II .- 11 w ir-f 7 O 1 " IVVI tal Dressed Beef TAXI TAXI - f Ll Slot now arrivlnjr Phone 75 K 'Vth Hulkl.y Valley. WE NEVER SLEEP CEORGE J. FRIZZELL PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto J.lM.rl"t Fulton Muket Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper j 707 Second Art. - Prince Kuprt H I'ltlNCK ItU'EHT. II. C. TLIBtfllAY. JAM AMY II. 1021. tlUrtftr't Circulation 1721. 01. Ml ' Urge Playgrounds for City Children CANDIDATES FOR MAYOR AND REEVE NOMINATED THROUGHOUT PROVINCE f NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT PREPARING FOR WINTER SNOWS. Nominations Took I Rochester Makes Place Yesterday j Appeal on Record Mayor and Reeves Would Deal Drastically wilh Police Affai s; Stands fpr Playgrounds V ,( ll i;ll. J.iniii) II. - Jicporl of civic nominations for but wou'd Welcome Power t .-r have U'fn iivciteiJ from varioti uhl u : Company Here Fpr Mayor. Holier V'iHer, Jo-rpli Patrick. Ti (he Klect.r of I'rinre Htijrt: . -n..iii-l J J. JoUtw ! AM. Walter Iiodd. I Millie- ..iij Jienlleineii. In seeking ur support for Ihe olTfre I. K. I-irr, m :i&itHl. of mayor I fseJ llial I am ju-tilled in doing so after serving Ihree .. Mr. h-i. awftlaraalHiu,. years an alderman. An -huirniaii of Ihe Finance Committee J .V it-.i...td. AM. (L P. Mrllanjjf I know of the great dilllriiltir! in rniillg money for new develop-meiil Mi . u M ll'. wrlnmaUoM. lllnttil, mt uln-iult r 'iif (. i. -i u .i tihim n ii color tmltt on ihe mid imj inulic vork an be done without money. ... Wal Hower. arilaHialioil. ft It- i( ihe aim; f Milk. Ill I lie eieiit til lu-avy iiowfall a flirt uf tlicac miow plough will . unr iMtiided Hilelteiluc! U -oiiilered loo liigli in fom-iwrin miu'i V. Satire, llwmdd lmML ep lli ll rleuu id uo lu a day. Ibe pliulo Uum lur politvmun learuiug lot iult L wilh our H)nlulioii, il wa iiere.ury to practirc the A. lnu acclamation. 1I OUC tlx. iilmii-t eroinMii.v to carry on; however, we have pulled through Fop Ree. I n ire!). and our city i today in good financial condition. Cities and i , v J. K. Willtmjw. II. Umbfcr, J. II. A- Mrl.eim. DEATH TAKES Candidates for Office ov.Uj to id" f U Rave df-j T li. lUddicull. , I.. Iawuii. A. K. Mrlti. !millHIl 1....... ii fV-Ci...... t-l..7.......i.. i.i.i...U M nr y ..V...u..I or I imisl ko. 'file ralenayrrs,. liotd ,,,...ver litrlM-K. II. Hridgman. J. Y. Mr.Nauglif.j A PI,,,-,Moli.r:..li1llv iii Hie hand of a re. ' I" U tualiou, and must J. S. EMERSON . I'. Wm1m.ii.. A IL I lull. f iril In'try to rffect cure;". If elected V l.orkJ. J tin J.irduic. ' Ml Wou'd Help Cauie of Ch 'dren; Speaker Urge w Tar a- the er uulb.n c iuurusj, i win Kumy i--e Oonjr of Local Lumbr Mill Wn i eoncerneil. I would welrome any,no time in totting your deire Consideration of Subject and Immediate Action '-nlo action. FIGHT AERIAL TRAM Prominent Flgur for Imuw IVIe eJreirie company that CREEKS llianking ladie and Yaars. would'develop-wafer power in thU; s-o. gen-dkdrlcl Many "KerlHJ,,y ofrrVc with the prinriple of More playground in and sell juice to0 llie city, tleuien. for tlrtf Support wl.ich I AGAINST TURKS TO PREMIER K. I". iHiliy, mmsuf ut tUr the lilnn-l ImiI im it ninie In dor awl enh:.Hi,sj; ..tsftdti,1 eueounigrnieTit UM Urem-udJ,ub-talial lo iii.