK facilities fr ehildrrn. ' Toronto. i 6 W. K. Willlitroft, Phone COUlNliU. There Were differences as (jo DOLLY VARDEN MINE - 1 1 lilaek 220. , tf TIU Act ATTtH Of THE ADMIICTRA MUSIC for DANCE method and location hut all agreivl FOR RS.LC The riuht fo construct a SHORTHAND TYPCV.niTING It THE MATT Ml or ink rsTire or SMITH & MALLETT FOH SAlJi aixwl four-roomed II I tiii'Hin, VM UIUI I.VItSTAIS hydraulic plant nt the Dolly SUPPRESS SEDITION -INJNDIA power Pitman TAkE XOTICK IS.I ia nrrl.r nt ui. ARTHUR'S HtenoKrajihie School Varden mine and lo divert water bouse unii lot, elose in, 1 1,1 0.0. llooour r. ea. Tsbs. nads im.iiui dir fur ih Imtnediale iK)ssesion. KveniitK elaases, Monday, Wednesday of PsrrmU'r. a. v. isle. I ss stwusted from Trout Creek purpose PLUMBING AND HEATING AT ONCE Juxijiessjol on Spoond Avenue, and Friday, 7:3Q to ' Admtoittrsinr to iu ssut of ni aoutKi. ' and Wolf Creek and Clearwater ENGINEERS o'clock. Individual Instruction. deeessM. SSd SN psrUss bsnar claims Four Piece 1r l ioyaJrctLsh. M. M. StepheiM. Creek and Clearwuler Lake has ssstiwl tn. sstd ssmss ire ksrebr renoired Estimates furnished. LONDON. Jan. in. Pir Michael ' No. 10 Smith Illue. tf Is rsraisti lMen urniifeil bv Hie iniiiifje of j ssme, peooertr "rises tu nw. Jncludi " - -.he" itfti r Mare - fis dss sf anttarr. A. i v. IT; I' lands wi, r1 rsr:: : MUSIC JHI. sod all psrties indeetsa lo ins eslsls Ml S Address, 3rd Avenue, head rr i-ui juuij. says ii.e. nine lor wn(P Pho. it? i ril,lls r).RlJatos. This bvsvthe photo isre riKirsd lo pijr las smewui or itwir e bahy's laying with sedition in India has ratite9 MUHIO FOH DANCJJg Mae's Or-chestri, of Second fitroet. luitt (v,r 1B walr rJablH ()f . Prieiidsss to us ravntstia. Ions passed and if Jvngland would UkMi.. t aimjMllttr, I'holoK four pieces. For en-s WW II MrMtftUR. ,, Mrr,ilin(l( Prions 174 P. O. Box 274 (n Trout Creek, ad- ropher, 8 Wxth Klret. tf onteui Agiuiidairsior ri-iuui iiniia. ia must, oe riKor. . i.,ii,. n i.-iiu...,n oi. ,, (cements and dales,' phone fnnre intpuri, 6 i; " near Z !J"lI" liir lll Ull I.I1..I ,ousiy eniorceii. find 01. if flSled tbis tOIS HIV of OrrATiticr. Itd. J'On SAf.a Knap. Dclmonl Rupert Hotel Prince Iloominif House, with lot; partly OERTirlCATC OF IMPROVEMENTS. FRENCH SENATE furnlsJiwl. Now rented for r j" Ws'in'lt KidnTipuble mJ.I"0 .51"'.. u """' Ha. XMAS TREES! - ft5 u month. Apply Orandvlttw TU SUBSCRIBERS lili.,S?4t I"""' mnersl t.liim. Lo EUROPEAN PL" The Government Is Considerably Jlolel. v m fai? lid"!. ,U,J." Mlnersl usitn. lui 1J0 per day and UP Violet s,Cu t Flo wers, I iol ly ' iiniu.r.1 .(.in.. i thi. c,lu" FrMt Cubscribers to The Nms and All Strengthened Com wreaths,Ferns.Cyclamens FOK nUi On KKASIlJob print, 'tle )' Vu i.tMrlolte Hininr t),ui..u iivminHtni, insuRiatiim tnd munlst Candidates Defeated are asked to pty the il. jfMltd wurre iw siea: OB LoulM FIRST-CLASS Csr'f CITY MARKET iou cin quickly ttt in builnsss and plant. For livery boys each mouth .tll.,!J,"T1rl! u of Ih1 A La Carte. right bf uiinr Dr, PAIIIP. Jan 7?.--Yesterday's partioiilars apply Daily News VBIIIriiivrr 1'r.ivinii. i.r li.ni.h .... IitirausEo.Kldny-Usr Pills. 0ns when they call, except Iwnttla. Kree Mtiirr-t irllllesii' So, J1tl-It. sr 2Jc.boi,illdiler. eiiHliolls in whicli one.third of 0fee If where puyment has been sellor on t.. imit d aiysetr suit i irnt f.sud Nod ddsdddpdvst MT LADIFS' AND GLNILE. the seals in the French SenaLs VOfl HALH. 8ififc'r tJovlnif made for ths year in od-vani.. (or.i2K"If; msld,"Wr-S f llie CerUfiists ssld i ll So of Dry Cleax:) fstriMl sutv (tux o.v. i Dyeing - MEN'S TAILOR Br. Chases wt-r-e llijed has slrentfthened the Machine. Apply Fulltr'a (Iro. The boys when dsi hereof,. to it.pfy for S Crows ursnt posilion of the soviTJinienl crest ,.r sort tansti. for aood wo'k. promrt u Fit GuAiuMTttu ceri-y, tf v!!el!rs carry official re- AMI It ItTHUl TAliE NOTICE trill action, t .n,t ,...nn.i,u ..rlr.a se" r". ' tuiku avknuu ly. Tli newly formed Ctunmiin- ceipls which should at unoer serllnn II, mull b eoiniiiesrrd t riTiTi'ui ci VANLrv i LEE. Phone opeo.it Ked rvoi oiuu.130. 1st parly had nil its ten esndidales FOH SAI.I5 Jled, tables, chairs, ways be "reserved. lmprurmiiu.rirt-e llli. iMiisiire or urB Orlllii'sli if I IJYEHS. WWT 4th AV - defeated tub. Photic jllack 20 1. 8 PA it II IMS lrd dsr Of Derember. If0. couver. Inquiries solicited ALEX Huuths. I