-ure ,feelo..'''"r'V VVr7L"1 ht.ii.h. iiiui.ri LhhUht mill. re. In he afraid." Thai wa the oiM-iihur remark of 1 N. I'aliiiore innt, a.--e must have Kiwer, but,"4-' ..i...i u..ni . .i..r.. ..r ii.. .ii.ii. i il. iJnvirmiitiiL meeiiiiir iiicht iii the Kmnre Theatre. Your er uly. nlway with the city llilereslt Stccm foe Eoth 5id neponea rriparauon. u,.r.H , .Mn ... .. Tlwl si,iillff vi, Paimore aid the ,-rhool li-wrd II. II. lim.lll-STKIt. OfPclal Communlqu. S.-arded, In Tldowattr. lumberman and II iu!. oner had had thi in mind for miiiic lime ami hmi heen gradually im- Cow Bay. 1 r H4- ifl- juf llie hieul mill. proving IiihiI playgrounds My attilud toward, ,w iJay j DC A C A MTC D IHT ,i i.nHk CmuMiti. I'rrtiaratf'Mi or- h.-iiiic ma.ie r.i J J-M. M,ri- liuieroim lia fur The King Wwum rhool ground- a.-e tioi lug enough lor a !x nut, eud ha ul changed.;! Lulurill 1 J lliU 1 - Iiave . ..il ". : t Klrnrl lo IjMlkl Mee.fiiil ea, been a well known Itaure (n hall game, he cmI. Outside of Acropuli 1 1 all there i- only one I ho illy liu,'riparian right there ; arp a n f imrTAII7 lt"i-r nu Ihe ehuuld ei that i IVirlf MS! KIMilW ratepayer, frMi MB lu' I lru 'tn Miikm aiiil 'i to- 8ii;iU--r uitrld. fvrseral years large enough uvuiiahie .mi.1 llihl u! lias- Cote k'. II rouiulil ULlHIIV liUVflLlll If . .. MdWer l Sl.-wirl jare i luoi-owhly reliable i :.-nalii.l f f. n.I .e n iiK lie ma dealing nratiiy in ,n ink,. ol lining nim em wharf. e..idinii t iiial- f'O'iij. ., h ,. ,,.,llb4 .,, iiaj .'., ... ..... , .,. b-elet' v.hu will not allow these j . Kti.-hiioa ' - 'I'- "'.u,.n eamf. Ily ' "!rJ,MJ ,liareeiiienl wiUi llrtlfeMnl hr.d been ali.Ki.l afraid l- SHIPMENT OF .giila lo be lak. u from u. Iteono Police RelnforcemenU Sent M rut. . . . l"i I a Alt of re .. . f lhr tlMf, lle f0uKlitiinrude ih the e-Umalea a ow that the b"nd have been to Check Destruction of " , '"r' ' ' " .i tn the nmtrtn and wmi. Heln !uMI , ,u .. r.Mfwd. Yh- -tint muiI lioaled and money Villagers. ' ' "' M '" Tarottw and the re,I An.. .) ,, w a, fond of a U,r WH, ,, n,,. ew tol lr.l RICH ORE ON lite, slreet grading ohould be l Mia,. .- M.. .III me iiiMaiiaiiii ..i i.nr,.. H(jMr w, ,r flrrr, tmmUl m.w know Ihe nentlmeiil of .i.-lol with ail t'o,iliIe peed. 1.0.'l0.. Jan. 11. .Much liloird--hed at Koiyrwa. line li,r r4e ee would le I am opM.-id lo plank road a a re-ull of peasantry rioting .lulure or Willi oilier olislacles Ihe etipl- i- with llieill. There ,Mi.iud than at nreMnl. ami t.fc.e that iir,eiiliil llieiil,eUe. tin- ,eloMd board PRINCE ALBERT i mi believe in di,n-ing uitti in Itai Ilarell, in the ili-triet rea-ou in. !li;rnirnl- w.mld lie inmle Ilie ik .very loot of I hem wherever his. is o.uthvvrsl of Lurknovv, India, turn in i FRANK INTERCHANGE Me. ljiierwjn wa -houKI Miy for llii. however. The; vei r round. The ronr.-nii alenl :Hinl I'eriiinuaali. Ireland, In ..... .......-It -I.,...1.1 .1.. it 'I'lirtV ale . uh,Mlutiug therefor. pet- . ported. Slrong reinforc einciits OF VIFWS ON IRFI MID """" oni.i ni ouij IHH and eilucnleil In Dial muiietil or aemi-eriiiaiiem ruau-vvay. the police have been sent lo the thai way. TNMUilry. lie welil-inlo bu-lne, Mil, eoiuiiig utnuier. SonietVwe' coma Boat Took Shsltar affected region where Ihe villager III Knila ,tnle and wan at dif-.lent In far of a number of mll From Hurricane. Playground, (r Hie children arc destroying Ihe crops and OtUmiagan Gone Dublin to to Ihe ci(y in dilferent sectioms pi are oilier damage. ORCHESTRA ilnie, In hrokvf-age. large) -v. . .-ausiiiic Coniult Frlcnda on the DANCE em-'uvisl ground- lul he faxored one an cb-ululc iieA-eily, in order lo meal parking, nloek raining one at .Hay :ove i:iree. II waj !. T. P. -Ieaiur Prince Aerl Slluallona. harrow the iittle 6ne olf our . HAS BEEN FORMED land lumber manufacturing, lle illogical to put il lehere. jef here yi-slerdry morning Hound ,t eep eel, and Ihu avtud accidenl. SWIFT CURRENT CITY cume to Jlrill.li ttlumbia in IH'J'J Thoughtful Hero. .; ' 'fur ,oulhern jue.ii Chailolle U-Mr. i , mi. rv ii-Hatlier Tl i should be a flr,t charge upon - r.-inrn to I inhibit 'IV Hu;rt I Unr t relieil ia t and at ouee wtl into the lumber Putmore rend a letlrr froiiiilanj !inl.- ami Taronia. he has :!ie new council. HALL DESTROYED FIRE .. lina wild Pre. 'il,.- Ilet unrauUalton lo lie liu,lnr-,. ti U. Perry Jelling of several loi!ri Haid too tuis of rich ore from One John Kiiierfou. in well l'uenlhrd Mine al Stewart and Clean up City. MOOSK JAW. Jan. I -One -.rue and llanuir fi.rioiil here. II opeMeil la,I lliuhl ,nn. Jack linoeh had for,U;e Premier . lii-r i. lHiy .tf: d :i'i weekly dalire jritren liy Mr. known here and a daughter alio he puVHie. Tin- hoy had omvii ber next Iriji two week- hence And now la.-l, but not lea,t, iiu.n lu-t iii lib" when ('. vvit turvive linn. killed in the Sl0 tun i.-inr one of Uu! mo-l serious Current eilv h;il' v-ts ye-terday i I. al win. h u mtv it. (I, Orewe in Hie M l.nx hall at nrrea ami been s e i- evpiclcd to carry he had uelin. AtlempU 'have been iiiorniiuc Iroyi-.l Ly lle. The . ii.iiMe ul Mrws.lHok.wl.kdj there n a ood nllend-ianre. var hut liefire uoinB 0f ,innlar ore, 'the ueiKoniiel of the or- CONFERENCE BEHVEEN houishl of Ihe yinins "opl' ofi Tiie prevlou, idilpiuenl 'of 15" uiade ul dinVreiit time- lo clean man, who na a foi-eigner, was) ha U Ire-i'iiti. Ueatra U II..U. I'ejlon. e..rnel ; the city and had left lhe-e lot ion netted Hie mine owner H(j ip Ihe eilv but npparenlly willi-Ul leercomn with smoke when as. -.hi iiii Rune wiUi friend-. W. Mi lnne,, oin; II. f.iaw ford, SINN FEIN AND LLOYD lor I hem. n lun. hut the present hipmeiit I mucli ,uece-V. Personally I ststing in the selvage. ' H" iiiflirtwlh liiaiio; II. While, drum. Mr. Paimore aid he lop lo;n, quite o rh I . am .-alihlled that it cannot be done ill mill lli" rr(re-. luler- GEORGE HAS CEASED ,ee Ariiipnlla Hill ih-vrloped. I'.-li-j ye.j reeeied here by wirelen, -ali-faelocily with the present Alderman Kochestec for mayor, in ' n ii lit, ri'nii'-l. Ihe liailt N,w, i.i.le- hoiilit be ohlaitied lo H"dj, ,i eeiilng fnim ihe bital wan lo police staff. Hither thry mud go who has no axe to grind. 10 of Ptii with I filing Mat thc.ro.st nf ssmts? the re1(. TV.j., ..ff.-t :SaJ -I- wa in sti.-Strr Cone, but O'Flanagan Not to regarding the nee--ily of belter a (V Hy, poreher l-land. not fui-iliiii'.-. xtteorg' NiekeroU UX-J J jiij. t.. face Ihe lerrilie eoutii-Bvuled ba Party the city initkiiig arrullge-ya,l(.P iduwing in Iterate Klrcit. menu with Ihe I'-al owner lo! VOTE FOR I.dMmiN. Jan. II.. Tho con-feretirv NICKERSON carry cliiblren l 'lie Mill lake in; HOCKEY RESULTS. belweeti .Mirharl O'Flana Hiiiiimrr at rcdiiciil rat ax, In ad Vancouver, ft; Vietoriu, 3. urlliin prcliliMll of Siuh iikiiu, ditioif to other rerr. iitional elTortK. Krlii, anil Premier I.loyd Ururge, (continued on I'hko rour.: Aid. H. B. Willi a view lo the peace with FOR MAYOR I rlmid Iiuh been broken oil and G. W. V. A. OT'lutiagun has will not renew. GET BRITISH rilurued lo Dublin, pence IteBo-liutiiiiiH ROCHESTER have mil allogi'ther Member niul ,uiHrlfi-, are li.iiken down, hut OTIiiiiiimm l ORDER LEAVE i .'iui'-.L.'d to ultend a Itully not lo be a party to further es- in Ihe I'txims on A PUBLIC MEETING i'Iiiiiihc. Wednesday Night Women and Children of Britain.In al H i. li. Iii Niipiiorl of tlio for SMALL ONTARIO TOWN Perala Mutt Evacuate. Mayor will Ijj ho!d in tho caiididiiture or Comrades S IN GRIP OF SNOWSTORM I.ONIiOX. Jan. II. -The HritUh J. H. KELLY Empress Theatre lecutloii at Teheran ha ordered and M.vnit:!-:. Onlarm, Jan. II. -Matllce. (he iiiiuiediule eMieuulion of all TOM SILVERSIOES his Tuesday Evening, January 11, 8 p.m. u hiiijiII M'llli'iiionl on Iho llritisli .women and children in for aldermen.nuiHiCal o-leclioiis, on owutd view of the aiineiinceil withdraw al Speech'1. ong. All Candidates tor civic lienors invited to rpcak Traiiitcontliicnlnl which three utranded Ituilway American of the HritUh ftuves from Pci la. Cllitenal refrehmenl.Vote for the Three Years Record as Alderman Mark your ballot for NICKKUSON, the I'HOGHESSIVE bnlUu nUli were mushing from It 1 ald that a a sequel o IliU Memorlaf Bylaw. candidoto Hi tUuu Hay Territory i today In action there limy lo a lMhelk the tfflp of a.aitviro iu)wlorm. InvailOfi of I'emia. 4;